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Diplomatic Conference on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances

日期和地点2000年12月7日 至 12月20日 (日内瓦, 瑞士) 现场
以前/今后会议IAVP/PM >> IAVP/DC >> AVP/PM


IAVP/DC/INF/1EnglishListe des participants/List of ParticipantsListe des participants/List of Participants, 完整文件 (doc) Liste des participants/List of Participants, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisListe des participants/List of ParticipantsListe des participants/List of Participants, 完整文件 (doc) Liste des participants/List of Participants, 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/INF/2EnglishBureaux, commissions et comités/Officers and CommitteesBureaux, commissions et comités/Officers and Committees, 完整文件 (doc) Bureaux, commissions et comités/Officers and Committees, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisBureaux, commissions et comités/Officers and CommitteesBureaux, commissions et comités/Officers and Committees, 完整文件 (doc) Bureaux, commissions et comités/Officers and Committees, 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/INF/3EnglishGeneral Information
FrançaisInformations générales
IAVP/DC/1EnglishDraft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (doc) Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (htm) Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisProjet d'ordre du jour (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique)Projet d'ordre du jour (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (doc) Projet d'ordre du jour (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (htm) Projet d'ordre du jour (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolProyecto de Orden del Día (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática)Proyecto de Orden del Día (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática), 完整文件 (doc) Proyecto de Orden del Día (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática), 完整文件 (htm) Proyecto de Orden del Día (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)][Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (doc) [Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)]
Русский[Draft Agenda (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)]
IAVP/DC/2EnglishDraft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (doc) Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (htm) Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisProjet de règlement intérieur (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique)Projet de règlement intérieur (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (doc) Projet de règlement intérieur (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (htm) Projet de règlement intérieur (approuvé par le comité préparatoire pour la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolProyecto de Reglamento (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática)Proyecto de Reglamento (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática), 完整文件 (doc) Proyecto de Reglamento (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática), 完整文件 (htm) Proyecto de Reglamento (aprobado por el Comité Preparatorio para la Conferencia Diplomática), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)][Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (doc) [Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)]
Русский[Draft Rules of Procedure (approved by the Preparatory Committee for the Diplomatic Conference)]
IAVP/DC/3EnglishBasic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic ConferenceBasic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference, 完整文件 (doc) Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference, 完整文件 (htm) Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisProposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la conférence diplomatiqueProposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la conférence diplomatique, 完整文件 (doc) Proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la conférence diplomatique, 完整文件 (htm) Proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la conférence diplomatique, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolPropuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia DiplomáticaPropuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática, 完整文件 (doc) Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática, 完整文件 (htm) Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference][Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference], 完整文件 (doc) [Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference], 文件主体 1 (pdf)
中文[Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference]
Русский[Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference]
IAVP/DC/3 CORR.FrançaisRectificatif à la version française du document IAVP/DC/3 Proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la conférence diplomatiqueRectificatif à la version française du document IAVP/DC/3 Proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la conférence diplomatique, 完整文件 (doc) Rectificatif à la version française du document IAVP/DC/3 Proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la conférence diplomatique, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolCorrigéndum a la Versión en Español del Documento IAVP/DC/3 - Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia DiplomáticaCorrigéndum a la Versión en Español del Documento IAVP/DC/3 - Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática, 完整文件 (doc) Corrigéndum a la Versión en Español del Documento IAVP/DC/3 - Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Corrigendum to the Arabic Version of IAVP/DC/3 - Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference][Corrigendum to the Arabic Version of IAVP/DC/3 - Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference], 完整文件 (doc) [Corrigendum to the Arabic Version of IAVP/DC/3 - Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/4EnglishBasic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic ConferenceBasic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference, 完整文件 (doc) Basic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisProposition de base concernant les dispositions administratives et les clauses finales de l'instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatiqueProposition de base concernant les dispositions administratives et les clauses finales de l'instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique, 完整文件 (doc) Proposition de base concernant les dispositions administratives et les clauses finales de l'instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolPropuesta Básica de Disposiciones Administrativas y Cláusulas Finales del Instrumento Internacional sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que Examinará la Conferencia DiplomáticaPropuesta Básica de Disposiciones Administrativas y Cláusulas Finales del Instrumento Internacional sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que Examinará la Conferencia Diplomática, 完整文件 (doc) Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Administrativas y Cláusulas Finales del Instrumento Internacional sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que Examinará la Conferencia Diplomática, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Basic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference][Basic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference], 完整文件 (doc) [Basic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Basic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference]
