F SECTION F MECHANICAL ENGINEERINGLIGHTING; HEATING; WEAPONS; BLASTING F01 MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERAL; ENGINE PLANTS IN GENERAL; STEAM ENGINES F01B MACHINES OR ENGINES, IN GENERAL OR OF POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT TYPE, e.g. STEAM ENGINES (of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F01C; of non-positive-displacement type F01D; combustion engines F02; internal-combustion aspects of reciprocating-piston engines F02B0057000000, F02B0059000000; machines for liquids F03, F04; crankshafts, crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; flywheels F16F; gearings for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion in general F16H; pistons, piston-rods, cylinders, for engines in general F16J) F01B0001000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines characterised by number or relative disposition of cylinders or by being built-up from separate cylinder-crankcase elements (F01B0003000000, F01B0005000000 take precedence);; F01B0001010000 with one single cylinder F01B0001020000 with cylinders all in one line F01B0001040000 with cylinders in V-arrangement F01B0001060000 with cylinders in star or fan arrangement F01B0001080000 with cylinders arranged oppositely relative to main shaft and of "flat" type F01B0001100000 with more than one main shaft, e.g. coupled to common output shaft (combinations of two or more machines or engines F01B0021000000) F01B0001120000 Separate cylinder-crankcase elements coupled together to form a unit F01B0003000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F01B0003020000 with wobble-plate F01B0003040000 the piston motion being transmitted by curved surfaces F01B0003060000 by multi-turn helical surfaces and automatic reversal F01B0003080000 the helices being arranged on the pistons F01B0003100000 Control of working-fluid admission or discharge peculiar thereto (suitable for more general application F01L) F01B0005000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with cylinder axes arranged substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main shaft axis F01B0007000000 Machines or engines with two or more pistons reciprocating within same cylinder or within essentially coaxial cylinders (in opposite arrangement relative to main shaft F01B0001080000) F01B0007020000 with oppositely reciprocating pistons F01B0007040000 acting on same main shaft F01B0007060000 using only connecting-rods for conversion of reciprocatory into rotary motion or ; vice versa F01B0007080000 with side rods F01B0007100000 having piston-rod of one piston passed through other piston F01B0007120000 using rockers and connecting-rods F01B0007140000 acting on different main shafts F01B0007160000 with pistons synchronously moving in tandem arrangement F01B0007180000 with differential piston (F01B0007200000 takes precedence);; F01B0007200000 with two or more pistons reciprocating one within another, e.g. one piston forming cylinder of the other F01B0009000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines characterised by connections between pistons and main shafts and not specific to groups F01B0001000000-F01B0007000000; (connections disengageable during idling F01B0031240000) F01B0009020000 with crankshaft F01B0009040000 with rotary main shaft other than crankshaft F01B0009060000 the piston motion being transmitted by curved surfaces F01B0009080000 with ratchet and pawl F01B0011000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines without rotary main shaft, e.g. of free-piston type F01B0011020000 Equalising or cushioning devices F01B0011040000 Engines combined with reciprocatory driven devices, e.g. hammers (with pumps F01B0023080000; predominating aspects of driven devices, see the relevant classes for the devices); F01B0011060000 for generating vibration only F01B0011080000 with direct fluid transmission link (F01B0011020000 takes precedence);; F01B0013000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with rotating cylinders in order to obtain the reciprocating-piston motion (machines or engines of flexible-wall type F01B0019000000) F01B0013020000 with one cylinder only F01B0013040000 with more than one cylinder F01B0013060000 in star arrangement F01B0015000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines with movable cylinders other than provided for in group F01B0013000000; (with movable cylinder sleeves for working-fluid control F01L) F01B0015020000 with reciprocating cylinders (with one piston within another F01B0007200000) F01B0015040000 with oscillating cylinder F01B0015060000 Control of working-fluid admission or discharge peculiar thereto F01B0017000000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines characterised by use of uniflow principle F01B0017020000 Engines F01B0017040000 Steam engines F01B0019000000 Positive-displacement machines or engines of flexible-wall type F01B0019020000 with plate-like flexible members F01B0019040000 with tubular flexible members F01B0021000000 Combinations of two or more machines or engines (F01B0023000000 takes precedence;combinations of two or more pumps F04; fluid gearing F16H; regulating or controlling, see the relevant groups); F01B0021020000 the machines or engines being all of reciprocating-piston type F01B0021040000 the machines or engines being not all of reciprocating-piston type, e.g. of reciprocating steam engine with steam turbine F01B0023000000 Adaptations of machines or engines for special use; Combinations of engines with devices driven thereby (F01B0011000000 takes precedence;fluid gearing F16H; aspects predominantly concerning driven devices, see the relevant classes for these devicesregulating or controlling, see the relevant groups); F01B0023020000 Adaptations for driving vehicles, e.g. locomotives (arrangements in vehicles, see the relevant classes for vehicles);; F01B0023040000 the vehicles being waterborne vessels F01B0023060000 Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, hand-held tools or the like F01B0023080000 Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, pumps F01B0023100000 Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, electric generators F01B0023120000 Adaptations for driving rolling mills or other heavy reversing machinery F01B0025000000 Regulating, controlling, or safety means (regulating or controlling in general G05) F01B0025020000 Regulating or controlling by varying working-fluid admission or exhaust, e.g. by varying pressure or quantity (distributing or expansion valve gear F01L) F01B0025040000 Sensing elements F01B0025060000 responsive to speed F01B0025080000 Final actuators F01B0025100000 Arrangements or adaptations of working-fluid admission or discharge valves (valves in general F16K) F01B0025120000 Devices dealing with sensing elements or final actuators or transmitting means between them, e.g. power-assisted (sensing elements alone F01B0025040000; final actuators alone F01B0025080000) F01B0025140000 peculiar to particular kinds of machines or engines F01B0025160000 Safety means responsive to specific conditions (against water hammer or the like in steam engines F01B0031340000) F01B0025180000 preventing rotation in wrong direction F01B0025200000 Checking operation of safety devices F01B0025220000 Braking by redirecting working fluid F01B0025240000 thereby regenerating energy F01B0025260000 Warning devices F01B0027000000 Starting of machines or engines (starting combustion engines F02N) F01B0027020000 of reciprocating-piston engines F01B0027040000 by directing working-fluid supply, e.g. by aid of by-pass steam conduits F01B0027060000 specially for compound engines F01B0027080000 Means for moving crank off dead-centre (turning-gear in general F16H) F01B0029000000 Machines or engines with pertinent characteristics other than those provided for in main groups ; F01B0001000000-F01B0027000000 F01B0029020000 Atmospheric engines, i.e. atmosphere acting against vacuum F01B0029040000 characterised by means for converting from one type to a different one F01B0029060000 from steam engine into combustion engine F01B0029080000 Reciprocating-piston machines or engines not otherwise provided for F01B0029100000 Engines (refrigeration machines F25B) F01B0029120000 Steam engines (toy steam engines A63H0025000000) F01B0031000000 Component parts, details, or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, other groups (machine or engine casings, other than those peculiar to steam engines, F16M) F01B0031020000 De-icing means for engines having icing phenomena F01B0031040000 Means for equalising torque in reciprocating-piston machines or engines (compensation of inertial forces, suppression of vibration in systems F16F) F01B0031060000 Means for compensating relative expansion of component parts F01B0031080000 Cooling of steam engines (cooling of fluid machines or engines in general F01P); Heating; Heat insulation (heat insulation in general F16L0059000000) F01B0031100000 Lubricating arrangements of steam engines (of fluid machines or engines in general F01M) F01B0031120000 Arrangements of measuring or indicating devices (warning apparatus F01B0025260000; measuring instruments or the like per seG01) F01B0031140000 Changing of compression ratio F01B0031160000 Silencers specially adapted for steam engines (arrangements of exhaust pipes or tubes on steam engines F01B0031300000; gas-flow silencers or exhaust silencers for machines or engines in general F01N) F01B0031180000 Draining F01B0031200000 of cylinders F01B0031220000 Idling devices, e.g. having by-passing valves F01B0031240000 Disengagement of connections between pistons and main shafts F01B0031260000 Other component parts, details, or accessories, peculiar to steam engines F01B0031280000 Cylinders or cylinder covers F01B0031300000 Arrangements of steam conduits F01B0031320000 Arrangements or adaptations of vacuum breakers F01B0031340000 Safety means against water hammer or against the penetration of water (steam traps F16T) F01B0031360000 automatically cutting-off steam supply F01C ROTARY-PISTON OR OSCILLATING-PISTON MACHINES OR ENGINES (combustion engines F02; internal-combustion aspects F02B0053000000, F02B0055000000; machines for liquids F03, F04) F01C0001000000 Rotary-piston machines or engines (with axes of co-operating members non-parallel F01C0003000000; with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F01C0005000000; with fluid ring or the like F01C0007000000; rotary-piston machines or engines in which the working fluid is exclusively displaced by, or exclusively displaces, one or more reciprocating pistons F01B0013000000) F01C0001020000 of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F01C0001040000 of internal-axis type F01C0001060000 of other than internal-axis type (F01C0001063000 takes precedence);; F01C0001063000 with coaxially-mounted members having continuously-changing circumferential spacing between them F01C0001067000 having cam-and-follower type drive F01C0001070000 having crankshaft-and-connecting-rod type drive F01C0001073000 having pawl-and-ratchet type drive F01C0001077000 having toothed-gearing type drive F01C0001080000 of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F01C0001100000 of internal-axis type with the outer member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents, e.g. rollers, than the inner member F01C0001107000 with helical teeth F01C0001113000 the inner member carrying rollers intermeshing with the outer member F01C0001120000 of other than internal-axis type F01C0001140000 with toothed rotary pistons F01C0001160000 with helical teeth, e.g. chevron-shaped, screw type F01C0001180000 with similar tooth forms (F01C0001160000 takes precedence);; F01C0001200000 with dissimilar tooth forms (F01C0001160000 takes precedence);; F01C0001220000 of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents than the outer member F01C0001240000 of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F01C0001260000 of internal-axis type F01C0001280000 of other than internal-axis type F01C0001300000 having the characteristics covered by two or more of groups ; F01C0001020000, F01C0001080000, F01C0001220000, F01C0001240000; or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F01C0001320000 having both the movement defined in group ; F01C0001020000 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F01C0001324000 with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F01C0001328000 and hinged to the outer member F01C0001332000 with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F01C0001336000 and hinged to the inner member F01C0001340000 having the movement defined in group ; F01C0001080000; or F01C0001220000 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F01C0001344000 with vanes reciprocating with respect to the inner member F01C0001348000 the vanes positively engaging, with circumferential play, an outer rotatable member F01C0001352000 the vanes being pivoted on the axis of the outer member F01C0001356000 with vanes reciprocating with respect to the outer member F01C0001360000 having both the movements defined in groups ; F01C0001220000 and F01C0001240000 F01C0001380000 having the movement defined in group F01C0001020000 and having a hinged member(F01C0001320000 takes precedence);; F01C0001390000 with vanes hinged to the inner as well as to the outer member F01C0001400000 having the movement defined in group ; F01C0001080000; or F01C0001220000 and having a hinged member F01C0001440000 with vanes hinged to the inner member F01C0001460000 with vanes hinged to the outer member F01C0003000000 Rotary-piston machines or engines with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members (with the working-chamber walls being at least partly resiliently deformable F01C0005000000) F01C0003020000 the axes being arranged at an angle of 90 F01C0003040000 with axially-sliding vanes F01C0003060000 the axes being arranged otherwise than at an angle of 90 F01C0003080000 of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F01C0005000000 Rotary-piston machines or engines with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F01C0005020000 the resiliently-deformable wall being part of the inner member, e.g. of a rotary piston F01C0005040000 the resiliently-deformable wall being part of the outer member, e.g. of a housing F01C0005060000 the resiliently-deformable wall being a separate member F01C0005080000 of tubular form, e.g. hose F01C0007000000 Rotary-piston machines or engines with fluid ring or the like F01C0009000000 Oscillating-piston machines or engines F01C0011000000 Combinations of two or more machines or engines, each being of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type (F01C0013000000 takes precedence;combinations of two or more pumps F04; fluid gearing F16H) F01C0013000000 Adaptations of machines or engines for special use; Combinations of engines with devices driven thereby (aspects predominantly concerning driven devices, see the relevant classes for these devices);; F01C0013020000 for driving hand-held tools or the like F01C0013040000 for driving pumps or compressors F01C0017000000 Arrangements for drive of co-operating members, e.g. for rotary piston and casing F01C0017020000 of toothed-gearing type (F01C0001077000 takes precedence);; F01C0017040000 of cam-and-follower type (F01C0001067000 takes precedence);; F01C0017060000 using cranks, universal joints, or similar elements (F01C0001070000 takes precedence);; F01C0019000000 Sealing arrangements in rotary-piston machines or engines (sealings in general F16J) F01C0019020000 Radially-movable sealings for working fluids F01C0019040000 of rigid material F01C0019060000 of resilient material F01C0019080000 Axially-movable sealings for working fluids F01C0019100000 Sealings for working fluids between radially and axially movable parts F01C0019120000 for other than working fluid F01C0020000000 Control of, monitoring of, or safety arrangements for, machines or engines F01C0020020000 specially adapted for several machines or engines connected in series or in parallel F01C0020040000 specially adapted for reversible machines or engines F01C0020060000 specially adapted for stopping, starting, idling or no-load operation F01C0020080000 characterised by varying the rotational speed F01C0020100000 characterised by changing the positions of the inlet or outlet openings with respect to the working chamber F01C0020120000 using sliding valves F01C0020140000 using rotating valves F01C0020160000 using lift valves F01C0020180000 characterised by varying the volume of the working chamber (by changing the positions of inlet or outlet openings F01C0020100000) F01C0020200000 by changing the form of the inner or outer contour of the working chamber F01C0020220000 by changing the eccentricity between cooperating members F01C0020240000 characterised by using valves regulating pressure or flow rate, e.g. discharge valves (F01C0020100000 takes precedence);; F01C0020260000 using bypass channels F01C0020280000 Safety arrangements; Monitoring F01C0021000000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in groups ; F01C0001000000-F01C0020000000 F01C0021020000 Arrangements of bearings (bearing constructions F16C) F01C0021040000 Lubrication (of machines or engines in general F01M) F01C0021060000 Heating; Cooling (of machines or engines in general F01P); Heat insulation (heat insulation in general F16L) F01C0021080000 Rotary pistons (reciprocating pistons in general F16J) F01C0021100000 Outer members for co-operation with rotary pistons; Casings (casings for rotary engines or machines in general F16M) F01C0021180000 Arrangements for admission or discharge of the working fluid, e.g. constructional features of the inlet or outlet F01D NON-POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES OR ENGINES, e.g. STEAM TURBINES (combustion engines F02; machines or engines for liquids F03, F04; non-positive-displacement pumps F04D) F01D0001000000 Non-positive-displacement machines or engines, e.g. steam turbines (with working-fluid flows in opposite axial directions for balancing axial thrust F01D0003020000; with other than pure rotation F01D0023000000; turbines characterised by their use in special steam systems, cycles, or processes, regulating devices therefor F01K) F01D0001020000 with stationary working-fluid guiding means and bladed or like rotor (F01D0001240000 takes precedence;without working-fluid guiding means F01D0001180000) F01D0001040000 traversed by the working-fluid substantially axially F01D0001060000 traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D0001080000 having inward flow F01D0001100000 having two or more stages subjected to working-fluid flow without essential intermediate pressure change, i.e. with velocity stages (F01D0001120000 takes precedence);; F01D0001120000 with repeated action on same blade ring F01D0001140000 traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D0001160000 characterised by having both reaction stages and impulse stages F01D0001180000 without working-fluid guiding means (F01D0001240000, F01D0001320000, F01D0001340000 take precedence);; F01D0001200000 traversed by the working-fluid substantially axially F01D0001220000 traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D0001240000 characterised by counter-rotating rotors subjected to same working-fluid stream without intermediate stator blades or the like F01D0001260000 traversed by the working-fluid substantially axially F01D0001280000 traversed by the working-fluid substantially radially F01D0001300000 characterised by having a single rotor operable in either direction of rotation, e.g. by reversing of blades (combinations of machines or engines F01D0013000000) F01D0001320000 with pressure/velocity transformation exclusively in rotor, e.g. the rotor rotating under the influence of jets issuing from the rotor F01D0001340000 characterised by non-bladed rotor, e.g. with drilled holes (F01D0001320000 takes precedence;sirens G10K0007000000) F01D0001360000 using fluid friction F01D0001380000 of the screw type F01D0003000000 Machines or engines with axial-thrust balancing effected by working fluid F01D0003020000 characterised by having one fluid flow in one axial direction and another fluid flow in the opposite direction F01D0003040000 axial thrust being compensated by thrust-balancing dummy piston or the like F01D0005000000 Blades; Blade-carrying members (nozzle boxes F01D0009020000); Heating, heat-insulating, cooling, or antivibration means on the blades or the members F01D0005020000 Blade-carrying members, e.g. rotors (rotors of non-bladed type F01D0001340000; stators F01D0009000000) F01D0005030000 Annular blade-carrying members having blades on the inner periphery of the annulus and extending inwardly radially, i.e. inverted rotors F01D0005040000 for radial-flow machines or engines F01D0005060000 Rotors for more than one axial stage, e.g. of drum or multiple-disc type; Details thereof, e.g. shafts, shaft connections F01D0005080000 Heating, heat-insulating, or cooling means F01D0005100000 Antivibration means F01D0005120000 Blades (blade roots F01D0005300000; rotors with blades adjustable in operation F01D0007000000; stator blades F01D0009020000) F01D0005140000 Form or construction (selecting particular materials, measures against erosion or corrosion F01D0005280000) F01D0005160000 for counteracting blade vibration F01D0005180000 Hollow blades; Heating, heat-insulating, or cooling means on blades F01D0005200000 Specially-shaped blade tips to seal space between tips and stator F01D0005220000 Blade-to-blade connections, e.g. by shrouding F01D0005240000 using wire or the like F01D0005260000 Antivibration means not restricted to blade form or construction or to blade-to-blade connections F01D0005280000 Selecting particular materials; Measures against erosion or corrosion F01D0005300000 Fixing blades to rotors; Blade roots F01D0005320000 Locking, e.g. by final locking-blades or keys F01D0005340000 Rotor-blade aggregates of unitary construction F01D0007000000 Rotors with blades adjustable in operation; Control thereof (for reversing F01D0001300000) F01D0007020000 having adjustment responsive to speed F01D0009000000 Stators (non-fluid guiding aspects of casings, regulating, controlling, or safety aspects, see the relevant groups);; F01D0009020000 Nozzles; Nozzle boxes; Stator blades; Guide conduits F01D0009040000 forming ring or sector F01D0009060000 Fluid supply conduits to nozzles or the like F01D0011000000 Preventing or minimising internal leakage of working fluid, e.g. between stages (sealings in general F16J) F01D0011020000 by non-contact sealings, e.g. of labyrinth type (for sealing space between rotor blade tips and stator F01D0011080000) F01D0011040000 using sealing fluid, e.g. steam F01D0011060000 Control thereof F01D0011080000 for sealing space between rotor blade tips and stator (specially-shaped blade tips therefor F01D0005200000) F01D0011100000 using sealing fluid, e.g. steam F01D0011120000 using a rubstrip, e.g. erodible, deformable or resiliently biased part F01D0011140000 Adjusting or regulating tip-clearance, i.e. distance between rotor-blade tips and stator casing (rotors with blades adjustable in operation F01D0007000000) F01D0011160000 by self-adjusting means (F01D0011120000 takes precedence);; F01D0011180000 using stator or rotor components with predetermined thermal response, e.g. selective insulation, thermal inertia, differential expansion F01D0011200000 Actively adjusting tip-clearance F01D0011220000 by mechanically actuating the stator or rotor components, e.g. moving shroud sections relative to the rotor F01D0011240000 by selectively cooling or heating stator or rotor components F01D0013000000 Combinations of two or more machines or engines (F01D0015000000 takes precedence;combinations of two or more pumps F04; fluid gearing F16H; regulating or controlling, see the relevant groups); F01D0013020000 Working-fluid interconnection of machines or engines F01D0015000000 Adaptations of machines or engines for special use; Combinations of engines with devices driven thereby (regulating or controlling, see the relevant groups;aspects predominantly concerning driven devices, see the relevant classes for the devices); F01D0015020000 Adaptations for driving vehicles, e.g. locomotives (arrangement in vehicles, see the relevant vehicle classes);; F01D0015040000 the vehicles being waterborne vessels F01D0015060000 Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, hand-held tools or the like F01D0015080000 Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, pumps F01D0015100000 Adaptations for driving, or combinations with, electric generators F01D0015120000 Combinations with mechanical gearing (driven by multiple engines F01D0013000000) F01D0017000000 Regulating or controlling by varying flow (for reversing F01D0001300000; by varying rotor blade position F01D0007000000; specially for starting F01D0019000000; shutting-down F01D0021000000; regulating or controlling in general G05) F01D0017020000 Arrangement of sensing elements (sensing elements per se, see the relevant subclasses);; F01D0017040000 responsive to load F01D0017060000 responsive to speed F01D0017080000 responsive to condition of working fluid, e.g. pressure F01D0017100000 Final actuators (valves in general F16K) F01D0017120000 arranged in stator parts F01D0017140000 varying effective cross-sectional area of nozzles or guide conduits F01D0017160000 by means of nozzle vanes F01D0017180000 varying effective number of nozzles or guide conduits F01D0017200000 Devices dealing with sensing elements or final actuators or transmitting means between them, e.g. power-assisted (sensing elements alone F01D0017020000; final actuators alone F01D0017100000) F01D0017220000 the operation or power assistance being predominantly non-mechanical F01D0017240000 electrical F01D0017260000 fluid, e.g. hydraulic F01D0019000000 Starting of machines or engines; Regulating, controlling, or safety means in connection therewith (warming-up before starting F01D0025100000; turning or inching gear F01D0025340000) F01D0019020000 dependent on temperature of component parts, e.g. of turbine casing F01D0021000000 Shutting-down of machines or engines, e.g. in emergency; Regulating, controlling, or safety means not otherwise provided for F01D0021020000 Shutting-down responsive to overspeed F01D0021040000 responsive to undesired position of rotor relative to stator, e.g. indicating such position F01D0021060000 Shutting-down F01D0021080000 Restoring position F01D0021100000 responsive to unwanted deposits on blades, in working-fluid conduits, or the like F01D0021120000 responsive to temperature F01D0021140000 responsive to other specific conditions F01D0021160000 Trip gear F01D0021180000 involving hydraulic means F01D0021200000 Checking operation of shut-down devices F01D0023000000 Non-positive-displacement machines or engines with movement other than pure rotation, e.g. of endless-chain type F01D0025000000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, other groups F01D0025020000 De-icing means for engines having icing phenomena F01D0025040000 Antivibration arrangements F01D0025060000 for preventing blade vibration (means on blade-carrying members or blades F01D0005000000) F01D0025080000 Cooling (of machines or engines in general F01P); Heating; Heat insulation (of blade-carrying members, of blades F01D0005000000) F01D0025100000 Heating, e.g. warming-up before starting F01D0025120000 Cooling F01D0025140000 Casings modified therefor (double casings F01D0025260000) F01D0025160000 Arrangement of bearings; Supporting or mounting bearings in casings (bearings per seF16C) F01D0025180000 Lubricating arrangements (of machines or engines in general F01M) F01D0025200000 using lubrication pumps F01D0025220000 using working fluid or other gaseous fluid as lubricant F01D0025240000 Casings (modified for heating or cooling F01D0025140000); Casing parts, e.g. diaphragms, casing fastenings (casings for rotary machines or engines in general F16M) F01D0025260000 Double casings; Measures against temperature strain in casings F01D0025280000 Supporting or mounting arrangements, e.g. for turbine casing F01D0025300000 Exhaust heads, chambers, or the like F01D0025320000 Collecting of condensation water; Drainage F01D0025340000 Turning or inching gear F01D0025360000 using electric motors F01K STEAM ENGINE PLANTS; STEAM ACCUMULATORS; ENGINE PLANTS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR; ENGINES USING SPECIAL WORKING FLUIDS OR CYCLES (gas-turbine or jet-propulsion plants F02; steam generation F22; nuclear power plants, engine arrangements therein G21D) F01K0001000000 Steam accumulators (use of accumulators in steam engine plants F01K0003000000) F01K0001020000 for storing steam otherwise than in a liquid F01K0001040000 for storing steam in a liquid, e.g. Ruth type (in alkali to increase steam pressure F22B0001200000) F01K0001060000 Internal fittings facilitating steam distribution, steam formation, or circulation (acting during charging or discharging F01K0001080000; fittings facilitating circulation through multiple accumulators F01K0001140000) F01K0001080000 Charging or discharging of accumulators with steam (peculiar to multiple accumulators F01K0001120000) F01K0001100000 specially adapted for superheated steam F01K0001120000 Multiple accumulators; Charging, discharging, or regulating peculiar thereto F01K0001140000 Circulation F01K0001160000 Other safety or regulating means F01K0001180000 for steam pressure F01K0001200000 Other steam-accumulator parts, details, or accessories F01K0003000000 Steam engine plants F01K0003000000 Plants characterised by the use of steam or heat accumulators, or intermediate steam heaters, therein (regenerating exhaust steam F01K0019000000) F01K0003020000 Use of accumulators and specific engine types; Regulating thereof F01K0003040000 the engine being of multiple-inlet-pressure type F01K0003060000 the engine being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K0003080000 Use of accumulators, the plant being specially adapted for a specific use F01K0003100000 for vehicle drive, e.g. for accumulator locomotives F01K0003120000 having two or more accumulators F01K0003140000 having both steam accumulator and heater, e.g. superheating accumulator (steam superheaters per seF22G) F01K0003160000 Mutual arrangement of accumulator and heater F01K0003180000 having heaters (having both steam accumulator and heater F01K0003140000; steam heaters per seF22) F01K0003200000 with heating by combustion gases of main boiler F01K0003220000 Controlling, e.g. starting, stopping F01K0003240000 with heating by separately-fired heaters F01K0003260000 with heating by steam F01K0005000000 Plants characterised by use of means for storing steam in an alkali to increase steam pressure, e.g. of Honigmann or Koenemann type F01K0005020000 used in regenerative installation F01K0007000000 Steam engine plants characterised by the use of specific types of engine (F01K0003020000 takes precedence);;Plants or engines characterised by their use of special steam systems, cycles, or processes (reciprocating-piston engines using uniflow principle F01B0017040000); Regulating means peculiar to such systems, cycles, or processes; Use of withdrawn or exhaust steam for feed-water heating F01K0007020000 the engines being of multiple-expansion type (the engines being only of turbine type F01K0007160000; the engines using steam of critical or over-critical pressure F01K0007320000; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K0007340000) F01K0007040000 Regulating means peculiar thereto F01K0007060000 the engines being of multiple-inlet-pressure type (F01K0007020000 takes precedence;the engines being only of turbine type F01K0007160000; the engines using steam of critical or over-critical pressure F01K0007320000; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K0007340000) F01K0007080000 Regulating means peculiar thereto F01K0007100000 characterised by the engine exhaust pressure (the engines being only of turbine type F01K0007160000; the engines using steam of critical or over-critical pressure F01K0007320000; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K0007340000) F01K0007120000 of condensing type F01K0007140000 Regulating means peculiar thereto F01K0007160000 the engines being only of turbine type (the engines using steam of critical or over-critical pressure F01K0007320000; the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type F01K0007340000) F01K0007180000 the turbine being of multiple-inlet-pressure type F01K0007200000 Regulating means peculiar thereto F01K0007220000 the turbines having inter-stage steam heating F01K0007240000 Regulating or safety means peculiar thereto F01K0007260000 the turbines having inter-stage steam accumulation F01K0007280000 Regulating means peculiar thereto F01K0007300000 the turbines using exhaust steam only F01K0007320000 the engines using steam of critical or over-critical pressure F01K0007340000 the engines being of extraction or non-condensing type; Use of steam for feed-water heating (feed-water heaters in general F22D) F01K0007360000 the engines being of positive-displacement type F01K0007380000 the engines being of turbine type F01K0007400000 Use of two or more feed-water heaters in series F01K0007420000 Use of desuperheaters for feed-water heating F01K0007440000 Use of steam for feed-water heating and another purpose F01K0009000000 Steam engine plants characterised by condensers arranged or modified to co-operate with the engines (by condensers structurally combined with engines F01K0011000000; steam condensers per seF28B) F01K0009020000 Arrangements or modifications of condensate or air pumps F01K0009040000 with dump valves to by-pass stages F01K0011000000 Steam engine plants characterised by the engines being structurally combined with boilers or condensers F01K0011020000 the engines being turbines F01K0011040000 the boilers or condensers being rotated in use F01K0013000000 General layout or general methods of operation, of complete steam engine plants F01K0013020000 Regulating, e.g. stopping or starting F01K0015000000 Adaptations of steam engine plants for special use F01K0015020000 for driving vehicles, e.g. locomotives (arrangements in vehicles, see the relevant vehicle classes);; F01K0015040000 the vehicles being waterborne vessels F01K0017000000 Use of steam or condensate extracted or exhausted from steam engine plant (for heating feed-water F01K0007340000; returning condensate to boiler F22D) F01K0017020000 for heating purposes, e.g. industrial, domestic (F01K0017060000 takes precedence;domestic- or space-heating systems, e.g. central-heating systems, in general F24D0001000000, F24D0003000000, F24D0009000000) F01K0017040000 for specific purposes other than heating (F01K0017060000 takes precedence);; F01K0017060000 Returning energy of steam, in exchanged form, to process, e.g. use of exhaust steam for drying solid fuel of plant F01K0019000000 Regenerating or otherwise treating steam exhaust from steam engine plant (plants characterised by use of means for storing steam in an alkali to increase steam pressure F01K0005000000; returning condensate to boiler F22D) F01K0019020000 Regenerating by compression F01K0019040000 in combination with cooling or heating F01K0019060000 in engine cylinder F01K0019080000 compression done by injection apparatus, jet blower, or the like F01K0019100000 Cooling exhaust steam other than by condenser; Rendering exhaust steam invisible F01K0021000000 Steam engine plants not otherwise provided for F01K0021020000 with steam generation in engine cylinders F01K0021040000 using mixtures of steam and gas; Plants generating or heating steam by bringing water or steam into direct contact with hot gas (direct-contact steam generators in general F22B) F01K0021060000 Treating live steam, other than thermodynamically, e.g. for fighting deposits in engine F01K0023000000 Plants characterised by more than one engine delivering power external to the plant, the engines being driven by different fluids F01K0023020000 the engine cycles being thermally coupled F01K0023040000 condensation heat from one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle F01K0023060000 combustion heat from one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle F01K0023080000 with working fluid of one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle F01K0023100000 with exhaust fluid of one cycle heating the fluid in another cycle F01K0023120000 the engines being mechanically coupled (F01K0023020000 takes precedence);; F01K0023140000 including at least one combustion engine F01K0023160000 all the engines being turbines (F01K0023140000 takes precedence);; F01K0023180000 characterised by adaptation for specific use F01K0025000000 Plants or engines characterised by use of special working fluids, not otherwise provided for; Plants operating in closed cycles and not otherwise provided for F01K0025020000 the fluid remaining in the liquid phase F01K0025040000 the fluid being in different phases, e.g. foamed F01K0025060000 using mixtures of different fluids (plants using mixtures of steam and gas F01K0021040000) F01K0025080000 using special vapours F01K0025100000 the vapours being cold, e.g. ammonia, carbon dioxide, ether F01K0025120000 the vapours being metallic, e.g. mercury F01K0025140000 using industrial or other waste gases F01K0027000000 Plants for converting heat or fluid energy into mechanical energy, not otherwise provided for F01K0027020000 Plants modified to use their waste heat, other than that of exhaust, e.g. engine-friction heat F01L CYCLICALLY OPERATING VALVES FOR MACHINES OR ENGINES (valves in general F16K) F01L0001000000 Valve-gear or valve arrangements for positive-displacement machines or engines other than steam engines, e.g. for internal-combustion piston engines, without provision for variable fluid distribution F01L0001000000 Valve-gear or valve arrangements, e.g. lift-valve gear (lift valve and valve seat assemblies per seF01L0003000000; slide-valve gear F01L0005000000; actuated non-mechanically F01L0009000000; valve arrangements in working piston or piston-rod F01L0011000000; modifications of valve-gear to facilitate reversing, braking, starting, changing compression ratio, or other specific operations F01L0013000000) F01L0001020000 Valve drive (transmitting-gear between valve drive and valve F01L0001120000) F01L0001040000 by means of cams, camshafts, cam discs, eccentrics, or the like (F01L0001100000 takes precedence);; F01L0001047000 Camshafts F01L0001053000 overhead type F01L0001060000 the cams, or the like, rotating at a higher speed than that corresponding to the valve cycle, e.g. operating four-stroke engine valves directly from crankshaft F01L0001080000 Shape of cams F01L0001100000 by means of crank- or eccentric-driven rods F01L0001120000 Transmitting-gear between valve drive and valve (simultaneously operating two or more valves F01L0001260000) F01L0001140000 Tappets; Push-rods F01L0001160000 Silencing impact; Reducing wear F01L0001180000 Rocking arms or levers F01L0001200000 Adjusting or compensating clearance, i.e. lash adjustment F01L0001220000 automatically F01L0001240000 by fluid means, e.g. hydraulically F01L0001245000 Hydraulic tappets F01L0001250000 between cam and valve stem F01L0001255000 between cam and rocker arm F01L0001260000 characterised by the provision of two or more valves operated simultaneously by same transmitting-gear; peculiar to machines or engines with more than two lift valves per cylinder (with coaxial valves F01L0001280000) F01L0001280000 characterised by the provision of coaxial valves; characterised by the provision of valves co-operating with both intake and exhaust ports F01L0001300000 characterised by the provision of positively opened and closed valves, i.e. desmodromic valves F01L0001320000 characterised by the provision of means for rotating lift valves, e.g. to diminish wear F01L0001340000 characterised by the provision of means for changing the timing of the valves without changing the duration of opening F01L0001344000 changing the angular relationship between crankshaft and camshaft, e.g. using helicoidal gear F01L0001348000 by means acting on timing belts or chains F01L0001352000 using bevel or epicyclic gear F01L0001356000 making the angular relationship oscillate F01L0001360000 peculiar to machines or engines of specific type other than four-stroke cycle F01L0001380000 for engines with other than four-stroke cycle, e.g. with two-stroke cycle (F01L0001260000, F01L0001280000 take precedence);; F01L0001400000 for engines with scavenging charge near top dead-centre position, e.g. by overlapping inlet and exhaust time (scavenging aspects F02B) F01L0001420000 for machines or engines characterised by cylinder arrangement, e.g. star or fan F01L0001440000 Multiple-valve gear or arrangements, not provided for in preceding subgroups, e.g. with lift and different valves F01L0001460000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in preceding subgroups F01L0003000000 Lift valves, i.e. cut-off apparatus with closure members having at least a component of their opening and closing motion perpendicular to the closing faces; Parts or accessories thereof F01L0003020000 Selecting particular materials for valve members or valve seats; Valve members or valve seats composed of two or more materials F01L0003040000 Coated valve members or valve seats F01L0003060000 Valve members or valve seats with means for guiding or deflecting the medium controlled thereby, e.g. producing a rotary motion of the drawn-in cylinder charge (for rotating lift valves F01L0001320000) F01L0003080000 Valve guides; Sealing of valve stem, e.g. sealing by lubricant F01L0003100000 Connecting springs to valve members F01L0003120000 Cooling of valves F01L0003140000 by means of a liquid or solid coolant, e.g. sodium, in a closed chamber in a valve F01L0003160000 by means of a fluid flowing through or along valve, e.g. air (for sealing only F01L0003080000) F01L0003180000 Liquid cooling of valve F01L0003200000 Shapes or constructions of valve members, not provided for in preceding subgroups of this group F01L0003220000 Valve seats not provided for in preceding subgroups of this group; Fixing of valve seats F01L0003240000 Safety means or accessories, not provided for in preceding subgroups of this group F01L0005000000 Slide-valve gear or valve arrangements (with pure rotary or oscillatory movement F01L0007000000) F01L0005020000 with other than cylindrical, sleeve, or part-annularly-shaped valves, e.g. with flat-type valves F01L0005040000 with cylindrical, sleeve, or part-annularly-shaped valves F01L0005060000 surrounding working cylinder or piston F01L0005080000 Arrangements with several movements or several valves, e.g. one valve inside the other (with part-annularly-shaped valves F01L0005120000) F01L0005100000 with reciprocating and other movement of same valve F01L0005120000 Arrangements with part-annularly-shaped valves F01L0005140000 characterised by the provision of valves with reciprocating and other movements (surrounding working cylinder or piston F01L0005060000) F01L0005160000 with reciprocating and other movement of same valve, e.g. longitudinally and in cross direction of working cylinder F01L0005180000 with reciprocatory valve and other slide valve F01L0005200000 specially for two-stroke engines (F01L0005060000, F01L0005140000 take precedence);; F01L0005220000 Multiple-valve arrangements (with valves surrounding working cylinder or piston F01L0005060000; with reciprocatory and other slide valves F01L0005180000; specially for two-stroke engines F01L0005200000) F01L0005240000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in preceding subgroups of this group F01L0007000000 Rotary or oscillatory slide-valve gear or valve arrangements (slide valves with combined rotary and non-rotary movements, combinations of rotary and non-rotary slide valves F01L0005000000) F01L0007020000 with cylindrical, sleeve, or part-annularly-shaped valves (of disc type F01L0007060000; of conical type F01L0007080000) F01L0007040000 surrounding working cylinder or piston F01L0007060000 with disc-type valves F01L0007080000 with conically- or frusto-conically-shaped valves F01L0007100000 with valves of other specific shape, e.g. spherical F01L0007120000 specially for two-stroke engines (F01L0007040000 takes precedence);; F01L0007140000 Multiple-valve arrangements (with valves surrounding working cylinder or piston F01L0007040000; specially for two-stroke engines F01L0007120000) F01L0007160000 Sealing or packing arrangements specially therefor F01L0007180000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in preceding subgroups of this group F01L0009000000 Valve-gear or valve arrangements actuated non-mechanically F01L0009020000 by fluid means, e.g. hydraulic F01L0009040000 by electric means F01L0011000000 Valve arrangements in working piston or piston-rod F01L0011020000 in piston F01L0011040000 operated by movement of connecting-rod F01L0011060000 operating oscillatory valve F01L0013000000 Modifications of valve-gear to facilitate reversing, braking, starting, changing compression ratio, or other specific operations F01L0013020000 for reversing F01L0013040000 for starting by means of fluid pressure F01L0013060000 for braking F01L0013080000 for decompression, e.g. during starting; for changing compression ratio F01L0015000000 Valve-gear or valve arrangements specially adapted for steam engines, or specially adapted for other positive-displacement machines or engines with variable; working-fluid distribution F01L0015000000 Valve-gear or valve arrangements, e.g. with reciprocatory slide valves, other than provided for in groups F01L0017000000-F01L0029000000; (valve drive or external valve-adjustment during operation, see the relevant groups, e.g. F01L0031000000; tripping-gear or tripping of valves F01L0031000000) F01L0015020000 with valves other than cylindrical, sleeve, or part-annularly-shaped, e.g. flat D-valves F01L0015040000 main valve being combined with auxiliary valve (of drag-valve type F01L0015100000) F01L0015060000 of Meyer or Rider type, i.e. in which the expansion is varied at the expansion valve itself F01L0015080000 with cylindrical, sleeve, or part-annularly-shaped valves; Such main valves combined with auxiliary valves F01L0015100000 with main slide valve and auxiliary valve dragged thereby F01L0015120000 characterised by having means for effecting pressure equilibrium between two different cylinder spaces at idling F01L0015140000 Arrangements with several co-operating main valves, e.g. reciprocatory and rotary F01L0015160000 with reciprocatory slide valves only F01L0015180000 Valve arrangements not provided for in preceding subgroups of this group F01L0015200000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in preceding subgroups of this group F01L0017000000 Slide-valve gear or valve arrangements with cylindrical, sleeve, or part-annularly-shaped valves surrounding working cylinder or piston F01L0017020000 Drive, or adjustment during operation, peculiar thereto, e.g. for reciprocating and oscillating movements or for several valves one inside the other F01L0019000000 Slide-valve gear or valve arrangements with reciprocatory and other movement of same valve, other than provided for in group ; F01L0017000000, e.g. longitudinally and in cross direction of working cylinder F01L0019020000 Drive, or adjustment during operation, peculiar thereto F01L0021000000 Use of working pistons or piston-rods as fluid-distributing valves or as valve-supporting elements, e.g. in free-piston machines F01L0021020000 Piston or piston-rod used as valve member F01L0021040000 Valves arranged in or on piston or piston-rod F01L0023000000 Valves controlled by impact of piston, e.g. in free-piston machines F01L0025000000 Drive, or adjustment during operation, of distribution or expansion valves by non-mechanical means F01L0025020000 by fluid means F01L0025040000 by working fluid of machine or engine, e.g. free-piston machine F01L0025060000 Arrangements with main and auxiliary valves, at least one of them being fluid-driven F01L0025080000 by electric or magnetic means F01L0027000000 Distribution or expansion-valve gear peculiar to free-piston machines or engines and not provided for in groups ; F01L0021000000-F01L0025000000 F01L0027020000 the machine or engine having rotary or oscillatory valves F01L0027040000 Delayed-action controls, e.g. of cataract- or dash-pot-type F01L0029000000 Reversing-gear (equally usable for control of degree of working fluid admission, and reversing being of secondary importance F01L0031000000) F01L0029020000 by displacing eccentric F01L0029040000 by links or guide rods F01L0029060000 by interchanging inlet and exhaust ports F01L0029080000 specially for rotary or oscillatory valves F01L0029100000 Details, e.g. drive F01L0029120000 Powered reverse gear F01L0031000000 Valve drive, valve adjustment during operation, or other valve control, not provided for in groups F01L0015000000-F01L0029000000; (sensing elements measuring the variable or condition to be controlled or regulated F01B) F01L0031020000 with tripping-gear (for oscillatory valves F01L0031060000); Tripping of valves F01L0031040000 with positively-driven trip levers F01L0031060000 with tripping-gear specially for oscillatory valves; Oscillatory tripping-valves, e.g. of Corliss type F01L0031080000 Valve drive or valve adjustment, apart from tripping aspects; Positively-driven gear F01L0031100000 the drive being effected by eccentrics (F01L0031140000 takes precedence);; F01L0031120000 Valve adjustment by displacing eccentric F01L0031140000 Valve adjustment by links or guide rods, e.g. in valve-gears with eccentric drive F01L0031160000 the drive being effected by specific means other than eccentric, e.g. cams; Valve adjustment in connection with such drives F01L0031180000 specially for rotary or oscillatory valves F01L0031200000 Valve adjustment F01L0031220000 specially for lift valves F01L0031240000 Valve adjustment F01L0033000000 Rotary or oscillatory slide-valve gear or lift-valve gear or such valve arrangements specially adapted for steam engines, or specially adapted for other positive-displacement machines or; engines with variable working-fluid distribution F01L0033000000 Rotary or oscillatory slide-valve gear or valve arrangements, specially adapted for machines or engines with variable fluid distribution (drive, adjustment during operation, tripping-gear, reversing-gear, use of working pistons or piston-rods as valves or as valve-supporting elements, valve-gear or valve arrangements peculiar to free-piston machines or engines F01L0015000000-F01L0031000000) F01L0033020000 rotary F01L0033040000 oscillatory F01L0035000000 Lift-valve gear or valve arrangements specially adapted for machines or engines with variable fluid distribution (drive, adjustment during operation, tripping-gear, reversing-gear, use of working pistons or piston-rods as valves or as valve-supporting elements, valve-gear or valve arrangements peculiar to free-piston machines or engines F01L0015000000-F01L0031000000) F01L0035020000 Valves F01L0035040000 Arrangements of valves in the machine or engine, e.g. relative to working cylinder F01M LUBRICATING OF MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERAL; LUBRICATING INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES; CRANKCASE VENTILATING F01M0001000000 Pressure lubrication F01M0001020000 using lubricating pumps F01M0001040000 using pressure in working cylinder or crankcase to operate lubricant-feeding devices F01M0001060000 Lubricating systems characterised by the provision therein of crankshafts or connecting-rods with lubricant passageways, e.g. bores F01M0001080000 Lubricating systems characterised by the provision therein of lubricant-jetting means F01M0001100000 Lubricating systems characterised by the provision therein of lubricant venting or purifying means, e.g. of filters (mounting of, connecting of, or constructional details of lubricant purifying means F01M0011030000) F01M0001120000 Closed-circuit lubricating systems not provided for in groups ; F01M0001020000-F01M0001100000 F01M0001140000 Timed lubrication (F01M0001080000 takes precedence);; F01M0001160000 Controlling lubricant pressure or quantity F01M0001180000 Indicating or safety devices (concerning lubricant level F01M0011060000, F01M0011120000) F01M0001200000 concerning lubricant pressure F01M0001220000 rendering machines or engines inoperative or idling on pressure failure F01M0001240000 acting on engine fuel system F01M0001260000 acting on engine ignition system F01M0001280000 acting on engine combustion-air supply F01M0003000000 Lubrication specially adapted for engines with crankcase compression of fuel-air mixture, or for other engines in which lubricant is contained in fuel, combustion air, or fuel-air mixture (separating lubricant from air or fuel-air mixture before entry into cylinder F01M0011080000) F01M0003020000 with variable proportion of lubricant to fuel, lubricant to air, or lubricant to fuel-air mixture F01M0003040000 for upper cylinder lubrication only F01M0005000000 Heating, cooling, or controlling temperature of lubricant (arrangement of lubricant coolers in engine cooling system F01P0011080000); Lubrication means facilitating engine starting F01M0005020000 Conditioning lubricant for aiding engine starting, e.g. heating F01M0005040000 Diluting, e.g. with fuel F01M0007000000 Lubrication means specially adapted for machine or engine running-in F01M0009000000 Lubrication means having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F01M0001000000-F01M0007000000 F01M0009020000 having means for introducing additives to lubricant F01M0009040000 Use of fuel as lubricant F01M0009060000 Dip or splash lubrication F01M0009080000 Drip lubrication F01M0009100000 Lubrication of valve gear or auxiliaries F01M0009120000 Non-pressurised lubrication, or non-closed-circuit lubrication, not otherwise provided for F01M0011000000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F01M0001000000-F01M0009000000 F01M0011020000 Arrangements of lubricant conduits F01M0011030000 Mounting or connecting of lubricant purifying means relative to the machine or engine; Details of lubricant purifying means F01M0011040000 Filling or draining lubricant of or from machines or engines F01M0011060000 Means for keeping lubricant level constant or for accommodating movement or position of machines or engines F01M0011080000 Separating lubricant from air or fuel-air mixture before entry into cylinder F01M0011100000 Indicating devices; Other safety devices F01M0011120000 concerning lubricant level F01M0013000000 Crankcase ventilating or breathing F01M0013020000 by means of additional source of positive or negative pressure F01M0013040000 having means for purifying air before leaving crankcase, e.g. removing oil F01M0013060000 specially adapted for submersible engines, e.g. of armoured vehicles F01N GAS-FLOW SILENCERS OR EXHAUST APPARATUS FOR MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERAL; GAS-FLOW SILENCERS OR EXHAUST APPARATUS FOR INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES (arrangements in connection with gas exhaust of propulsion units in vehicles B60K0013000000; combustion-air intake silencers specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines F02M0035000000; protecting against, or damping, noise in general G10K0011160000) F01N0001000000 Silencing apparatus characterised by method of silencing F01N0001020000 by using resonance F01N0001040000 having sound-absorbing materials in resonance chambers F01N0001060000 by using interference effect F01N0001080000 by reducing exhaust energy by throttling or whirling F01N0001100000 in combination with sound-absorbing materials F01N0001120000 using spirally- or helically-shaped channels (F01N0001100000 takes precedence;cyclones B04C) F01N0001140000 by adding air to exhaust gases F01N0001160000 by using movable parts F01N0001180000 having rotary movement F01N0001200000 having oscillating or vibrating movement (the parts being resilient walls F01N0001220000) F01N0001220000 the parts being resilient walls F01N0001240000 by using sound-absorbing materials (F01N0001040000, F01N0001060000, F01N0001100000, F01N0001140000, F01N0001160000 take precedence);; F01N0003000000 Exhaust or silencing apparatus having means for purifying, rendering innocuous, or otherwise treating exhaust (electric control F01N0009000000; monitoring or diagnostic devices for exhaust-gas treatment apparatus F01N0011000000) F01N0003010000 by means of electric or electrostatic separators F01N0003020000 for cooling, or for removing solid constituents of, exhaust (by means of electric or electrostatic separators F01N0003010000) F01N0003021000 by means of filters F01N0003022000 characterised by specially adapted filtering structure, e.g. honeycomb, mesh or fibrous F01N0003023000 using means for regenerating the filters, e.g. by burning trapped particles F01N0003025000 using fuel burner or by adding fuel to exhaust F01N0003027000 using electric or magnetic heating F01N0003028000 using microwaves F01N0003029000 by adding non-fuel substances to exhaust F01N0003031000 having means for by-passing filters, e.g. when clogged or during cold engine start F01N0003032000 during filter regeneration only F01N0003033000 in combination with other devices F01N0003035000 with catalytic reactors F01N0003037000 by means of inertial or centrifugal separators, e.g. associated with agglomerators F01N0003038000 by means of perforated plates defining expansion chambers associated with condensation and collection chambers F01N0003040000 by means of liquids F01N0003050000 by means of air, e.g. by mixing exhaust with air (silencers working by addition of air to exhaust F01N0001140000; arrangements for the supply of additional air for the thermal or catalytic conversion of noxious components of exhaust F01N0003300000) F01N0003060000 for extinguishing sparks F01N0003080000 for rendering innocuous (using electric or electrostatic separators F01N0003010000; chemical aspects B01D0053920000) F01N0003100000 by thermal or catalytic conversion of noxious components of exhaust F01N0003180000 characterised by methods of operation; Regulation F01N0003200000 specially adapted for catalytic conversion (F01N0003220000 takes precedence);; F01N0003220000 Regulation of additional air supply only, e.g. using by-passes or variable air pump drives F01N0003240000 characterised by constructional aspects of converting apparatus (filtering in combination with catalytic reactors F01N0003035000) F01N0003260000 Construction of thermal reactors F01N0003280000 Construction of catalytic reactors F01N0003300000 Arrangements for supply of additional air (regulation, e.g. using by-passes or variable air pump drives, F01N0003220000) F01N0003320000 using air pumps (using jet air pumps F01N0003340000; pumps in general F04) F01N0003340000 using air conduits or jet air pumps, e.g. near the engine exhaust port F01N0003360000 Arrangements for supply of additional fuel F01N0003380000 Arrangements for igniting F01N0005000000 Exhaust or silencing apparatus combined or associated with devices profiting by exhaust energy (using kinetic or wave energy of exhaust gases in exhaust systems for charging F02B; predominant aspects of such devices, see the relevant classes for the devices); F01N0005020000 the devices using heat F01N0005040000 the devices using kinetic energy F01N0009000000 Electrical control of exhaust gas treating apparatus (monitoring or diagnostic devices for exhaust-gas treatment apparatus F01N0011000000; conjoint electrical control of two or more combustion engine functions F02D0043000000) F01N0011000000 Monitoring or diagnostic devices for exhaust-gas treatment apparatus F01N0013000000 Exhaust or silencing apparatus characterised by constructional features F01N0013020000 having two or more separate silencers in series F01N0013040000 having two or more silencers in parallel, e.g. having interconnections for multi-cylinder engines F01N0013060000 specially adapted for star-arrangement of cylinders, e.g. exhaust manifolds F01N0013080000 Other arrangements or adaptations of exhaust conduits F01N0013100000 of exhaust manifolds F01N0013120000 specially adapted for submerged exhausting F01N0013140000 having thermal insulation F01N0013160000 Selection of particular materials F01N0013180000 Construction facilitating manufacture, assembly or disassembly F01N0013200000 having flared outlets, e.g. of