Technical Assistance Database: Activity Details

Title: 33rd Session of the SCCR - Side Event: Sixth Event in the Series "From Policy to Practice: Implementing the Marrakesh Treaty and Making Accessible Books Available"
Description: The objectives of the proposed event are threefold: (a) to celebrate, with the SCCR, the coming into force of the Marrakesh Treaty; (b) to encourage more countries to ratify and implement the treaty beyond the initial member states (now at 25 ratifications); and (c) to engage in a discussion about how to increase and distribute the number of accessible books worldwide, including through initiatives such as the Accessible Books Consortium, and organizations such as the DAISY Forum of India and Tiflolibros of Argentina.
Type: Meeting
IP Subject Area: Multiple IP Fields
WIPO Sector: Copyright and Creative Industries Sector
Date From: 15/11/2016 - 15/11/2016
Venue City: Geneva
Venue/Host Country: Switzerland
Activity held in Language: English

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