Русский[Basic Proposal for Administrative and Final Provisions of the International Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference]
IAVP/DC/5EnglishRules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (doc) Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisRèglement intérieur (adopté le 7 décembre 2000 par la conférence diplomatique)Règlement intérieur (adopté le 7 décembre 2000 par la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (doc) Règlement intérieur (adopté le 7 décembre 2000 par la conférence diplomatique), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolReglamento (aprobado por la Conferencia Diplomática el 7 de diciembre de 2000)Reglamento (aprobado por la Conferencia Diplomática el 7 de diciembre de 2000), 完整文件 (doc) Reglamento (aprobado por la Conferencia Diplomática el 7 de diciembre de 2000), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)][Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (doc) [Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)]
Русский[Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)][Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (doc) [Rules of Procedure (as adopted on December 7, 2000, by the Diplomatic Conference)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/6EnglishFirst Report of the Credentials CommitteeFirst Report of the Credentials Committee, 完整文件 (doc) First Report of the Credentials Committee, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisPremier rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirsPremier rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs, 完整文件 (doc) Premier rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolPrimer Informe del Comité de Verificación de PoderesPrimer Informe del Comité de Verificación de Poderes, 完整文件 (doc) Primer Informe del Comité de Verificación de Poderes, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[First Report of the Credentials Committee][First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (doc) [First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[First Report of the Credentials Committee]
Русский[First Report of the Credentials Committee][First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (doc) [First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/6 REV.EnglishFirst Report of the Credentials CommitteeFirst Report of the Credentials Committee, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisPremier rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirsPremier rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolPrimer Informe del Comité de Verificación de PoderesPrimer Informe del Comité de Verificación de Poderes, 完整文件 (doc) Primer Informe del Comité de Verificación de Poderes, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[First Report of the Credentials Committee][First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (doc) [First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[First Report of the Credentials Committee]
Русский[First Report of the Credentials Committee][First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (doc) [First Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/7EnglishAmendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendements des articles 4 et 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres)Amendements des articles 4 et 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (doc) Amendements des articles 4 et 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEmmienda a los Artículos 4 y 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados Miembros)
عربي[Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)]
Русский[Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Articles 4 and 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/7 CORR.EspañolCorrigéndum de la Enmienda a los Artículos 4 y 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecucions Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados miembros)Corrigéndum de la Enmienda a los Artículos 4 y 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecucions Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (doc) Corrigéndum de la Enmienda a los Artículos 4 y 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecucions Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/7 REV.FrançaisRectificatif concernant les amendements des articles 4 et 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres)Rectificatif concernant les amendements des articles 4 et 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (doc) Rectificatif concernant les amendements des articles 4 et 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/8EnglishAmendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 4 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelle à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 4 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América)Enmienda al Artículo 4 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 4 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/8 REV.FrançaisRectificatif concernant l'amendement de l'article 4 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique)Rectificatif concernant l'amendement de l'article 4 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (doc) Rectificatif concernant l'amendement de l'article 4 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/9EnglishAmendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros)
عربي[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)
中文[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)]
IAVP/DC/9 CORR.中文Corrigendum to the Chinese Version of Document IAVP/DC/9 - Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)
IAVP/DC/9 REV.EnglishAmendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition révisée des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres)Amendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition révisée des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition révisée des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta revisada de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros)Enmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta revisada de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta revisada de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Revised proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/10EnglishAmendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique)Amendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América)Enmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/11EnglishAmendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de l'Australie)Amendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de l'Australie), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de