fish-tail shape F01N0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F01P COOLING OF MACHINES OR ENGINES IN GENERAL; COOLING OF INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES (arrangements in connection with cooling of propulsion units in vehicles B60K0011000000; heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials C09K0005000000; heat-exchange in general, radiators F28) F01P0001000000 Air cooling; Liquid cooling F01P0001000000 Air cooling (propelling cooling-air or liquid coolants F01P0005000000; controlling supply or circulation of coolants F01P0007000000) F01P0001020000 Arrangements for cooling cylinders or cylinder heads, e.g. ducting cooling-air from its pressure source to cylinders or along cylinders F01P0001040000 Arrangements for cooling pistons F01P0001060000 Arrangements for cooling other engine or machine parts F01P0001080000 for cooling intake or exhaust valves F01P0001100000 for cooling fuel injectors or sparking-plugs F01P0003000000 Liquid cooling (propelling cooling-air or liquid coolants F01P0005000000; controlling supply or circulation of coolants F01P0007000000) F01P0003020000 Arrangements for cooling cylinders or cylinder heads F01P0003040000 Liquid-to-air heat-exchangers combined with, or arranged on, cylinders or cylinder heads F01P0003060000 Arrangements for cooling pistons F01P0003080000 Cooling of piston exterior only, e.g. by jets F01P0003100000 Cooling by flow of coolant through pistons F01P0003120000 Arrangements for cooling other engine or machine parts F01P0003140000 for cooling intake or exhaust valves F01P0003160000 for cooling fuel injectors or sparking-plugs F01P0003180000 Arrangement or mounting of liquid-to-air heat-exchangers (such arrangements on cylinders or cylinder heads F01P0003040000; relative to vehicles B60K0011040000) F01P0003200000 Cooling circuits not specific to a single part of engine or machine (F01P0003220000 takes precedence);; F01P0003220000 characterised by evaporation and condensation of coolant in closed cycles (other cooling by evaporation F01P0009020000); characterised by the coolant reaching higher temperatures than normal atmospheric boiling-point F01P0005000000 Pumping cooling-air or liquid coolants; Controlling circulation or supply of coolants F01P0005000000 Pumping cooling-air or liquid coolants (controlling circulation or supply of coolants by influencing drive of pumps F01P0007000000) F01P0005020000 Pumping cooling-air; Arrangements of cooling-air pumps, e.g. fans or blowers F01P0005040000 Pump-driving arrangements F01P0005060000 Guiding or ducting air to or from ducted fans F01P0005080000 Use of engine exhaust gases for pumping cooling-air F01P0005100000 Pumping liquid coolant; Arrangements of coolant pumps F01P0005120000 Pump-driving arrangements F01P0005140000 Safety means against, or active at, failure of coolant-pump drives, e.g. shutting engine down; Means for indicating functioning of coolant pumps F01P0007000000 Controlling of coolant flow F01P0007020000 the coolant being cooling-air F01P0007040000 by varying pump speed, e.g. by changing pump-drive gear ratio F01P0007060000 by varying blade pitch F01P0007080000 by cutting in or out of pumps F01P0007100000 by throttling amount of air flowing through liquid-to-air heat-exchangers F01P0007120000 by thermostatic control F01P0007140000 the coolant being liquid F01P0007160000 by thermostatic control F01P0009000000 Cooling having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F01P0001000000-F01P0007000000; (profiting from waste heat of combustion-engine cooling F02G0005000000) F01P0009020000 Cooling by evaporation, e.g. by spraying water on to cylinders (evaporation and condensation of liquid coolant in closed cycles F01P0003220000) F01P0009040000 by simultaneous or alternative use of direct air cooling and liquid cooling (F01P0009020000 takes precedence);; F01P0009060000 by use of refrigerating apparatus, e.g. of compressor or absorber type F01P0011000000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F01P0001000000-F01P0009000000 F01P0011020000 Liquid-coolant overflow, venting, or draining devices (automatic draining during freezing conditions F01P0011200000) F01P0011040000 Arrangements of liquid pipes or hoses F01P0011060000 Cleaning (in general B08B); Combating corrosion (in general C23F) F01P0011080000 Arrangements of lubricant coolers (in lubrication apparatus F01M) F01P0011100000 Guiding or ducting cooling-air to or from liquid-to-air heat-exchangers F01P0011120000 Filtering, cooling, or silencing cooling-air F01P0011140000 Indicating devices; Other safety devices F01P0011160000 concerning coolant temperature (F01P0011200000 takes precedence);; F01P0011180000 concerning coolant pressure, coolant flow, or liquid-coolant level F01P0011200000 concerning atmospheric freezing conditions, e.g. automatically draining or heating during frosty weather F02 COMBUSTION ENGINES; HOT-GAS OR COMBUSTION-PRODUCT ENGINE PLANTS F02B INTERNAL-COMBUSTION PISTON ENGINES; COMBUSTION ENGINES IN GENERAL (cyclically operating valves therefor F01L; lubricating internal-combustion engines F01M; gas-flow silencers or exhaust apparatus therefor F01N; cooling of internal-combustion engines F01P; internal-combustion turbines F02C; plants in which engines use combustion products F02C, F02G) F02B0001000000 Engines characterised by the working fluid to be compressed or characterised by the type of ignition F02B0001000000 Engines characterised by fuel-air mixture compression (characterised by both fuel-air mixture compression and air compression, or characterised by both positive ignition and compression ignition F02B0011000000; characterised by precombustion chambers F02B0019000000; characterised by air-storage chambers F02B0021000000; characterised by special shape or construction of combustion chambers F02B0023000000) F02B0001020000 with positive ignition (with non-timed positive ignition F02B0009060000) F02B0001040000 with fuel-air mixture admission into cylinder F02B0001060000 Methods of operating F02B0001080000 with separate admission of air and fuel into cylinder F02B0001100000 Methods of operating F02B0001120000 with compression ignition (with fuel-air charge ignited by compression ignition of an additional fuel F02B0007000000) F02B0001140000 Methods of operating F02B0003000000 Engines characterised by air compression andsubsequent fuel addition(characterised by bothfuel-air mixture compression and;air compression, or characterised by both;positive ignition and;compression ignition F02B0011000000; characterised byprecombustion chambers F02B0019000000; characterised byair-storage chambers F02B0021000000; characterised byspecial shape or construction of combustion chambers F02B0023000000) F02B0003020000 with positive ignition (with non-timed positive ignition F02B0009060000) F02B0003040000 Methods of operating F02B0003060000 with compression ignition (F02B0013020000 takes precedence;with fuel-air charge ignited by compression ignition of an additional fuel F02B0007000000) F02B0003080000 Methods of operating (F02B0003120000 takes precedence);; F02B0003100000 with intermittent fuel introduction F02B0003120000 Methods of operating F02B0005000000 Engines characterised bypositive ignition(F02B0001020000, F02B0003020000; take precedence;with non-timed positive ignition F02B0009060000; characterised by bothfuel-air mixture compression andair compression, or characterised by bothpositive ignition andcompression ignition F02B0011000000; characterised byprecombustion chambers F02B0019000000; characterised byair-storage chambers F02B0021000000; characterised byspecial shape or construction of combustion chambers F02B0023000000) F02B0005020000 Methods of operating F02B0007000000 Engines characterised by thefuel-air charge being ignited by compression ignition of an additional fuel(characterised by bothfuel-air mixture compression and;air compression, or characterised by both;positive ignition and;compression ignition F02B0011000000; characterised byprecombustion chambers F02B0019000000; characterised byair-storage chambers F02B0021000000; characterised byspecial shape or construction of combustion chambers F02B0023000000) F02B0007020000 the fuel in the charge being liquid F02B0007040000 Methods of operating F02B0007060000 the fuel in the charge being gaseous F02B0007080000 Methods of operating F02B0009000000 Engines characterised by other types of ignition (characterised by bothfuel-air mixture compression and;air compression, or characterised by both;positive ignition and;compression ignition F02B0011000000; characterised byprecombustion chambers F02B0019000000; characterised by air-storage chambers F02B0021000000; characterised byspecial shape or construction of combustion chambers F02B0023000000) F02B0009020000 with compression ignition (F02B0001120000, F02B0003060000 take precedence);; F02B0009040000 Methods of operating F02B0009060000 with non-timed positive ignition, e.g. with hot-spots F02B0009080000 with incandescent chambers F02B0009100000 Chamber shapes or constructions F02B0011000000 Engines characterised by bothfuel-air mixture compression andair compression, orcharacterised bybothpositive ignition andcompression ignition, e.g. in different cylinders(characterised byprecombustion chambers F02B0019000000; characterised byair-storage chambers F02B0021000000; characterised byspecial shape or construction of combustion chambers F02B0023000000) F02B0011020000 convertible from fuel-air mixture compression to air compression or ; vice versa F02B0013000000 Engines characterised by the method of introducing liquid fuel into cylinders F02B0013000000 Engines; characterised by theintroduction of liquid fuel into cylinders by use of auxiliary fluid F02B0013020000 Compression ignition engines using air or gas for blowing fuel into compressed air in cylinder F02B0013040000 Arrangements or adaptations of pumps F02B0013060000 Engines having secondary air mixed with fuel in pump, compressed therein without ignition, and fuel-air mixture being injected into air in cylinder F02B0013080000 Arrangements or adaptations of pumps F02B0013100000 Use of specific auxiliary fluids, e.g. steam, combustion gas F02B0015000000 Engines characterised by the method of introducing liquid fuel into cylinders and not otherwise provided for F02B0015020000 having means for sucking fuel directly into cylinder F02B0017000000 Engines characterised by means for effecting stratification of charge in cylinders F02B0019000000 Engines characterised by; precombustion chambers or air-storage chambers, or characterised by special shape or construction of combustion chambers to improve operation F02B0019000000 Engines characterised byprecombustion chambers(engines with incandescent chambers F02B0009080000) F02B0019020000 the chamber being periodically isolated from its cylinder F02B0019040000 the isolation being effected by a protuberance on piston or cylinder head F02B0019060000 with auxiliary piston in chamber for transferring ignited charge to cylinder space F02B0019080000 the chamber being of air-swirl type F02B0019100000 with fuel introduced partly into pre-combustion chamber, and partly into cylinder (F02B0019020000-F02B0019080000; take precedence);; F02B0019120000 with positive ignition (F02B0019020000-F02B0019100000; take precedence);; F02B0019140000 with compression ignition (F02B0019020000-F02B0019100000; take precedence);; F02B0019160000 Chamber shapes or constructions not specific to groups ; F02B0019020000-F02B0019100000 F02B0019180000 Transfer passages between chamber and cylinder F02B0021000000 Engines characterised by; air-storage chambers F02B0021020000 Chamber shapes or constructions F02B0023000000 Other engines characterised byspecial shape or construction of combustion chambers to improve operation(engines with incandescent chambers F02B0009080000) F02B0023020000 with compression ignition F02B0023040000 the combustion space being subdivided into two or more chambers (with pre-combustion chambers F02B0019000000) F02B0023060000 the combustion space being arranged in working piston (F02B0023040000 takes precedence);; F02B0023080000 with positive ignition F02B0023100000 with separate admission of air and fuel into cylinder F02B0025000000 Engines characterised by provision for charging or scavenging F02B0025000000 Engines characterised by using fresh charge for scavenging cylinders (aspectscharacterised by provision of;driven charging or scavenging pumps F02B0033000000-F02B0039000000) F02B0025020000 using unidirectional scavenging F02B0025040000 Engines having ports both in cylinder head and in cylinder wall near bottom of piston stroke F02B0025060000 the cylinder-head ports being controlled by working pistons, e.g. by sleeve-shaped extensions thereof F02B0025080000 Engines with oppositely-moving reciprocating working pistons F02B0025100000 with one piston having a smaller diameter or shorter stroke than the other F02B0025120000 Engines with U-shaped cylinders, having ports in each arm F02B0025140000 using reverse-flow scavenging, e.g. with both inlet and outlet ports arranged near bottom of piston stroke F02B0025160000 the charge flowing upward essentially along cylinder wall opposite the inlet ports F02B0025180000 the charge flowing upward essentially along cylinder wall adjacent the inlet ports, e.g. by means of deflection rib on piston F02B0025200000 Means for reducing the mixing of charge and combustion residues or for preventing escape of fresh charge through outlet ports, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F02B0025020000-F02B0025180000 F02B0025220000 by forming air cushion between charge and combustion residues F02B0025240000 Inlet or outlet openings being timed asymmetrically relative to bottom dead-centre F02B0025260000 Multi-cylinder engines other than those provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F02B0025020000-F02B0025240000; (internal-combustion aspects of rotary engines with movable cylinders F02B0057000000) F02B0025280000 with V-, fan-, or star-arrangement of cylinders F02B0027000000 Use of kinetic or wave energy of charge in induction systems, or of combustion residues in exhaust systems, for improving quantity of charge or for increasing removal of combustion residues (aspectscharacterised by provision of driven charging or scavenging pumps F02B0033000000-F02B0039000000, e.g. use of driven apparatus for immediate conversion of combustion gas pressure into pressure of fresh charge F02B0033420000) F02B0027020000 the systems having variable, i.e. adjustable, cross-sectional areas, chambers of variable volume, or like variable means (in exhaust systems only F02B0027060000) F02B0027040000 in exhaust systems only, e.g. for sucking-off combustion gases F02B0027060000 the systems having variable, i.e. adjustable, cross-sectional areas, chambers of variable volume, or like variable means F02B0029000000 Engines characterised by; provision for charging or scavenging not provided for in groupsF02B0025000000,F02B0027000000; or F02B0033000000-F02B0039000000; Details thereof F02B0029020000 Other fluid-dynamic features of induction systems for improving quantity of charge (for also imparting a rotation to the charge in the cylinder F02B0031000000; structural features of induction systems F02M) F02B0029040000 Cooling of air intake supply F02B0029060000 After-charging, i.e. supplementary charging after scavenging F02B0029080000 Modifying distribution valve timing for charging purposes (F02B0029060000 takes precedence;valve-gear therefor F01L) F02B0031000000 Modifying induction systems for imparting a rotation to the charge in the cylinder (structural features of induction systems F02M) F02B0031020000 in engines having inlet valves arranged eccentrically to cylinder axis (F02B0031080000 takes precedence);; F02B0031040000 by means within the induction channel, e.g. deflectors F02B0031060000 Movable means, e.g. butterfly valves F02B0031080000 having multiple air inlets F02B0033000000 Engines characterised by provision of driven charging or scavenging pumps F02B0033000000 Engines characterised by provision ofpumps for charging or scavenging(characterised by the introduction of liquid fuel into cylinders by use of auxiliary fluid F02B0013000000; characterised by after-charging F02B0029060000; characterised by provisionof pumps for sucking combustion residues from cylinders F02B0035000000; characterised by provision ofexhaust-driven pumps F02B0037000000) F02B0033020000 Engines with reciprocating-piston pumps; Engines with crankcase pumps F02B0033040000 with simple crankcase pumps, i.e. with the rear face of a non-stepped working piston acting as sole pumping member in co-operation with the crankcase F02B0033060000 with reciprocating-piston pumps other than simple crankcase pumps F02B0033080000 with the working-cylinder head arranged between working and pumping cylinders F02B0033100000 with the pumping cylinder situated between working cylinder and crankcase, or with the pumping cylinder surrounding working cylinder F02B0033120000 the rear face of working piston acting as pumping member and co-operating with a pumping chamber isolated from crankcase, the connecting-rod passing through the chamber and co-operating with movable isolating member F02B0033140000 working and pumping pistons forming stepped piston F02B0033160000 working and pumping pistons having differing movements F02B0033180000 with crankshaft being arranged between working and pumping cylinders F02B0033200000 with pumping-cylinder axis arranged at an angle to working-cylinder axis, e.g. at an angle of 90 F02B0033220000 with pumping cylinder situated at side of working cylinder, e.g. the cylinders being parallel F02B0033240000 with crankcase pumps other than with reciprocating pistons only F02B0033260000 Four-stroke engines characterised by having crankcase pumps F02B0033280000 Component parts, details, or accessories of crankcase pumps not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F02B0033020000-F02B0033260000 F02B0033300000 Control of inlet or outlet ports (controlling only working-cylinder inlets F01L) F02B0033320000 Engines with pumps other than of reciprocating-piston type (with crankcase pumps F02B0033020000) F02B0033340000 with rotary pumps (with cell-type pressure exchangers or the like F02B0033420000) F02B0033360000 of positive-displacement type F02B0033380000 of Roots type F02B0033400000 of non-positive-displacement type F02B0033420000 with driven apparatus for immediate conversion of combustion gas pressure into pressure of fresh charge, e.g. with cell-type pressure exchangers (pressure exchangers per seF04F0013000000) F02B0033440000 Passages conducting the charge from the pump to the engine inlet, e.g. reservoirs (cooling of charge after leaving pump F02B0029040000) F02B0035000000 Engines characterised by provision of; pumps for sucking combustion residues from cylinders F02B0035020000 using rotary pumps F02B0037000000 Engines characterised by provision of pumps driven at least for part of the time by exhaust(characterised by the introduction of liquid fuel into cylinders by use of auxiliary fluid F02B0013000000; characterised by after-charging F02B0029060000; characterised by passages conducting the charge from the pump to the engine inlet F02B0033440000) F02B0037007000 with exhaust-driven pumps arranged in parallel F02B0037013000 with exhaust-driven pumps arranged in series F02B0037020000 Gas passages between engine outlet and pump drive, e.g. reservoirs F02B0037040000 Engines with exhaust drive and other drive of pumps, e.g. with exhaust-driven pump and mechanically-driven second pump F02B0037100000 at least one pump being alternately driven by exhaust and other drive F02B0037110000 driven by other drive at starting only F02B0037120000 Control of the pumps F02B0037140000 of the alternation between exhaust drive and other drive of a pump, e.g. dependent on speed F02B0037160000 by bypassing charging air F02B0037180000 by bypassing exhaust F02B0037200000 by increasing exhaust energy, e.g. using combustion chambers F02B0037220000 by varying the cross-section of exhaust passages or air passages F02B0037240000 by using pumps or turbines with adjustable guide vanes F02B0039000000 Component parts, details, or accessories relating to driven charging or scavenging pumps,; not provided for in groups F02B0033000000-F02B0037000000 F02B0039020000 Drives of pumps (exhaust drives or combined exhaust and other drives F02B0037000000); Varying pump drive gear ratio (control acting both on engine and on pump drive gear ratio F02D) F02B0039040000 Mechanical drives; Variable-gear-ratio drives (non-mechanical pump drives having variable gear ratio F02B0039080000) F02B0039060000 the engine torque being divided by a differential gear for driving a pump and the engine output shaft F02B0039080000 Non-mechanical drives, e.g. fluid drives having variable gear ratio F02B0039100000 electric F02B0039120000 Drives characterised by use of couplings or clutches therein (using fluid slip couplings for varying gear ratio F02B0039080000) F02B0039140000 Lubrication of pumps; Safety measures therefor F02B0039160000 Other safety measures for, or other control of, pumps F02B0041000000 Engines characterised by special means for improving conversion of heat or pressure energy into mechanical power F02B0041020000 Engines with prolonged expansion F02B0041040000 in main cylinders F02B0041060000 in compound cylinders F02B0041080000 Two-stroke compound engines F02B0041100000 using exhaust turbines (use of exhaust turbines for charging F02B0037000000; turbine constructions F01D; gas-turbine plants F02C) F02B0043000000 Engines operating on non-liquid fuels; Plants including such engines, i.e. combinations of the engine with fuel-generating apparatus F02B0043000000 Engines characterised by operating on gaseous fuels; Plants including such engines (engines characterised by the gas-air charge being ignited by compression ignition of an additional fuel F02B0007060000; engines convertible from gas to other fuel consumption F02B0069040000) F02B0043020000 Engines characterised by means for increasing operating efficiency F02B0043040000 for improving efficiency of combustion F02B0043060000 for enlarging charge F02B0043080000 Plants characterised by the engines using gaseous fuel generated in the plant from solid fuel, e.g. wood F02B0043100000 Engines or plants characterised by use of other specific gases, e.g. acetylene, oxyhydrogen F02B0043120000 Methods of operating F02B0045000000 Engines characterised by operating on non-liquid fuels other than gas; Plants including such engines (plants involving generation of gaseous fuel from solid fuel F02B0043080000; engines convertible from gas to other fuel consumption F02B0069040000) F02B0045020000 operating on powdered fuel, e.g. powdered coal (operating on fuel containing oxidant F02B0045060000) F02B0045040000 Plants, e.g. having coal-grinding apparatus F02B0045060000 operating on fuel containing oxidant F02B0045080000 operating on other solid fuels F02B0045100000 operating on mixtures of liquid and non-liquid fuels, e.g. in pasty or foamed state F02B0047000000 Methods of operating engines involving specific pre-treating of, or adding specific substances to, combustion air, fuel or fuel-air mixture of the engines, and not otherwise provided for F02B0047000000 Methods of operating engines involving adding non-fuel substances or anti-knock agents to combustion air, fuel, or fuel-air mixtures of engines F02B0047020000 the substances being water or steam F02B0047040000 the substances being other than water or steam only F02B0047060000 the substances including non-airborne oxygen (F02B0047100000 takes precedence);; F02B0047080000 the substances including exhaust gas F02B0047100000 Circulation of exhaust gas in closed or semi-closed circuits, e.g. with simultaneous addition of oxygen F02B0049000000 Methods of operating air-compressing compression-ignition engines involving introduction of small quantities of fuel in the form of a fine mist into the air in the engine's intake F02B0051000000 Other methods of operating engines involving pre-treating of, or adding substances to, combustion air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture of the engines F02B0051020000 involving catalysts F02B0051040000 involving electricity or magnetism F02B0051060000 involving rays or sound waves F02B0053000000 Internal-combustion aspects of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B0053000000 Internal-combustion aspects of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines (internal-combustion aspects of rotary pistons or outer members for co-operation therewith F02B0055000000) F02B0053020000 Methods of operating F02B0053040000 Charge admission or combustion-gas discharge F02B0053060000 Valve control therefor F02B0053080000 Charging, e.g. by means of rotary-piston pump F02B0053100000 Fuel supply; Introducing fuel to combustion space F02B0053120000 Ignition F02B0053140000 Adaptations of engines for driving, or engine combinations with, other devices (aspects predominantly concerning such devices, see the relevant classes for the devices);; F02B0055000000 Internal-combustion aspects of rotary pistons; Outer members for co-operation with rotary pistons F02B0055020000 Pistons F02B0055040000 Cooling thereof F02B0055060000 by air or other gas F02B0055080000 Outer members for co-operation with rotary pistons; Casings F02B0055100000 Cooling thereof F02B0055120000 by air or other gas F02B0055140000 Shapes or constructions of combustion chambers F02B0055160000 Admission or exhaust passages in pistons or outer members F02B0057000000 Internal-combustion aspects of reciprocating-piston engines with movable cylinders F02B0057000000 Internal-combustion aspects of rotary engines in which the combusted gases displace one or more reciprocating pistons F02B0057020000 Fuel or combustion-air supply (cylinder-charge admission or exhaust control F02B0057040000) F02B0057040000 Control of cylinder-charge admission or exhaust (peculiar to two-stroke engines or to other engines with working-piston-controlled charge admission or exhaust F02B0057060000) F02B0057060000 Two-stroke engines or other engines with working-piston-controlled cylinder-charge admission or exhaust (with combustion space in centre of star F02B0057100000) F02B0057080000 Engines with star-shaped cylinder arrangements F02B0057100000 with combustion space in centre of star F02B0059000000 Internal-combustion aspects of other reciprocating-piston engines with movable, e.g. oscillating, cylinders (with yieldable walls F02B0075380000) F02B0061000000 Adaptations of engines for special use; Combinations of engines with devices other than engine parts or auxiliaries F02B0061000000 Adaptations of engines for driving vehicles or for driving propellers; Combinations of engines with gearing (the engine torque being divided by a differential gear for driving a scavenging or charging pump and the engine output shaft F02B0039060000; adaptations or combinations of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B0053140000) F02B0061020000 for driving cycles F02B0061040000 for driving propellers F02B0061060000 Combinations of engines with mechanical gearing (F02B0061020000, F02B0061040000 take precedence);; F02B0063000000 Adaptations of engines for driving pumps, hand-held tools or; electric generatorsPortable combinations of engines with engine-driven devices (of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B0053140000) F02B0063020000 for hand-held tools F02B0063040000 for electric generators F02B0063060000 for pumps F02B0065000000 Adaptations of engines for; special uses not provided for in groups F02B0061000000; or F02B0063000000; Combinations of engines with other devices, e.g. with non-driven apparatus (of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston enginesF02B0053140000; combinations of prime-movers consisting of electric motors and internal combustion engines for mutual or common propulsion B60K0006200000) F02B0067000000 Engines with pertinent characteristics other than those provided for in, or of interest apart from, preceding main groups F02B0067000000 Engines characterised by the arrangement of auxiliary apparatus not being otherwise provided for, e.g. the apparatus having different functions; Driving auxiliary apparatus from engines, not otherwise provided for F02B0067040000 of mechanically-driven auxiliary apparatus F02B0067060000 driven by means of chains, belts, or like endless members F02B0067080000 of non-mechanically driven auxiliary apparatus F02B0067100000 of charging or scavenging apparatus F02B0069000000 Internal-combustion engines convertible into other combustion-engine type, not provided for in group ; F02B0011000000; Internal-combustion engines of different types characterised by constructions facilitating use of same main engine-parts in different types F02B0069020000 for different fuel types, other than engines indifferent to fuel consumed, e.g. convertible from light to heavy fuel F02B0069040000 for gaseous and non-gaseous fuels F02B0069060000 for different cycles, e.g. convertible from two-stroke to four-stroke F02B0071000000 Free-piston engines; Engines without rotary main shaft F02B0071020000 Starting F02B0071040000 Adaptations of such engines for special use; Combinations of such engines with apparatus driven thereby (aspects predominantly concerning driven apparatus, see the relevant classes for such apparatus);; F02B0071060000 Free-piston combustion gas generators F02B0073000000 Combinations of two or more engines, not otherwise provided for F02B0075000000 Other engines, e.g. single-cylinder engines F02B0075020000 Engines characterised by their cycles, e.g. six-stroke F02B0075040000 Engines with variable distances between pistons at top dead-centre positions and cylinder heads F02B0075060000 Engines with means for equalising torque (compensations of inertial forces, suppression of vibration in systems F16F) F02B0075080000 Engines with means for preventing corrosion in gas-swept spaces F02B0075100000 Engines with means for rendering exhaust gases innocuous (apparatus for rendering exhaust gases innocuous per seF01N0003080000) F02B0075120000 Other methods of operation F02B0075160000 Engines characterised by number of cylinders, e.g. single-cylinder engines (F02B0075260000 takes precedence);; F02B0075180000 Multi-cylinder engines (scavenging aspects F02B0025000000) F02B0075200000 with cylinders all in one line F02B0075220000 with cylinders in V-, fan-, or star-arrangement F02B0075240000 with cylinders arranged oppositely relative to main shaft and of "flat" type F02B0075260000 Engines with cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main-shaft axis; Engines with cylinder axes arranged substantially tangentially to a circle centred on main-shaft axis F02B0075280000 Engines with two or more pistons reciprocating within same cylinder or within essentially coaxial cylinders (arranged oppositely relative to main shaft F02B0075240000) F02B0075300000 with one working piston sliding inside another F02B0075320000 Engines characterised by connections between pistons and main shafts and not specific to preceding main groups F02B0075340000 Ultra-small engines, e.g. for driving models F02B0075360000 Engines with parts of combustion- or working-chamber walls resiliently yielding under pressure F02B0075380000 Reciprocating-piston engines (F02B0075040000 takes precedence;with resiliently-urged auxiliary piston in pre-combustion chamber F02B0019060000) F02B0075400000 Other reciprocating-piston engines F02B0077000000 Component parts, details, or accessories, not otherwise provided for F02B0077020000 Surface coverings of combustion-gas-swept parts (of pistons or cylinders only F02F) F02B0077040000 Cleaning of, preventing corrosion or erosion in, or preventing unwanted deposits in, combustion engines F02B0077080000 Safety, indicating, or supervising devices (thermal insulation F02B0077110000; monitoring or diagnostic devices for exhaust-gas treatment apparatus F01N0011000000) F02B0077100000 Safety means relating to crankcase explosions F02B0077110000 Thermal or acoustic insulation F02B0077130000 Acoustic insulation F02B0077140000 Engine-driven auxiliary devices combined into units F02B0079000000 Running-in of internal-combustion engines (lubrication thereof F01M) F02C GAS-TURBINE PLANTS; AIR INTAKES FOR JET-PROPULSION PLANTS; CONTROLLING FUEL SUPPLY IN AIR-BREATHING JET-PROPULSION PLANTS (construction of turbines F01D; jet-propulsion plants F02K; construction of compressors or fans F04; combustion apparatus in which combustion takes place in a fluidised bed of fuel or other particles F23C0010000000; generating combustion products of high pressure or high velocity F23R; using gas turbines in compression refrigeration plants F25B0011000000; using gas-turbine plants in vehicles, see the relevant vehicle classes); F02C0001000000 Gas-turbine plants characterised by the use of hot gases or unheated pressurised gases, as the working fluid (by the use of combustion products F02C0003000000, F02C0005000000) F02C0001020000 the working fluid being an unheated pressurised gas F02C0001040000 the working fluid being heated indirectly F02C0001050000 characterised by the type or source of heat, e.g. using nuclear or solar energy F02C0001060000 using reheated exhaust gas (F02C0001080000 takes precedence);; F02C0001080000 Semi-closed cycles F02C0001100000 Closed cycles F02C0003000000 Gas-turbine plants characterised by the use of combustion products as the working fluid (generated by intermittent combustion F02C0005000000) F02C0003020000 using exhaust-gas pressure in a pressure exchanger to compress combustion-air (pressure exchangers per seF04F0013000000) F02C0003040000 having a turbine driving a compressor (power transmission arrangements F02C0007360000; control of working fluid flow F02C0009160000) F02C0003045000 having compressor and turbine passages in a single rotor (F02C0003073000 takes precedence);; F02C0003050000 the compressor and the turbine being of the radial flow type F02C0003055000 the compressor being of the positive-displacement type F02C0003060000 the compressor comprising only axial stages (F02C0003100000 takes precedence);; F02C0003067000 having counter-rotating rotors (F02C0003073000 takes precedence);; F02C0003073000 the compressor and turbine stages being concentric F02C0003080000 the compressor comprising at least one radial stage (F02C0003100000 takes precedence);; F02C0003090000 of the centripetal type F02C0003100000 with another turbine driving an output shaft but not driving the compressor F02C0003107000 with two or more rotors connected by power transmission F02C0003113000 with variable power transmission between rotors F02C0003130000 having variable working fluid interconnections between turbines or compressors or stages of different rotors F02C0003140000 characterised by the arrangement of the combustion chamber in the plant (combustion chambers per seF23R) F02C0003160000 the combustion chambers being formed at least partly in the turbine rotor F02C0003200000 using a special fuel, oxidant, or dilution fluid to generate the combustion products F02C0003220000 the fuel or oxidant being gaseous at standard temperature and pressure (F02C0003280000 takes precedence);; F02C0003240000 the fuel or oxidant being liquid at standard temperature and pressure F02C0003260000 the fuel or oxidant being solid or pulverulent, e.g. in slurry or suspension F02C0003280000 using a separate gas producer for gasifying the fuel before combustion F02C0003300000 Adding water, steam or other fluids to the combustible ingredients or to the working fluid before discharge from the turbine (heating of air intakes to prevent icing F02C0007047000) F02C0003320000 Inducing air flow by fluid jet, e.g. ejector action F02C0003340000 with recycling of part of the working fluid, i.e. semi-closed cycles with combustion products in the closed part of the cycle F02C0003360000 Open cycles F02C0005000000 Gas-turbine plants characterised by the working fluid being generated by intermittent combustion F02C0005020000 characterised by the arrangement of the combustion chamber in the plant (combustion chambers per seF23R) F02C0005040000 the combustion chambers being formed at least partly in the turbine rotor F02C0005060000 the working fluid being generated in an internal-combustion gas generator of the positive-displacement type having essentially no mechanical power output (internal-combustion engines with prolonged expansion using exhaust gas turbines F02B) F02C0005080000 the gas generator being of the free-piston type F02C0005100000 the working fluid forming a resonating or oscillating gas column, i.e. the combustion chambers having no positively actuated valves, e.g. using Helmholtz effect F02C0005110000 using valveless combustion chambers F02C0005120000 the combustion chambers having inlet or outlet valves, e.g. Holzwarth gas-turbine plants F02C0006000000 Plural gas-turbine plants; Combinations of gas-turbine plants with other apparatus (aspects predominantly concerning such apparatus, see the relevant classes for the apparatus);;Adaptations of gas-turbine plants for special use F02C0006020000 Plural gas-turbine plants having a common power output F02C0006040000 Gas-turbine plants providing heated or pressurised working fluid for other apparatus, e.g. without mechanical power output (F02C0006180000 takes precedence);; F02C0006060000 providing compressed gas (F02C0006100000 takes precedence);; F02C0006080000 the gas being bled from the gas-turbine compressor F02C0006100000 supplying working fluid to a user, e.g. a chemical process, which returns working fluid to a turbine of the plant F02C0006120000 Turbochargers, i.e. plants for augmenting mechanical power output of internal-combustion piston engines by increase of charge pressure F02C0006140000 Gas-turbine plants having means for storing energy, e.g. for meeting peak loads F02C0006160000 for storing compressed air F02C0006180000 using the waste heat of gas-turbine plants outside the plants themselves, e.g. gas-turbine power heat plants (using waste heat as source of energy for refrigeration plants F25B0027020000) F02C0006200000 Adaptations of gas-turbine plants for driving vehicles F02C0007000000 Features, component parts, details or accessories, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F02C0001000000-F02C0006000000; Air intakes for jet-propulsion plants (controlling F02C0009000000) F02C0007040000 Air intakes for gas-turbine plants or jet-propulsion plants F02C0007042000 having variable geometry F02C0007045000 having provisions for noise suppression F02C0007047000 Heating to prevent icing F02C0007050000 having provisions for obviating the penetration of damaging objects or particles F02C0007052000 with dust-separation devices F02C0007055000 with intake grids, screens or guards F02C0007057000 Control or regulation (conjointly with fuel supply control F02C0009500000, with nozzle area control F02K0001160000) F02C0007060000 Arrangement of bearings (bearings F16C); Lubricating (of engines in general F01M) F02C0007080000 Heating air supply before combustion, e.g. by exhaust gases F02C0007100000 by means of regenerative heat-exchangers F02C0007105000 of the rotary type (rotary heat exchangers per seF28D) F02C0007120000 Cooling of plants (of component parts, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. F01D; cooling of engines in general F01P) F02C0007140000 of fluids in the plant F02C0007141000 of working fluid (F02C0003300000 takes precedence);; F02C0007143000 before or between the compressor stages F02C0007160000 characterised by cooling medium F02C0007180000 the medium being gaseous, e.g. air F02C0007200000 Mounting or supporting of plant; Accommodating heat expansion or creep F02C0007220000 Fuel supply systems F02C0007224000 Heating fuel before feeding to the burner F02C0007228000 Dividing fuel between various burners F02C0007232000 Fuel valves; Draining valves or systems (valves in general F16K) F02C0007236000 Fuel delivery systems comprising two or more pumps F02C0007240000 Heat or noise insulation (air intakes having provisions for noise suppression F02C0007045000; turbine exhaust heads, chambers, or the like F01D0025300000; silencing nozzles of jet-propulsion plants F02K0001000000) F02C0007250000 Fire protection or prevention (in general A62) F02C0007260000 Starting; Ignition F02C0007262000 Restarting after flame-out F02C0007264000 Ignition F02C0007266000 Electric (sparking plugs H01T) F02C0007268000 Starting drives for the rotor F02C0007270000 Fluid drives (turbine starters F02C0007277000) F02C0007272000 generated by cartridges F02C0007275000 Mechanical drives F02C0007277000 the starter being a turbine F02C0007280000 Arrangement of seals F02C0007300000 Preventing corrosion in gas-swept spaces F02C0007320000 Arrangement, mounting, or driving, of auxiliaries F02C0007360000 Power transmission between the different shafts of the gas-turbine plant, or between the gas-turbine plant and the power user (F02C0007320000 takes precedence;couplings for transmitting rotation F16D; gearing in general F16H) F02C0009000000 Controlling gas-turbine plants; Controlling fuel supply in air-breathing jet-propulsion plants (controlling air intakes F02C0007057000; controlling turbines F01D; controlling compressors F04D0027000000) F02C0009160000 Control of working fluid flow (F02C0009480000 takes precedence;control of air-intake flow F02C0007057000) F02C0009180000 by bleeding, by-passing or acting on variable working fluid interconnections between turbines or compressors or their stages F02C0009200000 by throttling; by adjusting vanes F02C0009220000 by adjusting turbine vanes F02C0009240000 Control of the pressure level in closed cycles F02C0009260000 Control of fuel supply (F02C0009480000 takes precedence;fuel valves F02C0007232000) F02C0009280000 Regulating systems responsive to plant or ambient parameters, e.g. temperature, pressure, rotor speed (F02C0009300000-F02C0009380000, F02C0009440000 take precedence);; F02C0009300000 characterised by variable fuel pump output F02C0009320000 characterised by throttling of fuel (F02C0009380000 takes precedence);; F02C0009340000 Joint control of separate flows to main and auxiliary burners F02C0009360000 characterised by returning of fuel to sump (F02C0009380000 takes precedence);; F02C0009380000 characterised by throttling and returning of fuel to sump F02C0009400000 specially adapted to the use of a special fuel or a plurality of fuels F02C0009420000 specially adapted for the control of two or more plants simultaneously F02C0009440000 responsive to the speed of aircraft, e.g. Mach number control, optimisation of fuel consumption F02C0009460000 Emergency fuel control F02C0009480000 Control of fuel supply conjointly with another control of the plant (with nozzle section control F02K0001170000) F02C0009500000 with control of working fluid flow F02C0009520000 by bleeding or by-passing the working fluid F02C0009540000 by throttling the working fluid, by adjusting vanes F02C0009560000 with power transmission control F02C0009580000 with control of a variable-pitch propeller F02D CONTROLLING COMBUSTION ENGINES (vehicle fittings, acting on a single sub-unit only, for automatically controlling vehicle speed B60K0031000000; conjoint control of vehicle sub-units of different type or different function, road vehicle drive control systems for purposes other than the control of a single sub-unit B60W; cyclically operating valves for combustion engines F01L; controlling combustion engine lubrication F01M; cooling internal-combustion engines F01P; supplying combustion engines with combustible mixtures or constituents thereof, e.g. carburettors, injection pumps, F02M; starting of combustion engines F02N; controlling of ignition F02P; controlling gas-turbine plants, jet-propulsion plants, or combustion-product engine plants, see the relevant subclasses for these plants); F02D0001000000 Controlling, e.g. regulating, fuel injection F02D0001000000 Controlling fuel-injection pumps, e.g. of high-pressure injection type (F02D0003000000 takes precedence);; F02D0001020000 not restricted to adjustment of injection timing, e.g. varying amount of fuel delivered F02D0001040000 by mechanical means dependent on engine speed, e.g. using centrifugal governors (F02D0001080000 takes precedence);; F02D0001060000 by means dependent on pressure of engine working fluid (F02D0001080000 takes precedence);; F02D0001080000 Transmission of control impulse to pump control, e.g. with power drive or power assistance F02D0001100000 mechanical F02D0001120000 non-mechanical, e.g. hydraulic F02D0001140000 pneumatic F02D0001160000 Adjustment of injection timing (F02D0001020000 takes precedence);; F02D0001180000 with non-mechanical means for transmitting control impulse; with amplification of control impulse F02D0003000000 Controlling low-pressure fuel injection, i.e. where the air-fuel mixture containing fuel thus injected will be substantially compressed by the compression stroke of the engine, by means other than controlling only an injection pump (carburettors F02M) F02D0003020000 with continuous injection or continuous flow upstream of the injection nozzle F02D0003040000 Controlling fuel injection and carburation, e.g. of alternative systems F02D0007000000 Other non-electrical fuel injection control F02D0007020000 Controlling fuel injection where fuel is injected by compressed air F02D0009000000 Controlling engines by throttling air or fuel-and-air induction conduits or exhaust conduits F02D0009020000 concerning induction conduits (throttle valves, or arrangements thereof in conduits F02D0009080000) F02D0009040000 concerning exhaust conduits (throttle valves, or arrangements thereof in conduits F02D0009080000) F02D0009060000 Exhaust brakes F02D0009080000 Throttle valves specially adapted therefor; Arrangements of such valves in conduits (throttle valves modified for use in, or arranged in, carburettors F02M; throttle valves in general F16K) F02D0009100000 having pivotally-mounted flaps F02D0009120000 having slidably-mounted valve-members; having valve-members movable longitudinally of conduit F02D0009140000 the members being slidable transversely of conduit F02D0009160000 the members being rotatable F02D0009180000 having elastic-wall valve-members F02D0011000000 Arrangements for, or adaptations to, non-automatic engine control initiation means, e.g. operator initiated (specially for reversing F02D0027000000; arrangement or mounting of prime-mover control devices in vehicles B60K0026000000) F02D0011020000 characterised by hand, foot, or like operator controlled initiation means F02D0011040000 characterised by mechanical control linkages (with power drive or assistance F02D0011060000) F02D0011060000 characterised by non-mechanical control linkages, e.g. fluid control linkages or by control linkages with power drive or assistance F02D0011080000 of the pneumatic type F02D0011100000 of the electric type F02D0013000000 Controlling the engine output power by varying inlet or exhaust valve operating characteristics, e.g. timing (modifying valve gear F01L) F02D0013020000 during engine operation F02D0013040000 using engine as brake F02D0013060000 Cutting-out cylinders F02D0013080000 for rendering engine inoperative or idling F02D0015000000 Varying compression ratio (modifying valve-gear F01L) F02D0015020000 by alteration or displacement of piston stroke F02D0015040000 by alteration of volume of compression space without changing piston stroke F02D0017000000 Controlling engines by cutting-out individual cylinders; Rendering engines inoperative or idling (controlling or rendering inoperative by varying inlet or exhaust valve operating characteristics F02D0013000000) F02D0017020000 Cutting-out (cutting-out engines in multiple-engine arrangements F02D0025040000) F02D0017040000 rendering engines inoperative or idling, e.g. caused by abnormal conditions (dependent on lubricating conditions F01M0001220000; dependent on cooling F01P0005140000) F02D0019000000 Controlling peculiar to specified types or adaptations of engines F02D0019000000 Controlling engines characterised by their use of non-liquid fuels, pluralities of fuels, or non-fuel substances added to the combustible mixtures (the non-fuel substances being gaseous F02D0021000000) F02D0019020000 peculiar to engines working with gaseous fuels (apparatus, or control parts thereof, for mixing gas and air F02M) F02D0019040000 peculiar to engines working with solid fuels, e.g. pulverised coal F02D0019060000 peculiar to engines working with pluralities of fuels, e.g. alternatively with light and heavy fuel oil, other than engines indifferent to the fuel consumed F02D0019080000 simultaneously using pluralities of fuels (F02D0019120000 takes precedence);; F02D0019100000 peculiar to compression-ignition engines in which the main fuel is gaseous F02D0019120000 peculiar to engines working with non-fuel substances or with anti-knock agents, e.g. with anti-knock fuel (apparatus, or control parts thereof, for delivering such substances or agents F02M) F02D0021000000 Controlling engines characterised by their being supplied with non-airborne oxygen or other non-fuel gas F02D0021020000 peculiar to oxygen-fed engines F02D0021040000 with circulation of exhaust gases in closed or semi-closed circuits F02D0021060000 peculiar to engines having other non-fuel gas added to combustion-air F02D0021080000 the other gas being the exhaust gas of engine (circulation of exhaust gas in oxygen-fed engines F02D0021040000) F02D0021100000 having secondary air added to fuel-air mixture (apparatus, or control parts thereof, for delivering secondary air F02M) F02D0023000000 Controlling engines characterised by their being supercharged F02D0023020000 the engines being of fuel-injection type F02D0025000000 Controlling two or more co-operating engines F02D0025020000 to synchronise speed F02D0025040000 by cutting-out engines F02D0027000000 Controlling engines characterised by their being reversible F02D0027020000 by performing a programme F02D0028000000 Programme-control of engines (programme-control specific to a type or purpose covered by one of the groups of this subclass, except groups F02D0029000000, F02D0039000000, or by one group of another subclass, e.g. of F01L, see that group);; F02D0029000000 Controlling engines, such controlling being peculiar to the devices driven thereby, the devices being other than parts or accessories essential to engine operation, e.g. controlling of engines by signals external thereto F02D0029020000 peculiar to engines driving vehicles; peculiar to engines driving variable-pitch propellers F02D0029040000 peculiar to engines driving pumps F02D0029060000 peculiar to engines driving electric generators F02D0031000000 Other non-electrical control of combustion engines F02D0031000000 Use of non-electrical speed-sensing governors to control combustion engines, not otherwise provided for F02D0033000000 Non-electrical control of delivery of fuel or combustion-air, not otherwise provided for F02D0033020000 of combustion-air F02D0035000000 Non-electrical control of engines, dependent on conditions exterior or interior to engines, not otherwise provided for F02D0035020000 on interior conditions F02D0037000000 Non-electrical conjoint control of ; two or more functions of engines, not otherwise provided for F02D0037020000 one of the functions being ignition (ignition control per seF02P) F02D0039000000 Other non-electrical control F02D0039020000 for four-stroke engines F02D0039040000 for engines with other cycles than four-stroke, e.g. two-stroke F02D0039060000 for engines adding the fuel substantially at end of compression stroke F02D0039080000 for engines adding the fuel substantially before compression stroke F02D0039100000 for free-piston engines; for engines without rotary main shaft F02D0041000000 Electrical control of combustion engines F02D0041000000 Electrical control of supply of combustible mixture or its constituents (F02D0043000000 takes precedence);; F02D0041020000 Circuit arrangements for generating control signals F02D0041040000 Introducing corrections for particular operating conditions (F02D0041140000 takes precedence);; F02D0041060000 for engine starting or warming up F02D0041080000 for idling (F02D0041060000, F02D0041160000 take precedence);; F02D0041100000 for acceleration F02D0041120000 for deceleration F02D0041140000 Introducing closed-loop corrections F02D0041160000 for idling F02D0041180000 by measuring intake air flow (measuring flow, in general G01F) F02D0041200000 Output circuits, e.g. for controlling currents in command coils (current control in inductive loads in general H03K0017640000) F02D0041220000 Safety or indicating devices for abnormal conditions F02D0041240000 characterised by the use of digital means F02D0041260000 using computer, e.g. microprocessor F02D0041280000 Interface circuits F02D0041300000 Controlling fuel injection F02D0041320000 of the low pressure type F02D0041340000 with means for controlling injection timing or duration (ignition timing F02P0005000000) F02D0041360000 with means for controlling distribution (arrangement of ignition distributors F02P0007000000) F02D0041380000 of the high pressure type F02D0041400000 with means for controlling injection timing or duration F02D0043000000 Conjoint electrical control of two or more functions, e.g. ignition, fuel-air mixture, recirculation, supercharging, exhaust-gas treatment (electrical control of exhaust gas treating apparatus per seF01N0009000000) F02D0043020000 using only analogue means F02D0043040000 using only digital means F02D0045000000 Electrical control not provided for in groups F02D0041000000-F02D0043000000; (electrical control of exhaust gas treating apparatus F01N0009000000; electrical control of one of the functions: ignition, lubricating, cooling, starting, intake-heating, see the relevant subclasses for such functions); F02F CYLINDERS, PISTONS, OR CASINGS FOR COMBUSTION ENGINES; ARRANGEMENTS OF SEALINGS IN COMBUSTION ENGINES (specially adapted for rotary-piston or oscillating-piston internal-combustion engines F02B; specially adapted for gas-turbine plants F02C; specially adapted for jet-propulsion plants F02K) F02F0001000000 Cylinders; Cylinder heads (in general F16J) F02F0001020000 having cooling means (cylinder heads F02F0001260000) F02F0001040000 for air cooling F02F0001060000 Shape or arrangement of cooling fins; Finned cylinders F02F0001080000 running-liner and cooling-part of cylinder being different parts or of different material F02F0001100000 for liquid cooling F02F0001120000 Preventing corrosion of liquid-swept surfaces F02F0001140000 Cylinders with means for directing, guiding, or distributing liquid stream F02F0001160000 Cylinder liners of wet type F02F0001180000 Other cylinders F02F0001200000 characterised by constructional features providing for lubrication F02F0001220000 characterised by having ports in cylinder wall for scavenging or charging F02F0001240000 Cylinder heads F02F0001260000 having cooling means F02F0001280000 for air cooling F02F0001300000 Finned cylinder heads F02F0001320000 the cylinder heads being of overhead-valve type F02F0001340000 with means for directing or distributing cooling medium (F02F0001320000 takes precedence);; F02F0001360000 for liquid cooling F02F0001380000 the cylinder heads being of overhead-valve type F02F0001400000 cylinder heads with means for directing, guiding, or distributing liquid stream (F02F0001380000 takes precedence);; F02F0001420000 Shape or arrangement of intake or exhaust channels in cylinder heads F02F0003000000 Pistons (in general F16J) F02F0003020000 having means for accommodating or controlling heat expansion F02F0003040000 having expansion-controlling inserts F02F0003060000 the inserts having bimetallic effect F02F0003080000 the inserts being ring-shaped F02F0003100000 having surface coverings (F02F0003020000 takes precedence);; F02F0003120000 on piston heads F02F0003140000 within combustion chambers F02F0003160000 having cooling means F02F0003180000 the means being a liquid or solid coolant, e.g. sodium, in a closed chamber in piston F02F0003200000 the means being a fluid flowing through or along piston F02F0003220000 the fluid being liquid F02F0003240000 having means for guiding gases in cylinders, e.g. for guiding scavenging charge in two-stroke engines F02F0003260000 having combustion chamber in piston head (the surface thereof being covered F02F0003140000) F02F0003280000 Other pistons with specially-shaped head F02F0005000000 Piston rings, e.g. associated with piston crown F02F0007000000 Casings, e.g. crankcases (engine casings in general F16M) F02F0011000000 Arrangements of sealings in combustion engines (piston rings F02F0005000000; sealings per seF16J) F02G HOT-GAS OR COMBUSTION-PRODUCT POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT ENGINE PLANTS (steam engine plants, special vapour plants, plants operating on either hot gas or combustion-product gases together with other fluid F01K; gas-turbine plants F02C; jet-propulsion plants F02K); USE OF WASTE HEAT OF COMBUSTION ENGINES, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR F02G0001000000 Hot gas positive-displacement engine plants (positive-displacement engine plants characterised by the working gas being generated by combustion in the plant F02G0003000000) F02G0001020000 of open-cycle type F02G0001040000 of closed-cycle type F02G0001043000 the engine being operated by expansion and contraction of a mass of working gas which is heated and cooled in one of a plurality of constantly communicating expansible chambers, e.g. Stirling cycle type engines F02G0001044000 having at least two working members, e.g. pistons, delivering power output F02G0001045000 Controlling F02G0001047000 by varying the heating or cooling F02G0001050000 by varying the rate of flow or quantity of the working gas F02G0001053000 Component parts or details F02G0001055000 Heaters or coolers F02G0001057000 Regenerators F02G0001060000 Controlling F02G0003000000 Positive-displacement engine plants characterised by the working gas being generated by combustion in the plant F02G0003020000 with reciprocating-piston engines F02G0005000000 Profiting from waste heat of combustion engines, not otherwise provided for F02G0005020000 Profiting from waste heat of exhaust gases F02G0005040000 in combination with other waste heat from combustion engines F02K JET-PROPULSION PLANTS (arrangement or mounting of jet-propulsion plants in land vehicles or vehicles in general B60K; arrangement or mounting of jet-propulsion plants in waterborne vessels B63H; controlling aircraft attitude, flight direction, or altitude by jet reaction B64C; arrangement or mounting of jet-propulsion plants in aircraft B64D; plants characterised by the power of the working fluid being divided between jet propulsion and another form of propulsion, e.g. propeller, F02B, F02C; features of jet-propulsion plants common to gas-turbine plants, air intakes or fuel supply control of air-breathing jet-propulsion plants F02C) F02K0001000000 Plants characterised by the form or arrangement of the jet pipe or nozzle; Jet pipes or nozzles peculiar thereto (rocket nozzles F02K0009970000) F02K0001040000 Mounting of an exhaust cone in the jet pipe F02K0001060000 Varying effective area of jet pipe or nozzle (F02K0001300000 takes precedence);; F02K0001080000 by axially moving or transversely deforming an internal member, e.g. the exhaust cone F02K0001090000 by axially moving an external member, e.g. a shroud (F02K0001120000 takes precedence);; F02K0001100000 by distorting the jet pipe or nozzle F02K0001110000 by means of pivoted eyelids F02K0001120000 by means of pivoted flaps F02K0001150000 Control or regulation F02K0001160000 conjointly with another control F02K0001170000 with control of fuel supply F02K0001180000 automatic F02K0001280000 using fluid jets to influence the jet flow F02K0001300000 for varying effective area of jet pipe or nozzle F02K0001320000 for reversing thrust F02K0001340000 for attenuating noise F02K0001360000 having an ejector F02K0001380000 Introducing air inside the jet (F02K0001280000 takes precedence);; F02K0001400000 Nozzles having means for dividing the jet into a plurality of partial jets or having an elongated cross-section outlet F02K0001420000 the means being movable into an inoperative position F02K0001440000 Nozzles having means, e.g. a shield, reducing sound radiation in a specified direction (F02K0001400000 takes