simpleType PersonOtherNameCategoryType
version V2_0
type restriction of xsd:token
base xsd:token
used by
attribute com:personOtherNameCategory
Kind Value annotation
enumeration DBA TA AKA or FKA Other names that an entity has been doing business as DBA or trading as TA is also known as AKA or formerly known as FKA
enumeration Legal name Legal name
enumeration Official name An official name of the person, e.g. as in the passport. incorporation certificate, etc.
enumeration Preferred name Indicates that the party prefers to be called by this name
enumeration Maiden name Name of an individual before marriage
enumeration Former name Former name of the person
source <xsd:simpleType name="PersonOtherNameCategoryType">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:token">
<xsd:enumeration value="DBA TA AKA or FKA">
Other names that an entity has been doing business as DBA or trading as TA is also known as AKA or formerly known as FKA
<xsd:enumeration value="Legal name">
Legal name
<xsd:enumeration value="Official name">
An official name of the person, e.g. as in the passport. incorporation certificate, etc.
<xsd:enumeration value="Preferred name">
Indicates that the party prefers to be called by this name
<xsd:enumeration value="Maiden name">
Name of an individual before marriage
<xsd:enumeration value="Former name">
Former name of the person