l'Australie), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Australia)Enmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Australia), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Australia), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)][Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)][Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Australia)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/12EnglishAmendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres)Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros)Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/13EnglishAmendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres)Amendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciónes de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros)Enmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciónes de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciónes de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/14EnglishAmendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland), 完整文件 (doc) Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendements des articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 et 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Suisse)Amendements des articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 et 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Suisse), 完整文件 (doc) Amendements des articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 et 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Suisse), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda a los Artículos 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 y 19 de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Suiza)Enmienda a los Artículos 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 y 19 de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Suiza), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda a los Artículos 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 y 19 de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Suiza), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)][Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)]
Русский[Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)][Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16 and 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Switzerland)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/15EnglishAmendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 3 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Canada)Amendement de l'article 3 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Canada), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 3 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Canada), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 3 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3 (Propuesta de la Delegación del Canadá)
عربي[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)][Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)]
IAVP/DC/15 REV.EnglishAmendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 3 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3 (Propuesta de la Delegación del Canadá)Enmienda al Artículo 3 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3 (Propuesta de la Delegación del Canadá), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 3 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3 (Propuesta de la Delegación del Canadá), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)]
中文[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)][Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Canada)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/16EnglishAmendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique)Amendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América)Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendments to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendments to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendments to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendments to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)]
Русский[Amendments to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendments to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendments to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/17EnglishAmendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 3 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique)Amendement de l'article 3 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 3 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 3 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América)Enmienda al Artículo 3 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 3 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 3 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/18EnglishAmendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Japon)Amendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Japon), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Japon), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación del Japón)Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación del Japón), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación del Japón), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)][Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)][Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Japan)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/19EnglishAmendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposé par la délégation du Pérou et appuyé par les délégations de l'Argentine, du Brésil, cu Chili, de l'Équateur, d'El Salvador, de la Jamaïque, du Mexique, du Panama, de la République dominicaine et de l'Uruguay)Amendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposé par la délégation du Pérou et appuyé par les délégations de l'Argentine, du Brésil, cu Chili, de l'Équateur, d'El Salvador, de la Jamaïque, du Mexique, du Panama, de la République dominicaine et de l'Uruguay), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 5 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposé par la délégation du Pérou et appuyé par les délégations de l'Argentine, du Brésil, cu Chili, de l'Équateur, d'El Salvador, de la Jamaïque, du Mexique, du Panama, de la République dominicaine et de l'Uruguay), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta por la Delegación del Perú y apoyada por las Delegaciones de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, México, Panamá, República Dominicana y Uruguay)Enmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta por la Delegación del Perú y apoyada por las Delegaciones de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, México, Panamá, República Dominicana y Uruguay), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 5 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta por la Delegación del Perú y apoyada por las Delegaciones de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, México, Panamá, República Dominicana y Uruguay), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)][Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)][Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 5 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Peru with the support of the Delegations of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama and Uruguay)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/20EnglishAmendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de