precedence);; F02K0001460000 Nozzles having means for adding air to the jet or for augmenting the mixing region between the jet and the ambient air, e.g. for silencing (F02K0001280000, F02K0001360000, F02K0001380000 take precedence);; F02K0001480000 Corrugated nozzles F02K0001500000 Deflecting outwardly a portion of the jet by retractable scoop-like baffles F02K0001520000 Nozzles specially constructed for positioning adjacent to another nozzle or to a fixed member, e.g. fairing F02K0001540000 Nozzles having means for reversing jet thrust (F02K0001320000 takes precedence);; F02K0001560000 Reversing jet main flow F02K0001580000 Reversers mounted on the inner cone or the nozzle housing F02K0001600000 by blocking the rearward discharge by means of pivoted eyelids or clamshells, e.g. target-type reversers F02K0001620000 by blocking the rearward discharge by means of flaps F02K0001640000 Reversing fan flow F02K0001660000 using reversing fan blades F02K0001680000 Reversers mounted on the engine housing downstream of the fan exhaust section F02K0001700000 using thrust reverser flaps or doors mounted on the fan housing F02K0001720000 the aft end of the fan housing being movable to uncover openings in the fan housing for the reversed flow F02K0001740000 Reversing at least one flow in relation to at least one other flow in a plural-flow engine F02K0001760000 Control or regulation of thrust reversers F02K0001780000 Other construction of jet pipes F02K0001800000 Couplings or connections F02K0001820000 Jet pipe walls, e.g. liners F02K0003000000 Plants including a gas turbine driving a compressor or a ducted fan F02K0003020000 in which part of the working fluid by-passes the turbine and combustion chamber F02K0003040000 the plant including ducted fans, i.e. fans with high volume, low-pressure outputs, for augmenting jet thrust, e.g. of double-flow type F02K0003060000 with front fan F02K0003062000 with aft fan F02K0003065000 with front and aft fans F02K0003068000 being characterised by a short axial length relative to diameter F02K0003072000 with counter-rotating rotors F02K0003075000 controlling flow ratio between flows F02K0003077000 the plant being of the multiple flow type, i.e. having three or more flows F02K0003080000 with supplementary heating of the working fluid (after-burners, combustion chambers F23R); Control thereof (control of fuel supply therefor F02C0009260000) F02K0003100000 by after-burners (F02K0003105000 takes precedence);; F02K0003105000 Heating the by-pass flow F02K0003110000 by means of burners or combustion chambers F02K0003115000 by means of indirect heat exchange F02K0003120000 characterised by having more than one gas turbine F02K0005000000 Plants including an engine, other than a gas turbine, driving a compressor or a ducted fan F02K0005020000 the engine being of the reciprocating-piston type F02K0007000000 Plants in which the working-fluid is used in a jet only, i.e. the plants not having a turbine or other engine driving a compressor or a ducted fan; Control thereof (rocket-engine plants F02K0009000000) F02K0007020000 the jet being intermittent, i.e. pulse jet F02K0007040000 with resonant combustion chambers F02K0007060000 with combustion chambers having valves F02K0007067000 having aerodynamic valves F02K0007075000 with multiple pulse-jet engines F02K0007080000 the jet being continuous F02K0007100000 characterised by having ram-action compression, i.e. aero-thermo-dynamic-ducts or ram-jet engines F02K0007120000 Injection-induction jet engines F02K0007140000 with external combustion, e.g. scram-jet engines F02K0007160000 Composite ram-jet/turbo-jet engines F02K0007180000 Composite ram-jet/rocket engines F02K0007200000 Composite ram-jet/pulse-jet engines F02K0009000000 Rocket-engine plants, i.e. plants carrying both fuel and oxidant therefor; Control thereof (chemical composition of propellants C06B, C06D) F02K0009080000 using solid propellants (F02K0009720000 takes precedence;using semi-solid or pulverulent propellants F02K0009700000) F02K0009100000 Shape or structure of solid propellant charges F02K0009120000 made of two or more portions burning at different rates F02K0009140000 made from sheet-like materials, e.g. of carpet-roll type, of layered structure F02K0009160000 of honeycomb structure F02K0009180000 of the internal-burning type having a star or like shaped internal cavity F02K0009200000 of the external-burning type F02K0009220000 of the front-burning type F02K0009240000 Charging rocket engines with solid propellants; Methods or apparatus specially adapted for working solid propellant charges F02K0009260000 Burning control F02K0009280000 having two or more propellant charges with the propulsion gases exhausting through a common nozzle F02K0009300000 with the propulsion gases exhausting through a plurality of nozzles F02K0009320000 Constructional parts; Details (shape or structure of solid propellant charges F02K0009100000; starting or ignition means or arrangements F02K0009950000; rocket nozzles F02K0009970000) F02K0009340000 Casings; Combustion chambers; Liners thereof F02K0009360000 Propellant charge supports F02K0009380000 Safety devices, e.g. to prevent accidental ignition F02K0009400000 Cooling arrangements F02K0009420000 using liquid or gaseous propellants (F02K0009720000 takes precedence);; F02K0009440000 Feeding propellants F02K0009460000 using pumps (pumps per seF04) F02K0009480000 driven by a gas turbine fed by propellant combustion gases F02K0009500000 using pressurised fluid to pressurize the propellants F02K0009520000 Injectors (in general B05B) F02K0009540000 Leakage detectors; Purging systems; Filtration systems (filters per seB01D) F02K0009560000 Control F02K0009580000 Propellant feed valves (valves in general F16K) F02K0009600000 Constructional parts; Details (starting or ignition means or arrangements F02K0009950000; rocket nozzles F02K0009970000) F02K0009620000 Combustion or thrust chambers F02K0009640000 having cooling arrangements F02K0009660000 of the rotary type F02K0009680000 Decomposition chambers F02K0009700000 using semi-solid or pulverulent propellants F02K0009720000 using liquid and solid propellants, i.e. hybrid rocket-engine plants F02K0009740000 combined with another jet-propulsion plant F02K0009760000 with another rocket-engine plant; Multistage rocket-engine plants F02K0009780000 with an air-breathing jet-propulsion plant (with a ram-jet engine F02K0007180000) F02K0009800000 characterised by thrust or thrust vector control (F02K0009260000, F02K0009560000, F02K0009940000 take precedence);; F02K0009820000 by injection of a secondary fluid into the rocket exhaust gases F02K0009840000 using movable nozzles F02K0009860000 using nozzle throats of adjustable cross-section F02K0009880000 using auxiliary rocket nozzles F02K0009900000 using deflectors (F02K0009820000 takes precedence);; F02K0009920000 incorporating means for reversing or terminating thrust F02K0009940000 Re-ignitable or restartable rocket-engine plants; Intermittently operated rocket-engine plants F02K0009950000 characterised by starting or ignition means or arrangements (safety devices F02K0009380000) F02K0009960000 characterised by specially adapted arrangements for testing or measuring F02K0009970000 Rocket nozzles (thrust or thrust vector control F02K0009800000) F02K0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F02M SUPPLYING COMBUSTION ENGINES IN GENERAL WITH COMBUSTIBLE MIXTURES OR CONSTITUENTS THEREOF (charging such engines F02B) F02M0001000000 Carburettors for liquid fuels F02M0001000000 Carburettors with means for facilitating engine's starting or its idling below operational temperatures F02M0001020000 the means to facilitate starting or idling being chokes for enriching fuel-air mixture (automatic chokes F02M0001080000) F02M0001040000 the means to facilitate starting or idling being auxiliary carburetting apparatus able to be put into, and out of, operation, e.g. having automatically-operated disc valves F02M0001060000 having axially-movable valves, e.g. piston-shaped F02M0001080000 the means to facilitate starting or idling becoming operative or inoperative automatically (in connection with auxiliary carburetting apparatus F02M0001040000) F02M0001100000 dependent on engine temperature, e.g. having thermostat F02M0001120000 with means for electrically heating thermostat F02M0001140000 dependent on pressure in combustion-air- or fuel-air-mixture intake (F02M0001100000 takes precedence);; F02M0001160000 Other means for enriching fuel-air mixture during starting; Priming cups; using different fuels for starting and normal operation F02M0001180000 Enriching fuel-air mixture by depressing float to flood carburettor F02M0003000000 Idling devices for carburettors (with means for facilitating idling below operational temperatures F02M0001000000) F02M0003020000 Preventing flow of idling fuel F02M0003040000 under conditions where engine is driven instead of driving, e.g. driven by vehicle running down hill F02M0003045000 Control of valves situated in the idling nozzle system, or the passage system, by electrical means or by a combination of electrical means with fluidic or mechanical means F02M0003050000 Pneumatic or mechanical control, e.g. with speed regulation F02M0003055000 Fuel flow cut-off by introducing air, e.g. brake air, into the idling fuel system F02M0003060000 Increasing idling speed F02M0003070000 by positioning the throttle flap stop, or by changing the fuel flow cross-sectional area, by electrical, electromechanical or electropneumatical means, according to engine speed F02M0003080000 Other details of idling devices (fighting ice-formation by heating idling ports F02M0015020000) F02M0003090000 Valves responsive to engine conditions, e.g. manifold vacuum (F02M0001000000, F02M0005000000-F02M0033000000; take precedence);; F02M0003100000 Fuel metering pins; Nozzles F02M0003120000 Passage way systems F02M0003140000 Location of idling system outlet relative to throttle valve F02M0005000000 Float-controlled apparatus for maintaining a constant fuel level in carburettors F02M0005020000 with provisions to meet variations in carburettor position, e.g. upside-down position in aircraft F02M0005040000 with pivotally or rotatably mounted float chambers F02M0005060000 having adjustable float mechanism, e.g. to meet dissimilarities in specific gravity of different fuels F02M0005080000 having means for venting float chambers F02M0005100000 having means for preventing vapour lock, e.g. insulated float chambers or forced fuel circulation through float chamber with engine stopped F02M0005120000 Other details, e.g. floats, valves, setting devices or tools (floats in general F16K0033000000) F02M0005160000 Floats F02M0007000000 Carburettors with means for influencing, e.g. enriching or keeping constant, fuel/air ratio of charge under varying conditions (choke valves for starting F02M0001000000) F02M0007020000 Carburettors having aerated fuel spray nozzles (with valve control for amount of air for aerating fuel F02M0007240000) F02M0007040000 Means for enriching charge at high combustion-air flow F02M0007060000 Means for enriching charge on sudden throttle opening, i.e. at acceleration, e.g. storage means in passage way system F02M0007080000 using pumps F02M0007087000 changing output according to temperature in engine F02M0007093000 changing output according to intake vacuum F02M0007100000 Other installations, without moving parts, for influencing fuel/air ratio, e.g. electrical means (F02M0007230000 takes precedence);; F02M0007110000 Altering float-chamber pressure (enriching the fuel-air mixture during starting by depressing float to flood carburettor F02M0001180000) F02M0007120000 Other installations, with moving parts, for influencing fuel/air ratio, e.g. having valves (F02M0007240000 takes precedence);; F02M0007127000 Altering the float-chamber pressure (enriching the fuel-air mixture during starting by depressing float to flood carburettor F02M0001180000) F02M0007133000 Auxiliary jets, i.e. operating only under certain conditions, e.g. full power (F02M0007040000, F02M0007060000 take precedence);; F02M0007140000 with means for controlling cross-sectional area of fuel spray nozzle (dependent on air-throttle valve position F02M0007220000) F02M0007160000 operated automatically, e.g. dependent on exhaust-gas analysis F02M0007170000 by a pneumatically adjustable piston-like element, e.g. constant depression carburettors F02M0007180000 with means for controlling cross-sectional area of fuel-metering orifice (dependent on air-throttle position F02M0007220000) F02M0007200000 operated automatically, e.g. dependent on altitude F02M0007220000 fuel flow cross-sectional area being controlled dependent on air-throttle-valve position (the throttle valve being slidably arranged transversely to air passage F02M0009060000) F02M0007230000 Fuel aerating devices F02M0007240000 Controlling flow of aerating air F02M0007260000 dependent on position of optionally operable throttle means F02M0007280000 dependent on temperature or pressure F02M0009000000 Carburettors having air or fuel-air mixture passage throttling valves other than of butterfly type (register-type carburettors F02M0011000000); Carburettors having fuel-air mixing chambers of variable shape or position F02M0009020000 having throttling valves, e.g. of piston shape, slidably arranged transversely to the passage F02M0009040000 with throttling valves sliding in a plane inclined to the passage F02M0009060000 with means for varying cross-sectional area of fuel spray nozzle dependent on throttle position (F02M0007170000 takes precedence);; F02M0009080000 having throttling valves rotatably mounted in the passage F02M0009100000 having valves, or like controls, of elastic-wall type for controlling the passage, or for varying cross-sectional area, of fuel-air mixing chambers F02M0009120000 having other specific means for controlling the passage, or for varying cross-sectional area, of fuel-air mixing chambers F02M0009127000 Axially movable throttle valves concentric with the axis of the mixture passage F02M0009133000 the throttle valves having mushroom-shaped bodies F02M0009140000 having venturi and nozzle relatively displaceable essentially along the venturi axis F02M0011000000 Multi-stage carburettors; Register-type carburettors, i.e. with slidable or rotatable throttling valves in which a plurality of fuel nozzles, other than only an idling nozzle and a main one, are sequentially exposed to air stream by throttling valve F02M0011020000 with throttling valve, e.g. of flap or butterfly type, in a later stage opening automatically F02M0011040000 the later-stage valves having damping means F02M0011060000 Other carburettors with throttling valve of flap or butterfly type F02M0011080000 Register carburettors with throttling valve movable transversally to air passage F02M0011100000 Register carburettors with rotatable throttling valves F02M0013000000 Arrangements of two or more separate carburettors (apparatus for testing, tuning, or synchronising carburettors F02M0019010000; re-atomising condensed fuel or homogenising fuel-air mixture F02M0029000000); Carburettors using more than one fuel (apparatus for adding small quantities of secondary fuel F02M0025000000) F02M0013020000 Separate carburettors F02M0013040000 structurally united F02M0013060000 the carburettors using different fuels F02M0013080000 Carburettors adapted to use liquid and gaseous fuels, e.g. alternatively F02M0015000000 Carburettors with heating, cooling, or thermal insulating means for combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture (heating, cooling, or thermally insulating float apparatus F02M0005000000; apparatus for thermally treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture, not being part of a carburettor F02M0031000000) F02M0015020000 with heating means, e.g. to combat ice-formation F02M0015040000 the means being electrical F02M0015060000 Heat shieldings, e.g. from engine radiations F02M0017000000 Carburettors having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of main groups F02M0001000000-F02M0015000000; (apparatus for treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture by catalysts, electric means, magnetism, rays, sonic waves, or the like F02M0027000000; combinations of carburettors and low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus F02M0071000000) F02M0017020000 Floatless carburettors F02M0017040000 having fuel inlet valve controlled by diaphragm F02M0017060000 having overflow chamber determining constant fuel level F02M0017080000 Carburettors having one or more fuel passages opening in a valve-seat surrounding combustion-air passage, the valve being opened by passing air F02M0017090000 the valve being of an eccentrically mounted butterfly type F02M0017100000 Carburettors having one or more fuel passages opening in valve-member of air throttle F02M0017120000 the valve-member being of butterfly type F02M0017140000 Carburettors with fuel-supply parts opened and closed in synchronism with engine stroke F02M0017160000 Carburettors having continuously-rotating bodies, e.g. surface carburettors (fuel injection by centrifugal forces F02M0069060000) F02M0017180000 Other surface carburettors F02M0017200000 with fuel bath F02M0017220000 with air bubbling through bath F02M0017240000 with wicks F02M0017260000 with other wetted bodies F02M0017280000 fuel being drawn through a porous body F02M0017300000 Carburettors with fire-protecting devices, e.g. combined with fire-extinguishing apparatus F02M0017320000 automatically closing fuel conduits on outbreak of fire F02M0017340000 Other carburettors combined or associated with other apparatus, e.g. air filters (predominant aspects of the apparatus, see the relevant classes for such apparatus);; F02M0017360000 Carburettors having fitments facilitating their cleaning F02M0017380000 Controlling of carburettors, not otherwise provided for (external control gear F02M0019120000) F02M0017400000 Selection of particular materials for carburettors, e.g. sheet metal, plastic, or translucent materials F02M0017420000 Float-controlled carburettors not otherwise provided for F02M0017440000 Carburettors characterised by draught direction and not otherwise provided for F02M0017460000 with down-draught F02M0017480000 with up-draught F02M0017500000 Carburettors having means for combating ice-formation (thermally F02M0015020000) F02M0017520000 Use of cold, produced by carburettors, for other purposes (apparatus using the cold, see the relevant classes for such apparatus);; F02M0019000000 Details, component parts, or accessories of carburettors, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups F02M0001000000-F02M0017000000; (measuring or testing apparatus in general G01) F02M0019010000 Apparatus for testing, tuning, or synchronising carburettors, e.g. carburettor flow stands F02M0019020000 Metering-orifices, e.g. variable in diameter (variable during operation F02M0007180000) F02M0019025000 Metering orifices not variable in diameter F02M0019030000 Fuel atomising nozzles; Arrangement of emulsifying air conduits (atomising in general B05B) F02M0019035000 Mushroom-shaped atomising nozzles F02M0019040000 Fuel-metering pins or needles F02M0019060000 Other details of fuel conduits F02M0019080000 Venturis F02M0019100000 in multiple arrangement F02M0019120000 External control gear, e.g. having dash-pots (dampening means in later stages of multi-stage carburettors F02M0011040000; carburettor control gear in which the carburettor aspects do not predominate, see the relevant classes); F02M0021000000 Apparatus for supplying engines with non-liquid fuels, e.g. gaseous fuels stored in liquid form F02M0021020000 for gaseous fuels (apparatus for vaporising liquid fuel by heat F02M0031000000; engines with apparatus generating gas from solid fuel, e.g. from wood, F02B0043080000) F02M0021040000 Gas-air mixing apparatus (carburettors adapted to use liquid and gaseous fuels F02M0013080000; carburetting gases in general C10J) F02M0021060000 Apparatus for de-liquefying, e.g. by heating (discharging liquefied gases in general F17C) F02M0021080000 for non-gaseous fuels (for engines operating on fuel containing oxidants F02B) F02M0021100000 for fuels with low melting point, e.g. apparatus having heating means F02M0021120000 for fuels in pulverised state (engine plants with fuel-pulverising apparatus F02B) F02M0023000000 Engine-pertinent apparatus for feeding, or treating before their admission to engine, combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture F02M0023000000 Apparatus for adding secondary air to fuel-air mixture F02M0023020000 with personal control F02M0023030000 the secondary air-valve controlled by main combustion-air throttle F02M0023040000 with automatic control F02M0023060000 dependent on engine speed F02M0023080000 dependent on pressure in main combustion-air induction system F02M0023090000 using valves directly opened by low pressure F02M0023100000 dependent on temperature, e.g. engine temperature F02M0023120000 characterised by being combined with device for, or by secondary air effecting, re-atomising of condensed fuel F02M0023140000 characterised by adding hot air F02M0025000000 Engine-pertinent apparatus for adding non-fuel substances or small quantities of secondary fuel to combustion-air, main fuel, or fuel-air mixture (F02M0043000000 takes precedence;adding secondary air to fuel-air mixture F02M0023000000) F02M0025022000 Adding fuel and water emulsion, water or steam F02M0025025000 Adding water F02M0025028000 into the charge intakes F02M0025030000 into the cylinders F02M0025032000 Producing and adding steam F02M0025035000 into the charge intakes F02M0025038000 into the cylinders F02M0025060000 adding lubricant vapours or exhaust gases F02M0025070000 adding exhaust gases F02M0025080000 adding fuel vapours drawn from engine fuel reservoir F02M0025100000 adding acetylene, non-waterborne hydrogen, non-airborne oxygen, or ozone F02M0025120000 the apparatus having means for generating such gases (using rays and simultaneously generating ozone F02M0027060000) F02M0025140000 adding anti-knock agents, not provided for in groups ; F02M0025022000-F02M0025100000 F02M0027000000 Apparatus for treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture, by catalysts, electric means, magnetism, rays, sonic waves, or the like F02M0027020000 by catalysts F02M0027040000 by electric means or magnetism F02M0027060000 by rays F02M0027080000 by sonic or ultrasonic waves F02M0029000000 Apparatus for re-atomising condensed fuel or homogenising fuel-air mixture (combined with secondary-air supply F02M0023120000) F02M0029020000 having rotary parts F02M0029040000 having screens, gratings, baffles, or the like (rotary F02M0029020000) F02M0029060000 generating whirling motion of mixture F02M0029080000 having spirally-wound wires F02M0029100000 adjustable F02M0029120000 having homogenising valves held open by mixture current F02M0029140000 re-atomising or homogenising being effected by unevenness of internal surfaces of mixture intake F02M0031000000 Apparatus for thermally treating combustion-air, fuel, or fuel-air mixture (F02M0021060000, F02M0021100000 take precedence;such apparatus being part of a carburettor or fuel-injection apparatus F02M0015000000, F02M0053000000; adding hot secondary air to fuel-air mixture F02M0023140000) F02M0031020000 for heating F02M0031040000 combustion-air or fuel-air mixture (electrically F02M0031120000; by using heat from working cylinders or cylinder heads F02M0031140000; heating of combustion-air as an engine starting aid F02N0019040000) F02M0031060000 by hot gases, e.g. by mixing cold and hot air F02M0031070000 Temperature-responsive control, e.g. using thermostatically-controlled valves (F02M0031083000 takes precedence);; F02M0031080000 the gases being exhaust gases F02M0031083000 Temperature-responsive control of the amount of exhaust gas or combustion air directed to the heat exchange surface F02M0031087000 Heat-exchange arrangements between the air intake and exhaust gas passages, e.g. by means of contact between the passages F02M0031093000 Air intake passage surrounding the exhaust gas passage; Exhaust gas passage surrounding the air intake passage F02M0031100000 by hot liquids, e.g. lubricants F02M0031120000 electrically F02M0031125000 Fuel F02M0031130000 Combustion air F02M0031135000 Fuel-air mixture F02M0031140000 by using heat from working cylinders or cylinder heads F02M0031160000 Other apparatus for heating fuel F02M0031180000 to vaporise fuel F02M0031200000 for cooling (cooling of charging-air or of scavenging-air F02B) F02M0033000000 Other apparatus for treating combustion-air, fuel or fuel-air mixture (combustion-air cleaners F02M0035000000; arrangements for purifying liquid fuel F02M0037220000) F02M0033020000 for collecting and returning condensed fuel F02M0033040000 returning to the intake passage F02M0033060000 with simultaneous heat supply F02M0033080000 returning to the fuel tank F02M0035000000 Combustion-air cleaners, air intakes, intake silencers, or induction systems specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines (air cleaners in general B01D) F02M0035020000 Air cleaners F02M0035022000 acting by gravity, by centrifugal, or by other inertial forces, e.g. with moistened walls F02M0035024000 using filters, e.g. moistened (F02M0035026000 takes precedence;cleaning of the filtering material F02M0035080000) F02M0035026000 acting by guiding the air over or through an oil or other liquid bath, e.g. combined with filters F02M0035040000 specially arranged with respect to engine; Mounting thereon F02M0035060000 combined or associated with engine's cooling blower or fan, or with flywheel F02M0035080000 with means for removing dust from cleaners; with means for indicating clogging; with by-pass means F02M0035090000 Clogging indicators F02M0035100000 Air intakes; Induction systems (using kinetic or wave energy of charge in induction systems for improving quantity of charge F02B) F02M0035104000 Intake manifolds F02M0035108000 with primary and secondary intake passages F02M0035112000 for engines with cylinders all in one line (F02M0035108000 takes precedence);; F02M0035116000 for engines with cylinders in V-arrangement or arranged oppositely relative to the main shaft (F02M0035108000 takes precedence);; F02M0035120000 Intake silencers F02M0035140000 Combined air cleaners and silencers F02M0035160000 characterised by use in vehicles (predominant vehicle aspects, see the relevant classes for the vehicles);; F02M0037000000 Apparatus or systems for feeding liquid fuel from storage containers to carburettors or fuel-injection apparatus (F02M0069000000 takes precedence;feeding liquid fuel to combustion apparatus, in general F23K0005000000; fuel supply to apparatus for generating combustion products of high pressure or high velocity F23R0003280000); Arrangements for purifying liquid fuel specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines (separating apparatus, filters per seB01D; centrifuges B04B) F02M0037020000 Feeding by means of suction apparatus, e.g. by air flow through carburettors (by driven pumps F02M0037040000) F02M0037040000 Feeding by means of driven pumps (pump construction F04) F02M0037060000 mechanically driven F02M0037080000 electrically driven F02M0037100000 submerged in fuel, e.g. in reservoir F02M0037120000 fluid-driven, e.g. by compressed combustion-air F02M0037140000 the pumps being combined with other apparatus F02M0037160000 characterised by provision of personally-, e.g. manually-, operated pumps F02M0037180000 characterised by provision of main and auxiliary pumps F02M0037200000 characterised by means for preventing vapour lock F02M0037220000 Arrangements for purifying liquid fuel specially adapted for, or arranged on, internal-combustion engines, e.g. arrangement in the feeding system F02M0039000000 Fuel-injection apparatus F02M0039000000 Arrangements of fuel-injection apparatus with respect to engines; Pump drives adapted to such arrangements (F02M0049000000 takes precedence;arrangements of injectors F02M0061140000) F02M0039020000 Arrangements of fuel-injection apparatus to facilitate the driving of pumps; Arrangements of fuel-injection pumps; Pump drives F02M0041000000 Fuel-injection apparatus with two or more injectors fed from a common pressure-source sequentially by means of a distributor F02M0041020000 the distributor being spaced from pumping elements F02M0041040000 the distributor reciprocating F02M0041060000 the distributor rotating F02M0041080000 the distributor and pumping elements being combined F02M0041100000 pump pistons acting as the distributor F02M0041120000 the pistons rotating to act as the distributor F02M0041140000 rotary distributor supporting pump pistons F02M0041160000 characterised by the distributor being fed from a constant-pressure source, e.g. accumulator F02M0043000000 Fuel-injection apparatus operating simultaneously on two or more fuels or on a liquid fuel and another liquid, e.g. the other liquid being an anti-knock additive F02M0043020000 Pumps peculiar thereto F02M0043040000 Injectors peculiar thereto F02M0045000000 Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by having a cyclic delivery of specific time/pressure or time/quantity relationship (fuel injectors having such deliveries by means of valves furnished at seated ends with pintle- or plug-shaped extensions F02M0061060000) F02M0045020000 with each cyclic delivery being separated into two or more parts F02M0045040000 with a small initial part F02M0045060000 Pumps peculiar thereto F02M0045080000 Injectors peculiar thereto F02M0045100000 Other injectors with multiple-part delivery, e.g. with vibrating valves F02M0045120000 providing a continuous delivery with variable pressure F02M0047000000 Fuel-injection apparatus operated cyclically with fuel-injection valves actuated by fluid pressure (F02M0049000000 takes precedence;apparatus with injection valves opened by fuel pressure and closed by non-fluid means, see the groups providing for other characteristics); F02M0047020000 of accumulator-injector type, i.e. having fuel pressure of accumulator tending to open, and fuel pressure in other chamber tending to close, injection valves, and having means for periodically releasing that closing pressure F02M0047040000 using fluid, other than fuel, for injection-valve actuation F02M0047060000 Other fuel injectors peculiar thereto F02M0049000000 Fuel-injection apparatus in which injection pumps are driven, or injectors are actuated, by the pressure in engine working cylinders, or by impact of engine working piston F02M0049020000 using the cylinder pressure, e.g. compression end pressure F02M0049040000 using the piston impact F02M0051000000 Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by being operated electrically F02M0051020000 specially for low-pressure fuel-injection (pumps per seF02M0051040000; injectors per seF02M0051080000) F02M0051040000 Pumps peculiar thereto F02M0051060000 Injectors peculiar thereto F02M0051080000 specially for low-pressure fuel-injection F02M0053000000 Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by having heating, cooling, or thermally-insulating means F02M0053020000 with fuel-heating means, e.g. for vaporising F02M0053040000 Injectors with heating, cooling, or thermally-insulating means F02M0053060000 with fuel-heating means, e.g. for vaporising F02M0053080000 with air cooling F02M0055000000 Fuel-injection apparatus characterised by their fuel conduits or their venting means F02M0055020000 Conduits between injection pumps and injectors F02M0055040000 Means for damping vibrations in injection-pump inlets F02M0057000000 Fuel injectors combined or associated with other devices F02M0057020000 Injectors structurally combined with fuel-injection pumps F02M0057040000 the devices being combustion-air intake or exhaust valves F02M0057060000 the devices being sparking-plugs F02M0059000000 Pumps specially adapted for fuel-injection and not provided for in groups F02M0039000000-F02M0057000000; (general features of pumps F04) F02M0059020000 of reciprocating-piston type F02M0059040000 characterised by special arrangement of cylinders with respect to piston-driving shaft, e.g. arranged parallel to that shaft F02M0059060000 with cylinders arranged radially to driving shaft, e.g. in V- or star-arrangement F02M0059080000 characterised by two or more pumping elements with conjoint outlet F02M0059100000 characterised by the piston drive F02M0059120000 having other positive-displacement pumping elements, e.g. rotary F02M0059140000 of elastic-wall type F02M0059160000 characterised by having multi-stage compression of fuel F02M0059180000 characterised by the pumping action being achieved through release of pre-compressed springs F02M0059200000 Varying fuel delivery in quantity or timing F02M0059220000 Varying quantity by adjusting cylinder-head space F02M0059240000 with constant-length-stroke pistons having variable effective portion of stroke F02M0059260000 caused by movements of pistons relative to their cylinders F02M0059280000 Mechanisms therefor F02M0059300000 with variable-length-stroke pistons F02M0059320000 fuel delivery being controlled by means of fuel-displaced auxiliary pistons, which effect injection F02M0059340000 by throttling of passages to pumping elements or of overflow passages F02M0059360000 by variably-timed valves controlling fuel passages F02M0059380000 Pumps characterised by adaptations to special uses or conditions F02M0059400000 for reversible engines F02M0059420000 for starting of engines F02M0059440000 Details, component parts, or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups ; F02M0059020000-F02M0059420000 F02M0059460000 Valves (in general F16K) F02M0059480000 Assembling; Disassembling; Replacing F02M0061000000 Fuel injectors not provided for in groups ; F02M0039000000-F02M0057000000; or F02M0067000000 F02M0061020000 of valveless type F02M0061040000 having valves (valves in general F16K) F02M0061060000 the valves being furnished at seated ends with pintle- or plug-shaped extensions F02M0061080000 the valves opening in direction of fuel flow F02M0061100000 Other injectors with elongated valve bodies, i.e. of needle-valve type F02M0061120000 characterised by the provision of guiding or centring means for valve bodies F02M0061140000 Arrangements of injectors with respect to engines; Mounting of injectors F02M0061160000 Details not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups ; F02M0061020000-F02M0061140000 F02M0061180000 Injection nozzles, e.g. having valve-seats F02M0061200000 Closing valves mechanically, e.g. arrangements of springs or weights F02M0063000000 Other fuel-injection apparatus having pertinent characteristics not provided for in groups ; F02M0039000000-F02M0057000000;  or F02M0067000000; Details, component parts or accessories of fuel-injection apparatus, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus of groups ; F02M0039000000-F02M0061000000;  or F02M0067000000;      F02M0063020000 Fuel-injection apparatus having several injectors fed by a common pumping element, or having several pumping elements feeding a common injector; Fuel-injection apparatus having provisions for cutting-out pumps, pumping elements, or injectors; Fuel-injection apparatus having provisions for variably interconnecting pumping elements and injectors alternatively F02M0063040000 Fuel-injection apparatus having injection valves held closed by a cyclically-operated mechanism for a time and automatically opened by fuel pressure, e.g. of constant-pressure pump or accumulator, when that mechanism releases the valve F02M0063060000 Use of pressure wave generated by fuel inertia to open injection valves F02M0065000000 Testing fuel-injection apparatus, e.g. testing injection timing F02M0067000000 Apparatus in which fuel-injection is effected by means of high-pressure gas, the gas carrying the fuel into working cylinders of the engine, e.g. air-injection type (using compressed air for low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus F02M0069080000) F02M0067020000 the gas being compressed air, e.g. compressed in pumps (arrangements or adaptations of such pumps F02B) F02M0067040000 the air being extracted from working cylinders of the engine F02M0067060000 the gas being other than air, e.g. steam, combustion gas F02M0067080000 the gas being generated by combustion of part of fuel other than in engine working cylinders F02M0067100000 Injectors peculiar thereto, e.g. of valveless type F02M0067120000 having valves F02M0067140000 characterised by provisions for injecting different fuels, e.g. main fuel and readily self-igniting starting-fuel F02M0069000000 Low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus (electrically- operated F02M0051000000) F02M0069020000 Pumps peculiar thereto F02M0069040000 Injectors peculiar thereto F02M0069060000 characterised by the pressurisation of the fuel being caused by centrifugal force acting on the fuel F02M0069080000 characterised by the fuel being carried by compressed air into main stream of combustion-air F02M0069100000 peculiar to scavenged two-stroke engines, e.g. injecting into crankcase-pump chamber F02M0069120000 comprising a fuel-displaced free piston for intermittently metering and supplying fuel to injection nozzles F02M0069140000 having cyclically-operated valves connecting injection nozzles to a source of fuel under pressure during the injection period F02M0069160000 characterised by means for metering continuous fuel flow to injectors or means for varying fuel pressure upstream of injectors F02M0069180000 the means being metering valves throttling fuel passages to injectors or by-pass valves throttling overflow passages, the metering valves being actuated by a device responsive to the engine working parameters, e.g. engine load, speed, temperature or quantity of air (F02M0069260000 takes precedence);; F02M0069200000 the device being a servo-motor, e.g. using engine intake air pressure or vacuum (F02M0069220000 takes precedence);; F02M0069220000 the device comprising a member movably mounted in the air intake conduit and displaced according to the quantity of air admitted to the engine F02M0069240000 the device comprising a member for transmitting the movement of the air throttle valve actuated by the operator to the valves controlling fuel passages F02M0069260000 the means varying fuel pressure in a fuel by-pass passage, the pressure acting on a throttle valve against the action of metered or throttled fuel pressure for variably throttling fuel flow to injection nozzles, e.g. to keep constant the pressure differential at the metering valve F02M0069280000 characterised by means for cutting-out the fuel supply to the engine or to main injectors during certain operating periods, e.g. deceleration F02M0069300000 characterised by means for facilitating the starting-up or idling of engines or by means for enriching fuel charge, e.g. below operational temperatures or upon high power demand of engines (at acceleration F02M0069440000) F02M0069320000 with an air by-pass around the air throttle valve or with an auxiliary air passage, e.g. with a variably controlled valve therein F02M0069340000 with an auxiliary fuel circuit supplying fuel to the engine, e.g. with the fuel pump outlet being directly connected to the injection nozzles F02M0069360000 having an enrichment mechanism modifying fuel flow to injectors, e.g. by acting on the fuel metering device or on the valves throttling fuel passages to injection nozzles or overflow passages F02M0069380000 using fuel pressure, e.g. by varying fuel pressure in the control chambers of the fuel metering device (F02M0069260000 takes precedence);; F02M0069400000 using variably controlled air pressure, e.g. by modifying the intake air vacuum signal acting on the fuel metering device F02M0069420000 using other means than variable fluid pressure, e.g. acting on the fuel metering device mechanically or electrically F02M0069440000 characterised by means for supplying extra fuel to the engine on sudden air throttle opening, e.g at acceleration F02M0069460000 Details, component parts or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the apparatus covered by groups ; F02M0069020000-F02M0069440000 F02M0069480000 Arrangement of air sensors F02M0069500000 Arrangement of fuel distributors F02M0069520000 Arrangement of fuel metering devices F02M0069540000 Arrangement of fuel pressure regulators F02M0071000000 Combinations of carburettors and low-pressure fuel-injection apparatus (means for enriching charge on sudden air throttle opening of carburettors F02M0007060000) F02M0071020000 with fuel-air mixture being produced by the carburettor and being compressed by a pump for subsequent injection into main combustion-air (adaptations or arrangements of such pumps F02B) F02M0071040000 with carburettor being used at starting or idling only and injection apparatus being used during normal operation of engine F02M0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F02N STARTING OF COMBUSTION ENGINES (starting of free-piston combustion-engines F02B0071020000; starting of gas-turbine plants F02C0007260000); STARTING AIDS FOR SUCH ENGINES, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR F02N0001000000 Muscle-operated starting apparatus F02N0001000000 Starting apparatus having hand cranks (with intermediate power storage F02N0005000000-F02N0015000000) F02N0001020000 having safety means preventing damage caused by reverse rotation F02N0003000000 Other muscle-operated starting apparatus (with intermediate power storage F02N0005000000-F02N0015000000) F02N0003020000 having pull-cords F02N0003040000 having foot-actuated levers F02N0005000000 Power-operated starting apparatus; Muscle-operated starting apparatus with intermediate power storage F02N0005000000 Starting apparatus having mechanical power storage F02N0005020000 of spring type F02N0005040000 of inertia type F02N0007000000 Starting apparatus having fluid-driven auxiliary engines or apparatus F02N0007020000 the apparatus being of single-stroke piston type, e.g. pistons acting on racks or pull-cords F02N0007040000 the pistons acting on screw-threaded members to effect rotation F02N0007060000 the engines being of reciprocating-piston type (of internal-combustion type F02N0007100000) F02N0007080000 the engines being of rotary type F02N0007100000 characterised by using auxiliary engines or apparatus of combustion type (by using explosive cartridges F02N0013000000) F02N0007120000 the engines being of rotary type, e.g. turbines (F02N0007140000 takes precedence);; F02N0007140000 the starting engines being readily removable from main engines, e.g. of portable type F02N0009000000 Starting of engines by supplying auxiliary pressure fluid to their working chambers F02N0009020000 the pressure fluid being generated directly by combustion (by using explosive cartridges F02N0013000000) F02N0009040000 the pressure fluid being generated otherwise, e.g. by compressing air F02N0011000000 Starting of engines by means of electric motors (arrangement or mounting of prime-movers consisting of electric motors and internal combustion engines for mutual or common propulsion B60K0006200000) F02N0011020000 the motors having longitudinally-shiftable rotors F02N0011040000 the motors being associated with current generators F02N0011060000 and with ignition apparatus F02N0011080000 Circuits specially adapted for starting of engines F02N0011100000 Safety devices (F02N0011080000 takes precedence);; F02N0011120000 Starting of engines by means of mobile, e.g. portable, starting sets F02N0011140000 Starting of engines by means of electric starters with external current supply (F02N0011120000 takes precedence);; F02N0013000000 Starting of engines, or driving of starting apparatus by use of explosives, e.g. stored in cartridges F02N0013020000 Cartridges specially adapted therefor (gas cartridges in general F42B0003040000) F02N0015000000 Other power-operated starting apparatus; Component parts, details, or accessories, not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F02N0005000000-F02N0013000000 F02N0015020000 Gearing between starting-engines and started engines; Engagement or disengagement thereof F02N0015040000 the gearing including disengaging toothed gears F02N0015060000 the toothed gears being moved by axial displacement F02N0015080000 the gearing being of friction type F02N0015100000 Safety devices not otherwise provided for F02N0019000000 Starting aids for combustion engines, not otherwise provided for F02N0019020000 Aiding engine start by thermal means, e.g. using lighted wicks (using electrically-heated glowing plugs F02P0019020000) F02N0019040000 by heating of fluids used in engines (heating of lubricants F01M0005020000) F02N0019060000 by heating of combustion-air by flame generating means, e.g. flame glow-plugs F02N0019080000 Arrangement thereof F02N0019100000 by heating of engine coolants F02N0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in the other groups of this subclass F02P IGNITION, OTHER THAN COMPRESSION IGNITION, FOR INTERNAL-COMBUSTION ENGINES; TESTING OF IGNITION TIMING IN COMPRESSION-IGNITION ENGINES (specially adapted for rotary-piston or oscillating-piston engines F02B0053120000; ignition of combustion apparatus in general, glowing plugs F23Q; measuring of physical variables in general G01; controlling in general G05; data processing in general G06; electrical components in general, see section Hsparking plugs H01T) F02P0001000000 Electric spark ignition installations characterised by the type of ignition power generation or storage F02P0001000000 Installations having electric ignition energy generated by magneto- or dynamo-electric generators without subsequent storage F02P0001020000 the generator rotor being characterised by forming part of the engine flywheel F02P0001040000 the generator being specially adapted for use with specific engine types, e.g. engines with V-arrangement of cylinders F02P0001060000 Generator drives, e.g. having snap couplings F02P0001080000 Layout of circuits F02P0003000000 Other electric spark ignition installations characterised by the type of ignition power generation storage F02P0003010000 Electric spark ignition installations without subsequent energy storage, i.e. energy supplied by an electrical oscillator (with magneto- or dynamo-electric generators F02P0001000000; piezo-electric ignition F02P0003120000; with continuous electric spark F02P0015100000) F02P0003020000 having inductive energy storage, e.g. arrangements of induction coils F02P0003040000 Layout of circuits F02P0003045000 for control of the dwell or anti-dwell time F02P0003050000 for control of the magnitude of the current in the ignition coil (during starting F02P0015120000) F02P0003055000 with protective means to prevent damage to the circuit or the ignition coil F02P0003060000 having capacitive energy storage (piezo-electric or electrostatic ignition F02P0003120000) F02P0003080000 Layout of circuits (for low tension F02P0003100000) F02P0003090000 for control of the charging current in the capacitor (F02P0015120000 takes precedence);; F02P0003100000 Low-tension installation, e.g. using surface-discharge sparking plugs F02P0003120000 Piezo-electric ignition; Electrostatic ignition F02P0005000000 Advancing or retarding electric ignition spark; Arrangements of distributors or of circuit-makers or -breakers for electric spark ignition; Electric spark ignition control or safety means, not otherwise provided for F02P0005000000 Advancing or retarding electric ignition spark; Control therefor F02P0005020000 non-automatically; dependent on position of personal controls of engine, e.g. throttle position F02P0005040000 automatically, as a function of the working conditions of the engine or vehicle or of the atmospheric conditions (dependent on position of personal controls of engine F02P0005020000) F02P0005050000 using mechanical means F02P0005060000 dependent on engine speed F02P0005070000 Centrifugal timing mechanisms F02P0005100000 dependent on fluid pressure in engine, e.g. combustion-air pressure F02P0005120000 dependent on a specific pressure other than that of combustion-air, e.g. of exhaust, cooling fluid, lubricant F02P0005140000 dependent on specific conditions other than engine speed or engine fluid pressure, e.g. temperature F02P0005145000 using electrical means F02P0005150000 Digital data processing F02P0005152000 dependent on pinking (detecting or indicating knocks in internal-combustion engines G01L0023220000) F02P0005153000 dependent on combustion pressure F02P0005155000 Analogue data processing F02P0005160000 characterised by the mechanical transmission between sensing elements or personal controls and final actuating elements F02P0007000000 Arrangement of distributors, circuit-makers, circuit-breakers or pick-up devices for electric spark ignition (advancing or retarding ignition or control therefor F02P0005000000; such devices per se, see the relevant classes of section H, e.g. rotary switches H01H0019000000, contact-breakers, distributors H01R0039000000, generators H02K) F02P0007020000 of distributors F02P0007030000 with electrical means (ignition occurring simultaneously at different places in one engine cylinder or in two or more separate engine cylinders F02P0015080000) F02P0007040000 having distributors with air-tight casing F02P0007060000 of circuit-makers or -breakers, or pick-up devices adapted to sense particular points of the timing cycle F02P0007063000 Mechanical pick-up devices, circuit-makers or -breakers, e.g. contact-breakers F02P0007067000 Electromagnetic pick-up devices F02P0007070000 Hall-effect pick-up devices F02P0007073000 Optical pick-up devices F02P0007077000 Circuits therefor, e.g. pulse generators F02P0007080000 having air-tight casings F02P0007100000 Drives of distributors or of circuit-makers or -breakers F02P0009000000 Electric spark ignition control, not otherwise provided for F02P0011000000 Safety means for electric spark ignition, not otherwise provided for F02P0011020000 Preventing damage to engines or engine-driven gearing F02P0011040000 Preventing unauthorised use of engines (of vehicles B60R0025040000; ignition locks H01H0027000000) F02P0011060000 Indicating unsafe conditions F02P0013000000 Sparking plugs structurally combined with other parts of internal-combustion engines (with fuel injectors F02M0057060000; predominant aspects of the parts, see the relevant subclasses); F02P0015000000 Electric spark ignition having characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F02P0001000000-F02P0013000000 F02P0015020000 Arrangements having two or more sparking plugs F02P0015040000 one of the spark electrodes being mounted on the engine working piston F02P0015060000 the electric spark triggered by engine working cylinder compression F02P0015080000 having multiple-spark ignition, i.e. ignition occurring simultaneously at different places in one engine cylinder or in two or more separate engine cylinders F02P0015100000 having continuous electric sparks F02P0015120000 having means for strengthening spark during starting F02P0017000000 Testing of ignition installations, e.g. in combination with adjusting (testing fuel injection apparatus F02M0065000000; testing ignition installations in general F23Q0023000000); Testing of ignition timing in compression-ignition engines F02P0017020000 Checking or adjusting ignition timing F02P0017040000 dynamically F02P0017060000 using a stroboscopic lamp F02P0017080000 using a cathode-ray oscilloscope (F02P0017060000 takes precedence);; F02P0017100000 Measuring dwell or antidwell time F02P0017120000 Testing characteristics of the spark, ignition voltage or current F02P0019000000 Other ignition F02P0019000000 Incandescent ignition, e.g. during starting of internal-combustion engines; Combination of incandescent and spark ignition F02P0019020000 electric, e.g. layout of circuits of apparatus having glowing plugs F02P0019040000 non-electric, e.g. heating incandescent spots by burners (use of burners for direct ignition F02P0021000000) F02P0021000000 Direct use of flames or burners for ignition F02P0021020000 the flames being kept burning essentially external to engine working chambers F02P0021040000 Burning-cartridges or like inserts being arranged in engine working chambers (as starting aid F02N0019020000) F02P0023000000 Other ignition F02P0023020000 Friction, pyrophoric, or catalytic ignition F02P0023040000 Other physical ignition means, e.g. using laser rays F03 MACHINES OR ENGINES FOR LIQUIDS; WIND, SPRING, OR WEIGHT MOTORS; PRODUCING MECHANICAL POWER OR A REACTIVE PROPULSIVE THRUST, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR F03B MACHINES OR ENGINES FOR LIQUIDS (machines or engines for liquids and elastic fluids F01; positive-displacement engines for liquids F03C; positive-displacement machines for liquids F04) F03B0001000000 Engines of impulse type, i.e. turbines with jets of high-velocity liquid impinging on bladed or like rotors, e.g. Pelton wheels; Parts or details peculiar thereto F03B0001020000 Buckets; Bucket-carrying rotors F03B0001040000 Nozzles (in general B05B); Nozzle-carrying members F03B0003000000 Machines or engines of reaction type; Parts or details peculiar thereto F03B0003020000 with radial flow at high-pressure side and axial flow at low-pressure side of rotors, e.g. Francis turbines F03B0003040000 with substantially axial flow throughout rotors, e.g. propeller turbines F03B0003060000 with adjustable blades, e.g. Kaplan turbines F03B0003080000 with pressure/velocity transformation exclusively in rotors F03B0003100000 characterised by having means for functioning alternatively as pumps or turbines F03B0003120000 Blades; Blade-carrying rotors F03B0003140000 Rotors having adjustable blades F03B0003160000 Stators F03B0003180000 Stator blades; Guide conduits or vanes, e.g. adjustable F03B0005000000 Machines or engines characterised by non-bladed rotors, e.g. serrated, using friction F03B0007000000 Water wheels F03B0009000000 Endless-chain type machines or engines F03B0011000000 Parts or details not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F03B0001000000-F03B0009000000; (controlling F03B0015000000) F03B0011020000 Casings F03B0011040000 for diminishing cavitation or vibration, e.g. balancing F03B0011060000 Bearing arrangements F03B0011080000 for removing foreign matter, e.g. mud F03B0013000000 Adaptations of machines or engines for special use; Combinations of machines or engines with driving or driven apparatus (if the apparatus aspects are predominant, see the relevant places for such apparatus, e.g. H02K0007180000); Power stations or aggregates (hydraulic-engineering aspects E02B; incorporating only machines or engines of positive-displacement type F03C) F03B0013020000 Adaptations for drilling wells F03B0013040000 Adaptations for use in dentistry F03B0013060000 Stations or aggregates of water-storage type (turbines characterised by having means for functioning alternatively as pumps F03B0003100000) F03B0013080000 Machine or engine aggregates in dams or the like; Conduits therefor F03B0013100000 Submerged units incorporating electric generators or motors F03B0013120000 characterised by using wave or tide energy F03B0013140000 using wave energy F03B0013160000 using the relative movement between a wave-operated member and another member F03B0013180000 wherein the other member is fixed, at least at one point, with respect to the sea bed or shore F03B0013200000 wherein both members are movable relative to the sea bed or shore F03B0013220000 using the flow of water resulting from wave movements, e.g. to drive a hydraulic motor or turbine F03B0013240000 to produce a flow of air, e.g. to drive an air turbine F03B0013260000 using tide energy F03B0015000000 Controlling (controlling in general G05) F03B0015020000 by varying liquid flow F03B0015040000 of turbines (rotors having adjustable blades F03B0003060000, F03B0003140000; adjustable guide vanes F03B0003180000; specially adapted for turbines with jets of high-velocity liquid impinging on bladed or like rotors F03B0015200000) F03B0015060000 Regulating, i.e. acting automatically F03B0015080000 by speed, e.g. by measuring electric frequency or liquid flow F03B0015100000 without retroactive action F03B0015120000 with retroactive action F03B0015140000 by or of water level F03B0015160000 by power output F03B0015180000 for safety purposes, e.g. preventing overspeed F03B0015200000 specially adapted for turbines with jets of high-velocity liquid impinging on bladed or like rotors (nozzles F03B0001040000) F03B0015220000 for safety purposes F03B0017000000 Other machines or engines F03B0017020000 using hydrostatic thrust F03B0017040000 Alleged ; perpetua mobilia F03B0017060000 using liquid flow, e.g. of swinging-flap type F03C POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT ENGINES DRIVEN BY LIQUIDS (positive-displacement engines for liquids and elastic fluids F01; positive-displacement machines for liquids F04; fluid-pressure actuators F15B; fluid gearing F16H) F03C0001000000 Reciprocating-piston liquid engines F03C0001007000 with single cylinder, double-acting piston F03C0001013000 with single cylinder, single-acting piston F03C0001020000 with multiple cylinders, characterised by the number or arrangement of cylinders (with movable cylinders F03C0001220000; of flexible-wall type F03C0007000000) F03C0001030000 with movement in two directions being obtained by two single-acting piston liquid engines, each acting in one direction F03C0001040000 with cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement F03C0001047000 the pistons co-operating with an actuated element at the outer ends of the cylinders F03C0001053000 the pistons co-operating with an actuated element at the inner ends of the cylinders F03C0001060000 with cylinder axes generally coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F03C0001080000 Distributing valve-gear peculiar thereto (for multiple-cylinder engines F03C0001340000; for engines with positive displacement in general F01L) F03C0001100000 actuated by piston or piston-rod F03C0001120000 mechanically F03C0001140000 actuated by the driving liquid of the engine F03C0001160000 Speed controlling, equalising, or cushioning F03C0001200000 specially adapted for engines generating vibration only F03C0001220000 with movable cylinders F03C0001240000 in which the liquid exclusively displaces one or more pistons reciprocating in rotary cylinders F03C0001247000 with cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement F03C0001253000 with cylinder axes generally coaxial with, or parallel to, main shaft axis F03C0001260000 adapted for special use or combined with apparatus driven thereby (aspects predominantly concerning the driven apparatus, see the relevant classes for such apparatus);; F03C0001280000 Pistons specially adapted therefor F03C0001300000 Cams specially adapted therefor F03C0001320000 Cylinders specially adapted therefor F03C0001340000 Distribution members specially adapted for multiple-cylinder engines F03C0001360000 Cylindrical distribution members F03C0001380000 Plate-like distribution members F03C0001400000 Control specially adapted therefor F03C0002000000 Rotary-piston engines (in which the liquid exclusively displaces one or more piston reciprocating in rotary cylinders F03C0001240000) F03C0002020000 of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F03C0002080000 of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F03C0002220000 of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents than the outer member F03C0002240000 of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F03C0002300000 having the characteristics covered by two or more of groups ; F03C0002020000, F03C0002080000, F03C0002220000, F03C0002240000; or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F03C0004000000 Oscillating-piston engines F03C0007000000 Engines of flexible-wall type F03C0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F03D WIND MOTORS F03D0001000000 Wind motors with rotation axis substantially in wind direction (controlling F03D0007000000) F03D0001020000 having a plurality of rotors F03D0001040000 having stationary wind-guiding means, e.g. with shrouds or channels (F03D0001020000 takes precedence);; F03D0001060000 Rotors F03D0003000000 Wind motors with rotation axis substantially at right angle to wind direction (controlling F03D0007000000) F03D0003020000 having a plurality of rotors F03D0003040000 