E SECTION E FIXED CONSTRUCTIONS E01 CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS, RAILWAYS, AND BRIDGES E01B PERMANENT WAY; PERMANENT WAY TOOLS; MACHINES FOR MAKING RAILWAYS OF ALL KINDS E01B0001000000 Ballastway; Other means for supporting the sleepers or the track; Drainage of the ballastway (draining by trenches, culverts, or conduits E01F0005000000);; E01B0002000000 General structure of permanent way (railway networks B61B0001000000;foundations per E01C0003000000, E02D0027000000) E01B0003000000 Transverse or longitudinal sleepers (for switches or crossings E01B0007220000);;Other means resting directly on the ballastway for supporting rails E01B0003020000 made from wood (drying or impregnating B27K);; E01B0003040000 Means for preventing cleaving E01B0003060000 Anti-cracking dogs E01B0003080000 Straps or bands for hooping or encircling sleepers (apparatus for hooping wooden railway sleepers on the spot E01B0031280000);; E01B0003100000 Composite sleepers E01B0003120000 Longitudinal sleepers; Longitudinal sleepers integral or combined with tie-rods; Combined longitudinal and transverse sleepers E01B0003140000 Slabs; Blocks; Fastening tie-rods to them E01B0003160000 made from steel E01B0003180000 Composite sleepers E01B0003200000 Sleeper construction for special purposes, e.g. with openings for ballast working (sleepers for shiftable track for heavy loads E01B0023120000);; E01B0003220000 Longitudinal sleepers; Longitudinal sleepers integral or combined with tie-rods; Combined longitudinal and transverse sleepers E01B0003240000 Slabs; Blocks; Pot sleepers; Fastening tie-rods to them E01B0003260000 combined with inserts of wood, artificial stone, or other material E01B0003280000 made from concrete or from natural or artificial stone (manufacture B28);; E01B0003300000 Hollow sleepers E01B0003320000 with armouring or reinforcement (hollow sleepers E01B0003300000);; E01B0003340000 with pre-tensioned armouring or reinforcement (pre-tensioned armouring or reinforcing elements E04C0005000000);; E01B0003360000 Composite sleepers E01B0003380000 Longitudinal sleepers; Longitudinal sleepers integral or combined with tie-rods; Combined longitudinal and transverse sleepers; Layers of concrete supporting both rails E01B0003400000 Slabs; Blocks; Pot sleepers; Fastening tie-rods to them E01B0003420000 combined with inserts of wood or other material E01B0003440000 made from other materials only if the material is essential E01B0003460000 made from different materials (E01B0003260000, E01B0003420000 take precedence);; E01B0003480000 Distance keepers or tie-rods for sleepers E01B0005000000 Rails; Guard rails (manufacture of rails B21B);;Distance-keeping means for them E01B0005020000 Rails E01B0005040000 Grooved rails E01B0005060000 Reversible or invertible rails E01B0005080000 Composite rails; Compound rails with dismountable or non-dismountable parts E01B0005100000 Composite grooved rails; Inserts for grooved rails E01B0005120000 Rails with a foot serving as a sleeper E01B0005140000 Rails for special parts of the track, e.g. for curves E01B0005160000 Distance keepers E01B0005180000 Guard rails; Connecting, fastening or adjusting means therefor E01B0007000000 Switches; Crossings (operating mechanisms B61L);; E01B0007020000 Tongues; Associated constructions E01B0007040000 Constructions with tongues turning about a vertical pivot at the end E01B0007060000 Constructions with flexible tongues or flexible fishplates E01B0007080000 Other constructions of tongues, e.g. tilting about an axis parallel to the rail, movable tongue blocks or rails E01B0007100000 Frogs E01B0007120000 Fixed frogs made of one part or composite E01B0007140000 with movable parts E01B0007160000 Jump-over frogs E01B0007180000 Combinations of switches and crossings E01B0007200000 Safety means for switches, e.g. switch point protectors, auxiliary or guiding rail members E01B0007220000 Special sleepers for switches or crossings; Fastening means therefor E01B0007240000 Heating of switches E01B0007260000 Lubricating of switches (lubricating of rails B61K0003000000);; E01B0007280000 Crossings E01B0007300000 Jump-over crossings E01B0009000000 Fastening rails on sleepers, etc. (fastening rails to bridges E01D0019120000);; E01B0009020000 Fastening rails, tie-plates, or chairs directly on sleepers or foundations; Means therefor E01B0009040000 Fastening on wooden or concrete sleepers or on masonry without clamp members E01B0009060000 Railways spikes (nails in general F16B);; E01B0009080000 Elastic spikes E01B0009100000 Screws or bolts for sleepers (screws or bolts in general F16B);; E01B0009120000 Retaining or locking devices for spikes or screws E01B0009140000 Plugs, sleeves, thread linings, or other inserts for holes in sleepers (inserting plugs or sleeves E01B0031260000);; E01B0009160000 for wooden sleepers E01B0009180000 for concrete sleepers E01B0009200000 by keys E01B0009220000 Fastening on steel sleepers without clamp members E01B0009240000 by keys E01B0009260000 Welded fastenings E01B0009280000 Fastening on wooden or concrete sleepers or on masonry with clamp members E01B0009300000 by resilient steel clips E01B0009320000 Fastening on steel sleepers with clamp members E01B0009340000 by resilient steel clips E01B0009360000 Metal sole-plates for rails which rails are directly fastened to sleepers E01B0009380000 Indirect fastening of rails by using tie-plates or chairs; Fastening of rails on the tie-plates or in the chairs E01B0009400000 Tie-plates for flat-bottom rails (manufacture B21);; E01B0009420000 of two or more parts E01B0009440000 Fastening the rail on the tie-plate E01B0009460000 by clamps E01B0009480000 by resilient steel clips E01B0009500000 by keys E01B0009520000 by resilient keys E01B0009540000 Rail chairs E01B0009560000 for rails with two or more treads E01B0009580000 Fastening the rail in the chair E01B0009600000 Rail fastenings making use of clamps or braces supporting the side or head of the rail E01B0009620000 Rail fastenings incorporating resilient supports E01B0009640000 Rail fastenings gripping or encircling the sleeper E01B0009660000 Rail fastenings allowing the adjustment of the position of the rails so far as not included in the preceding groups E01B0009680000 Pads or the like, e.g. of wood, rubber, placed under the rail, tie-plate, or chair E01B0011000000 Rail joints (electrical connection of rails B60M0005000000);; E01B0011020000 Dismountable rail joints E01B0011040000 Flat fishplates E01B0011060000 with keys or pins E01B0011080000 Angle fishplates E01B0011100000 Fishplates with parts supporting or surrounding the rail foot E01B0011120000 Fishplates engaging only the rail foot E01B0011140000 Rail foot flange clips in one piece E01B0011160000 Fishplates for joining rails of different sections E01B0011180000 Fishplates for temporarily repairing broken rails E01B0011200000 with gap-bridging E01B0011220000 by parts of the rails E01B0011240000 with oblique or overlapping rail ends E01B0011260000 with interlocking rail ends E01B0011280000 by parts of the joining members E01B0011300000 Fishplates with integral tread parts lying in the cross-section of the rail head E01B0011320000 by separate parts; Inserts bridging both rail heads E01B0011340000 Auxiliary rail beside the gap E01B0011360000 Fastening means for fishplates E01B0011380000 Locking arrangements for fastening means (locking means for nuts or bolts in general F16B);; E01B0011400000 Dismountable rail joints combined with welded parts E01B0011420000 Joint constructions for relatively movable rails, e.g. rails on turn-tables, traversers, or swing bridges E01B0011440000 Non-dismountable rail joints; Welded joints (welding methods B23K);; E01B0011460000 General methods for making gapless tracks E01B0011480000 Joints made by flame welding E01B0011500000 Joints made by electric welding E01B0011520000 Joints made by alumino-thermal welding E01B0011540000 Electrically-insulating rail joints E01B0011560000 Special arrangements for supporting rail ends (foot supports E01B0011080000-E01B0011140000); E01B0011580000 Bridge plates E01B0011600000 with wedges E01B0011620000 Bridge chairs (chairs E01B0009540000-E01B0009580000); E01B0013000000 Arrangements preventing shifting of the track E01B0013020000 Rail anchors E01B0015000000 Guards for preventing a person's foot being trapped in grooved rails E01B0017000000 Cattle guards connected to the permanent way (grids in general for preventing cattle from straying A01K0003000000);; E01B0019000000 Protection of permanent way against development of dust or against the effect of wind, sun, frost, or corrosion; Means to reduce development of noise (snow fences E01F0007020000;snow-ploughs E01H0008020000; watering E01H0011000000) E01B0021000000 Track superstructure specially adapted for tramways in paved streets (paving E01C0009040000, E01C0009060000);; E01B0021020000 Special supporting means; Draining of rails E01B0021040000 Special fastenings, joint constructions, or tie-rods E01B0023000000 Easily dismountable or movable tracks, e.g. temporary railways; Details specially adapted therefor E01B0023020000 Tracks for light railways, e.g. for field, colliery, or mine use E01B0023040000 Fastening or joining means E01B0023060000 Switches (turn-tables B60S, B61J);;Portable switches; Turnouts E01B0023080000 Temporary tracks for use while repairing tramways E01B0023100000 Shiftable tracks for heavy loads, e.g. carrying excavators E01B0023120000 Sleepers E01B0023140000 Fastening or joining means (fastening of rails by keys E01B0009240000);; E01B0023160000 Switches E01B0025000000 Tracks for special kinds of railways (systems B61B;wheel tracks on roads E01C0009020000) E01B0025020000 Tracks for rack railways E01B0025040000 Rack rails; Supports or connections for rack rails E01B0025060000 Switches; Frogs; Crossings E01B0025080000 Tracks for mono-rails with centre of gravity of vehicle above the load-bearing rail E01B0025100000 Mono-rails; Auxiliary balancing rails; Supports or connections for rails E01B0025120000 Switches; Crossings E01B0025140000 Tracks for cable-drawn railway vehicles E01B0025150000 Switches; Crossings E01B0025160000 Tracks for aerial rope railways with a stationary rope E01B0025180000 Ropes; Supports, fastening or straining means for ropes (ropes in general D07B;masts E04H0012000000; rope sockets F16G) E01B0025200000 Switches; Crossings E01B0025220000 Tracks for railways with the vehicle suspended from rigid supporting rails E01B0025240000 Supporting rails; Auxiliary balancing rails; Supports or connections for rails E01B0025260000 Switches; Crossings E01B0025280000 Rail tracks for guiding vehicles when running on road or similar surface (wheel tracks on roads E01C0009020000);; E01B0026000000 Tracks or track components not covered by any one of the preceding groups E01B0027000000 Placing, renewing, working, cleaning, or taking-up the ballast, with or without concurrent work on the track; Devices therefor; Packing sleepers E01B0027020000 Placing the ballast; Making the ballastway; Redistributing ballasting material; Machines or devices therefor; Levelling means E01B0027040000 Removing the ballast; Machines therefor, whether or not additionally adapted for taking-up ballast (E01B0027060000, E01B0027120000 take precedence;redistributing ballasting material E01B0027020000) E01B0027060000 Renewing or cleaning the ballast ; in situ, with or without concurrent work on the track E01B0027080000 the track having been taken-up (E01B0027110000 takes precedence);; E01B0027100000 without taking-up the track (E01B0027110000 takes precedence);; E01B0027110000 combined with concurrent renewal of track components E01B0027120000 Packing sleepers, with or without concurrent work on the track; Compacting track-carrying ballast E01B0027130000 Packing sleepers, with or without concurrent work on the track (preforming ballast cores or seats for sleepers E01B0027020000);; E01B0027140000 Manual tools or hand-held power tools therefor E01B0027160000 Machines therefor, e.g. so-called sleeper-tamping machines E01B0027170000 combined with means for lifting, levelling, or slewing the track E01B0027180000 by introducing additional fresh material under the sleepers, e.g. by the measured-shovel method, by the blowing method E01B0027200000 Compacting the materials of the track-carrying ballastway, e.g. by vibrating the track, by surface vibrators (of trackless ballastway E01B0027020000;for packing sleepers E01B0027120000) E01B0029000000 Laying, rebuilding, or taking-up tracks; Tools or machines therefor (E01B0027000000, E01B0031000000 take precedence);; E01B0029020000 Transporting, laying, removing, or renewing lengths of assembled track, assembled switches, or assembled crossings (E01B0029040000 takes precedence);; E01B0029040000 Lifting or levelling of tracks (lifting devices in general B66F);; E01B0029050000 Transporting, laying, removing, or renewing both rails and sleepers (as assembled units E01B0029020000);; E01B0029060000 Transporting, laying, removing, or renewing sleepers (E01B0029050000 takes precedence;carrying devices B65G0007120000) E01B0029090000 under, or from under, installed rails E01B0029100000 for inserting or removing sleepers E01B0029110000 Removal involving destruction of the sleeper, e.g. the sectioning thereof E01B0029130000 for moving sleepers in a direction parallel to the rails, e.g. for spacing or aligning them (E01B0029100000 takes precedence);; E01B0029140000 for lifting sleepers up to the rails (lifting devices in general B66F);; E01B0029160000 Transporting, laying, removing, or replacing rails; Moving rails placed on sleepers in the track (E01B0029050000 takes precedence;moving or tilting heavy loads in general B65G0007000000) E01B0029170000 Lengths of rails assembled into strings, e.g. welded together E01B0029200000 Moving rails placed on installed sleepers in the plane of the track E01B0029220000 Raising rails from sleepers, e.g. for inserting sole-plates (lifting devices in general B66F);; E01B0029240000 Fixing or removing detachable fastening means or accessories thereof; Pre-assembling track components by detachable fastening means (E01B0029020000, E01B0031260000 take precedence);; E01B0029260000 the fastening means being spikes (E01B0029160000 takes precedence;portable tools for nail or staple driving or extracting B25C) E01B0029280000 the fastening means being of screw-and-nut type (portable apparatus for fixing or removing screws or the like B25B);;Apparatus therefor, adapted to additionally drilling holes E01B0029290000 for horizontally-arranged fastening elements, e.g. fish-bolts E01B0029320000 Installing or removing track components, not covered by the preceding groups, e.g. sole-plates, rail anchors (E01B0031260000 takes precedence);; E01B0029400000 Means or arrangements for temporarily supporting laid tracks, or rails or sleepers in the track (temporary fishplates E01B0011180000);; E01B0029420000 Undetachably joining or fastening track components in or on the track, e.g. by welding, by gluing; Pre-assembling track components by gluing; Sealing joints with filling components (E01B0031260000 takes precedence;independent heating means E01B0031180000; welding per B23K; gluing metal parts per F16B0011000000) E01B0029440000 Methods for effecting joining of rails in the track, e.g. taking account of ambient temperature E01B0029460000 Devices for holding, positioning, or urging together the rail ends (adjusting the joint by moving rails E01B0029200000);; E01B0031000000 Working rails, sleepers, baseplates, or the like in or on the line; Machines, tools, or auxiliary devices specially designed therefor (characterised by features independent of use on assembled track B21, B23-B25, B27);; E01B0031020000 Working rail or other metal track components on the spot E01B0031040000 Sectioning or slitting, e.g. by sawing, shearing, flame-cutting E01B0031060000 Making holes, e.g. by drilling, punching, flame-cutting E01B0031080000 Bending, e.g. for straightening rails or rail joints (for aligning rail ends to be welded E01B0029460000);; E01B0031120000 Removing metal from rails, rail joints, or baseplates, e.g. for deburring welds, reconditioning worn rails E01B0031130000 by milling E01B0031150000 by planing or filing E01B0031170000 by grinding E01B0031180000 Reconditioning or repairing worn or damaged parts on the spot, e.g. applying inlays, building-up rails by welding (E01B0031040000-E01B0031120000; take precedence);;Heating or cooling of parts on the spot, e.g. for reducing joint gaps, for hardening rails E01B0031200000 Working or treating non-metal sleepers in or on the line, e.g. marking, creosoting (working metal sleepers E01B0031020000);; E01B0031220000 Cutting or grinding wooden sleepers, e.g. for forming rail seats (E01B0031240000 takes precedence);; E01B0031230000 Sectioning (combined with removal of segments from track E01B0029110000);; E01B0031240000 Forming, treating, reconditioning, or cleaning holes in sleepers; Drilling-templates (E01B0029280000, E01B0031260000 take precedence);; E01B0031260000 Inserting or removing inserts or fillings for holes in sleepers, e.g. plugs, sleeves E01B0031280000 Applying or removing anti-splitting or like reinforcing means (E01B0031260000 takes precedence;straps or bands therefor E01B0003080000) E01B0033000000 Machines or devices for shifting tracks, with or without lifting, e.g. for aligning track, for shifting excavator track (combined with sleeper packing machines E01B0027170000);; E01B0033020000 for slewing, i.e. transversely shifting, in steps E01B0033040000 Manual tools; Devices not mounted on vehicles E01B0033060000 for slewing in a continuous operation, e.g. for tracks which carry excavators E01B0033080000 Boom track-slewing machines E01B0033100000 Bridge track-slewing machines E01B0033120000 Combined boom and bridge track-slewing machines E01B0033180000 Details not peculiar to a particular type of machine E01B0033210000 Arrangement or construction of rollers moving the rails E01B0035000000 Applications of measuring apparatus or devices for track-building purposes (apparatus on locomotives or cars to indicate or record bad track sections B61K0009000000;measuring angles, linear dimensions, or irregularities in general G01B, G01C) E01B0035020000 for spacing; for cross levelling; for laying-out curves E01B0035040000 Wheeled apparatus E01B0035060000 for measuring irregularities in longitudinal direction E01B0035080000 for levelling E01B0035100000 for aligning E01B0035120000 for measuring movement of the track or of components thereof under rolling loads, e.g. depression of sleepers, increase of gauge E01B0037000000 Making, maintaining, renewing, or taking-up the ballastway or the track, not provided for in a single one of groups ; E01B0027000000-E01B0035000000 E01C CONSTRUCTION OF AND SURFACES FOR ROADS, SPORTS GROUNDS, OR THE LIKE; MACHINES AND AUXILIARY TOOLS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR (forming road or like surfaces by compacting or grading snow or ice E01H);; E01C0001000000 Design or layout of roads, e.g. for noise abatement, for gas absorption (design or layout of sports grounds A63C0019000000;design or layout of airfields B64F) E01C0001020000 Crossings, junctions, or interconnections between roads on the same level E01C0001040000 Road crossings on different levels; Interconnections between roads on different levels E01C0003000000 Foundations for paving of roads or runways or airfields (foundations in general E02D);; E01C0003020000 Concrete base for bituminous paving E01C0003040000 Foundations produced by soil stabilisation E01C0003060000 Methods or arrangements for protecting foundations from destructive influences of moisture, frost or vibration E01C0005000000 Paving for roads or airfields made of prefabricated single units; Similar paving for playgrounds or sports grounds (making artificial stones C04B;building stones E04C; flooring E04F) E01C0005020000 made of natural stones, e.g. sett stones E01C0005040000 made of bricks E01C0005060000 made of units with cement or like binders E01C0005080000 Reinforced units E01C0005100000 Prestressed reinforced units E01C0005120000 made of units with bituminous binders E01C0005140000 made of wooden units E01C0005160000 made of metallic units (steel gratings E01C0009100000);; E01C0005180000 made of rubber units E01C0005200000 made of units of plastics (E01C0005180000 takes precedence);; E01C0005220000 made of units composed of a mixture of materials covered by two or more of groups ; E01C0005020000-E01C0005200000 E01C0007000000 Coherent paving for roads or airfields made ; in situSimilar paving for playgrounds or sports grounds E01C0007020000 made of road-metal without binders E01C0007040000 of broken stones, gravel, or like materials E01C0007060000 by melting, burning, or vitrifying road-metal ; in situ E01C0007080000 made of road-metal and binders E01C0007100000 of road-metal and cement or like binders (cement or like binders, composition of mortars C04B);; E01C0007120000 Mortar-bound paving E01C0007140000 Concrete paving E01C0007160000 Prestressed concrete paving E01C0007180000 of road-metal and bituminous binders E01C0007200000 Binder incorporated in cold state, e.g. natural asphalt E01C0007220000 Binder incorporated in hot state, e.g. heated bitumen E01C0007240000 Binder incorporated as an emulsion or solution (making dispersions or emulsions for road building C04B);; E01C0007260000 mixed with other materials, e.g. cement, rubber, leather, fibre E01C0007300000 of road-metal and other binders, e.g. synthetic material E01C0007320000 of courses of different kind made ; in situ E01C0007340000 made of several courses which are not bound to each other E01C0007350000 Topping or surface dressings; Methods of mixing, impregnating, or spreading them E01C0007360000 by subjecting soil to stabilisation E01C0009000000 Special pavings; Pavings for special parts of roads or airfields (pavement lights E01C0017000000;manhole or like covers or frames E02D0029140000) E01C0009020000 Wheel tracks (rail tracks for guiding vehicles E01B0025280000);; E01C0009040000 Pavings for railroad level-crossings E01C0009060000 Pavings adjacent tramways rails E01C0009080000 Temporary pavings (steel gratings E01C0009100000);; E01C0009100000 Steel gratings (gully gratings E03F0005060000;as building elements in general E04C) E01C0011000000 Details of the paving for roads or airfields E01C0011020000 Arrangement or construction of joints; Methods of making joints; Packing for joints E01C0011040000 for cement concrete paving E01C0011060000 Methods of making joints E01C0011080000 Packing of metal E01C0011100000 Packing of plastic or elastic materials E01C0011120000 Packing of metal and plastic or elastic materials E01C0011140000 Dowel assembly E01C0011160000 Reinforcements (for building in general E04C);; E01C0011180000 for cement concrete pavings E01C0011200000 for prestressed concrete pavings E01C0011220000 Gutters; Kerbs E01C0011240000 Methods or arrangements for preventing slipperiness or protecting against influences of the weather E01C0011260000 Permanently-installed heating or blowing devices E01C0013000000 Pavings or foundations specially adapted to playgrounds or sports grounds (general layout A63C0019000000);; E01C0015000000 Pavements specially adapted to footpaths, sidewalks, or cycle tracks E01C0017000000 Pavement lights, i.e. translucent constructions forming part of the surface (blocks specially designed for marking roads E01F0009040000);; E01C0019000000 Machines, tools, or auxiliary devices for preparing or distributing paving materials, for working the placed materials, or for forming, consolidating, or finishing the paving (surface stabilisation E01C0021000000;apparatus specially adapted for reconditioning or repairing paving E01C0023000000) E01C0019020000 for preparing the materials E01C0019050000 Crushing, pulverising, or disintegrating apparatus (in general B02C);;Aggregate screening, cleaning, or heating apparatus E01C0019080000 Apparatus for transporting and melting asphalt, bitumen, tar, or the like (stationarily-arranged melting boilers for tar, asphalt, or the like in general C10C0003120000);; E01C0019100000 Apparatus or plant for pre-mixing or precoating aggregate or fillers with non-hydraulic binders, e.g. with bitumen, with resins; Apparatus for pre-mixing non-hydraulic mixtures prior to placing or for reconditioning salvaged non-hydraulic compositions E01C0019120000 for distributing granular or liquid materials (E01C0023070000 takes precedence;for filling joints or grooves E01C0023020000, E01C0023090000) E01C0019150000 for laying-down uncoated stone or similar materials, or for striking-off or spreading same without compacting, e.g. for crushed rock base courses, sand cushions for paving (E01C0019520000 takes precedence;distributing E01C0019200000) E01C0019160000 for applying or spreading liquid materials, e.g. bitumen slurries (E01C0019450000, E01C0023020000, E01C0023030000, E01C0023160000 take precedence;spraying or spreading liquids in general B05) E01C0019170000 Application by spraying E01C0019180000 Devices for distributing road-metals mixed with binders, e.g. cement, bitumen, without consolidating or ironing effect (E01C0019200000, E01C0019470000 take precedence;conveying installations for concrete or the like B65G) E01C0019200000 Apparatus for distributing, e.g. spreading, granular or pulverulent materials, e.g. sand, gravel, salt, dry binders (fertiliser distributors A01C0015000000);; E01C0019210000 for simultaneously but separately applying liquid material and granular or pulverulent material, e.g. bitumen and grit, with or without spreading E01C0019220000 for consolidating or finishing laid-down unset materials (E01C0023020000 takes precedence;apparatus for generating vibrations per B06B) E01C0019230000 Rollers (E01C0019430000 takes precedence;specially adapted for compacting snow E01H0004000000; for compacting soil E02D0003040000; specially adapted for agricultural purposes A01B0029000000; garden rollers A01G0001120000) E01C0019240000 hand propelled (E01C0019270000-E01C0019290000; take precedence);; E01C0019250000 propelled by animals or vehicles (E01C0019260000-E01C0019290000; take precedence);; E01C0019260000 self-propelled or fitted to road vehicles (E01C0019270000-E01C0019290000; take precedence);; E01C0019270000 with elastically-deformable rolling elements, e.g. pneumatic tyres (vibrating or impacting E01C0019280000);; E01C0019280000 Vibrated rollers or rollers subjected to impacts, e.g. hammering blows (E01C0019290000 takes precedence);; E01C0019290000 Rolling apparatus adapted to apply a rolling pressure less than its weight, e.g. roller finishers travelling on formrails E01C0019300000 Tamping or vibrating apparatus other than rollers (E01C0023020000, E01C0023040000 take precedence;vibrated depositing devices E01C0019120000; tamping or vibrating rollers E01C0019280000; tamping or vibrating soil in general E02D0003020000; portable percussion tools in general B25D) E01C0019320000 Hand-held hand-actuated rammers or tampers E01C0019340000 Power-driven rammers or tampers E01C0019350000 Hand-held or hand-guided tools (E01C0019360000-E01C0019400000; take precedence);; E01C0019360000 with direct-acting explosion chambers E01C0019380000 with means specifically for generating vibrations E01C0019400000 adapted to impart a smooth finish to the paving, e.g. tamping or vibrating finishers E01C0019410000 Apparatus having both rolling tools and ramming, tamping, or vibrating tools E01C0019420000 Machines for imparting a smooth finish to freshly-laid paving courses other than by rolling, tamping, or vibrating (for distributing only E01C0019120000);; E01C0019430000 Machines or arrangements for roughening or patterning freshly-laid paving courses, e.g. indenting rollers E01C0019440000 Hand-actuated tools other than rollers, tampers, or vibrators, specially adapted for imparting a required surface finish to freshly-laid paving courses (E01C0019430000 takes precedence);; E01C0019450000 Portable apparatus for preparing, or for preparing and applying to the road, compound liquid binders, e.g. emulsified bitumen, fluxed asphalt (applying only E01C0019160000);; E01C0019460000 for preparing and placing the materials (E01C0019450000 takes precedence;making surfaces by mixing borrowed aggregate with binders E01C0021000000) E01C0019470000 Hydraulic cement concrete mixers combined with distributing means specially adapted for road building (concrete mixers per B28C);; E01C0019480000 for laying-down the materials and consolidating them, or finishing the surface E01C0019500000 Removable forms or shutterings for road-building purposes (E01C0023020000, E01C0023040000 take precedence;permanent forms E01C0003000000-E01C0007000000; slip forms E01C0019480000); Devices or arrangements for forming individual paving elements, e.g. kerbs, ; in situ E01C0019520000 Apparatus for laying individual preformed surface elements, e.g. kerbs (preforming and placing continuous strip E01C0019460000;forming paving elements in situ E01C0019500000) E01C0021000000 Apparatus or processes for surface stabilisation for road building or like purposes, e.g. mixing borrowed aggregate with binder (stabilising soil under existing surfacing E01C0023100000;soil stabilisation in general E02D0003120000) E01C0021020000 Fusing, calcining, or burning soil ; in situ E01C0023000000 Auxiliary devices or arrangements for constructing, repairing, reconditioning, or taking-up road or like surfaces (apparatus for reconditioning of salvaged non-hydraulic compositions E01C0019100000);; E01C0023010000 Devices or auxiliary means for setting-out or checking the configuration of new surfacing, e.g. templates, screed supports (form rails E01C0019500000);;Applications of apparatus for measuring, indicating, or recording the surface configuration of existing surfacing, e.g. profilographs (E01C0023070000 takes precedence;measuring roughness or irregularity in general G01B) E01C0023020000 Devices for making, treating, or filling grooves or like channels in not-yet-hardened paving, e.g. for joints or markings (surface patterning E01C0019430000);;Removable forms therefor (non-removable forms E01C0011020000);;Devices for introducing inserts or removable insert-supports in not-yet-hardened paving (E01C0023040000 takes precedence;non-removable insert supports E01C0011020000) E01C0023030000 Arrangements for curing paving; Devices for applying curing means; Devices for laying prefabricated underlay, e.g. sheets, membranes (reinforcing elements E01C0023040000);;Protecting paving under construction or while curing, e.g. use of tents (road barriers E01F0013000000);; E01C0023040000 Devices for laying reinforcing elements or dowel bars; Removable supports for reinforcing elements (non-removable supports therefor E01C0011160000;side forms adapted to supporting reinforcement E01C0019500000); Devices, e.g. removable forms, for making essentially horizontal ducts in paving, e.g. for prestressed reinforcement E01C0023050000 Devices for installing or removing forms E01C0023060000 Devices or arrangements for working the finished surface (working freshly-laid paving E01C0019420000-E01C0019440000, E01C0023020000);;Devices for repairing the surface of damaged paving E01C0023070000 Apparatus combining measurement of the surface configuration of paving with application of material in proportion to the measured irregularities (measuring means only E01C0023010000);; E01C0023080000 for roughening or patterning; for removing high spots or material bonded to the surface, e.g. markings (removing matter not bonded to the surface E01H0001000000;roughening or detaching ice E01H0005120000) E01C0023090000 for forming cuts, grooves, or recesses, e.g. for making joints or channels for markings, for cutting-out sections to be removed; for cleaning, treating, or filling cuts, grooves, recesses, or fissures; for trimming paving edges E01C0023100000 for raising or levelling sunken paving; for filling voids under paving; for introducing material into substructure (stabilising soil in general E02D0003120000);; E01C0023120000 for taking-up, tearing-up, or breaking-up paving (adapted to both placing and removing paving