l'Inde)Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de l'Inde), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de l'Inde), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de la India)Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de la India), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de la India), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of India)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/21EnglishAmendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Thaïlande)Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Thaïlande), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Thaïlande), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Tailandia)Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Tailandia), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de Tailandia), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Thailand)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/22EnglishAmendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique)Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation des États-Unis d'Amérique), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América)Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de los Estados Unidos de América), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of the United States of America)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/23EnglishAmendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, du Nigéria, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, Nigeria, República Unida de Tanzanía, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez)
عربيAmendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive [Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)]
中文[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)]
IAVP/DC/23 REV.EnglishAmendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3 (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, du Nigéria, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie)Amendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3 (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, du Nigéria, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 2 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3 (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, du Nigéria, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, Nigeria, República Unida de Tanzanía, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez)Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, Nigeria, República Unida de Tanzanía, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, Nigeria, República Unida de Tanzanía, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)][Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)][Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/24EnglishAmendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Bangladesh)Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Bangladesh), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation du Bangladesh), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegaci8ón de Bangladesh)Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegaci8ón de Bangladesh), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegaci8ón de Bangladesh), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of Bangladesh)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/25EnglishAmendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 2 de la pProposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres)Amendement de l'article 2 de la pProposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 2 de la pProposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de la Communauté européenne et de ses États membres), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros)Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 2 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de la Comunidad Europea y de sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)][Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 2 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/25 REV.(MCII)EnglishThe Provisional Summary Minutes Relating to the Morning of May 26, 2000 / le compte rendu analytique provisoire relatif au matin du 26 mai, 2000 / las Actas Resumidas Provisionales Correspondientes a la Sesión que tuvo Lugar por la Mañana del 26 de Mayo de 2000
FrançaisThe Provisional Summary Minutes Relating to the Morning of May 26, 2000 / le compte rendu analytique provisoire relatif au matin du 26 mai, 2000 / las Actas Resumidas Provisionales Correspondientes a la Sesión que tuvo Lugar por la Mañana del 26 de Mayo de 2000
EspañolThe Provisional Summary Minutes Relating to the Morning of May 26, 2000 / le compte rendu analytique provisoire relatif au matin du 26 mai, 2000 / las Actas Resumidas Provisionales Correspondientes a la Sesión que tuvo Lugar por la Mañana del 26 de Mayo de 2000
IAVP/DC/26EnglishAmendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 11 et proposition d'article 18bis nouveau de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Azerbaïdjan, du Bélarus, de la Fédération de Russie, du Kirghizistan, de la République de Moldova et de l'Ukraine)Amendement de l'article 11 et proposition d'article 18bis nouveau de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Azerbaïdjan, du Bélarus, de la Fédération de Russie, du Kirghizistan, de la République de Moldova et de l'Ukraine), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 11 et proposition d'article 18bis nouveau de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Azerbaïdjan, du Bélarus, de la Fédération de Russie, du Kirghizistan, de la République de Moldova et de l'Ukraine), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 11 y Nuevo Artículo 18bis de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Azerbaiyán, Belarús, Federación de Rusia, Kirguistán, República de Moldova y Ucrania)Enmienda al Artículo 11 y Nuevo Artículo 18bis de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Azerbaiyán, Belarús, Federación de Rusia, Kirguistán, República de Moldova y Ucrania), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 11 y Nuevo Artículo 18bis de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Azerbaiyán, Belarús, Federación de Rusia, Kirguistán, República de Moldova y Ucrania), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)][Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)][Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 and a Proposed New Article 18bis of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/27EnglishSecond Report of the Credentials CommitteeSecond Report of the Credentials Committee, 完整文件 (doc) Second Report of the Credentials Committee, 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisDeuxième rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirsDeuxième rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs, 完整文件 (doc) Deuxième rapport de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs, 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolSegundo Informe de la Comisión de Verificación de PoderesSegundo Informe de la Comisión de Verificación de Poderes, 完整文件 (doc) Segundo Informe de la Comisión de Verificación de Poderes, 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Second Report of the Credentials Committee][Second Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (doc) [Second Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Second Report of the Credentials Committee]