having stationary wind-guiding means, e.g. with shrouds or channels (F03D0003020000 takes precedence);; F03D0003060000 Rotors F03D0005000000 Other wind motors (controlling F03D0007000000) F03D0005020000 the wind-engaging parts being attached to endless chains or the like F03D0005040000 the wind-engaging parts being attached to carriages running on tracks or the like F03D0005060000 the wind-engaging parts swinging to-and-fro and not rotating F03D0007000000 Controlling wind motors (supplying or distributing electrical power H02J, e.g. arrangements for adjusting, eliminating or compensating reactive power in networks H02J0003180000; controlling electric generators H02P, e.g. arrangements for controlling electric generators for the purpose of obtaining a desired output H02P0009000000) F03D0007020000 the wind motors having rotation axis substantially in wind direction F03D0007040000 Automatic control; Regulation F03D0007060000 the wind motors having rotation axis substantially at right angle to wind direction F03D0009000000 Adaptations of wind motors for special use; Combinations of wind motors with apparatus driven thereby (arrangements in connection with vehicle propulsion units with power supply from wind B60K0016000000; propulsion of ships or other waterborne vessels by wind motors driving water-engaging propulsive elements B63H0013000000; pumps characterised by combination with wind motors F04B0017020000) F03D0009020000 the apparatus storing power F03D0011000000 Details, component parts, or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, the other groups of this subclass F03D0011020000 Transmission of power, e.g. using hollow exhausting blades F03D0011040000 Mounting structures F03G SPRING, WEIGHT, INERTIA, OR LIKE MOTORS; MECHANICAL-POWER-PRODUCING DEVICES OR MECHANISMS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR OR USING ENERGY SOURCES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (arrangements in connection with power supply in vehicles from force of nature B60K0016000000; electric propulsion with power supply in vehicles from force of nature B60L0008000000) F03G0001000000 Spring motors (spring-driven toys A63H; springs in general F16F; precision time mechanisms, e.g. for clocks or watches, G04B) F03G0001020000 characterised by shape or material of spring, e.g. helical, spiral, coil F03G0001040000 using rubber springs F03G0001060000 Other parts or details F03G0001080000 for winding F03G0001100000 for producing output movement other than rotary, e.g. vibratory F03G0003000000 Other motors, e.g. gravity or inertia motors F03G0003020000 using wheels with circumferentially-arranged compartments co-operating with solid falling bodies (F03G0003040000 takes precedence);; F03G0003040000 driven by sand or like fluent solid material F03G0003060000 using pendulums F03G0003080000 using flywheels F03G0004000000 Devices for producing mechanical power from geothermal energy F03G0004020000 with direct fluid contact F03G0004040000 with deep-well turbo-pump F03G0004060000 with fluid flashing F03G0005000000 Devices for producing mechanical power from muscle energy (driving cycles B62M) F03G0005020000 of endless-walk type, e.g. treadmills F03G0005040000 Horsemills or the like F03G0005060000 other than of endless-walk type F03G0005080000 for combined actuation by different limbs, e.g. hand and leg F03G0006000000 Devices for producing mechanical power from solar energy (solar boilers F24) F03G0006020000 using a single state working fluid F03G0006040000 gaseous F03G0006060000 with solar energy concentrating means F03G0007000000 Mechanical-power-producing mechanisms, not otherwise provided for or using energy sources not otherwise provided for F03G0007040000 using pressure differences or thermal differences occurring in nature (F03G0007060000 takes precedence);; F03G0007050000 Ocean thermal energy conversion, i.e. OTEC F03G0007060000 using expansion or contraction of bodies due to heating, cooling, moistening, drying, or the like (using thermal expansion of non-vaporising liquids F01K) F03G0007080000 recovering energy derived from swinging, rolling, pitching, or like movements, e.g. from the vibrations of a machine F03G0007100000 Alleged perpetua mobilia(using hydrostatic thrust F03B0017040000) F03H PRODUCING A REACTIVE PROPULSIVE THRUST, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (from combustion products F02K) F03H0001000000 Use of plasma to produce a reactive propulsive thrust (generating plasma H05H0001000000) F03H0003000000 Use of photons to produce a reactive propulsive thrust F03H0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F04 POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDS; PUMPS FOR LIQUIDS OR ELASTIC FLUIDS F04B POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDS; PUMPS (engine fuel-injection pumps F02M; machines for liquids, or pumps, of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type F04C; non-positive-displacement pumps F04D; pumping of fluid by direct contact of another fluid or by using inertia of fluid to be pumped F04F; crankshafts, crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; flywheels F16F; gearings for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion in general F16H; pistons, piston-rods, cylinders, in general F16J; ion pumps H01J0041120000; electrodynamic pumps H02K0044020000) F04B0001000000 Pumps for liquids or for liquid and elastic fluids; Positive-displacement machines for liquids F04B0001000000 Multi-cylinder machines or pumps characterised by number or arrangement of cylinders (F04B0003000000 takes precedence;fluid-driven pumps F04B0009080000; control of reciprocating machines or pumps in general F04B0049000000) F04B0001020000 having two cylinders (in V-arrangement F04B0001040000) F04B0001040000 having cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement F04B0001047000 with an actuating or actuated element at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B0001053000 with an actuating or actuated element at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B0001060000 Control F04B0001070000 by varying the relative eccentricity between two members, e.g. a cam and a drive shaft F04B0001080000 regulated by delivery pressure F04B0001100000 the cylinders being movable, e.g. rotary F04B0001107000 with an actuating or actuated element at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B0001113000 with an actuating or actuated element at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B0001120000 having cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B0001140000 having stationary cylinders F04B0001160000 having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F04B0001180000 having self-acting distribution members, i.e. actuated by working fluid F04B0001200000 having rotary cylinder block F04B0001220000 having two or more sets of cylinders or pistons F04B0001240000 inclined to main shaft axis F04B0001260000 Control F04B0001280000 for machines or pumps with stationary cylinders F04B0001290000 by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B0001300000 for machines or pumps with rotary cylinder block F04B0001320000 by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B0001340000 Control not provided for in a single group of groups ; F04B0001020000-F04B0001320000 F04B0003000000 Machines or pumps with pistons coacting within one cylinder, e.g. multi-stage F04B0005000000 Machines or pumps with differential-surface pistons F04B0005020000 with double-acting pistons F04B0007000000 Piston machines or pumps characterised by having positively-driven valving (with cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement F04B0001040000; with cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B0001120000) F04B0007020000 the valving being fluid-actuated F04B0007040000 in which the valving is performed by pistons and cylinders coacting to open and close intake or outlet ports F04B0007060000 the pistons and cylinders being relatively reciprocated and rotated F04B0009000000 Piston machines or pumps characterised by the driving or driven means to or from their working members F04B0009020000 the means being mechanical F04B0009040000 the means being cams, eccentrics, or pin-and-slot mechanisms (with cylinder axes coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B0001120000) F04B0009060000 the means including spring- or weight-loaded lost-motion devices F04B0009080000 the means being fluid F04B0009100000 the fluid being liquid F04B0009103000 having only one pumping chamber F04B0009105000 reciprocating movement of the pumping member being obtained by a double-acting liquid motor F04B0009107000 rectilinear movement of the pumping member in the working direction being obtained by a single-acting liquid motor, e.g. actuated in the other direction by gravity or a spring F04B0009109000 having plural pumping chambers F04B0009111000 with two mechanically connected pumping members F04B0009113000 reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by a double-acting liquid motor F04B0009115000 reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by two single-acting liquid motors, each acting in one direction F04B0009117000 the pumping members not being mechanically connected to each other F04B0009120000 the fluid being elastic, e.g. steam or air F04B0009123000 having only one pumping chamber F04B0009125000 reciprocating movement of the pumping member being obtained by a double-acting elastic-fluid motor F04B0009127000 rectilinear movement of the pumping member in the working direction being obtained by a single-acting elastic-fluid motor, e.g. actuated in the other direction by gravity or a spring F04B0009129000 having plural pumping chambers F04B0009131000 with two mechanically connected pumping members F04B0009133000 reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by a double-acting elastic-fluid motor F04B0009135000 reciprocating movement of the pumping members being obtained by two single-acting elastic-fluid motors, each acting in one direction F04B0009137000 the pumping members not being mechanically connected to each other F04B0009140000 Pumps characterised by muscle-power operation F04B0011000000 Equalisation of pulses, e.g. by use of air vessels; Counteracting cavitation F04B0013000000 Pumps specially modified to deliver fixed or variable measured quantities (for transferring liquid from bulk storage containers or reservoirs into vehicles or into portable containers B67D0007580000) F04B0013020000 of two or more fluids at the same time F04B0015000000 Pumps adapted to handle specific fluids, e.g. by selection of specific materials for pumps or pump parts F04B0015020000 the fluids being viscous or non-homogeneous F04B0015040000 the fluids being hot or corrosive (F04B0015060000 takes precedence);; F04B0015060000 for liquids near their boiling point, e.g. under subnormal pressure F04B0015080000 the liquids having low boiling points F04B0017000000 Pumps characterised by combination with, or adaptation to, specific driving engines or motors F04B0017020000 driven by wind motors F04B0017030000 driven by electric motors F04B0017040000 using solenoids F04B0017050000 driven by internal-combustion engines F04B0017060000 Mobile combinations F04B0019000000 Machines or pumps having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F04B0001000000-F04B0017000000 F04B0019020000 having movable cylinders F04B0019040000 Pumps for special use (for transferring liquids from bulk storage containers or reservoirs into vehicles or into portable containers B67D0007580000) F04B0019060000 Pumps for delivery of both liquid and elastic fluids at the same time (wet gas pumps F04B0037200000) F04B0019080000 Scoop devices F04B0019100000 of wheel type F04B0019120000 of helical or screw type F04B0019140000 of endless-chain type, e.g. with the chains carrying pistons co-operating with open-ended cylinders F04B0019160000 Adhesion-type liquid-lifting devices F04B0019180000 Adhesion members therefor F04B0019200000 Other positive-displacement pumps F04B0019220000 of reciprocating-piston type F04B0019240000 Pumping by heat expansion of pumped fluid F04B0023000000 Pumping installations or systems (F04B0017000000 takes precedence);; F04B0023020000 having reservoirs F04B0023040000 Combinations of two or more pumps F04B0023060000 the pumps being all of reciprocating positive-displacement type F04B0023080000 the pumps being of different types F04B0023100000 at least one pump being of the reciprocating positive-displacement type F04B0023120000 at least one pump being of the rotary-piston positive-displacement type (F04B0023100000 takes precedence);; F04B0023140000 at least one pump being of the non-positive-displacement type (F04B0023100000, F04B0023120000 take precedence);; F04B0025000000 Pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B0025000000 Multi-stage pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B0025020000 of stepped-piston type F04B0025040000 having cylinders coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B0027000000 Multi-cylinder pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids and characterised by number or arrangement of cylinders(F04B0025000000 takes precedence;control of reciprocating machines or pumps in general F04B0049000000) F04B0027020000 having cylinders arranged oppositely relative to main shaft F04B0027040000 having cylinders in star- or fan-arrangement F04B0027047000 with an actuating element at the outer ends of the cylinders F04B0027053000 with an actuating element at the inner ends of the cylinders F04B0027060000 the cylinders being movable, e.g. rotary F04B0027067000 Control F04B0027073000 by varying the relative eccentricity between two members, e.g. a cam and a drive shaft F04B0027080000 having cylinders coaxial with, or parallel or inclined to, main shaft axis F04B0027100000 having stationary cylinders F04B0027120000 having plural sets of cylinders or pistons F04B0027140000 Control F04B0027160000 of pumps with stationary cylinders F04B0027180000 by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B0027200000 of pumps with rotary cylinder block F04B0027220000 by varying the relative positions of a swash plate and a cylinder block F04B0027240000 Control not provided for in a single group of groups ; F04B0027020000-F04B0027220000 F04B0031000000 Free-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids; Systems incorporating such pumps (muscle-driven pumps in which the stroke is not defined by gearing F04B0033000000; free-piston combustion engines, free-piston gas generators F02B0071000000; systems predominated by prime mover aspects, see the relevant class for the prime mover); F04B0033000000 Pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids actuated by muscle power, e.g. for inflating F04B0033020000 with intermediate gearing F04B0035000000 Piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids and characterised by the driving means to their working members, or by combination with, or adaptation to, specific driving engines or motors, not otherwise provided for(predominant aspects of the engines or motors, see the relevant classes);; F04B0035010000 the means being mechanical F04B0035020000 the means being fluid F04B0035040000 the means being electric F04B0035060000 Mobile combinations F04B0037000000 Pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids and having pertinent characteristics not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F04B0025000000-F04B0035000000 F04B0037020000 for evacuating by absorption or adsorption (absorption or adsorption in general B01J) F04B0037040000 Selection of specific absorption or adsorption materials F04B0037060000 for evacuating by thermal means F04B0037080000 by condensing or freezing, e.g. cryogenic pumps (cold traps B01D0008000000) F04B0037100000 for special use (F04B0037020000, F04B0037060000 take precedence);; F04B0037120000 to obtain high pressure F04B0037140000 to obtain high vacuum F04B0037160000 Means for nullifying unswept space F04B0037180000 for specific elastic fluids F04B0037200000 for wet gases, e.g. wet air F04B0039000000 Component parts, details, or accessories, of pumps or pumping systems specially adapted for elastic fluids, not otherwise provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F04B0025000000-F04B0037000000; (for controlling F04B0049000000) F04B0039020000 Lubrication (of machines or engines in general F01M) F04B0039040000 Measures to avoid lubricant contaminating the pumped fluid F04B0039060000 Cooling (of machines or engines in general F01P); Heating; Prevention of freezing F04B0039080000 Actuation of distribution members F04B0039100000 Adaptation or arrangement of distribution members F04B0039120000 Casings (casings for machines or engines in general F16M); Cylinders; Cylinder heads; Fluid connections F04B0039140000 Provisions for readily assembling or disassembling F04B0039160000 Filtration; Moisture separation F04B0041000000 Pumping installations or systems specially adapted for elastic fluids (F04B0031000000, F04B0035000000 take precedence);; F04B0041020000 having reservoirs F04B0041040000 Conversion of internal-combustion engine cylinder units to pumps F04B0041060000 Combinations of two or more pumps F04B0043000000 Machines or pumps having flexible working members F04B0043000000 Machines, pumps, or pumping installations having flexible working members (pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B0045000000) F04B0043020000 having plate-like flexible members, e.g. diaphragms (F04B0043140000 takes precedence);; F04B0043040000 Pumps having electric drive F04B0043060000 Pumps having fluid drive F04B0043067000 the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B0043073000 the actuating fluid being controlled by at least one valve F04B0043080000 having tubular flexible members (F04B0043120000 takes precedence);; F04B0043090000 Pumps having electric drive F04B0043100000 Pumps having fluid drive F04B0043107000 the fluid being actuated directly by a piston F04B0043113000 the actuating fluid being controlled by at least one valve F04B0043120000 having peristaltic action F04B0043140000 having plate-like flexible members F04B0045000000 Pumps or pumping installations having flexible working members and specially adapted for elastic fluids F04B0045020000 having bellows F04B0045027000 having electric drive F04B0045033000 having fluid drive F04B0045040000 having plate-like flexible members, e.g. diaphragms (F04B0045100000 takes precedence);; F04B0045047000 Pumps having electric drive F04B0045053000 Pumps having fluid drive F04B0045060000 having tubular flexible members (F04B0045020000, F04B0045080000 take precedence);; F04B0045067000 Pumps having electric drive F04B0045073000 Pumps having fluid drive F04B0045080000 having peristaltic action F04B0045100000 having plate-like flexible members F04B0047000000 Pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for raising fluids from great depths, e.g. well pumps (by using positive or negative pressurised fluid medium acting directly on the liquid to be pumped F04F0001000000) F04B0047020000 the driving mechanisms being situated at ground level (F04B0047120000 takes precedence);; F04B0047040000 the driving means incorporating fluid means F04B0047060000 having motor-pump units situated at great depth F04B0047080000 the motors being actuated by fluid F04B0047100000 the units or parts thereof being liftable to ground level by fluid pressure F04B0047120000 having free plunger lifting the fluid to the surface F04B0047140000 Counterbalancing F04B0049000000 Control of, or safety measures for, machines, pumps, or pumping installations, not otherwise provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F04B0001000000-F04B0047000000 F04B0049020000 Stopping, starting, unloading, or idling control (controlled electrically F04B0049060000) F04B0049025000 by means of floats F04B0049030000 by means of valves F04B0049035000 Bypassing F04B0049040000 Regulating by means of floats (F04B0049025000 takes precedence);; F04B0049060000 Control using electricity (regulating by means of floats actuating electric switches F04B0049040000) F04B0049080000 Regulating by delivery pressure F04B0049100000 Other safety measures F04B0049120000 by varying the length of stroke of the working members F04B0049140000 Adjusting abutments located in the path of reciprocation F04B0049160000 by adjusting the capacity of dead spaces of working chambers F04B0049180000 by changing the effective cross-section of the working surface of the piston F04B0049200000 by changing the driving speed (controlled electrically F04B0049060000) F04B0049220000 by means of valves (F04B0049030000 takes precedence);; F04B0049240000 Bypassing F04B0051000000 Testing machines, pumps, or pumping installations F04B0053000000 Component parts, details or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F04B0001000000-F04B0023000000; or F04B0039000000-F04B0047000000 F04B0053020000 Packing the free space between cylinders and pistons F04B0053040000 Draining F04B0053060000 Venting F04B0053080000 Cooling (of machines or engines in general F01P); Heating; Preventing freezing F04B0053100000 Valves; Arrangement of valves F04B0053120000 arranged in or on pistons F04B0053140000 Pistons, piston-rods or piston-rod connections F04B0053160000 Casings; Cylinders; Cylinder liners or heads; Fluid connections F04B0053180000 Lubricating (of machines or engines in general F01M) F04B0053200000 Filtering F04B0053220000 Arrangements for enabling ready assembly or disassembly F04C ROTARY-PISTON, OR OSCILLATING-PISTON, POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT MACHINES FOR LIQUIDS (engines driven by liquids F03C); ROTARY-PISTON, OR OSCILLATING-PISTON, POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT PUMPS (engine fuel-injection pumps F02M) F04C0002000000 Machines for liquids; Pumps for liquids or for liquids and elastic fluids F04C0002000000 Rotary-piston machines or pumps (with non-parallel axes of co-operating members F04C0003000000; with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F04C0005000000; with fluid ring or the like F04C0007000000; rotary-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0018000000, F04C0019000000; rotary-piston machines or pumps in which the working-fluid is exclusively displaced by, or exclusively displaces, one or more reciprocating pistons F04B) F04C0002020000 of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F04C0002040000 of internal-axis type F04C0002060000 of other than internal-axis type (F04C0002063000 takes precedence);; F04C0002063000 with coaxially-mounted members having continuously-changing circumferential spacing between them F04C0002067000 having cam-and-follower type drive F04C0002070000 having crankshaft-and-connecting-rod type drive F04C0002073000 having pawl-and-ratchet type drive F04C0002077000 having toothed-gearing type drive F04C0002080000 of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C0002100000 of internal-axis type with the outer member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents, e.g. rollers, than the inner member F04C0002107000 with helical teeth F04C0002113000 the inner member carrying rollers intermeshing with the outer member F04C0002120000 of other than internal-axis type F04C0002140000 with toothed rotary pistons F04C0002160000 with helical teeth, e.g. chevron-shaped, screw type F04C0002180000 with similar tooth forms (F04C0002160000 takes precedence);; F04C0002200000 with dissimilar tooth forms (F04C0002160000 takes precedence);; F04C0002220000 of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents than the outer member F04C0002240000 of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F04C0002260000 of internal-axis type F04C0002280000 of other than internal-axis type F04C0002300000 having the characteristics covered by two or more of groups ; F04C0002020000, F04C0002080000, F04C0002220000, F04C0002240000; or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F04C0002320000 having both the movement defined in group ; F04C0002020000 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F04C0002324000 with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C0002328000 and hinged to the outer member F04C0002332000 with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C0002336000 and hinged to the inner member F04C0002340000 having the movement defined in group ; F04C0002080000; or F04C0002220000 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F04C0002344000 with vanes reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C0002348000 the vanes positively engaging, with circumferential play, an outer rotatable member F04C0002352000 the vanes being pivoted on the axis of the outer member F04C0002356000 with vanes reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C0002360000 having both the movements defined in groups ; F04C0002220000 and F04C0002240000 F04C0002380000 having the movement defined in group F04C0002020000 and having a hinged member(F04C0002320000 takes precedence);; F04C0002390000 with vanes hinged to the inner as well as to the outer member F04C0002400000 having the movement defined in group ; F04C0002080000; or F04C0002220000 and having a hinged member F04C0002440000 with vanes hinged to the inner member F04C0002460000 with vanes hinged to the outer member F04C0003000000 Rotary-piston machines or pumps, with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members, e.g. of screw type (with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable F04C0005000000; rotary-piston pumps with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0018480000) F04C0003020000 the axes being arranged at an angle of 90 degrees F04C0003040000 of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C0003060000 the axes being arranged otherwise than at an angle of 90 degrees F04C0003080000 of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C0005000000 Rotary-piston machines or pumps with the working-chamber walls at least partly resiliently deformable (such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0018000000) F04C0007000000 Rotary-piston machines or pumps with fluid ring or the like (such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0019000000) F04C0009000000 Oscillating-piston machines or pumps (such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0021000000) F04C0011000000 Combinations of two or more machines or pumps, each being of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type (combinations of such pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0023000000); Pumping installations ( F04C0013000000 takes precedence;specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0023000000; fluid gearing  F16H0039000000-F16H0047000000) F04C0013000000 Adaptations of machines or pumps for special use, e.g. for extremely high pressures (of pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0025000000) F04C0014000000 Control of, monitoring of, or safety arrangements for, machines, pumps or pumping installations (of pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0028000000) F04C0014020000 specially adapted for several machines or pumps connected in series or in parallel F04C0014040000 specially adapted for reversible machines or pumps F04C0014060000 specially adapted for stopping, starting, idling or no-load operation F04C0014080000 characterised by varying the rotational speed F04C0014100000 characterised by changing the positions of the inlet or outlet openings with respect to the working chamber F04C0014120000 using sliding valves F04C0014140000 using rotating valves F04C0014160000 using lift valves F04C0014180000 characterised by varying the volume of the working chamber (by changing the positions of inlet or outlet openings F04C0014100000) F04C0014200000 by changing the form of the inner or outer contour of the working chamber F04C0014220000 by changing the eccentricity between cooperating members F04C0014240000 characterised by using valves regulating pressure or flow rate, e.g. discharge valves (F04C0014100000 takes precedence);; F04C0014260000 using bypass channels F04C0014280000 Safety arrangements; Monitoring F04C0015000000 Component parts, details or accessories of machines, pumps or pumping installations, not provided for in groups F04C0002000000-F04C0014000000; (of pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0018000000-F04C0029000000) F04C0015060000 Arrangements for admission or discharge of the working fluid, e.g. constructional features of the inlet or outlet F04C0018000000 Pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0018000000 Rotary-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids (with fluid ring or the like F04C0019000000; rotary-piston pumps in which the working-fluid is exclusively displaced by one or more reciprocating pistons F04B) F04C0018020000 of arcuate-engagement type, i.e. with circular translatory movement of co-operating members, each member having the same number of teeth or tooth-equivalents F04C0018040000 of internal-axis type F04C0018060000 of other than internal-axis type (F04C0018063000 takes precedence);; F04C0018063000 with coaxially-mounted members having continuously-changing circumferential spacing between them F04C0018067000 having cam-and-follower type drive F04C0018070000 having crankshaft-and-connecting-rod type drive F04C0018073000 having pawl-and-ratchet type drive F04C0018077000 having toothed-gearing type drive F04C0018080000 of intermeshing-engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C0018100000 of internal-axis type with the outer member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents, e.g. rollers, than the inner member F04C0018107000 with helical teeth F04C0018113000 the inner member carrying rollers intermeshing with the outer member F04C0018120000 of other than internal-axis type F04C0018140000 with toothed rotary pistons F04C0018160000 with helical teeth, e.g. chevron-shaped, screw type F04C0018180000 with similar tooth forms (F04C0018160000 takes precedence);; F04C0018200000 with dissimilar tooth forms (F04C0018160000 takes precedence);; F04C0018220000 of internal-axis type with equidirectional movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement, or with one of the co-operating members being stationary, the inner member having more teeth or tooth-equivalents than the outer member F04C0018240000 of counter-engagement type, i.e. the movement of co-operating members at the points of engagement being in opposite directions F04C0018260000 of internal-axis type F04C0018280000 of other than internal-axis type F04C0018300000 having the characteristics covered by two or more of groups ; F04C0018020000, F04C0018080000, F04C0018220000, F04C0018240000, F04C0018480000, or having the characteristics covered by one of these groups together with some other type of movement between co-operating members F04C0018320000 having both the movement defined in group ; F04C0018020000 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F04C0018324000 with vanes hinged to the inner member and reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C0018328000 and hinged to the outer member F04C0018332000 with vanes hinged to the outer member and reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C0018336000 and hinged to the inner member F04C0018340000 having the movement defined in group ; F04C0018080000; or F04C0018220000 and relative reciprocation between the co-operating members F04C0018344000 with vanes reciprocating with respect to the inner member F04C0018348000 the vanes positively engaging, with circumferential play, an outer rotatable member F04C0018352000 the vanes being pivoted on the axis of the outer member F04C0018356000 with vanes reciprocating with respect to the outer member F04C0018360000 having both the movements defined in groups ; F04C0018220000 and F04C0018240000 F04C0018380000 having the movement defined in group F04C0018020000 and having a hinged member(F04C0018320000 takes precedence);; F04C0018390000 with vanes hinged to the inner as well as to the outer member F04C0018400000 having the movement defined in group ; F04C0018080000; or F04C0018220000 and having a hinged member F04C0018440000 with vanes hinged to the inner member F04C0018460000 with vanes hinged to the outer member F04C0018480000 Rotary-piston pumps with non-parallel axes of movement of co-operating members F04C0018500000 the axes being arranged at an angle of 90 degrees F04C0018520000 of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C0018540000 the axes being arranged otherwise than at an angle of 90 degrees F04C0018560000 of intermeshing engagement type, i.e. with engagement of co-operating members similar to that of toothed gearing F04C0019000000 Rotary-piston pumps with fluid ring or the like, specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0021000000 Oscillating-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0023000000 Combinations of two or more pumps, each being of rotary-piston or oscillating-piston type, specially adapted for elastic fluids; Pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids; Multi-stage pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids (F04C0025000000 takes precedence);; F04C0023020000 Pumps characterised by combination with, or adaptation to, specific driving engines or motors (predominant aspects of the engines or motors, see the relevant classes);; F04C0025000000 Adaptations for special use of pumps for elastic fluids F04C0025020000 for producing high vacuum (sealing arrangements F04C0027000000; silencing F04C0029060000) F04C0027000000 Sealing arrangements in rotary-piston pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0027020000 Liquid sealing for high-vacuum pumps F04C0028000000 Control of, monitoring of, or safety arrangements for, pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids F04C0028020000 specially adapted for several pumps connected in series or in parallel F04C0028040000 specially adapted for reversible pumps F04C0028060000 specially adapted for stopping, starting, idling or no-load operation F04C0028080000 characterised by varying the rotational speed F04C0028100000 characterised by changing the positions of the inlet or outlet openings with respect to the working chamber F04C0028120000 using sliding valves F04C0028140000 using rotating valves F04C0028160000 using lift valves F04C0028180000 characterised by varying the volume of the working chamber (by changing the positions of inlet or outlet openings F04C0028100000) F04C0028200000 by changing the form of the inner or outer contour of the working chamber F04C0028220000 by changing the eccentricity between cooperating members F04C0028240000 characterised by using valves regulating pressure or flow rate, e.g. discharge valves (F04C0028100000 takes precedence);; F04C0028260000 using bypass channels F04C0028280000 Safety arrangements; Monitoring F04C0029000000 Component parts, details, or accessories, of pumps or pumping installations specially adapted for elastic fluids, not provided for in groups ; F04C0018000000-F04C0028000000 F04C0029020000 Lubrication; Lubricant separation  F04C0029040000 Heating; Cooling; Heat insulation F04C0029060000 Silencing F04C0029120000 Arrangements for admission or discharge of the working fluid, e.g. constructional features of the inlet or outlet F04D NON-POSITIVE-DISPLACEMENT PUMPS (engine fuel-injection pumps F02M; ion pumps H01J0041120000; electrodynamic pumps H02K0044020000) F04D0001000000 Radial-flow pumps, e.g. centrifugal pumps; Helico-centrifugal pumps (adapted for pumping specific fluids F04D0007000000; priming or boosting F04D0009000000; pumping liquids and elastic fluids at the same time F04D0031000000) F04D0001020000 having non-centrifugal stages, e.g. centripetal F04D0001040000 Helico-centrifugal pumps F04D0001060000 Multi-stage pumps (F04D0001020000 takes precedence);; F04D0001080000 the stages being situated concentrically F04D0001100000 with means for changing the flow-path through the stages, e.g. series/parallel F04D0001120000 Pumps with scoops or like paring members protruding in the fluid circulating in a bowl F04D0001140000 Pumps raising fluids by centrifugal force within a conical rotary bowl with vertical axis F04D0003000000 Axial-flow pumps (priming or boosting F04D0009000000; pumping liquids and elastic fluids at the same time F04D0031000000) F04D0003020000 of screw type F04D0005000000 Pumps with circumferential or transverse flow (pumping liquids and elastic fluids at the same time F04D0031000000) F04D0007000000 Pumps adapted for handling specific fluids, e.g. by selection of specific materials for pumps or pump parts (pumping liquids and elastic fluids at the same time F04D0031000000) F04D0007020000 of centrifugal type F04D0007040000 the fluids being viscous or non-homogeneous F04D0007060000 the fluids being hot or corrosive, e.g. liquid metal F04D0007080000 the fluids being radioactive F04D0009000000 Priming; Preventing vapour lock F04D0009020000 Self-priming pumps F04D0009040000 using priming pumps; using booster pumps to prevent vapour lock F04D0009060000 of jet type F04D0011000000 Other rotary non-positive-displacement pumps (pumping installations or systems F04D0013000000; pumping liquids and elastic fluids at the same time F04D0031000000) F04D0013000000 Pumping installations or systems (controlling F04D0015000000; pumping liquids and elastic fluids at the same time F04D0031000000) F04D0013020000 Units comprising pumps and their driving means (predominant aspects of the driving means, see the relevant classes for such means);; F04D0013040000 the pump being fluid-driven F04D0013060000 the pump being electrically driven F04D0013080000 for submerged use F04D0013100000 adapted for use in mining bore holes F04D0013120000 Combinations of two or more pumps (combinations with priming pumps or booster pumps to counter-act vapour lock F04D0009040000) F04D0013140000 the pumps being all of centrifugal type F04D0013160000 with storage reservoirs F04D0015000000 Control, e.g. regulation, of pumps, pumping installations, or systems F04D0015020000 Stopping of pumps, or operating valves, on occurrence of unwanted conditions F04D0017000000 Rotary pumps specially adapted for; elastic fluids F04D0017000000 Radial-flow pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids, e.g. centrifugal pumps; Helico-centrifugal pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids (F04D0021000000 takes precedence);; F04D0017020000 having non-centrifugal stages, e.g. centripetal F04D0017040000 of transverse-flow type F04D0017060000 Helico-centrifugal pumps F04D0017080000 Centrifugal pumps F04D0017100000 for compressing or evacuating F04D0017120000 Multi-stage pumps F04D0017140000 with means for changing the flow-path through the stages, e.g. series/parallel (surge control F04D0027020000) F04D0017160000 for displacing without appreciable compression F04D0017180000 characterised by use of centrifugal force of liquids entrained in pumps F04D0019000000 Axial-flow pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids (F04D0021000000 takes precedence);; F04D0019020000 Multi-stage pumps F04D0019040000 specially adapted to the production of a high vacuum, e.g. molecular pumps F04D0021000000 Pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids involving supersonic speed of pumped fluids F04D0023000000 Other rotary non-positive-displacement pumps specially adapted for elastic fluids (pumping installations or systems F04D0025000000) F04D0025000000 Pumping installations or systems specially adapted for elastic fluids (controlling F04D0027000000) F04D0025020000 Units comprising pumps and their driving means (predominant aspects of the driving means, see the relevant classes for such means);; F04D0025040000 the pump being fluid-driven F04D0025060000 the pump being electrically driven (F04D0025080000 takes precedence);; F04D0025080000 the working fluid being air, e.g. for ventilation F04D0025100000 the unit having provisions for automatically changing the direction of output air F04D0025120000 the unit being adapted for mounting in apertures F04D0025140000 and having shutters, e.g. automatically closed when not in use F04D0025160000 Combinations of two or more pumps F04D0027000000 Control, e.g. regulation, of pumps, pumping nstallations or pumping systems specially adapted for elastic fluids F04D0027020000 Surge control F04D0029000000 Details, component parts, or accessories (machine elements in general F16) F04D0029020000 Selection of particular materials (for handling specific liquids F04D0007000000) F04D0029040000 Shafts or bearings, or assemblies thereof (specially adapted for elastic fluid pumps F04D0029050000) F04D0029041000 Axial thrust balancing F04D0029042000 Axially shiftable rotors (F04D0029041000 takes precedence);; F04D0029043000 Shafts F04D0029044000 Arrangements for joining or assembling shafts F04D0029046000 Bearings F04D0029047000 hydrostatic; hydrodynamic F04D0029048000 magnetic; electromagnetic F04D0029049000 Roller bearings F04D0029050000 Shafts or bearings, or assemblies therof, specially adapted for elastic fluid pumps F04D0029051000 Axial thrust balancing F04D0029052000 Axially shiftable rotors (F04D0029051000 takes precedence);; F04D0029053000 Shafts F04D0029054000 Arrangements for joining or assembling shafts F04D0029056000 Bearings F04D0029057000 hydrostatic; hydrodynamic F04D0029058000 magnetic; electromagnetic F04D0029059000 Roller bearings F04D0029060000 Lubrication F04D0029063000 specially adapted for elastic fluid pumps F04D0029080000 Sealings F04D0029100000 Shaft sealings F04D0029120000 using sealing-rings F04D0029140000 operative only when pump is inoperative F04D0029160000 between pressure and suction sides F04D0029180000 Rotors (specially adapted for elastic fluids F04D0029260000) F04D0029200000 Mounting rotors on shafts F04D0029220000 specially for centrifugal pumps F04D0029240000 Vanes F04D0029260000 Rotors specially adapted for elastic fluids F04D0029280000 for centrifugal or helico-centrifugal pumps F04D0029300000 Vanes F04D0029320000 for axial-flow pumps F04D0029340000 Blade mountings F04D0029360000 adjustable F04D0029380000 Blades F04D0029400000 Casings; Connections for working fluid F04D0029420000 for radial or helico-centrifugal pumps F04D0029440000 Fluid-guiding means, e.g. diffusers F04D0029460000 adjustable F04D0029480000 for unidirectional fluid flow in reversible pumps F04D0029500000 for reversing fluid flow F04D0029520000 for axial pumps F04D0029540000 Fluid-guiding means, e.g. diffusers F04D0029560000 adjustable F04D0029580000 Cooling (of machines or engines in general F01P); Heating; Diminishing heat transfer F04D0029600000 Mounting; Assembling; Disassembling F04D0029620000 of radial or helico-centrifugal pumps F04D0029640000 of axial pumps F04D0029660000 Combating cavitation, whirls, noise, vibration, or the like (gas-flow silencers for machines or engines in general F01N); Balancing (surge control F04D0027020000) F04D0029680000 by influencing boundary layers F04D0029700000 Suction grids; Strainers; Dust separation; Cleaning F04D0031000000 Other non-positive-displacement pumps F04D0031000000 Pumping liquids and elastic fluids at the same time F04D0033000000 Non-positive-displacement pumps with other than pure rotation, e.g. of oscillating type (F04D0035000000 takes precedence;hand-held fans A45B) F04D0035000000 Pumps producing waves in liquids, i.e. wave-producers (for bath tubs A47K0003100000) F04F PUMPING OF FLUID BY DIRECT CONTACT OF ANOTHER FLUID OR BY USING INERTIA OF FLUID TO BE PUMPED (containers or packages with special means for dispensing liquid or semi-liquid contents by internal gaseous pressure B65D0083140000); SIPHONS F04F0001000000 Pumps using positively or negatively pressurised fluid medium acting directly on the liquid to be pumped (using only negative pressure F04F0003000000; jet pumps F04F0005000000; siphons F04F0010000000) F04F0001020000 using both positively and negatively pressurised fluid medium, e.g. alternating F04F0001040000 generated by vaporising and condensing F04F0001060000 the fluid medium acting on the surface of the liquid to be pumped (F04F0001020000 takes precedence);; F04F0001080000 specially adapted for raising liquids from great depths, e.g. in wells F04F0001100000 of multiple type, e.g. with two or more units in parallel (F04F0001080000 takes precedence);; F04F0001120000 in series F04F0001140000 adapted to pump specific liquids, e.g. corrosive or hot liquids F04F0001160000 characterised by the fluid medium being suddenly pressurised, e.g. by explosion F04F0001180000 the fluid medium being mixed with, or generated from, the liquid to be pumped F04F0001200000 specially adapted for raising liquids from great depths, e.g. in wells F04F0003000000 Pumps using negative pressure acting directly on the liquid to be pumped (siphons F04F0010000000) F04F0005000000 Jet pumps, i.e. devices in which fluid flow is induced by pressure drop caused by velocity of another fluid flow (diffusion pumps F04F0009000000; combination of jet pumps with pumps of other than jet type F04B; use of jet pumps for priming or boosting non-positive-displacement pumps F04D) F04F0005020000 the inducing fluid being liquid F04F0005040000 displacing elastic fluids F04F0005060000 of rotary type F04F0005080000 the elastic fluid being entrained in a free-falling column of liquid F04F0005100000 displacing liquids, e.g. containing solids, or liquids and elastic fluids F04F0005120000 of multi-stage type F04F0005140000 the inducing fluid being elastic fluid F04F0005160000 displacing elastic fluids F04F0005180000 for compressing F04F0005200000 for evacuating F04F0005220000 of multi-stage type F04F0005240000 displacing liquids, e.g. containing solids, or liquids and elastic fluids F04F0005260000 of multi-stage type (F04F0005280000 takes precedence);; F04F0005280000 Restarting of inducing action F04F0005300000 with axially-slidable combining nozzle F04F0005320000 with hinged flap in combining nozzle F04F0005340000 characterised by means for changing inducing-fluid source F04F0005360000 characterised by using specific inducing fluid F04F0005380000 the inducing fluid being mercury vapour F04F0005400000 the inducing fluid being oil vapour F04F0005420000 characterised by the input flow of inducing fluid medium being radial or tangential to output flow (cyclones B04C) F04F0005440000 Component parts, details, or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups ; F04F0005020000-F04F0005420000 F04F0005460000 Arrangements of nozzles F04F0005480000 Control F04F0005500000 of compressing pumps F04F0005520000 of evacuating pumps F04F0005540000 Installations characterised by use of jet pumps, e.g. combinations of two or more jet pumps of different type F04F0007000000 Pumps displacing fluids by using inertia thereof, e.g. by generating vibrations therein F04F0007020000 Hydraulic rams F04F0009000000 Diffusion pumps F04F0009020000 of multi-stage type F04F0009040000 in combination with fore pumps, e.g. use of isolating valves F04F0009060000 Arrangement of vapour traps F04F0009080000 Control F04F0010000000 Siphons F04F0010020000 Gravity-actuated siphons F04F0013000000 Pressure exchangers F04F0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F15 FLUID-PRESSURE ACTUATORS; HYDRAULICS OR PNEUMATICS IN GENERAL F15B SYSTEMS ACTING BY MEANS OF FLUIDS IN GENERAL; FLUID-PRESSURE ACTUATORS, e.g. SERVOMOTORS; DETAILS OF FLUID-PRESSURE SYSTEMS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (motors, turbines, compressors, blowers, pumps F01-F04; fluid dynamics F15D; fluid clutches or brakes F16D; fluid springs F16F; fluid gearing F16H; pistons, cylinders, packing F16J; valves, taps, cocks, actuating-floats F16K; safety valves with auxiliary fluid operation of the main valve F16K0017100000; fluid-operating means for valves F16K0031120000; pipes, pipe joints F16L; lubricating F16N) F15B0001000000 Installations or systems with accumulators; Supply reservoir or sump assemblies F15B0001020000 Installations or systems with accumulators (devices damping pulsations or vibrations in fluids for use in, or in connection with, pipes or pipe systems F16L0055040000) F15B0001027000 having accumulator charging devices (control of fluid pressure in general G05D0016000000) F15B0001033000 with electrical control means F15B0001040000 Accumulators (connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000) F15B0001080000 using a gas cushion; Gas charging devices; Indicators or floats therefor F15B0001100000 with flexible separating means F15B0001120000 attached at their periphery (F15B0001160000 takes precedence);; F15B0001140000 by means of a rigid annular supporting member F15B0001160000 in the form of a tube F15B0001180000 Anti-extrusion means F15B0001200000 fixed to the separating means F15B0001220000 Liquid port constructions F15B0001240000 with rigid separating means, e.g. pistons F15B0001260000 Supply reservoir or sump assemblies F15B0003000000 Intensifiers or fluid-pressure converters, e.g. pressure exchangers; Conveying pressure from one fluid system to another, without contact between the fluids F15B0005000000 Transducers converting variations of physical quantities, e.g. expressed by variations in positions of members, into fluid-pressure variations or ; vice versaVarying fluid pressure as a function of variations of a plurality of fluid pressures or variations of other quantities (F15B0009000000 takes precedence;for measuring or controlling G01, G05) F15B0007000000 Fluid-pressure actuator systems F15B0007000000 Fluid-pressure actuator systems in which the movement produced is definitely related to the output of a volumetric pump; Telemotors F15B0007020000 Systems with continuously-operating input and output apparatus F15B0007040000 in which the ratio between pump stroke and motor stroke varies with the resistance against the motor (in brake-actuating systems for motor vehicles B60T) F15B0007060000 Details (F15B0015000000 takes precedence);; F15B0007080000 Input units; Master units F15B0007100000 Compensation of the liquid content in a system (F15B0007080000 takes precedence;pressure-maintaining arrangements for brake master cylinders B60T0011228000) F15B0009000000 Servomotors with follow-up action, i.e. in which the position of the actuated member conforms with that of the controlling member F15B0009020000 with servomotors of the reciprocatable or oscillatable type F15B0009030000 with electrical control means F15B0009040000 controlled by varying the output of a pump with variable capacity F15B0009060000 controlled by means using a fluid jet F15B0009070000 with electrical control means F15B0009080000 controlled by valves affecting the fluid feed or the fluid outlet of the servomotor (F15B0009060000 takes precedence);; F15B0009090000 with electrical control means F15B0009100000 in which the controlling element and the servomotor each controls a separate member, these members influencing different fluid passages or the same passage F15B0009120000 in which both the controlling element and the servomotor control the same member influencing a fluid passage and are connected to that member by means of a differential gearing F15B0009140000 with rotary servomotors F15B0009160000 Systems essentially having two or more interacting servomotors F15B0009170000 with electrical control means F15B0011000000 Servomotor systems without provision for follow-up action (F15B0003000000 takes precedence);; F15B0011020000 Systems essentially incorporating special features for controlling the speed or the actuating force or speed of an output member F15B0011024000 by means of differential connection of the servomotor lines, e.g. regenerative circuits F15B0011028000 for controlling the actuating force (F15B0011024000 takes precedence);; F15B0011032000 by means of fluid-pressure converters (fluid-pressure converters per seF15B0003000000) F15B0011036000 by means of servomotors having a plurality of working chambers (servomotors per seF15B0015000000) F15B0011040000 for controlling the speed (F15B0011024000 takes precedence);; F15B0011042000 by regulating means in feed line (F15B0011046000, F15B0011050000 take precedence);; F15B0011044000 by regulating means in return line (F15B0011046000, F15B0011050000 take precedence);; F15B0011046000 depending on the position of the working member F15B0011048000 with deceleration control F15B0011050000 specially adapted to maintain constant speed, e.g. pressure-compensated, load-responsive F15B0011060000 involving features specific to the use of a compressible medium, e.g. air, steam F15B0011064000 with devices for saving the compressible medium F15B0011068000 with valves for gradually putting pneumatic systems under pressure F15B0011072000 Combined pneumatic-hydraulic systems F15B0011076000 with pneumatic drive or displacement and speed control or stopping by hydraulic braking F15B0011080000 with only one servomotor F15B0011100000 in which the servomotor position is a function of the pressure F15B0011120000 providing distinct intermediate positions; with step-by-step action F15B0011130000 using chambers of predetermined volume F15B0011150000 with special provision for automatic return F15B0011160000 with two or more servomotors F15B0011170000 using two or more pumps F15B0011180000 used in combination for obtaining stepwise operation of a single controlled member F15B0011200000 controlling several interacting or sequentially-operating members (fluid distribution or supply devices for the control of two or more servomotors F15B0013060000) F15B0011220000 Synchronisation of the movement of two or more servomotors F15B0013000000 Details of servomotor systems (F15B0015000000 takes precedence);; F15B0013010000 Locking-valves or other detent devices (associated with the actuator F15B0015260000) F15B0013020000 Fluid distribution or supply devices characterised by their adaptation to the control of servomotors (multiple-way valves F16K0011000000) F15B0013040000 for use with a single servomotor F15B0013042000 operated by fluid pressure F15B0013043000 with electrically-controlled pilot valves F15B0013044000 operated by electrically-controlled means, e.g. solenoids, torque-motors F15B0013060000 for use with two or more servomotors F15B0013070000 in distinct sequence F15B0013080000 Assemblies of units, each for the control of a single servomotor only F15B0013100000 Special arrangements for operating the actuated device without using fluid pressure, e.g. for emergency use F15B0013120000 Special measures for increasing the sensitivity of the system F15B0013140000 Special measures for giving the operator by sense of touch the immediate response of the actuated device F15B0013160000 Special measures for feedback F15B0015000000 Fluid-actuated devices for displacing a member from one position to another (motors for continuous movement F01-F03); Gearing associated therewith F15B0015020000 Mechanical layout characterised by the means for converting the movement of the fluid-actuated element into movement of the finally-operated member F15B0015040000 with oscillating cylinder F15B0015060000 for mechanically converting rectilinear movement into non-rectilinear movement F15B0015080000 characterised by the construction of the motor unit (pistons, cylinders, packing F16J) F15B0015100000 the motor being of diaphragm type (connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000; diaphragms, bellows F16J0003000000) F15B0015120000 of the oscillating-vane or curved-cylinder type F15B0015140000 of the straight-cylinder type F15B0015160000 of the telescopic type F15B0015170000 of differential-piston type F15B0015180000 Combined units comprising both motor and pump F15B0015190000 Pyrotechnical actuators F15B0015200000 Other details F15B0015220000 for accelerating or decelerating the stroke F15B0015240000 for restricting the stroke F15B0015260000 Locking mechanisms F15B0015280000 Means for indicating the position, e.g. end of stroke F15B0017000000 Combinations of telemotor and servomotor systems F15B0017020000 in which a telemotor operates the control member of a servomotor F15B0018000000 Parallel arrangements of independent servomotor systems F15B0019000000 Testing fluid-pressure actuator systems or apparatus, so far as not provided for elsewhere F15B0020000000 Safety arrangements for fluid actuator systems; Applications of safety devices in fluid actuator systems; Emergency measures for fluid actuator systems F15B0021000000 Common features of fluid actuator systems; Fluid-pressure actuator systems or details thereof, not covered by any other group of this subclass F15B0021020000 Servomotor systems with programme control derived from a store or timing device; Control devices therefor F15B0021040000 Special measures taken in connection with the properties of the fluid, e.g. for venting, compensating for changes of viscosity, cooling, filtering, preventing churning F15B0021060000 Use of special fluids, e.g. liquid metal; Special adaptations of fluid-pressure systems, or control of elements therefor, to the use of such fluids F15B0021080000 Servomotor systems incorporating electrically- operated control means (F15B0021020000 takes precedence);; F15B0021100000 Delay devices or arrangements (associated with fluid motors or actuators F15B0015220000) F15B0021120000 Fluid oscillators or pulse generators (fluid oscillators predominantly used for computing or control purposes F15C0001220000, F15C0003160000) F15B0021140000 Energy-recuperation means (for vehicles B60T0001100000) F15C FLUID-CIRCUIT ELEMENTS PREDOMINANTLY USED FOR COMPUTING OR CONTROL PURPOSES (transducers F15B0005000000; fluid dynamics in general F15D; computers comprising fluid elements G06D, G06G) F15C0001000000 Circuit elements having no moving parts F15C0001020000 Details F15C0001040000 Means for controlling fluid streams to fluid devices, e.g. by electric signals F15C0001060000 Constructional details; Selection of specified materials F15C0001080000 Boundary-layer devices, e.g. wall-attachment amplifiers F15C0001100000 for digital operation, e.g. to form a logical flip-flop, OR-gate, NOR-gate F15C0001120000 Multiple arrangements thereof for performing operations of the same kind, e.g. majority gates, identity gates F15C0001140000 Stream-interaction devices; Momentum-exchange devices, e.g. operating by exchange between two orthogonal fluid jets F15C0001160000 Vortex devices, i.e. devices in which use is made of the pressure drop associated with vortex motion in a fluid F15C0001180000 Turbulence devices, i.e. devices in which a controlling stream will cause a laminar flow to become turbulent F15C0001200000 Direct-impact devices, i.e. devices in which two collinear opposing power streams are impacted F15C0001220000 Oscillators F15C0003000000 Circuit elements having moving parts (valves, construction of valves F16K) F15C0003020000 using spool valves F15C0003040000 using diaphragms (connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000) F15C0003060000 using balls F15C0003080000 using reeds F15C0003100000 using nozzles or jet pipes F15C0003120000 the nozzle or jet pipe being movable F15C0003140000 the jet from the nozzle being intercepted by a flap F15C0003160000 Oscillators F15C0004000000 Circuit elements characterised by their special functions F15C0005000000 Manufacture of fluid-circuit elements; Manufacture of assemblages of such elements F15C0007000000 Hybrid elements, i.e. circuit elements having features according to groups ; F15C0001000000 and F15C0003000000 F15D FLUID DYNAMICS, i.e. METHODS OR MEANS FOR INFLUENCING THE FLOW OF GASES OR LIQUIDS (fluid-circuit elements F15C) F15D0001000000 Influencing the flow of fluids F15D0001020000 in pipes or conduits F15D0001040000 Arrangements of guide vanes in pipe elbows or duct bends; Construction of pipe conduit elements or elbows with respect to flow, specially for reducing losses of flow F15D0001060000 by influencing the boundary layer F15D0001080000 of jets leaving an orifice (nozzles or outlets with means for mechanically breaking-up or deflecting the jet B05B, e.g. B05B0001260000) F15D0001100000 around bodies of solid material F15D0001120000 by influencing the boundary layer F15D0001140000 Diverting flow into alternative channels (in hydraulic engineering E02B) F16 ENGINEERING ELEMENTS OR UNITS; GENERAL MEASURES FOR PRODUCING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE FUNCTIONING OF MACHINES OR INSTALLATIONS; THERMAL INSULATION IN GENERAL F16B DEVICES FOR FASTENING OR SECURING CONSTRUCTIONAL ELEMENTS OR MACHINE PARTS TOGETHER, e.g. NAILS, BOLTS, CIRCLIPS, CLAMPS, CLIPS