E01C0019520000);; E01C0023140000 for heating or drying foundation, paving, or materials thereon, e.g. paint (E01C0023030000 takes precedence;heating or drying devices incorporated in the paving E01C0011260000; surface stabilisation by fusing, calcining, or burning soil in situ E01C0021020000; for street cleaning E01H0001080000; melting snow or ice on surfacing E01H0005100000) E01C0023160000 Devices for marking-out, applying, or forming traffic or like markings on finished paving (E01C0023140000 takes precedence;inserting or forming in not-yet-hardened paving E01C0023020000, in recesses formed in fully-set paving E01C0023090000; marking-out playing courts or playgrounds A63C0019060000; applying liquids, e.g. paint, to surfaces in general B05); Protecting fresh markings E01D CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES OR VIADUCTS; ASSEMBLY OF BRIDGES E01D0001000000 General arrangement or construction of bridges E01D0003000000 Stone or brick bridges E01D0005000000 Wooden bridges (E01D0011000000-E01D0017000000; take precedence);; E01D0007000000 Bridges of reinforced concrete (E01D0011000000-E01D0017000000; take precedence);; E01D0007020000 Bridges of prestressed concrete (girders E04C0003020000);; E01D0009000000 Metal bridges (E01D0011000000-E01D0017000000; take precedence;girders in general E04C0003020000) E01D0009020000 Details of construction E01D0009040000 Prestressed E01D0009060000 with parts subjected to compression made of concrete E01D0009080000 made of non-ferrous metals, e.g. of light metals E01D0011000000 Suspension bridges E01D0013000000 Suspension ferries, i.e. transporter bridges E01D0015000000 Movable or portable bridges E01D0015020000 Vertical lift bridges E01D0015040000 Swing bridges E01D0015060000 Bascule bridges; Roller bascule bridges, e.g. of Scherzer type E01D0015080000 Drawbridges E01D0015100000 Travelling bridges; Sliding bridges; Rotary cylinder bridges, i.e. rotating about longitudinal axis to invert and raise the road E01D0015120000 Portable or sectional bridges, e.g. for military purposes (floating bridges E01D0015140000);; E01D0015140000 Pontoon bridges; Floating bridges or landing bridges (floating bodies or pontoons B63B);; E01D0017000000 Bridges for supporting pipelines E01D0019000000 Constructional elements for bridges E01D0019020000 Piers; Abutments (foundations E02D);; E01D0019040000 Bearings; Hinges E01D0019060000 Arrangement, construction, or bridging of expansion joints E01D0019080000 Damp-proof or other insulating layers; Drainage arrangements or devices E01D0019100000 Railings; Protectors against smoke or gases, e.g. of locomotives; Maintenance travellers; Fastening of pipes or cables to bridges (hangers or supports for pipes or cables F16L0003000000);; E01D0019120000 Grating or flooring for bridges; Fastening railway sleepers or tracks to bridges (sleepers E01B0003000000);; E01D0021000000 Appliances or equipment specially adapted for erecting bridges; Assembling methods E01D0021020000 Supports or falseworks for bridges (frameworks for building construction E04G);;Lifting or lowering arrangements E01D0021040000 Assembling methods E01D0023000000 Models for studies or calculations of forces acting on bridges or parts thereof (methods or instruments for measuring G01);; E01F ADDITIONAL WORK, SUCH AS EQUIPPING ROADS OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PLATFORMS, HELICOPTER LANDING STAGES, SIGNS, SNOW FENCES, etc. E01F0001000000 Construction of platforms or refuge islands (general arrangement of railway platforms B61B);; E01F0003000000 Landing stages for helicopters, e.g. located above buildings (lay-out of airfields B64F;buildings or like structures for special purposes E04H) E01F0005000000 Draining the sub-base of roads or ballastway of railways by trenches, culverts, or conduits (underground drainage E02D;conduits for sewerage E03F) E01F0007000000 Devices affording protection against snow, sand drifts, etc.; Anti-dazzle arrangements E01F0007020000 Snow fences (fences in general E04H0017000000);; E01F0007040000 Devices affording protection against snowslides or avalanches E01F0007060000 Anti-dazzle arrangements E01F0009000000 Disposition of road signs or traffic signals (signals, signalling systems G08;signs, attachment thereof to supports G09F); Traffic marks (means for rendering conspicuous G09F);; E01F0009010000 Supports for road signs or signals, e.g. posts (poles per E04H0012000000);; E01F0009020000 Marking or boundary stones (boundary stones for surveying G01C0015040000);; E01F0009040000 Road surface marking E01F0009060000 Traffic studs; Marking blocks E01F0009080000 Traffic lines E01F0009100000 Disposition of traffic signals (E01F0009040000 takes precedence);; E01F0011000000 Embedding pads or other sensitive devices in paving or other road surfaces (pressure-sensitive elements G01L;traffic control systems G08G) E01F0013000000 Road barricades, traffic gates, etc. obstructing passage of vehicles or pedestrians (for railway crossings B61L);; E01F0015000000 Safety guard fences keeping vehicles on the road (fences in general E04H0017000000);;Road bollards E01G TUNNELS; TUNNELLING (for mining E21);; E01G0001000000 Design or lay-out of tunnels or galleries (conduits E02B);; E01G0003000000 Methods or devices for constructing tunnels or galleries with or without lining (for mining E21D;foundations E02D; making underwater constructions in general E02D0029000000) E01G0003020000 by making use of an advancing shield E01G0003030000 with boring or cutting means E01G0003040000 with boring or cutting machines (combined with advancing shields E01G0003030000;rock-drilling machines or drill hammers for mining E21C) E01G0003060000 Plants for removing or hauling-away excavated material or spoil; Working or loading platforms (underground transport E21F0013000000);; E01G0003080000 by building in open excavations (making excavations or subsequently filling in E02D);; E01G0003100000 by making use of prefabricated elements laid or sunk in water E01G0005000000 Methods of, means for, or devices for lining tunnels E01G0005020000 Construction of tunnel linings; Methods for making same E01G0005040000 Linings made of blocks or of precast concrete units E01G0005060000 Linings made of metal plates or other metal elements E01G0005080000 Linings made of concrete cast ; in situ E01G0005100000 Waterproofing; Heat insulating (in general F16L0059000000);;Soundproofing; Electric insulating E01G0005120000 Devices or apparatus for making tunnel linings E01G0005140000 for handling or placing units of linings E01G0005160000 for making concrete linings in situ(shuttering in general E04G);; E01G0007000000 Arrangement or construction of equipment for tunnels E01G0007020000 Ventilating tunnels (ventilating mines E21F0001000000-E21F0003000000); E01G0007040000 Draining tunnels (draining mines E21F0017140000);; E01H STREET CLEANING; CLEANING OF PERMANENT WAYS; CLEANING BEACHES; DISPERSING FOG IN GENERAL (cleaning in general B08B);; E01H0001000000 Removing undesirable matter from roads or like surfaces, with or without moistening of the surface (for snow or ice E01H0005000000;cleaning tramway rails E01H0008000000; obstruction-removers on vehicles B60R0019000000; in combination with application of bitumen or the like E01C0019160000; in combination with application of traffic lines E01C0023160000) E01H0001020000 Brushing apparatus (E01H0001080000-E01H0001140000; take precedence;brushes per A46B) E01H0001040000 taking-up the sweepings, e.g. for collecting, for loading E01H0001050000 with driven brushes (E01H0001040000 takes precedence);; E01H0001080000 Pneumatically dislodging or taking-up undesirable matter (suction cleaners in general A47L0005000000-A47L0009000000);Drying by heat only, or by streams of gas (permanently-installed heating or blowing devices E01C0011260000;heating or drying for road building or repairing E01C0023140000); Cleaning by projecting abrasive particles (sand-blasting in general B24C);; E01H0001100000 Hydraulically loosening or dislodging undesirable matter (stationary flushing devices E01H0003040000);;Raking or scraping apparatus (hand implements E01H0001120000);; E01H0001120000 Hand implements, e.g. litter pickers (rakes A01D0007000000);; E01H0001140000 Removing by magnetic effect E01H0003000000 Applying liquids to roads or like surfaces, e.g. for dust control; Stationary flushing devices (combined with removal of undesirable matter E01H0001000000;spray heads, other outlets B05B) E01H0003020000 Mobile apparatus, e.g. watering-vehicles (vehicle features B60P0003220000;applying liquid materials for road paving E01C0019160000) E01H0003040000 Fixed devices, e.g. permanently-installed flushing means (hydrants E03B0009000000);; E01H0004000000 Compacting snow to provide surfaces suitable for traffic purposes (specially adapted for ski tracks A63C0019100000);; E01H0005000000 Removing snow or ice from roads or like surfaces; Grading or roughening snow or ice (by applying de-icing agents E01H0010000000;specially adapted for ice rinks A63C0019100000; obstruction-removers on vehicles B60R0019000000; sand, gravel, or salt spreaders E01C0019200000) E01H0005020000 Hand implements (E01H0005040000, E01H0005100000, E01H0005120000 take precedence);; E01H0005040000 Apparatus propelled by animal or engine power; Apparatus propelled by hand with driven dislodging or conveying elements, e.g. conveying pneumatically (E01H0005100000, E01H0005120000 take precedence);; E01H0005060000 dislodging essentially by non-driven elements, e.g. scraper blades E01H0005070000 and conveying dislodged material by driven or pneumatic means E01H0005080000 dislodging essentially by driven elements E01H0005090000 the elements being rotary or moving along a closed circular path, e.g. rotary cutter, digging wheels E01H0005100000 by application of heat (stationary blowing or paving-heating means E01C0011260000);; E01H0005120000 Apparatus or implements specially adapted for breaking, disintegrating, or loosening layers of ice or hard snow E01H0006000000 Apparatus equipped with, or having provisions for equipping with, both elements for removal of refuse or the like and elements for removal of snow or ice (E01H0008100000 takes precedence);; E01H0008000000 Removing undesirable matter from the permanent way of railways; Removing undesirable matter from tramway rails (E01H0001000000-E01H0006000000; take precedence);; E01H0008020000 Methods or apparatus for removing ice or snow from railway tracks, e.g. using snow-ploughs (operating only on rails or flange grooves E01H0008100000);; E01H0008040000 essentially by non-driven elements E01H0008060000 essentially by driven tools E01H0008080000 by application of heat (heated track E01B0019000000);; E01H0008100000 Removing undesirable matter from rails, flange grooves, or the like, e.g. removing ice from contact rails, removing mud from flange grooves (heating, blowing, or fluid-applying devices installed in the track E01B0019000000;built-in draining devices for rails E01B0021020000; removing ballast from rails E01B0027040000) E01H0008120000 specially adapted to grooved rails, flangeways, or the like E01H0010000000 Improving gripping power of ice-bound or other slippery traffic surfaces, e.g. using gritting or thawing materials (roughening ice by means of tools E01H0005120000;applying de-icing agents to rails E01H0008100000; de-icing compositions C09K0003180000; by constructional features E01C0011240000) E01H0011000000 Control of undesirable vegetation on roads or permanent ways of railways (destruction of undesirable vegetation in general A01M0007000000-A01M0015000000, A01M0021000000;weeding involving working the ballast E01B0027000000); Applying liquids, e.g. water, weed-killer, bitumen, to permanent ways (specially to rails E01H0008100000;for preserving sleepers E01B0031200000) E01H0012000000 Cleaning beaches E01H0013000000 Dispersing fog in general, e.g. on roads, on airfields E02 HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING; FOUNDATIONS; SOIL-SHIFTING E02B HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING (ship-lifting E02C;dredging E02F) E02B0001000000 Equipment or apparatus for, or methods of, general hydraulic engineering E02B0001020000 Hydraulic models E02B0003000000 Engineering work in connection with control or use of streams, rivers, coasts, or other marine sites (barrages or weirs E02B0007000000);;Sealing or joints for engineering work in general E02B0003020000 Stream regulation, e.g. breaking up subaqueous rock, cleaning the beds of waterways, directing the water flow (dredging or scraping devices E02F);; E02B0003040000 Structures or apparatus for, or methods of, protecting banks, coasts, or harbours (sealings or joints E02B0003160000);; E02B0003060000 Moles; Piers; Quays; Quay walls; Groynes; Breakwaters E02B0003080000 Structures of loose stones with or without piles (piles E02D0005000000);; E02B0003100000 Dams; Dykes; Sluice ways or other structures for dykes, dams, or the like (making embankments or dams in general E02D0017180000);; E02B0003120000 Revetment of banks, dams, watercourses, or the like (of slopes in general E02D0017200000);; E02B0003140000 Preformed blocks; Arrangements thereof E02B0003160000 Sealings or joints (joints for foundation structures E02D0029160000);; E02B0003180000 Reclamation of land from water (drainage of soil E02B0011000000);; E02B0003200000 Equipment for shipping in harbours or on coasts (buoys, anchors B63B0021000000);; E02B0003220000 Mooring posts or bollards; Fenders; Fender piles E02B0005000000 Artificial water canals (for water-power plants E02B0009020000);; E02B0005020000 Making or lining canals E02B0005040000 Navigable canals E02B0005060000 Operating equipment in connection with canals (ship-lifting devices E02C);; E02B0005080000 Details, e.g. gates, screens E02B0007000000 Barrages or weirs; Layout, construction, methods of, or devices for, making (for protecting banks, coasts, or harbours E02B0003040000;sealings or joints E02B0003160000; handling building or like materials for hydraulic engineering E02D0015000000; foundations in general E02D0027000000) E02B0007020000 Fixed barrages E02B0007040000 Dams across valleys E02B0007060000 Earth-fill dams; Rock-fill dams E02B0007080000 Wall dams E02B0007100000 Gravity dams, i.e. those in which the weight of the structure prevents overturning E02B0007120000 Arch dams E02B0007140000 Buttress dams E02B0007160000 Fixed weirs; Superstructures or flash-boards therefor E02B0007180000 Siphon weirs E02B0007200000 Movable barrages; Lock gates E02B0007220000 Stop log dams; Emergency gates E02B0007240000 Needle weirs E02B0007260000 Vertical-lift gates E02B0007280000 with sliding gates E02B0007300000 with guide wheels or rollers for the gates E02B0007320000 Cylindrical or tubular gates E02B0007340000 Flash-boards for vertical-lift gates E02B0007360000 Elevating mechanisms for vertical-lift gates E02B0007380000 Rolling gates E02B0007400000 Swinging or turning gates E02B0007420000 Gates of segmental or sector-like shape with horizontal axis E02B0007440000 Hinged-leaf gates E02B0007460000 Gates turning round a horizontal axis arranged midway of the flap E02B0007480000 Roof or double shutter gates E02B0007500000 Floating gates E02B0007520000 Equipment preventing vibration of gates E02B0007540000 Sealings for gates E02B0008000000 Details of barrages or weirs E02B0008020000 Sediment base gates; Sand sluices; Structures for arresting waterborne material E02B0008040000 Valves, slides, or the like; Submerged sluice gates E02B0008060000 Spillways; Devices for dissipation of energy, e.g. for reducing eddies E02B0008080000 Fish passes; Passages for rafts or boats E02B0009000000 Water-power plants; Lay-out, construction or equipment, methods of, or apparatus for, making (hydraulic motors F03B);; E02B0009020000 Water-ways E02B0009040000 Free-flow canals or flumes; Intakes (gratings or screens therefor E02B0005080000);; E02B0009060000 Galleries, conduits; penstocks. or the like for pressure conduits E02B0009080000 Tide or wave power plants (water-pressure machines, tide or wave motors F03B);; E02B0011000000 Drainage of soil, e.g. for agricultural purposes E02B0011020000 Drainage ploughs E02B0013000000 Irrigation of soil (watering or spraying gardens, fields, sports grounds, etc. A01G0025000000);; E02B0013020000 Closures for irrigation conduits E02B0015000000 Cleaning or keeping clear the surface of open water (in swimming pools E04H0003200000);; E02B0015020000 from ice (construction of ships B63B);; E02B0015040000 from oil or the like (separation B01D;chemical features C02B0009020000) E02B0017000000 Artificial islands mounted on piles or like supports, e.g. platforms on raisable legs; Construction methods therefor (anchoring thereof B63B0021000000;floating platforms, e.g. anchored, B63B0035440000; for making foundations E02D0021000000) E02B0017020000 placed by lowering the supporting construction to the bottom, e.g. with subsequent fixing thereto E02B0017040000 Equipment specially adapted for raising, lowering, or immobilising the working platform relative to the supporting construction (platform lifts in general B66F0007000000);; E02B0017060000 for immobilising, e.g. using wedges or clamping rings E02B0017080000 for raising or lowering E02C SHIP-LIFTING DEVICES OR MECHANISMS E02C0001000000 Locks; Shaft locks, i.e. locks of which one front side is formed by a solid wall with an opening in the lower part through which the ships pass (lock gates E02B0007200000);; E02C0001020000 with auxiliary basins E02C0001040000 with floating troughs E02C0001060000 Devices for filling or emptying locks (in lock gates E02B0007200000);; E02C0001080000 Arrangements for dissipating the energy of the water (carried by lock gates E02B0008060000);; E02C0001100000 Equipment for use in connection with the navigation of ships in locks; Mooring equipment (in general E02B0003220000);; E02C0003000000 Inclined-plane ship-lifting mechanisms E02C0005000000 Mechanisms for lifting ships vertically (salvaging sunken vessels B63C0007000000);; E02C0005020000 with floating chambers E02D FOUNDATIONS; EXCAVATIONS; EMBANKMENTS (specially adapted for hydraulic engineering E02B);;UNDERGROUND OR UNDERWATER STRUCTURES (tunnels, tunnelling E01G;mining E21) E02D0001000000 Investigation of foundation soil in situ(testing or determining chemical or physical properties in general G01N, e.g. samplers G01N0001000000);; E02D0001020000 before construction work E02D0001040000 Sampling of soil E02D0001060000 Sampling of ground water E02D0001080000 after finishing the foundation structure E02D0003000000 Improving the foundation soil E02D0003020000 Consolidating the soil by compacting the soil particles (consolidating soil locally E02D0027260000, E02D0027280000);; E02D0003040000 by rolling or tamping, e.g. by vibratory rolling (rollers and tampers for the construction of roads or the like E01C0019230000-E01C0019410000); E02D0003060000 by vibrating (vibrators for making road or like surfaces E01C0019380000, E01C0019400000);; E02D0003080000 by inserting bodies, such as stones or piles E02D0003100000 by watering, draining, de-aerating, or blasting E02D0003120000 Consolidating by placing solidifying or pore-filling substances in the soil (making piles E02D0005460000);; E02D0003140000 Selection of chemical substances for improving foundation soil E02D0005000000 Bulkheads, piles, or other structural elements specially adapted to foundation engineering (engineering elements in general F16);; E02D0005020000 Sheet piles or sheet pile bulkheads E02D0005030000 Prefabricated parts E02D0005040000 made of steel E02D0005060000 Fitted piles or other elements specially adapted for closing gaps between two sheet piles or between two walls of sheet piles E02D0005080000 Locking forms; Edge joints; Pile crossings; Branch pieces E02D0005100000 made of concrete or reinforced concrete E02D0005120000 Locking forms; Edge joints; Pile crossings; Branch pieces E02D0005140000 Sealing joints between adjacent piles E02D0005160000 Auxiliary devices rigidly or detachably arranged on sheet piles for facilitating assembly E02D0005180000 Bulkheads or similar walls made solely of concrete ; in situ E02D0005200000 Bulkheads or similar walls made of prefabricated parts and concrete, including reinforced concrete, ; in situ E02D0005220000 Piles (sheet piles E02D0005020000);; E02D0005240000 Prefabricated piles E02D0005260000 made of timber with or without reinforcement; Means affording protection against spoiling of the wood (cases E02D0005600000;impregnating agents B27K0003160000); Self-cleaning of piles placed in water E02D0005280000 made of steel E02D0005300000 made of concrete or reinforced concrete or made of steel and concrete E02D0005320000 with arrangements for setting in position by fluid jets E02D0005340000 Concrete or concrete-like piles cast in position E02D0005360000 making without use of mould-pipes or other moulds E02D0005380000 making by use of mould-pipes or other moulds E02D0005400000 in open water E02D0005420000 by making use of pressure liquid or pressure gas for compacting the concrete E02D0005440000 with enlarged footing or enlargements at the bottom of the pile E02D0005460000 making in situ by forcing bonding agents into gravel fillings or the soil(consolidating soil in general E02D0003120000);; E02D0005480000 Piles varying in construction along their length E02D0005500000 Piles comprising both precast concrete portions and concrete portions cast ; in situ E02D0005520000 Piles composed of separable parts, e.g. telescopic tubes E02D0005540000 Piles with prefabricated supports or anchoring parts; Anchoring piles E02D0005560000 Screw piles E02D0005580000 Prestressed concrete piles E02D0005600000 Piles with protecting cases E02D0005620000 Compacting the soil at the footing or in a casing by forcing cement or like material through tubes E02D0005640000 Repairing piles E02D0005660000 Mould-pipes or other moulds E02D0005680000 for making bulkheads E02D0005700000 for making sheet piles E02D0005720000 Pile shoes E02D0005740000 Means for anchoring structural elements or bulkheads (anchoring piles E02D0005540000);; E02D0005760000 Anchorings for bulkheads or sections thereof E02D0005800000 Ground anchors E02D0007000000 Methods or apparatus for placing sheet pile bulkheads, piles, mould-pipes, or other moulds (for both placing and removing E02D0011000000);; E02D0007020000 Placing by driving E02D0007040000 Hand pile-drivers E02D0007060000 Power-driven drivers E02D0007080000 Drop drivers with free-falling hammer E02D0007100000 with pressure-operated hammer E02D0007120000 Drivers with explosion chambers E02D0007140000 Components for drivers E02D0007160000 Scaffolds for drivers E02D0007180000 Placing by vibrating E02D0007200000 Placing by pressure or pulling power E02D0007220000 Placing by screwing down E02D0007240000 Placing by using fluid jets E02D0007260000 Placing by using several means simultaneously E02D0007280000 Placing of hollow piles or mould-pipes by means arranged inside the piles or pipes E02D0007300000 by driving cores E02D0009000000 Removing sheet pile bulkheads, piles, mould-pipes, or other moulds (for both placing and removing E02D0011000000);; E02D0009020000 by withdrawing E02D0009040000 by cutting-off under water E02D0011000000 Methods or apparatus for both placing and removing sheet pile bulkheads, piles, or mould-pipes (features relating to placing only E02D0007000000, to removing only E02D0009000000);; E02D0013000000 Accessories for placing or removing piles or bulkheads E02D0013020000 specially adapted for placing or removing bulkheads E02D0013040000 Guide devices; Guide frames E02D0013060000 for observation while placing E02D0013080000 Removing obstacles E02D0013100000 Follow-blocks of pile-drivers or like devices E02D0015000000 Handling building or like materials for hydraulic engineering or foundations (conveying or working-up concrete or similar masses in general E04G0021020000);; E02D0015020000 Handling of bulk concrete specially for foundation purposes E02D0015040000 Placing concrete in mould-pipes, pile tubes, boreholes, or narrow shafts E02D0015060000 Placing concrete under water E02D0015080000 Sinking work-pieces into water or soil E02D0015100000 Placing gravel or light material under water E02D0017000000 Excavations; Bordering of excavations; Making embankments (soil shifting apparatus E02F);; E02D0017020000 Foundation pits E02D0017040000 Bordering or stiffening the sides of foundation pits E02D0017060000 Foundation ditches or narrow shafts E02D0017080000 Bordering or stiffening the sides of ditches or narrow shafts for foundations E02D0017100000 Covering trenches for foundations E02D0017120000 Back-filling of foundation trenches or ditches E02D0017130000 Foundation slots; Implements for making these slots E02D0017140000 Boreholes for foundations; Implements for making these holes (deep drilling in mining E21B);; E02D0017142000 boring substantially vertically (E02D0017149000 takes precedence);; E02D0017144000 by augers E02D0017146000 boring substantially horizontally (E02D0017149000 takes precedence);; E02D0017148000 enlarging holes in diameter, e.g. partially (E02D0017149000 takes precedence);; E02D0017149000 Hand-operated devices E02D0017160000 Loosening of soil or rock, under water (for correcting streams E02B0003020000;by dredgers or excavators E02F) E02D0017180000 Making embankments (E02D0017200000 takes precedence);; E02D0017200000 Securing of slopes or inclines E02D0019000000 Keeping dry foundation sites or other areas in the ground (sheet piles or bulkheads E02D0005020000);; E02D0019020000 Restraining of open water E02D0019040000 by coffer-dams E02D0019060000 Restraining of underground water E02D0019080000 by employing open ditches arranged below the level of the water E02D0019100000 by lowering level of ground water E02D0019120000 by damming or interrupting the passage of underground water E02D0019140000 by freezing the soil (in connection with sinking shafts E21D0001120000);; E02D0019160000 by placing or applying sealing substances (improving soil by chemical substances E02D0003140000);; E02D0019180000 by making use of sealing aprons (sealing or joints for engineering work E02B0003160000);; E02D0019200000 by displacing the water, e.g. by compressed air E02D0019220000 Lining sumps in trenches E02D0021000000 Platforms for mounting tools above water level or above watery ground (artificial islands mounted on piles or like supports, platforms on legs in general E02B0017000000);; E02D0023000000 Caissons; Construction or placing of caissons (prefabricated tunnel elements E01G0003100000);; E02D0023020000 Caissons able to be floated on water and to be lowered into water ; in situ E02D0023040000 Pneumatic caissons E02D0023060000 Bringing persons or material into or out of compressed air caissons E02D0023080000 Lowering or sinking caissons E02D0023100000 Caissons filled with compressed air E02D0023120000 Inclined lowering E02D0023140000 Decreasing the skin friction while lowering E02D0023160000 Jointing caissons to the foundation soil, specially to uneven foundation soil E02D0025000000 Joining caissons, sinkers, or other units to each other under water E02D0027000000 Foundations as substructures E02D0027010000 Flat foundations E02D0027020000 Flat foundations without substantial excavation (E02D0027040000, E02D0027080000 take precedence);; E02D0027040000 in water or on quicksand E02D0027060000 Floating caisson foundations E02D0027080000 Reinforcements for flat foundations E02D0027100000 Deep foundations E02D0027120000 Pile foundations E02D0027140000 Pile framings E02D0027160000 Foundations formed of separate piles E02D0027180000 Foundations formed by making use of caissons E02D0027200000 Caisson foundations combined with pile foundations E02D0027220000 Caisson foundations made by starting from fixed or floating artificial islands by using protective bulkheads E02D0027240000 Foundations constructed by making use of diving-bells (equipment for dwelling or working under water B63C0011000000);; E02D0027260000 Compacting soil locally before forming foundations; Construction of foundation structures by forcing binding substances into gravel fillings (consolidating foundation soil in general E02D0003020000-E02D0003140000); E02D0027280000 Stressing the soil or the foundation structure while forming foundations E02D0027300000 Foundations made with permanent use of sheet pile bulkheads, walls of planks, or sheet piling boxes E02D0027320000 Foundations for special purposes E02D0027340000 Foundations for sinking or earthquake territories (building constructions with protection arrangements against earthquakes E04H0009020000);; E02D0027360000 Foundations formed in moors or bogs E02D0027380000 Foundations for large tanks, e.g. oil tanks E02D0027400000 Foundations for dams across valleys or for dam constructions E02D0027420000 Foundations for poles, masts, or chimneys E02D0027440000 Foundations for machines, engines, or ordnance (special lay-out of foundations with respect to machinery to be supported F16M0009000000);; E02D0027460000 Foundations for supply conduits or other canals E02D0027480000 Foundations inserted underneath existing buildings or constructions E02D0027500000 Anchored foundations E02D0027520000 Submerged foundations E02D0029000000 Independent underground or underwater structures; Retaining walls (sealings for engineering work E02B0003160000;constructing tunnels E01G) E02D0029020000 Retaining or protecting walls (piers or quay walls E02B0003060000);; E02D0029040000 Construction for underground plants E02D0029060000 Constructions, or methods of constructing, in water E02D0029080000 Siphons (siphon weirs E02B0007180000;for sewerage E03F0005200000) E02D0029100000 Housings for supply lines or sewer pipes; Canals or conduits made ; in situCasings or coverings of boreholes or narrow wells E02D0029120000 Manhole shafts; Other inspection or access chambers; Accessories (for sewerage E03F0005020000);; E02D0029140000 Covers for manholes or the like; Frames for covers E02D0029160000 Arrangement or construction of joints in foundation structures E02D0031000000 Protective arrangements for foundations or foundation structures; Ground foundation measures for protecting the soil or the subsoil water, e.g. against pollution by oil E02D0031020000 against ground humidity or ground water E02D0031040000 Watertight packings for use under hydraulic pressure E02D0031060000 against corrosion by soil or water E02D0031080000 against transmission of vibrations or movements in the foundation soil E02D0031100000 against soil pressure or hydraulic pressure E02D0031120000 against upward hydraulic pressure E02D0033000000 Testing foundations or foundation structures (testing methods and apparatus, see the relevant sub-classes of class G01;testing structures or apparatus as regards function, in general, G01M; testing or determining chemical or physical properties, in general G01N) E02D0035000000 Straightening, lifting, or lowering of foundation structures and of constructions erected on foundations E02D0037000000 Repairs of damaged foundations or foundation structures E02F DREDGING; SOIL-SHIFTING (winning peat E21C0049000000);; E02F0001000000 General working methods with dredgers or soil-shifting machines (methods for making embankments E02D0017180000;methods for mining E21C) E02F0003000000 Dredgers; Soil-shifting machines (for special purposes E02F0005000000;machines or apparatus for mining E21C; for construction of tunnels E01G) E02F0003020000 hand-operated E02F0003040000 mechanically-driven E02F0003060000 with digging screws E02F0003080000 with digging elements on an endless chain (conveyers B65G);; E02F0003100000 with tools that only loosen the material E02F0003120000 Component parts E02F0003140000 Buckets; Chains; Guides for buckets or chains; Drives for chains E02F0003160000 Safety or control devices (safety devices in general F16P;controlling in general G05) E02F0003180000 with digging wheels turning round an axis E02F0003200000 with tools that only loosen the material E02F0003220000 Component parts E02F0003240000 Digging wheels; Digging elements of wheels; Drives for wheels E02F0003260000 Safety or control devices (safety devices in