Русский[Second Report of the Credentials Committee][Second Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (doc) [Second Report of the Credentials Committee], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/28EnglishAmendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, du Nigéria, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie)Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, du Nigéria, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, du Nigéria, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, Nigeria, República Unida de Tanzania, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez)Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, Nigeria, República Unida de Tanzania, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, Nigeria, República Unida de Tanzania, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/28 REV.(MCII)EnglishThe Provisional Summary Minutes Relating to the Morning of May 27, 2000 / le compte rendu analytique provisoire relatif au matin du 27 mai, 2000 / las Actas Resumidas Provisionales Correspondientes a la Sesión que tuvo Lugar por la Mañana del 27 de Mayo de 2000
FrançaisThe Provisional Summary Minutes Relating to the Morning of May 27, 2000 / le compte rendu analytique provisoire relatif au matin du 27 mai, 2000 / las Actas Resumidas Provisionales Correspondientes a la Sesión que tuvo Lugar por la Mañana del 27 de Mayo de 2000
EspañolThe Provisional Summary Minutes Relating to the Morning of May 27, 2000 / le compte rendu analytique provisoire relatif au matin du 27 mai, 2000 / las Actas Resumidas Provisionales Correspondientes a la Sesión que tuvo Lugar por la Mañana del 27 de Mayo de 2000
IAVP/DC/29EnglishAmendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Chine)Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Chine), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 11 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Chine), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de China)Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de China), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 11 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de China), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)][Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 11 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/30EnglishAmendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 4 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie)Amendement de l'article 4 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 4 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Afrique du Sud, de l'Algérie, du Bénin, du Burkina Faso, du Cameroun, du Congo, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de l'Égypte, de l'Érythrée, du Ghana, de la Guinée, du Kenya, du Libéria, de Madagascar, du Mali, du Maroc, de la Namibie, de la République-Unie de Tanzanie, du Sénégal, du Soudan, du Togo et de la Tunisie), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 4 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, República Unida de Tanzanía, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez)Enmienda al Artículo 4 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, República Unida de Tanzanía, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 4 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Argelia, Benin, Burkina Faso, Camerún, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egipto, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malí, Marruecos, Namibia, República Unida de Tanzanía, Senegal, Sudáfrica, Sudán, Togo y Túnez), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)][Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)][Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 4 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Algeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eritrea, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia and the United Republic of Tanzania)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/31EnglishAmendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Chine)Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Chine), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 12 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition de la délégation de la Chine), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de China)Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de China), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 12 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de la Delegación de China), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) Proposal by the Delegation of China)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)][Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 12 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (Document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegation of China)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/32EnglishAmendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia), 完整文件 (doc) Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAmendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Albanie, de la Bulgarie, de la Croatie, de la Hongrie, de la Lettonie, de la Lituanie, de la Pologne, de la République slovaque, de la République tchèque, de la Roumanie et de la Slovénie)Amendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Albanie, de la Bulgarie, de la Croatie, de la Hongrie, de la Lettonie, de la Lituanie, de la Pologne, de la République slovaque, de la République tchèque, de la Roumanie et de la Slovénie), 完整文件 (doc) Amendement de l'article 19 de la proposition de base concernant les dispositions de fond d'un instrument relatif à la protection des interprétations et exécutions audiovisuelles à soumettre à la Conférence diplomatique (document IAVP/DC/3) (Proposition des délégations de l'Albanie, de la Bulgarie, de la Croatie, de la Hongrie, de la Lettonie, de la Lituanie, de la Pologne, de la République slovaque, de la République tchèque, de la Roumanie et de la Slovénie), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEnmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Albania, Bulgaria, Croacia, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, República Checa y Rumania)Enmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Albania, Bulgaria, Croacia, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, República Checa y Rumania), 完整文件 (doc) Enmienda al Artículo 19 de la Propuesta Básica de Disposiciones Sustantivas de un Instrumento sobre la Protección de las Interpretaciones o Ejecuciones Audiovisuales, que será Examinada por la Conferencia Diplomática (Documento IAVP/DC/3) (Propuesta de las Delegaciones de Albania, Bulgaria, Croacia, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, República Checa y Rumania), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)][Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)]