OR WEDGES; JOINTS OR JOINTING (couplings for transmitting rotation F16D) F16B0001000000 Devices for securing together, or preventing relative movement between, constructional elements or machine parts F16B0001020000 Means for securing elements of mechanisms after operation (means for bringing members to rest F16D) F16B0001040000 disengaged by movement of the actuating member of the element (locking of actuators G05G, e.g. G05G0005000000) F16B0002000000 Fastenings for constructional elements or machine parts in general F16B0002000000 Friction-grip releasable fastenings (for cables or ropes, e.g. cleats, F16G0011000000; supports for pipes, cables or protective tubing F16L0003000000) F16B0002020000 Clamps, i.e. with gripping action effected by positive means other than the inherent resistance to deformation of the material of the fastening F16B0002040000 internal, i.e. with spreading action (F16B0002140000-F16B0002180000; take precedence);; F16B0002060000 external, i.e. with contracting action (F16B0002140000-F16B0002180000; take precedence);; F16B0002080000 using bands (clips for connecting hoses to rigid members F16L0033020000) F16B0002100000 using pivoting jaws F16B0002120000 using sliding jaws F16B0002140000 using wedges F16B0002160000 using rollers or balls F16B0002180000 using cams, levers, eccentrics, or toggles F16B0002200000 Clips, i.e. with gripping action effected solely by the inherent resistance to deformation of the material of the fastening F16B0002220000 of resilient material, e.g. rubbery material F16B0002240000 of metal F16B0002260000 of pliable non-resilient material, e.g. plant tie F16B0003000000 Key-type connections; Keys (F16B0002000000 takes precedence;for rods or tubes mutually F16B0007000000) F16B0003040000 using keys formed of wire or other flexible material, to be inserted through an opening giving access to grooves in the adjacent surfaces of the parts to be connected F16B0003060000 using taper sleeves F16B0004000000 Shrinkage connection, e.g. assembled with the parts at different temperature; Force fits (restricted to metal parts or objects B23P0011020000); Non-releasable friction-grip fastenings (F16B0002000000 takes precedence);; F16B0005000000 Joining sheets or plates to one another or to strips or bars parallel to them (by sticking together F16B0011000000; dowel connections F16B0013000000; pins, including deformable elements F16B0019000000; covering of walls E04F0013000000; fastening signs, plates, panels, or boards to a supporting structure, fastening readily-detachable elements, e.g. letters, to signs, plates, panels, or boards, G09F0007000000) F16B0005010000 by means of fastening elements specially adapted for honeycomb panels F16B0005020000 by means of fastening members using screw-thread (construction of screw-threaded connections F16B0025000000-F16B0039000000) F16B0005040000 by means of riveting (rivets F16B0019040000) F16B0005060000 by means of clamps or clips (friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B0002000000) F16B0005070000 by means of multiple interengaging protrusions on the surfaces, e.g. hooks, coils F16B0005080000 by means of welds or the like (welding B23K) F16B0005100000 by means of bayonet connections (fastening devices locking by rotation F16B0021020000) F16B0005120000 Fastening strips or bars to sheets or plates, e.g. rubber strips, decorative strips for motor vehicles, by means of clips (friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B0002000000; fastening rods or tubular parts to flat surfaces at an angle F16B0009000000; clips for connecting hoses to rigid members F16L0033020000) F16B0007000000 Connections of rods or tubes, e.g. of non-circular section, mutually, including resilient connections (umbrella frames A45B0025020000; welding or soldering of connections B23K; vehicle connections in general B60D; railway couplings B61G; bicycle frames B62K; couplings for transmitting rotation F16D; couplings for tubes conveying fluid F16L) F16B0007020000 with conical parts F16B0007040000 Clamping or clipping connections (friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B0002000000) F16B0007060000 Turnbuckles (for cables, ropes, or wire F16G0011120000) F16B0007080000 Pipe saddles (friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B0002000000) F16B0007100000 Telescoping systems (for scaffolding E04G0025040000; telescope props for mining E21D0015140000-E21D0015460000; stands or trestles as supports for apparatus or articles placed thereon F16M0011000000) F16B0007120000 locking only in extreme extended position F16B0007140000 locking in intermediate positions F16B0007160000 locking only against movement in one direction F16B0007180000 using screw-thread elements F16B0007200000 using bayonet connections F16B0007220000 using hooks or like elements F16B0009000000 Connections of rods or tubular parts to flat surfaces at an angle (friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B0002000000; making press-fit connections B23P0011000000, B23P0019000000; fluid-tight connecting of pipes to reservoirs, sheets, or the like F16L, e.g. joining pipes to walls F16L0041000000; supports for pipes, cables or protective tubing F16L0003000000) F16B0009020000 Detachable connections F16B0011000000 Connecting constructional elements or machine parts by sticking or pressing them together, e.g. cold pressure welding (non-electric welding in general B23K; methods of using adhesives independently of the form of the surfaces joined C09J0005000000) F16B0012000000 Jointing of furniture or the like, e.g. hidden from exterior (F16B0002000000-F16B0011000000; take precedence;fastening means per seF16B0013000000-F16B0047000000; wood-working B27) F16B0012020000 Joints between panels and corner posts F16B0012040000 Non-loosenable joints for non-metal furniture parts, e.g. glued F16B0012060000 Non-loosenable joints for metal furniture parts F16B0012080000 without use of separate connecting elements F16B0012100000 using pegs, bolts, tenons, clamps, clips, or the like (glued F16B0012040000; fastening means per seF16B0015000000-F16B0047000000) F16B0012120000 for non-metal furniture parts, e.g. made of wood, of plastics F16B0012140000 using threaded bolts or screws F16B0012160000 using self-tapping screws F16B0012180000 using drawing bars F16B0012200000 using clamps, clips, wedges, sliding bolts, or the like F16B0012220000 using keyhole-shaped slots and pins F16B0012240000 using separate pins, dowels, or the like F16B0012260000 using snap-action elements F16B0012280000 for metal furniture parts F16B0012300000 using threaded bolts F16B0012320000 using clamps, clips, wedges, sliding bolts, or the like F16B0012340000 using keyhole-shaped slots and pins F16B0012360000 using separate pins, dowels, or the like F16B0012380000 using snap-action elements F16B0012400000 Joints for furniture tubing F16B0012420000 connecting furniture tubing to non-tubular parts F16B0012440000 Leg joints; Corner joints F16B0012460000 Non-metal corner connections F16B0012480000 Non-metal leg connections (F16B0012460000 takes precedence);; F16B0012500000 Metal corner connections F16B0012520000 Metal leg connections (F16B0012500000 takes precedence);; F16B0012540000 Fittings for bedsteads or the like F16B0012560000 Brackets for bedsteads; Coupling joints consisting of bolts or the like; Latches therefor F16B0012580000 Tapered connectors for bed rails F16B0012600000 Fittings for detachable side panels F16B0013000000 Dowels or other devices fastened in walls or the like by inserting them in holes made therein for that purpose (nails F16B0015000000; self-locking pins or bolts in general, stud-and-socket releasable fastenings F16B0021000000; dowels or bolts for railroad sleepers E01B0009000000; means for anchoring structural elements or bulkheads specially adapted to foundation engineering E02D0005740000; bolts or dowels used while laying bricks or casting concrete E04B0001380000; setting anchoring bolts in shafts, tunnels or galleries E21D0020000000; anchoring bolts for shafts, tunnels or galleries E21D0021000000) F16B0013020000 in one piece with protrusions or ridges on the shaft F16B0013040000 with parts gripping in the hole or behind the reverse side of the wall after inserting from the front (friction-grip releasable fastenings in general F16B0002000000) F16B0013060000 combined with expanding sleeve F16B0013080000 with separate gripping parts moved into their final position in relation to the body of the device without further manual operation F16B0013100000 with separate gripping parts moved into their final position in relation to the body of the device by a separate operation (F16B0013060000 takes precedence);; F16B0013120000 Separate metal dowel sleeves fastened by inserting the screw, nail, or the like F16B0013130000 self-cutting F16B0013140000 Non-metallic plugs or sleeves; Use of liquid, loose solid or kneadable material therefor F16B0015000000 Fastening means without screw-thread F16B0015000000 Nails; Staples (surgical staples A61B0017064000; manufacture of nails or staples B21G; railway spikes E01B0009060000) F16B0015020000 with specially shaped heads, e.g. with enlarged surfaces (ornaments for furniture A47B0095040000; removable ornamental heads for nails A47G0003000000) F16B0015040000 with spreading shaft F16B0015060000 with barbs, e.g. for metal parts; Drive screws F16B0015080000 formed in integral series but easily separable F16B0017000000 Fastening means without screw-thread for connecting constructional elements or machine parts by a part of or on one member entering a hole in the other (construction of bolts, pins, or rivets F16B0019000000; riveting F16B0019040000; means for preventing withdrawal of a pin, spigot, or the like from its operative position, stud-and-socket releasable fastenings F16B0021000000) F16B0019000000 Bolts without screw-thread; Pins, including deformable elements (in screwed connections F16B0029000000); Rivets (means for preventing withdrawal F16B0021000000) F16B0019020000 Bolts or sleeves for positioning of machine parts, e.g. notched taper pins, fitting pins, sleeves, eccentric positioning rings F16B0019040000 Rivets; Spigots or the like fastened by riveting (lead seals G09F0003000000) F16B0019050000 Bolts fastening by swaged-on collars (F16B0019080000 takes precedence);; F16B0019060000 Solid rivets made in one piece F16B0019080000 Hollow rivets; Multi-part rivets F16B0019100000 fastened by expanding mechanically F16B0019120000 fastened by fluid pressure, including by explosion (bolts shot by means of detonation-operated nailing tools into concrete constructions, metal walls, or the like F16B0019140000) F16B0019140000 Bolts or the like for shooting into concrete constructions, metal walls, or the like by means of detonation-operated nailing tools (tools therefor B25C, B27F) F16B0021000000 Means without screw-thread for preventing relative axial movement of a pin, spigot, shaft, or the like and a member surrounding it (riveted or deformable spigots F16B0019040000; for gudgeon pins F16J0001180000); Stud-and-socket releasable fastenings without screw-thread F16B0021020000 Releasable fastening devices locking by rotation (with snap action F16B0021060000; studs or coupling-pins with resilient protrusions F16B0021080000) F16B0021040000 with bayonet catch F16B0021060000 Releasable fastening devices with snap action F16B0021070000 in which the socket has a resilient part F16B0021080000 in which the stud, pin, or spigot has a resilient part (wall-dowels F16B0013000000) F16B0021090000 Releasable fastening devices with a stud engaging a keyhole slot F16B0021100000 by separate parts (key-type connection F16B0003000000; locking screws or nuts against rotation by such means F16B0039040000) F16B0021120000 with locking-pins or split-pins thrust into holes F16B0021140000 Details of locking-pins or split-pins F16B0021160000 with grooves or notches in the pin or shaft F16B0021180000 with circlips or like resilient retaining devices; Details (spring-washers for locking nuts F16B0039240000; adjusting-rings F16B0043000000) F16B0021200000 for bolts or shafts without holes, grooves, or notches for locking members F16B0023000000 Fastening means using screw-thread F16B0023000000 Specially-shaped heads of bolts or screws for rotations by a tool F16B0025000000 Screws that form threads in the body into which they are screwed, e.g. wood screws, self-tapping screws F16B0025020000 by a cutting and material removing action, e.g. fluted self-tapping screws F16B0025040000 by a slicing and material displacing action, e.g. wood screws with sharp thread crests F16B0025060000 by swaging, i.e. material deforming action F16B0025080000 by a combination of any two or all of the actions provided for in groups ; F16B0025020000-F16B0025060000 F16B0025100000 Screws performing an additional function to thread-forming, e.g. drill screws F16B0027000000 Bolts, screws, or nuts formed in integral series but easily separable, particularly for use in automatic machines F16B0029000000 Screwed connection with deformation of nut or auxiliary member while fastening (wall-dowels F16B0013000000; members deformed for locking screws, bolts or nuts F16B0039220000) F16B0031000000 Screwed connections specially modified in view of tensile load; Break-bolts (shape of thread F16B0033040000) F16B0031020000 for indicating or limiting tensile load F16B0031040000 for maintaining constant tensile load F16B0031060000 having regard to possibility of fatigue rupture F16B0033000000 Features common to bolt and nut (wall-dowels F16B0013000000) F16B0033020000 Shape of thread; Special thread-forms (used as screw-locking device F16B0039300000) F16B0033040000 in view of tensile load F16B0033060000 Surface treatment of parts furnished with screw-thread, e.g. for preventing seizure F16B0035000000 Screw-bolts; Stay bolts; Screw-threaded studs; Screws; Set screws (wall-dowels F16B0013000000; thread-cutting screws F16B0025000000) F16B0035020000 divided longitudinally F16B0035040000 with specially-shaped head or shaft in order to fix the bolt on or in an object (locking the bolt against turning in the object by the use of accessory parts F16B0039000000) F16B0035060000 Specially-shaped heads (special shape in order to rotate the bolt F16B0023000000) F16B0037000000 Nuts or like thread-engaging members (wall-dowels F16B0013000000) F16B0037020000 made of thin sheet material (fastening to surfaces F16B0037040000) F16B0037040000 Devices for fastening nuts to surfaces, e.g. sheets, plates F16B0037060000 by means of welding or riveting F16B0037080000 Quickly-detachable nuts, e.g. consisting of two or more parts; Nuts movable along the bolt after tilting the nut F16B0037100000 divided parallel or about parallel to the bolt axis F16B0037120000 with thread-engaging surfaces formed by inserted coil-springs, discs, or the like; Independent pieces of wound wire used as nuts; Threaded inserts for holes F16B0037140000 Cap nuts; Nut caps or bolt caps F16B0037160000 Wing nuts (F16B0037140000 takes precedence);; F16B0039000000 Locking of screws, bolts, or nuts (wall-dowels F16B0013000000; locking of bottle closures B65D; locking of rail-fastening bolts for permanent ways E01B0009120000; locking of fastening means for railway fishplates E01B0011380000; locking devices for valves or cocks F16K) F16B0039010000 specially adapted to prevent loosening at extreme temperatures F16B0039020000 in which the locking takes place after screwing down (F16B0039010000 takes precedence;split-pins, circlips, or the like for preventing relative axial movement only F16B0021100000; fastening nuts by welding or riveting F16B0037060000) F16B0039040000 with a member penetrating the screw-threaded surface of at least one part, e.g. a pin, wedge, cotter-pin, screw F16B0039060000 with a pin or staple parallel to the bolt axis F16B0039080000 with a cap interacting with the nut, connected to the bolt by a pin or cotter-pin F16B0039100000 by a plate or ring immovable with regard to the bolt or object (F16B0039080000 takes precedence);; F16B0039120000 by means of locknuts F16B0039140000 made of thin sheet material or formed as spring washers (locknuts per se made of thin sheet material F16B0037020000) F16B0039160000 in which the screw-thread of the locknut differs from that of the nut F16B0039180000 in which the locknut grips with screw-thread in the nuts as well as on the bolt F16B0039200000 by means of steel wire or the like (F16B0039100000 takes precedence);; F16B0039220000 in which the locking takes place during screwing down or tightening (F16B0039010000 takes precedence);; F16B0039240000 by means of washers, spring washers, or resilient plates that lock against the object (locking to the screw-thread F16B0039140000, F16B0039360000) F16B0039260000 with spring washers fastened to the nut or bolt-head F16B0039280000 by special members on, or shape of, the nut or bolt (F16B0039260000 takes precedence;locknuts F16B0039120000) F16B0039282000 Locking by means of special shape of work-engaging surfaces, e.g. notched or toothed nuts F16B0039284000 Locking by means of elastic deformation (F16B0039380000 takes precedence);; F16B0039286000 caused by saw cuts F16B0039300000 Locking exclusively by special shape of the screw-thread F16B0039320000 Locking by means of a pawl or pawl-like tongue F16B0039340000 Locking by deformable inserts or like parts F16B0039360000 with conical locking parts, which may be split, including use of separate rings co-operating therewith F16B0039380000 with a second part of the screw-thread which may be resiliently mounted (F16B0039300000 takes precedence);; F16B0041000000 Measures against loss of bolts, nuts, or pins; Measures against unauthorised operation of bolts, nuts, or pins (seals G09F0003000000) F16B0043000000 Washers or equivalent devices; Other devices for supporting bolt-heads or nuts (circlips F16B0021180000; with special means for locking bolts or nuts F16B0039100000, F16B0039240000) F16B0043020000 with special provisions for engaging surfaces which are not perpendicular to a bolt axis or do not surround the bolt F16B0045000000 Hooks; Eyes (if the attaching parts or means are concerned, groups F16B0013000000, F16B0015000000, F16B0019000000, F16B0025000000, F16B0035000000, F16B0047000000 take precedence;for hanging pictures or the like A47G0001160000; towing hooks for ships B63B0021580000; for hoisting or hauling purposes B66C; hooks or eyes with integral parts designed to facilitate quick attachment to cables or ropes at any point F16G0011140000) F16B0045020000 Hooks with pivoting closing member F16B0045040000 Hooks with sliding closing member F16B0045060000 Hooks with two symmetrically-pivoting hook parts F16B0047000000 Suction cups for attaching purposes; Equivalent means using adhesives F16C SHAFTS; FLEXIBLE SHAFTS; MECHANICAL MEANS FOR TRANSMITTING MOVEMENT IN A FLEXIBLE SHEATHING; ELEMENTS OF CRANKSHAFT MECHANISMS; PIVOTS; PIVOTAL CONNECTIONS; ROTARY ENGINEERING ELEMENTS OTHER THAN GEARING, COUPLING, CLUTCH OR BRAKE ELEMENTS; BEARINGS F16C0001000000 Flexible shafts (flexible shafts in dental machines for boring or cutting A61C0001180000); Mechanical means for transmitting movement in a flexible sheathing F16C0001020000 for conveying rotary movements F16C0001040000 Articulated shafts F16C0001060000 with guiding-sheathing, tube, or box (F16C0001040000 takes precedence;guiding-sheathings F16C0001260000) F16C0001080000 End connections F16C0001100000 Means for transmitting linear movement in a flexible sheathing, e.g. "Bowden mechanisms" (guiding-sheathings F16C0001260000) F16C0001120000 Arrangements for transmitting movement to or from the flexible member F16C0001140000 Construction of the end-piece of the flexible member; Attachment thereof to the flexible member F16C0001160000 in which the end-piece is guided rectilinearly F16C0001180000 in which the end portion of the flexible member is laid along a curved surface of a pivoted member F16C0001200000 Construction of flexible members moved to and fro in the sheathing F16C0001220000 Adjusting; Compensating length F16C0001240000 Lubrication; Lubricating equipment F16C0001260000 Construction of guiding-sheathings or guiding-tubes F16C0001280000 with built-in bearings F16C0003000000 Shafts (flexible shafts F16C0001000000; marine propeller shafts, paddle wheel shafts B63H0023340000); Axles; Cranks; Eccentrics F16C0003020000 Shafts; Axles F16C0003030000 telescopic F16C0003035000 with built-in bearings F16C0003040000 Crankshafts, eccentric-shafts; Cranks, eccentrics F16C0003060000 Crankshafts F16C0003080000 made in one piece (features relating to lubrication F16C0003140000, to cooling F16C0003160000) F16C0003100000 assembled of several parts, e.g. by welding F16C0003120000 releasably connected F16C0003140000 Features relating to lubrication F16C0003160000 Features relating to cooling F16C0003180000 Eccentric-shafts F16C0003200000 Shape of crankshafts or eccentric-shafts having regard to balancing F16C0003220000 Cranks; Eccentrics (constructional features of crank-pins F16C0011020000) F16C0003240000 with return cranks, i.e. a second crank carried by the crank-pin F16C0003260000 Elastic crank-webs; Resiliently-mounted crank-pins F16C0003280000 Adjustable cranks or eccentrics F16C0003300000 with arrangements for overcoming dead-centres F16C0005000000 Crossheads; Constructions of connecting-rod heads or piston-rod connections rigid with crossheads (piston-rods, i.e. rods rigidly connected to the piston, F16J0007000000) F16C0007000000 Connecting-rods or like links pivoted at both ends (coupling-rods for locomotive driving-wheels B61C0017100000); Construction of connecting-rod heads (heads rigid with crossheads F16C0005000000) F16C0007020000 Constructions of connecting-rods with constant length F16C0007040000 with elastic intermediate part or fluid cushion F16C0007060000 Adjustable connecting-rods F16C0007080000 made from sheet metal F16C0009000000 Bearings for crankshafts or connecting-rods; Attachment of connecting-rods (lubrication of connecting-rods in connection with crankshafts F16C0003140000; connections to crossheads F16C0005000000, to pistons F16J0001140000) F16C0009020000 Crankshaft bearings F16C0009030000 Arrangements for adjusting play F16C0009040000 Connecting-rod bearings; Attachment thereof F16C0009060000 Arrangements for adjusting play in bearings, operating either automatically or not F16C0011000000 Pivots; Pivotal connections (arrangements of steering linkage connections B62D0007160000) F16C0011020000 Trunnions; Crank-pins (fastening crank-pins to webs, crank-pins integral with cranks F16C0003060000, F16C0003220000) F16C0011040000 Pivotal connections (hinges for doors, windows or wings E05D) F16C0011060000 Ball-joints; Other joints having more than one degree of angular freedom, i.e. universal joints (universal joints in which flexibility is produced by means of pivots or sliding or rolling connecting parts F16D0003160000) F16C0011080000 with resilient bearings F16C0011100000 Arrangements for locking F16C0011120000 incorporating flexible connections, e.g. leaf springs F16C0013000000 Rolls, drums, discs, or the like (guide rollers in feeding webs B65H0027000000; calender rolls, bearings therefor D21G0001020000; rotary drums or rollers for heat-exchange or heat-transfer apparatus F28F0005020000; special adaptations, see the relevant classes);Bearings or mountings therefor F16C0013020000 Bearings F16C0013040000 Bearings with only partial enclosure of the member to be borne; Bearings with local support at two or more points F16C0013060000 self-adjusting F16C0015000000 Construction of rotary bodies to resist centrifugal force (flywheels, correction weights F16F0015300000, F16F0015320000) F16C0017000000 Bearings for rotary parts (F16C0009000000, F16C0013020000 take precedence;allowing for linear movement also F16C0031000000) F16C0017000000 Sliding-contact bearings for exclusively rotary movement (F16C0032060000 takes precedence;adjustable bearings F16C0023000000, F16C0025000000) F16C0017020000 for radial load only F16C0017030000 with tiltably-supported segments, e.g. Michell bearings F16C0017040000 for axial load only F16C0017060000 with tiltably-supported segments, e.g. Michell bearings F16C0017080000 for supporting the end face of a shaft or other member, e.g. footstep bearings F16C0017100000 for both radial and axial load F16C0017120000 characterised by features not related to the direction of the load F16C0017140000 specially adapted for operating in water F16C0017180000 with floating brasses or bushes, rotatable at a reduced speed F16C0017200000 with emergency supports or bearings F16C0017220000 with arrangements compensating for thermal expansion F16C0017240000 with devices affected by abnormal or undesired conditions, e.g. for preventing overheating, for safety F16C0017260000 Systems consisting of a plurality of sliding-contact bearings F16C0019000000 Bearings with rolling contact, for exclusively rotary movement (adjustable bearings F16C0023000000, F16C0025000000) F16C0019020000 with bearing balls essentially of the same size in one or more circular rows F16C0019040000 for radial load mainly F16C0019060000 with a single row of balls F16C0019080000 with two or more rows of balls F16C0019100000 for axial load mainly F16C0019120000 for supporting the end face of a shaft or other member, e.g. footstep bearings F16C0019140000 for both radial and axial load F16C0019160000 with a single row of balls F16C0019180000 with two or more rows of balls F16C0019200000 with loose spacing bodies, e.g. balls, between the bearing balls F16C0019220000 with bearing rollers essentially of the same size in one or more circular rows, e.g. needle bearings F16C0019240000 for radial load mainly F16C0019260000 with a single row of rollers F16C0019280000 with two or more rows of rollers F16C0019300000 for axial load mainly F16C0019320000 for supporting the end face of a shaft or other member, e.g. footstep bearings F16C0019340000 for both radial and axial load F16C0019360000 with a single row of rollers F16C0019380000 with two or more rows of rollers F16C0019400000 with loose spacing bodies between the rollers F16C0019440000 Needle bearings F16C0019460000 with one row of needles F16C0019480000 with two or more rows of needles F16C0019490000 Bearings with both balls and rollers F16C0019500000 Other types of ball or roller bearings F16C0019520000 with devices affected by abnormal or undesired conditions F16C0019540000 Systems consisting of a plurality of bearings with rolling friction (spindle bearings F16C0035080000) F16C0019550000 with intermediate floating rings rotating at reduced speed F16C0019560000 in which the rolling bodies of one bearing differ in diameter from those of another F16C0021000000 Combinations of sliding-contact bearings with ball or roller bearings, for exclusively rotary movement (F16C0017240000, F16C0019520000take precedence);; F16C0023000000 Bearings for exclusively rotary movement adjustable for aligning or positioning (F16C0027000000 takes precedence);; F16C0023020000 Sliding-contact bearings F16C0023040000 self-adjusting F16C0023060000 Ball or roller bearings F16C0023080000 self-adjusting F16C0023100000 Bearings, parts of which are eccentrically adjustable with respect to each other F16C0025000000 Bearings for exclusively rotary movement adjustable for wear or play (F16C0027000000 takes precedence);; F16C0025020000 Sliding-contact bearings F16C0025040000 self-adjusting F16C0025060000 Ball or roller bearings F16C0025080000 self-adjusting F16C0027000000 Elastic or yielding bearings or bearing supports, for exclusively rotary movement (shock-damping bearings for watches or clocks G04B0031020000) F16C0027020000 Sliding-contact bearings F16C0027040000 Ball or roller bearings, e.g. with resilient rolling bodies F16C0027060000 by means of parts of rubber or like materials ( F16C0027080000 takes precedence;with sliding surfaces of rubber or synthetic rubber F16C0033220000) F16C0027080000 primarily for axial load, e.g. for vertically-arranged shafts F16C0029000000 Bearings for parts moving only linearly (F16C0032060000 takes precedence;incorporated in flexible shafts F16C0001280000) F16C0029020000 Sliding-contact bearings F16C0029040000 Ball or roller bearings F16C0029060000 in which the rolling bodies circulate partly without carrying load F16C0029080000 Arrangements for covering or protecting the ways F16C0029100000 Arrangements for locking the bearings F16C0029120000 Arrangements for adjusting play F16C0031000000 Bearings for parts which both rotate and move linearly F16C0031020000 Sliding-contact bearings F16C0031040000 Ball or roller bearings F16C0031060000 in which the rolling bodies circulate partly without carrying load F16C0032000000 Bearings not otherwise provided for F16C0032020000 Knife-edge bearings F16C0032040000 using magnetic or electric supporting means F16C0032060000 with moving member supported by a fluid cushion formed, at least to a large extent, otherwise than by movement of the shaft, e.g. hydrostatic air-cushion bearings F16C0033000000 Details or accessories of bearings F16C0033000000 Parts of bearings; Special methods for making bearings or parts thereof (metal-working or like operations, see the relevant classes);; F16C0033020000 Parts of sliding-contact bearings F16C0033040000 Brasses; Bushes; Linings F16C0033060000 Sliding surface mainly made of metal (F16C0033240000-F16C0033280000; take precedence);; F16C0033080000 Attachment of brasses, bushes, or linings to the bearing housing F16C0033100000 Construction relative to lubrication F16C0033120000 Structural composition; Use of special materials or surface treatments, e.g. for rust-proofing F16C0033140000 Special methods of manufacture; Running-in F16C0033160000 Sliding surface consisting mainly of graphite F16C0033180000 Sliding surface consisting mainly of wood or fibrous material F16C0033200000 Sliding surface consisting mainly of plastics (F16C0033220000-F16C0033280000; take precedence);; F16C0033220000 Sliding surface consisting mainly of rubber or synthetic rubber ( F16C0033240000-F16C0033280000;  take precedence);; F16C0033240000 with different areas of the sliding surface consisting of different materials F16C0033260000 made from wire coils; made from a number of discs, rings, rods, or other members F16C0033280000 with embedded reinforcements shaped as frames or meshed materials F16C0033300000 Parts of ball or roller bearings F16C0033320000 Balls F16C0033340000 Rollers; Needles F16C0033360000 with bearing-surfaces other than cylindrical, e.g. tapered; with grooves in the bearing surfaces F16C0033370000 Loose spacing bodies F16C0033372000 rigid F16C0033374000 resilient F16C0033380000 Ball cages F16C0033400000 for multiple rows of balls F16C0033410000 comb-shaped F16C0033420000 made from wire or sheet-metal strips (F16C0033400000, F16C0033410000 take precedence);; F16C0033440000 Selection of substances (F16C0033400000, F16C0033410000 take precedence);; F16C0033460000 Cages for rollers or needles F16C0033480000 for multiple rows of rollers or needles F16C0033490000 comb-shaped F16C0033500000 formed of interconnected members, e.g. chains F16C0033510000 formed of unconnected members F16C0033520000 with no part entering between, or touching, the bearing surfaces of the rollers (F16C0033500000 takes precedence);; F16C0033540000 made from wire, strips, or sheet metal (F16C0033480000, F16C0033490000 take precedence);; F16C0033560000 Selection of substances (F16C0033480000, F16C0033490000 take precedence);; F16C0033580000 Raceways; Race rings F16C0033600000 divided F16C0033610000 formed by wires F16C0033620000 Selection of substances F16C0033640000 Special methods of manufacture F16C0033660000 Special parts or details in view of lubrication F16C0033720000 Sealings F16C0033740000 of sliding-contact bearings F16C0033760000 of ball or roller bearings F16C0033780000 with a diaphragm, disc, or ring, with or without resilient members F16C0033800000 Labyrinth sealings F16C0033820000 Arrangements for electrostatic or magnetic action against dust or other particles F16C0035000000 Rigid support of bearing units; Housings, e.g. caps, covers ( F16C0023000000  takes precedence);; F16C0035020000 in the case of sliding-contact bearings F16C0035040000 in the case of ball or roller bearings F16C0035060000 Mounting of ball or roller bearings; Fixing them onto shaft or in housing F16C0035063000 Fixing them on the shaft (with interposition of an element F16C0035070000) F16C0035067000 Fixing them in a housing (with interposition of an element F16C0035070000) F16C0035070000 Fixing them on the shaft or housing with interposition of an element F16C0035073000 between shaft and inner race ring F16C0035077000 between housing and outer race ring F16C0035078000 using pressure fluid as mounting aid F16C0035080000 for spindles F16C0035100000 with sliding-contact bearings F16C0035120000 with ball or roller bearings F16C0037000000 Cooling of bearings F16C0039000000 Relieving load on bearings F16C0039020000 using mechanical means F16C0039040000 using hydraulic or pneumatic means F16C0039060000 using magnetic means F16C0041000000 Other accessories for bearings F16C0041020000 Arrangements for equalising the load on a plurality of bearings or their elements F16C0041040000 Preventing damage to bearings during storage or transport thereof or when otherwise out of use F16C0043000000 Assembling bearings F16C0043020000 Assembling sliding-contact bearings F16C0043040000 Assembling rolling contact bearings F16C0043060000 Placing rolling bodies in cages or bearings F16C0043080000 by deforming the cages or the races F16D COUPLINGS FOR TRANSMITTING ROTATION (gearing for conveying rotation F16H, e.g. fluid gearing F16H0039000000-F16H0047000000); ;CLUTCHES (dynamo-electric clutches H02K0049000000; clutches using electrostatic attraction H02N0013000000); BRAKES (electrodynamic brake systems for vehicles in general B60L0007000000; dynamo-electric brakes H02K0049000000) F16D0001000000 Couplings F16D0001000000 Couplings for rigidly connecting two coaxial shafts or other movable machine elements (for attachment of cranks to their shafts F16C0003100000) F16D0001020000 for connecting two abutting shafts or the like F16D0001027000 non-disconnectable, e.g. involving gluing, welding or the like F16D0001033000 by clamping together two faces perpendicular to the axis of rotation, e.g. with bolted flanges F16D0001040000 with clamping hub; with hub and longitudinal key F16D0001050000 with radial clamping due to axial loading of at least one pair of conical surfaces F16D0001060000 for attachment of a member on a shaft or on a shaft-end (attachment of marine propellers on shafts B63H0023340000) F16D0001064000 non-disconnectable F16D0001068000 involving gluing, welding or the like F16D0001072000 involving plastic deformation (plastic welding F16D0001068000) F16D0001076000 by clamping together two faces perpendicular to the axis of rotation, e.g. with bolted flanges F16D0001080000 with clamping hub; with hub and longitudinal key F16D0001090000 with radial clamping due to axial loading of at least one pair of conical surfaces F16D0001091000 and comprising a chamber including a tapered piston moved axially by fluid pressure to effect clamping F16D0001092000 the pair of conical mating surfaces being provided on the coupled hub and shaft F16D0001093000 using one or more elastic or segmented conical rings forming at least one of the conical surfaces, the rings being expanded or contracted to effect clamping (F16D0001091000 takes precedence);; F16D0001094000 using one or more pairs of elastic or segmented rings with mutually mating conical surfaces, one of the mating rings being contracted and the other being expanded F16D0001095000 with clamping effected by ring contraction only F16D0001096000 the ring or rings being located between the shaft and the hub F16D0001097000 with clamping effected by ring expansion only, e.g. with an expanded ring located between hub and shaft F16D0001100000 Quick-acting couplings in which the parts are connected by simply bringing them together axially F16D0001104000 having retaining means rotating with the coupling and acting only by friction F16D0001108000 having retaining means rotating with the coupling and acting by interengaging parts, i.e. positive coupling F16D0001112000 the interengaging parts comprising torque-transmitting surfaces, e.g. bayonet joints F16D0001116000 the interengaging parts including a continuous or interrupted circumferential groove in the surface of one of the coupling parts (circlips for retaining hubs on shafts F16B0021180000) F16D0001120000 allowing adjustment of the parts about the axis (during motion F16D0003100000) F16D0003000000 Yielding couplings, i.e. with means permitting movement between the connected parts during the drive (couplings disconnectable simply by axial movement F16D0001100000; slip couplings F16D0007000000; fluid couplings F16D0031000000-F16D0039000000) F16D0003020000 adapted to specific functions (universal joints, see the appropriate groups);; F16D0003040000 specially adapted to allow radial displacement, e.g. Oldham couplings F16D0003060000 specially adapted to allow axial displacement F16D0003080000 Couplings for intersecting shafts, provided with intermediate bars bent in an angle corresponding with the angle of intersection F16D0003100000 Couplings with means for varying the angular relationship of two coaxial shafts during motion F16D0003120000 specially adapted for accumulation of energy to absorb shocks or vibration (by making use of fluid elements F16D0003800000) F16D0003140000 combined with a friction coupling for damping vibration or absorbing shock F16D0003160000 Universal joints in which flexibility is produced by means of pivots or sliding or rolling connecting parts F16D0003180000 the coupling parts having slidably-interengaging teeth F16D0003190000 of resilient material or structure F16D0003200000 one coupling part entering a sleeve of the other coupling part and connected thereto by sliding or rolling members (F16D0003180000, F16D0003240000 take precedence);; F16D0003202000 one coupling part having radially projecting pins, e.g. tripod joints F16D0003205000 the pins extending radially outwardly from the coupling part F16D0003207000 the pins extending radially inwardly from the coupling part F16D0003220000 the rolling members being balls, rollers, or the like, guided in grooves or sockets in both coupling parts F16D0003221000 the rolling members being located in sockets in one of the coupling parts F16D0003223000 the rolling members being guided in grooves in both coupling parts F16D0003223300 where the track is made up of two curves with a point of inflexion in between, i.e. S-track joints F16D0003223700 where the grooves are composed of radii and adjoining straight lines, i.e. undercut free [UF] type joints F16D0003224000 the groove centre-lines of each coupling part lying on a sphere F16D0003224500 where the groove centres are offset from the joint centre F16D0003226000 the groove centre-lines of each coupling part lying on a cylinder co-axial with the respective coupling part F16D0003227000 the joints being telescopic F16D0003229000 Prismatic coupling parts having each groove centre-line lying on planes parallel to the axis of the respective coupling part (F16D0003224000, F16D0003226000 take precedence);; F16D0003240000 comprising balls, rollers, or the like, between overlapping driving faces, e.g. cogs, on both coupling parts F16D0003260000 Hooke's joints or other joints with an equivalent intermediate member to which each coupling part is pivotally or slideably connected (F16D0003180000, F16D0003200000 take precedence);; F16D0003270000 with two or more intermediate members pivotally or slidably connected together, e.g. tongue-and-slipper type joints F16D0003280000 in which the interconnecting pivots include elastic members F16D0003300000 in which the coupling is specially adapted to constant velocity-ratio F16D0003320000 by the provision of two intermediate members each having two relatively- perpendicular trunnions or bearings F16D0003330000 with ball or roller bearings F16D0003340000 parts being connected by ridges, pins, balls, or the like guided in grooves or between cogs F16D0003360000 in which each pivot between the coupling parts and the intermediate member comprises a single ball F16D0003380000 with a single intermediate member with trunnions or bearings arranged on two axes perpendicular to one another (F16D0003360000 takes precedence);; F16D0003400000 with intermediate member provided with two pairs of outwardly-directed trunnions on intersecting axes F16D0003410000 with ball or roller bearings F16D0003420000 with ring-shaped intermediate member provided with bearings or inwardly-directed trunnions F16D0003430000 with ball or roller bearings F16D0003440000 the intermediate member being connected to the coupling parts by ridges, pins, balls, or the like guided in grooves or between cogs F16D0003460000 each coupling part embracing grooves or ridges on the intermediate member F16D0003480000 one coupling part having pins arranged parallel to the axis and entering holes in the other coupling part F16D0003500000 with the coupling parts connected by one or more intermediate members (F16D0003160000 takes precedence);; F16D0003520000 comprising a continuous strip, spring, or the like engaging the coupling parts at a number of places F16D0003540000 Couplings comprising a chain or strip surrounding two wheels arranged side by side and provided with teeth or the equivalent F16D0003560000 comprising elastic metal lamellae, elastic rods, or the like, e.g. arranged radially or parallel to the axis, the members being shear-loaded collectively by the total load F16D0003580000 the intermediate members being made of rubber or like material F16D0003600000 comprising pushing or pulling links attached to both parts (F16D0003640000 takes precedence);; F16D0003620000 the links or their attachments being elastic F16D0003640000 comprising elastic elements arranged between substantially-radial walls of both coupling parts F16D0003660000 the elements being metallic, e.g. in the form of coils F16D0003680000 the elements being made of rubber or similar material F16D0003700000 comprising elastic elements arranged in holes in one coupling part and surrounding pins on the other coupling part F16D0003720000 with axially-spaced attachments to the coupling parts (F16D0003560000 takes precedence);; F16D0003740000 the intermediate member or members being made of rubber or other flexible material F16D0003760000 shaped as an elastic ring centered on the axis, surrounding a portion of one coupling part and surrounded by a sleeve of the other coupling part F16D0003770000 the ring being metallic F16D0003780000 shaped as an elastic disc or flat ring, arranged perpendicular to the axis of the coupling parts, different sets of spots of the disc or ring being attached to each coupling part, e.g. Hardy couplings F16D0003790000 the disc or ring being metallic F16D0003800000 in which a fluid is used (fluid couplings allowing continuous slip F16D0031000000-F16D0035000000) F16D0003820000 with a coupling element in the form of a pneumatic tube F16D0003840000 Shrouds, e.g. casings, covers; Sealing means specially adapted therefor F16D0005000000 Impulse couplings, i.e. couplings that alternately accelerate and decelerate the driven member (fluid couplings F16D0031000000-F16D0039000000) F16D0007000000 Slip couplings, e.g. slipping on overload, for absorbing shock (combined with yielding shaft couplings F16D0003140000; fluid slip couplings F16D0031000000-F16D0035000000) F16D0007020000 of the friction type (couplings in which overload initiates a decrease of coupling pressure or a disconnection, see the relevant groups for clutches);; F16D0007040000 of the ratchet type F16D0007060000 with intermediate balls or rollers F16D0007080000 moving axially between engagement and disengagement F16D0007100000 moving radially between engagement and disengagement F16D0009000000 Couplings with safety member for disconnecting F16D0009020000 by thermal means, e.g. melting member F16D0009040000 by tensile breaking F16D0009060000 by breaking due to shear stress F16D0009080000 over a single area encircling the axis of rotation, e.g. shear necks on shafts (F16D0009100000 takes precedence);; F16D0009100000 having a part movable after disconnection so as to provide reconnection, e.g. advanceable shear pins F16D0011000000 Clutches with mechanically-actuated clutching members; Synchronisation arrangements for clutches F16D0011000000 Clutches in which the members have interengaging parts (arrangements for synchronisation F16D0023020000; automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0011020000 disengaged by a contact of a part mounted on the clutch with a stationarily-mounted member F16D0011040000 with clutching members movable only axially F16D0011060000 with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially, e.g. rotatable keys F16D0011080000 actuated by moving a non-rotating part axially (actuating-mechanisms in the relevant groups) F16D0011100000 with clutching members movable only axially F16D0011120000 with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially F16D0011140000 with clutching members movable only axially (F16D0011020000, F16D0011080000 take precedence);; F16D0011160000 with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially (F16D0011020000, F16D0011080000 take precedence);; F16D0013000000 Friction clutches (arrangements for synchronisation F16D0023020000; automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0013020000 disengaged by the contact of a part mounted on the clutch with a stationarily-mounted member F16D0013040000 with means for actuating or keeping engaged by a force derived at least partially from one of the shafts to be connected (automatic clutches F16D0043000000) F16D0013060000 with clutching members movable otherwise than only axially (F16D0013080000, F16D0013120000 take precedence);; F16D0013080000 with a helical band or equivalent member, which may be built-up from linked parts, with more than one turn embracing a drum or the like, with or without an additional clutch actuating the end of the band ( F16D0013020000 takes precedence);; F16D0013100000 with clutching members co-operating with the periphery of a drum, a wheel-rim, or the like ( F16D0013020000-F16D0013080000;  take precedence);; F16D0013120000 with an expansible band or coil co-operating with the inner surface of a drum or the like ( F16D0013020000 takes precedence);; F16D0013140000 with outwardly-movable clutching members co-operating with the inner surface of a drum or the like ( F16D0013020000, F16D0013060000, F16D0013120000 take precedence);; F16D0013160000 shaped as radially-movable segments F16D0013180000 shaped as linked or separately-pivoted segments F16D0013200000 with clutching members co-operating with both the periphery and the inner surface of a drum or wheel-rim F16D0013220000 with axially-movable clutching members F16D0013240000 with conical friction surfaces F16D0013260000 in which the or each axially-movable member is pressed exclusively against an axially-located member F16D0013280000 with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D0013300000 in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D0013320000 in which two or more axially-movable members are pressed from one side towards an axially-located member F16D0013340000 with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D0013360000 in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D0013380000 with flat clutching surfaces, e.g. discs F16D0013400000 in which the or each axially-movable member is pressed exclusively against an axially-located member F16D0013420000 with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D0013440000 in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D0013460000 in which two axially-movable members, of which one is attached to the driving side and the other to the driven side, are pressed from one side towards an axially-located member F16D0013480000 with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D0013500000 in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D0013520000 Clutches with multiple lamellae F16D0013540000 with means for increasing the effective force between the actuating sleeve or equivalent member and the pressure member F16D0013560000 in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D0013580000 Details F16D0013600000 Clutching elements (friction lining or attachment thereof F16D0069000000) F16D0013620000 Clutch-bands; Clutch-shoes; Clutch-drums (brake-bands, brake-shoes, brake-drums F16D0065000000) F16D0013640000 Clutch-plates; Clutch-lamellae (brake-plates, brake-lamellae F16D0065120000) F16D0013660000 of conical shape F16D0013680000 Attachments of plates or lamellae to their supports F16D0013690000 Arrangements for spreading lamellae in released state F16D0013700000 Pressure members, e.g. pressure plates, for clutch-plates or lamellae; Guiding arrangements for pressure members F16D0013710000 in which the clutching pressure is produced by springs only F16D0013720000 Features relating to cooling F16D0013740000 Features relating to lubrication F16D0013750000 Features relating to adjustment, e.g. slack adjusters F16D0013760000 specially adapted to incorporate with other transmission parts, i.e. at least one of the clutch parts also having another function, e.g. being the disc of a pulley F16D0015000000 Clutches with wedging balls or rollers or with other wedgeable separate clutching members (freewheels, freewheel clutches F16D0041000000; automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0017000000 Clutches in which the drive is transmitted solely by virtue of the eccentricity of the contacting surfaces of clutch members which fit one around the other (automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0019000000 Clutches with mechanically-actuated clutching members not otherwise provided for (automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0021000000 Systems comprising a plurality of mechanically-actuated clutches (for synchronisation F16D0023040000; automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0021020000 for interconnecting three or more shafts or other transmission members in different ways F16D0021040000 with a shaft carrying a number of rotatable transmission members, e.g. gears, each of which can be connected to the shaft by a clutching member or members between the shaft and the hub of the transmission member F16D0021060000 at least two driving shafts or two driven shafts being concentric F16D0021080000 Serially-arranged clutches interconnecting two shafts only when all the clutches are engaged (F16D0013080000, F16D0013120000 take precedence);; F16D0023000000 Details of mechanically-actuated clutches not specific for one distinct type; Synchronisation arrangements for clutches F16D0023020000 Arrangements for synchronisation (shape or mounting of interengaging parts of clutch members to facilitate engagement F16D0011080000) F16D0023040000 with an additional friction cluch F16D0023060000 and a blocking mechanism preventing the engagement of the main clutch prior to synchronisation F16D0023080000 with a blocking mechanism that only releases the clutching member on synchronisation (in combination with an additional friction clutch F16D0023060000) F16D0023100000 automatically producing the engagement of the clutch when the clutch members are moving at the same speed; Indicating synchronisation F16D0023120000 Mechanical clutch-actuating mechanisms arranged outside the clutch as such (specific for combined clutches F16D0021000000; mechanisms specific for synchronisation F16D0023020000) F16D0023140000 Clutch-actuating sleeves; Actuating members directly connected to clutch-actuating sleeves F16D0025000000 Clutches actuated non-mechanically F16D0025000000 Fluid-actuated clutches (arrangements for synchronisation F16D0023020000; fluid clutches F16D0031000000-F16D0039000000; automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0025020000 with means for actuating or keeping engaged by a force derived at least partially from one of the shafts to be connected F16D0025040000 in which the fluid actuates an elastic clutching member, e.g. a diaphragm or a pneumatic tube (F16D0025020000 takes precedence;coupling using a pneumatic tube F16D0003820000) F16D0025060000 in which the fluid actuates a piston incorporated in the clutch (F16D0025020000 takes precedence);; F16D0025061000 the clutch having interengaging clutch members F16D0025062000 the clutch having friction surfaces F16D0025063000 with clutch members exclusively moving axially F16D0025063200 with conical friction surfaces, e.g. cone clutches F16D0025063500 with flat friction surfaces, e.g. discs F16D0025063800 with more than two discs, e.g. multiple lamellae F16D0025064000 the friction surface being grooved F16D0025065000 with clutching members having a movement which has at least a radial component F16D0025080000 with fluid-actuated member not rotating with a clutching member (F16D0025020000 takes precedence);; F16D0025100000 Clutch systems with a plurality of fluid-actuated clutches F16D0025120000 Details not specific to one of the before-mentioned types F16D0027000000 Magnetically-actuated clutches; Control or electric circuits therefor (arrangements for synchronisation F16D0023020000; clutches with magnetisable particles F16D0037020000; automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; circuits for external control F16D0048000000) F16D0027010000 with permanent magnets F16D0027020000 with electromagnets incorporated in the clutch, i.e. with collecting rings F16D0027040000 with axially-movable friction surfaces F16D0027060000 with friction surfaces arranged within the flux F16D0027070000 Constructional features of clutch-plates or clutch-lamellae F16D0027080000 with friction surfaces arranged externally to the flux F16D0027090000 and with interengaging jaws or gear-teeth F16D0027100000 with an electromagnet not rotating with a clutching member, i.e. without collecting rings F16D0027102000 with radially movable clutching members (F16D0027105000 takes precedence);; F16D0027105000 with a helical band or equivalent member co-operating with a cylindrical coupling surface F16D0027108000 with axially movable clutching members F16D0027110000 with conical friction surfaces, e.g. cone clutches F16D0027112000 with flat friction surfaces, e.g. discs F16D0027115000 with more than two discs, e.g. multiple lamellae F16D0027118000 with interengaging jaws or gear teeth F16D0027120000 Clutch systems with a plurality of electromagnetically-actuated clutches F16D0027140000 Details F16D0028000000 Electrically-actuated clutches (arrangements for synchronisation F16D0023020000; clutches actuated directly by means of an electromagnet F16D0027000000; automatic clutches F16D0043000000-F16D0045000000; external control F16D0048000000) F16D0029000000 Clutches or systems of clutches involving both fluid and magnetic or both fluid and electric actuation F16D0031000000 Couplings or clutches with a fluid or semifluid as power-transmitting means F16D0031000000 Fluid couplings or clutches with pumping sets of the volumetric type, i.e. in the case of liquid passing a predetermined volume per revolution F16D0031020000 using pumps with pistons or plungers working in cylinders F16D0031040000 using gear-pumps F16D0031060000 using pumps of types differing from those before-mentioned F16D0031080000 Control of slip F16D0033000000 Rotary fluid couplings or clutches of the hydrokinetic type F16D0033020000 controlled by changing the flow of the liquid in the working circuit, while maintaining a completely filled working circuit F16D0033040000 by altering the position of blades F16D0033060000 controlled by changing the amount of liquid in the working circuit F16D0033080000 by devices incorporated in the fluid coupling, with or without remote control F16D0033100000 consisting of controllable supply and discharge openings F16D0033120000 controlled automatically by self-actuated valves F16D0033140000 consisting of shiftable or adjustable scoops F16D0033160000 by means arranged externally of the coupling or clutch F16D0033180000 Details F16D0033200000 Shape of wheels, blades, or channels with respect to function F16D0035000000 Fluid clutches in which the clutching is predominantly obtained by fluid adhesion (F16D0037000000 takes precedence);; F16D0035020000 with rotary working chambers and rotary reservoirs, e.g. in one coupling part F16D0037000000 Clutches in which the drive is transmitted through a medium consisting of small particles, e.g. centrifugally speed-responsive F16D0037020000 the particles being magnetisable F16D0039000000 Combinations of couplings according to two or more of the groups ; F16D0031000000-F16D0037000000 F16D0041000000 Freewheels or freewheel clutches; Automatic clutches F16D0041000000 Freewheels or freewheel clutches (cycle brakes controlled by back-pedalling B62L0005000000) F16D0041020000 disengaged by contact of a part of or on the freewheel or freewheel clutch with a stationarily-mounted member F16D0041040000 combined with a clutch for locking the driving and driven members (F16D0041020000, F16D0041240000 take precedence);; F16D0041060000 with intermediate wedging coupling members between an inner and an outer surface (F16D0041020000, F16D0041240000 take precedence);; F16D0041061000 the intermediate members wedging by movement having an axial component F16D0041063000 the intermediate members wedging by moving along the inner and the outer surface without pivoting or rolling, e.g. sliding wedges (F16D0041061000 takes precedence);; F16D0041064000 the intermediate members wedging by rolling and having a circular cross-section, e.g. balls (F16D0041061000 takes precedence);; F16D0041066000 all members having the same size and only one of the two surfaces being cylindrical F16D0041067000 and the members being distributed by a separate cage encircling the axis of rotation F16D0041069000 the intermediate members wedging by pivoting or rocking, e.g. sprags (F16D0041061000 takes precedence);; F16D0041070000 between two cylindrical surfaces F16D0041080000 with provision for altering the freewheeling action F16D0041100000 with self-actuated reversing F16D0041120000 with hinged pawl co-operating with teeth, cogs, or the like (F16D0041020000, F16D0041240000 take precedence);; F16D0041140000 the effective stroke of the pawl being adjustable F16D0041160000 the action being reversible F16D0041180000 with non-hinged detent (F16D0041020000, F16D0041240000 take precedence);; F16D0041200000 with expandable or contractable clamping ring or band (F16D0041020000, F16D0041240000 take precedence);; F16D0041220000 with clutching ring or disc axially shifted as a result of lost motion between actuating members (F16D0041020000, F16D0041240000 take precedence);; F16D0041240000 specially adapted for cycles F16D0041260000 with provision for altering the action F16D0041280000 with intermediate wedging coupling members F16D0041300000 with hinged pawl co-operating with teeth, cogs, or the like F16D0041320000 with non-hinged detent F16D0041340000 with expandable or contractable clamping ring or band F16D0041360000 with clutching ring or disc axially shifted as a result of lost motion between actuating members F16D0043000000 Internally controlled automatic clutches (freewheels, freewheel clutches F16D0041000000; external control of clutches F16D0048000000) F16D0043020000 actuated entirely mechanically F16D0043040000 controlled by angular speed (F16D0043240000 takes precedence;clutches in which the drive is transmitted through a medium consisting of small particles F16D0037000000) F16D0043060000 with centrifugal masses actuating axially a movable pressure ring or the like F16D0043080000 the pressure ring actuating friction plates, cones, or similar axially-movable friction surfaces F16D0043090000 in which the carrier of the centrifugal masses can be stopped F16D0043100000 the centrifugal masses acting directly on the pressure ring, no other actuating mechanism for the pressure ring being provided F16D0043120000 the centrifugal masses acting on, or forming a part of, an actuating mechanism by which the pressure ring can also be actuated independently of the masses F16D0043140000 with centrifugal masses actuating the clutching members directly in a direction which has at least a radial component; with centrifugal masses themselves being