general F16P;controlling in general G05) E02F0003280000 with digging tools mounted on a dipper-arm; Dippers (E02F0003620000 takes precedence);; E02F0003300000 with a dipper-arm pivoted on a cantilever beam E02F0003320000 working downwardly and towards the machine E02F0003340000 with a dipper-arm directly pivoted on the frame E02F0003360000 Component parts E02F0003380000 Cantilever beams; Dipper-arms E02F0003400000 Dippers E02F0003420000 Drives for dippers or dipper-arms E02F0003440000 with grab buckets (E02F0003620000 takes precedence;grab equipment for cranes B66C) E02F0003460000 with reciprocating digging or scraping elements moved by cables or hoisting ropes (E02F0003620000 takes precedence);; E02F0003480000 Drag-lines E02F0003500000 with buckets or other digging elements moved along a rigid guideway E02F0003520000 Cableway excavators (cable cranes B66C);; E02F0003540000 Cable scrapers E02F0003560000 with hand-controlled scraper or other digging elements E02F0003580000 Component parts E02F0003600000 Buckets, scrapers, or other digging elements E02F0003620000 drawn by a tractor or directly mounted on a tractor; Similar self-propelled machines; Skimmers, e.g. levelling apparatus E02F0003640000 with scraper buckets or forks; Bucket cars E02F0003660000 with jigging buckets E02F0003680000 with buckets movable along a fixed guide on the tractor chassis E02F0003700000 with buckets mounted on an arm connected to the tractor chassis E02F0003720000 the arm being swingably mounted, e.g. on a turn-table (E02F0003750000 takes precedence);; E02F0003740000 the arm being pivoted on a cantilever beam mounted on the tractor chassis E02F0003750000 the beam being swingably mounted, e.g. on a turn-table E02F0003760000 Graders, bulldozers, or the like with scraper plates or ploughshare-like elements (soil-working A01B);; E02F0003780000 with rotating digging elements E02F0003800000 Component parts E02F0003810000 Buckets or forks E02F0003820000 for emptying buckets by tilting E02F0003830000 by tilting sideways E02F0003840000 Drives or control devices therefor E02F0003850000 Applications of hydraulic or pneumatic systems E02F0003860000 for controlling bucket position E02F0003870000 for controlling sequence of operations E02F0003880000 with arrangements acting by a sucking or forcing effect (pumps in general F04);; E02F0003900000 Component parts E02F0003920000 Digging elements, e.g. suction heads E02F0003940000 Apparatus for separating stones from the dredged material E02F0003960000 with arrangements for alternate use of different digging elements E02F0005000000 Dredgers or soil-shifting machines for special purposes E02F0005020000 for digging trenches or ditches (agricultural ploughs for working ridges A01B0013020000);; E02F0005040000 with digging screws E02F0005060000 with digging elements mounted on an endless chain E02F0005080000 with digging wheels turning round an axis E02F0005100000 with arrangements for reinforcing trenches or ditches; with or without arrangements for assembling piping or cables E02F0005120000 with equipment for back-filling trenches or ditches E02F0005140000 Component parts for trench excavators, e.g. indicating devices E02F0005160000 Machines for digging other holes in the soil (making earth borings for foundations E02D0017140000;deep drilling E21B) E02F0005180000 for horizontal holes E02F0005200000 for vertical holes E02F0005220000 for making embankments; for back-filling (in combination with trench excavators E02F0005120000);; E02F0005240000 Depositing dredged material in mounds E02F0005260000 Combined conveying-bridges and dredgers E02F0005280000 for cleaning watercourses or other waters E02F0005300000 Auxiliary apparatus, e.g. for thawing, cracking, blowing-up, or other preparatory treatment of the soil E02F0007000000 Equipment for conveying or separating excavated material (barges adapted for carrying-away material from floating dredgers B63B0035280000);; E02F0007020000 Conveying equipment mounted on a dredger (conveyers in general B65G);; E02F0007040000 Loading devices mounted on a dredger (loading devices in general B65G);; E02F0007060000 Delivery chutes or screening plants mounted on a dredger (separating equipment in general B03;delivery chutes in general B65G) E02F0007100000 Pipelines for conveying excavated materials (pipes in general F16L;pipe-line systems F17D) E02F0009000000 Component parts for dredgers, depositing machines, or like apparatus, not adapted to a kind covered by groups E02F0003000000-E02F0007000000; (laying-out or take-up devices for trailing electric cables B66C);; E02F0009020000 Travelling-gear (for motor vehicles B60B, B60G;undercarriages for locomotives or railroad cars B61F; track-laying vehicles B62D; for cranes B66C) E02F0009040000 Walking gears moving the dredger forward step-by-step E02F0009060000 Floating substructures as supports E02F0009080000 Superstructures; Supports for superstructures E02F0009100000 Supports for movable superstructures mounted on travelling or walking gears or on other superstructures E02F0009120000 Slewing or traversing gears (roller and ball bearings F16C);; E02F0009140000 Booms; Cable suspensions E02F0009160000 Cabins, platforms, etc. for the driver (for cranes B66C0013540000);; E02F0009180000 Counterweights E02F0009200000 Drives; Control devices (gearing in general F16H;controlling in general G05; electric multi-motor drives H02K, H02P) E02F0009220000 Hydraulic or pneumatic drives E02F0009240000 Safety devices E02F0009260000 Indicating devices E02F0009280000 Small metalwork for digging elements, e.g. teeth E03 WATER SUPPLY; SEWERAGE E03B INSTALLATIONS OR METHODS FOR OBTAINING, COLLECTING, OR DISTRIBUTING WATER (pipe-line systems in general F17D);; E03B0001000000 Methods or lay-out of installations for water supply E03B0001020000 for public or like main supply E03B0001040000 for domestic or like local supply E03B0003000000 Installations for obtaining or collecting drinking water or tap water (treatment of water C02B);; E03B0003020000 from rain-water E03B0003030000 Special vessels for collecting or storing rainwater for use in the household, e.g. water-butts E03B0003040000 from surface water E03B0003060000 from underground E03B0003080000 Obtaining and confining water by means of wells (applicable to other liquids E21B0043000000);; E03B0003100000 by means of pit wells E03B0003110000 in combination with tubes, e.g. perforated, extending horizontally or upwardly inclined exterior to the pits E03B0003120000 by means of vertical pipe wells E03B0003140000 by means of horizontal or oblique wells E03B0003150000 Keeping wells in good condition, e.g. by cleaning, repairing, regenerating; Maintaining or enlarging the capacity of wells or water-bearing layers (with artificial enrichment E03B0003320000);; E03B0003160000 Component parts of wells E03B0003180000 Well filters (filters in general B01D0023000000-B01D0035000000); E03B0003200000 of elements of special shape E03B0003220000 Selection of specified materials E03B0003240000 formed of loose materials, e.g. gravel E03B0003260000 with packed filtering material E03B0003280000 from humid air (condensing of vapours in general B01D0005000000;dehumidification of air for air-conditioning F24F0003140000) E03B0003300000 from snow E03B0003320000 with artificial enrichment, e.g. by adding water from a pond or a river E03B0003340000 of underground water E03B0003360000 of surface water E03B0003380000 Curbs for springs E03B0003400000 Other devices for confining water, e.g. trenches, drainage E03B0005000000 Use of pumping plants or installations; Lay-outs thereof (pumps, pumping plants or installations, per, F04);; E03B0005020000 arranged in buildings E03B0005040000 arranged in wells E03B0005060000 Special equipment E03B0007000000 Water-main or service pipe systems (pipes or tubes in general F16L);; E03B0007020000 Public or like main pipe systems E03B0007040000 Domestic or like local pipe systems (domestic plumbing E03C0001020000);; E03B0007070000 Arrangement of devices, e.g. filters, flow controls, measuring devices, siphons, valves, in the pipe systems (devices per, see the relevant classes for these devices);; E03B0007080000 Arrangement of draining devices (draining devices in general F16K, F16L);; E03B0007090000 Component parts or accessories (tools for cleaning pipes B08B0009020000;devices for preventing contamination of drinking water pipes for domestic use E03C0001100000; devices for preventing damage in case of bursts of pipes F16L; heating of pipes in general F16L0053000000) E03B0007100000 Devices preventing bursting of pipes by freezing (devices preventing bursting of pipes in general F16L0055000000);; E03B0007120000 by preventing freezing E03B0007140000 Devices for thawing frozen pipes E03B0009000000 Installations for drawing-off water (domestic water-drawing devices E03C;taps or valves F16K) E03B0009020000 Hydrants; Keys for hydrants E03B0009040000 Column hydrants E03B0009060000 Covers E03B0009080000 Underground hydrants E03B0009100000 Protective plates or covers E03B0009120000 Stand-pipes E03B0009140000 Draining devices for hydrants E03B0009160000 Devices for retaining foreign matter, e.g. sand E03B0009180000 Cleaning tools for hydrants E03B0009200000 Pillar fountains or like apparatus for dispensing drinking water E03B0011000000 Arrangements or adaptations of tanks for water supply (water-butts E03B0003030000;containers constructed in the manner of buildings E04H0007000000; towers per E04H0012000000; containers in general B65D) E03B0011020000 for domestic or like local water supply E03B0011040000 without air regulator E03B0011060000 with air regulator E03B0011080000 Air regulators E03B0011100000 for public or like main water supply E03B0011120000 of high-level tanks E03B0011140000 of underground tanks E03B0011160000 Adaptations of devices for putting pumping plants in and out of operation, e.g. automatic control devices E03C DOMESTIC PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS FOR FRESH WATER OR WASTE WATER (not connected to either water-supply main or to waste pipe A47K;devices of the kind used in the ground E03B, E03F); SINKS E03C0001000000 Domestic plumbing installations for fresh water or waste water; Sinks E03C0001010000 for combinations of baths, douches, sinks, wash-basins, closets, urinals, or the like E03C0001020000 Plumbing installations for fresh water E03C0001040000 Water-basin installations specially adapted to wash-basins or baths (valves, faucets, mixing valves, taps F16K);; E03C0001042000 Arrangements on taps for wash-basins or baths for connecting to the wall E03C0001044000 having a heating or cooling apparatus in the supply line (water heaters, e.g. with continuous flow, F24H);; E03C0001046000 Adding soap, disinfectant, or the like, in the supply line (preventing contamination of drinking-water pipes E03C0001100000);; E03C0001048000 supplying water through two or more openings around or along one side of the water-basin E03C0001050000 Arrangements of devices on wash-basins, baths, sinks, or the like for remote control of taps (remote control of taps or the like per F16K);; E03C0001060000 Devices for suspending or supporting the supply pipe or supply hose of a shower-bath E03C0001080000 Jet regulators, e.g. anti-splash devices E03C0001084000 Jet regulators with aerating means E03C0001086000 Jet regulators or jet guides, easily mountable on the outlet of taps E03C0001100000 Devices for preventing contamination of drinking-water pipes, e.g. means for aerating self-closing flushing valves (vacuum-breakers in general F16K, F16L);; E03C0001120000 Plumbing installations for waste water; Basins or fountains connected thereto (drainage devices in floors E03F0005040000);;Sinks E03C0001122000 Pipe-line systems for waste water in buildings (pipe-line systems in general F17D);; E03C0001126000 Installations for disinfecting or deodorising waste-water plumbing installations E03C0001140000 Wash-basins connected to the waste pipe E03C0001160000 Wash-fountains connected to the waste-pipe E03C0001180000 Sinks, whether or not connected to the waste-pipe E03C0001181000 Anti-splash devices in sinks (jet regulators E03C0001080000);; E03C0001182000 connected to the waste-pipe E03C0001184000 adapted for attachment of washing machines or heating or cooling devices (washing machines for attachment D06F0007000000);; E03C0001186000 Separate partition walls, lids, protecting borders, or the like, for sinks E03C0001200000 Connecting baths or bidets to the waste-pipe E03C0001220000 Outlet devices mounted in basins, baths, or sinks (stoppers A47K0001140000);; E03C0001230000 with mechanical closure mechanisms E03C0001232000 combined with overflow devices (overflow devices for basins or baths per E03C0001240000);; E03C0001240000 Overflow devices for basins or baths (E03C0001232000 takes precedence);; E03C0001242000 automatically actuating supply or draining valves E03C0001244000 Separate devices to be placed on the outlet opening E03C0001260000 Object-catching inserts or similar devices for outlets (E03C0001280000 takes precedence);; E03C0001262000 combined with outlet stoppers E03C0001264000 Separate sieves or similar object-catching inserts E03C0001266000 Arrangements or adaptations of disintegrating apparatus in waste pipes, outlets to waste pipes, or the like (disintegrating apparatus per B02C);; E03C0001280000 Odour seals E03C0001282000 combined with additional object-catching devices E03C0001284000 having U-shaped trap E03C0001286000 having hand-operated valves against return of waste water E03C0001288000 having non-return valves against return of waste water (E03C0001286000 takes precedence);; E03C0001290000 having housing containing dividing wall, e.g. tubular E03C0001292000 having elastic housing E03C0001294000 with provisions against loss of water lock E03C0001295000 using air-supply valves E03C0001296000 using water-supply valves E03C0001298000 consisting only of non-return valve E03C0001300000 Devices to facilitate removing of obstructions in waste pipes or sinks E03C0001302000 using devices moved through the pipes E03C0001304000 using fluid under pressure E03C0001306000 by means of a tube connected to the water mains E03C0001308000 by means of a pumping device E03C0001320000 Holders or supports for basins E03C0001322000 connected to the wall only E03C0001324000 adjustable E03C0001326000 resting on the floor E03C0001328000 adjustable E03C0001330000 Fastening sinks or basins in an apertured support E03D WATER-CLOSETS OR URINALS WITH FLUSHING DEVICES; FLUSHING VALVES THEREFOR E03D0001000000 Water flushing devices with cisterns E03D0001010000 Shape or selection of material for flushing cisterns E03D0001012000 Details of shape of cisterns, e.g. for connecting to wall, for supporting or connecting flushing-device actuators E03D0001020000 High-level flushing systems E03D0001040000 Cisterns with bell siphons E03D0001050000 with movable siphon bells E03D0001060000 Cisterns with tube siphons E03D0001070000 with movable or deformable siphon tubes E03D0001080000 Siphon action initiated by air or water pressure E03D0001100000 Siphon action initiated by raising the water level in the cistern, e.g. by means of displacement members E03D0001120000 Siphon action initiated by outlet of air E03D0001140000 Cisterns discharging variable quantities of water (twin or multiple flushing cisterns E03D0001220000;flushing devices operated by pressure of the water supply system and discharging variable quantities of water E03D0003120000) E03D0001160000 Cisterns for periodical discharge E03D0001180000 Cisterns empty when not in action E03D0001200000 Cisterns with tiltably-mounted containers E03D0001220000 Twin or multiple flushing cisterns E03D0001240000 Low-level flushing systems E03D0001260000 Bowl with flushing cistern mounted on the rearwardly extending end of the bowl (shape or material of the cistern E03D0001010000;constructional features of the bowl E03D0011020000-E03D0011120000) E03D0001280000 Bowl integral with the flushing cistern E03D0001300000 Valves for high or low cisterns; Their arrangement (inlet valves, valves in general F16K);; E03D0001320000 Arrangement of inlet valves (devices for reducing noise E03D0009140000);; E03D0001330000 Adaptations or arrangements of floats (actuating-floats in general F16K0033000000);; E03D0001340000 Flushing valves for outlets; Arrangement of outlet valves E03D0001360000 Associated working of inlet and outlet valves E03D0001380000 Adaptations or arrangements of flushing pipes (noise-absorbing means in pipe systems F16L0055000000);; E03D0003000000 Flushing devices operated by pressure of the water supply system E03D0003020000 Self-closing flushing valves (self-closing valves in general F16K0021040000);; E03D0003040000 with piston valve and pressure chamber for retarding the valve-closing movement E03D0003060000 with diaphragm valve and pressure chamber for retarding the valve-closing movement E03D0003080000 with other retarding devices E03D0003100000 Flushing devices with pressure-operated reservoir, e.g. air chamber E03D0003120000 Flushing devices discharging variable quantities of water (flushing cisterns discharging variable quantities of water E03D0001140000);; E03D0005000000 Special constructions of flushing devices (in motor road vehicles or trailers B62D;in railway carriages B61D; in ships B63B; in aircraft B64) E03D0005010000 using flushing pumps E03D0005012000 combined with movable closure elements in the bowl outlet (bowls with closure elements between bottom or outlet and outlet pipe, per E03D0011100000);; E03D0005014000 with devices for separate removal of liquids and solids E03D0005016000 with recirculation of bowl-cleaning fluid E03D0005020000 operated mechanically or hydraulically (E03D0005010000, E03D0005120000 take precedence);; E03D0005040000 directly by the seat or cover E03D0005060000 directly by the door E03D0005080000 directly by foot E03D0005090000 directly by hand E03D0005092000 the flushing element, e.g. siphon bell, being actuated through a lever E03D0005094000 the flushing element, e.g. siphon bell, being actuated through a cable, chain, or the like E03D0005100000 operated electrically (E03D0005010000, E03D0005120000 take precedence);; E03D0005120000 discharging periodically (high-level cisterns for periodical discharge E03D0001160000);; E03D0007000000 Wheeled lavatories (construction of road vehicles B62);; E03D0009000000 Sanitary or other accessories for lavatories (devices for preventing contamination of drinking-water pipes E03C0001100000;hand tools for cleaning the toilet bowl A47K0011100000; seats or covers for closets A47K0013000000; body supports, other than seats for closets A47K0017020000) E03D0009020000 Devices adding a disinfecting, deodorising, or cleaning agent to the water while flushing (apparatus for disinfection A61L0003000000;treatment of water in general C02B) E03D0009030000 consisting of a separate container with an outlet through which the agent is introduced into the flushing water, e.g. by suction E03D0009040000 Special arrangement or operation of ventilating devices (ventilating rooms in general F24F);; E03D0009050000 ventilating the bowl E03D0009060000 Auxiliary chambers with water connection to the flushing pipe and adapted to receive utensils for bowl-cleaning, e.g. brushes E03D0009080000 Devices in the bowl producing upwardly-directed sprays; Modifications of the bowl for use with such devices (showers or douches A47K0003000000;medical bathroom installations A61H0033000000, A61H0035000000) E03D0009100000 Waste-disintegrating apparatus combined with the bowl E03D0009120000 Means to prevent lavatories from freezing E03D0009140000 Noise-reducing means combined with flushing valves (noise-absorbing means in pipe systems F16L0055000000);; E03D0009160000 Water pressure regulating means in flushing pipes E03D0011000000 Other component parts of water-closets (pipe joints or couplings, e.g. coupling to the bowl, F16L);; E03D0011020000 Water-closet bowls (auxiliary chambers with connections to flushing water for bowl-cleaning utensils E03D0009060000;modified for using upwardly-directed sprays E03D0009080000; seats or covers A47K0013000000) E03D0011040000 Bowls of flat shape with only slightly inclined bottom E03D0011060000 Bowls with downwardly-extending flanges E03D0011080000 Bowls with means producing a flushing water swirl E03D0011100000 Bowls with closure elements provided between bottom or outlet and the outlet pipe; Bowls with pivotally supported inserts E03D0011110000 Bowls combined with a reservoir, e.g. containing apparatus for disinfecting or for disintegrating E03D0011120000 Swivel-mounted bowls, e.g. for use in restricted spaces E03D0011130000 Parts or details of bowls E03D0011180000 Siphons (for pipes in general F16L0043000000, F16L0045000000);; E03D0013000000 Urinals (without flushing devices A47K0011000000);; E03F SEWERS; CESSPOOLS E03F0001000000 Methods, systems, or installations for draining-off sewage or storm water E03F0003000000 Sewer pipeline systems E03F0003020000 Arrangement of sewer pipelines or pipeline systems E03F0003040000 Pipes or fittings specially adapted to sewers (manufacture of concrete tubes B28;pipes or pipe fittings in general F16L) E03F0003060000 Methods of, or installations for, laying sewer pipes (making sewers from bricks or concrete in situ E02D0029100000);; E03F0005000000 Sewerage structures E03F0005020000 Manhole shafts or other inspection chambers (in general E02D0029120000);;Snow filling openings; Accessories (covers or frames for manholes or the like E02D0029140000);; E03F0005040000 Gullies with or without odour seals and/or sediment traps E03F0005042000 Arrangements of means against overflow of water, backing-up from the drain E03F0005046000 adapted to be used with kerbs (E03F0005060000 takes precedence);; E03F0005060000 Gully gratings E03F0005080000 Ventilation of sewers E03F0005100000 Collecting-tanks; Equalising tanks for regulating the run-off; Laying-up basins E03F0005120000 Emergency outlets E03F0005140000 Devices for separating liquid or solid substances from sewage, e.g. sand or sludge traps, rakes or grates (for use in sewage purification plants or both in sewage purification plants and in sewer systems C02C);; E03F0005160000 Devices for separating oil, water, or grease from sewage in drains leading to the main sewer (elsewhere C02C0001380000);; E03F0005180000 Tanks for disinfecting, neutralising, or cooling sewage (arrangements in tanks as to the biological or chemical aspect C02C);; E03F0005200000 Siphon pipes or inverted siphons (in general E02D0029080000;for connections of baths, basins, or the like E03C0001120000) E03F0005220000 Adaptations of pumping plants for lifting sewage (wheeled apparatus for emptying sewers or cesspools E03F0007100000;pumps, pumping plants, per F04) E03F0005240000 Installations for neutralising explosions in sewers E03F0005260000 Installations for stirring-up sewage E03F0007000000 Other installations or implements for operating sewer systems, e.g. for preventing or indicating stoppage; Emptying cesspools E03F0007020000 Shut-off devices (in general F16K);; E03F0007040000 Valves for preventing return flow E03F0007060000 Devices for restraining rats or other animals E03F0007080000 Hand implements for emptying sewers or cesspools E03F0007100000 Wheeled apparatus for emptying sewers or cesspools E03F0007120000 Installations enabling inspection personnel to drive along sewer canals E03F0009000000 Arrangements or fixed installations for cleaning sewer pipes, e.g. by flushing (sediment traps, rakes, screens, or the like, arranged in sewer lines E03F0005140000;cleaning pipes in general, devices for cleaning pipes B08) E03F0011000000 Cesspools (features relating to treatment of sewage C02C);; E04 BUILDING (layered materials, layered products in general B32B);; E04B GENERAL BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS; WALLS; ROOFS; CEILINGS; INSULATION AND OTHER PROTECTION OF BUILDINGS (border constructions of openings for doors, windows or the like E06B0001000000);; E04B0001000000 Constructions in general; Structures which are not restricted either to walls or floors or ceilings or roofs (scaffolds, shutterings E04G;structures specially adapted for buildings for special purposes, general layout of buildings, e.g. modular co-ordination, E04H; the particular parts of buildings, see the relevant groups for those parts); E04B0001020000 Structures consisting primarily of load-supporting, block-shaped, or slab-shaped elements (E04B0001320000-E04B0001360000; take precedence);; E04B0001040000 the elements consisting of concrete, e.g. reinforced concrete, or other stone-like material E04B0001060000 the elements being prestressed E04B0001080000 the elements consisting of metal E04B0001100000 the elements consisting of wood E04B0001120000 the elements consisting of another material E04B0001140000 the elements being composed of two or more materials (of reinforced concrete E04B0001040000);; E04B0001160000 Structures made from masses, e.g. of concrete, cast or similarly formed in situ with or without making use of additional elements, such as permanent forms, substructures to be coated with load-bearing material(E04B0001320000-E04B0001360000; take precedence);; E04B0001180000 Structures comprising elongated load-supporting parts, e.g. columns, girders, skeletons (E04B0001320000-E04B0001360000; take precedence;elongated load-supporting parts as elements, trusses, truss-like structures E04C0003000000) E04B0001200000 the supporting parts consisting of concrete, e.g. reinforced concrete, or other stone-like material E04B0001220000 with parts being prestressed E04B0001240000 the supporting parts consisting of metal E04B0001260000 the supporting parts consisting of wood E04B0001280000 the supporting parts consisting of another material E04B0001300000 the supporting parts being composed of two or more materials; Composite steel and concrete construction (of reinforced concrete E04B0001200000);; E04B0001320000 Arched structures; Vaulted structures; Folded structures (vaulted roofs E04B0007080000);; E04B0001340000 Extraordinary structures, e.g. with suspended or cantilever parts supported by masts or tower-like structures enclosing elevators or stairs; Features relating to the elastic stability (E04B0001342000, E04B0001343000, E04B0001348000 take precedence;for floors E04B0005430000; buildings for special purposes, e.g. withstanding earthquake, E04H) E04B0001342000 Structures covering a large free area, whether open-sided or not, e.g. hangars, halls (roof trusses E04C0003000000;non-structural features for specified purposes, see the relevant groups of E04H) E04B0001343000 Structures characterised by movable, separable, or collapsible parts, e.g. for transport (movable roof parts E04B0007160000;floatable buildings B63B; small prefabricated buildings, transportable as a whole, E04H0001120000; small garages E04H0006020000) E04B0001344000 with hinged parts E04B0001345000 Inflated or air-supported structures (inflatable forms E04G0011040000);; E04B0001346000 Rotary buildings; Buildings with rotary units, e.g. rooms E04B0001347000 Tent-like buildings, i.e. with flexible skins suspended from, or resting on, supports; Tents for building-like purposes, e.g. marquees (tents for a small number of persons A45F0001000000);; E04B0001348000 Structures composed of units comprising at least considerable parts of two sides of a room, e.g. box-like or cell-like units closed or in skeleton form (wall units locating conduits or the like E04C0002520000);; E04B0001350000 Extraordinary methods of construction, e.g. lift-slab, jack-block (E04B0001340000 takes precedence;falsework, shuttering E04G0011000000; conveying or assembling of building materials E04G0021000000; working measures on existing buildings E04G0023000000) E04B0001360000 Bearings or like supports allowing movement (for bridges E01D0019040000;buildings withstanding earthquakes E04H0009020000) E04B0001380000 Connections for building structures in general (specially adapted for particular parts, see the groups for those parts, for special elements E04C);; E04B0001400000 Separate connecting elements (for forms, falsework, or shutterings E04G0017000000;releasable clips or clamps, hooks, wedges, wall-dowels, nails, bolts, rivets, screws, wood-screws F16B) E04B0001410000 Connecting devices designed for being embedded in concrete or masonry (spacers for cavity walls E04B0002300000, E04B0002440000;connectors for reinforcing elements E04C0005160000; fastening frames to the border of openings E06B0001560000) E04B0001480000 Dowels, i.e. members adapted to penetrate the surfaces of two parts and to take the shear stresses E04B0001490000 with self-penetrating parts, e.g. claw dowels E04B0001540000 Joints substantially without separate connecting elements, e.g. jointing by interengagement (welded, glued, or the like joints, in general F16B);; E04B0001560000 Connections not provided for in groups ; E04B0001400000-E04B0001540000 E04B0001580000 of bar-shaped building elements E04B0001600000 of slab-shaped building elements mutually or with other building parts E04B0001620000 Insulation or other protection; Elements and use of specified material therefor (chemical compositions C01-C11; implements for applying insulation or sealings E04F0021000000; buildings to withstand, or to provide protection against external undesired influences E04H0009000000; shielding against dangerous radiation G21F; constructions of particular parts of buildings, see the relevant groups for those parts); E04B0001640000 for making damp-proof; Protection against corrosion (sealings E04B0001660000);; E04B0001660000 Sealings (additions of anti-leak properties to plaster C04B;bituminous sealing masses C10; sealings for engineering work in general E02B0003160000; against ground humidity or ground water E02D0031020000; coverings against rain or other precipitations of the atmosphere E04D; composition of material or manufacture of sealing foils, see the relevant classes for these foils); E04B0001680000 of joints, e.g. dilatation joints E04B0001700000 Drying or keeping dry, e.g. by air vents (by sealings E04B0001660000;during erection E04G0021280000) E04B0001720000 Pest control (by keeping dry E04B0001700000;impregnation of wood or like materials B27K) E04B0001740000 Heat, sound or noise insulation, absorption, or reflection (forms of, or arrangements in, rooms for influencing or directing sound E04B0001990000);;Other building methods affording favourable thermal or acoustical conditions, e.g. accumulating of heat within walls (fire protection E04B0001940000;elements chiefly adapted for structural purposes E04C0001000000, E04C0002000000; chiefly adapted for surface covering E04F0013000000; as underlayers for floor coverings E04F0015180000; closures for wall or like openings E06B) E04B0001760000 specifically with respect to heat only (heat insulation in general F16L0059000000);; E04B0001780000 Heat insulating elements E04B0001800000 slab-shaped E04B0001820000 specifically with respect to sound only (of floors of ceilings E04B0005520000;of flooring E04F0015200000; noise damping in ducts or channels E04F0017000000; noise damping in general G10K0011000000) E04B0001840000 Sound-absorbing elements E04B0001860000 slab-shaped E04B0001880000 Insulating elements for both heat and sound E04B0001900000 slab-shaped E04B0001920000 Protection against other undesired influences or dangers (buildings providing protection against external dangers E04H0009000000);; E04B0001940000 against incendiary damage (fire-fighting A62C;impregnation of wood or like materials B27K) E04B0001980000 against vibrations or shocks (on foundations E02D0031080000);;against mechanical destruction, e.g. by air-raids (against incendiary damage only E04B0001940000;finishing work therefor E04F; buildings withstanding earthquake or the like, shelters, arrangements of splinter-catching walls E04H0009000000) E04B0001990000 Room acoustics, i.e. forms of, or arrangements in, rooms for influencing or directing sound (E04B0001820000 takes precedence;acoustics in general G10K0011000000) E04B0002000000 Walls or partitions for buildings; Wall construction with regard to insulation; Connections