Русский[Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)][Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)], 完整文件 (doc) [Amendment to Article 19 of the Basic Proposal for the Substantive Provisions of an Instrument on the Protection of Audiovisual Performances to be Considered by the Diplomatic Conference (IAVP/DC/3) (Proposal by the Delegations of Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic and Slovenia)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/33EnglishUnderstanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I), 完整文件 (doc) Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisAccord sur certaines dispositions de l'instrument (Document établi par le secrétariat de la Commission principale I)Accord sur certaines dispositions de l'instrument (Document établi par le secrétariat de la Commission principale I), 完整文件 (doc) Accord sur certaines dispositions de l'instrument (Document établi par le secrétariat de la Commission principale I), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolEntendimiento sobre las Disposiciones del Instrumento (preparado por la Secretaria de la Comisión Principal I)Entendimiento sobre las Disposiciones del Instrumento (preparado por la Secretaria de la Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (doc) Entendimiento sobre las Disposiciones del Instrumento (preparado por la Secretaria de la Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)][Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (doc) [Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)]
Русский[Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)][Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (doc) [Understanding on Provisions of the Instrument (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/34EnglishOutcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I), 完整文件 (doc) Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisRésultat des délibérations du Groupe de travail (Document établi par le secrétariat de la Commission principale I)Résultat des délibérations du Groupe de travail (Document établi par le secrétariat de la Commission principale I), 完整文件 (doc) Résultat des délibérations du Groupe de travail (Document établi par le secrétariat de la Commission principale I), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolResultado de las Deliberaciones del Grupo de Trabajo (Documento preparado por la Secretaría de la Comisión Principal I)Resultado de las Deliberaciones del Grupo de Trabajo (Documento preparado por la Secretaría de la Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (doc) Resultado de las Deliberaciones del Grupo de Trabajo (Documento preparado por la Secretaría de la Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)][Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (doc) [Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)]
Русский[Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)][Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (doc) [Outcome of the Discussions in the Working Group (prepared by the Secretariat of Main Committee I)], 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/35EnglishReport of the President of the Credentials Committee
FrançaisRapport du Président de la Commission de vérification des pouvoirs
EspañolInforme del Presidente de la Comisión de Verificación de Poderes
عربي[Report of the President of the Credentials Committee]
中文[Report of the President of the Credentials Committee]
Русский[Report of the President of the Credentials Committee]
IAVP/DC/36.EnglishSummary Minutes (Plenary)
FrançaisComptes rendus analytiques (séances plénières)
EspañolActas Resumidas (Sesiones Plenarias)
عربي[Summary Minutes (Plenary)]
中文[Summary Minutes (Plenary)]
Русский[Summary Minutes (Plenary)]
IAVP/DC/36EnglishComptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias)Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisComptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias)Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolComptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias)Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربيComptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias)Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (pdf)
РусскийComptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias)Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Séances pléniaires) / Summary Minutes (Plenary) / Actas Resumidas (sesiones Plenarias), 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/37.EnglishSummary Minutes (Main Committee I)
FrançaisComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)
EspañolActas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I)
عربي[Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)]
中文[Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)]
Русский[Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)]
IAVP/DC/37EnglishComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربيComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (pdf)
РусскийComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale I)/Summary Minutes (Main Committee I)/Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal I), 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/38EnglishComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربيComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (pdf)
РусскийComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II)Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (doc) Comptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II) / Summary Minutes (Main Committee II) / Actas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II), 完整文件 (pdf)
IAVP/DC/38.EnglishSummary Minutes (Main Committee II)
FrançaisComptes rendus analytiques (Commission principale II)
EspañolActas Resumidas (Comisión Principal II)
عربي[Summary Minutes (Main Committee II)]
中文[Summary Minutes (Main Committee II)]
Русский[Summary Minutes (Main Committee II)]
IAVP/DC/39.EnglishDeclaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (doc) Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States), 完整文件 (pdf)
FrançaisDéclaration concernant l'article 4 (faite par la Communauté européenne et ses États membres)Déclaration concernant l'article 4 (faite par la Communauté européenne et ses États membres), 完整文件 (doc) Déclaration concernant l'article 4 (faite par la Communauté européenne et ses États membres), 完整文件 (pdf)
EspañolDeclaración Relativa al Artículo 4 (presentada por la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados miembros)Declaración Relativa al Artículo 4 (presentada por la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (doc) Declaración Relativa al Artículo 4 (presentada por la Comunidad Europea y sus Estados miembros), 完整文件 (pdf)
عربي[Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)][Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)
中文[Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)]
Русский[Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)][Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (doc) [Declaration Concerning Article 4 (made by the European Community and its Member States)], 完整文件 (pdf)


IAVP/DC/RECORDS AUDIOVISUAL PERFORMANCEEnglishRecords: Diplomatic Conference Audiovisual PerformancesRecords: Diplomatic Conference Audiovisual Performances, 完整文件 (pdf)