the clutching members F16D0043160000 with clutching members having interengaging parts F16D0043180000 with friction clutching members F16D0043200000 controlled by torque, e.g. overload-release clutches, slip-clutches with means by which torque varies the clutching pressure F16D0043202000 of the ratchet type (slip couplings of the ratchet type F16D0007040000) F16D0043204000 with intermediate balls or rollers F16D0043206000 moving axially between engagement and disengagement F16D0043208000 moving radially between engagement and disengagement F16D0043210000 with friction members F16D0043220000 controlled by both speed and torque F16D0043240000 controlled by acceleration or deceleration of angular speed F16D0043250000 controlled by thermo-responsive elements F16D0043260000 acting at definite angular position or disengaging after a definite number of rotations (actuating by means of stationary abutment F16D0011020000, F16D0013020000, F16D0015000000) F16D0043280000 actuated by fluid pressure F16D0043284000 controlled by angular speed F16D0043286000 controlled by torque F16D0043300000 Systems of a plurality of automatic clutches F16D0045000000 Freewheels or freewheel clutches combined with automatic clutches F16D0047000000 Systems of clutches, or clutches and couplings, comprising devices of types grouped under at least two of the following sets of groups: ; F16D0001000000-F16D0009000000; ; F16D0011000000-F16D0023000000; ; F16D0025000000-F16D0029000000; ; F16D0031000000-F16D0039000000; F16D0041000000-F16D0045000000; (freewheels combined with a clutch to lock the driving and driven members of the freewheel F16D0041040000, F16D0041260000) F16D0047020000 of which at least one is a coupling (elastic attachment of clutch parts, see the relevant groups for clutches);; F16D0047040000 of which at least one is a freewheel (F16D0047020000, F16D0047060000 take precedence);; F16D0047060000 of which at least one is a clutch with a fluid or a semifluid as power-transmitting means F16D0048000000 External control of clutches F16D0048020000 Control by fluid pressure F16D0048040000 providing power assistance F16D0048060000 Control by electric or electronic means, e.g. of fluid pressure F16D0048080000 Regulating clutch take-up on starting F16D0048100000 Preventing unintentional or unsafe engagement F16D0048120000 Control of torque transfer between driven axles F16D0049000000 Brakes F16D0049000000 Brakes with a braking member co-operating with the periphery of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like F16D0049020000 shaped as a helical band or coil with more than one turn, with or without intensification of the braking force by the tension of the band or contracting member F16D0049040000 mechanically actuated F16D0049060000 fluid actuated F16D0049080000 shaped as an encircling band extending over approximately 360 F16D0049100000 mechanically actuated (self-tightening F16D0049200000) F16D0049120000 fluid actuated F16D0049140000 shaped as a fluid-filled flexible member actuated by variation of the fluid pressure F16D0049160000 Brakes with two brake-blocks (self-tightening F16D0049200000) F16D0049180000 Brakes with three or more brake-blocks (self-tightening F16D0049200000) F16D0049200000 Self-tightening brakes (with helical band or coil with more than one turn F16D0049020000) F16D0049220000 with an auxiliary friction member initiating or increasing the action of the brake F16D0051000000 Brakes with outwardly-movable braking members co-operating with the inner surface of a drum or the like F16D0051020000 shaped as one or more circumferential bands F16D0051040000 mechanically actuated F16D0051060000 fluid actuated F16D0051080000 shaped as an expansible fluid-filled flexible member F16D0051100000 shaped as exclusively radially-movable brake-shoes F16D0051120000 mechanically actuated F16D0051140000 fluid actuated F16D0051160000 shaped as brake-shoes pivoted on a fixed or nearly-fixed axis (self-tightening F16D0051460000) F16D0051180000 with two brake-shoes F16D0051200000 extending in opposite directions from their pivots F16D0051220000 mechanically actuated F16D0051240000 fluid actuated F16D0051260000 both extending in the same direction from their pivots F16D0051280000 mechanically actuated F16D0051300000 fluid actuated F16D0051320000 with three or more brake-shoes F16D0051340000 extending in opposite directions from their pivots F16D0051360000 mechanically actuated F16D0051380000 fluid actuated F16D0051400000 all extending in the same direction from their pivots F16D0051420000 mechanically actuated F16D0051440000 fluid actuated F16D0051460000 Self-tightening brakes with pivoted brake-shoes F16D0051480000 with two linked or directly-interacting brake-shoes F16D0051500000 mechanically actuated F16D0051520000 fluid actuated F16D0051540000 with three or more brake-shoes, at least two of them being linked or directly interacting F16D0051560000 mechanically actuated F16D0051580000 fluid actuated F16D0051600000 with wedging action of a brake-shoe, e.g. the shoe entering as a wedge between the brake-drum and a stationary part F16D0051620000 mechanically actuated F16D0051640000 fluid actuated F16D0051660000 an actuated brake-shoe being carried along and thereby engaging a member for actuating another brake-shoe F16D0051680000 mechanically actuated F16D0051700000 fluid actuated F16D0053000000 Brakes with braking members co-operating with both the periphery and the inner surface of a drum, wheel-rim, or the like F16D0055000000 Brakes with substantially-radial braking surfaces pressed together in axial direction, e.g. disc brakes F16D0055020000 with axially-movable discs or pads pressed against axially-located rotating members F16D0055040000 by moving discs or pads away from one another against radial walls of drums or cylinders F16D0055060000 without self-tightening action F16D0055080000 Mechanically-actuated brakes F16D0055100000 Brakes actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or on the brake F16D0055120000 comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D0055140000 with self-tightening action, e.g. by means of coacting helical surfaces or balls and inclined surfaces F16D0055150000 initiated by means of brake-bands or brake-shoes F16D0055160000 Mechanically-actuated brakes F16D0055180000 Brakes actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or on the brake F16D0055200000 comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D0055220000 by clamping an axially-located rotating disc between movable braking members, e.g. movable brake discs or brake pads F16D0055224000 with a common actuating member for the braking members F16D0055225000 the braking members being brake pads F16D0055225500 in which the common actuating member is pivoted F16D0055226000 in which the common actuating member is moved axially F16D0055226500 the axial movement being guided by one or more pins F16D0055227000 by two pins F16D0055228000 with a separate actuating member for each side F16D0055240000 with a plurality of axially-movable discs, lamellae, or pads, pressed from one side towards an axially-located member F16D0055260000 without self-tightening action F16D0055280000 Brakes with only one rotating disc F16D0055300000 mechanically actuated F16D0055310000 by means of an intermediate leverage F16D0055320000 actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or on the brake F16D0055330000 by means of an intermediate leverage F16D0055340000 comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D0055360000 Brakes with a plurality of rotating discs all lying side by side F16D0055380000 mechanically actuated F16D0055390000 by means of an intermediate leverage F16D0055400000 actuated by a fluid-pressure device arranged in or on the brake F16D0055410000 by means of an intermediate leverage F16D0055420000 comprising an expansible fluid-filled flexible member coaxial with the brake F16D0055440000 with the rotating part consisting of both central plates and ring-shaped plates arranged concentrically around the central plates F16D0055460000 with self-tightening action F16D0055480000 with discs or pads having a small free angular travel relative to their support, which produces the self-tightening action F16D0055500000 with auxiliary friction members, which may be of different type, producing the self-tightening action F16D0057000000 Liquid-resistance brakes; Air-resistance brakes F16D0057020000 with blades or like members braked by the fluid F16D0057040000 with blades causing a directed flow, e.g. Föttinger type F16D0057060000 comprising a pump circulating fluid, braking being effected by throttling of the circulation F16D0059000000 Self-acting brakes, e.g. coming into operation at a predetermined speed F16D0059020000 spring-loaded and adapted to be released by mechanical, fluid, or electromagnetic means F16D0061000000 Brakes with means for making the energy absorbed available for use (F16D0057000000 takes precedence);; F16D0063000000 Brakes not otherwise provided for; Brakes combining more than one of the types of groups F16D0049000000-F16D0061000000; (brakes with auxiliary members for self-tightening F16D0049220000, F16D0051660000, F16D0055500000) F16D0065000000 Parts or details of brakes F16D0065020000 Braking members; Mounting thereof (friction linings or attachment thereof F16D0069000000) F16D0065040000 Bands, shoes or pads; Pivots or supporting members therefor F16D0065060000 for externally-engaging brakes F16D0065080000 for internally-engaging brakes F16D0065090000 Pivots or supporting members therefor F16D0065092000 for axially-engaging brakes, e.g. disc brakes F16D0065095000 Pivots or supporting members therefor F16D0065097000 Resilient means interposed between pads and supporting members F16D0065100000 Drums for externally- or internally-engaging brakes F16D0065120000 Discs; Drums for disc brakes F16D0065140000 Actuating mechanisms for brakes; Means for initiating operation at a predetermined position (brake control systems, parts thereof B60T) F16D0065160000 arranged in or on the brake F16D0065180000 adapted for drawing members together F16D0065220000 adapted for pressing members apart F16D0065280000 arranged apart from the brake F16D0065380000 Slack adjusters F16D0065400000 mechanical F16D0065420000 non-automatic F16D0065440000 by means of direct linear adjustment (F16D0065460000, F16D0065480000 take precedence);; F16D0065460000 with screw-thread and nut F16D0065480000 with eccentric or helical body F16D0065500000 for angular adjustment of two concentric parts of the brake control system F16D0065520000 self-acting in one direction for adjusting excessive play F16D0065540000 by means of direct linear adjustment (F16D0065560000, F16D0065580000 take precedence);; F16D0065560000 with screw-thread and nut F16D0065580000 with eccentric or helical body F16D0065600000 for angular adjustment of two concentric parts of the brake control system F16D0065620000 self-acting in both directions for adjusting excessive and insufficient play F16D0065640000 by means of direct linear adjustment (F16D0065660000, F16D0065680000 take precedence);; F16D0065660000 with screw-thread and nut F16D0065680000 with eccentric or helical body F16D0065700000 for angular adjustment of two concentric parts of the brake control system F16D0065720000 hydraulic F16D0065740000 self-acting in one direction F16D0065760000 self-acting in both directions F16D0065780000 Features relating to cooling F16D0065800000 for externally-engaging brakes F16D0065807000 with open cooling system, e.g. cooled by air F16D0065813000 with closed cooling system F16D0065820000 for internally-engaging brakes F16D0065827000 with open cooling system, e.g. cooled by air F16D0065833000 with closed cooling system F16D0065840000 for disc brakes F16D0065847000 with open cooling system, e.g. cooled by air F16D0065853000 with closed cooling system F16D0066000000 Arrangements for monitoring working conditions of brakes, e.g. wear or temperature F16D0066020000 Apparatus for indicating wear F16D0067000000 Combinations of couplings and brakes; Combinations of clutches and brakes ( F16D0071000000 takes precedence; conjoint control of brake systems and driveline clutches in vehicles B60W0010020000, B60W0010180000) F16D0067020000 Clutch-brake combinations F16D0067040000 fluid actuated F16D0067060000 electromagnetically actuated F16D0069000000 Friction linings; Attachment thereof; Selection of coacting friction substances or surfaces (braking members F16D0065020000) F16D0069020000 Composition of linings (chemical aspects, see the relevant classes);; F16D0069040000 Attachment of linings F16D0071000000 Mechanisms for bringing members to rest in a predetermined position (combined with, or controlling, clutches F16D0043260000; means for initiating operation of brakes at a predetermined position F16D0065140000) F16D0071020000 comprising auxiliary means for producing the final movement F16D0071040000 providing for selection between a plurality of positions (F16D0071020000 takes precedence);; F16D0121000000 Indexing scheme associated with groups F16D0065140000-F16D0065280000; relating to actuators F16D0121000000 Type of actuator operation force F16D0121020000 Fluid pressure F16D0121040000 acting on a piston-type actuator, e.g. for liquid pressure F16D0121060000 for releasing a normally applied brake F16D0121080000 acting on a membrane-type actuator, e.g. for gas pressure F16D0121100000 for releasing a normally applied brake F16D0121120000 for releasing a normally applied brake, the type of actuator being irrelevant or not provided for in groups F16D0121040000-F16D0121100000 F16D0121140000 Mechanical F16D0121160000 for releasing a normally applied brake F16D0121180000 Electric or magnetic F16D0121200000 using electromagnets F16D0121220000 for releasing a normally applied brake F16D0121240000 using motors F16D0121260000 for releasing a normally applied brake F16D0121280000 using electrostrictive or magnetostrictive elements, e.g. piezoelectric elements F16D0121300000 for releasing a normally applied brake F16D0121320000 using shape memory elements F16D0121340000 for releasing a normally applied brake F16D0123000000 Multiple operation forces F16D0125000000 Components of actuators F16D0125020000 Fluid-pressure mechanisms F16D0125040000 Cylinders F16D0125060000 Pistons F16D0125080000 Seals, e.g. piston seals F16D0125100000 Plural pistons interacting by fluid pressure, e.g. hydraulic force amplifiers using different sized pistons F16D0125120000 Membrane or diaphragm types F16D0125140000 Fluid-filled flexible members, e.g. enclosed air bladders F16D0125160000 Devices for bleeding or filling F16D0125180000 Mechanical mechanisms F16D0125200000 converting rotation to linear movement or vice-versa F16D0125220000 acting transversely to the axis of rotation F16D0125240000 Rack-and-pinion F16D0125260000 Cranks F16D0125280000 CamsLevers with cams F16D0125300000 acting on two or more cam followers, e.g. S-cams F16D0125320000 acting on one cam follower F16D0125340000 acting in the direction of the axis of rotation F16D0125360000 Helical camsBall-rotating ramps F16D0125380000 with plural cam or ball-ramp mechanisms arranged concentrically with the brake rotor axis F16D0125400000 Screw-and-nut F16D0125420000 Rack-and-worm gears F16D0125440000 transmitting rotation F16D0125460000 Rotating members in mutual engagement F16D0125480000 with parallel stationary axes, e.g. spur gears F16D0125500000 with parallel non-stationary axes, e.g. planetary gearing F16D0125520000 with non-parallel stationary axes, e.g. worm or bevel gears F16D0125540000 with non-parallel non-stationary axes F16D0125560000 Shafts for transmitting torque directly F16D0125580000 transmitting linear movement F16D0125600000 Cables or chains, e.g. Bowden cables F16D0125620000 Fixing arrangements therefor, e.g. cable end attachments F16D0125640000 Levers F16D0125660000 Wedges F16D0125680000 Lever-link mechanisms, e.g. toggles with change of force ratio F16D0125700000 Rods F16D0127000000 Auxiliary mechanisms F16D0127020000 Release mechanisms F16D0127040000 for manual operation F16D0127060000 Locking mechanisms, e.g. acting on actuators, on release mechanisms or on force transmission mechanisms F16D0127080000 Self-amplifying or de-amplifying mechanisms F16D0127100000 having wedging elements F16D0127120000 having additional frictional elements F16D0129000000 Type of operation source for auxiliary mechanisms F16D0129020000 Fluid-pressure F16D0129040000 Mechanical F16D0129060000 Electric or magnetic F16D0129080000 Electromagnets F16D0129100000 Motors F16D0129120000 Electrostrictive or magnetostrictive elements, e.g. piezoelectric F16D0129140000 Shape memory elements F16D0131000000 Overall arrangement of the actuators or their elements, e.g. modular construction F16D0131020000 of the actuator controllers F16F SPRINGS; SHOCK-ABSORBERS; MEANS FOR DAMPING VIBRATION F16F0001000000 Springs (working with fluid F16F0005000000, F16F0009000000) F16F0001020000 made of steel or other material having low internal friction (F16F0001360000 takes precedence);;Wound, torsion, leaf, cup, ring or the like springs, the material of the spring not being relevant F16F0001040000 Wound springs F16F0001060000 with turns lying in cylindrical surfaces F16F0001080000 with turns lying in mainly conical surfaces F16F0001100000 Spiral springs with turns lying substantially in plane surfaces F16F0001120000 Attachments or mountings F16F0001130000 comprising inserts or spacers between the windings for changing the mechanical or physical characteristics of the spring F16F0001140000 Torsion springs consisting of bars or tubes F16F0001160000 Attachments or mountings F16F0001180000 Leaf springs F16F0001200000 with layers, e.g. anti-friction layers, or with rollers between the leaves F16F0001220000 with means for modifying the spring characteristic F16F0001240000 Lubrication; Covers, e.g. for retaining lubricant F16F0001260000 Attachments or mountings (B60G0011100000 takes precedence);; F16F0001280000 comprising cylindrical metal pins pivoted in close-fitting sleeves F16F0001300000 comprising intermediate pieces made of rubber or similar elastic material F16F0001320000 Cup springs; Dished disc springs (diaphragms F16J0003000000) F16F0001340000 Ring springs, i.e. annular bodies deformed radially due to axial load F16F0001360000 made of plastics, e.g. rubber; made of material having high internal friction F16F0001362000 made of steel wool or compressed hair F16F0001364000 made of cork, wood or the like material F16F0001366000 made of fibre reinforced plastics F16F0001368000 Leaf springs F16F0001370000 of foam-like material, e.g. sponge rubber F16F0001371000 characterised by inserts or auxiliary extension elements, e.g. for rigidification (F16F0001366000, F16F0001387000 take precedence);; F16F0001373000 characterised by having a particular shape F16F0001374000 having a spherical or the like shape F16F0001376000 having projections, studs, serrations or the like on at least one surface (F16F0001387000 takes precedence);; F16F0001377000 having holes or openings (F16F0001387000 takes precedence);; F16F0001379000 characterised by arrangements for regulating the spring temperature, e.g. by cooling F16F0001380000 with a sleeve of elastic material between a rigid outer sleeve and a rigid inner sleeve or pin F16F0001387000 comprising means for modifying the rigidity in particular directions F16F0001393000 with spherical or conical sleeves F16F0001400000 consisting of a stack of similar elements separated by non-elastic intermediate layers F16F0001410000 the spring consisting of generally conically arranged elements F16F0001420000 characterised by the mode of stressing F16F0001440000 loaded mainly in compression F16F0001460000 loaded mainly in tension F16F0001480000 loaded mainly in torsion F16F0001500000 loaded mainly in shear F16F0001520000 loaded in combined stresses F16F0001540000 loaded in compression and shear F16F0003000000 Spring units consisting of several springs, e.g. for obtaining a desired spring characteristic (including fluid springs F16F0005000000, F16F0013000000) F16F0003020000 with springs made of steel or of other material having low internal friction F16F0003040000 composed only of wound springs F16F0003060000 of which some are placed around others in such a way that they damp each other by mutual friction F16F0003070000 combined with chambers filled with gas or liquid F16F0003080000 with springs made of a material having high internal friction, e.g. rubber F16F0003087000 Units comprising several springs made of plastics or the like material (F16F0001400000 takes precedence);; F16F0003093000 the springs being of different materials, e.g. having different types of rubber F16F0003100000 combined with springs made of steel or other material having low internal friction F16F0003120000 the steel spring being in contact with the rubber spring, e.g. being embedded in it F16F0005000000 Liquid springs in which the liquid works as a spring by compression, e.g. combined with throttling action; Combinations of devices including liquid springs F16F0006000000 Magnetic springs; Fluid magnetic springs F16F0007000000 Vibration-dampers; Shock-absorbers (using fluid F16F0005000000, F16F0009000000; specific for rotary systems F16F0015100000) F16F0007010000 using friction between loose particles, e.g. sand F16F0007020000 with relatively-rotatable friction surfaces that are pressed together (F16F0007010000 takes precedence;one of the members being a spring F16F0013020000) F16F0007040000 in the direction of the axis of rotation F16F0007060000 in a direction perpendicular or inclined to the axis of rotation F16F0007080000 with friction surfaces rectilinearly movable along each other (F16F0007010000 takes precedence);; F16F0007090000 in dampers of the cylinder-and-piston type F16F0007100000 using inertia effect F16F0007104000 the inertia member being resiliently mounted F16F0007108000 on plastics springs F16F0007112000 on fluid springs F16F0007116000 on metal springs F16F0007120000 using plastic deformation of members F16F0007140000 of cable-support type, i.e. frictionally-engaged loop-forming cables F16F0009000000 Springs, vibration-dampers, shock-absorbers, or similarly-constructed movement-dampers using a fluid or the equivalent as damping medium (F16F0005000000 takes precedence;connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000; door-operating appliances with fluid braking systems E05F) F16F0009020000 using gas only F16F0009040000 in a chamber with a flexible wall F16F0009050000 the flexible wall being of the rolling diaphragm type F16F0009060000 using both gas and liquid F16F0009080000 in a chamber with a flexible wall F16F0009084000 comprising a gas spring contained within a flexible wall, the wall not being in contact with the damping fluid, i.e. mounted externally on the damper cylinder F16F0009088000 comprising a gas spring with a flexible wall provided within the cylinder on the piston rod of a monotubular damper or within the inner tube of a bitubular damper F16F0009092000 comprising a gas spring with a flexible wall provided between the tubes of a bitubular damper F16F0009096000 comprising a hydropneumatic accumulator of the membrane type provided on the upper or the lower end of a damper or separately from or laterally on the damper F16F0009100000 using liquid only; using a fluid of which the nature is immaterial F16F0009120000 Devices with one or more rotary vanes turning in the fluid, any throttling effect being immaterial F16F0009140000 Devices with one or more members, e.g. pistons, vanes, moving to and fro in chambers and using throttling effect F16F0009160000 involving only straight-line movement of the effective parts F16F0009180000 with a closed cylinder and a piston separating two or more working spaces therein F16F0009190000 with a single cylinder F16F0009200000 with the piston-rod extending through both ends of the cylinder F16F0009220000 with one or more cylinders, each having a single working space closed by a piston or plunger F16F0009240000 with a single cylinder and a single piston or plunger F16F0009260000 with two cylinders in line and with the two pistons or plungers connected together F16F0009280000 with two parallel cylinders and with the two pistons or plungers connected together F16F0009300000 with solid or semi-solid material, e.g. pasty masses, as damping medium F16F0009320000 Details F16F0009340000 Special valve constructions (valves in general F16K); Shape or construction of throttling passages F16F0009342000 Throttling passages operating with metering pins F16F0009344000 Vortex flow passages F16F0009346000 Throttling passages in the form of slots arranged in cylinder walls F16F0009348000 Throttling passages in the form of annular discs operating in opposite directions F16F0009360000 Special sealings, including sealings or guides for piston-rods F16F0009380000 Covers for protection or appearance F16F0009400000 Arrangements for preventing froth F16F0009420000 Cooling arrangements F16F0009430000 Filling arrangements, e.g. for supply of gas F16F0009440000 Means on or in the damper for manual or non-automatic adjustment; such means combined with temperature correction (F16F0009530000, F16F0009560000 take precedence;temperature correction only F16F0009520000) F16F0009460000 allowing control from a distance F16F0009480000 Arrangements for providing different damping effects at different parts of the stroke (F16F0009530000, F16F0009560000 take precedence);; F16F0009490000 Stops limiting fluid passage, e.g. hydraulic stops F16F0009500000 Special means providing automatic damping adjustment (F16F0009530000, F16F0009560000 take precedence);; F16F0009504000 Inertia-sensitive means F16F0009508000 Means responsive to the velocity of movement of the piston F16F0009512000 Means responsive to load action on the damper or fluid pressure in the damper F16F0009516000 resulting in the damping effects during contraction being different from the damping effects during extension F16F0009520000 in case of change of temperature (combined with external adjustment F16F0009440000) F16F0009530000 Means for adjusting damping characteristics by varying fluid viscosity, e.g. electromagnetically F16F0009540000 Arrangements for attachment F16F0009560000 Means for adjusting the length of, or for locking, the spring or damper, e.g. at the end of the stroke F16F0009580000 Stroke limiting stops, e.g. arranged on the piston rod outside the cylinder (F16F0009490000 takes precedence);; F16F0011000000 Vibration-dampers or shock-absorbers working with both friction and a damping fluid F16F0013000000 Units comprising springs of the non-fluid type as well as vibration-dampers, shock-absorbers, or fluid springs (F16F0005000000 takes precedence);; F16F0013020000 damping by frictional contact between the spring and braking means (frictionally coacting wound springs F16F0003060000) F16F0013040000 comprising both a plastics spring and a damper, e.g. a friction damper F16F0013060000 the damper being a fluid damper, e.g. the plastics spring not forming a part of the wall of the fluid chamber of the damper (F16F0013260000 takes precedence);; F16F0013080000 the plastics spring forming at least a part of the wall of the fluid chamber of the damper (F16F0013200000-F16F0013240000; take precedence);; F16F0013100000 the wall being at least in part formed by a flexible membrane or the like (F16F0013120000-F16F0013180000; take precedence);; F16F0013120000 Single chamber dampers (F16F0013140000 takes precedence);; F16F0013140000 Units of the bushing type F16F0013160000 specially adapted for receiving axial loads F16F0013180000 characterised by the location or the shape of the equilibration chamber, e.g. the equilibration chamber surrounding the plastics spring or being annular (F16F0013140000 takes precedence);; F16F0013200000 characterised by comprising also a pneumatic spring (F16F0013220000 takes precedence);; F16F0013220000 characterised by comprising also a dynamic damper (dampers using inertia effect per se F16F0007100000) F16F0013240000 the central part of the unit being supported by one element and both extremities of the unit being supported by a single other element, i.e. double acting mounting F16F0013260000 characterised by adjusting or regulating devices responsive to exterior conditions F16F0013280000 specially adapted for units of the bushing type (F16F0013300000 takes precedence);; F16F0013300000 comprising means for varying fluid viscosity, e.g. of magnetic or electrorheological fluids F16F0015000000 Suppression of vibrations in systems (vehicle seat suspension devices B60N0002500000); Means or arrangements for avoiding or reducing out-of-balance forces, e.g. due to motion (testing static or dynamic balance of machines or structures G01M0001000000) F16F0015020000 Suppression of vibrations of non-rotating, e.g. reciprocating, systems; Suppression of vibrations of rotating systems by use of members not moving with the rotating system (layered products B32B; suppression of vibration in ships B63) F16F0015023000 using fluid means F16F0015027000 comprising control arrangements F16F0015030000 using electromagnetic means (F16F0009530000 takes precedence);; F16F0015040000 using elastic means (single elements or their attachment F16F0001000000-F16F0013000000) F16F0015060000 with metal springs (with rubber springs also F16F0015080000) F16F0015067000 using only wound springs F16F0015073000 using only leaf springs F16F0015080000 with rubber springs F16F0015100000 Suppression of vibrations in rotating systems by making use of members moving with the system (by balancing F16F0015220000; with flywheels acting variably or intermittently F16H) F16F0015120000 using elastic members or friction-damping members, e.g. between a rotating shaft and a gyratory mass mounted thereon (F16F0015160000 takes precedence);; F16F0015121000 using springs as elastic members, e.g. metallic springs (F16F0015131000 takes precedence);; F16F0015123000 Wound springs F16F0015124000 Plastics springs, e.g. made of rubber (F16F0015123000 takes precedence);; F16F0015126000 consisting of at least one annular element surrounding the axis of rotation F16F0015127000 using plastics springs combined with other types of springs F16F0015129000 characterised by friction-damping means (F16F0015131000 takes precedence);; F16F0015131000 the rotating system comprising two or more gyratory masses F16F0015133000 using springs as elastic members, e.g. metallic springs F16F0015134000 Wound springs F16F0015136000 Plastics springs, e.g. made of rubber (F16F0015134000 takes precedence);; F16F0015137000 the elastic members consisting of two or more springs of different types F16F0015139000 characterised by friction-damping means F16F0015140000 using freely-swinging masses rotating with the system F16F0015160000 using a fluid (devices connecting input and output members F16D) F16F0015167000 having an inertia member, e.g. ring F16F0015173000 provided within a closed housing F16F0015180000 using electric means (dynamo-electric devices H02K) F16F0015200000 Suppression of vibrations of rotating systems by favourable grouping or relative arrangement of the moving members of the system or systems F16F0015220000 Compensation of inertia forces F16F0015240000 of crankshaft systems by particular disposition of cranks, pistons, or the like F16F0015260000 of crankshaft systems using solid masses, other than the ordinary pistons, moving with the system F16F0015280000 Counterweights; Attaching or mounting same (for roll-type closures E06B0009620000) F16F0015300000 Flywheels (F16F0015160000 takes precedence;suppression of vibrations in rotating systems using elastic members or friction-damping members moving with the system F16F0015120000; rotary-body aspects in general F16C0013000000, F16C0015000000) F16F0015305000 made of plastics, e.g. fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) F16F0015310000 characterised by means for varying the moment of inertia F16F0015315000 characterised by their supporting arrangement, e.g. mountings, cages, securing inertia member to shaft (F16F0015310000 takes precedence);; F16F0015320000 Correcting- or balancing-weights or equivalent means for balancing rotating bodies, e.g. vehicle wheels F16F0015340000 Fastening arrangements therefor F16F0015360000 operating automatically F16G BELTS, CABLES, OR ROPES, PREDOMINANTLY USED FOR DRIVING PURPOSES; CHAINS; FITTINGS PREDOMINANTLY USED THEREFOR F16G0001000000 Driving-belts (V-belts F16G0005000000; conveyer belts B65G) F16G0001020000 made of leather (F16G0001280000 takes precedence;making thereof C14B0009000000) F16G0001040000 made of fibrous material, e.g. textiles, whether rubber-covered or not (F16G0001280000 takes precedence;making thereof D03D) F16G0001060000 made of rubber (F16G0001280000 takes precedence;producing belts from plastics or substances in a plastic state B29D0029000000) F16G0001080000 with reinforcement bonded by the rubber F16G0001100000 with textile reinforcement F16G0001120000 with metal reinforcement F16G0001140000 made of plastics (F16G0001280000 takes precedence;producing belts from plastics or substances in a plastic state B29D0029000000) F16G0001160000 with reinforcement bonded by the plastic material F16G0001180000 made of wire (making thereof B21F0043000000) F16G0001200000 made of a single metal strip (making thereof B21D0053140000) F16G0001210000 built-up from superimposed layers, e.g. zig-zag folded F16G0001220000 consisting of several parts F16G0001240000 in the form of links (in the shape of chain links F16G0013080000) F16G0001260000 in the form of strips or lamellae F16G0001280000 with a contact surface of special shape, e.g. toothed F16G0003000000 Belt fastenings, e.g. for conveyer belts (for V-belts F16G0007000000) F16G0003020000 with series of eyes or the like, interposed and linked by a pin to form a hinge (F16G0003090000 takes precedence);; F16G0003040000 in which the ends of separate U-shaped or like eyes are attached to the belt by parts penetrating into it F16G0003060000 with outwardly-bent, mutually-connected belt ends F16G0003070000 Friction clamps, e.g. of grommet-thimble type F16G0003080000 consisting of plates and screw-bolts or rivets (F16G0003060000 takes precedence);; F16G0003090000 the plates forming a hinge F16G0003100000 Joining belts by sewing, sticking, vulcanising, or the like; Constructional adaptations of the belt ends for this purpose F16G0003120000 Joining belts by lacing F16G0003140000 with extensible parts; with resilient parts F16G0003160000 Devices or machines for connecting driving-belts or the like F16G0005000000 V-belts, i.e. belts of tapered cross-section F16G0005020000 made of leather (F16G0005200000 takes precedence);; F16G0005040000 made of rubber (F16G0005200000 takes precedence);; F16G0005060000 with reinforcement bonded by the rubber F16G0005080000 with textile reinforcement F16G0005100000 with metal reinforcement F16G0005120000 made of plastics (F16G0005200000 takes precedence);; F16G0005140000 with reinforcement bonded by the plastic material F16G0005160000 consisting of several parts F16G0005180000 in the form of links F16G0005200000 with a contact surface of special shape, e.g. toothed F16G0005220000 built-up from superimposed layers F16G0005240000 zig-zag folded F16G0007000000 V-belt fastenings F16G0007020000 locked, e.g. riveted F16G0007040000 quickly detachable F16G0007060000 adjustable, e.g. for tension F16G0009000000 Ropes or cables specially adapted for driving, or for being driven by, pulleys or other gearing elements F16G0009020000 made of leather; having enveloping sheathings made of leather F16G0009040000 made of rubber or plastics (F16G0009020000 takes precedence);; F16G0011000000 Means for fastening cables or ropes to one another or to other objects (cable clamps for suspension bridge cables E01D0019160000); Caps or sleeves for fixing on cables or ropes (attaching ropes or cables to lift cars or cages B66B0007080000, to winch drums or barrels B66D0001340000; rope clamps in earth drilling E21B0019120000) F16G0011020000 with parts deformable to grip the cable or cables; Fastening means which engage a sleeve or the like fixed on the cable F16G0011030000 incorporating resiliently-mounted members for attachment of the cable end F16G0011040000 with wedging action, e.g. friction clamps of grommet-thimble type (F16G0011020000 takes precedence);; F16G0011050000 by using conical plugs insertable between the strands F16G0011060000 with laterally-arranged screws (F16G0011020000, F16G0011040000 take precedence);; F16G0011080000 Fastenings for securing ends of driving-cables to one another, the fastenings having approximately the same diameter as the cables F16G0011090000 incorporating hinge joints or pivots for the attachment of the cable ends F16G0011100000 Quick-acting fastenings; Clamps holding in one direction only F16G0011120000 Connections or attachments, e.g. turnbuckles, adapted for straining of cables, ropes or wire F16G0011140000 Devices or coupling-pieces designed for easy formation of adjustable loops, e.g. choker hooks; Hooks or eyes with integral parts designed to facilitate quick attachment to cables or ropes at any point, e.g. by forming loops F16G0013000000 Chains (making thereof B21L) F16G0013020000 Driving-chains F16G0013040000 Toothed chains F16G0013060000 with links connected by parallel driving-pins with or without rollers F16G0013070000 the links being of identical shape, e.g. cranked F16G0013080000 with links closely interposed on the joint pins (F16G0013040000 takes precedence);; F16G0013100000 with universal joints F16G0013120000 Hauling- or hoisting-chains F16G0013140000 built up from readily-separable links F16G0013160000 with arrangements for holding electric cables, hoses, or the like F16G0013180000 Chains having special overall characteristics F16G0013200000 stiff; Push-pull chains F16G0013220000 extensible F16G0013240000 resilient F16G0015000000 Chain couplings; Shackles; Chain joints; Chain links; Chain bushes (making chain elements B21L) F16G0015020000 for fastening more or less permanently F16G0015040000 Quickly-detachable chain couplings; Shackles F16G0015060000 Shackles designed for attachment by joint pins to chain elements, e.g. D-shackles F16G0015080000 Swivels F16G0015100000 Emergency joints or links F16G0015120000 Chain links F16G0015140000 made of sheet metal, e.g. profiled F16G0017000000 Hooks as integral parts of chains (hooks for cranes B66C0001340000) F16H GEARING F16H0001000000 Toothed gearings for conveying rotary motion F16H0001000000 Toothed gearings for conveying rotary motion (specific for conveying rotary motion with variable gear ratio or for reversing rotary motion F16H0003000000) F16H0001020000 without gears having orbital motion F16H0001040000 involving only two intermeshing members F16H0001060000 with parallel axes F16H0001080000 the members having helical, herring-bone, or like teeth F16H0001100000 one of the members being internally toothed F16H0001120000 with non-parallel axes F16H0001140000 comprising conical gears only F16H0001160000 comprising worm and worm-wheel F16H0001180000 the members having helical, herring-bone, or like teeth (F16H0001140000 takes precedence);; F16H0001200000 involving more than two intermeshing members F16H0001220000 with a plurality of driving or driven shafts; with arrangements for dividing torque between two or more intermediate shafts F16H0001240000 involving gears essentially having intermeshing elements other than involute or cycloidal teeth (F16H0001160000 takes precedence);; F16H0001260000 Special means compensating for misalignment of axes F16H0001280000 with gears having orbital motion F16H0001300000 in which an orbital gear has an axis crossing the main axis of the gearing and has helical teeth or is a worm F16H0001320000 in which the central axis of the gearing lies inside the periphery of an orbital gear F16H0001340000 involving gears essentially having intermeshing elements other than involute or cycloidal teeth (in worm gearing F16H0001300000) F16H0001360000 with two central gears coupled by intermeshing orbital gears F16H0001460000 Systems consisting of a plurality of gear trains, each with orbital gears F16H0001480000 Special means compensating for misalignment of axes F16H0003000000 Toothed gearings for conveying rotary motion with variable gear ratio or for reversing rotary motion (speed-changing or reversing mechanisms F16H0059000000-F16H0063000000) F16H0003020000 without gears having orbital motion F16H0003040000 with internally-toothed gears F16H0003060000 with worm and worm-wheel or gears essentially having helical or herring-bone teeth F16H0003080000 exclusively or essentially with continuously- meshing gears, that can be disengaged from their shafts F16H0003083000 with radially acting and axially controlled clutching members, e.g. sliding keys F16H0003085000 with more than one output shaft F16H0003087000 characterised by the disposition of the gears (F16H0003083000, F16H0003085000 take precedence);; F16H0003089000 all of the meshing gears being supported by a pair of parallel shafts, one being the input shaft and the other the output shaft, there being no countershaft involved F16H0003091000 including a single countershaft F16H0003093000 with two or more countershafts F16H0003095000 with means for ensuring an even distribution of torque between the countershafts F16H0003097000 the input and output shafts being aligned on the same axis F16H0003100000 with one or more one-way clutches as an essential feature F16H0003120000 with means for synchronisation not incorporated in the clutches (synchronised clutches F16D0023020000) F16H0003140000 Gearings for reversal only F16H0003160000 essentially with both gears that can be put out of gear and continuously-meshing gears that can be disengaged from their shafts F16H0003180000 Gearings for reversal only F16H0003200000 exclusively or essentially using gears that can be moved out of gear F16H0003220000 with gears shiftable only axially F16H0003240000 with driving and driven shafts coaxial F16H0003260000 and two or more additional shafts F16H0003280000 an additional shaft being coaxial with the main shafts F16H0003300000 with driving and driven shafts not coaxial F16H0003320000 and an additional shaft F16H0003340000 with gears shiftable otherwise than only axially F16H0003360000 with a single gear meshable with any of a set of coaxial gears of different diameters F16H0003380000 with synchro-meshing F16H0003400000 Gearings for reversal only F16H0003420000 with gears having teeth formed or arranged for obtaining multiple gear ratios, e.g. nearly infinitely variable F16H0003440000 using gears having orbital motion F16H0003460000 Gearings having only two central gears, connected by orbital gears (F16H0003680000-F16H0003780000; take precedence);; F16H0003480000 with single orbital gears or pairs of rigidly-connected orbital gears F16H0003500000 comprising orbital conical gears F16H0003520000 comprising orbital spur gears F16H0003540000 one of the central gears being internally toothed and the other externally toothed F16H0003560000 both central gears being sun gears F16H0003580000 with sets of orbital gears, each consisting of two or more intermeshing orbital gears F16H0003600000 Gearings for reversal only F16H0003620000 Gearings having three or more central gears (F16H0003680000-F16H0003780000; take precedence);; F16H0003640000 composed of a number of gear trains, the drive always passing through all the trains, each train having not more than one connection for driving another train F16H0003660000 composed of a number of gear trains without drive passing from one train to another F16H0003680000 in which an orbital gear has an axis crossing the main axis of the gearing and has helical teeth or is a worm F16H0003700000 in which the central axis of the gearing lies inside the periphery of an orbital gear F16H0003720000 with a secondary drive, e.g. regulating motor, in order to vary speed continuously F16H0003740000 Complexes, not using actuatable speed-changing or regulating members, e.g. with gear ratio determined by free play of frictional or other forces F16H0003760000 with an orbital gear having teeth formed or arranged for obtaining multiple gear ratios, e.g. nearly infinitely variable F16H0003780000 Special adaptation of synchronisation mechanisms to these gearings F16H0007000000 Gearing for conveying rotary motion by endless flexible members F16H0007000000 Gearings for conveying rotary motion by endless flexible members (specific for conveying rotary motion with variable gear ratio or for reversing rotary motion F16H0009000000; endless flexible members per se, e.g. belts or chains F16G) F16H0007020000 with belts; with V-belts F16H0007040000 with ropes F16H0007060000 with chains F16H0007080000 Means for varying tension of belts, ropes, or chains (pulleys of adjustable construction F16H0055520000) F16H0007100000 by adjusting the axis of a pulley F16H0007120000 of an idle pulley F16H0007140000 of a driving or driven pulley F16H0007160000 without adjusting the driving or driven shaft F16H0007180000 Means for guiding or supporting belts, ropes, or chains (construction of pulleys F16H0055360000) F16H0007200000 Mountings for rollers or pulleys F16H0007220000 Belt, rope, or chain shifters F16H0007240000 Equipment for mounting belts, ropes, or chains F16H0009000000 Gearings for conveying rotary motion with variable gear ratio, or for reversing rotary motion, by endless flexible members (control of change-speed or reversing-gearings conveying rotary motion F16H0059000000-F16H0063000000; endless flexible members per se, e.g. belts or chains F16G) F16H0009020000 without members having orbital motion F16H0009040000 using belts, V-belts, or ropes (with toothed belts F16H0009240000; pulleys of adjustable construction F16H0055520000) F16H0009060000 engaging a stepped pulley F16H0009080000 engaging a conical drum (F16H0009120000 takes precedence);; F16H0009100000 engaging a pulley provided with radially-actuatable elements carrying the belt F16H0009120000 engaging a pulley built-up out of relatively axially-adjustable parts in which the belt engages the opposite flanges of the pulley directly without interposed belt-supporting members F16H0009140000 using only one pulley built-up out of adjustable conical parts F16H0009160000 using two pulleys, both built-up out of adjustable conical parts F16H0009180000 only one flange of each pulley being adjustable F16H0009200000 both flanges of the pulleys being adjustable F16H0009220000 specially adapted for ropes F16H0009240000 using chains, toothed belts, belts in the form of links; Chains or belts specially adapted to such gearing (toothed belts F16G0001280000; V-belts in the form of links F16G0005180000; toothed V-belts F16G0005200000) F16H0009260000 with members having orbital motion F16H0013000000 Other friction gearing for conveying rotary motion F16H0013000000 Gearing for conveying rotary motion with constant gear ratio by friction between rotary members (specific for conveying rotary motion with variable gear ratio or for reversing rotary motion F16H0015000000) F16H0013020000 without members having orbital motion F16H0013040000 with balls or with rollers acting in a similar manner F16H0013060000 with members having orbital motion F16H0013080000 with balls or with rollers acting in a similar manner F16H0013100000 Means for influencing the pressure between the members F16H0013120000 by magnetic forces F16H0013140000 for automatically varying the pressure mechanically F16H0015000000 Gearings for conveying rotary motion with variable gear ratio, or for reversing rotary motion, by friction between rotary members (control of change-speed or reversing-gearings conveying rotary motion F16H0059000000-F16H0063000000) F16H0015010000 characterised by the use of a magnetisable powder or liquid as friction medium between the rotary members F16H0015020000 without members having orbital motion F16H0015040000 Gearings providing a continuous range of gear ratios F16H0015060000 in which a member A of uniform effective diameter mounted on a shaft may co-operate with different parts of a member B F16H0015080000 in which the member B is a disc with a flat or approximately-flat friction surface F16H0015100000 in which the axes of the two members cross or intersect F16H0015120000 in which one or each member is duplicated, e.g. for obtaining better transmission, for lessening the reaction forces on the bearings F16H0015140000 in which the axes of the members are parallel or approximately parallel F16H0015160000 in which the member B has a conical friction surface F16H0015180000 externally F16H0015200000 co-operating with the outer rim of the member A, which is perpendicular or nearly perpendicular to the friction surface of the member B F16H0015220000 the axes of the members being parallel or approximately parallel F16H0015240000 internally F16H0015260000 in which the member B has a spherical friction surface centered on its axis of revolution F16H0015280000 with external friction surface F16H0015300000 with internal friction surface F16H0015320000 in which the member B has a curved friction surface formed as a surface of a body of revolution generated by a curve which is neither a circular arc centered on its axis of revolution nor a straight line F16H0015340000 with convex friction surface F16H0015360000 with concave friction surface, e.g. a hollow toroid surface F16H0015380000 with two members B having hollow toroid surfaces opposite to each other, the member or members A being adjustably mounted between the surfaces F16H0015400000 in which two members co-operate by means of balls, or rollers of uniform effective diameter, not mounted on shafts F16H0015420000 in which two members co-operate by means of rings or by means of parts of endless flexible members pressed between the first-mentioned members F16H0015440000 in which two members of non-uniform effective diameter directly co-operate with one another F16H0015460000 Gearings providing a discontinuous or stepped range of gear ratios F16H0015480000 with members having orbital motion F16H0015500000 Gearings providing a continuous range of gear ratios F16H0015520000 in which a member of uniform effective diameter mounted on a shaft may co-operate with different parts of another member F16H0015540000 in which two members co-operate by means of rings or by means of parts of endless flexible members pressed between the first-mentioned members F16H0015560000 Gearings providing a discontinuous or stepped range of gear ratios F16H0019000000 Gearings comprising essentially only toothed gears or friction members and not capable of conveying indefinitely-continuing rotary motion (with intermittently-driving members F16H0027000000-F16H0031000000; rope or like tackle for lifting or haulage B66D0003000000) F16H0019020000 for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion F16H0019040000 comprising a rack F16H0019060000 comprising an endless flexible member F16H0019080000 for interconverting rotary motion and oscillating motion F16H0021000000 Gearing for conveying or converting motion by means of levers, links,; cams or screw-and-nut mechanisms F16H0021000000 Gearings comprising primarily only links or levers, with or without slides (F16H0023000000 takes precedence);; F16H0021020000 the movements of two or more independently-moving members being combined into a single movement F16H0021040000 Guiding mechanisms, e.g. for straight-line guidance (for drawing-machines B43L) F16H0021060000 which can be made ineffective when desired F16H0021080000 by pushing a reciprocating rod out of its operative position F16H0021100000 all movement being in, or parallel to, a single plane F16H0021120000 for conveying rotary motion F16H0021140000 by means of cranks, eccentrics, or like members fixed to one rotary member and guided along tracks on the other F16H0021160000 for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion F16H0021180000 Crank gearings; Eccentric gearings F16H0021200000 with adjustment of throw (adjustable cranks or eccentrics F16C0003280000; adjustable connecting-rods F16C0007060000) F16H0021220000 with one connecting-rod and one guided slide to each crank or eccentric F16H0021240000 without further links or guides F16H0021260000 with toggle action F16H0021280000 with cams or additional guides F16H0021300000 with members having rolling contact F16H0021320000 with additional members comprising only pivoted links or arms F16H0021340000 with two or more connecting-rods to each crank or eccentric F16H0021360000 without swinging connecting-rod, e.g. with epicyclic parallel motion, slot-and- crank motion F16H0021380000 with means for temporary energy accumulation, e.g. to overcome dead-centre positions F16H0021400000 for interconverting rotary motion and oscillating motion F16H0021420000 with adjustable throw F16H0021440000 for conveying or interconverting oscillating or reciprocating motions F16H0021460000 with movements in three dimensions F16H0021480000 for conveying rotary motion F16H0021500000 for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion F16H0021520000 for interconverting rotary motion and oscillating motion F16H0021540000 for conveying or interconverting oscillating or reciprocating motions F16H0023000000 Wobble-plate gearings; Oblique-crank gearings F16H0023020000 with adjustment of throw by changing the position of the wobble-member (F16H0029040000, F16H0033100000 take precedence);; F16H0023040000 with non-rotary wobble-members F16H0023060000 with sliding members hinged to reciprocating members F16H0023080000 connected to reciprocating members by connecting-rods F16H0023100000 with rotary wobble-plates with plane surfaces F16H0025000000 Gearings comprising primarily only cams, cam-followers and screw-and-nut mechanisms F16H0025020000 the movements of two or more independently-moving members being combined into a single movement F16H0025040000 for conveying rotary motion F16H0025060000 with intermediate members guided along tracks on both rotary members F16H0025080000 for interconverting rotary motion and reciprocating motion (F16H0023000000 takes precedence);; F16H0025100000 with adjustable throw (adjustable cams F16H0053040000) F16H0025120000 with reciprocation along the axis of rotation, e.g. gearings with helical grooves and automatic reversal (screw mechanisms without automatic reversal F16H0025200000) F16H0025140000 with reciprocation perpendicular to the axis of rotation (F16H0021360000 takes precedence);; F16H0025160000 for interconverting rotary motion and oscillating motion F16H0025180000 for conveying or interconverting oscillating or reciprocating motions F16H0025200000 Screw mechanisms (with automatic reversal F16H0025120000) F16H0025220000 with balls, rollers, or similar members between the co-operating parts; Elements essential to the use of such members F16H0025240000 Elements essential to such mechanisms, e.g. screws, nuts (F16H0025220000 takes precedence);; F16H0027000000 Gearings with intermittently-driving members F16H0027000000 Step-by-step mechanisms without freewheel members, e.g. Geneva drives (rotary gearings with cyclically-varying velocity ratio F16H0035020000; impulse couplings F16D0005000000; clockwork escapements G04B0015000000) F16H0027020000 with at least one reciprocating or oscillating transmission member F16H0027040000 for converting continuous rotation into a step-by-step rotary movement F16H0027060000 Mechanisms with driving pins in driven slots, e.g. Geneva drives F16H0027080000 with driving toothed gears with interrupted toothing F16H0027100000 obtained by means of disengageable transmission members, combined or not combined with mechanisms according to group ; F16H0027060000; or F16H0027080000 F16H0029000000 Gearings for conveying rotary motion with intermittently-driving members, e.g. with freewheel action (freewheels F16D0041000000) F16H0029020000 between one of the shafts and an oscillating or reciprocating intermediate member, not rotating with either of the shafts (F16H0029200000, F16H0029220000 take precedence);; F16H0029040000 in which the transmission ratio is changed by adjustment of a crank, an eccentric, a wobble-plate, or a cam, on one of the shafts F16H0029060000 with concentric shafts, an annular intermediate member moving around and being supported on an adjustable crank or eccentric F16H0029080000 in which the transmission ratio is changed by adjustment of the path of movement, the location of the pivot, or the effective length, of an oscillating connecting member F16H0029100000 in which the transmission ratio is changed by directly acting on the intermittently driving members F16H0029120000 between rotary driving and driven members (F16H0029200000, F16H0029220000 take precedence);; F16H0029140000 in which the transmission ratio is changed by adjustment of an otherwise stationary guide member for the intermittently-driving members F16H0029160000 in which the transmission ratio is changed by adjustment of the distance between the axes of the rotary members F16H0029180000 in which the intermittently-driving members slide along approximately radial guides while rotating with one of the rotary members F16H0029200000 the intermittently-acting members being shaped as worms, screws, or racks F16H0029220000 with automatic speed change F16H0031000000 Other gearings with freewheeling members or other intermittently-driving members (F16H0021000000, F16H0023000000, F16H0025000000 take precedence;gearings involving the use of automatic changing-mechanisms, e.g. cyclically-actuated reversal gearings, see the appropriate groups); F16H0033000000 Gearings based on repeated accumulation and delivery of energy F16H0033020000 Rotary transmissions with mechanical accumulators, e.g. weights, springs, intermittently-connected flywheels F16H0033040000 Gearings for conveying rotary motion with variable velocity ratio, in which self-regulation is sought F16H0033060000 based essentially on spring action (ratchet slip couplings F16D0007040000) F16H0033080000 based essentially on inertia F16H0033100000 with gyroscopic action, e.g. comprising wobble-plates, oblique cranks F16H0033120000 with a driving member connected differentially with both a driven member and an oscillatory member with large resistance to movement, e.g. Constantinesco gearing F16H0033140000 having orbital members influenced by regulating masses F16H0033160000 which have their own free motion, or consist of fluid F16H0033180000 of which the motion is constrained F16H0033200000 for interconversion, based essentially on inertia, of rotary motion and reciprocating or oscillating motion F16H0035000000 Gearings or mechanisms with other special functional features F16H0035020000 for conveying rotary motion with cyclically-varying velocity ratio (speed-changing mechanisms operating cyclically, see the appropriate groups);; F16H0035060000 Gearings designed to allow relative movement between supports thereof without ill effects (F16H0001260000, F16H0001480000 take precedence);; F16H0035080000 for adjustment of members on moving parts from a stationary place F16H0035100000 Arrangements or devices for absorbing overload or preventing damage by overload (couplings for transmitting rotation F16D) F16H0035120000 Transmitting mechanisms with delayed effect (vibration- or shock-dampers in general F16F) F16H0035140000 Mechanisms with only two stable positions, e.g. acting at definite angular positions F16H0035160000 Mechanisms for movements or movement relations conforming to mathematical formulae (devices in which computing operations are performed mechanically G06G0003000000) F16H0035180000 Turning devices for rotatable members, e.g. shafts (starting devices for internal-combustion engines F02N) F16H0037000000 Combinations of mechanical gearings, not provided for in groups F16H0001000000-F16H0035000000; (combinations of mechanical gearing with fluid clutches or fluid gearing F16H0047000000; applications of underdrives or overdrives in motor vehicles, combinations with differential gearings in motor vehicles B60K) F16H0037020000 comprising essentially only toothed or friction gearings F16H0037040000 Combinations of toothed gearings only (F16H0037060000 takes precedence);; F16H0037060000 with a plurality of driving or driven shafts; with arrangements for dividing torque between two or more intermediate shafts F16H0037080000 with differential gearing F16H0037100000 at both ends of intermediate shafts F16H0037120000 Gearings comprising