specially adapted to walls (insulation per E04B0001620000;connections in general E04B0001380000; elements for walls E04C0001040000, E04C0002000000) E04B0002020000 built-up from layers of building elements E04B0002040000 Walls having neither cavities between, nor in, the solid elements E04B0002060000 using elements having specially-designed means for stabilising the position E04B0002080000 by interlocking of projections or inserts with indentations, e.g. of tongues, grooves, dovetails E04B0002100000 by filling material with or without reinforcements in small channels in, or in grooves between, the elements E04B0002120000 using elements having a general shape differing from that of a parallelepiped E04B0002140000 Walls having cavities in, but not between, the elements, i. e. each cavity being enclosed by at least four sides forming part of one single element E04B0002160000 using elements having specially designed means for stabilising the position E04B0002180000 by interlocking of projections or inserts with indentations, e.g. of tongues, grooves, dovetails E04B0002200000 by filling material with or without reinforcements in small channels in, or in grooves between, the elements E04B0002220000 using elements having a general shape differing from that of a parallelepiped E04B0002240000 the walls being characterised by fillings in some of the cavities forming load-bearing pillars or beams E04B0002260000 the walls being characterised by fillings in all cavities in order to form a wall construction E04B0002280000 Walls having cavities between, but not in, the elements; Walls of elements each consisting of two or more parts kept in distance by means of spacers, all parts being solid E04B0002300000 using elements having specially designed means for stabilising the position; Spacers for cavity walls E04B0002320000 by interlocking of projections or inserts with indentations, e.g. of tongues, grooves, dovetails E04B0002340000 by filling material with or without reinforcements in small channels in, or in grooves between, the elements E04B0002360000 using elements having a general shape differing from that of a parallelepiped E04B0002380000 the walls being characterised by fillings in some of the cavities forming load-bearing pillars or beams E04B0002400000 the walls being characterised by fillings in all cavities in order to form a wall construction E04B0002420000 Walls having cavities between, as well as in, the elements; Walls of elements each consisting of two or more parts, kept in distance by means of spacers, at least one of the parts having cavities E04B0002440000 using elements having specially designed means for stabilising the position; Spacers for cavity walls E04B0002460000 by interlocking of projections or inserts with indentations, e.g. of tongues, grooves, dovetails E04B0002480000 by filling material with or without reinforcements in small channels in, or in grooves between, the elements E04B0002500000 using elements having a general shape differing from that of a parallelepiped E04B0002520000 the walls being characterised by fillings in some of the cavities forming load-bearing pillars or beams E04B0002540000 the walls being characterised by fillings in all cavities in order to form a wall construction E04B0002560000 Walls or partitions of frame-work or pillar-work; Walls incorporating load-bearing elongated members (E04B0002740000, E04B0002880000 take precedence;pillars E04C0003300000) E04B0002580000 with elongated members of metal E04B0002600000 characterised by special cross-section of the elongated members E04B0002620000 the members being formed of two or more elements in side-by-side relationship E04B0002640000 with elongated members of concrete E04B0002660000 characterised by special cross-section of the elongated members E04B0002680000 made by filling-up wall cavities (E04B0002240000, E04B0002380000, E04B0002520000 take precedence);; E04B0002700000 with elongated members of wood E04B0002720000 Walls or partitions of elements of relatively thin form (E04B0002560000, E04B0002740000, E04B0002880000 take precedence;with joint fillings acting as framework or pillars E04B0002680000; elements E04C0002000000) E04B0002740000 Removable non-load-bearing partitions; Partitions with a free upper edge (framed panels E04C0002380000);; E04B0002760000 with framework or posts of metal E04B0002780000 characterised by special cross-section of the frame members E04B0002800000 with framework or posts of wood E04B0002820000 characterised by the manner in which edges are connected to the building; Means therefor; Special details of easily-removable partitions E04B0002840000 Walls made by casting, pouring, or tamping in situ(E04B0002020000, E04B0002560000 take precedence;forms therefor E04G0011060000; working of concrete or similar masses able to be cast or poured in situ E04G0021020000) E04B0002860000 made in permanent forms E04B0002880000 Curtain walls E04B0005000000 Floors; Ceilings; Constructions of floors or ceilings with regard to insulation; Connections uniquely adapted therefor (elements for floors, e.g. bricks, stones, filling bodies, girders for floors, E04C;flooring as finishing work, insulation of flooring, sectional false floors, e.g. for computers, E04F0015024000) E04B0005020000 Load-carrying floor structures formed substantially of prefabricated units (E04B0005430000-E04B0005480000; take precedence;floors merely characterised by the filling members E04C0001340000) E04B0005040000 with beams of concrete or other stone-like material, e.g. asbestos cement (E04B0005080000, E04B0005140000 take precedence);; E04B0005060000 placed against one another E04B0005080000 assembled of block-shaped elements, e.g. hollow stones (E04B0005140000 takes precedence;floors composed of reinforced brickwork E04B0005440000) E04B0005100000 with metal beams or girders, e.g. with steel lattice girders (E04B0005140000 takes precedence);; E04B0005120000 with wooden beams (E04B0005140000 takes precedence);; E04B0005140000 with beams or girders laid in two directions E04B0005160000 Load-carrying floor structures wholly or partly cast or similarly formed in situ(E04B0005430000-E04B0005480000; take precedence;floors merely characterised by the prefabricated elements E04C) E04B0005170000 Floor structures partly formed ; in situ E04B0005180000 with stiffening ribs or other beam-like formations wholly cast between filling members E04B0005190000 the filling members acting as self-supporting permanent forms (E04B0005210000 takes precedence);; E04B0005210000 Cross-ribbed floors E04B0005230000 with stiffening ribs or other beam-like formations wholly or partly prefabricated (with all load-carrying parts substantially consisting of prefabricated units E04B0005020000);; E04B0005260000 with filling members between the beams (E04B0005280000 takes precedence);; E04B0005280000 Cross-ribbed floors E04B0005290000 the prefabricated parts of the beams consisting wholly of metal (E04B0005280000 takes precedence);; E04B0005320000 Floor structures wholly cast ; in situ with or without form units or reinforcements E04B0005360000 with form units as part of the floor E04B0005380000 with slab-shaped form units acting simultaneously as reinforcement; Form slabs with reinforcements extending laterally outside the element E04B0005400000 with metal form slabs E04B0005430000 Floor structures of extraordinary design; Features relating to the elastic stability; Floor structures specially designed for resting on columns only, e.g. mushroom floors (extraordinary constructions in general E04B0001340000);; E04B0005440000 Floors composed of stones, mortar, and reinforcing elements (with inserts of glass E04B0005460000);; E04B0005460000 Special adaptations of floors for transmission of light, e.g. by inserts of glass (of ceilings E04B0005620000;block-shaped elements E04C0001420000; slab- or sheet-shaped elements E04C0002540000; for roof covering E04D0003060000) E04B0005480000 Special adaptations of floors for incorporating ducts, e.g. for heating or ventilating (in block-shaped elements E04C0001390000;in slab- or sheet-shaped elements E04C0002520000) E04B0005520000 Constructions of ceilings, e.g. false ceilings (ceilings used as forms for making floors, see the relevant groups for the floors;ceilings formed as a simple covering or lining E04F0013000000) E04B0005540000 comprising slabs, sheets, or the like (E04B0005580000-E04B0005620000; take precedence;slabs, sheets, or the like per E04C0002000000) E04B0005550000 Construction of supporting means therefor, e.g. framework E04B0005570000 Means for connecting slabs or sheets to their supports (connections for building structures in general E04B0001380000-E04B0001600000, especially E04B0001600000);; E04B0005580000 Suspension means adjustable in vertical or horizontal direction E04B0005600000 supported only at the edges E04B0005620000 Translucent sub-ceilings, e.g. glass ceilings, grid-like ceilings E04B0007000000 Roofs (ceilings E04B0005520000;structures for roofs as well as for floors E04B0005000000; roof covering E04D; roof trusses, truss-like structures, joists E04C0003020000; self-supporting roof slabs E04C0002500000; floating roofs for containers E04H0007120000; greenhouses A01G0009140000) E04B0007020000 with plane sloping surfaces, e.g. saddle roofs (E04B0007120000 takes precedence);; E04B0007040000 supported by horizontal beams or the equivalent resting on the walls (E04B0007060000 takes precedence);; E04B0007060000 Constructions of roof intersections or hopped ends E04B0007080000 Vaulted roofs (E04B0007140000 takes precedence;vaulted structures in general E04B0001320000; inflatable roofs E04B0001345000; inflatable forms E04G0011040000) E04B0007100000 Shell structures, e.g. of hyperbolic-parabolic shape; Grid-like formations acting as shell structures; Folded structures E04B0007120000 formed in bays, e.g. saw-tooth roofs (E04B0007100000 takes precedence);; E04B0007140000 Suspended roofs (tent-like buildings, e.g. with flexible skins acting as part of the structure, E04B0001347000);; E04B0007160000 Roof structures with movable roof parts (buildings for special purposes E04H);; E04B0007180000 Special structures in or on roofs, e.g. dormer windows (in connection with roof coverings E04D0013000000, especially domes E04D0013030000);; E04C STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS; BUILDING MATERIALS (for bridges E01D;specially designed for insulation or other protection E04B; elements used as building aids E04G; for mining E21; for tunnels E01G; structural elements with broader range of application than for building engineering F16, particularly F16S) E04C0001000000 Building elements of block or other shape for the construction of parts of buildings (of relatively thin form E04C0002000000;structural elongated load-supporting members, e.g. joists, trusses, lintels, or the like E04C0003000000; manufacture or material of building bricks, stones, or the like B28, C03, C04; paving elements E01C; specially designed for insulation or other protection E04B0001620000; structural elements specially designed for built-in conduit shafts E04F; special elements for building ovens or furnaces F24B, F27D) E04C0001040000 Elements for building-up walls or pillars (E04C0001390000-E04C0001420000; take precedence);; E04C0001060000 characterised by cavities (E04C0001120000 takes precedence);; E04C0001070000 with fully-enclosed cavities E04C0001080000 with full-through cavities, e.g. with longitudinal or vertical holes or with cross-holes E04C0001100000 characterised by specially designed means for stabilising the position, e.g. stones with tongues, grooves, or dovetails E04C0001120000 characterised by a shape differing from that of a parallelepiped, e.g. triangular, L-, T-shaped cross-section E04C0001140000 formed of two parts kept in distance by spacers E04C0001160000 the parts having cavities E04C0001180000 the parts being solid E04C0001240000 Elements for building-up floors, ceilings, roofs, arches, or beams (E04C0001040000, E04C0001390000-E04C0001420000; take precedence;flooring E04F0015000000) E04C0001260000 special features of elements with load-carrying function E04C0001280000 for floors, ceilings, or roofs E04C0001300000 shaped to interengage E04C0001320000 for beams E04C0001340000 designed for use as filling elements E04C0001360000 between joists or girders E04C0001380000 in ribbed or cross-ribbed floors, ceilings, or roofs consisting of reinforced concrete E04C0001390000 characterised by special adaptations, e.g. serving for locating conduits, for forming soffits, cornices, or shelves, for fixing wall-plates or door-frames, for claustra E04C0001400000 built-up from parts of different materials, e.g. composed of layers of different materials or stones with filling material or with insulating inserts E04C0001420000 of glass or other transparent material E04C0002000000 Building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings, e.g. sheet materials, slabs, or panels (made in situ E04B;specially designed for insulation or other protection E04B0001620000; roof or like covering elements E04D0003000000; for lining or finishing E04F0013000000; materials or manufacture, see the relevant sub-classes, e.g. B29J, D21J) E04C0002020000 characterised by specified materials (translucent E04C0002540000);; E04C0002040000 of concrete or other stone-like substance, of asbestos cement (E04C0002260000 takes precedence;material or manufacture B28, C04) E04C0002060000 reinforced E04C0002080000 of metal, e.g. sheet metal (E04C0002260000 takes precedence);; E04C0002100000 of wood, fibres, chips, vegetable stems, or the like; of plastics; of foamed products (E04C0002260000 takes precedence);; E04C0002120000 of solid wood E04C0002140000 reinforced E04C0002160000 of fibres, chips, vegetable stems, or the like E04C0002180000 with binding wires, reinforcing bars, or the like E04C0002200000 of plastics E04C0002220000 reinforced E04C0002240000 laminated and composed of materials covered by two or more of groups ; E04C0002120000, E04C0002160000, E04C0002200000 E04C0002260000 composed of materials covered by two or more of groups ; E04C0002040000, E04C0002080000, E04C0002100000, or of materials covered by one of these groups with a material not specified in one of these groups E04C0002280000 combinations of materials fully covered by groups E04C0002040000 and E04C0002080000; (reinforced concrete E04C0002060000);; E04C0002300000 characterised by the shape or structure (translucent E04C0002540000);; E04C0002320000 formed of corrugated or otherwise indented sheet-like material; composed of such layers with or without layers of flat sheet-like material E04C0002340000 composed of two or more spaced sheet-like parts (E04C0002320000 takes precedence);; E04C0002360000 spaced apart by transversely-placed strip material, e.g. honeycomb panels (honeycomb or other core members for layered products B32B);; E04C0002380000 with attached ribs, flanges, or the like, e.g. framed panels E04C0002400000 composed of a number of smaller components rigidly or movably connected together, e.g. interlocking, hingedly connected E04C0002420000 Gratings; Grid-like panels (reinforcing elements E04C0005000000;built-in gratings E04F0019100000; gratings in general F16S0003000000) E04C0002440000 characterised by the purpose E04C0002460000 specially adapted for making walls (E04C0002520000, E04C0002540000 take precedence;structures of slab-shaped elements E04B0001020000; walls of elements of relatively thin form E04B0002720000) E04C0002480000 as high as or higher than the room, i.e. having provisions concerning the connection with at least two floors (E04C0002520000, E04C0002540000 take precedence);; E04C0002500000 Self-supporting slabs specially adapted for making floors, ceilings, or roofs, e.g. able to be loaded (E04C0002520000, E04C0002540000 take precedence;structures of slab-shaped elements E04B0001020000; floor structures E04B0005000000; ceilings E04B0005520000; roof coverings E04D; floor coverings E04F0015000000) E04C0002520000 with special adaptations for auxiliary purposes, e.g. serving for locating conduits (E04C0002540000 takes precedence;block-shaped elements therefor E04C0001390000; floor structures incorporating ducts E04B0005480000) E04C0002540000 Slab-like translucent elements E04C0003000000 Structural elongated members designed for load-supporting (as building aids E04G);; E04C0003020000 Joists; Girders, trusses, or truss-like structures, e.g. prefabricated; Lintels; Transoms (E04C0003380000 takes precedence;for structures characterised by movable, separable, or collapsible parts E04B0001343000) E04C0003040000 of metal (E04C0003290000 takes precedence;as reinforcing elements E04C0005060000; manufacture B21) E04C0003060000 with substantially solid, i.e. unapertured, web (E04C0003100000, E04C0003110000 take precedence);; E04C0003070000 at least partly of bent or otherwise deformed strip- or sheet-like material E04C0003080000 with apertured web, e.g. with a web consisting of bar-like components; Honeycomb girders (E04C0003100000, E04C0003110000 take precedence);; E04C0003090000 at least partly of bent or otherwise deformed strip- or sheet-like material E04C0003100000 prestressed E04C0003110000 with non-parallel upper and lower edges, e.g. roof trusses (arched girders, portal frames E04C0003380000);; E04C0003120000 of wood, e.g. with reinforcements, with tensioning members (E04C0003292000 takes precedence);; E04C0003140000 with substantially solid, i.e. unapertured, web (E04C0003170000, E04C0003180000 take precedence);; E04C0003160000 with apertured web, e.g. trusses (E04C0003170000, E04C0003180000 take precedence);; E04C0003170000 with non-parallel upper and lower edges, e.g. roof trusses E04C0003180000 with metal reinforcements or tensioning members E04C0003200000 of concrete or other stone-like material, e.g. with reinforcements or tensioning members (reinforcing elements E04C0005000000);; E04C0003220000 built-up by elements joined in line E04C0003260000 prestressed (E04C0003220000, E04C0003290000 take precedence;prestressing members E04C0005080000) E04C0003280000 of other materials E04C0003290000 built-up from parts of different materials E04C0003292000 the materials being wood and metal E04C0003293000 the materials being steel and concrete (concrete with internal reinforcements or tensioning members E04C0003200000);; E04C0003294000 of concrete combined with a girder-like structure extending laterally outside the element (light-weight girders used as reinforcement E04C0005065000;as part of a floor structure E04B0005230000) E04C0003300000 Columns; Pillars; Struts (not designed for end loading E04C0003020000;posts, masts, as independent structures E04H0012000000) E04C0003320000 of metal (E04C0003360000 takes precedence);; E04C0003340000 of concrete or other stone-like material, with or without permanent form elements, with or without internal or external reinforcement, e.g. metal coverings (E04C0003360000 takes precedence);; E04C0003360000 of other materials E04C0003380000 Arched girders or portal frames (straight girders able to be bent E04C0003020000;inflatable E04B0001345000) E04C0003400000 of metal (E04C0003460000 takes precedence);; E04C0003420000 of wood, e.g. units for rafter roofs (E04C0003460000 takes precedence);; E04C0003440000 of concrete or other stone-like material, e.g. with reinforcements or tensioning members (E04C0003460000 takes precedence);; E04C0003460000 of other materials E04C0005000000 Reinforcing elements, e.g. for concrete; Auxiliary elements therefor (material composition C21, C22;arrangements of reinforcing elements, see the relevant classes); E04C0005010000 Reinforcing elements of steel, e.g. with coatings E04C0005020000 of low bending resistance E04C0005030000 with indentations, projections, ribs, or the like, for augmenting the adherence to the concrete E04C0005040000 Mats (bases for plaster E04F0013040000);; E04C0005060000 of high bending resistance; Basket-like units E04C0005065000 Light-weight girders, e.g. with precast parts (light-weight girders in general E04C0003080000, E04C0003294000);; E04C0005070000 Reinforcing elements of other material than steel, e.g. of glass, of plastics, or not exclusively made of steel E04C0005080000 Members specially adapted to be used in prestressed constructions E04C0005100000 Ducts E04C0005120000 Anchoring devices (tools or methods for tensioning E04G0021120000);; E04C0005160000 Auxiliary parts for reinforcements, e.g. connectors, spacers, stirrups (tools for connecting reinforcing elements E04G0021120000);; E04C0005180000 of metal or substantially of metal E04C0005200000 of other material than metal or with only additional metal parts, e.g. concrete or plastics spacers with metal binding wires E04D ROOF COVERINGS; SKY-LIGHTS; GUTTERS; ROOF-WORKING TOOLS E04D0001000000 Roof covering by making use of tiles, slates, shingles, or other small roofing elements (roofing supports E04D0012000000);; E04D0001020000 Grooved or vaulted roofing elements (E04D0001280000, E04D0001300000 take precedence);; E04D0001040000 of ceramics, glass or concrete, with or without reinforcement E04D0001060000 of metal E04D0001080000 of plastics; of fibrous materials E04D0001100000 of specified materials, or of combinations of materials, not covered in any one of groups ; E04D0001040000-E04D0001080000 E04D0001120000 Roofing elements shaped as plain tiles or shingles, i.e. with flat outer surface (E04D0001280000, E04D0001300000 take precedence);; E04D0001140000 of slate material, with or without fastening means E04D0001160000 of ceramics, glass or concrete, with or without reinforcement E04D0001180000 of metal E04D0001200000 of plastics, fibrous materials, or wood E04D0001220000 of specified materials, or of combinations of materials, not covered by any one of groups ; E04D0001140000-E04D0001200000 E04D0001240000 Roofing elements with cavities, e.g. hollow tiles (E04D0001280000 takes precedence);; E04D0001260000 Strip-shaped roofing elements appearing as a row of shingles E04D0001280000 Roofing elements comprising two or more layers, e.g. for insulation E04D0001300000 Special roof-covering elements, e.g. ridge tiles, gutter tiles, gable tiles, ventilation tiles (E04D0003400000 takes precedence);; E04D0001340000 Fastenings for attaching roof-covering elements to the supporting elements E04D0001360000 Devices for sealing the spaces or joints between roof-covering elements E04D0003000000 Roof covering by making use of flat or curved slabs or stiff sheets (E04D0001000000 takes precedence;built-up roofs E04D0011020000) E04D0003020000 of plane slabs, slates, or sheets, or in which the cross-section is unimportant (E04D0003350000 takes precedence);; E04D0003040000 of concrete or ceramics (of asbestos cement E04D0003180000);; E04D0003060000 of glass or other translucent material; Fixing means therefor (fixing glass panes by means applicable to windows E06B0003540000);; E04D0003080000 with metal glazing bars E04D0003140000 with glazing bars of other material, e.g. of glass E04D0003160000 of metal E04D0003180000 of specified materials, or of combinations of materials, not covered by any of groups ; E04D0003040000, E04D0003060000; or E04D0003160000 E04D0003240000 with special cross-section, e.g. with corrugations on both sides, with ribs, flanges, or the like (E04D0003350000 takes precedence);; E04D0003260000 of concrete or ceramics E04D0003280000 of glass E04D0003300000 of metal E04D0003320000 of plastics, fibrous materials, or asbestos cement E04D0003340000 of specified materials, or of combinations of materials, not covered by any one of groups ; E04D0003260000-E04D0003320000 E04D0003350000 Roofing slabs or stiff sheets comprising two or more layers, e.g. for insulation E04D0003360000 Connecting; Fastening E04D0003361000 by specially-profiled marginal portions of the slabs or sheets E04D0003362000 by interlocking of the edge of the one slab or sheet within the profiled marginal portion of the adjacent slab or sheet, e.g. with use of separate connecting means E04D0003363000 with snap action (E04D0003366000 takes precedence);; E04D0003364000 by folding of the edges E04D0003365000 by simple overlapping of the marginal portions with use of separate connecting means, e.g. hooks or bolts for corrugated sheets E04D0003366000 by closing the space between the slabs or sheets by gutters, bulges, or bridging elements, e.g. strips E04D0003368000 by forcefitting of the marginal portions of adjacent slabs or sheets E04D0003369000 by welding of the marginal portions of adjacent slabs or sheets E04D0003380000 Devices for sealing spaces or joints between roof-covering elements (E04D0003360000 takes precedence);; E04D0003400000 Slabs or sheets locally modified for auxiliary purposes, e.g. for resting on walls, for serving as guttering; Elements for particular purposes, e.g. ridge elements, specially designed for use in conjunction with slabs or sheets E04D0005000000 Roof covering by making use of flexible material, e.g. supplied in roll form (using stiff sheets E04D0003000000;gravelling of flat roofs E04D0007000000; built-up roofs E04D0011020000) E04D0005020000 of materials impregnated with sealing substances, e.g. roofing felt E04D0005040000 by making use of metal foils E04D0005060000 by making use of plastics E04D0005080000 by making use of other materials E04D0005100000 by making use of compounded or laminated materials, e.g. metal foils or plastic films coated with bitumen (E04D0005120000 takes precedence);; E04D0005120000 specially modified, e.g. perforated, with granulated surface, with attached pads E04D0005140000 Fastening means therefor E04D0007000000 Roof covering by sealing masses applied ; in situGravelling of flat roofs E04D0009000000 Roof covering by using straw, thatch, or like materials (impregnation against incendiary damage B27K);; E04D0011000000 Roof covering, as far as not restricted to features covered by only one of groups ; E04D0001000000-E04D0009000000; Roof covering in ways not provided for by groups ; E04D0001000000-E04D0009000000 E04D0011020000 Built-up roofs, i.e. consisting of two or more layers bonded together in situ, at least one of the layers being of watertight composition(gravelling of flat roofs E04D0007000000;vents per E04D0013160000) E04D0012000000 Non-structural supports for roofing materials, e.g. battens, boards (E04D0011020000 takes precedence);; E04D0013000000 Special arrangements or devices in connection with roof coverings; Roof drainage (roofing elements therefor, in the relevant groupsinternal channels E04F0017000000) E04D0013020000 Roof-covering aspects of dormer windows (E04D0013140000 takes precedence;structures therefor E04B0007180000) E04D0013030000 Sky-lights; Domes; Ventilating sky-lights (E04D0013140000 takes precedence;structures therefor E04B0007180000) E04D0013035000 characterised by having movable parts E04D0013040000 Roof drainage; Drainage fittings in flat roofs (gutter tiles E04D0001300000;gutter slabs E04D0003400000; street gullies E03F0005040000) E04D0013060000 Gutters; Devices or arrangements for removing snow or ice from gutters E04D0013080000 Down pipes; Special clamping means therefor (clamping pipes in general F16B, F16L);; E04D0013100000 Snow traps E04D0013120000 Devices or arrangements allowing walking on the roof or in the gutter E04D0013140000 Junctions of roof sheathings to chimneys or other parts extending above the roof E04D0013150000 Trimming strips; Edge strips; Fascias E04D0013160000 Additional insulating or ventilating devices or arrangements in so far as the roof covering is concerned (ventilation tiles E04D0001300000;ventilation slabs E04D0003400000, E04D0011020000; methods for keeping dry building structures in general E04B0001700000; buildings for extreme climates E04H0009160000) E04D0015000000 Apparatus or tools for roof working E04D0015020000 for roof coverings comprising tiles, shingles, or like roofing elements E04D0015040000 for roof coverings comprising slabs, sheets, or flexible material E04D0015060000 for handling roofing or sealing material in roll form E04D0015070000 for handling roofing or sealing material in bulk form E04D0015080000 for roof drying E04F FINISHING WORK ON BUILDINGS, e.g. STAIRS, FLOORS (windows, doors E06B);; E04F0010000000 Sunshades; Awnings (baldachins A45B, A45F, E04H;for tents A45F0001140000) E04F0010020000 of flexible canopy materials, e.g. canvas E04F0010040000 with material fixed on sections of a collapsible frame E04F0010060000 comprising a roller-blind with means for holding the end away from a building E04F0010080000 of a plurality of similar rigid parts, e.g. slabs, lamellae (rigidly-arranged sunshade roofs with coherent surfaces E04B0007000000);; E04F0010100000 collapsible E04F0011000000 Stairways, ramps, or like structures (mounting or marking-off stairways E04F0021260000;of temporary construction E04G0027000000); Balustrades; Handrails (built-in ladders E06C);; E04F0011020000 not characterised by the material; Lay-out of the stairway E04F0011040000 Movable stairways, e.g. loft ladders which may or may not be concealable or extensible (ship ladders B63B;stairs for aircraft B64F; escalators B66B) E04F0011060000 collapsible, e.g. folding, telescopic E04F0011080000 characterised by the material E04F0011100000 of wood E04F0011120000 of metal E04F0011140000 of stone or stone-like material, e.g. concrete (manufacture of concrete articles B28B;manufacture in forms in situ E04G) E04F0011160000 Surface of steps; Protecting means for edges or corners (loosely laid coverings A47G0027000000);; E04F0011180000 Balustrades; Handrails (guard-rails on ships B63B;for bridges E01D; for roads E01F, E01F0015000000; fences E04H0017000000) E04F0013000000 Coverings or linings in general, specially for walls or ceilings (floorings E04F0015000000;construction of ceilings E04B0005000000; roofings or similar covering against precipitations E04D; decoration of surfaces, mosaic work B44) E04F0013020000 of plastic materials hardening after applying, e.g. plaster (surface treatment in painting technique B44D;inorganic or bituminous masses C04B; organic plastics C08) E04F0013040000 Bases for plaster (sub-ceilings with plaster-carrying means E04B0005520000);; E04F0013060000 Edge-protecting borders E04F0013080000 composed of a number of similar elements, e.g. carried by webs (of fabrics E04F0013200000;borders E04F0019020000; skirtings E04F0019040000; joint covering E04F0019060000) E04F0013100000 of wood E04F0013120000 of metal E04F0013140000 of stone or stone-like materials; of glass E04F0013160000 of fibres or chips E04F0013180000 of organic plastics with or without reinforcements or filling materials (of plastic-bound fibres or chips E04F0013160000);; E04F0013200000 made of webs, e.g. of fabrics, of wallpaper (of a number of similar elements carried by webs E04F0013080000;tapestry B44; paperhanging B44C0007000000; paper D21H) E04F0015000000 Flooring (stair treads E04F0011160000;coverings not specially adapted for floors E04F0013000000; skirting E04F0019040000; joint-covering E04F0019060000; gratings for cleaning soles of footwear A47L0023240000; of similar materials to roads E01C; basic or rough floors E04B0005000000) E04F0015020000 Flooring or floor layers composed of a number of similar elements (of webs E04F0015160000);; E04F0015024000 Sectional false floors, e.g. computer floors E04F0015040000 only of wood, e.g. with wooden connecting members (rollable parquet E04F0015160000);; E04F0015060000 of metal, whether or not in combination with other material (gratings as building elements E04C0002420000);; E04F0015080000 only of stone or stone-like material, e.g. concrete; of glass E04F0015100000 of other materials, e.g. fibrous or chipped materials, organic plastics, magnesite, hardboard E04F0015120000 Flooring or floor layers made of masses in situ, e.g. seamless magnesite floors, terrazzo(inorganic or bituminous masses C04B;organic plastic masses C08) E04F0015140000 Construction of joints, e.g. dividing strips E04F0015160000 Flooring, e.g. parquet on flexible web laid as flexible webs; Webs specially adapted for use as flooring (webs in general, manufacturing of webs, see the relevant classes;linoleum B32, D06N) E04F0015180000 