primarily toothed or friction gearing, links or levers, and cams, or members of at least two of these three types (F16H0021140000, F16H0021280000, F16H0021300000 take precedence;toothed or friction gearing or cam gearing, with only an additional lever or link, see the appropriate group for the main gearing); F16H0037140000 the movements of two or more independently-moving members being combined into a single movement F16H0037160000 with a driving or driven member which both rotates or oscillates on its axis and reciprocates F16H0039000000 Fluid gearing F16H0039000000 Rotary fluid gearing using pumps and motors of the volumetric type, i.e. passing a predetermined volume of fluid per revolution (control of exclusively fluid gearing F16H0061380000; fluid couplings or clutches with pumping sets of volumetric type F16D0031000000; application to lifting or pushing equipment B66F) F16H0039010000 Pneumatic gearing; Gearing working with subatmospheric pressure (pneumatic hammers B25D0009000000) F16H0039020000 with liquid motors at a distance from liquid pumps F16H0039040000 with liquid motor and pump combined in one unit F16H0039060000 pump and motor being of the same type F16H0039080000 each with one main shaft and provided with pistons reciprocating in cylinders F16H0039100000 with cylinders arranged around, and parallel or approximately parallel to, the main axis of the gearing F16H0039120000 with stationary cylinders F16H0039140000 with cylinders carried in rotary cylinder blocks or cylinder-bearing members F16H0039160000 with cylinders arranged perpendicular to the main axis of the gearing F16H0039180000 the connections of the pistons being at the outer ends of the cylinders F16H0039200000 the connections of the pistons being at the inner ends of the cylinders F16H0039220000 with liquid chambers shaped as bodies of revolution concentric with the main axis of the gearing F16H0039240000 with rotary displacement members, e.g. provided with axially or radially movable vanes passing movable sealing members F16H0039260000 with liquid chambers not shaped as bodies of revolution or shaped as bodies of revolution eccentric to the main axis of the gearing F16H0039280000 with liquid chambers formed in rotary members F16H0039300000 with liquid chambers formed in stationary members F16H0039320000 with sliding vanes carried by the rotor F16H0039340000 in which a rotor on one shaft co-operates with a rotor on another shaft F16H0039360000 toothed-gear type F16H0039380000 Displacement screw-pump type F16H0039400000 Hydraulic differential gearings, e.g. having a rotary input housing with interconnected liquid chambers for both outputs F16H0039420000 pump and motor being of different types F16H0041000000 Rotary fluid gearing of the hydrokinetic type (control of exclusively fluid gearing F16H0061380000; rotary fluid couplings or clutches of the hydrokinetic type F16D0033000000) F16H0041020000 with pump and turbine connected by conduits or ducts F16H0041040000 Combined pump-turbine units F16H0041220000 Gearing systems consisting of a plurality of hydrokinetic units operating alternatively, e.g. made effective or ineffective by filling or emptying or by mechanical clutches F16H0041240000 Details F16H0041260000 Shape of runner blades or channels with respect to function F16H0041280000 with respect to manufacture, e.g. blade attachment F16H0041300000 relating to venting, lubrication, cooling, circulation of the cooling medium F16H0041320000 Selection of working fluids (chemical aspects, see the relevant classes);; F16H0043000000 Other fluid gearing, e.g. with oscillating input or output F16H0043020000 Fluid gearing actuated by pressure waves F16H0045000000 Combinations of fluid gearings for conveying rotary motion with couplings or clutches (F16H0041220000 takes precedence;conjoint control of driveline clutches and change-speed gearing in vehicles B60W0010020000, B60W0010100000) F16H0045020000 with mechanical clutches for bridging a fluid gearing of the hydrokinetic type (control of torque converter lock-up clutches F16H0061140000) F16H0047000000 Combinations of mechanical gearing with fluid clutches or fluid gearing (conjoint control of driveline clutches and change-speed gearing in vehicles B60W0010020000, B60W0010100000) F16H0047020000 the fluid gearing being of the volumetric type F16H0047040000 the mechanical gearing being of the type with members having orbital motion F16H0047060000 the fluid gearing being of the hydrokinetic type F16H0047070000 using two or more power-transmitting fluid circuits (F16H0047100000 takes precedence);; F16H0047080000 the mechanical gearing being of the type with members having orbital motion F16H0047100000 using two or more power-transmitting fluid circuits F16H0047120000 the members with orbital motion having vanes interacting with the fluid F16H0048000000 Differential gearings (cooling or lubricating of differential gearing F16H0057040000) F16H0048050000 Multiple interconnected differential sets F16H0048060000 with gears having orbital motion F16H0048080000 with orbital conical gears F16H0048100000 with orbital spur gears F16H0048110000 having intermeshing planet gears F16H0048120000 without gears having orbital motion F16H0048140000 with cams F16H0048160000 with freewheels F16H0048180000 with fluid gearing F16H0048190000 consisting of two linked clutches F16H0048200000 Arrangements for suppressing or influencing the differential action, e.g. locking devices F16H0048220000 using friction clutches or brakes F16H0048240000 using positive clutches or brakes F16H0048260000 using fluid action, e.g. viscous clutches F16H0048270000 using internally-actuatable fluid pressure, e.g. internal pump types F16H0048280000 using self-locking gears or self-braking gears F16H0048285000 with self-braking intermeshing gears having parallel axes and having worms or helical teeth  F16H0048290000 with self-braking intermeshing gears having perpendicular arranged axes and having worms or helical teeth F16H0048295000 using multiple means for force boosting F16H0048300000 using externally-actuatable means F16H0048320000 using fluid pressure actuators F16H0048340000 using electromagnetic or electric actuators F16H0048360000 characterised by intentionally generating speed difference between outputs F16H0048380000 Constructional details (the outer casing comprising the differential and supporting input and output shafts F16H0057037000) F16H0048400000 characterised by features of the rotating cases F16H0048420000 characterised by features of the input shafts, e.g. mounting of drive gears thereon F16H0049000000 Other gearing F16H0051000000 Details of gearing or mechanisms F16H0051000000 Levers of gearing mechanisms (shafts, Bowden mechanisms, cranks, eccentrics, bearings, pivotal connections, crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; manipulating levers G05G) F16H0051020000 adjustable F16H0053000000 Cams or cam-followers, e.g. rollers for gearing mechanisms (shafts, Bowden mechanisms, cranks, eccentrics, bearings, pivotal connections, crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; cams specially adapted for reciprocating-piston liquid engines F03C0001300000) F16H0053020000 Single-track cams for single-revolution cycles; Camshafts with such cams F16H0053040000 Adjustable cams F16H0053060000 Cam-followers (F16H0053080000 takes precedence);; F16H0053080000 Multi-track cams, e.g. for cycles consisting of several revolutions; Cam-followers specially adapted for such cams F16H0055000000 Elements with teeth or friction surfaces for conveying motion; Worms, pulleys or sheaves for gearing mechanisms(of screw-and-nut gearing F16H0025000000; shafts, Bowden mechanisms, cranks, eccentrics, bearings, pivotal connections, crossheads, connecting-rods F16C; chains, belts F16G; pulley-blocks for lifting or hauling appliances B66D0003040000) F16H0055020000 Toothed members; Worms F16H0055060000 Use of materials; Use of treatments of toothed members or worms to affect their intrinsic material properties F16H0055080000 Profiling F16H0055100000 Constructively simple tooth shapes, e.g. shaped as pins, as balls F16H0055120000 with body or rim assembled out of detachable parts F16H0055140000 Construction providing resilience or vibration-damping (F16H0055060000 takes precedence;resilient coupling of wheel or wheel-rim with shaft F16D0003500000, F16D0003800000) F16H0055160000 relating to teeth only F16H0055170000 Toothed wheels (worm wheels F16H0055220000; chain wheels F16H0055300000) F16H0055180000 Special devices for taking-up backlash F16H0055200000 for bevel gears F16H0055220000 for transmissions with crossing shafts, especially worms, worm-gears (bevel gears, crown wheels, helical gears F16H0055170000) F16H0055240000 Special devices for taking up backlash F16H0055260000 Racks F16H0055280000 Special devices for taking up backlash F16H0055300000 Chain wheels (specially adapted for cycles B62M) F16H0055320000 Friction members (friction surfaces F16D0069000000) F16H0055340000 Non-adjustable friction discs F16H0055360000 Pulleys (with features essential for adjustment F16H0055520000) F16H0055380000 Means or measures for increasing adhesion (in general F16D0069000000) F16H0055400000 with spokes (F16H0055480000 takes precedence);; F16H0055420000 Laminated pulleys F16H0055440000 Sheet-metal pulleys F16H0055460000 Split pulleys F16H0055480000 manufactured exclusively or in part of non-metallic material, e.g. plastics (F16H0055380000, F16H0055420000, F16H0055460000 take precedence);; F16H0055490000 Features essential to V-belt pulleys F16H0055500000 Features essential to rope pulleys F16H0055520000 Pulleys or friction discs of adjustable construction F16H0055540000 of which the bearing parts are radially adjustable F16H0055560000 of which the bearing parts are relatively axially adjustable F16H0057000000 General details of gearing (of screw-and-nut gearing F16H0025000000; of fluid gearing F16H0039000000-F16H0043000000) F16H0057010000 Monitoring wear or stress of transmission elements, e.g. for triggering maintenance F16H0057020000 Gearboxes; Mounting gearing therein F16H0057021000 Shaft support structures, e.g. partition walls, bearing eyes, casing walls or covers with bearings F16H0057022000 Adjustment of transmission shafts or bearings (for compensating misalignment of axes of toothed gearings without orbital motion F16H0001260000; for compensating misalignment of axes of planetary gears F16H0001480000) F16H0057023000 Mounting or installation of gears or shafts in gearboxes, e.g. methods or means for assembly F16H0057025000 Support of gearboxes, e.g. torque arms, or attachment to other devices (mounting of transmissions in vehicles B60K0017000000) F16H0057027000 characterised by means for venting gearboxes, e.g. air breathers F16H0057028000 characterised by means for reducing vibration or noise F16H0057029000 characterised by means for sealing gearboxes, e.g. to improve airtightness F16H0057030000 characterised by means for reinforcing gearboxes, e.g. ribs F16H0057031000 characterised by covers or lids for gearboxes F16H0057032000 characterised by the materials used F16H0057033000 Series gearboxes, e.g. gearboxes based on the same design being available in different sizes or gearboxes using a combination of several standardised units F16H0057035000 Gearboxes for transmissions with endless flexible members F16H0057037000 Gearboxes for accommodating differential gearing (rotating cases for differential gearings F16H0048400000) F16H0057038000 Gearboxes for accommodating bevel gears ( F16H0057037000 takes precedence);; F16H0057039000 Gearboxes for accommodating worm gears F16H0057040000 Features relating to lubrication or cooling (control of lubrication or cooling in hydrostatic gearing F16H0061416500) F16H0057050000 of chains (for conveyers B65G0045080000) F16H0057080000 of gearings with members having orbital motion F16H0057100000 Braking arrangements F16H0057120000 Arrangements for adjusting or for taking-up backlash not provided for elsewhere F16H0059000000 Control of gearing conveying rotary motion F16H0059000000 Control inputs to change-speed- or reversing-gearings for conveying rotary motion F16H0059020000 Selector apparatus F16H0059040000 Ratio selector apparatus F16H0059060000 the ratio being infinitely variable F16H0059080000 Range selector apparatus F16H0059100000 comprising levers F16H0059120000 comprising push button devices F16H0059140000 Inputs being a function of torque or torque demand F16H0059160000 Dynamometric measurement of torque F16H0059180000 dependent on the position of the accelerator pedal F16H0059200000 Kickdown F16H0059220000 Idle position F16H0059240000 dependent on the throttle opening F16H0059260000 dependent on pressure F16H0059280000 Gasifier pressure in gas turbines F16H0059300000 Intake manifold vacuum F16H0059320000 Supercharger pressure in internal combustion engines F16H0059340000 dependent on fuel feed F16H0059360000 Inputs being a function of speed F16H0059380000 of gearing elements F16H0059400000 Output shaft speed F16H0059420000 Input shaft speed F16H0059440000 dependent on machine speed (F16H0059460000 takes precedence);; F16H0059460000 dependent on a comparison between speeds F16H0059480000 Inputs being a function of acceleration F16H0059500000 Inputs being a function of the status of the machine, e.g. position of doors or safety belts F16H0059520000 dependent on the weight of the machine, e.g. change in weight resulting from passengers boarding a bus F16H0059540000 dependent on signals from the brakes, e.g. parking brakes F16H0059560000 dependent on signals from the main clutch F16H0059580000 dependent on signals from the steering F16H0059600000 Inputs being a function of ambient conditions F16H0059620000 Atmospheric pressure F16H0059640000 Atmospheric temperature F16H0059660000 Road conditions, e.g. slope, slippery F16H0059680000 Inputs being a function of gearing status F16H0059700000 dependent on the ratio established F16H0059720000 dependent on oil characteristics, e.g. temperature, viscosity F16H0059740000 Inputs being a function of engine parameters (F16H0059140000 takes precedence);; F16H0059760000 Number of cylinders operating F16H0059780000 Temperature F16H0061000000 Control functions within change-speed- or reversing-gearings for conveying rotary motion F16H0061020000 characterised by the signals used F16H0061040000 Smoothing ratio shift F16H0061060000 by controlling rate of change of fluid pressure F16H0061080000 Timing control F16H0061100000 Regulating shift hysteresis F16H0061120000 Detecting malfunction or potential malfunction, e.g. fail safe (in control of hydrostatic gearing F16H0061419200) F16H0061140000 Control of torque converter lock-up clutches F16H0061160000 Inhibiting shift during unfavourable conditions (F16H0061180000 takes precedence);; F16H0061180000 Preventing unintentional or unsafe shift (constructional features of the final output mechanisms F16H0063300000) F16H0061200000 Preventing gear creeping F16H0061210000 Providing engine brake control F16H0061220000 Locking (F16H0063340000 takes precedence);; F16H0061240000 Providing feel, e.g. to enable selection F16H0061260000 Generation or transmission of movements for final actuating mechanisms F16H0061280000 with at least one movement of the final actuating mechanism being caused by a non-mechanical force, e.g. power-assisted F16H0061300000 Hydraulic motors therefor F16H0061320000 Electric motors therefor F16H0061340000 comprising two mechanisms, one for the preselection movement, and one for the shifting movement (F16H0061360000 takes precedence);; F16H0061360000 with at least one movement being transmitted by a cable F16H0061380000 Control of exclusively fluid gearing F16H0061400000 hydrostatic (involving modification of the gearing F16H0039020000, F16H0039040000) F16H0061400800 Control of circuit pressure F16H0061401700 Control of high pressure, e.g. avoiding excess pressure by a relief valve F16H0061402600 Control of low pressure F16H0061403500 Control of circuit flow F16H0061404300 Control of a bypass valve F16H0061405200 by using a variable restriction, e.g. an orifice valve F16H0061406100 Control related to directional control valves, e.g. change-over valves, for crossing the feeding conduits (forward reverse switching by using swash plate F16H0061438000) F16H0061406900 Valves related to the control of neutral, e.g. shut off valves (zero tilt rotation holding means F16H0061439000) F16H0061407800 Fluid exchange between hydrostatic circuits and external sources or consumers F16H0061409600 with pressure accumulators F16H0061410400 Flushing, e.g. by using flushing valves or by connection to exhaust F16H0061413100 Fluid exchange by aspiration from reservoirs, e.g. sump F16H0061413900 Replenishing or scavenging pumps, e.g. auxiliary charge pumps F16H0061414800 Open loop circuits F16H0061415700 Control of braking, e.g. preventing pump over-speeding when motor acts as a pump F16H0061416500 Control of cooling or lubricating F16H0061417400 Control of venting, e.g. removing trapped air F16H0061418300 Preventing or reducing vibrations or noise, e.g. avoiding cavitations F16H0061419200 Detecting malfunction or potential malfunction, e.g. fail safe F16H0061420000 involving adjustment of a pump or motor with adjustable output or capacity F16H0061421000 Motor capacity control by electro-hydraulic control means, e.g. using solenoid valves F16H0061423000 Motor capacity control by fluid pressure control means F16H0061425000 Motor capacity control by electric actuators F16H0061427000 Motor capacity control by mechanical control means, e.g. by levers or pedals F16H0061431000 Pump capacity control by electro-hydraulic control means, e.g. using solenoid valve F16H0061433000 Pump capacity control by fluid pressure control means F16H0061435000 Pump capacity control by electric actuators F16H0061437000 Pump capacity control by mechanical control means, e.g. by levers or pedals F16H0061438000 Control of forward-reverse switching, e.g. control of the swash plate causing discharge in two directions (using a directional control valve F16H0061406100) F16H0061439000 Control of the neutral position, e.g. by zero tilt rotation holding means (using a neutral valve or a shutoff valve F16H0061406900) F16H0061440000 with more than one pump or motor unit in operation F16H0061444000 by changing the number of pump or motor units in operation F16H0061448000 Control circuits for tandem pumps or motors F16H0061452000 Selectively controlling multiple pumps or motors, e.g. switching between series or parallel F16H0061456000 Control of the balance of torque or speed between pumps or motors (hydrostatic differentials F16H0048180000) F16H0061460000 Automatic regulation in accordance with output requirements F16H0061462000 for achieving a target speed ratio F16H0061465000 for achieving a target input speed F16H0061468000 for achieving a target input torque F16H0061470000 for achieving a target output speed F16H0061472000 for achieving a target output torque F16H0061475000 for achieving a target power, e.g. input power or output power F16H0061478000 for preventing overload, e.g. high pressure limitation F16H0061480000 hydrodynamic F16H0061500000 controlled by changing the flow, force, or reaction of the liquid in the working circuit, while maintaining a completely filled working circuit F16H0061520000 by altering the position of blades F16H0061540000 by means of axially-shiftable blade runners F16H0061560000 to change the blade angle F16H0061580000 by change of the mechanical connection of, or between, the runners F16H0061600000 exclusively by the use of freewheel clutches F16H0061620000 involving use of a speed-changing gearing or of a clutch in the connection between runners (F16H0045020000, F16H0061600000 take precedence);; F16H0061640000 controlled by changing the amount of liquid in the working circuit F16H0061660000 specially adapted for continuously variable gearings (F16H0061380000 takes precedence;orbital toothed gearings with a secondary drive in order to vary the speed continuously F16H0003720000) F16H0061662000 with endless flexible members F16H0061664000 Friction gearings F16H0061680000 specially adapted for stepped gearings F16H0061682000 with interruption of drive F16H0061684000 without interruption of drive F16H0061686000 with orbital gears F16H0061688000 with two inputs, e.g. selection of one of two torque-flow paths by clutches F16H0061700000 specially adapted for change-speed gearing in group arrangement, i.e. with separate change-speed gear trains arranged in series, e.g. range or overdrive-type gearing arrangements F16H0063000000 Control outputs to change-speed- or reversing-gearings for conveying rotary motion F16H0063020000 Final output mechanisms therefor; Actuating means for the final output mechanisms F16H0063040000 a single final output mechanism being moved by a single final actuating mechanism F16H0063060000 the final output mechanism having an indefinite number of positions F16H0063080000 Multiple final output mechanisms being moved by a single common final actuating mechanism F16H0063100000 the final actuating mechanism having a series of independent ways of movement, each way of movement being associated with only one final output mechanism F16H0063120000 two or more ways of movement occurring simultaneously F16H0063140000 the final output mechanisms being successively actuated by repeated movement of the final actuating mechanism F16H0063160000 the final output mechanisms being successively actuated by progressive movement of the final actuating mechanism F16H0063180000 the final actuating mechanism comprising cams F16H0063200000 with preselection and subsequent movement of each final output mechanism by movement of the final actuating mechanism in two different ways, e.g. guided by a shift gate F16H0063220000 the final output mechanisms being simultaneously moved by the final actuating mechanism F16H0063240000 each of the final output mechanisms being moved by only one of the various final actuating mechanisms F16H0063260000 some of the movements of the final output mechanisms being caused by another final output mechanism F16H0063280000 two or more final actuating mechanisms moving the same final output mechanism F16H0063300000 Constructional features of the final output mechanisms F16H0063320000 Gear shifter yokes F16H0063340000 Locking or disabling mechanisms F16H0063360000 Interlocking devices F16H0063380000 Detents F16H0063400000 comprising signals other than signals for actuating the final output mechanisms F16H0063420000 Ratio indicator devices F16H0063440000 Signals to the control unit of auxiliary gearing F16H0063460000 Signals to a clutch outside the gearbox F16H0063480000 Signals to a parking brake F16H0063500000 Signals to an engine or motor F16J PISTONS; CYLINDERS; PRESSURE VESSELS IN GENERAL; SEALINGS F16J0001000000 Pistons; Trunk pistons; Plungers (bellows pistons F16J0003060000; piston-rings or seats therefor F16J0009000000; rotary pistons, e.g. for "Wankel" type engines, F01C; specific for combustion engines, i.e. constructed to withstand high temperature or modified for guiding, igniting, vaporising, or otherwise treating the charge, F02F; pistons specially adapted for reciprocating-piston liquid engines F03C0001280000; for pumps F04B; floats F16K0033000000) F16J0001010000 characterised by the use of particular materials (F16J0001020000 takes precedence);; F16J0001020000 Bearing surfaces F16J0001040000 Resilient guiding parts, e.g. skirts, particularly for trunk pistons F16J0001060000 with separate expansion members; Espansion members F16J0001080000 Constructional features providing for lubrication F16J0001090000 with means for guiding fluids (F16J0001080000 takes precedence);; F16J0001100000 Connection to driving members F16J0001120000 with piston-rods, i.e. rigid connections F16J0001140000 with connecting-rods, i.e. pivotal connections F16J0001160000 with gudgeon-pin; Gudgeon-pins F16J0001180000 Securing of gudgeon-pins F16J0001200000 with rolling contact, other than in ball or roller bearings F16J0001220000 with universal joint, e.g. ball-joint F16J0001240000 designed to give the piston some rotary movement about its axis F16J0003000000 Diaphragms; Bellows; Bellows pistons (connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000; bellows or the like used in instruments G12B0001040000; diaphragms for electromechanical transducers H04R0007000000) F16J0003020000 Diaphragms F16J0003040000 Bellows F16J0003060000 Bellows pistons F16J0007000000 Piston-rods, i.e. rods rigidly connected to the piston (connecting-rods or like links pivoted at both ends F16C0007000000) F16J0009000000 Piston-rings, seats therefor; Ring sealings of similar construction in general (other sealings between pistons and cylinders F16J0003060000, F16J0015160000; tools for mounting or removing piston-rings or the like B25B; piston sealing arrangements on brake master cylinders B60T0011236000) F16J0009020000 L-section rings F16J0009040000 Helical rings F16J0009060000 using separate springs expanding the rings; Springs therefor F16J0009080000 with expansion obtained by pressure of the medium F16J0009100000 Special members for adjusting the rings F16J0009120000 Details F16J0009140000 Joint-closures F16J0009160000 obtained by stacking of rings F16J0009180000 with separate bridge-elements F16J0009200000 Rings with special cross-section (L-section rings F16J0009020000); Oil-scraping rings F16J0009220000 Rings for preventing wear of grooves or like seatings F16J0009240000 Members preventing rotation of rings in grooves F16J0009260000 characterised by the use of particular materials F16J0009280000 of non-metals F16J0010000000 Engine or like cylinders (pressure vessels in general F16J0012000000; cylinders for engines or other apparatus of particular kinds, see the appropriate subclasses, e.g. for combustion engines F02F); Features of hollow, e.g. cylindrical, bodies in general F16J0010020000 Cylinders designed to receive moving pistons or plungers F16J0010040000 Running faces; Liners F16J0012000000 Pressure vessels in general (covers therefor F16J0013000000; for particular applications, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. B01J, F17C, G21C) F16J0013000000 Covers or similar closure members for pressure vessels in general (for engine or like cylinders F16J0010000000; sealings F16J0015020000; covers for box-like containers B65D0043000000; devices for securing or retaining closure members B65D0045000000; closures for containers not otherwise provided for B65D0051000000; manholes, covers for large containers B65D0090100000; gates or closures for large containers B65D0090540000; for vessels for containing or storing compressed, liquefied or solidified gases F17C0013060000; steam boilers F22B) F16J0013020000 Detachable closure members; Means for tightening closures (F16J0013160000, F16J0013220000 take precedence);; F16J0013040000 attached with a bridge member F16J0013060000 attached only by clamps along the circumference F16J0013080000 attached by one or more members actuated to project behind a part or parts of the frame (similar constructions for doors or windows E05C0009000000) F16J0013100000 attached by means of a divided ring F16J0013120000 attached by wedging action by means of screw-thread, interrupted screw-thread, bayonet closure, or the like F16J0013140000 attached exclusively by spring action or elastic action F16J0013160000 Pivoted closures (F16J0013220000 takes precedence);; F16J0013180000 pivoted directly on the frame F16J0013200000 mounted by mobile fastening on swinging arms F16J0013220000 with movement parallel to the plane of the opening F16J0013240000 with safety devices, e.g. to prevent opening prior to pressure release F16J0015000000 Sealings (sealing arrangements for vehicle windows, windscreens, non-fixed roofs, doors, or similar devices B60J0010000000; sealing or packing elements for container closures B65D0053000000; sealing arrangements in rotary-piston machines or engines F01C0019000000; sealings in non-positive-displacement machines or engines F01D0011000000; arrangements of sealings in combustion engines F02F0011000000; sealing arrangements in rotary-piston pumps F04C0027000000; sealing lead-in or lead-through insulators H01B0017300000) F16J0015020000 between relatively-stationary surfaces (F16J0015460000, F16J0015480000 take precedence);; F16J0015040000 without packing between the surfaces, e.g. with ground surfaces, with cutting edge F16J0015060000 with solid packing compressed between sealing surfaces F16J0015080000 with exclusively metal packing F16J0015100000 with non-metallic packing F16J0015120000 with metal reinforcement or covering F16J0015140000 by means of granular or plastic material, or fluid F16J0015160000 between relatively-moving surfaces (F16J0015500000, F16J0015520000 take precedence;bellows pistons F16J0003060000; piston-rings or ring sealings of similar construction in general F16J0009000000; spindle sealings for valves F16K0041000000) F16J0015180000 with stuffing-boxes for elastic or plastic packings F16J0015200000 Packing materials therefor F16J0015220000 shaped as strands, ropes, threads, ribbons, or the like F16J0015240000 with radially or tangentially compressed packing F16J0015260000 with stuffing-boxes for rigid sealing rings F16J0015280000 with sealing rings made of metal F16J0015300000 with sealing rings made of carbon F16J0015320000 with elastic sealing lip F16J0015340000 with slip-ring pressed against a more or less radial face on one member F16J0015360000 connected by a diaphragm to the other member F16J0015380000 sealed by a packing F16J0015400000 by means of fluid F16J0015420000 kept in sealing position by centrifugal force F16J0015430000 kept in sealing position by magnetic force F16J0015440000 Free-space packings F16J0015447000 Labyrinth packings F16J0015453000 characterised by the use of particular materials F16J0015460000 with packing ring expanded or pressed into place by fluid pressure, e.g. inflatable packings (connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000; specially adapted for tube connections F16L) F16J0015480000 influenced by the pressure within the member to be sealed F16J0015500000 between relatively-movable members, by means of a sealing without relatively-moving surfaces, e.g. fluid-tight sealings for transmitting motion through a wall F16J0015520000 by means of sealing bellows or diaphragms (connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000) F16J0015530000 using magnetic means F16J0015540000 Other sealings for rotating shafts F16J0015560000 Other sealings for reciprocating rods F16K VALVES; TAPS; COCKS; ACTUATING-FLOATS; DEVICES FOR VENTING OR AERATING F16K0001000000 Constructional types F16K0001000000 Lift valves, i.e. cut-off apparatus with closure members having at least a component of their opening and closing motion perpendicular to the closing faces (diaphragm valves F16K0007000000) F16K0001020000 with screw-spindle (F16K0001120000-F16K0001280000; take precedence;actuating mechanisms with screw-spindles F16K0031500000) F16K0001040000 with a cut-off member rigid with the spindle, e.g. main valves F16K0001060000 Special arrangements for improving the flow, e.g. special shape of passages or casings F16K0001080000 in which the spindle is perpendicular to the general direction of flow F16K0001100000 in which the spindle is inclined to the general direction of flow F16K0001120000 with streamlined valve member around which the fluid flows when the valve is opened F16K0001140000 with ball-shaped valve members (check valves F16K0015040000) F16K0001160000 with pivoted closure members F16K0001180000 with pivoted discs or flaps F16K0001200000 with axis of rotation arranged externally of valve member F16K0001220000 with axis of rotation crossing the valve member, e.g. butterfly valves F16K0001226000 Shape or arrangement of the sealing F16K0001228000 Movable sealing bodies F16K0001240000 with valve members that, on opening of the valve, are initially lifted from the seat and next are turned around an axis parallel to the seat F16K0001260000 Shape or arrangement of the sealing F16K0001280000 Movable sealing bodies F16K0001300000 specially adapted for pressure containers F16K0001320000 Details (details of more general applicability F16K0025000000-F16K0051000000) F16K0001340000 Cutting-off parts (F16K0001060000, F16K0001120000, F16K0001140000, F16K0001260000 take precedence);; F16K0001360000 Valve members (for double-seat valves F16K0001440000) F16K0001380000 of conical shape F16K0001400000 of helical shape F16K0001420000 Valve seats (for double-seat valves F16K0001440000) F16K0001440000 Details of seats or valve members of double-seat valves F16K0001460000 Attachment of sealing rings F16K0001480000 Attaching valve members to valve-spindles F16K0001500000 Preventing rotation of valve members F16K0001520000 Means for additional adjustment of the rate of flow F16K0001540000 Arrangements for modifying the way in which the rate of flow varies during the actuation of the valve F16K0003000000 Gate valves or sliding valves, i.e. cut-off apparatus with closing members having a sliding movement along the seat for opening and closing (F16K0005000000 takes precedence;in barrages or weirs E02B0008040000) F16K0003020000 with flat sealing faces; Packings therefor F16K0003030000 with a closure member in the form of an iris-diaphragm F16K0003040000 with pivoted closure members F16K0003060000 in the form of closure plates arranged between supply and discharge passages (F16K0003100000 takes precedence);; F16K0003080000 with circular closure plates rotatable around their centres F16K0003100000 with special arrangements for separating the sealing faces or for pressing them together F16K0003120000 with wedge-shaped arrangements of sealing faces F16K0003140000 with special arrangements for separating the sealing faces or for pressing them together F16K0003160000 with special arrangements for separating the sealing faces or for pressing them together (F16K0003100000, F16K0003140000 take precedence);; F16K0003180000 by movement of the closure members F16K0003200000 by movement of the seats F16K0003220000 with sealing faces shaped as surfaces of solids of revolution (F16K0013020000 takes precedence;with resilient valve members F16K0003280000) F16K0003240000 with cylindrical valve members F16K0003260000 with fluid passages in the valve member F16K0003280000 with resilient valve members F16K0003300000 Details F16K0003312000 Line blinds F16K0003314000 Forms or constructions of slides; Attachment of the slide to the spindle F16K0003316000 Guiding of the slide F16K0003320000 Means for additional adjustment of the rate of flow F16K0003340000 Arrangements for modifying the way in which the rate of flow varies during the actuation of the valve F16K0003360000 Features relating to lubrication F16K0005000000 Taps or cocks comprising only cut-off apparatus having at least one of the sealing faces shaped as a more or less complete surface of a solid of revolution, the opening and closing movement being predominantly rotary (taps of the lift-valve type F16K0001000000) F16K0005020000 with plugs having conical surfaces; Packings therefor F16K0005040000 with plugs having cylindrical surfaces; Packings therefor F16K0005060000 with plugs having spherical surfaces; Packings therefor F16K0005080000 Details F16K0005100000 Means for additional adjustment of the rate of flow F16K0005120000 Arrangements for modifying the way in which the rate of flow varies during the actuation of the valve F16K0005140000 Special arrangements for separating the sealing faces or for pressing them together F16K0005160000 for plugs with conical surfaces F16K0005180000 for plugs with cylindrical surfaces F16K0005200000 for plugs with spherical surfaces F16K0005220000 Features relating to lubrication F16K0007000000 Diaphragm cut-off apparatus, e.g. with a member deformed, but not moved bodily, to close the passage (container gates or closures operating by deformation of flexible walls B65D0090560000; means for plugging pipes or hoses F16L0055100000) F16K0007020000 with tubular diaphragm F16K0007040000 constrictable by external radial force F16K0007060000 by means of a screw-spindle, cam, or other mechanical means F16K0007070000 by means of fluid pressure F16K0007080000 constrictable by twisting F16K0007100000 with inflatable member F16K0007120000 with flat, dished, or bowl-shaped diaphragm F16K0007140000 arranged to be deformed against a flat seat F16K0007160000 the diaphragm being mechanically actuated, e.g. by screw-spindle or cam F16K0007170000 the diaphragm being actuated by fluid pressure F16K0007180000 with diaphragm secured at one side only, e.g. to be laid on the seat by rolling action F16K0007200000 with a compressible solid closure member F16K0011000000 Multiple-way valves, e.g. mixing valves; Pipe fittings incorporating such valves; Arrangement of valves and flow lines specially adapted for mixing fluid F16K0011020000 with all movable sealing faces moving as one unit F16K0011040000 comprising only lift valves F16K0011044000 with movable valve members positioned between valve seats F16K0011048000 with valve seats positioned between movable valve members F16K0011052000 with pivoted closure members, e.g. butterfly valves F16K0011056000 with ball-shaped valve members F16K0011060000 comprising only sliding valves F16K0011065000 with linearly sliding closure members F16K0011070000 with cylindrical slides F16K0011072000 with pivoted closure members F16K0011074000 with flat sealing faces F16K0011076000 with sealing faces shaped as surfaces of solids of revolution F16K0011078000 with pivoted and linearly movable closure members F16K0011080000 comprising only taps or cocks F16K0011083000 with tapered plug F16K0011085000 with cylindrical plug F16K0011087000 with spherical plug F16K0011100000 with two or more closure members not moving as a unit F16K0011120000 with one plug turning in another F16K0011140000 operated by one actuating member, e.g. a handle (with one plug turning in another F16K0011120000) F16K0011160000 which only slides, or only turns, or only swings in one plane F16K0011180000 with separate operating movements for separate closure members F16K0011200000 operated by separate actuating members (with one plug turning in another F16K0011120000) F16K0011220000 with an actuating member for each valve, e.g. interconnected to form multiple-way valves F16K0011240000 with an electromagnetically-operated valve, e.g. for washing machines F16K0013000000 Other constructional types of cut-off apparatus (means for plugging pipes or hoses F16L0055100000); Arrangements for cutting-off F16K0013020000 with both sealing faces shaped as small segments of a cylinder and the moving member pivotally mounted F16K0013080000 Arrangements for cutting-off F16K0013100000 by means of liquid or granular medium F16K0015000000 Functional types F16K0015000000 Check valves (valves specially adapted for inflatable balls A63B0041000000) F16K0015020000 with guided rigid valve members F16K0015030000 with a hinged closure member F16K0015040000 shaped as balls F16K0015060000 with guided stems F16K0015080000 shaped as rings F16K0015100000 integral with, or rigidly fixed to, a common valve plate F16K0015120000 Springs for ring valves F16K0015140000 with flexible valve members F16K0015160000 with tongue-shaped laminae F16K0015180000 with actuating mechanism; Combined check valves and actuated valves F16K0015200000 specially designed for inflatable bodies, e.g. tyres (connecting valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000) F16K0017000000 Safety valves; Equalising valves (pressure relief devices for aerosol containers B65D0083700000) F16K0017020000 opening on surplus pressure on one side; closing on insufficient pressure on one side (check valves F16K0015000000) F16K0017040000 spring-loaded F16K0017060000 with special arrangements for adjusting the opening pressure F16K0017080000 with special arrangements for providing a large discharge passage F16K0017100000 with auxiliary valve for fluid operation of the main valve F16K0017120000 weight-loaded F16K0017140000 with fracturing member F16K0017160000 with fracturing diaphragm F16K0017164000 and remaining closed after return of the normal pressure F16K0017168000 combined with manually-controlled valves, e.g. a valve combined with a safety valve F16K0017180000 opening on surplus pressure on either side F16K0017190000 Equalising valves predominantly for tanks F16K0017192000 with closure member in the form of a movable liquid column F16K0017194000 weight-loaded F16K0017196000 spring-loaded F16K0017200000 Excess-flow valves (actuated in consequence of shock or similar extraneous influence F16K0017360000) F16K0017220000 actuated by the difference of pressure between two places in the flow line F16K0017240000 acting directly on the cutting-off member F16K0017260000 operating in either direction F16K0017280000 operating in one direction only F16K0017300000 spring-loaded F16K0017320000 acting on a servo-mechanism or on a catch-releasing mechanism F16K0017340000 in which the flow-energy of the flowing medium actuates the closing mechanism F16K0017360000 actuated in consequence of extraneous circumstances, e.g. shock, change of position F16K0017380000 of excessive temperature F16K0017400000 with fracturing member, e.g. fracturing diaphragm, fusible joint (valves with fracturing member opening on surplus pressure on one side F16K0017140000) F16K0017420000 Valves preventing penetration of air in the outlet of containers for liquids F16K0021000000 Fluid-delivery valves (specially adapted for aerosol containers B65D0083440000; for liquid handling B67D; for flushing devices for water-closets or the like E03D) F16K0021020000 providing a continuous small flow F16K0021040000 Self-closing valves, i.e. closing automatically after operation F16K0021060000 in which the closing movement, either retarded or not, starts immediately after opening F16K0021080000 with ball-shaped closing members F16K0021100000 with hydraulic brake cylinder acting on the closure member F16K0021120000 with hydraulically-operated opening means; with arrangements for pressure relief before opening F16K0021140000 with special means for preventing the self-closing F16K0021160000 closing after a predetermined quantity of fluid has been delivered (F16K0021100000 takes precedence);; F16K0021180000 closed when a rising liquid reaches a predetermined level (float-actuated valves F16K0031180000) F16K0021200000 by means making use of air-suction through an opening closed by the rising liquid F16K0023000000 Valves for preventing drip from nozzles F16K0024000000 Devices, e.g. valves, for venting or aerating enclosures (equalising valves F16K0017000000; arrangement or mounting in pipes or pipe systems F16L0055070000; venting or aerating as an additional function of steam traps or like apparatus F16T; ventilation of rooms, vehicles, see the appropriate subclass, e.g. F24F) F16K0024020000 the enclosure being itself a valve, tap, or cock F16K0024040000 for venting only (F16K0024020000 takes precedence);; F16K0024060000 for aerating only (F16K0024020000 takes precedence);; F16K0025000000 Details F16K0025000000 Details relating to contact between valve members and seats (movement of valve members other than for opening and closing F16K0029000000; sealing constructions, see the appropriate groups according to the type of valve); F16K0025020000 Arrangements using fluid issuing from valve members or seats F16K0025040000 Arrangements for preventing erosion, not otherwise provided for F16K0027000000 Construction of housings (methods for welding housings B23K); Use of materials therefor F16K0027020000 of lift valves (for reducing the flow resistance of screw-spindle lift-valves F16K0001060000) F16K0027040000 of sliding valves F16K0027060000 of taps or cocks F16K0027070000 of cutting-off parts of tanks, e.g. tank-cars F16K0027080000 Guiding yokes for spindles; Means for closing housings; Dust caps, e.g. for tyre valves F16K0027100000 Welded housings F16K0027120000 Covers for housings F16K0029000000 Arrangements for movement of valve members other than for opening or closing the valve, e.g. for grinding-in, for preventing sticking F16K0029020000 providing for continuous motion F16K0031000000 Operating means; Releasing devices F16K0031020000 electric; magnetic F16K0031040000 using a motor F16K0031050000 specially adapted for operating hand-operated valves or for combined motor and hand operation F16K0031060000 using a magnet F16K0031080000 using a permanent magnet F16K0031100000 with additional mechanism between armature and closure member F16K0031110000 with additional hand operating means F16K0031120000 actuated by fluid (fluid-actuated check valves F16K0015000000; fluid-actuated safety valves F16K0017000000) F16K0031122000 the fluid acting on a piston (F16K0031143000, F16K0031163000, F16K0031363000, F16K0031383000 take precedence);; F16K0031124000 servo actuated F16K0031126000 the fluid acting on a diaphragm, bellows, or the like (F16K0031145000, F16K0031165000, F16K0031365000, F16K0031385000 take precedence);; F16K0031128000 servo actuated F16K0031140000 for mounting on, or in combination with, hand-actuated valves F16K0031143000 the fluid acting on a piston F16K0031145000 the fluid acting on a diaphragm F16K0031160000 with a mechanism, other than pulling- or pushing-rod, between fluid motor and closure member (with float F16K0031180000) F16K0031163000 the fluid acting on a piston F16K0031165000 the fluid acting on a diaphragm F16K0031180000 actuated by a float (floats F16K0033000000; float-actuated valves in steam-traps F16T0001200000, in boilers F22D0005080000) F16K0031200000 actuating a lift valve F16K0031220000 with the float rigidly connected to the valve F16K0031240000 with a transmission with parts linked together from a single float to a single valve F16K0031260000 with the valve guided for rectilinear movement and the float attached to a pivoted arm F16K0031280000 with two or more floats actuating one valve F16K0031300000 actuating a gate valve or sliding valve F16K0031320000 actuating a tap or cock F16K0031340000 acting on pilot valve controlling the cut-off apparatus F16K0031360000 in which fluid from the conduit is constantly supplied to the fluid motor F16K0031363000 the fluid acting on a piston (F16K0031380000 takes precedence);; F16K0031365000 the fluid acting on a diaphragm F16K0031380000 in which the fluid works directly on both sides of the fluid motor, one side being connected by means of a restricted passage and the motor being actuated by operating a discharge from that side (F16K0031400000 takes precedence);; F16K0031383000 the fluid acting on a piston F16K0031385000 the fluid acting on a diaphragm F16K0031400000 with electrically-actuated member in the discharge of the motor F16K0031420000 by means of electrically-actuated members in the supply or discharge conduits of the fluid motor (F16K0031400000 takes precedence);; F16K0031440000 Mechanical actuating means F16K0031460000 for remote operation F16K0031480000 actuated by mechanical timing-device, e.g. with dash-pot (self-closing valves F16K0021160000) F16K0031500000 with screw-spindle F16K0031520000 with crank, eccentric, or cam F16K0031524000 with a cam F16K0031528000 with pin and slot F16K0031530000 with toothed gearing F16K0031540000 with pinion and rack F16K0031560000 without stable intermediate position, e.g. with snap action F16K0031580000 comprising a movable discharge-nozzle F16K0031600000 Handles F16K0031620000 Pedals or like operating members, e.g. actuated by knee or hip F16K0031640000 responsive to temperature variation (dependant on excessive temperature F16K0017380000; control of fire-fighting equipment A62C0037000000; devices for preventing bursting of water pipes by freezing E03B0007100000) F16K0031660000 electrically or magnetically actuated, e.g. by magnets with variable magnetic characteristics F16K0031680000 actuated by fluid pressure or volumetric variation in a confined chamber F16K0031700000 mechanically actuated, e.g. by a bimetallic strip F16K0031720000 Operating means or releasing devices specifically adapted to enhance the speed of valve response F16K0033000000 Floats for actuation of valves or other apparatus F16K0035000000 Means to prevent accidental or unauthorised actuation F16K0035020000 to be locked or disconnected by means of a push or pull F16K0035040000 yieldingly resisting the actuation F16K0035060000 using a removable actuating or locking member, e.g. a key (F16K0035100000, F16K0035120000 take precedence);; F16K0035080000 requiring setting according to a code, e.g. permutation locks F16K0035100000 with locking caps or locking bars F16K0035120000 with sealing wire F16K0035140000 interlocking two or more valves F16K0035160000 with locking member actuated by magnet F16K0037000000 Special means in or on valves or other cut-off apparatus for indicating or recording operation thereof, or for enabling an alarm to be given F16K0039000000 Devices for relieving the pressure on the sealing faces F16K0039020000 for lift valves F16K0039040000 for sliding valves F16K0039060000 for taps or cocks F16K0041000000 Spindle sealings F16K0041020000 with stuffing-box F16K0041040000 with at least one ring of rubber or like material between spindle and housing F16K0041060000 with at least one ring attached to both spindle and housing F16K0041080000 with at least one ring provided with axially-protruding peripheral closing-lip F16K0041100000 with diaphragm, e.g. shaped as bellows or tube F16K0041120000 with approximately flat diaphragm F16K0041140000 with conical flange on the spindle which co-operates with a conical surface in the housing F16K0041160000 with a flange on the spindle which rests on a sealing ring F16K0041180000 sealing only when the closure member is in the opened position F16K0043000000 Auxiliary closure means in valves, which in case of repair, e.g. rewashering, of the valve, can take over the function of the normal closure means; Devices for temporary replacement of parts of valves for the same purpose F16K0047000000 Means in valves for absorbing fluid energy (for pipes F16L0055000000) F16K0047020000 for preventing water-hammer or noise F16K0047040000 for decreasing pressure, the throttle being incorporated in the closure member F16K0047060000 with a throttle in the form of a helical channel F16K0047080000 for decreasing pressure and having a throttling member separate from the closure member F16K0047100000 in which the medium in one direction must flow through the throttling channel, and in the other direction may flow through a much wider channel parallel to the throttling channel F16K0047120000 the throttling channel being of helical form F16K0047140000 the throttling member being a perforated membrane F16K0047160000 the throttling member being a cone F16K0049000000 Means in or on valves for heating or cooling (for pipes F16L0053000000; thermal insulation in connection with pipes or pipe systems F16L0059160000) F16K0051000000 Other details not peculiar to particular types of valves or cut-off apparatus F16K0051020000 specially adapted for high-vacuum installations F16K0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F16L PIPES; JOINTS OR FITTINGS FOR PIPES; SUPPORTS FOR PIPES, CABLES OR PROTECTIVE TUBING; MEANS FOR THERMAL INSULATION IN GENERAL F16L0001000000 Laying or reclaiming pipes; Repairing or joining pipes on or under water (soldering or welding B23K; lifting-gear and load-engaging elements B66; hydraulic installations, soil drainage E02B; excavations or underwater constructions E02D; machines for digging trenches in combination with pipe-assembly E02F; laying sewer pipes E03F0003060000; in earth boreholes or wells E21B; tunnelling E21D; laying electric, or combined optical and electric, cables H02G; making special pipe joints, see the relevant groups for the joints); F16L0001024000 Laying or reclaiming pipes on land, e.g. above the ground (F16L0001120000 takes precedence);; F16L0001026000 in or on a frozen surface F16L0001028000 in the ground (F16L0001026000 takes precedence);; F16L0001032000 the pipes being continuous (F16L0001038000 takes precedence);; F16L0001036000 the pipes being composed of sections of short length (F16L0001038000 takes precedence);; F16L0001038000 the pipes being made ; in situ F16L0001060000 Accessories therefor, e.g. anchors F16L0001090000 for bringing two tubular members closer to each other F16L0001100000 for aligning F16L0001110000 for the detection or protection of pipes in the ground F16L0001120000 Laying or reclaiming pipes on or under water (buoyant hoses F16L0011133000) F16L0001140000 between the surface and the bottom F16L0001150000 vertically F16L0001160000 on the bottom F16L0001180000 the pipes being S- or J-shaped and under tension during laying F16L0001190000 the pipes being J-shaped F16L0001200000 Accessories therefor, e.g. floats, weights (buoys B63B0022000000) F16L0001225000 Stingers F16L0001230000 Pipe tensioning apparatus F16L0001235000 Apparatus for controlling the pipe during laying F16L0001240000 Floats; Weights F16L0001260000 Repairing or joining pipes on or under water (buoyant hoses F16L0011133000; joints per seF16L0013000000-F16L0049000000) F16L0003000000 Supports for pipes, cables or protective tubing, e.g. hangers, holders, clamps, cleats, clips, brackets (anchors for holding pipes on or under the ground F16L0001060000; noise absorbers in the form of specially adapted hangers or supports F16L0055035000; arrangements specially adapted for supporting insulated bodies F16L0059120000) F16L0003010000 for supporting or guiding the pipes, cables or protective tubing, between relatively movable points, e.g. movable channels (hauling- or hoisting-chains with arrangements for holding electric cables, hoses or the like F16G0013160000) F16L0003015000 using articulated- or supple-guiding elements (arrangements for cranes of means for transmitting pneumatic, hydraulic or electric power to movable parts or devices B66C0013120000) F16L0003020000 partly surrounding the pipes, cables or protective tubing (bands or chains F16L0003140000) F16L0003040000 and pressing it against a wall or other support F16L0003060000 with supports for wires F16L0003080000 substantially surrounding the pipe, cable or protective tubing F16L0003100000 divided, i.e. with two members engaging the pipe, cable or protective tubing F16L0003110000 and hanging from a pendant (F16L0003140000 takes precedence);; F16L0003120000 comprising a member substantially surrounding the pipe, cable or protective tubing F16L0003123000 and extending along the attachment surface F16L0003127000 and extending away from the attachment surface F16L0003130000 and engaging it by snap action F16L0003133000 and hanging from a pendant (F16L0003140000 takes precedence);; F16L0003137000 and consisting of a flexible band F16L0003140000 Hangers in the form of bands or chains F16L0003160000 with special provision allowing movement of the pipe (F16L0003010000 takes precedence;supporting pipes or cables inside other pipes or sleeves F16L0007000000) F16L0003180000 allowing movement in axial direction F16L0003200000 allowing movement in transverse direction F16L0003202000 the transverse movement being converted to a rotational movement (F16L0003215000 takes precedence);; F16L0003205000 having supporting springs F16L0003210000 providing constant supporting spring force F16L0003215000 the movement being hydraulically or electrically controlled F16L0003217000 hydraulically F16L0003220000 specially adapted for supporting a number of parallel pipes at intervals F16L0003223000 each support having one transverse base for supporting the pipes (F16L0003230000, F16L0003237000 take precedence);; F16L0003227000 each pipe being supported by a separate element fastened to the base F16L0003230000 for a bundle of pipes or a plurality of pipes placed side by side in contact with each other (F16L0003237000 takes precedence);; F16L0003233000 by means of a flexible band F16L0003237000 for two pipes F16L0003240000 with special member for attachment to profiled girders F16L0003260000 specially adapted for supporting the pipes all along their length, e.g. pipe channels or ducts F16L0005000000 Devices for use where pipes, cables or protective tubing pass through walls or partitions (installations of electric cables or lines through walls, floors or ceilings H02G0003220000) F16L0005020000 Sealing F16L0005040000 to form a firebreak device F16L0005060000 by means of a swivel nut compressing a ring or sleeve F16L0005080000 by means of axial screws compressing a ring or sleeve F16L0005100000 by using sealing rings or sleeves only F16L0005120000 the pipe being cut in two pieces F16L0005140000 for double-walled or multi-channel pipes F16L0007000000 Supporting pipes or cables inside other pipes or sleeves, e.g. for enabling pipes or cables to be inserted or withdrawn from under roads or railways without interruption of traffic (sleeves for supporting pipes, cables or protective tubing, between relatively movable points F16L0003010000) F16L0007020000 and sealing the pipes or cables inside the other pipes, cables or sleeves F16L0009000000 Pipes F16L0009000000 Rigid pipes F16L0009010000 of wood (F16L0009160000-F16L0009220000; take precedence);; F16L0009020000 of metal (F16L0009160000-F16L0009220000; take precedence;finned pipes F28F) F16L0009040000 Reinforced pipes F16L0009060000 Corrugated pipes F16L0009080000 of concrete, cement, or asbestos cement, with or without reinforcement (F16L0009160000-F16L0009220000; take precedence);; F16L0009100000 of glass or ceramics, e.g. clay, clay tile, porcelain (F16L0009160000-F16L0009220000; take precedence);; F16L0009120000 of plastics with or without reinforcement (F16L0009160000-F16L0009220000; take precedence);; F16L0009127000 the walls consisting of a single layer F16L0009128000 Reinforced pipes F16L0009133000 the walls consisting of two layers F16L0009140000 Compound tubes, i.e. made of materials not wholly covered by any one of the preceding groups (F16L0009160000-F16L0009220000; take precedence);; F16L0009147000 comprising only layers of metal and plastics with or without reinforcement F16L0009153000 comprising only layers of metal and concrete with or without reinforcement F16L0009160000 wound from sheets or strips, with or without reinforcement F16L0009170000 obtained by bending a sheet longitudinally and connecting the edges F16L0009180000 Double-walled pipes; Multi-channel pipes or pipe assemblies (joints therefor F16L0039000000) F16L0009190000 Multi-channel pipes or pipe assemblies F16L0009210000 made of sound-absorbing materials or with sound-absorbing structure F16L0009220000 Pipes composed of a plurality of segments F16L0011000000 Hoses, i.e. flexible pipes (hose-like supports for pipes, cables or protective tubing, between relatively movable points F16L0003010000; suction-cleaner hoses A47L0009240000) F16L0011020000 made of fibres or threads, e.g. of textile F16L0011040000 made of rubber or flexible plastics F16L0011060000 with homogeneous wall (F16L0011110000 takes precedence);; F16L0011080000 with reinforcements embedded in the wall (F16L0011110000 takes precedence);; F16L0011100000 with reinforcements not embedded in the wall (F16L0011110000 takes precedence);; F16L0011110000 with corrugated wall F16L0011112000 having reinforcements embedded in the wall F16L0011115000 having reinforcements not embedded in the wall F16L0011118000 having arrangements for particular purposes, e.g. electrically conducting F16L0011120000 with arrangements for particular purposes, e.g. specially profiled, with protecting layer, heated, electrically conducting (F16L0011110000 takes precedence);; F16L0011127000 electrically conducting F16L0011133000 buoyant F16L0011140000 made of rigid material, e.g. metal or hard plastics F16L0011150000 corrugated (F16L0011160000 takes precedence);; F16L0011160000 wound from profiled strips or bands F16L0011180000 Articulated hoses, e.g. composed of a series of rings F16L0011200000 Double-walled hoses F16L0011220000 Multi-channel hoses F16L0011240000 wound from strips or bands (F16L0011160000 takes precedence);; F16L0011260000 made of sound-absorbing materials or with sound-absorbing structure F16L0013000000 Pipe joints; Hose nipples F16L0013000000 Non-disconnectable pipe joints, e.g. soldered, adhesive, or caulked joints (joints for rigid pipes of plastics F16L0047000000) F16L0013007000 specially adapted for joining pipes of