Separately-laid insulating layers; Other additional insulating measures; Floating floors (insulating of buildings in general E04B0001620000);; E04F0015200000 for sound insulation E04F0015220000 Resiliently-mounted floors, e.g. sprung floors E04F0017000000 Vertical ducts; Channels, e.g. for drainage (pipes in general F16L;pipe-line systems F17D) E04F0017020000 for carrying away waste gases, e.g. flue gases (free-standing chimneys E04H0012280000;connections between fireplace and chimney, chimney fittings, covers for cleaning holes of chimneys F23J; chimney tops F23L); Building elements specially designed therefor, e.g. shaped bricks or sets thereof E04F0017040000 Air-ducts or air channels E04F0017060000 Light shafts, e.g. for cellars E04F0017080000 for receiving installation lines (covers giving access to the ducts or channels, covers of inspection holes E04F0019080000;shafts or channels arranged underground outside buildings E02D0029100000) E04F0017100000 Arrangements in buildings for the disposal of refuse (refuse bins, gathering or removal of refuse B65F);; E04F0017120000 Chutes E04F0019000000 Other details of constructional parts for finishing work on buildings (ladders, e.g. climbing irons, E06C0009040000);; E04F0019020000 Borders; Finishing strips, e.g. beadings; Light coves (for protecting edges of plaster E04F0013060000);; E04F0019040000 for use between floor, or ceiling and wall, e.g. skirtings E04F0019060000 specially designed for securing panels E04F0019080000 Built-in cupboards; Masks of niches; Covers of holes enabling access to installations (clean-out doors of chimneys F23J);; E04F0019100000 Built-in gratings, e.g. foot-scrapers E04F0021000000 Implements for finishing work on buildings (designed specifically for special details provided for in the preceding groups, see the relevant groups for the details;for working or treating building elements of stone or stone-like materials B28D) E04F0021020000 for applying plasticised masses to surfaces, e.g. plastering walls (specially for flooring E04F0021200000;implements for painting or decorating B44) E04F0021040000 Patterns or templates; Jointing rulers E04F0021050000 Supports for jointing rulers E04F0021060000 Implements for applying plaster, insulating material, or the like E04F0021080000 Mechanical implements (E04F0021140000 takes precedence;spraying in general B05B; sand-blasting B24C; decorative coating B44D0001080000) E04F0021100000 centrifugally acting E04F0021120000 acting by gas pressure, e.g. steam pressure E04F0021140000 in shafts, e.g. chimneys E04F0021160000 Implements for after-treatment of plaster or the like, e.g. smoothing-tools, profile trowels E04F0021170000 Tools for cleaning joints; Jointers; Tools for filling cracks (bricklayers' tools E04G0021160000);; E04F0021180000 for setting wall or ceiling slabs or plates (tools for mosaic work B44C);; E04F0021200000 for laying flooring (made of similar material to roads or pavements E01C);; E04F0021220000 of single elements, e.g. flooring cramps E04F0021240000 of masses made ; in situ, e.g. smoothing tolls E04F0021260000 for mounting staircases, e.g. tools for marking steps E04F0021280000 for glazing (glass cutters C03B0033100000);; E04F0021300000 Putty squeezers or guns E04F0021320000 Putty knives; Putty removers E04G SCAFFOLDING; FORMS; SHUTTERING; BUILDING IMPLEMENTS AND OTHER BUILDING AIDS, AND THEIR USE; HANDLING BUILDING MATERIALS ON THE SITE; REPAIRING, BREAKING-UP AND OTHER WORK ON EXISTING BUILDINGS E04G0001000000 Scaffolding primarily resting on the ground E04G0001020000 composed essentially of members elongated in one dimension only, e.g. poles, lattice masts, with or without end portions of special form, connected together by any means E04G0001040000 the members being exclusively poles, rods, beams, or other members of similar form and simple cross-section E04G0001060000 comprising members with rod-like or tubular portions fitting together end to end, with or without separate connecting pieces E04G0001080000 secured together by bolts or the like penetrating the members E04G0001100000 Timber-work constructions E04G0001120000 comprising members of special, e.g. composite, cross-section, or with lugs or the like or lateral apertures for supporting or attaching other members E04G0001140000 comprising essentially pre-assembled frame-like or related elements, e.g. of rods in L, H, or box-shape, with or without bracing (E04G0001150000 takes precedence);; E04G0001150000 essentially comprising special means for supporting or forming platforms (E04G0001200000 takes precedence);;Platforms E04G0001160000 essentially comprising simple members and members formed so as to give rigidity to the structure E04G0001180000 adjustable in height E04G0001200000 Scaffolding comprising upright members and provision for supporting cross-members or platforms at different positions therealong E04G0001220000 Scaffolding having a platform on an extensible substructure, e.g. of telescopic type or with lazy-tongs mechanism E04G0001240000 comprising essentially special base constructions; comprising essentially special ground-engaging parts, e.g. inclined struts, wheels (component parts E04G0005000000);; E04G0001260000 Auxiliary structures for scaffolding, e.g. steps, canopies, railings E04G0001280000 designed to provide support only at a low height E04G0001300000 Ladder scaffolding E04G0001320000 Other free-standing supports, e.g. using trestles (stands or trestles in general F16M0011000000);; E04G0001340000 Scaffold constructions able to be folded in prismatic and/or flat parts or able to be turned down E04G0001360000 Scaffolds for particular parts of buildings or buildings of particular shape, e.g. for stairs, cupolas, domes E04G0003000000 Scaffolds essentially supported by building constructions, e.g. adjustable in height (E04G0001000000 takes precedence);; E04G0003020000 for use without permanent provision on the building E04G0003040000 attached to the side of a building (E04G0003100000 takes precedence);; E04G0003060000 comprising cantilevers which are detachably mounted on the building, e.g. in window openings E04G0003080000 adapted to be attached to walls by hooks or the like, e.g. bracket scaffolds E04G0003100000 Hanging scaffolds, e.g. which can be shifted or have vertically-displaceable platforms E04G0003120000 Scaffolds specially adapted for working on roofs E04G0003140000 requiring permanent provision, e.g. rails, on the building; Permanent scaffold-like arrangements for inspection or repair work E04G0003160000 Movable platforms or cradles; Movable supports therefor (E04G0003100000 takes precedence);; E04G0005000000 Component parts for workmen's scaffolds (connections E04G0007000000);; E04G0005020000 Scaffold feet, e.g. with arrangements for adjustment E04G0005040000 Means for fastening, supporting, or bracing scaffolds on or against building constructions (fastenings in general F16B);; E04G0005060000 Consoles; Brackets E04G0005080000 Scaffold boards or planks (platforms E04G0001160000);; E04G0007000000 Connections between parts of the scaffold (for building structures in general E04B0001380000;connections in general F16B) E04G0007020000 with separate coupling elements E04G0007040000 Flexible elements, with or without brackets, e.g. ropes, cables, chains (in general F16G);; E04G0007060000 Stiff scaffolding clamps for connecting scaffold members of common shape E04G0007080000 Clamps for parallelly-arranged members E04G0007100000 Self-tightening clamps, e.g. stirrups E04G0007120000 Clamps or clips for crossing members (E04G0007220000 takes precedence);; E04G0007140000 for clamping the members independently E04G0007160000 of which the clamping parts for the different members are rotatable with respect to one another E04G0007180000 for clamping the members against one another or against a separate cushioning piece between them E04G0007200000 for ends of members only, e.g. for connecting members in end-to-end relation E04G0007220000 for scaffold members in end-to-side relation E04G0007240000 Couplings involving arrangements covered by more than one of the groups ; E04G0007080000, E04G0007120000, E04G0007200000, E04G0007220000 E04G0007260000 for use with specially-shaped scaffold members E04G0007280000 Clips or connections for securing boards (brackets E04G0005060000);; E04G0007300000 Scaffolding bars or members with non-detachably fixed coupling elements E04G0009000000 Forming or shuttering elements for general use E04G0009020000 Forming boards or similar elements (E04G0009080000, E04G0009100000 take precedence);; E04G0009040000 of wood E04G0009060000 of metal E04G0009080000 Forming boards or similar elements, which are collapsible, foldable, or able to be rolled up E04G0009100000 with additional peculiarities such as surface shaping, insulating or heating, permeability to water or air E04G0011000000 Forms, shutterings, or falsework for making walls, floors, ceilings, or roofs E04G0011020000 for rooms as a whole, whole storeys, or whole buildings E04G0011040000 for structures of spherical, spheroid or similar shape, or for cupola structures of circular or polygonal horizontal or vertical section; Inflatable forms E04G0011060000 for walls, e.g. curved (E04G0011040000 takes precedence);; E04G0011080000 Forms, which are completely dismantled after setting of the concrete and re-built for the next pouring (connecting or supporting means for forms E04G0017000000);; E04G0011100000 of elements without beams (E04G0011180000 takes precedence);; E04G0011120000 of elements and beams (E04G0011180000 takes precedence);; E04G0011140000 with beams arranged in alignment with and between the elements E04G0011160000 with beams placed within the wall E04G0011180000 for double walls E04G0011200000 Movable forms; Movable forms for moulding cylindrical, conical, or hyperbolical structures; Templates serving as forms for positioning blocks or the like (E04G0011040000 takes precedence);; E04G0011220000 Sliding forms raised continuously or step-by-step and being in contact with the poured concrete during raising; Arrangements of lifting means therefor E04G0011240000 Construction of lifting jacks or climbing rods for sliding forms (climbing-type hoisting units in general B66F);; E04G0011260000 the sheathing of which consists of ribbons, endless aprons, or the like, guided by driven rollers E04G0011280000 Climbing forms, i.e. forms which are not in contact with the poured concrete during lifting from layer to layer E04G0011300000 which are lifted from layer to layer by turning, tilting, or similar moving upwards about a horizontal axis E04G0011320000 Tiltable forms or tilting tables for making walls as a whole or in parts ; in situ E04G0011340000 Horizontally-travelling moulds for making walls blockwise or section-wise (E04G0011260000 takes precedence);; E04G0011360000 for floors, ceilings, or roofs of plane or curved surfaces E04G0011380000 for plane ceilings of concrete E04G0011400000 for coffered or ribbed ceilings E04G0011420000 with beams of metal or prefabricated concrete E04G0011440000 with supporting beams for the shuttering used simultaneously as permanent reinforcement of the ribs E04G0011460000 of hat-like or trough-like shape encasing a rib or the section between two ribs or encasing one rib and its adjacent flat floor or ceiling section E04G0011480000 Supporting structures for shutterings or frames for floors or roofs (struts E04G0025000000);; E04G0011500000 Girders, beams, or the like as supporting members for forms (members, e.g. consoles, for attachment to the wall E04G0017160000;girders intended to form part of the construction E04C0003020000) E04G0011520000 of several units arranged one after another E04G0011540000 of extensible type, with or without adjustable supporting shoes, fishplates, or the like E04G0011560000 of telescopic type E04G0013000000 Falsework, forms, or shutterings for particular parts of buildings, e.g. stairs, steps, cornices, balconies E04G0013020000 for columns or like pillars; Special tying or clamping means therefor E04G0013040000 for lintels, beams, or transoms to be encased separately; Special tying or clamping means therefor (members, e.g. consoles, for attachment to the wall E04G0017160000);; E04G0013060000 for stairs, steps, cornices, balconies, or other parts corbelled out of the wall E04G0015000000 Forms or shuttings for making openings, cavities, slits, or channels (forming part of shuttering for walls E04G0011060000);; E04G0015020000 for windows, doors, or the like E04G0015040000 Cores for anchor holes or the like E04G0015060000 for cavities or channels in walls or floors, e.g. for making chimneys E04G0017000000 Connecting or other auxiliary members for forms, falsework structures, or shutterings E04G0017020000 Connecting or fastening means for non-metallic forming or stiffening elements E04G0017040000 Connecting or fastening means for metallic forming or stiffening elements E04G0017060000 Tying means; Spacers E04G0017080000 Tying rods E04G0017100000 Tying means with wires, bands, cables, or similar flexible means as tensile members E04G0017120000 with arms engaging the forms E04G0017140000 Bracing or strutting arrangements for formwalls; Devices for aligning forms (E04G0025000000 takes precedence);; E04G0017160000 Members, e.g. consoles, for attachment to the wall to support girders, beams, or the like carrying forms or moulds for floors, lintels, or transoms E04G0017180000 Devices for suspending or anchoring form elements to girders placed in ceilings, e.g. hangers E04G0019000000 Auxiliary treatment of forms, e.g. dismantling; Cleaning devices (lubricants for encasing purposes C10M);; E04G0021000000 Preparing, conveying, or working-up building materials or building elements ; in situOther devices or measures for constructional work (working stone-like materials B28D;conveying in general B65G; lifting devices B66; measuring instruments G01) E04G0021020000 Conveying or working-up concrete or similar masses able to be heaped or cast (working concrete in general, e.g. mixing machines, B28C;composition of concrete C04B; construction and surfacing of floorings made of similar material to roads or pavements E01C; in connection with barrages E02B0007000000; in connection with foundations E02D0015000000; in connection with finishing work E04F) E04G0021040000 Devices for both conveying and distributing (concrete pumps F04);; E04G0021060000 Solidifying concrete, e.g. by application of vacuum before hardening (for road building E01C0019000000;devices for solidifying also soil E02D0003020000) E04G0021080000 Internal vibrators (generating vibrations in general B06B);; E04G0021100000 Devices for levelling, e.g. templates or boards (smoothing tools E04F0021160000, E04F0021240000);; E04G0021120000 Mounting of reinforcing inserts; Prestressing (shell tubes for prestressing members E04C0005100000;anchoring means E04C0005120000; connections of reinforcing elements and spacers E04C0005160000) E04G0021140000 Conveying or assembling building elements (roofing E04D;finishing work E04F) E04G0021160000 Tools or apparatus (devices for erecting fences E04H0017260000);; E04G0021180000 Adjusting tools; Templates E04G0021200000 for applying mortar E04G0021220000 for setting building elements with mortar, e.g. brick-laying machines E04G0021240000 Safety or protective measures preventing damage to building parts or finishing work during construction (as auxiliary structures for scaffolding E04G0001260000);; E04G0021260000 Strutting means for wall parts; Supports or the like, e.g. for holding in position prefabricated walls (E04G0025000000 takes precedence;on existing buildings E04G0023040000) E04G0021280000 against unfavourable weather influence E04G0021300000 against mechanical damage or dirt, e.g. guard covers of stairs E04G0021320000 Safety or protective measures for persons during the construction of buildings (relating to scaffolding E04G0001000000, E04G0003000000;ropes or belts for life saving A62B0001160000, A62B0035000000; climbing tools, e.g. climbing irons for masts A63B0027000000) E04G0023000000 Working measures on existing buildings (on foundations E02D0035000000, E02D0037000000;in connection with insulations E04B; subsequent or finishing work E04F) E04G0023020000 Repairing, e.g. filling cracks; Restoring; Altering; Enlarging E04G0023040000 Propping of endangered or damaged buildings or building parts, e.g. with respect to air-raid action (struts E04G0025000000);; E04G0023060000 Separating, lifting, removing of buildings; Making a new substructure E04G0023080000 Wrecking of buildings (of fences E04H0017260000);; E04G0025000000 Shores or struts (specially designed for use in mines E21D0015000000);;Chocks E04G0025020000 non-telescopic E04G0025040000 telescopic E04G0025060000 with parts held together by positive means E04G0025080000 with parts held relatively to each other by friction or gripping E04G0027000000 Temporary arrangements for giving access from one level to another for men or vehicles, e.g. steps, ramps (for scaffolding E04G0001260000;gangways B63; lifts B66; portable bridges E01D0015000000; permanent stairways or ramps E04F0011000000; ladders E06C) E04H BUILDINGS OR LIKE STRUCTURES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES; MASTS; FENCING (foundations E02D);; E04H0001000000 Buildings or groups of buildings for dwelling or office purposes; General lay-out, e.g. modular co-ordination, staggered storeys (E04H0003000000 takes precedence;buildings for two or more purposes, e.g. drive-in buildings, E04H0014000000; building construction in general E04B0001000000) E04H0001020000 Dwelling houses; Buildings for temporary habitation (small erections for limited occupation E04H0001120000);; E04H0001040000 Apartment houses arranged in two or more levels E04H0001060000 Office buildings; Banks (E04H0001120000 takes precedence;furniture or fittings for offices, shops, or the stores A47F) E04H0001120000 Small buildings or other erections for limited occupation, erected in the open air or arranged in buildings, e.g. kiosks, waiting shelters for bus stops or for filling stations, roofs for railway platforms, watchmen's huts, dressing cubicles (movable screens as household equipment A47G0005000000);; E04H0001140000 Telephone cabinets E04H0003000000 Buildings or groups of buildings for public or similar purposes; Institutions, e.g. infirmaries, prisons (portions of buildings for individual occupation, e.g. cubicles E04H0001000000;structures covering a large free area E04B0001342000) E04H0003020000 Hotels; Motels; Coffee-houses; Restaurants; Shops; Department stores E04H0003040000 Restaurants or shops having arrangements for self-service (paying counters A47F0009020000;furniture or installations specially adapted for supermarkets A47F0010000000; transport aspects B65G; coin-freed apparatus G07F) E04H0003060000 Museums; Library buildings E04H0003080000 Hospitals, infirmaries, or the like; Schools; Prisons E04H0003100000 for meetings, entertainments, or sports E04H0003120000 Tribunes or grandstands (chairs, stools, benches A47C);; E04H0003140000 Gymnasiums; Other sporting buildings (tribunes E04H0003120000);; E04H0003160000 for swimming E04H0003180000 Swimming or splash basins (producing waves in swimming basins F03C);; E04H0003190000 Safety devices; Coverings for basins E04H0003200000 Devices for removal of polluted water; Devices for cleaning basins or for water treatment E04H0003220000 Theatres; Concert halls (drive-in buildings E04H0014000000;equipment for theatres or concert halls A63J) E04H0003240000 Constructional features of stages E04H0003260000 Revolving stages; Stages able to be lowered (devices for raising or lowering persons A63J0005120000);; E04H0003280000 Shiftable or portable platforms E04H0003300000 Constructional features of auditoriums (chairs, stools, benches A47C;building details providing acoustical effects E04B0001990000) E04H0005000000 Buildings or groups of buildings for industrial or agricultural purposes (building construction in general E04B0001000000);; E04H0005020000 Buildings or groups of buildings for industrial purposes, e.g. for power-plants, factories (buildings forming part of cooling plants E04H0005100000;building structures for parking vehicles E04H0006000000) E04H0005040000 Transformer houses E04H0005060000 Pits or building structures for inspection or services (manhole shafts or other inspection chambers in general E02D0029120000);; E04H0005080000 Buildings or groups of buildings for agricultural purposes (silos E04H0007220000;manure storage places A01C0003020000; greenhouses A01G0009140000) E04H0005100000 Buildings forming part of cooling plants E04H0005120000 Cooling towers (towers in general E04H0012000000;cooling equipment F28) E04H0006000000 Buildings for parking cars, rolling-stock, aircraft, vessels, or like vehicles, e.g. garages (building construction in general E04B0001000000;marking of parking areas on the ground E01F; construction of ground-supported surfaces E01C; bicycle stands B62H; storing of vessels on land B63C0015000000) E04H0006020000 Small garages, e.g. for one or two cars (attached to, or supported by, the vehicle B62D;prefabricated and with undivided interior E04B0001343000; tents for use as garages E04B0001347000) E04H0006040000 wheeled, hinged, foldable, telescopic, swinging, or otherwise movable (transportable or collapsible buildings in general E04B0001343000);; E04H0006060000 with means for shifting or lifting vehicles E04H0006080000 Garages for many vehicles E04H0006100000 without mechanical means for shifting or lifting vehicles, e.g. with helically-arranged fixed ramps, with movable ramps E04H0006120000 with mechanical means for shifting or lifting vehicles E04H0006140000 with endless conveyer chains having load-carrying parts moving vertically, e.g. paternoster lifts E04H0006160000 Garages shaped as a wheel or drum rotatable about horizontal axis E04H0006180000 with means for transport in vertical direction only or independently in vertical and horizontal directions (E04H0006140000 takes precedence);; E04H0006200000 characterised by use of conveyer chains or rotatable rollers for horizontal transport E04H0006220000 characterised by use of movable platforms for horizontal transport E04H0006240000 characterised by use of dollies for horizontal transport E04H0006260000 characterised by use of tiltable floors or floor sections; characterised by use of movable ramps E04H0006280000 characterised by use of turntables or rotary rings for horizontal transport E04H0006300000 with means for transport in horizontal direction only E04H0006320000 characterised by use of conveyer chains or rotatable rollers E04H0006340000 characterised by use of movable platforms E04H0006360000 characterised by use of freely-movable dollies E04H0006380000 characterised by use of tiltable floors or floor sections E04H0006400000 characterised by use of turntables or rotary rings E04H0006420000 Devices or arrangements peculiar to garages, not covered elsewhere, e.g. securing devices, safety devices E04H0006440000 for storing aircraft (structures covering a large free area E04B0001342000);; E04H0007000000 Container constructed in the manner of buildings; Constructional features of containers for liquids in bulk or of similar containers for gases or fluent solids; Supports therefor (tower aspects E04H0014000000;foundations E02D0027380000; other features of storage containers B65G, F17) E04H0007020000 Containers for fluids or gases; (arrangements or connection of water reservoirs E03B0011000000);; E04H0007040000 mainly of metal E04H0007060000 with vertical axis E04H0007080000 with telescopically-movable ring-shaped parts (sealing of rings F17B0001040000);; E04H0007100000 with moving discs (sealing of discs F17B0001040000);; E04H0007120000 with floating roofs (sealing of roofs B65D0087200000);; E04H0007140000 ball-shaped E04H0007160000 with horizontal axis E04H0007180000 mainly of concrete, e.g. reinforced concrete, or other stone-like material E04H0007200000 Prestressed constructions E04H0007220000 Silos, bunkers, or similar containers E04H0007240000 Constructions, with or without perforated walls, depending on the use of specified materials (E04H0007340000 takes precedence);; E04H0007260000 mainly of concrete, e.g. reinforced concrete or other stone-like material E04H0007280000 composed of special building elements E04H0007300000 mainly of metal E04H0007320000 mainly of wood E04H0007340000 Silos with special conditioning arrangements (drying arrangements F26B);; E04H0009000000 Buildings, groups of buildings, or shelters, adapted to withstand or provide protection against, abnormal external influences, e.g. war-like action, earthquake, extreme climate (floatable buildings B63B;foundation aspects E02D; building constructions in general E04B; bearings or like supports allowing movement E04B0001360000; special details in regard to insulation or other protection E04B0001620000; supporting structures for endangered or damaged existing buildings or parts thereof E04G0023040000; doors, windows E06B0005000000; air-conditioning, ventilation F24F; cells or rooms shielded against dangerous radiation G21F0007000000) E04H0009020000 withstanding earthquake or sinking of ground (foundations E02D0027340000);; E04H0009040000 against air-raid or other warlike actions (respiratory apparatus A62B);; E04H0009060000 Structures arranged in or forming part of buildings E04H0009080000 Structures arranged underneath buildings, e.g. air-raid shelters E04H0009100000 Independent shelters; Arrangement of independent splinter-proof walls E04H0009120000 entirely underneath the level of the ground, e.g. air-raid galleries (mine galleries E21D;tunnels E01G) E04H0009140000 against other dangerous influences, e.g. tornadoes, floods E04H0009160000 against adverse conditions, e.g. extreme climate, pests E04H0012000000 Towers; Masts, poles; Chimney-stacks; Water-towers; Methods of erecting such structures (cooling-towers E04H0005120000;devices for erecting masts or poles B66F; foundation piles E02D0005220000; foundations for masts, poles, or chimneys E02D0027420000; structural elongated members in general E04C0003000000; fixed climbing irons E06C0009040000; derricks for oil drilling E21B0015000000) E04H0012020000 Structures made of specified materials (E04H0012160000, E04H0012180000 take precedence);; E04H0012040000 of wood E04H0012060000 Truss-like structures E04H0012080000 of metal E04H0012100000 Truss-like structures E04H0012120000 of concrete or other stone-like material, with or without internal or external reinforcement, e.g. with metal coverings, with permanent form elements E04H0012140000 Truss-like structures E04H0012160000 Prestressed structures E04H0012180000 movable or with movable sections, e.g. using guy ropes, struts (rotary buildings E04B0001346000);; E04H0012200000 Side-supporting means therefor, e.g. using guy ropes, struts (ground anchors E02D0005800000;fastening means for cables or ropes F16G0011000000) E04H0012220000 Sockets or holders for poles or posts E04H0012240000 Cross-arms E04H0012260000 Winding-towers for mines (lifting devices B66B);; E04H0012280000 Chimney stacks, e.g. free-standing, or similar ducts (foundations E02D0027420000;chimneys as part of buildings E04F0017020000; connections between furnace and smoke stack, chimney equipment F23) E04H0012300000 Water-towers (tanks per B65D0087000000;use of high-level tanks E03B0011120000) E04H0012320000 Flagpoles (flags, banners, mountings therefor G09F0017000000);; E04H0012340000 Arrangements for erecting or lowering towers, masts, poles, chimney stacks, or the like (special lifting devices therefor B66F0011020000);; E04H0013000000 Monuments; Tombs; Burial vaults; Columbaria (sculpture or other artistic features B44);; E04H0014000000 Buildings for combinations of different purposes not covered in a single previous group of this sub-class, e.g. for double purpose (E04H0003020000, E04H0009060000 take precedence);;Buildings of the drive-in type E04H0017000000 Fencing, e.g. fences, enclosures, corrals (features peculiar to electrified fences A01K0003000000, H05C;means for allowing passage through fences, barriers, or the like E06B0011000000) E04H0017020000 Wire fencing (E04H0017140000 takes precedence);; E04H0017040000 using wire, barbed wire, wire mesh, toothed strips, or the like; Coupling means therefor (wire netting B21F0027000000;other metallic fabrics, see the relevant classes); E04H0017060000 Parts for wire fences E04H0017080000 Anchoring means therefor, e.g. specially-shaped parts entering the ground; Struts or the like (for towers or masts E04H0012200000;sockets for posts E04H0012220000) E04H0017100000 characterised by the way of connecting wire to the posts; Droppers E04H0017120000 the wire being placed in slots, grooves, or the like E04H0017140000 Fences constructed of rigid elements, e.g. with posts, with additional wire fillings E04H0017160000 using prefabricated panel-like elements, e.g. wired frames E04H0017180000 Corrals, i.e. easily transportable or demountable enclosures E04H0017200000 Posts therefor E04H0017220000 Anchoring means therefor, e.g. specially-shaped parts entering the ground; Struts or the like (for towers or masts E04H0012200000;sockets for posts E04H0012220000) E04H0017240000 Connections for attaching additional wire to frames, posts or railings E04H0017260000 Devices for erecting or removing fences E05 LOCKS; KEYS; WINDOW AND DOOR FITTINGS; SAFES E05B LOCKS OR ACCESSORIES; KEYLESS LOCKS; CONTROL OR OPERATION OF LOCKS; NON-MECHANICAL CONTROL OR OPERATION OF OTHER WING-FASTENING DEVICES (wing-fastening devices per, other than locks, E05C);;LOCKING DEVICES FOR OBJECTS; HANDCUFFS E05B0001000000 Knobs or handles for wings (for furniture A47B0095020000);;Knobs, handles, or press buttons for locks or latches on wings (A47B0005000000, A47B0007000000 take precedence);; E05B0001020000 of solid material E05B0001040000 with inner rigid member and outer cover or covers E05B0001060000 of sheet material E05B0003000000 Fastening handles to lock or latch parts E05B0003020000 Fastening handles to the spindle by pinning or riveting E05B0003040000 Fastening the handle shank to the spindle by screws, springs, or snap bolts E05B0003060000 by means arranged in or on the rose E05B0003080000 Fastening the spindle to the follower E05B0003100000 by a bipartite or cleft spindle in the follower or in the handle shank E05B0005000000 Handles completely let into the surface of the wing E05B0005020000 able to be turned outwards before operation E05B0005040000 able to be shifted parallel to the wing after being pulled out E05B0007000000 Handles pivoted about an axis parallel to the wing (E05B0005000000 takes precedence);; E05B0009000000 Lock or latch-mechanism casings (padlock casings E05B0067020000);; E05B0009020000 of latch-bolt locks E05B0009040000 of cylinder locks E05B0009060000 Fastening together the parts of casings E05B0009080000 Fastening the casings of latch-bolt locks or cylinder locks to the wing E05B0009100000 Coupling devices for the two halves of double cylinder locks E05B0011000000 Devices preventing keys from being removed from the lock E05B0011020000 before the wing is locked E05B0011040000 before the wing is closed E05B0011060000 for catching skeleton or incorrect keys E05B0013000000 Devices preventing the key or the handle or both from being used E05B0013020000 shaped as sectors of escutcheons, arranged in the keyhole E05B0013040000 shaped as fork-like implements grasping and fixing the key E05B0013060000 shaped as bolt detents arranged in the path of motion of the key bit E05B0013080000 formed by longitudinal bolt or cross-bar connecting the handle with a stationary lock part or fitting E05B0013100000 formed by a lock arranged in the handle E05B0015000000 Other details of locks; Parts for engagement by bolts of fastening devices (specially adapted for particular kinds of fastening devices see the relevant groups for the kinds of devices in E05C);; E05B0015020000 Striking-plates; Keepers; Bolt staples; Escutcheons E05B0015040000 Spring arrangements in locks E05B0015060000 Lock wards E05B0015080000 Key guides; Key pins E05B0015100000 Bolts of locks or night latches E05B0015120000 Pins or detents for locking bolts E05B0015140000 Tumblers E05B0015160000 Use of special materials for parts of locks (for handles E05B0001000000);; E05B0017000000 Accessories in connection with locks or latch handles E05B0017020000 Coupling devices for double doors, i.e. two doors one behind the other and hinged on the same side E05B0017040000 Devices for coupling the turning cylinder of a single or double cylinder lock with the bolt-operating member E05B0017060000 Templates for marking the position of apertures in fittings of wings E05B0017080000 Lubricating devices E05B0017100000 Illuminating devices on or for locks or keys E05B0017120000 Devices for removing keys stuck in the lock E05B0017140000 Closures or guards for keyholes E05B0017160000 shaped as pins or key bits E05B0017180000 shaped as lids or slides E05B0019000000 Keys; Accessories therefor E05B0019020000 Construction of the shank of the key E05B0019040000 Construction of the bow of the key; Construction of flat keys E05B0019060000 Key bits; Flat key bits E05B0019080000 Special forms of key bits, e.g. double key bits, folding key bits E05B0019100000 Fastening the key bit and bow on the shank of the key E05B0019120000 Keys with several bits moving relatively to each other when in use E05B0019140000 Double keys E05B0019160000 Extremely thin keys acting without rotation E05B0019180000 Keys adjustable before use E05B0019200000 Skeleton keys; Devices for picking locks; Other devices for similar purposes E05B0019220000 Keys with devices for indicating whether the last operation was locking or unlocking E05B0019240000 Key-distinguishing marks E05B0019260000 Use of special materials for keys E05B0021000000 Locks with tumblers not following the movement of the bolt E05B0021020000 with identical tumblers E05B0021040000 with stop pins on the tumbler (E05B0021020000 takes precedence);; E05B0021060000 Cylinder locks, e.g. protector locks E05B0023000000 Locks with tumblers following the movement of the bolt E05B0025000000 Locks with special tumblers E05B0025020000 with tumblers in the cut-out of which the key bit is moved E05B0025040000 with tumblers in which the stop pin is guided from one locked position to the other in an inclined direction E05B0025060000 with tumblers in which the stop pin is guided from one locked position to the other along a curved path E05B0025080000 with tumblers with movable pawls engaging the key E05B0025100000 with tumblers formed to engage one another to determine their unlocked position E05B0027000000 Cylinder locks with tumbler pins or balls E05B0027020000 operated by the edge of the key E05B0027040000 arranged radially in one row E05B0027060000 arranged radially in more than one row E05B0027080000 arranged axially E05B0027100000 operated by other surfaces of the key, e.g. openings receiving projections on the tumblers E05B0029000000 Cylinder locks with plate tumblers E05B0029020000 operated by the edge of the key E05B0029040000 arranged singly E05B0029060000 arranged in pairs E05B0029080000 operated by other surfaces of the key E05B0029100000 operated by a curved groove or slot E05B0029120000 operated by a curved rib E05B0029140000 with both axially and radially arranged plate tumblers E05B0031000000 Cylinder locks with both tumbler pins or balls and plate tumblers E05B0033000000 Cylinder locks in which the bolt is moved by means other than the key E05B0035000000 Locks for use with special keys or a plurality of keys E05B0035020000 which can be shifted laterally E05B0035040000 for pull keys E05B0035060000 for screw keys E05B0035080000 operable by a plurality of keys E05B0035100000 with master and pass keys E05B0035120000 requiring the use of two keys, e.g. safe-deposit locks E05B0035140000 with keys of which different parts operate separate mechanisms E05B0037000000 Permutation locks (electric permutation locks E05B0049000000;for bicycles E05B0071020000); Puzzle locks E05B0037020000 with tumbler discs or rings arranged on a single axis, each disc being adjustable independently of the others E05B0037040000 with tumbler discs on a single axis, all the discs being adjustable by rotating a shiftable knob E05B0037060000 in padlocks E05B0037080000 with tumbler discs on a single axis, all the discs being adjustable by a rotary knob which is not shifted E05B0037100000 in padlocks E05B0037120000 with tumbler discs on several axes E05B0037140000 in padlocks E05B0037160000 with two or more push or pull knob which slides, or the like E05B0037180000 in padlocks E05B0037200000 Puzzle locks E05B0037220000 in padlocks E05B0039000000 Locks giving indication of unauthorised unlocking E05B0039020000 with destructible seal closures or paper closures E05B0039040000 with counting or registering devices E05B0041000000 Locks with visible indication as to whether the lock is locked or unlocked E05B0043000000 Time locks (clocks or clock mechanisms with attached or built-in means operating any device at preselected times or after a predetermined time interval G04C0023000000);; E05B0045000000 Alarm locks (alarm devices actuated by tampering with fastenings in general G08B);; E05B0045020000 with mechanically-operated bells E05B0045040000 with detonating alarm devices E05B0045060000 Electric alarm locks E05B0045080000 with contact making inside the lock or in the striking plate E05B0045100000 by introducing the key E05B0045120000 by movement of the bolt E05B0045140000 with contact making outside the lock E05B0047000000 Operating or controlling locks or other fastening devices by electric or magnetic means (electric permutation locks E05B0049000000);; E05B0047020000 Adaptation of locks, latches, or parts thereof, for movement of the bolt by electromagnetic means E05B0047040000 for unlocking only E05B0047060000 Controlling mechanically-operated bolts by electro-magnetically-operated detents E05B0047080000 the bolt being withdrawn by a spring which is stressed by closing the wing E05B0049000000 Electric permutation locks; Circuits therefor E05B0049020000 with electrical arrangements inside the lock E05B0049040000 with electrical arrangements outside the lock E05B0051000000 Operating or controlling locks or other fastening devices by other non-mechanical means E05B0051020000 by pneumatic or hydraulic means E05B0053000000 Operation or control of locks by mechanical transmissions, e.g. from a distance (for passenger vehicles E05B0065200000);; E05B0055000000 Locks in which a sliding latch is used also as a locking bolt E05B0055020000 the bolt being secured by the tumbler E05B0055040000 the bolt being secured by the cross-bar or the turnbuckle and the handle being locked E05B0055060000 the handle being disconnected E05B0055080000 the bolt being secured by transverse bolts E05B0055100000 without securing the bolt E05B0055120000 the bolt being secured by the operation of a hidden parallel member E05B0055140000 the bolt being secured by the operation of a wing handle, or by means in the wing handle or knob E05B0055160000 merely by normal use of the handle on one side of the wing E05B0057000000 Locks in which a pivoted latch is used also as locking means E05B0059000000 Locks with latches separate from the lock-bolts or with a plurality of latches or lock-bolts E05B0059020000 with arrangements for securing the latch while shooting the lock-bolt E05B0059040000 Locks in which the latch is moved by a lock-bolt, or the lock-bolt by a latch, or one latch by another, etc. E05B0059060000 with a lock-bolt slidable in the latch E05B0061000000 Other locks with provision for latching E05B0063000000 Locks with special structural characteristics E05B0063020000 without springs E05B0063040000 for alternative use on the right-hand or left-hand side of wings E05B0063060000 with lengthwise-adjustable bolts E05B0063080000 Mortise locks E05B0063100000 requiring only two cylindrical holes in the wing E05B0063120000 with means carried by the bolt for interlocking with the keeper (for passenger vehicle doors E05B0065280000);; E05B0063140000 Arrangement of several locks or locks with several bolts, e.g. arranged one behind the other (locks for keys with several bits E05B0035140000;with provision for latching E05B0059000000, E05B0061000000) E05B0063160000 with the handles on opposite sides moving independently (the latch being secured by the operation of a wing handle E05B0055140000);; E05B0063180000 with arrangements independent of the locking mechanism for retaining the bolt in the retracted position E05B0063200000 released automatically when the wing is closed E05B0063220000 operated by a pulling or pushing action perpendicular to the front plate (E05B0035040000 takes precedence);; E05B0065000000 Locks for special use E05B0065020000 for thin, hollow, or thin-metal wings E05B0065040000 for wings one behind the other hinged on the same side E05B0065060000 for swing doors E05B0065080000 for sliding wings E05B0065100000 for panic or emergency doors E05B0065120000 for vehicles E05B0065140000 for railway freight-cars or the like; for lorries (for front doors of road vehicles E05B0065200000);; E05B0065160000 for back doors of vans E05B0065180000 with provision for sealing E05B0065190000 for car-boot lids; for car bonnets E05B0065200000 for passenger or like doors (bolt-fastenings per E05C);; E05B0065220000 with rectilinearly-moving bolt E05B0065240000 locked by a special movement of the door handle E05B0065260000 with the outside door handle drawn into a recess when the door is locked E05B0065280000 with means carried by the bolt for interlocking with the keeper E05B0065300000 with two or more bolts moved simultaneously E05B0065320000 with the bolt turning about an axis E05B0065340000 in which the member engaging the keeper is shaped as a lockable toothed wheel or the like E05B0065360000 Locking several doors simultaneously E05B0065380000 by pneumatic or hydraulic means E05B0065400000 Locking one door by shutting another (by non-mechanical means E05B0047000000, E05B0051000000;fastenings, other than locks, for double doors E05C0007060000; operating fastenings, other than locks, by mechanical transmission E05C0013040000) E05B0065420000 Securing the latch or bolt by movement of the vehicle E05B0065440000 for furniture or drawers E05B0065460000 Special locks for drawers, e.g. for a plurality of drawers (mechanisms for securing one drawer by closing another E05C0015040000);; E05B0065480000 Hasp locks E05B0065500000 for brief cases E05B0065520000 Other locks for chests, boxes, trunks, baskets, travelling bags, etc. (closures for bags or trunks A45C0013060000, A45C0013100000, A45C0013160000);; E05B0067000000 Padlocks (permutation locks E05B0037000000);;Details thereof E05B0067020000 Cases E05B0067040000 Armoured cases E05B0067060000 Shackles; Arrangement of the shackle E05B0067080000 Padlocks with shackles hinged on the case E05B0067100000 with devices for securing the free end of the shackle E05B0067120000 with built-in cylinder locks E05B0067140000 with devices for securing the hinged end of the shackle E05B0067160000 with built-in cylinder locks E05B0067180000 with devices for securing both ends of the shackle E05B0067200000 with built-in cylinder locks E05B0067220000 Padlocks with sliding shackles, with or without rotary or pivotal movement E05B0067240000 with built-in cylinder locks E05B0067260000 with screw action, with or without the shackle being moved by turning the key E05B0067280000 Padlocks with shackles forming a circle E05B0067300000 with built-in cylinder locks E05B0067320000 Padlocks with pincer-like shackles E05B0067340000 with built-in cylinder locks E05B0067360000 Padlocks with closing means other than shackles E05B0067380000 Auxiliary or protective devices E05B0069000000 Devices for locking clothing; Lockable clothing holders or hangers (clothing holders without locking devices A47G0025000000-A47G0025100000); E05B0069020000 Lockable clothing hooks (coin-controlled locking hooks G07F);; E05B0071000000 Locks specially adapted for bicycles, other than padlocks (locks integral with cycles B62H0005000000);; E05B0071020000 with permutation locking devices E05B0073000000 Devices for locking portable objects against unauthorised removal; Miscellaneous locking devices E05B0073020000 for walking-sticks or umbrellas (stick or umbrella holders in general A47G0025120000);; E05B0075000000 Handcuffs E05C BOLTS AND FASTENING DEVICES FOR WINGS, ESPECIALLY FOR DOORS AND WINDOWS (Fastening devices specially adapted for bags, trunks, etc. A45C0013000000, specially adapted for containers B65D;fastening devices for constructional or engineering elements E04, F16B; locks, devices structurally or operatively combined with locks E05B; handles or casings not restricted to particular types of fastening devices E05B; keepers or other parts for engagement by bolts or fastening devices E05B0015000000; non-mechanical control or operation of fastening devices E05B0047000000, E05B0051000000; vehicle door locking arrangements E05B0065120000; for holding sliding wings open E05D0013040000) E05C0001000000 Fastening devices with bolts moving rectilinearly E05C0001020000 without latching action E05C0001040000 with operating handle or equivalent member rigid with the bolt E05C0001060000 with operating handle or equivalent member moving otherwise than rigidly with the bolt E05C0001080000 with latching action E05C0001100000 with operating handle or equivalent member rigid with the latch E05C0001120000 with operating handle or equivalent member moving otherwise than rigidly with the latch E05C0001140000 the handle or member moving essentially towards or away from the plane of the wing or frame E05C0001160000 the handle or member moving essentially in a plane substantially parallel to the wing E05C0003000000 Fastening devices with bolts moving pivotally or rotatively E05C0003020000 without latching action E05C0003040000 with operating handle or equivalent member rigid with the bolt E05C0003060000 with operating handle or equivalent member moving otherwise than rigidly with the bolt E05C0003080000 the handle or member moving essentially towards or away from the plane of the wing or frame E05C0003100000 the handle or member moving essentially in a plane substantially parallel to the wing E05C0003120000 with latching action (devices in which the securing part is formed or merely carried by a spring and moves only by distortion of the spring, e.g. snaps, E05C0019060000);; E05C0003140000 with operating handle or equivalent member rigid with the latch E05C0003160000 with operating handle or equivalent member moving otherwise than rigidly with the latch E05C0003220000 the bolt being spring-controlled E05C0003240000 in the form of a bifurcated member E05C0003260000 engaging a stud-like keeper E05C0003280000 with simultaneously-operating double bolts E05C0003300000 in the form of a hook E05C0003320000 engaging a hooked keeper (E05C0003340000 takes precedence);; E05C0003340000 with simultaneously-operating double bolts E05C0003360000 in the form of a rotary gear E05C0003380000 with bolts engaging a hooked keeper (E05C0003240000, E05C0003300000, E05C0003360000 take precedence);; E05C0003400000 with bolts engaging a stud-like keeper (E05C0003240000, E05C0003300000, E05C0003360000 take precedence);; E05C0005000000 Fastening devices with bolts moving otherwise than only rectilinearly and only pivotally or rotatively E05C0005020000 both moving axially and turning about their axes to secure the wing E05C0005040000 performing both movements simultaneously, e.g. screwing into a keeper E05C0007000000 Fastening devices specially adapted for two wings E05C0007020000 for wings which lie one behind the other when closed E05C0007040000 for wings which abut when closed E05C0007060000 a fastening device for one wing being actuated or controlled by closing another wing E05C0009000000 Arrangements of simultaneously-actuated bolts or other securing devices at well-separated positions on the same wing (essentially involving locking means E05B0063140000;similar constructions for engineering closures F16J0013080000) E05C0009020000 with one sliding bar for fastening when moved in one direction and unfastening when moved in opposite direction E05C0009040000 with two sliding bars moved in opposite directions when fastening or unfastening E05C0009060000 with three or more sliding bars E05C0009080000 with a rotary bar for actuating the fastening means E05C0009100000 Actuating mechanisms for bars E05C0009120000 with gears and racks E05C0009140000 with pins engaging slots E05C0009160000 with crank pins and connecting rods E05C0009180000 Details of fastening means or of fixed retaining means for the ends of bars E05C0011000000 Fastenings in which the members which engage one another, mounted respectively on the wing and the frame, are both movable, e.g. for release by moving either of them (hasp fastenings E05C0019080000);; E05C0013000000 Additional equipment, adjuncts, or details of wing fastenings; Fastenings characterised thereby (locks, accessories in connection with locks or lock handles E05B;buffers per E05F0005000000; means per for preventing rattling of wings E05F0007040000; means per for taking the weight of the wing E05F0007060000) E05C0013020000 Means for securing the bolt in the fastening position or the released position; Arrangements for preventing unauthorised opening, e.g. by sealing (seals G09F0003000000);; E05C0013040000 Means for controlling or operating wing-fastening members by mechanical remote control (E05C0009000000 takes precedence;means for operating in conjunction with mechanism for moving the wing E05F; means for operating fastenings by wing-operating hand-rods not guided in or on the frame E05F0009000000) E05C0013060000 for one wing E05C0013080000 for two or more wings E05C0013100000 Means for operating or controlling devices other than fastenings, e.g. switches, indicators E05C0015000000 Wing-fastening devices for special use E05C0015020000 for ready releasing in case of emergency or panic E05C0015040000 for a plurality of drawers; for securing one or more drawers by closing another one (controlled by a key E05B0065460000);; E05C0017000000 Devices specially designed for holding wings in one or more opened positions and/or for limiting opening or preventing closing (combined with hinges E05D0011000000;holding sliding wings E05D0013040000; combined with operating apparatus for wings E05F; devices affecting the motion of the wing during a substantial part of its movement E05F0005000000; stops, buffers, with or without holding means, E05F0005000000) E05C0017020000 by mechanical means E05C0017040000 with a movable bar or equivalent member extending between frame and wing E05C0017060000 releasable to allow further opening only when the wing is nearly closed E05C0017080000 with special means for release, e.g. automatic release by further opening E05C0017100000 incorporating a special device for securing the wing in the closed position E05C0017120000 consisting of a single rod E05C0017140000 Hook and eye, or equivalent E05C0017160000 pivoted only at one end and having an elongated slot E05C0017180000 pivoted only at one end and having a row of holes, notches, or pins E05C0017200000 sliding through a guide (E05C0017180000 takes precedence);; E05C0017220000 and clamping or securing means in the guide E05C0017240000 pivoted at one end, and with the other end running along a guide member E05C0017260000 and clamping or securing means at the pivot of the rod E05C0017280000 with clamping or securing means at the connection to the guide member E05C0017300000 of extensible, e.g. telescopic, construction (flexible members E05C0017360000);; E05C0017320000 consisting of two or more pivoted rods E05C0017340000 with means for holding in more than one position E05C0017360000 comprising a flexible member, e.g. chains E05C0017380000 with a curved rail rigid with the frame for engagement with means on the wing, or ; vice versa E05C0017400000 Bars or like parts connecting a right wing with a left wing which move against each other when being closed E05C0017420000 connecting exterior and interior wings E05C0017440000 with a device carried on the wing for frictional or like engagement with a fixed flat surface, e.g. retractable feet E05C0017460000 in which the wing or a member fixed thereon is engaged by a movable fastening member in a fixed position; in which a movable fastening member mounted on the wing engages a stationary member (specially adapted for sliding wings E05D0013040000);; E05C0017480000 comprising a sliding securing member E05C0017500000 comprising a single pivoted securing member E05C0017520000 comprising a snap, catch, or the like E05C0017540000 Portable devices, e.g. wedges E05C0017560000 by magnetic or electromagnetic attraction E05C0017580000 operated or controlled from a distance E05C0019000000 Other devices specially designed for securing wings (fastening devices applicable to objects other than wings F16B, e.g. F16B0021000000);; E05C0019020000 Automatic catches, i.e. released by pull or pressure on the wing (E05C0019060000 takes precedence);; E05C0019040000 Ball or roller catches E05C0019060000 in which the securing part is formed or carried by a spring and moves only by distortion of the spring, e.g. snaps E05C0019080000 Haps; Hasp fastenings; Spring catches therefor E05C0019100000 Hook fastenings; Fastenings in which a link engages a fixed hook-like member E05C0019120000 pivotally mounted E05C0019140000 with toggle action E05C0019160000 Devices holding the wing by magnetic or electromagnetic attraction E05C0019180000 Portable devices specially adapted for securing wings (preventing operation of handles E05B0013000000);; E05C0021000000 Arrangements or combinations of wing fastening, securing, or holding devices, not covered by a single preceding main group E05C0021020000 for holding a wing closed only E05D HINGES AND OTHER SUSPENSION DEVICES FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, OR WINGS (pivotal connections in general F16C0011000000);; E05D0001000000 Pinless hinges; Substitutes for hinges E05D0001020000 made of one piece E05D0001040000 with guide members shaped as circular arcs E05D0001060000 consisting of two easily-separable parts E05D0003000000 Hinges with pins E05D0003020000 with one pin E05D0003040000 engaging three or more parts, e.g. sleeves, movable relatively to one another for connecting two or more wings to another member E05D0003060000 with two or more pins E05D0003080000 for swing-doors, i.e. openable by pushing from either side E05D0003100000 with non-parallel pins E05D0005000000 Construction of single parts, e.g. the parts for attachment E05D0005020000 Parts for attachment, e.g. flaps E05D0005040000 Flat flaps E05D0005060000 Bent flaps E05D0005080000 of cylindrical shape E05D0005100000 Pins and/or sockets or sleeves; Removable pins E05D0005120000 Securing pins in sockets, movably or not E05D0005140000 Construction of sockets or sleeves E05D0005160000 to be secured without special attachment parts on the socket or sleeve E05D0007000000 Hinges or pivots of special construction (used for special suspension arrangements E05D0015000000;so as to be self-closing E05F0001060000, E05F0001120000; with means for raising wings before being turned E05F0007020000) E05D0007020000 for use on the right-hand as well as the left-hand side; Convertible right-hand or left-hand hinges E05D0007040000 Hinges adjustable relative to the wing or the frame E05D0007060000 to allow tilting of the members E05D0007080000 for use in suspensions comprising two spigots placed at opposite edges of the wing, especially at the top and the bottom, e.g. trunnions E05D0007100000 to allow easy separation of the parts at the hinge axis (substitutes for hinges E05D0001060000);; E05D0007120000 to allow easy detachment of the hinge from the wing or the frame E05D0007140000 Hinges for safes E05D0009000000 Flaps or sleeves specially designed for making from particular material, e.g. hoop-iron, sheet metal, plastics E05D0011000000 Additional features or accessories of hinges E05D0011020000 Lubricating arrangements E05D0011040000 relating to the use of free balls as bearing-surfaces (E05D0007060000 takes precedence);; E05D0011060000 Devices for limiting the opening movement of hinges E05D0011080000 Friction devices between relatively-movable hinge parts E05D0011100000 Devices for preventing movement between relatively-movable hinge parts E05D0013000000 Accessories for sliding wings (for lifting wings E05D0017000000);; E05D0013020000 Suspension devices, e.g. sliding or rolling guides E05D0013040000 Fasteners specially adapted for holding sliding wings open (for holding wings closed E05C);; E05D0013060000 with notches E05D0013080000 acting by friction E05D0013100000 Counterbalance devices for sliding wings E05D0013120000 with springs E05D0013140000 with weights E05D0015000000 Suspension arrangements for wings (arrangements of wings not characterised by the construction of the supporting means E06B0003320000);; E05D0015020000 for revolving wings E05D0015040000 with arms fixed on the wing pivoting about an axis outside of the wing E05D0015060000 for wings sliding horizontally more or less in their own plane E05D0015080000 consisting of two or more independent parts movable each in its own guides E05D0015100000 movable out of one plane into a second parallel plane E05D0015120000 consisting of parts connected at their edges E05D0015140000 with movable arms situated in the plane of the wing E05D0015160000 for wings sliding vertically more or less in their own plane E05D0015180000 consisting of two or more independent parts, movable each in its own guides E05D0015200000 movable out of one plane into a second parallel plane E05D0015220000 allowing an additional movement E05D0015240000 consisting of parts connected at their edges E05D0015260000 for folding wings E05D0015280000 supported on arms movable in horizontal plane E05D0015300000 with pivoted arms and sliding guides E05D0015320000 with two pairs of pivoted arms E05D0015340000 with wings opening parallel to themselves E05D0015360000 moving along slide-ways so arranged that one guide, member of the wing moves in a direction substantially perpendicular to the movement of another guide member E05D0015380000 for upwardly-moving wings, e.g. up-and-over doors E05D0015400000 supported on arms movable in vertical planes E05D0015420000 with pivoted arms and horizontally-sliding guides E05D0015440000 with pivoted arms and vertically-sliding guides E05D0015460000 with two pairs of pivoted arms E05D0015480000 allowing alternative movements (for vertically-sliding wings E05D0015220000);; E05D0015500000 for opening at either of two opposite edges E05D0015520000 for opening about a vertical as well as a horizontal axis E05D0015540000 for opening both inwards and outwards E05D0015560000 with successive different movements E05D0015580000 with both swinging and sliding movements E05D0017000000 Construction of single parts specially adapted for suspending lifting wings, e.g. pulleys, counter-weights; Safety catches E05F DEVICES FOR MOVING WINGS INTO OPEN OR CLOSED POSITION; CHECKS FOR WINGS; WING FITTINGS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR, CONCERNED WITH THE FUNCTIONING OF THE WING E05F0001000000 Closers or openers for wings, not otherwise provided for in this sub-class E05F0001020000 gravity-actuated E05F0001040000 for wings which lift during movement E05F0001060000 Mechanisms in the shape of hinges or pivots, operated by the weight of the wing E05F0001080000 spring-actuated E05F0001100000 for swinging wings E05F0001120000 Mechanisms in the shape of hinges or pivots, operated by springs E05F0001140000 with double-acting springs, e.g. for closing and opening or checking and closing E05F0003000000 Closers or openers with braking devices, e.g. checks; Construction of pneumatic or liquid braking devices (construction of non-pneumatic or non-liquid braking devices E05F0005000000;friction devices in hinges E05D0011080000) E05F0003020000 with pneumatic piston brakes (rotary type E05F0003140000);; E05F0003040000 with liquid piston brakes (rotary type E05F0003140000);; E05F0003060000 in which a torsion spring rotates a member around an axis perpendicular to the axis of the piston E05F0003080000 in which a torsion spring rotates a member around an axis arranged in the direction of the axis of the piston E05F0003100000 with a spring, other than a torsion spring, and a piston, the axes of which are the same or lie in the same direction E05F0003120000 Special devices controlling the circulation of the liquid, e.g. valve arrangement (valves per F16K);; E05F0003140000 with fluid brakes of the rotary type E05F0003160000 with friction brakes E05F0003180000 with counteracting springs (double-acting springs E05F0001140000);; E05F0003200000 in hinges E05F0003220000 Additional arrangements for closers, e.g. for holding the wing in opened or other position E05F0005000000 Braking devices, e.g. checks; Spring-actuated devices having only a small effect on the motion of the wing, e.g. assisting operation by hand; Stops; Buffers (construction of pneumatic or liquid braking devices E05F0003000000;devices for limiting opening by a movable member extending between the fixed frame and the wing E05C0017040000) E05F0005020000 specially for preventing the slamming of wings E05F0005040000 hand-operated; operated by centrifugal action E05F0005060000 Buffers (E05F0005020000 takes precedence);; E05F0005080000 with springs E05F0005100000 with piston brakes E05F0005120000 specially for preventing the closing of a wing before another wing has been closed E05F0005140000 with provision for holding the wing in one ore more opened positions, with or without arrangements for limiting the opening movement of the wing, e.g. for vehicle doors E05F0007000000 Miscellaneous accessories for wings (specially adapted for furniture A47B0095000000;knobs or handles E05B) E05F0007020000 for raising wings before being turned E05F0007040000 Arrangements affording protection against rattling (with buffering action E05F0005000000);; E05F0007060000 Devices for taking the weight of the wing, arranged away from the hinge axis E05F0007080000 Special means for transmitting movements between vertical and horizontal sliding bars, rods, or cables (in general F16);; E05F0009000000 Means for operating wings by hand-rods not guided in or on the frame, including those which also operate the fastening (fastening devices not specially modified for operation by detachable rods E05C);; E05F0011000000 Man-operated mechanisms for operating wings, including those which also operate the fastening (connecting mechanisms for a plurality of wings E05F0017000000);; E05F0011020000 for wings in general, e.g. fanlights (E05F0011360000 takes precedence;for windows to be lowered vertically E05F0011380000; for doors E05F0011540000) E05F0011040000 with cords, chains, or cables E05F0011060000 in guide-channels E05F0011080000 with longitudinally-moving bars guided, e.g. by pivoted links, in or on the frame E05F0011100000 Mechanisms by which a handle moves the bar E05F0011120000 Mechanisms by which the bar shifts the wing E05F0011140000 directly, i.e. without links, shifting the wing, e.g. by rack and gear or pin and slot E05F0011160000 shifting the wing by pivotally-connected members in a plane perpendicular to the pivot axis of the wing E05F0011180000 consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, only E05F0011200000 consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, and only one additional link E05F0011220000 consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, and two or more additional links in series E05F0011240000 shifting the wing by pivotally-connected members in a plane parallel to the pivot axis of the wing E05F0011260000 consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, only E05F0011280000 consisting of a lever, e.g. an angle lever, and one or more additional links E05F0011300000 consisting of links in rhomb-form E05F0011320000 with rotary bars guided in the frame (E05F0011340000 takes precedence);; E05F0011340000 with screw mechanisms E05F0011360000 specially designed for passing through a wall E05F0011380000 for windows, e.g. vehicle windows, to be lowered vertically E05F0011400000 operated by screw mechanism E05F0011420000 operated by rack bars and toothed wheels E05F0011440000 operated by one or more lifting arms E05F0011460000 operated by lazy-tongs mechanism E05F0011480000 operated by cords or chains E05F0011500000 Crank gear with clutches or retaining brakes, for operating window mechanisms E05F0011520000 combined with means for producing an additional movement, e.g. a horizontal or a rotary movement E05F0011540000 for doors E05F0013000000 Mechanisms operated by the movement or weight of a person or vehicle (through power-operated wing-operating mechanisms E05F0015000000);; E05F0013020000 by devices, e.g. lever arms, affected by the movement of the user E05F0013040000 by platforms lowered by the weight of the user E05F0015000000 Power-operated mechanisms for wings E05F0015020000 with pressure medium E05F0015040000 for swinging wings E05F0015060000 for horizontally-sliding wings E05F0015080000 for vertically-sliding wings E05F0015100000 with rotary electromotors E05F0015120000 for swinging wings E05F0015140000 for horizontally-sliding wings E05F0015160000 for vertically-sliding wings E05F0015180000 with other electrical means, e.g. solenoids E05F0015200000 controlled by automatically-acting means, e.g. by photocells, by electric waves, by thermostats, by rain, by fire E05F0017000000 Special devices for shifting a plurality of wings operated simultaneously E05G SAFES E05G0001000000 Safes i.e. receptacles or chambers affording special resistance to fire or burglary (saving boxes A45C0001120000);; E05G0001020000 Details, e.g. armour plates, wall fillings, heat insulation E05G0001040000 Fastenings (lock mechanisms E05B);; E05G0003000000 Special arrangements of alarm devices on safes (alarm devices in general G08B0009000000);;Burglar traps or other safety mechanisms on safes (scaring or incapacitating burglars, thieves, or intruders in general G08B0015000000);; E06 DOORS, WINDOWS, SHUTTERS, OR ROLLER BLINDS IN GENERAL; LADDERS E06B DOORS, WINDOWS, SHUTTERS, OR ROLLER BLINDS IN GENERAL (shades or blinds for greenhouses or the like A01G0009220000;curtains A47H; skylights E04B0007180000; sunshades, awnings E04F0010000000; fittings, operating-mechanisms E05; suspension devices E05D) E06B0001000000 Border constructions of openings in walls, floors, or ceilings; Frames to be rigidly mounted in such openings (E06B0005000000 takes precedence;features relating also to inner frames or wing frames, features relating solely to the mounting of inner frames E06B0003000000) E06B0001020000 Base frames, i.e. template frames for openings in walls or the like, provided with means for securing a further rigidly-mounted frame; Special adaptations of frames to be fixed therein E06B0001040000 Frames for doors, windows, or the like to be fixed in openings (special adaptations for fixing in base frames E06B0001020000;features relating solely to the mounting of glass panes or other sheets E06B0003000000) E06B0001060000 Wooden frames E06B0001080000 composed of several parts with respect to the cross-section of the frame itself E06B0001100000 adjustable with respect to the thickness of walls E06B0001120000 Metal frames E06B0001140000 of special cross-section (E06B0001180000, E06B0001220000 take precedence);; E06B0001160000 Hollow frames E06B0001180000 composed of several parts with respect to the cross-section of the frame itself E06B0001200000 adjustable with respect to the thickness of walls E06B0001220000 with integral thresholds of special form E06B0001240000 Frames of natural stone, concrete, or other stone-like material E06B0001260000 Frames of plastics E06B0001280000 Hollow frames (E06B0001300000 takes precedence);; E06B0001300000 composed of several parts with respect to the cross-section of the frame itself E06B0001320000 Frames composed of parts made of different materials E06B0001340000 Coverings, e.g. protecting against weather, for decorative purposes E06B0001360000 Frames uniquely adapted for windows E06B0001380000 for shop, show, or like large windows E06B0001400000 Frames with parts removable to admit the glass (E06B0001380000 takes precedence);; E06B0001520000 Frames specially adapted for doors E06B0001560000 Fastening frames to the border of openings E06B0001580000 by filling-up the joints, e.g. by cementing E06B0001600000 by mechanical means, e.g. anchoring means E06B0001620000 Tightening or covering joints between the border of openings and the frame (E06B0001340000 takes precedence);; E06B0001640000 by loosely-inserted means, e.g. strip, resilient tongue E06B0001660000 by labyrinth packings E06B0001680000 by profiled external parts E06B0001700000 Sills; Thresholds E06B0003000000 Window sashes, door leaves, or like elements for closing wall or like openings; Lay-out of fixed or moving closures, e.g. windows, in wall or like openings; Features of rigidly-mounted outer frames relating to the mounting of wing frames (E06B0005000000 takes precedence;shutters or the like E06B0009000000; glass panes C03) E06B0003010000 Removable or disappearing walls for hangars or other halls, e.g. for aircraft (wall constructions E04B0002000000);; E06B0003020000 Wings made completely of glass E06B0003040000 Wing frames not characterised by the manner of movement (features relating to the manner of movement E06B0003320000);; E06B0003060000 Single frames E06B0003080000 Constructions depending on the use of specified materials (E06B0003240000 takes precedence);; E06B0003100000 of wood E06B0003120000 of metal E06B0003140000 of special cross-section E06B0003160000 Hollow frames E06B0003180000 of concrete or other stone-like material E06B0003200000 of plastics E06B0003220000 Hollow frames E06B0003240000 specially adapted for double glazing (separable parts for securing panes E06B0003640000);; E06B0003260000 Compound frames, i.e. one frame within or behind another (E06B0003280000 takes precedence;arrangements of movable frames E06B0003320000) E06B0003280000 with additional removable glass panes or the like, framed or unframed E06B0003300000 Coverings, e.g. protecting against weather, for decorative purposes E06B0003320000 Arrangements of wings characterised by the manner of movement; Arrangements of movable wings in openings; Features of wings or frames relating solely to the manner of movement of the wing (fittings or supporting means, separable from the frame, for guiding or controlling the movement of wings, arrangements of wings characterised by particular forms of such means E05D);; E06B0003340000 with only one kind of movement (E06B0003480000 takes precedence);; E06B0003360000 with a single vertical axis of rotation at one side of the opening, or swinging through the opening (wings requiring lifting before opening E06B0003520000);; E06B0003380000 with a horizontal axis of rotation at the top or bottom of the opening E06B0003400000 with a vertical or horizontal axis of rotation not at one side of the opening, e.g. turnover wings E06B0003420000 Sliding wings; Details of frames with respect to guiding E06B0003440000 Vertically-sliding wings E06B0003460000 Horizontally-sliding wings E06B0003480000 Wings connected at their edges, e.g. foldable wings E06B0003500000 with more than one kind of movement (E06B0003480000 takes precedence);; E06B0003520000 Wings requiring lifting before opening E06B0003540000 Fixing of glass panes or like plates E06B0003560000 by means of putty, cement, or adhesives only (E06B0003640000 takes precedence);; E06B0003580000 by means of borders, cleats, or the like (E06B0003640000 takes precedence);; E06B0003600000 of clamping cleats of metal E06B0003620000 of rubber-like elastic cleats E06B0003640000 Fixing of more than one pane to a frame E06B0003660000 Units comprising two or more parallel glass or like panes permanently secured together E06B0003680000 Window bars E06B0003700000 Door leaves (wing frames E06B0003040000);; E06B0003720000 consisting of frame and panels E06B0003740000 with wooden panels E06B0003760000 with metal panels E06B0003780000 with panels of plastics E06B0003800000 flexible E06B0003820000 Flush doors, i.e. with completely flat surface (E06B0003020000 takes precedence);; E06B0003840000 of plywood E06B0003860000 of plastics E06B0003880000 Edge-protecting devices for door leaves E06B0003900000 Revolving doors; Cages or housings therefor (turnstiles E06B0011080000);; E06B0003920000 Doors or windows extensible when set in position (sliding wings for windows E06B0003420000;foldable wings E06B0003480000; wall-closing devices which may be rolled up, e.g. shutters, E06B0009080000) E06B0003940000 Doors of the bellows type E06B0005000000 Doors, windows, or like closures for special purposes; Border constructions therefor E06B0005010000 Trap-doors E06B0005020000 for out-buildings or cellars; Other simple closures not designed to be close-fitting E06B0005040000 with fixed wooden frames E06B0005060000 with fixed metal frames E06B0005080000 with fixed frames made of concrete, stone-like material, or plastics E06B0005100000 for protection against air-raid or other war-like action; for other protective purposes E06B0005120000 against air pressure, explosion, or gas E06B0005140000 Gasproof doors or similar closures; Adaptation of fixed constructions therefor E06B0005160000 Fireproof doors or similar closures; Adaptations of fixed constructions therefor E06B0005180000 against harmful radiation (against heat E06B0005160000);; E06B0005200000 for insulation against noise E06B0007000000 Special arrangements or measures in connection with doors or windows (screening or similar protective devices E06B0009000000);; E06B0007020000 for providing ventilation, e.g. through double windows; Arrangement of ventilation roses (airflow control members per F24F0013080000);; E06B0007030000 Ventilating devices for inserting under upwardly-sliding windows (rain or draught deflectors E06B0007260000);; E06B0007040000 with ventilation wings (E06B0007080000 takes precedence);; E06B0007060000 with one ventilation wing only E06B0007080000 Louvre doors, windows, or grilles E06B0007082000 with rigid or slidable lamellae E06B0007084000 with rotatable lamellae E06B0007100000 by special construction of the frame members E06B0007120000 Measures preventing the formation of condensed water (double glazing E06B0003240000-E06B0003280000); E06B0007140000 Measures for draining-off condensed water or water leaking-in E06B0007160000 Special sealing arrangements on wings or parts co-operating with the wings (fixed rigid stop strips E06B0001640000);; E06B0007180000 by means of movable edgings, e.g. draught sealings additionally used for bolting E06B0007200000 automatically withdrawn when the wing is opened E06B0007220000 by means of elastic edgings, e.g. elastic rubber tubes; by means of resilient edgings, e.g. felt or plush strips, resilient metal strips (E06B0007180000 takes precedence);; E06B0007230000 Plastic, sponge rubber, or like strips or tubes E06B0007232000 Resilient strips of hard material, e.g. metal E06B0007240000 without separate sealing members, e.g. with labyrinth E06B0007260000 Rain or draught deflectors, e.g. under sliding wings E06B0007280000 Other arrangements on doors or windows, e.g. door-plates, windows adapted to carry plants, hooks for window cleaners E06B0007300000 Peep-holes; Devices for speaking through; Doors having windows E06B0007320000 Serving doors; Passing-through doors E06B0007340000 Doors containing cupboards (cabinet construction per A47B);; E06B0009000000 Screening or protective devices for wall or similar openings, with or without operating or securing mechanisms; Closures of similar construction (E06B0005100000 takes precedence;wings for doors or windows, connected at their edges, E06B0003480000; additional indoor equipment of doors or windows, not forming part of the proper finishing work of a building, e.g. curtains, A47H; gratings as building elements E04C0002420000; fastening means E05; operating mechanisms for wings in general E05F) E06B0009010000 Grilles fixed to walls, doors, or windows; Grilles moving with doors or windows; Walls formed as grilles, e.g. claustra E06B0009020000 Shutters, movable grilles, or other safety closing devices, e.g. against burglary (louvre windows or grilles E06B0007080000;lamellar blinds E06B0009260000) E06B0009040000 with wings, e.g. revolving or sliding E06B0009060000 collapsible or foldable, e.g. of the bellows or lazy-tongs type (bellows-type doors E06B0003940000;roll-type grilles E06B0009180000) E06B0009080000 Roll-type closures (usable only as an awning E04F0010060000);; E06B0009100000 Roller shutters; Roller blinds (E06B0009200000 takes precedence;roller shutters for furniture A47B) E06B0009120000 with closing members of one piece, e.g. of corrugated sheet metal E06B0009140000 with closing members formed of slats or the like E06B0009160000 with slats disappearing in each other; with slats the distance between which can be altered E06B0009170000 Parts or details of roller shutters, e.g. suspension devices, blind boxes, wicket doors, ventilation openings (parts or details of operating devices E06B0009200000;brackets or adjustable mountings for both roller blinds and drawable curtains A47H0001130000) E06B0009171000 Rollers; Fastening roller-blinds to rollers E06B0009172000 by clamping bars E06B0009173000 by clasps or buttons E06B0009174000 Bearings (bearings in general F16C);; E06B0009180000 Roll-type grilles (E06B0009200000 takes precedence);; E06B0009200000 Operating, guiding, or securing devices or arrangements; Spring drums; Tape drums E06B0009202000 with lowerable roller E06B0009203000 with a roller situated at the bottom E06B0009204000 Operating devices or mechanisms, e.g. with electric drive E06B0009205000 using crank handles E06B0009206000 for direct manual operation, e.g. by tassels, by handles E06B0009208000 Safety measures against dropping or unauthorised opening; Braking or immobilising devices; Devices for limiting unrolling E06B0009209000 automatic E06B0009220000 Means allowing the safety closing devices to be shifted out of plane E06B0009240000 Screens or other constructions affording protection against light, especially against sunshine; Similar screens for privacy or appearance (free-hanging flexible screens A47H0023000000);; E06B0009260000 Lamellar or like blinds, e.g. venetian blinds E06B0009262000 with flexibly-interconnected horizontal or vertical strips; Concertina blinds E06B0009264000 Combinations of lamellar blinds with roller shutters, screen windows, windows, or double panes; Lamellar blinds with special devices E06B0009266000 Devices or accessories for making, mounting, or cleaning of lamellar blinds or parts thereof E06B0009280000 with horizontal laminae, e.g. non-liftable (louvre windows or gratings E06B0007080000);; E06B0009300000 liftable E06B0009302000 without ladder-tape, e.g. with lazy-tongs, with screw spindle E06B0009303000 with ladder-tape E06B0009304000 with tilting bar and separate raising shaft E06B0009305000 with tilting bar and raising cords guided along fixed bar E06B0009306000 with tilting bar along which the raising cords are guided E06B0009307000 Details of tilting bars and their operation E06B0009308000 with coaxial tilting bar and raising shaft E06B0009320000 Operating, guiding, or securing devices therefor (operation of tilting bars E06B0009307000);; E06B0009322000 Details of operating devices, e.g. pulleys, brakes, spring drums, drives E06B0009323000 Structure or support of upper box E06B0009324000 Cord-locks E06B0009325000 Immobilising devices preventing raising E06B0009326000 Details of cords, e.g. buckles, drawing knobs E06B0009327000 Guides for raisable lamellar blinds with horizontal lamellae E06B0009340000 roller type (operating, guiding or securing devices E06B0009200000);; E06B0009360000 with vertical laminae E06B0009380000 Other details E06B0009382000 Details of ladder-tapes or ladder-chains, e.g. buckles for local shortening of tapes E06B0009384000 Details of interconnection or interaction of tapes and lamellae E06B0009386000 Details of lamellae (E06B0003880000 takes precedence);; E06B0009388000 Details of bottom or upper slats or their attachment E06B0009520000 Devices affording protection against insects, e.g. fly screens; Mesh windows for other purposes E06B0011000000 Means for allowing passage through fences, barriers or the like, e.g. stiles (general features of doors E06B0001000000-E06B0007000000); E06B0011020000 Gates; Doors E06B0011040000 characterised by the kind of suspension (suspensions per E05D);; E06B0011060000 characterised by the kind of fastening (fastenings per E05B, E05C);; E06B0011080000 Turnstiles (with registering means G07C0009020000);; E06C LADDERS (adaptation of ladders to use on ships B63B, to use on aircraft B64;scaffolding E04G) E06C0001000000 Ladders in general (mounted on undercarriages or vehicles E06C0005000000;permanently attached to fixed structures E06C0009000000) E06C0001020000 with rigid longitudinal member or members E06C0001040000 Ladders for resting against objects, e.g. walls, poles, trees (supports for ladder heads E06C0007480000);; E06C0001060000 in one piece E06C0001080000 multi-part E06C0001100000 Sections fitted end to end E06C0001120000 extensible, e.g. telescopic E06C0001140000 Ladders capable of standing by themselves E06C0001160000 with struts which rest on the ground (with struts rigid with the ladder E06C0001240000;having platforms E06C0001390000) E06C0001180000 with supporting struts formed as ladders E06C0001200000 with supporting struts formed as poles E06C0001220000 with extensible, e.g. telescopic, ladder parts or struts E06C0001240000 Free-standing ladders E06C0001260000 in one piece E06C0001280000 multi-part (with movable supporting struts formed as ladders E06C0001180000);; E06C0001300000 extensible, e.g. telescopic E06C0001320000 Ladders with a strut which is formed as a ladder and can be secured in line with the ladder E06C0001340000 Ladders attachable to structures, such as windows, cornices, poles, or the like (ladders permanently fastened to buildings E06C0009000000);; E06C0001360000 Ladders suspendable by hooks or the like E06C0001380000 Special constructions of ladders, e.g. ladders with more or less than two longitudinal members, ladders with movable rungs or other treads, longitudinally-foldable ladders E06C0001383000 Foldable ladders in which the longitudinal members are brought together on folding E06C0001387000 having tip-up steps E06C0001390000 Ladders having platforms; Ladders changeable into platforms (platforms for use on ladders E06C0007160000);; E06C0001393000 Ladders having platforms foldable with the ladder E06C0001397000 characterised by having wheels, rollers, or runners E06C0001520000 with non-rigid longitudinal members E06C0001540000 of the lazy-tongs type E06C0001560000 Rope or chain ladders E06C0001580000 with both rigid and non-rigid longitudinal members E06C0005000000 Ladders characterised by being mounted on undercarriages or vehicles; Securing ladders on vehicles (ladders having wheels, rollers, or runners E06C0001397000);; E06C0005020000 with rigid longitudinal members E06C0005040000 capable of being elevated and/or extended E06C0005060000 by piston and cylinder, or equivalent means, operated by a pressure medium E06C0005080000 derived directly from a pressure reservoir E06C0005100000 charged by a pump or compressor driven by the motor of the vehicle or another motor on the vehicle E06C0005120000 derived directly from a pump or compressor E06C0005140000 driven by the motor of the vehicle or another motor on the vehicle E06C0005160000 using mechanical transmission only, with or without fluid or other non-mechanical couplings or clutches E06C0005180000 using power from the motor of the vehicle or another motor E06C0005200000 using hand-power (hand-operated extending means carried by the ladder E06C0007040000);; E06C0005220000 by or with the assistance of springs (E06C0005060000, E06C0005160000 take precedence);; E06C0005240000 Dismounting ladders from vehicles E06C0005260000 with non-rigid longitudinal members E06C0005280000 of the lazy-tongs type E06C0005300000 formed of links which reinforce themselves against each other E06C0005320000 Accessories E06C0005340000 Indicating devices E06C0005360000 Safety devices against slipping or falling of ladders; Safety devices against overloading ladders E06C0005380000 Devices for blocking the springs of the vehicle; Devices for supporting the undercarriage directly from the ground E06C0005400000 Devices for canting ladders laterally E06C0005420000 Devices for altering inclination; Latching devices therefor E06C0005440000 Other accessories on ladders, e.g. acoustical signalling devices, dismountable switchboards E06C0007000000 Component parts, supporting parts, or accessories E06C0007020000 Extending means (for ladders mounted on undercarriages or vehicles E06C0005000000);; E06C0007040000 Hand-operated extending means carried by the ladder (means for coordination of relative movement of ladder sections E06C0005040000);; E06C0007060000 Securing devices or hooks for parts of extensible ladders E06C0007080000 Special construction of longitudinal members, or rungs or other treads E06C0007100000 Reinforcements for ladders E06C0007120000 Lifts or other hoisting devices on ladders E06C0007140000 Holders for pails or other equipment on or for ladders E06C0007160000 Platforms on or for use on ladders, e.g. liftable or lowerable platforms (aspects relating to the lifting B66F);; E06C0007180000 Devices for preventing persons from falling (life-saving belts A62B0001160000);; E06C0007420000 Ladder feet; Supports therefor (for scaffolding elements E04G0005020000);; E06C0007440000 Means for mounting ladders on uneven ground E06C0007460000 Non-skid equipment E06C0007480000 Ladder heads; Supports for heads of ladders for resting against objects E06C0007500000 Joints or other connecting parts E06C0009000000 Ladders characterised by being permanently attached to fixed structures, e.g. fire escapes (movable stairways E04F0011040000);; E06C0009020000 rigidly mounted E06C0009040000 in the form of climbing irons or the like E06C0009060000 movably mounted E06C0009080000 with rigid longitudinal members E06C0009100000 forming part of a building, such as a balcony grid, window grid, or other window part E06C0009120000 laterally displaceable E06C0009140000 with non-rigid longitudinal members, e.g. rope or chain ladders, ladders of the lazy-tongs type E21 MINING E21B DEEP DRILLING; OBTAINING OIL, GAS, WATER OR SOLUBLE MATERIALS FROM DEEP WELLS E21B0001000000 Percussion drilling E21B0001020000 Surface drives for percussion drilling E21B0001040000 Devices for reversing the movement of the rod or cable at the surface E21B0001060000 Drives for percussion drilling in the borehole E21B0001080000 Devices for reversing the movement of the rod or cable in the borehole E21B0001100000 Drilling jars, i.e. lost-motion connections E21B0003000000 Rotary drilling E21B0003020000 Surface drives for rotary drilling E21B0003040000 Rotary tables E21B0003060000 Adaptation of rotary draw works to drive rotary tables (connecting or disconnecting couplings or joints using cat-heads E21B0019160000;rope, cable, or chain winding mechanism, capstans B66D) E21B0003080000 Drives used in the borehole E21B0003100000 Electric drives E21B0003120000 Hydraulic or pneumatic drives E21B0005000000 Drives for combined percussion and rotary drilling, whether for use on surface or in the borehole E21B0007000000 Special methods or apparatus for deep-drilling E21B0007020000 Portable drilling rigs, truck or skid mounted, with their own drive E21B0007040000 Directional drilling E21B0007060000 Deflecting the direction of boreholes E21B0007080000 Special apparatus for deflecting the boring, e.g. special drill bits, knuckle joints, (knuckle joints for fishing tools E21B0031000000);; E21B0007100000 Correction of deflected boreholes E21B0007120000 Underwater drilling E21B0007140000 Flame drilling (flame piercing of blast holes E21C0021000000);; E21B0007160000 Applying separate balls or pellets by the pressure of the drill, so-called shot-drilling E21B0007180000 Drilling by liquid or gas jets, with or without entrained pellets (E21B0007140000 takes precedence);; E21B0009000000 Drill bits, e.g. retractable without withdrawing drill pipe (for deflecting the boring E21B0007080000;valve drill bits E21B0027000000; augeres for making post-holes or for making foundations E02D0017140000; augers for mine drilling E21C0001140000; drill bits for making blast holes E21C0013000000) E21B0009020000 Full drill bits E21B0009040000 Twist drill bits E21B0009060000 Fish-tail bits E21B0009080000 Roller full drill bits E21B0009100000 with conical cutting tools only E21B0009120000 with separate inner and outer cutting tools, either cylindrical or conical E21B0009140000 with disc-shaped cutting tools only E21B0009160000 Core bits E21B0009180000 Roller core bits E21B0009200000 Core bits with inner tube for receiving or retaining the core E21B0009220000 Drill bits for enlarging the borehole locally or throughout the whole length E21B0009240000 with non-expansible cutting tools revolving in relation to the drilling rods E21B0009260000 with expansible cutting tools E21B0009280000 revolving in relation to the drilling rods E21B0009300000 at the circumference of the bit E21B0009320000 cutting also the bottom of the borehole E21B0009340000 for drilling holes sideways from, or at an angle to, the main borehole E21B0009350000 Parts or details E21B0009360000 Special construction of diamond drill bits or wear-resisting inserts E21B0011000000 Other drilling tools E21B0011020000 Boring rams E21B0011040000 Boring grabs E21B0011060000 with driven cutting chains or similarly-driven tools E21B0013000000 Wear indicators for drilling tools E21B0015000000 Derricks; Masts E21B0015020000 for underwater drilling (floating artificial islands B63B0035440000;drilling platforms on legs E02B0017000000) E21B0017000000 Drilling rods or pipes; Flexible drill strings; Kellies; Drill collars; Sucker rods; Casings; Tubings (rod couplings in general F16D;tubes or tube couplings in general F16L) E21B0017020000 Couplings; Joints E21B0017040000 between rod and bit, or between rod and rod E21B0017042000 threaded E21B0017043000 with locking means E21B0017046000 with ribs, pins, or jaws, and complementary grooves or the like, e.g. bayonet catches E21B0017050000 Swivel joints E21B0017060000 Releasing-joints, e.g. safety joints E21B0017080000 Casing joints E21B0017100000 Wear protectors; Centralising devices E21B0017120000 Devices for placing or drawing out wear protectors E21B0017140000 Casing shoes E21B0019000000 Handling rods, casings, tubes or the like in the derrick (surface drives E21B0001020000, E21B0003020000);; E21B0019020000 Rod or cable suspensions (load-engaging elements for hoisting or lowering purposes in general B66C0001000000;crown blocks or pulley blocks B66D; cable guides B66D0001360000) E21B0019040000 Hooks E21B0019060000 Elevators, i.e. rod or tube gripping devices E21B0019070000 Slip-type elevators (slips in rotary tables E21B0019100000);; E21B0019080000 Devices for feeding the rods or cables (hoisting drums B66D);;Devices for increasing or decreasing the pressure on the drill; Devices for counterbalancing the weight of the rods E21B0019100000 Slips; Spiders E21B0019120000 Rope clamps (rope clamps in general F16G0011000000);; E21B0019140000 Racks, ramps, troughs or bins for holding the lengths of rod singly or connected as joints; Handling between storage and borehole E21B0019160000 Connecting or disconnecting pipe couplings or joints (pipe wrenches or the like B25B);; E21B0021000000 Devices or methods for flushing boreholes (mud screens B03B);; E21B0021020000 Swivel joints in hose lines E21B0021040000 Selection of drilling fluids (drilling fluids per C10M);; E21B0023000000 Devices for setting, locking, releasing or removing tools, packers etc. in boreholes (setting of casings, screens, or liners E21B0043100000);; E21B0023020000 for locking the tools or the like in landing nipples or in recesses between adjacent sections of tubing (E21B0023040000, E21B0023060000 take precedence);; E21B0023040000 operated by fluid means, e.g. actuated by explosion (E21B0023060000 takes precedence);; E21B0023060000 for setting packers E21B0025000000 Core barrels; Core breakers; Core extractors E21B0027000000 Bailers (cement bailers E21B0033132000);;Valve drill bits E21B0029000000 Cutting of pipes, packers, plugs, or wire lines, located in boreholes, e.g. of damaged pipes, making windows (perforators E21B0043110000);;Reconditioning e.g. straightening of well casings while in the ground E21B0029020000 by explosives E21B0031000000 Fishing tools for rods, casings, ropes, bits fragments, etc. E21B0031020000 for tubular, cylindrical, or conical objects, rods, pipes, drill-bit shans, casings, packers, linings (E21B0031120000 takes precedence);; E21B0031040000 for irregularly-shaped objects, e.g. bailers, pump parts, instruments, drill-bit bodies, stones (E21B0031120000 takes precedence);; E21B0031060000 gripping magnetically E21B0031080000 using junk baskets or the like E21B0031100000 for parted wire lines or ropes E21B0031120000 Fishing tools; Fishing grabs E21B0033000000 Sealing or packing boreholes E21B0033020000 Surface sealing or packing E21B0033030000 Well heads E21B0033035000 specially adapted for underwater installations E21B0033040000 Casing heads E21B0033050000 Cementing-heads, e.g. with provisions for introducing cementing plugs E21B0033060000 Blow-out preventers E21B0033080000 Wipers; Oil savers E21B0033100000 in the borehole E21B0033120000 Packers; Plugs (used for cementing E21B0033134000, E21B0033160000);; E21B0033122000 Multiple-string packers E21B0033124000 Units with longitudinally-spaced plugs for isolating the intermediate space E21B0033126000 with fluid-pressure-operated elastic cup or skirt (E21B0033122000, E21B0033124000 take precedence);; E21B0033127000 with inflatable sleeve (E21B0033122000, E21B0033124000 take precedence);; E21B0033128000 with a member expanded radially by axial pressure (E21B0033122000, E21B0033124000 take precedence);; E21B0033129000 with mechanical slips for hooking into the casing (E21B0033122000, E21B0033124000 take precedence);; E21B0033130000 Methods or devices for cementing, for plugging holes, crevices, or the like E21B0033132000 Cement bailers E21B0033134000 Bridging plugs E21B0033136000 Baskets, e.g. of umbrella type E21B0033138000 Plastering the borehole wall; Injecting into the formation E21B0033140000 for cementing casings into boreholes E21B0033160000 using plugs for isolating cement charge; Plugs therefor E21B0035000000 Devices or methods for preventing or extinguishing fires (fire-fighting in general A62C, d);; E21B0037000000 Cleaning devices for boreholes (E21B0021000000 takes precedence;devices for cleaning pipes B08) E21B0037020000 Scrapers E21B0039000000 Gas or water separators or the like for use in the borehole E21B0040000000 Tubing catchers, automatically arresting the fall of oil-well tubing E21B0041000000 Other details not mentioned before for deep-drilling E21B0043000000 Devices or methods for obtaining oil, gas, water or soluble materials from deep wells (mining of oil-bearing deposits E21C0041100000;pumps F04) E21B0043010000 specially adapted for obtaining from underwater installations E21B0043020000 Subsoil filtering (E21B0043110000 takes precedence);; E21B0043040000 Gravelling of wells E21B0043080000 Screens or liners E21B0043100000 Setting of casings, screens, or liners in wells (setting of tools, packers or the like E21B0023000000);; E21B0043110000 Perforators; Permeators E21B0043112000 Perforators with extendable perforating members, e.g. actuated by fluid means E21B0043114000 Perforators using direct fluid action, e.g. abrasive jets E21B0043116000 Gun or shaped charge perforators E21B0043117000 Shaped charge perforators (E21B0043118000 takes precedence);; E21B0043118000 characterised by lowering in vertical position and subsequent tilting to operating position E21B0043119000 Details, e.g. for locating perforating place or direction E21B0043120000 Methods or apparatus for regulating the flow of oil to or in well (E21B0043250000 takes precedence);; E21B0043140000 Obtaining from a multiple-zone well E21B0043160000 Secondary recovery methods of oil (pumps F04);; E21B0043180000 Repressuring or vacuum methods E21B0043200000 Displacing by water E21B0043220000 Use of chemicals or bacteria activity (E21B0043270000 takes precedence;chemical features in extracting oils from oil sands or shales C10G) E21B0043240000 Use of heat E21B0043250000 Methods for stimulating production E21B0043260000 by forming crevices, e.g. by shooting, by blasting E21B0043270000 by use of eroding chemicals, e.g. acids E21B0043280000 Dissolving soluble minerals, e.g. salt E21B0045000000 Measuring the drilling time or rate of penetration E21B0047000000 Survey of wells (geophysical logging G01C);; E21B0047020000 Determining slope or direction (clinometers or direction meters G01C);; E21B0047022000 of the borehole E21B0047024000 of devices in the borehole (E21B0047022000 takes precedence);; E21B0047026000 of penetrated ground layers (formation testing E21B0049000000);; E21B0047040000 Measuring depth or liquid level (measuring liquid level in general G01F);; E21B0047060000 Measuring temperature or pressure (measuring temperature in general G01K;measuring pressure in general G01L) E21B0047080000 Measuring the diameter (measuring diameter in general G01B);; E21B0047100000 Locating fluid leaks, intrusions, or movements E21B0047120000 Means for transmitting measuring-signals from the well to the surface (remote indicating in general G01D, G08);; E21B0049000000 Testing the nature of borehole walls; Formation testing E21B0049020000 by mechanically taking samples of the soil (devices for taking samples in general G01N);; E21B0049040000 with projectiles penetrating the wall E21B0049060000 with side-wall drilling tools or scrapers E21C MACHINERY FOR, OR METHODS OF, MINING OR QUARRYING E21C0001000000 Rotary-drilling machines (for deep-drilling E21B;for sinking shafts E21D; for tunnelling E01G; for working stone B28D; for working metal B23B; for woodworking B27C) E21C0001020000 with a continuous rotation of the tool with or without variable speed gearing E21C0001040000 with slipping or elastic transmission E21C0001060000 with a to-and-fro rotation of the tool E21C0001080000 with an intermittent unidirectional rotation of the tool E21C0001100000 with a built-in feeding device (feeding devices E21C0005000000);; E21C0001120000 with percussive action superimposed on a continuously-rotating tool always in contact with the working face E21C0001140000 Rotary core-boring machines; Auger drilling machines (blades or crown bits for auger mining machines E21C0013040000);; E21C0003000000 Drilling machines with reciprocating tool that is intermittently turned when out of contact with the working face (portable percussion tools in general B25D);; E21C0003020000 Machines in which the tool is connected to an impulse member E21C0003040000 Hammer drilling machines in which the tool is hit by an impulse member E21C0003060000 Means for driving the impulse member E21C0003080000 by a rotating mechanism E21C0003100000 formed as centrifugal hammers E21C0003120000 with spring-mounted reciprocating masses E21C0003140000 with elastic joining of the drive to the push-rod by double buffer springs E21C0003160000 by electromagnets E21C0003180000 directly by a piston of an internal-combustion engine E21C0003200000 directly by liquid pressure E21C0003220000 working with pulses E21C0003240000 directly by air, steam, or gas pressure E21C0003260000 working with pulses E21C0003280000 Intermittent turning of tool obtained by rifled-bar or ratchet device E21C0003300000 driven by separate motor E21C0003320000 with arrangements for automatic stopping when the tool is lifted from the working face or suffers excessive bore resistance (pick hammers E21C0037240000);; E21C0003340000 Arrangements for locking the drill to the hammer or to the machine E21C0005000000 Devices for feeding tool to working face (feeding devices for metal-boring machines B23B);; E21C0005020000 Screw-and-nut feed mechanism E21C0005040000 Cam, rack, or like feed mechanism E21C0005060000 Flexible drawing means, e.g. cables E21C0005080000 Means for driving feed mechanism E21C0005100000 Separate motor, e.g. compressed-air motor or cylinder (E21C0005110000 takes precedence);; E21C0005110000 combined with supporting means, e.g. feed legs E21C0005120000 Weight or spring drive E21C0005140000 Automatic feed by jump or recoil of the drilling machine E21C0005160000 with arrangements for automatically interrupting the feed when the tool suffers excessive bore resistance E21C0007000000 Dust eliminating or dust removing while drilling (equipment for preventing the formation of dust by slitting or dislodging machines E21C0035220000;exhausting dust from mines E21F0005200000) E21C0007020000 by exhausting dust-loaded air E21C0007040000 using exhaust air from the drill motor for blowing-off the dust E21C0007060000 by foam E21C0007080000 by liquids E21C0007100000 Liquid flushing installations E21C0007120000 Preventing exhaust air from the drill motor from blowing-off towards the working face E21C0009000000 Supporting, guiding or centralising devices for boring rods E21C0011000000 Supports or guides for drilling machines; Columns to which the machine is clamped (feed legs E21C0005110000;slitting machines mounted on supports E21C0025640000; guiding, slitting, or dislodging machines E21C0035080000) E21C0011020000 Drill wagons (trucks for slitting or dislodging machines E21C0029240000);; E21C0013000000 Drill cutting blades, crown bits, or roller-cutter bits (for deep-drilling E21B0009000000);;Wear-resisting inserts for blades or bits (uniting inserts to blades or bits B23, e.g. B23K, B23P0003260000;materials C21D, C22C) E21C0013010000 Wear-resisting inserts (E21C0013020000, E21C0013060000-E21C0013120000; take precedence;for deep-drilling E21B0009360000) E21C0013020000 for rotary drilling; for core boring (dislodging machines with rotary drills E21C0027220000;augers for making post-holes for foundation purposes E02D) E21C0013040000 for auger mining machines with a rotatable and advanceable cutter element having a passage-way for cut material E21C0013060000 for rotary percussion drilling E21C0013080000 for percussion drilling E21C0013100000 for drilling holes for anchor devices E21C0013120000 for drilling approximately vertical holes of large diameter E21C0015000000 Boring rods; Joining rods to one another; Joining rods to driving means; Joining rods to bits; Rods with flushing channels (for deep-drilling E21B0017000000, E21B0021000000);; E21C0015020000 Bit shands; Chisel shanks E21C0017000000 Bore reamers E21C0019000000 Equipment or accessories for use otherwise than in normal drilling, e.g. in boring test holes, sub-aqueous drilling, boring holes for rescue purposes, drift boring E21C0019020000 Devices for extracting jammed or broken drill bits from holes; Magnetic fishing devices for drills E21C0019040000 Devices for removing crown bits from boring rods E21C0021000000 Flame piercing (dislodging by fire-setting E21C0037160000;for deep-drilling E21B0007140000) E21C0023000000 Enlarging drilled holes; Enlarging by chemical action; Counterboring or forming chambers in boreholes to receive explosive charge (for deep-drilling E21B0009220000;«tamping of boreholes C06C13/02»); E21C0025000000 Cutting machines, i.e. for making slits approximately parallel or perpendicular to the seam (dislodging machines with slitting means E21C0027020000, E21C0027100000, E21C0027180000);; E21C0025020000 Machines slitting solely by one or more percussive tools moved through the seam E21C0025040000 Cutting crowns or other tools (crowns for percussion drilling E21C0013080000);; E21C0025060000 Machines slitting solely by one or more cutting-rods or cutting-drums which rotate, move through the seam, and may or may not reciprocate E21C0025080000 Mountings for the rods or drums E21C0025100000 Rods; Drums; Picks E21C0025120000 Picks (general features of picks E21C0035180000);; E21C0025140000 with equipment for cleaning the slit (associated with cutter chain machines E21C0025500000);; E21C0025160000 Machines slitting solely by one or more rotating saws, cutting discs, or wheels E21C0025180000 Saws; Discs; Wheels E21C0025200000 Machines slitting solely by one or more reciprocating sawing implements or reciprocating cutter chains; Shaker conveyers with cutting means E21C0025220000 Machines slitting solely by one or more cutter chains moving unidirectionally along jibs E21C0025240000 with flat jibs only E21C0025260000 with curved jibs only E21C0025280000 Chains or chain guides; Picks for same E21C0025300000 Chain guides E21C0025320000 specially adapted for curved jibs E21C0025340000 Chains E21C0025360000 Couplings for links E21C0025380000 Picks (general features of picks E21C0035180000);; E21C0025400000 integral with links of chains E21C0025420000 Attachment of the picks to the links of chains E21C0025440000 by wedge or taper E21C0025460000 by resilient means E21C0025480000 by means of screws or pins E21C0025500000 with equipment for cleaning the slit (associated with rotary-rod or rotary-drum machines E21C0025140000);; E21C0025520000 Machines incorporating two or more of the slitting means according to groups ; E21C0025020000, E21C0025060000, E21C0025160000, E21C0025200000 and E21C0025220000 E21C0025540000 Slitting by unguided cutter-cables or cutter-chains or by unguided tools drawn along the working face by cables, etc. (dislodging by planing means E21C0027320000;propulsion by haulage cables E21C0029140000) E21C0025560000 Slitting by cutter-cables or cutter-chains or by tools drawn along the working face by cables, etc. and guided parallel to the face, e.g. by a conveyer, by a guide parallel to a conveyer (pressing the conveyer equipped with tools toward the working face E21C0035140000);; E21C0025580000 Machines slitting by drilling hole-on-hole E21C0025600000 Slitting by jets of water or other liquid E21C0025620000 Machines for making slits approximately perpendicular to the seams either level with, or above or below the level of, the machine E21C0025640000 Slitting machines guided solely by hand and either carried by hand or mounted on supports (supports or guides for drilling machines E21C0011000000;hand-held power-operated tools E21C0037220000) E21C0025660000 Machines for making slits with additional arrangements for drilling E21C0025680000 Machines for making slits combined with equipment for removing, e.g. by loading, material won by other means (slitting machines combined with planing means E21C0027180000;removing chippings E21C0035200000) E21C0027000000 Machines which completely free the mineral from the seam E21C0027010000 specially adapted for removing overhanging coal E21C0027020000 solely by slitting (rods, drums, picks for same E21C0025100000;saws, discs, wheels E21C0025180000; chains, chain guides, picks for same E21C0025280000) E21C0027040000 by a single chain guided on a frame with or without auxiliary slitting means E21C0027060000 with a slewing frame E21C0027080000 with additional means for cutting the mineral into blocks E21C0027100000 by both slitting and breaking-down E21C0027120000 breaking-down effected by acting on the vertical face of the mineral, e.g. by percussive tools E21C0027140000 breaking-down effected by force or pressure applied to side of slit, e.g. by wedges (breaking-down by means inserted in boreholes E21C0037000000);; E21C0027160000 with means for both slitting and breaking-down E21C0027180000 by both slitting and planing E21C0027200000 Mineral freed by means not involving slitting E21C0027220000 by rotary drills with breaking-down means, e.g. wedge-shaped drills E21C0027240000 by milling means acting on the full working face E21C0027260000 by closely adjacent cutter-chains acting on the full working face E21C0027280000 by percussive drills with breaking-down means, e.g. wedge-shaped tools E21C0027300000 by jaws, buckets, or scoops that scoop-out the mineral E21C0027320000 by adjustable or non-adjustable planing means with or without loading arrangements (by percussed planing means E21C0027460000);; E21C0027340000 Machine propelled along the working face by cable or chain E21C0027350000 Ram-ploughs E21C0027360000 Machine self-propelled along the working face E21C0027380000 Machine stationary while planing in an arc E21C0027400000 Machine and its planing tool making alternative step-wise movements along the working face E21C0027420000 combined with scraper or collector box E21C0027440000 Planing knives E21C0027460000 by percussed planing means E21C0029000000 Propulsion of machines for slitting or completely freeing the mineral from the seam E21C0029020000 by means on the machine exerting a thrust against fixed supports E21C0029040000 by cable or chains E21C0029060000 anchored at one or both ends to the mine working E21C0029080000 Anchoring arrangements (for anchoring of conveyers only E21F0013000000);; E21C0029100000 Cable or chain co-operating with a winch or the like on the machine E21C0029120000 Machines propelled by thrust or pull against a part alternately anchored to, and released from a cable or chain E21C0029140000 by haulage cable or chain pulling the machine along the working face E21C0029160000 Winches or other means for pulling cable or chain (winches per B66D);; E21C0029180000 Coupling and uncoupling machine to cable or chain E21C0029200000 with safety devices operating in the event of breakage of the cable or chain E21C0029220000 by wheels, endless tracks, or the like E21C0029240000 Trucks carrying the machine while working E21C0029260000 with means for adjustably positioning the machine on the truck E21C0029280000 adjusting the height of the whole machine E21C0031000000 Driving means incorporated in machines for slitting or completely freeing the mineral from the seam E21C0031020000 for cutting or breaking-down devices E21C0031040000 imparting both a rotary and reciprocating motion E21C0031060000 actuated by an endless cable or chain E21C0031080000 for adjusting parts of the machines E21C0031100000 for slewing parts of the machines E21C0031120000 Component part E21C0033000000 Trucks or other devices for transporting machines for slitting or completely freeing the mineral from the seam E21C0033020000 with equipment for loading or unloading the machine on to or from the truck E21C0035000000 Miscellaneous items relating to machines for slitting or completely freeing the mineral from the seam E21C0035020000 Locking equipment for slewable parts E21C0035040000 Safety devices (operating in the event of breakage of a haulage cable or chain E21C0029200000);; E21C0035060000 Equipment for positioning the whole machine in relation to its substructure E21C0035080000 Guiding the machine E21C0035100000 by feelers contacting the working face E21C0035120000 along a conveyer for the cut mineral E21C0035140000 Equipment for pressing the conveyer towards the working face E21C0035160000 by making use of the timbering, filling, or other supports E21C0035180000 General features of picks, e.g. use of special materials (picks for slitting machines E21C0025120000, E21C0025380000);; E21C0035200000 General features of equipment for removal of chippings, e.g. for loading on conveyer E21C0035220000 Equipment for preventing the formation of, or for removal of, dust (removing dust while drilling E21C0007000000);; E21C0035240000 Remote control specially adapted for machines for slitting or completely freeing the mineral (control in general G05);; E21C0037000000 Other methods or devices for dislodging with or without loading (breaking-down by means inserted in slits E21C0027140000);; E21C0037020000 by wedges E21C0037040000 by devices with parts pressed mechanically against the wall of a borehole E21C0037060000 by making use of hydraulic or pneumatic pressure in a borehole E21C0037080000 Devices with pistons, plungers, etc. pressed locally against the wall of the borehole E21C0037100000 Devices with expanding elastic casings E21C0037120000 by injecting into the borehole a liquid, either initially at high pressure or subsequently subjected to high pressure, e.g. by pulses, by explosive cartridges acting on the liquid (slitting by jets of water E21C0025600000;blasting by explosives C06C) E21C0037140000 by compressed air; by gas blast; by gasifying liquids E21C0037160000 by fire-setting or by similar methods based on a heat effect (flame piercing E21C0021000000);; E21C0037180000 by electricity E21C0037200000 by ultrasonics E21C0037220000 Hand tools or hand-held power-operated tools specially adapted for dislodging minerals (slitting machines guided solely by hand E21C0025640000);; E21C0037240000 Pick hammers (drilling machines with reciprocating tool E21C0003000000;pneumatic hammers in general B25D) E21C0037260000 Chisels or other cutting tools not mentioned before E21C0039000000 Devices for testing ; in situ the hardness or other properties of minerals, e.g. for giving information as to the selection of suitable mining tools E21C0041000000 Methods of mining with or without movable mining chambers or shields (working shields E21D0019000000);;Lay-outs («for peat E21D0019000000»);; E21C0041020000 for brown coal E21C0041040000 for hard coal E21C0041060000 for ores E21C0041080000 for rock salt; for potash salts (obtaining by dissolving out of boreholes E21B0043280000);; E21C0041100000 for oil-bearing deposits E21C0041120000 for stone, e.g. marble E21C0041140000 for other specified minerals, e.g. gold, mercury, other heavy metals, sulphur, slate; for clay E21C0043000000 Methods for preparing for the gasification of coal underground (methods for generating gas C10B);; E21C0045000000 Methods of mining placers; Hydraulic monitors or other hydraulic machines for obtaining minerals out of alluvial deposits E21C0047000000 Machines for obtaining, or the removal of materials in open-pit mines (obtaining peat E21C0049000000);; E21C0047020000 for coal, brown coal, or the like (dredgers E02F);; E21C0047040000 Conveyer bridges used in co-operation with the winning apparatus (overburden conveyer bridges B65G);; E21C0047060000 Cableway conveyers used in co-operation with the winning apparatus (underground hauling E21F0013000000);; E21C0047080000 Devices for cutting-out partings, e.g. layers of sand between seams of coal E21C0047100000 for quarrying stone, sand, gravel, or clay E21C0049000000 Obtaining peat; Machines therefor (treating peat C10F);; E21C0049020000 by excavating E21C0049040000 by digging in the form of peat sods E21D SHAFTS; SINKING SHAFTS; GALLERIES; LINING GALLERIES E21D0001000000 Sinking shafts E21D0001020000 by hand E21D0001030000 mechanically (E21D0001080000 takes precedence);; E21D0001040000 with grabs E21D0001060000 with shaft-boring cutters (drilling machines E21B, E21C);; E21D0001080000 while moving the lining downwards E21D0001100000 Preparation of the ground E21D0001120000 by freezing E21D0001140000 Freezing apparatus E21D0001160000 by petrification (grouting anchoring-bolts E21D0020020000);; E21D0003000000 Raising shafts, i.e. working upwards from the bottom E21D0005000000 Lining shafts E21D0005010000 using prefabricated lining lowered into a hole filled with liquid or viscous mass E21D0005012000 use of fluid-tight or anti-friction material on outside of, or between, lining layers E21D0005016000 Bearer curbs E21D0005020000 with wood (E21D0005010000, E21D0005012000, E21D0005016000 take precedence);; E21D0005040000 with brick, concrete, stone, or similar building materials (E21D0005010000, E21D0005012000, E21D0005016000 take precedence);; E21D0005060000 with iron or steel (E21D0005010000, E21D0005012000, E21D0005016000 take precedence);; E21D0005080000 in the form of profiled parts E21D0005100000 in the form of tubbing E21D0005110000 with combinations of different materials, e.g. wood, metal, concrete (E21D0005010000, E21D0005012000, E21D0005016000 take precedence);; E21D0005120000 Accessories for making shaft linings, e.g. suspended cradles, shutterings E21D0007000000 Shaft equipment, e.g. timbering within the shaft E21D0007020000 Arrangement of guides for cages in shafts; Connection of guides for cages to shaft walls (guides or shoes fixed on cages B66B);; E21D0009000000 Driving galleries, e.g. using ripping machines (driving-machines E21C0025000000-E21C0035240000, especially E21C0027000000;drift boring E21C0019000000) E21D0009020000 Driving inclined galleries E21D0009040000 Driving galleries through loose materials E21D0011000000 Lining galleries, e.g. supporting linings E21D0011020000 with wood E21D0011030000 using timber-setting machines E21D0011040000 with building materials E21D0011050000 using compressible insertions E21D0011060000 with bricks E21D0011070000 using brick-laying machines E21D0011080000 preformed concrete or other lagging slabs E21D0011100000 with concrete cast ; in situShuttering or other equipment adapted therefor E21D0011120000 Temporary supports for use during building; Accessories E21D0011140000 with iron or steel, e.g. with auxiliary parts of other materials, supporting rings E21D0011160000 Linings specially shaped for galleries of irregular cross-section (road-head supports connected to working-face supports E21D0015000000, E21D0017000000, E21D0023000000);; E21D0011180000 Arch members E21D0011200000 Special cross-sections, e.g. corrugated E21D0011220000 Clamps or other yieldable means for interconnecting adjacent arch members either rigidly, or allowing arch member parts to slide when subjected to excessive pressure E21D0011240000 Knuckle joints or links between arch members E21D0011260000 Shoes for connecting arch members to longitudinal struts E21D0011280000 Longitudinal struts E21D0011300000 Bases for lower arch members (for props E21D0015540000);; E21D0011320000 Laggings E21D0011340000 Joints between vertical props and horizontal top bars (end caps forming part of the props E21D0015540000);; E21D0013000000 Driving or making large working spaces, e.g. for pumps, for loading (driving-machines E21C0025000000-E21C0035240000); E21D0013020000 Methods E21D0013040000 Special equipment; Accessories E21D0015000000 Props (in the building art E04G0025000000);;Chocks E21D0015020000 Non-telescopic props E21D0015040000 with wooden prop parts joined by double conical connectors E21D0015060000 with parts joined by a lock, with or without slight axial adjustability E21D0015080000 with toggle joint connection E21D0015100000 with dog-clutch or pin-and-hole connection E21D0015120000 with locking devices located near head or foot E21D0015140000 Telescopic props (general means for fixing telescopic parts together F16B);; E21D0015150000 Means counteracting entry of dirt; Built-in cleaning devices E21D0015160000 with parts held together by positive means, with or without relative sliding movement when the prop is subject to excessive pressure E21D0015180000 with one part resting on a supporting medium, e.g. rubbish, sand, bitumen, lead, located in the other part, with or without expulsion or displacement of the medium upon excessive pressure E21D0015200000 with pawl, pin, cross-piece, etc. engaging with ratchet teeth, notches, holes, etc. spaced apart at intervals E21D0015220000 with member, pin, cross-piece, etc. ruptured, sheared through, or permanently deformed upon excessive pressure E21D0015240000 with axial screw-and-nut, rack-and-worm, or like mechanism E21D0015260000 with screw, worm, etc. not self-locking but normally prevented from rotation by friction members which slip upon excessive pressure E21D0015280000 with parts held relatively to each other by friction or gripping, e.g. using wedges E21D0015300000 by means expanded or contracted by pressure applied through the medium of a fluid or quasi-fluid, e.g. rubber E21D0015320000 by a deformable collar E21D0015340000 by axially-moving balls, rollers, etc. E21D0015360000 by a tiltable collar surrounding one or both parts E21D0015380000 with longitudinally-divided upper or lower prop parts, e.g. interfitting laminations E21D0015400000 Collar or other support gripped to one or both parts by toggle-action, cam, or other member pivoted or similarly mounted E21D0015420000 with special parts to influence the friction E21D0015430000 Details of wedges (friction linings or pads E21D0015420000);; E21D0015440000 Hydraulic, pneumatic, or hydraulic-pneumatic props E21D0015450000 having closed fluid system, e.g. with built-in pumps or accumulators E21D0015460000 with load-measuring devices; with alarm devices E21D0015480000 Chocks or the like E21D0015500000 Component parts or details of props (E21D0015430000, E21D0015580000, E21D0015600000 take precedence);; E21D0015502000 Prop bodies characterised by their shape, e.g. of specified cross-section E21D0015510000 specially adapted to hydraulic, pneumatic, or hydraulic-pneumatic props, e.g. arrangements of relief valves E21D0015520000 Extensible units located above or below standard props E21D0015540000 Details of the ends of props (for permitting step-by-step movement E21D0023060000);; E21D0015550000 of prop heads E21D0015560000 Details of locks of telescopic props E21D0015580000 Devices for setting props E21D0015582000 for mechanical props E21D0015590000 for hydraulic, pneumatic, or hydraulic-pneumatic props E21D0015600000 Devices for withdrawing props or chocks E21D0017000000 Caps for supporting mine roofs E21D0017010000 characterised by the shape of the cap, e.g. of specified cross-section E21D0017020000 Cantilever extension or similar protecting devices E21D0017022000 Auxiliary devices for temporary support of roof-supporting beams whilst assembling E21D0017030000 Brackets for roof-supporting bars E21D0017040000 for use in longwall working E21D0017050000 hydraulically extensible E21D0017054000 hydraulically pivotable E21D0017060000 for use in drifting galleries E21D0017080000 Cap joints for obtaining a coal-face free of pit-props E21D0017082000 of sliding type E21D0017086000 of articulated type E21D0017100000 Details of mine caps for engaging the tops of pit-props, with or without retaining-plates; Retaining-plates E21D0019000000 Working shields; Protective covers for working space E21D0019020000 for use in longwall working E21D0019040000 for use in drifting galleries E21D0020000000 Setting anchoring-bolts E21D0020020000 with provisions for grouting E21D0021000000 Anchoring-bolts for roof, floor, or shaft-lining protection E21D0021020000 having means for indicating tension (screwed connections specially modified for indicating tensile load F16B0031020000);; E21D0023000000 Mine roof supports for step-by-step movement, e.g. in combination with provisions for shifting of conveyers, mining machines, or guides therefor (shifting of mine conveyers per at the working face E21F0013080000);; E21D0023040000 Structural features of the supporting construction, e.g. linking members between adjacent frames or sets of props, means for counteracting lateral sliding on inclined floor (E21D0023140000 takes precedence);; E21D0023060000 Special mine caps or special tops of pit-props for permitting step-by-step movement E21D0023080000 Advancing mechanisms (E21D0023160000 takes precedence);; E21D0023100000 with advancing-devices separate from the supporting construction E21D0023120000 Control, e.g. using remote control (E21D0023160000 takes precedence);; E21D0023140000 Effecting automatic sequential movement of supports, e.g. one behind the other E21D0023160000 Hydraulic or pneumatic features, e.g. circuits, arrangement or adaptation of valves, setting or retracting devices E21D0023180000 of advancing mechanisms E21D0023200000 for sequential movement, e.g. one behind the other E21D0023220000 incorporated in mine caps E21D0023240000 the advancing mechanisms being separate from the supporting construction E21D0023260000 Hydraulic or pneumatic control E21F VENTILATION; SAFETY DEVICES; TRANSPORT; FILLING UP; RESCUE E21F0001000000 Distribution of ventilating currents (ventilating tunnels E01G0007020000;ventilating rooms or spaces in general F24F) E21F0001020000 Test models (analogue computers therefor G06G0007500000);; E21F0001040000 Air ducts (suspension devices E21F0017020000);; E21F0001060000 Duct connections (tube connections in general F16L);; E21F0001080000 Special arrangements or constructions of ventilators in connection with air ducts (ventilators in general F04D);; E21F0001100000 Air doors (doors in general E06B);; E21F0001120000 Devices for automatically opening air doors E21F0001140000 Air partitions; Air dams; Air-locks (air-locks for foundations E02D);; E21F0001160000 Shaft covers E21F0003000000 Cooling or drying of air (air-conditioning rooms or spaces in general F24F);; E21F0005000000 Means or methods for preventing, binding, depositing, or removing dust; Preventing explosions or mine fires (applying liquids or semi-liquids to surfaces in general B05);; E21F0005020000 by wetting or spraying E21F0005040000 Spraying barriers (spray nipples, spraying in general B05B);; E21F0005060000 Fluids used for spraying E21F0005080000 Rock dusting of mines; Depositing other protective substances E21F0005100000 Devices for rock dusting E21F0005120000 Composition of rock dust E21F0005140000 Fluid barriers or rock dusters made to work by, or at the same time as, shots or explosions E21F0005160000 Layers of hygroscopic or other salts deposited on floors, walls, ect. for binding dust; Depositing of such layers E21F0005180000 Impregnating walls, etc., with liquids for binding dust E21F0005200000 Drawing-off or depositing dust (dust-removing while drilling E21C0007000000, while slitting E21C0035220000);; E21F0007000000 Methods or devices for drawing-off gases with or without subsequent use of the gas for any purpose E21F0009000000 Devices preventing sparking of machines or apparatus (preventing sparking of electric machines or apparatus H01K, H02K);; E21F0011000000 Rescue devices or other safety devices, e.g. safety chambers, escape ways (breathing aids for curative purposes A61H0031000000;respiratory apparatus A62B0007000000; revival apparatus A62B0033000000) E21F0013000000 Transport specially adapted to underground conditions (mine cars B61D;transport in general, loading B65G) E21F0013020000 in galleries E21F0013040000 in gravity inclines; in staple or inclined shafts E21F0013060000 at or adjacent to the working face E21F0013080000 Shifting conveyers or other transport devices from one location at the working face to another (guiding mining machines along conveyers for the cut mineral E21C0035120000;in combination with mine roof supports for step-by-step movement E21D0023000000) E21F0015000000 Methods or devices for placing filling-up materials in underground workings E21F0015020000 Supporting means, e.g. shuttering, for filling-up materials E21F0015040000 Stowing mats; Goaf wire netting; Partition walls E21F0015060000 Filling-up mechanically E21F0015080000 Filling-up hydraulically or pneumatically (hydraulic or pneumatic transport devices B65G;pipes, pipe couplings F16L) E21F0015100000 Hydraulic or pneumatic filling-up machines E21F0017000000 Methods or devices for use in mines, not covered elsewhere (mine lighting F21, H05B);; E21F0017020000 Suspension devices for tubes or the like, e.g. for ventilating ducts (for piping or cables F16L0003000000-F16L0007000000); E21F0017040000 Distributing means for power supply in mines E21F0017060000 Distributing electric power; Cable networks; Conduits for cables (circuit arrangements for supplying or distributing electric power in general H02J);; E21F0017080000 Distributing hydraulic power; Pipe networks for hydraulic liquid (pipe-line systems in general F17D);; E21F0017100000 Distributing pneumatic power; Pipe networks for compressed air (pipe-line systems in general F17D);; E21F0017120000 Dam doors E21F0017140000 Mine grainage E21F0017160000 Modification of mine passages or chambers for storage purposes, especially for liquids or gases (storing fluids in underground chambers B65G0005000000);; E21F0017180000 Special adaptations of signalling or alarm devices (for mine lifts B66B;gas-sensitive devices per G01N)