dissimilar materials F16L0013013000 Accessories therefor F16L0013020000 Welded joints F16L0013040000 with arrangements preventing overstressing F16L0013060000 with tension-relief of the weld by means of detachable members, e.g. divided tensioning rings, bolts in flanges F16L0013080000 Soldered joints F16L0013100000 Adhesive or cemented joints F16L0013110000 using materials which fill the space between parts of a joint before hardening F16L0013120000 with a seal made of lead, caulked packing, or the like F16L0013140000 made by plastically deforming the material of the pipe, e.g. by flanging, rolling F16L0013160000 the pipe joint consisting of overlapping extremities having mutually co-operating collars F16L0015000000 Screw-threaded joints (casing joints used in deep-drilling E21B0017080000; joints sealed primarily by means other than engagement of screw-threads, see the relevant groups characterised by the sealing arrangements);Forms of screw-threads for such joints F16L0015020000 allowing substantial longitudinal adjustment by the use of a long screw-threaded part F16L0015040000 with additional sealings F16L0015060000 characterised by the shape of the screw-thread F16L0015080000 with supplementary elements (F16L0015040000 takes precedence);; F16L0017000000 Joints with packing adapted to sealing by fluid pressure (compensating devices F16L0051000000) F16L0017020000 with sealing rings arranged between outer surface of pipe and inner surface of sleeve or socket F16L0017025000 the sealing rings having radially directed ribs F16L0017030000 having annular axial lips F16L0017035000 the sealing rings having two lips parallel to each other F16L0017040000 with longitudinally split or divided sleeve F16L0017060000 with sealing rings arranged between the end surfaces of the pipes or flanges or arranged in recesses in the pipe ends or flanges F16L0017067000 Plastics sealing rings F16L0017073000 the sealing rings having two lips parallel to each other F16L0017080000 Metal sealing rings F16L0017100000 the packing being sealed by the pressure of a fluid other than the fluid in or surrounding the pipe (expansion-compensation arrangements for pipe-lines F16L0051000000) F16L0019000000 Joints in which sealing surfaces are pressed together by means of a member, e.g. a swivel nut, screwed on, or into, one of the joint parts (F16L0017000000 takes precedence;if using bolts or equivalent connecting means F16L0023000000; connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L0047000000) F16L0019020000 Pipe ends provided with collars or flanges, integral with the pipe or not, pressed together by a screwed member F16L0019025000 the pipe ends having integral collars or flanges F16L0019028000 the collars or flanges being obtained by deformation of the pipe wall F16L0019030000 with flexible sealing rings between the sealing surfaces F16L0019040000 using additional rigid rings, sealing directly on at least one pipe end, which is flared either before or during the making of the connection F16L0019050000 with a rigid pressure ring between the screwed member and the exterior of the flared pipe end F16L0019060000 in which radial clamping is obtained by wedging action on non-deformed pipe ends F16L0019065000 the wedging action being effected by means of a ring F16L0019070000 adapted for use in socket or sleeve connections F16L0019075000 specially adapted for spigot-and-socket joints F16L0019080000 with metal rings which bite into the wall of the pipe F16L0019100000 the profile of the ring being altered F16L0019120000 with additional sealing means F16L0019140000 the rings being integral with one of the connecting parts F16L0021000000 Joints with sleeve or socket (F16L0013000000, F16L0017000000, F16L0019000000 take precedence;connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L0047000000; specially adapted for pipes of brittle material F16L0049000000) F16L0021020000 with elastic sealing rings between pipe and sleeve or between pipe and socket, e.g. with rolling or other prefabricated profiled rings (F16L0021060000, F16L0021080000 take precedence;if adjustability is essential F16L0027000000) F16L0021025000 Rolling sealing rings F16L0021030000 placed in the socket before connection (F16L0021025000 takes precedence);; F16L0021035000 placed around the spigot end before connection (F16L0021025000 takes precedence);; F16L0021040000 in which sealing rings are compressed by axially-movable members F16L0021050000 comprising a first ring being placed on a male part and a second ring in the sleeve or socket F16L0021060000 with a divided sleeve or ring clamping around the pipe ends (flanged joints F16L0023000000; couplings of the quick-acting type F16L0037000000) F16L0021080000 with additional locking means (F16L0021060000 takes precedence;couplings of the quick-acting type F16L0037000000) F16L0023000000 Flanged joints (F16L0013000000, F16L0017000000, F16L0019000000 take precedence;adjustable joints F16L0027000000; for hoses F16L0033000000; couplings of the quick-acting type F16L0037000000; for double-walled or multi-channel pipes, or pipe assemblies F16L0039000000; connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L0047000000; specially adapted for pipes of brittle material F16L0049000000) F16L0023020000 the flanges being connected by members tensioned axially (F16L0023120000 takes precedence);; F16L0023024000 characterised by how the flanges are joined to, or form an extension of, the pipes F16L0023026000 by welding F16L0023028000 the flanges being held against a shoulder F16L0023032000 characterised by the shape or composition of the flanges F16L0023036000 characterised by the tensioning members, e.g. specially adapted bolts or C-clamps F16L0023040000 the flanges being connected by members tensioned in the radial plane (F16L0023120000 takes precedence);; F16L0023060000 connected by toggle-action levers (quick acting couplings tightened by toggle-action levers F16L0037200000) F16L0023080000 connection by tangentially arranged pin and nut F16L0023100000 with a pivoting or swinging pin F16L0023120000 specially adapted for particular pipes F16L0023140000 for rectangular pipes F16L0023160000 characterised by the sealing means F16L0023180000 the sealing means being rings F16L0023200000 made exclusively of metal F16L0023220000 made exclusively of a material other than metal F16L0023240000 specially adapted for unequal expansion of the parts of the joint F16L0025000000 Construction or details of pipe joints not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F16L0013000000-F16L0023000000; (adjustable or allowing movement F16L0027000000; with fluid cut-off means F16L0029000000; quick-acting F16L0037000000; for double-walled or multi-channel pipes F16L0039000000; connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L0047000000; specially adapted for pipes of brittle material F16L0049000000) F16L0025010000 specially adapted for realising electrical conduction between the two pipe ends of the joint or between parts thereof (electrically-conductive connections between or with tubular conductors H01R0004600000) F16L0025020000 specially adapted for electrically insulating the two pipe ends of the joint from each other F16L0025030000 in non-disconnectable pipe joints F16L0025040000 comprising a collar or ring having a threaded pin rigid with the pipe-encircling member F16L0025060000 comprising radial locking means F16L0025080000 in the form of screws, nails or the like F16L0025100000 Sleeveless joints between two pipes, one being introduced into the other F16L0025120000 Joints for pipes being spaced apart axially F16L0025140000 Joints for pipes of different diameters or cross-section F16L0027000000 Adjustable joints; Joints allowing movement (of the quick-acting type F16L0037500000; for double-walled or multi-channel pipes or pipe assemblies F16L0039040000; swivel joints in hose lines used for flushing boreholes E21B0021020000) F16L0027020000 Universal joints, i.e. with mechanical connection allowing angular movement or adjustment of the axes of the parts in any direction F16L0027040000 with partly-spherical engaging surfaces F16L0027047000 held in place by a screwed member having an internal spherical surface F16L0027053000 held in place by bolts passing through flanges F16L0027060000 with special sealing means between the engaging surfaces F16L0027067000 the sealing means being actuated by the medium pressure F16L0027073000 one of the cooperating surfaces forming the sealing means F16L0027080000 allowing adjustment or movement only about the axis of one pipe F16L0027087000 Joints with radial fluid passages F16L0027093000 of the "banjo" type, i.e. pivoting right-angle couplings F16L0027100000 comprising a flexible connection only F16L0027103000 in which a flexible element, e.g. a rubber-metal laminate, which undergoes constraints consisting of shear and flexure, is sandwiched between partly curved surfaces F16L0027107000 the ends of the pipe being interconnected by a flexible sleeve F16L0027108000 the sleeve having the form of a bellows with only one corrugation F16L0027110000 the sleeve having the form of a bellows with multiple corrugations F16L0027111000 the bellows being reinforced F16L0027113000 the ends of the pipe being interconnected by a rigid sleeve F16L0027120000 allowing substantial longitudinal adjustment or movement (by use of screw-thread F16L0015020000) F16L0029000000 Joints with fluid cut-off means (quick-acting joints with cut-off means F16L0037280000) F16L0029020000 with a cut-off device in one of the two pipe ends, the cut-off device being automatically opened when the coupling is applied F16L0029040000 with a cut-off device in each of the two pipe ends, the cut-off devices being automatically opened when the coupling is applied F16L0031000000 Arrangements for connecting hoses to one another or to flexible sleeves (F16L0033000000 takes precedence);; F16L0031020000 for branching hoses F16L0033000000 Arrangements for connecting hoses to rigid members (hand tools for inserting fittings into hoses B25B0027100000); Rigid hose-connectors, i.e. single members engaging both hoses (connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics F16L0047000000) F16L0033010000 specially adapted for hoses having a multi-layer wall F16L0033020000 Hose-clips F16L0033025000 tightened by deforming radially extending loops or folds F16L0033030000 Self-locking elastic clips F16L0033035000 fixed by means of teeth or hooks F16L0033040000 tightened by tangentially-arranged threaded pin and nut F16L0033060000 in which the threaded pin is rigid with the hose-encircling member F16L0033080000 in which a worm coacts with a part of the hose-encircling member that is toothed like a worm-wheel F16L0033100000 with a substantially-radial tightening member F16L0033120000 with a pivoted or swinging tightening or securing member, e.g. toggle lever F16L0033140000 with a taping-bolt, i.e. winding up the end of the hose-encircling member F16L0033160000 with sealing or securing means using fluid pressure F16L0033180000 characterised by the use of additional sealing means F16L0033200000 Undivided rings, sleeves, or like members contracted on the hose or expanded inside the hose by means of tools; Arrangements using such members F16L0033207000 only a sleeve being contracted on the hose F16L0033213000 only a sleeve being expanded inside the hose F16L0033220000 with means not mentioned in the preceding groups for gripping the hose between inner and outer parts F16L0033230000 the outer parts being segmented, the segments being pressed against the hose by tangentially arranged members F16L0033240000 with parts screwed directly on or into the hose (F16L0033220000 takes precedence);; F16L0033260000 specially adapted for hoses made of metal F16L0033280000 for hoses with one end terminating in a radial flange or collar F16L0033300000 comprising parts inside the hoses only (F16L0033240000 takes precedence);; F16L0033320000 comprising parts outside the hoses only (F16L0033240000 takes precedence);; F16L0033340000 with bonding obtained by vulcanisation, gluing, melting, or the like F16L0035000000 Special arrangements used in connection with end fittings of hoses, e.g. safety or protecting devices F16L0037000000 Couplings of the quick-acting type (radially-binding sleeves F16L0017040000, F16L0021060000; connecting hoses to rigid members F16L0033000000; connections made automatically when vehicles are brought together B60D, B61G; specially adapted for lubricating devices F16N0021000000) F16L0037020000 in which the connection is maintained only by friction of the parts being joined (F16L0037220000 takes precedence);; F16L0037040000 with an elastic outer part pressing against an inner part by reason of its elasticity (with locking members F16L0037080000) F16L0037050000 tightened by the pressure of a mechanical organ F16L0037060000 tightened by fluid pressure F16L0037080000 in which the connection between abutting or axially-overlapping ends is maintained by locking members (F16L0037220000-F16L0037260000; take precedence);; F16L0037084000 combined with automatic locking F16L0037086000 by means of latching members pushed radially by spring-like elements F16L0037088000 by means of a split elastic ring F16L0037091000 by means of a ring provided with teeth or fingers F16L0037092000 by means of elements wedged between the pipe and the frusto-conical surface of the body of the connector F16L0037096000 by means of hooks hinged about an axis F16L0037098000 by means of flexible hooks F16L0037100000 using a rotary external sleeve or ring on one part F16L0037107000 Bayonet-type couplings F16L0037113000 the male part having lugs on its periphery penetrating into the corresponding slots provided in the female part F16L0037120000 using hooks, pawls, or other movable or insertable locking members (F16L0037084000 takes precedence);; F16L0037124000 using bolts, fixed to a flange, which are able to tilt in slots of another flange, and being maintained there by the tightening of nuts F16L0037127000 using hooks hinged about an axis F16L0037133000 using flexible hooks F16L0037138000 using an axially movable sleeve F16L0037140000 Joints secured by inserting between mating surfaces an element, e.g. a piece of wire, a pin, a chain F16L0037150000 the element being a wedge F16L0037160000 Joints tightened by the action of wedge-shaped hinged hooks F16L0037180000 Joints tightened by eccentrics or rotatable cams F16L0037200000 Joints tightened by toggle-action levers F16L0037220000 in which the connection is maintained by means of balls, rollers, or helical springs under radial pressure between the parts F16L0037230000 by means of balls F16L0037240000 in which the connection is made by inserting one member axially into the other and rotating it to a limited extent, e.g. with bayonet-action F16L0037244000 the coupling being co-axial with the pipe F16L0037248000 Bayonet-type couplings F16L0037252000 the male part having lugs on its periphery penetrating into the corresponding slots provided in the female part F16L0037256000 the coupling not being coaxial with the pipe F16L0037260000 in which the connection is made by transversely moving the parts together, with or without their subsequent rotation F16L0037280000 with fluid cut-off means F16L0037300000 with fluid cut-off means in each of two pipe-end fittings F16L0037320000 at least one of two lift valves being opened automatically when the coupling is applied F16L0037330000 the lift valves being of the ball type F16L0037340000 at least one of the lift valves being of the sleeve type, i.e. a sleeve being telescoped over an inner cylindrical wall F16L0037350000 at least one of the valves having an axial bore communicating with lateral apertures F16L0037360000 with two lift valves being actuated to initiate the flow through the coupling after the two coupling parts are locked against withdrawal F16L0037367000 with two gate valves or sliding valves F16L0037373000 with two taps or cocks F16L0037380000 with fluid cut-off means in only one of two pipe-end fittings F16L0037400000 with a lift valve being opened automatically when the coupling is applied F16L0037407000 the lift valve being of the ball type F16L0037413000 the lift valve being of the sleeve type, i.e. a sleeve being telescoped over an inner cylindrical wall F16L0037420000 the valve having an axial bore communicating with lateral apertures F16L0037440000 with one lift valve being actuated to initiate the flow through the coupling after the two coupling parts are locked against withdrawal F16L0037460000 with a gate valve or sliding valve F16L0037470000 with a tap or cock F16L0037480000 for fastening a pipe on the end of a tap F16L0037500000 adjustable; allowing movement of the parts joined F16L0037520000 Universal joints, i.e. with a mechanical connection allowing angular movement or adjustment of the axes of the parts in any direction F16L0037530000 allowing adjustment or movement only about the axis of one pipe F16L0037540000 for pipes under pressure which are supported only on one side F16L0037560000 for double-walled or multi-channel pipes F16L0037580000 the extremities of the two halves of the joint being pressed against each other without being locked in position F16L0037600000 with plug and fixed wall housing F16L0037620000 pneumatically or hydraulically actuated F16L0039000000 Joints or fittings for double-walled or multi-channel pipes or pipe assemblies F16L0039020000 for hoses F16L0039040000 allowing adjustment or movement F16L0039060000 of the multiline swivel type, e.g. comprising a plurality of axially mounted modules F16L0041000000 Branching pipes; Joining pipes to walls (F16L0039000000 takes precedence;connections not designed for conveying fluid F16B0009000000; joints suitable for connecting together pipe ends, see the relevant groups); F16L0041020000 Branch units, e.g. made in one piece, welded, riveted F16L0041030000 comprising junction pieces for four or more pipe members F16L0041040000 Tapping pipe walls, i.e. making connections through the walls of pipes while they are carrying fluids; Fittings therefor (apparatus or operations relating to metal-working steps, see the relevant classes for metal-working);; F16L0041060000 making use of attaching means embracing the pipe F16L0041080000 Joining pipes to walls or pipes, the joined pipe axis being perpendicular to the plane of a wall or to the axis of another pipe (F16L0041020000 takes precedence);; F16L0041100000 the extremity of the pipe being screwed into the wall F16L0041120000 using attaching means embracing the pipe F16L0041140000 by screwing an intermediate part against the inside or outside of the wall F16L0041160000 the branch pipe comprising fluid cut-off means F16L0041180000 the branch pipe being movable F16L0043000000 Bends; Siphons (with cleaning apertures F16L0045000000; siphons for water-closets E03D0011180000; siphons in general F04F0010000000) F16L0043020000 adapted to make use of special securing means F16L0045000000 Pipe units with cleaning aperture and closure therefor F16L0047000000 Connecting arrangements or other fittings specially adapted to be made of plastics or to be used with pipes made of plastics (packing, for joints, adapted to sealing by fluid pressure F16L0017000000) F16L0047020000 Welded joints; Adhesive joints F16L0047030000 Welded joints with an electrical resistance incorporated in the joint F16L0047040000 with a swivel nut or collar engaging the pipe F16L0047060000 with sleeve or socket formed by or in the pipe end F16L0047080000 with sealing rings arranged between the outer surface of one pipe end and the inner surface of the sleeve or socket, the sealing rings being placed previously in the sleeve or socket F16L0047100000 the sealing rings being maintained in place by additional means F16L0047120000 with additional locking means F16L0047140000 Flanged joints F16L0047160000 Screw-threaded joints F16L0047180000 Adjustable joints; Joints allowing movement F16L0047200000 based principally on specific properties of plastics F16L0047220000 using shrink-down material F16L0047240000 for joints between metal and plastics pipes F16L0047260000 for branching pipes; for joining pipes to walls; Adaptors therefor F16L0047280000 Joining pipes to walls or to other pipes, the axis of the joined pipe being perpendicular to the wall or to the axis of the other pipe F16L0047300000 using attaching means embracing the pipe F16L0047320000 Branch units, e.g. made in one piece, welded, riveted F16L0047340000 Tapping pipes, i.e. making connections through walls of pipes while carrying fluids; Fittings therefor F16L0049000000 Connecting arrangements, e.g. joints, specially adapted for pipes of brittle material, e.g. glass, earthenware F16L0049020000 Joints with a sleeve or socket F16L0049040000 Flanged joints F16L0049060000 Joints in which sealing surfaces are pressed together by means of a member, e.g. swivel nut, screwed on, or into, one of the joint parts F16L0049080000 Adjustable joints; Joints allowing movement F16L0051000000 Expansion-compensation arrangements for pipe-lines (telescopic pipes F16L0027120000) F16L0051020000 making use of a bellows or an expansible folded or corrugated tube F16L0051030000 comprising two or more bellows F16L0051040000 making use of bends, e.g. lyre-shaped F16L0053000000 Heating or cooling pipes or pipe systems (preventing freezing of pipes, thawing frozen pipes E03B0007120000, E03B0007140000; pipe-line systems, pipe-lines F17D) F16L0055000000 Devices or appurtenances for use in, or in connection with, pipes or pipe systems (F16L0001000000-F16L0053000000, F16L0057000000, F16L0059000000 take precedence;repairing or joining pipes on or under water F16L0001260000; nozzles B05B; cleaning of pipes B08B0009020000, e.g. removal of blockages B08B0009027000; devices for preventing bursting of water pipes by freezing E03B0007100000; for domestic plumbing installations E03C0001000000; arrangements for sealing leaky tubes or conduits of heat-exchangers F28F0011000000) F16L0055020000 Energy absorbers; Noise absorbers (in valves F16K0047000000) F16L0055027000 Throttle passages (influencing fluid flow F15D0001000000; control of fluid flow G05D0007000000) F16L0055033000 Noise absorbers (F16L0055027000 takes precedence);; F16L0055035000 in the form of specially adapted hangers or supports F16L0055040000 Devices damping pulsations or vibrations in fluids F16L0055045000 specially adapted to prevent or minimise the effects of water hammer F16L0055050000 Buffers therefor (accumulators F15B0001040000) F16L0055052000 Pneumatic reservoirs F16L0055053000 the gas in the reservoir being separated from the fluid in the pipe F16L0055054000 the reservoir being placed in or around the pipe from which it is separated by a sleeve-shaped membrane F16L0055055000 Valves therefor F16L0055070000 Arrangement or mounting of devices, e.g. valves, for venting or aerating or draining (arrangement of draining devices in water-supply systems E03B0007080000; apparatus for draining F16K, F16T; venting or aerating devices per seF16K0024000000) F16L0055090000 Air-conditioning, e.g. de-watering, in pneumatic systems (in general F24) F16L0055100000 Means for stopping flow in pipes or hoses (F16L0029000000, F16L0037280000 take precedence;for covering leaks F16L0055160000; valves F16K) F16L0055103000 by temporarily freezing liquid sections in the pipe F16L0055105000 Closing devices introduced radially into the pipe or hose F16L0055110000 Plugs F16L0055115000 Caps F16L0055120000 by introducing into the pipe a member expandable in situ(inflatable cut-off valves F16K0007100000) F16L0055124000 introduced radially into the pipe or hose F16L0055128000 introduced axially into the pipe or hose F16L0055130000 the closure device being a plug fixed by plastic deformation F16L0055132000 the closure device being a plug fixed by radially deforming the packing F16L0055134000 by means of an inflatable packing F16L0055136000 the closure device being a plug fixed by radially expanding or deforming a split ring, hooks or the like F16L0055160000 Devices for covering leaks in pipes or hoses, e.g. hose-menders F16L0055162000 from inside the pipe (specially adapted for bends, branch units, branching pipes, or the like F16L0055179000) F16L0055163000 a ring, a band or a sleeve being pressed against the inner surface of the pipe F16L0055164000 a sealing fluid being introduced in the pipe (F16L0055164500 takes precedence);; F16L0055164500 a sealing material being introduced inside the pipe by means of a tool moving in the pipe F16L0055165000 a pipe being inserted in the damaged section F16L0055168000 from outside the pipe (specially adapted for bends, branch units, branching pipes, or the like F16L0055179000) F16L0055170000 by means of rings, bands or sleeves pressed against the outside surface of the pipe or hose (hose-clips for connecting hoses to rigid members F16L0033020000) F16L0055172000 the ring, band or sleeve being tightened by a tangentially arranged threaded pin and a nut F16L0055175000 by using materials which fill a space around the pipe before hardening F16L0055178000 by clamping an outer gasket against a joint with sleeve or socket F16L0055179000 specially adapted for bends, branch units, branching pipes or the like F16L0055180000 Appliances for use in repairing pipes (F16L0055100000 takes precedence);; F16L0055240000 Preventing accumulation of dirt or other matter in pipes, e.g. by traps, by strainers F16L0055260000 Pigs or moles, i.e. devices movable in a pipe or conduit with or without self-contained propulsion means (tunnel railway systems B61B0013100000; conveying articles through pipes or tubes, e.g. tube mail systems, B65G0051000000) F16L0055280000 Constructional aspects F16L0055300000 of the propulsion means, e.g. towed by cables F16L0055320000 being self-contained F16L0055340000 the pig or mole being moved step by step F16L0055360000 jet driven F16L0055380000 driven by fluid pressure F16L0055400000 of the body F16L0055420000 gelled or degradable F16L0055440000 expandable F16L0055460000 Launching or retrieval of pigs or moles F16L0055480000 Indicating the position of the pig or mole in the pipe or conduit F16L0057000000 Protection of pipes or objects of similar shape against external or internal damage or wear (supporting of pipes inside other pipes or sleeves F16L0007000000; used in connection with end fittings of hoses F16L0035000000; protection of pipes or pipe fittings against corrosion or incrustation F16L0058000000; protection thereof during transport B65D, e.g. B65D0059000000) F16L0057020000 against cracking or buckling F16L0057040000 against fire or other external sources of extreme heat F16L0057060000 against wear (F16L0057040000 takes precedence);; F16L0058000000 Protection of pipes or pipe fittings against corrosion or incrustation (supporting of pipes inside other pipes or sleeves F16L0007000000; compound tubes F16L0009140000; cleaning pipes or tubes B08B0009020000) F16L0058020000 by means of internal or external coatings (coatings for thermal insulation F16L0059000000; methods or machines for applying coatings, see the relevant places, e.g. B28B0021940000) F16L0058040000 Coatings characterised by the materials used (F16L0058160000 takes precedence;compositions, see the relevant classes, e.g. C04B) F16L0058060000 by cement, concrete, or the like F16L0058080000 by metal F16L0058100000 by rubber or plastics F16L0058120000 by tar or bitumen F16L0058140000 by ceramic or vitreous materials F16L0058160000 the coating being in the form of a bandage (apparatus for covering cores by winding B65H0081000000) F16L0058180000 specially adapted for pipe fittings F16L0059000000 Thermal insulation in general (heat, sound insulation in buildings E04B; heat insulation of steam engines F01B0031080000; heat insulation in rotary piston machines or engines F01C0021060000; heat insulation of pumps F04C0029040000; thermal insulation of pressure vessels F17C0001120000; vessels not under pressure, with provision for insulation F17C0003020000) F16L0059020000 Shape or form of insulating materials, with or without coverings integral with the insulating materials (chemical aspects, see the relevant classes);; F16L0059040000 Arrangements using dry fillers, e.g. using slag wool F16L0059050000 in prefabricated shells or covers F16L0059060000 Arrangements using an air layer or vacuum F16L0059065000 using vacuum (F16L0059075000 takes precedence);; F16L0059070000 the air layer being enclosed by one or more layers of insulation F16L0059075000 the air layer or the vacuum being delimited by longitudinal channels distributed around the circumference of a tube F16L0059080000 Means for preventing radiation, e.g. with metal foil F16L0059100000 Bandages or covers for the protection of the insulation, e.g. against the influence of the environment or against mechanical damage (integral with insulating materials F16L0059020000) F16L0059110000 Rigid covers for elbows F16L0059120000 Arrangements for supporting insulation from the wall or body insulated, e.g. by means of spacers between pipe and heat-insulating material; Arrangements specially adapted for supporting insulated bodies F16L0059125000 Helical spacers F16L0059130000 Resilient supports F16L0059135000 Hangers or supports specially adapted for insulated pipes F16L0059140000 Arrangements for the insulation of pipes or pipe systems (F16L0059020000-F16L0059120000; take precedence);; F16L0059147000 the insulation being located inwardly of the outer surface of the pipe F16L0059150000 for underground pipes F16L0059153000 for flexible pipes F16L0059160000 Arrangements specially adapted to local requirements at flanges, junctions, valves, or the like (means in or on valves for heating or cooling F16K0049000000) F16L0059180000 adapted for joints F16L0059200000 for non-disconnectable joints F16L0059210000 adapted for expansion-compensation devices F16L0059220000 adapted for bends F16L0101000000 Indexing scheme associated with groups F16L0055260000-F16L0055480000, relating to uses and applications of pigs or moles. F16L0101000000 Uses or applications of pigs or moles F16L0101100000 Treating the inside of pipes F16L0101120000 Cleaning F16L0101140000 Drying F16L0101160000 Coating by application of fluent materials, e.g. painting F16L0101180000 Lining other than coating F16L0101200000 Expelling gases or fluids F16L0101300000 Inspecting, measuring or testing F16L0101400000 Separating transported fluids F16L0101500000 Pulling cables or the like F16L0101600000 Stopping leaks F16L0101700000 Drill-well operations F16M FRAMES, CASINGS, OR BEDS, OF ENGINES OR OTHER MACHINES OR APPARATUS, NOT SPECIFIC TO AN ENGINE, MACHINE, OR APPARATUS PROVIDED FOR ELSEWHERE; STANDS OR SUPPORTS F16M0001000000 Frames or casings of engines, machines, or apparatus; Frames serving as machinery beds F16M0001020000 for reciprocating engines or similar machines F16M0001021000 for housing crankshafts F16M0001022000 of tunnel type, i.e. wherein the crankshaft can only be introduced axially (for engines or machines with star-shaped cylinder arrangement F16M0001023000) F16M0001023000 specially adapted for engines or machines with star-shaped cylinder arrangement F16M0001024000 facilitating assembly of power-transmitting parts of engines or machines, e.g. of connecting-rods F16M0001025000 Assembling bearings in casings, e.g. having anchor bolts F16M0001026000 for housing movable engine or machine parts other than crankshafts, e.g. valve-gear housings F16M0001040000 for rotary engines or similar machines F16M0001080000 characterised by being built-up of sheet material or welded parts F16M0003000000 Portable or wheeled frames or beds, e.g. for emergency power-supply aggregates, compressor sets (construction of vehicles in general B60-B62) F16M0005000000 Engine beds, i.e. means for supporting engines or machines on foundations F16M0007000000 Details of attaching or adjusting engine beds, frames, or supporting-legs on foundation or base; Attaching non-moving engine parts, e.g. cylinder blocks (elastic or equivalent mounting for absorbing vibrations F16F, especially F16F0015040000) F16M0009000000 Special layout of foundations with respect to machinery to be supported (foundations for machinery E02D0027440000) F16M0011000000 Stands or trestles as supports for apparatus or articles placed thereon (without heads F16M0013000000; easels or stands for blackboards or the like A47B0097040000; show-stands A47F0007000000; for workmen E04G0001320000; supporting, suspending for lighting devices F21V0021000000; special modifications for particular apparatus or articles, see the appropriate subclasses); F16M0011020000 Heads F16M0011040000 Means for attachment of apparatus; Means allowing adjustment of the apparatus relatively to the stand F16M0011060000 allowing pivoting F16M0011080000 around a vertical axis F16M0011100000 around a horizontal axis F16M0011120000 in more than one direction F16M0011140000 with ball-joint (ball-jointed hinges F16C0011060000) F16M0011160000 Details concerning attachment of head-supporting legs, with or without actuation of locking members therefor F16M0011180000 with mechanism for moving the apparatus relatively to the stand F16M0011200000 Undercarriages with or without wheels F16M0011220000 with approximately constant height, e.g. with constant length of column or of legs (F16M0011420000 takes precedence);; F16M0011240000 changeable in height or length of legs, also for transport only (F16M0011420000 takes precedence);; F16M0011260000 by telescoping, with or without folding (details concerning the constructional features of telescoping parts only F16B0007100000) F16M0011280000 Undercarriages for supports with one single telescoping pillar F16M0011300000 with co-moving side-struts F16M0011320000 Undercarriages for supports with three or more telescoping legs F16M0011340000 Members limiting spreading of legs F16M0011360000 Members preventing slipping of the feet F16M0011380000 by folding F16M0011400000 by means of coilable or bendable legs F16M0011420000 with arrangement for propelling the support F16M0013000000 Other supports for positioning apparatus or articles (heads thereof F16M0011020000; adapted to be stuck in the ground A45F0003440000); Means for steadying hand-held apparatus or articles F16M0013020000 for supporting on, or attaching to, an object, e.g. tree, gate, window-frame, cycle F16M0013040000 for supporting on, or holding steady relative to, a person, e.g. by chains F16M0013060000 also serviceable for other purposes, e.g. to be used as spade, chair, ski-stick F16M0013080000 for use as a walking-cane F16N LUBRICATING F16N0001000000 Lubrication devices or arrangements for oil or grease F16N0001000000 Constructional modifications of parts of machines or apparatus for the purpose of lubrication F16N0003000000 Devices for supplying lubricant by manual action F16N0003020000 delivering oil F16N0003040000 Oil cans; Oil syringes F16N0003060000 delivering on squeezing F16N0003080000 incorporating a piston-pump F16N0003100000 delivering grease F16N0003120000 Grease guns F16N0005000000 Apparatus with hand-positioned nozzle supplied with lubricant under pressure (F16N0003000000 takes precedence);; F16N0005020000 Nozzles or nozzle-valve arrangements therefor, e.g. high-pressure grease guns F16N0007000000 Arrangements for supplying oil or unspecified lubricant from a stationary reservoir or the equivalent in or on the machine or member to be lubricated F16N0007020000 with gravity feed or drip lubrication F16N0007040000 with oil flow promoted by vibration F16N0007060000 Arrangements in which the droplets are visible F16N0007080000 controlled by means of the temperature of the member to be lubricated F16N0007100000 incorporating manually-operated regulating means, e.g. spindles F16N0007120000 with feed by capillary action, e.g. by wicks F16N0007140000 the lubricant being conveyed from the reservoir by mechanical means (by pumping devices F16N0007360000, F16N0007380000) F16N0007160000 the oil being carried up by a lifting device F16N0007180000 with one or more feed members fixed on a shaft F16N0007200000 with one or more members moving around the shaft to be lubricated F16N0007220000 shaped as rings F16N0007240000 with discs, rollers, belts, or the like contacting the shaft to be lubricated F16N0007260000 Splash lubrication F16N0007280000 Dip lubrication F16N0007300000 the oil being fed or carried along by another fluid F16N0007320000 Mist lubrication F16N0007340000 Atomising devices for oil F16N0007360000 with feed by pumping action of the member to be lubricated or of a shaft of the machine; Centrifugal lubrication F16N0007380000 with a separate pump; Central lubrication systems F16N0007400000 in a closed circulation system F16N0009000000 Arrangements for supplying oil or unspecified lubricant from a moving reservoir or the equivalent (also usable with a stationary reservoir F16N0007000000) F16N0009020000 with reservoir on or in a rotary member F16N0009040000 with reservoir on or in a reciprocating, rocking, or swinging member F16N0011000000 Arrangements for supplying grease from a stationary reservoir or the equivalent in or on the machine or member to be lubricated; Grease cups F16N0011020000 Hand-actuated grease cups, e.g. Stauffer cups F16N0011040000 Spring-loaded devices F16N0011060000 Weight-loaded devices F16N0011080000 with mechanical drive, other than directly by springs or weights (lubricating-pumps F16N0013000000) F16N0011100000 by pressure of another fluid F16N0011120000 by centrifugal action F16N0013000000 Lubricating-pumps (oil cans with pump F16N0003080000) F16N0013020000 with reciprocating piston (pumps with distributing equipment F16N0013220000) F16N0013040000 Adjustable reciprocating pumps F16N0013060000 Actuation of lubricating-pumps F16N0013080000 by hand F16N0013100000 with mechanical drive (F16N0013180000 takes precedence);; F16N0013120000 with ratchet F16N0013140000 with cam or wobble-plate on shaft parallel to the pump cylinder or cylinders F16N0013160000 with fluid drive F16N0013180000 relative movement of pump parts being produced by inertia of one of the parts or of a driving member F16N0013200000 Rotary pumps (with distributing equipment F16N0013220000) F16N0013220000 with distributing equipment F16N0015000000 Lubrication with substances other than oil or grease; Lubrication characterised by the use of particular lubricants in particular apparatus or conditions (F16N0017000000 takes precedence;lubricating compositions, selection of particular substances as lubricants in general C10M; lubrication specially adapted to machines or apparatus provided for in a single other class, see the relevant class for the machine or apparatus); F16N0015020000 with graphite or graphite-containing compositions F16N0015040000 with water F16N0017000000 Lubrication of machines or apparatus working under extreme conditions (additives to lubricating oil or lubricating grease C10M) F16N0017020000 at high temperature F16N0017040000 at low temperature F16N0017060000 in vacuum or under reduced pressure (of rotary anodes of X-ray tubes H01J0035100000) F16N0019000000 Details of lubricators or lubrication systems F16N0019000000 Lubricant containers for use in lubricators or lubrication systems F16N0021000000 Conduits; Junctions; Fittings for lubrication apertures F16N0021020000 Lubricating nipples F16N0021040000 Nozzles for connection of lubricating equipment to nipples F16N0021060000 Covering members for nipples, conduits, or apertures F16N0023000000 Special adaptations of check valves F16N0025000000 Distributing equipment (combined with oil pump F16N0013220000) F16N0025020000 with reciprocating distributing slide valve F16N0025040000 with rotary distributing member F16N0027000000 Proportioning devices F16N0027020000 Gating equipment F16N0029000000 Special means in lubricating arrangements or systems providing for the indication or detection of undesired conditions; Use of devices responsive to conditions in lubricating arrangements or systems (constructions of apparatus outside the lubricating arrangements or systems, see the relevant classes);; F16N0029020000 for influencing the supply of lubricant F16N0029040000 enabling a warning to be given; enabling moving parts to be stopped F16N0031000000 Means for collecting, retaining, or draining-off lubricant in or on machines or apparatus F16N0031020000 Oil catchers; Oil wipers (oil-scraping rings for pistons F16J0009200000) F16N0033000000 Mechanical arrangements for cleaning lubricating equipment; Special racks or the like for use in draining lubricant from machine parts F16N0035000000 Care of lubricants F16N0035000000 Storage of lubricants in engine-rooms or the like F16N0037000000 Equipment for transferring lubricant from one container to another F16N0037020000 for filling grease guns F16N0039000000 Arrangements for conditioning of lubricants in the lubricating system (cleaning of lubricating oil, lubricating compositions C10M) F16N0039020000 by cooling F16N0039040000 by heating F16N0039060000 by filtration F16N0039080000 by diluting, e.g. by addition of fuel F16N0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F16P SAFETY DEVICES IN GENERAL F16P0001000000 Devices protecting or preventing injuries to people F16P0001000000 Safety devices independent of the control or operation of any machine (protective devices for the eyes or ears, worn on the body or carried in the hand, A61F0009000000, A61F0011000000) F16P0001020000 Fixed screens or hoods F16P0001040000 Screens or hoods rotating with rotary shafts F16P0001060000 specially designed for welding F16P0003000000 Safety devices acting in conjunction with the control or operation of a machine; Control arrangements requiring the simultaneous use of two or more parts of the body (F16P0005000000 takes precedence);; F16P0003020000 Screens or other safety members moving in synchronism with members which move to and fro F16P0003040000 for machines with parts which approach one another during operation, e.g. for stamping presses F16P0003060000 in which body parts of the operator are removed from the danger zone on approach of the machine parts F16P0003080000 in connection with the locking of doors, covers, guards, or like members giving access to moving machine parts F16P0003100000 in which the operation of locking the door or other member causes the machine to start F16P0003120000 with means, e.g. feelers, which in case of the presence of a body part of a person in or near the danger zone influence the control or operation of the machine (F16P0003080000 takes precedence);; F16P0003140000 the means being photocells or other devices sensitive without mechanical contact F16P0003160000 with feeling members moved by the machine F16P0003180000 Control arrangements requiring the use of both hands F16P0003200000 for electric control systems F16P0003220000 for hydraulic or pneumatic control systems F16P0003240000 for mechanical controls F16P0005000000 Emergency means for rendering ineffective a coupling conveying reciprocating movement if the motion of the driven part is prematurely resisted F16P0007000000 Emergency devices preventing damage to a machine or apparatus (F16P0001000000, F16P0003000000, F16P0005000000 take precedence;indicating means, see the appropriate classes); F16P0007020000 by causing the machine to stop on the occurrence of dangerous conditions therein (devices in bearings affected by abnormal conditions F16C) F16S CONSTRUCTIONAL ELEMENTS IN GENERAL; STRUCTURES BUILT-UP FROM SUCH ELEMENTS, IN GENERAL F16S0001000000 Sheets, panels, or other members of similar proportions; Constructions comprising assemblies of such members (built-up gratings F16S0003000000; layered products B32B) F16S0001020000 designed for being secured together edge to edge, e.g. at an angle; Assemblies thereof F16S0001040000 produced by deforming or otherwise working a flat sheet (honeycomb or other core members for layered products B32B0003000000, e.g. B32B0003120000, B32B0003240000, B32B0003260000) F16S0001060000 by deforming only F16S0001080000 by cutting or perforating, with or without deformation F16S0001100000 Composite members, e.g. with ribs or flanges attached (F16S0001020000 takes precedence);; F16S0001120000 of substantial thickness, e.g. with varying thickness, with channels F16S0001140000 Assemblies of such members with members of forms covered by group F16S0003000000; or F16S0005000000; (such other members being for jointing only F16S0001020000) F16S0003000000 Elongated members, e.g. profiled members; Assemblies thereof; Gratings or grilles (gratings or grilles formed from a sheet or the like F16S0001000000, particularly F16S0001080000; frames for doors, windows or the like E06B0001000000, E06B0003000000) F16S0003020000 composed of two or more elongated members secured together side by side F16S0003040000 designed for being joined to similar members in various relative positions F16S0003060000 Assemblies of elongated members (F16S0003020000, F16S0003040000 take precedence);; F16S0003080000 forming frameworks, e.g. gratings F16S0005000000 Other constructional members not restricted to an application fully provided for in a single class F16T STEAM TRAPS OR LIKE APPARATUS FOR DRAINING-OFF LIQUIDS FROM ENCLOSURES PREDOMINANTLY CONTAINING GASES OR VAPOURS F16T0001000000 Steam traps or like apparatus for draining-off liquids from enclosures predominantly containing gases or vapours, e.g. gas lines, steam lines, containers F16T0001020000 with valves controlled thermally F16T0001040000 by expansion rods F16T0001060000 by expansion tubes F16T0001080000 by bimetallic strips or plates F16T0001100000 by thermally-expansible liquids F16T0001120000 with valves controlled by excess or release of pressure F16T0001140000 involving a piston, diaphragm, or bellows, e.g. displaceable under pressure of incoming condensate F16T0001160000 involving a high-pressure chamber and a low-pressure chamber communicating with one another, i.e. thermodynamic steam chambers F16T0001180000 involving a vacuum chamber F16T0001200000 with valves controlled by floats F16T0001220000 of closed-hollow-body type F16T0001240000 using levers F16T0001260000 of upright-open-bucket type F16T0001280000 using levers F16T0001300000 of inverted-open-bucket type; of bell type F16T0001320000 of rocking or tilting type F16T0001340000 without moving parts other than hand valves, e.g. labyrinth type F16T0001360000 specially adapted for steam lines of low pressure F16T0001380000 Component parts; Accessories F16T0001400000 Actuating mechanisms of ball valves F16T0001420000 Actuating mechanisms of slide valves F16T0001450000 Means for venting or aerating (separate devices therefor F16K0024000000) F16T0001480000 Monitoring arrangements for inspecting, e.g. flow of steam and steam condensate F17 STORING OR DISTRIBUTING GASES OR LIQUIDS F17B GAS-HOLDERS OF VARIABLE CAPACITY (self-acting gas cut-off devices A47J0027620000, G05D; flame traps A62C0004000000; gas mixers B01F, F16K0011000000, G05D0011000000; construction or assembling of bulk storage containers employing civil-engineering techniques E04H0007000000; gas compressors F04; valves F16K; damping pulsations in valves or pipes F16K, F16L; pipes F16L; stopping devices for gas mains F16L0055100000; vessels adapted for storing compressed, liquefied, or solidified gases F17C; gas distribution systems F17D0001040000; detecting leakage F17D0005020000, G01M; supervising or alarm devices F17D0005020000, G08B; control of combustion in burners F23N; gas flow or pressure regulators G05D) F17B0001000000 Gas-holders of variable capacity (large containers in general B65D0088000000; storing fluids in natural or artificial cavities or chambers in the earth B65G0005000000) F17B0001007000 with telescopically movable ring-shaped parts (F17B0001100000 takes precedence;sealing of rings F17B0001040000) F17B0001013000 with movables discs (F17B0001100000 takes precedence;sealing of discs F17B0001040000) F17B0001020000 Details F17B0001040000 Sealing devices for sliding parts (in general F16J0015000000) F17B0001060000 using sealing liquids F17B0001080000 using resilient materials for packing, e.g. leather F17B0001100000 Guiding moving parts F17B0001120000 Gas admission or discharge arrangements F17B0001140000 Safety devices, e.g. prevention of excess pressure F17B0001160000 of wet type F17B0001180000 bell-shaped F17B0001200000 telescopic F17B0001220000 spirally-guided F17B0001240000 of dry type F17B0001260000 with flexible walls, e.g. bellows (connection of valves to inflatable elastic bodies B60C0029000000) F17C VESSELS FOR CONTAINING OR STORING COMPRESSED, LIQUEFIED, OR SOLIDIFIED GASES; FIXED-CAPACITY GAS-HOLDERS; FILLING VESSELS WITH, OR DISCHARGING FROM VESSELS, COMPRESSED, LIQUEFIED, OR SOLIDIFIED GASES (storing fluids in natural or artificial cavities or chambers in the earth B65G0005000000; construction or assembling of bulk storage containers employing civil-engineering techniques E04H0007000000; variable-capacity gas-holders F17B; liquefaction or refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25) F17C0001000000 Pressure vessels, e.g. gas cylinder, gas tank, replaceable cartridge (pressurised apparatus for purposes other than storage, see the relevant subclasses such as A62C, B05B; associated with vehicles, see the appropriate subclass of classes B60-B64; pressure vessels in general F16J0012000000) F17C0001020000 involving reinforcing arrangements F17C0001040000 Protecting sheatings F17C0001060000 built-up from wound-on bands or filamentary material, e.g. wires F17C0001080000 Integral reinforcements, e.g. ribs F17C0001100000 with provision for protection against corrosion, e.g. due to gaseous acid (inhibiting corrosion of metallic material or incrustation in general C23F) F17C0001120000 with provision for thermal insulation (thermal insulation in general F16L0059000000) F17C0001140000 constructed of aluminium; constructed of non-magnetic steel F17C0001160000 constructed of plastics materials F17C0003000000 Vessels not under pressure F17C0003020000 with provision for thermal insulation (thermal insulation in general F16L0059000000) F17C0003040000 by insulating layers (F17C0003080000 takes precedence);; F17C0003060000 on the inner surface, i.e. in contact with the stored fluid F17C0003080000 by vacuum spaces, e.g. Dewar flask (for household use A47J0041020000) F17C0003100000 by liquid-circulating or vapour-circulating jackets F17C0003120000 with provision for protection against corrosion, e.g. due to gaseous acid (protection against corrosion in general C23F) F17C0005000000 Methods or apparatus for filling pressure vessels with liquefied, solidified, or compressed gases (adding propellants to aerosol containers B65B0031000000) F17C0005020000 for filling with liquefied gases F17C0005040000 requiring the use of refrigeration, e.g. filling with helium or hydrogen F17C0005060000 for filling with compressed gases F17C0006000000 Methods or apparatus for filling vessels not under pressure with liquefied or solidified gases F17C0007000000 Methods or apparatus for discharging liquefied, solidified, or compressed gases from pressure vessels, not covered by another subclass F17C0007020000 Discharging liquefied gases F17C0007040000 with change of state, e.g. vaporisation F17C0009000000 Methods or apparatus for discharging liquefied or solidified gases from vessels not under pressure F17C0009020000 with change of state, e.g. vaporisation F17C0009040000 Recovery of thermal energy F17C0011000000 Use of gas-solvents or gas-sorbents in vessels F17C0013000000 Details of vessels or of the filling or discharging of vessels F17C0013020000 Special adaptations of indicating, measuring, or monitoring equipment (measuring in general G01) F17C0013040000 Arrangement or mounting of valves (valves per seF16K) F17C0013060000 Closures, e.g. cap, breakable member (closures for containers in general B65D) F17C0013080000 Mounting arrangements for vessels F17C0013100000 Arrangements for preventing freezing F17C0013120000 Arrangements or mounting of devices for preventing or minimising the effect of explosion (flame traps A62C0004000000) F17D PIPE-LINE SYSTEMS; PIPE-LINES (distributing water E03B; pumps or compressors F04; fluid dynamics F15D; valves or the like F16K; pipes, laying pipes, supports, joints, branches, repairing, work on the entire line, accessories F16L; steam traps or the like F16T; fluid-pressure electric cables H01B0009060000) F17D0001000000 Pipe-line systems (conveying articles or materials through a pipe-line by means of a fluid carrier B65G0051000000, B65G0053000000; dispensing, delivering or transferring liquids B67D; apparatus or devices for transferring liquids from bulk storage containers or reservoirs into vehicles or into portable containers, e.g. for retail sale purposes, B67D0007000000; conveying material which has been excavated by a dredger or soil shifter through a pipe-line E02F0007100000; sewer pipe-line systems E03F0003000000; thermal insulation of pipe-lines F16L0059000000; central heating systems F24D) F17D0001020000 for gases or vapours F17D0001040000 for distribution of gas F17D0001050000 Preventing freezing (by heating F16L0053000000) F17D0001060000 for steam F17D0001065000 Arrangements for producing propulsion of gases or vapours F17D0001070000 by compression F17D0001075000 by mere expansion from an initial pressure level, e.g. by arrangement of a flow-control valve F17D0001080000 for liquids or viscous products (water-main or service pipe systems E03B0007040000; domestic hot-water supply systems F24D0017000000) F17D0001120000 Conveying liquids or viscous products by pressure of another fluid F17D0001130000 Conveying liquids or viscous products by gravity F17D0001140000 Conveying liquids or viscous products by pumping F17D0001160000 Facilitating the conveyance of liquids or effecting the conveyance of viscous products by modification of their viscosity F17D0001170000 by mixing with another liquid F17D0001180000 by heating F17D0001200000 Arrangements or systems of devices for influencing or altering dynamic characteristics of the systems, e.g. for damping pulsations caused by opening or closing of valves (fluid dynamics F15D; damping pulsations in fluids in pipes in general F16L0055040000) F17D0003000000 Arrangements for supervising or controlling working operations F17D0003010000 for controlling, signalling, or supervising the conveyance of a product F17D0003030000 for controlling, signalling, or supervising the conveyance of several different products following one another in the same conduit, e.g. for switching from one receiving tank to another F17D0003050000 the different products not being separated (separation of contaminants by distillation B01D0003000000) F17D0003080000 the different products being separated by "go-devils", e.g. spheres (cleaning devices moved along the inside of pipe-lines by a fluid B08B0009053000) F17D0003100000 for taking out the product in the line (investigating or analysing materials by determinating their chemical or physical properties G01N) F17D0003120000 for injecting a composition into the line F17D0003140000 for eliminating water (separation of liquids B01D, e.g. B01D0017000000; separation of gases or vapours B01D0053000000) F17D0003160000 for eliminating particles in suspension (from liquids by sedimentation B01D0021000000; separation by filtration or otherwise B01D0024000000-B01D0051000000; centrifugal apparatus B04) F17D0003180000 for measuring the quantity of conveyed product (measuring volume or volume flow, in general G01F) F17D0005000000 Protection or supervision of installations (arrangements for protecting foundations E02D0031000000; protecting pipes from damage or internal or external wear F16L0057000000, against corrosion or scale F16L0058000000; investigation of the fluid-tightness of structures G01M0003000000) F17D0005020000 Preventing, monitoring, or locating loss F17D0005040000 by means of a signalling fluid enclosed in a double wall F17D0005060000 using electric or acoustic means F17D0005080000 Protection of installations or persons from the effects of high voltage induced in the pipe-line (emergency protective circuit arrangements H02H) F21 LIGHTING F21H INCANDESCENT MANTLES; OTHER INCANDESCENT BODIES HEATED BY COMBUSTION (arrangements thereof F21V0036000000; burners F23D) F21H0001000000 Incandescent mantles; Selection of imbibition liquids therefor F21H0001020000 characterised by the material thereof F21H0003000000 Manufacturing incandescent mantles; Treatment prior to use, e.g. burning-off; Machines for manufacturing F21H0005000000 Solid incandescent bodies (incandescent mantles F21H0001000000) F21H0007000000 Other incandescent bodies F21K LIGHT SOURCES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR F21K0002000000 Light sources using luminescence (luminescent materials C09K0011000000; selection of luminescent materials for light screens F21V0009160000; using excitation by radioactivity G21H0003020000, H01J0065060000, H01J0065080000; transforming the wavelength of the light of gas- or vapour-discharge lamps by luminescence H01J0061420000; electroluminescent light sources H05B0033000000) F21K0002040000 using triboluminescence; using thermoluminescence F21K0002060000 using chemiluminescence F21K0002080000 activated by an electric field, i.e. electrochemiluminescence F21K0005000000 Light sources using charges of combustible material, e.g. illuminating flash devices (explosive or thermic compositions C06B; fireworks F42B0004000000; photographic flash units G03B0015030000) F21K0005040000 Plural charges, e.g. associated for sequential ignition (F21K0005060000, F21K0005120000 take precedence);; F21K0005060000 Charge containment F21K0005080000 Charge held in non-disrupting container, e.g. photo-flash bulb F21K0005100000 bearing a coating F21K0005120000 Charge ignition F21K0005140000 percussive F21K0005160000 electrical (circuit arrangements H05B0043020000) F21K0005180000 Electrically-ignited primers F21K0005200000 Charge feeding means F21K0005220000 Protective light shields F21K0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F21L LIGHTING DEVICES OR SYSTEMS THEREOF, BEING PORTABLE OR SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR TRANSPORTATION (burners F23D; electric aspects or elements, see section H, e.g. electric light sources H01J, H01K, H05B) F21L0002000000 Systems of electric lighting devices (systems employing both electric and non-electric light sources or exchangeable light sources F21L0027000000) F21L0004000000 Electric lighting devices with self-contained electric batteries or cells F21L0004020000 characterised by provision of two or more light sources F21L0004040000 characterised by provision of a light source housing portion adjustably fixed to the remainder of the device F21L0004060000 with light source coupled to the remainder of the device solely by cable F21L0004080000 characterised by means for ; in situ recharging of the batteries or cells F21L0013000000 Electric lighting devices with built-in electric generators (with solar cells F21L0004000000) F21L0013020000 with fluid drive F21L0013040000 actuated by hand F21L0013060000 with mechanical drive, e.g. spring F21L0013080000 by reciprocating pusher actuated by hand F21L0014000000 Electric lighting devices without a self-contained power source, e.g. for mains connection F21L0014020000 capable of hand-held use, e.g. inspection lamps F21L0014040000 carried on wheeled supports F21L0017000000 Non-electric torches; Non-electric flares F21L0019000000 Lanterns, e.g. hurricane lamps or candle lamps (candle holders F21V0035000000) F21L0021000000 Non-electric pocket-lamps, e.g. lamps producing sparks F21L0023000000 Non-electric hand-lamps for miners F21L0026000000 Non-electric portable lighting devices, or systems thereof, not provided for in groups ; F21L0017000000-F21L0023000000 F21L0027000000 Lighting devices or systems, employing combinations of electric and non-electric light sources; Replacing or exchanging electric light sources with non-electric light sources or ; vice versa in lighting devices or systems F21S NON-PORTABLE LIGHTING DEVICES OR SYSTEMS THEREOF (burners F23D; electric aspects or elements, see section H, e.g. electric light sources H01J, H01K, H05B) F21S0002000000 Systems of; lighting devices, not provided for in main groups F21S0004000000-F21S0010000000; or F21S0019000000, e.g. of modular construction F21S0004000000 Lighting devices or systems using a string or strip of; light sources F21S0006000000 Lighting devices intended to be free-standing (F21S0009000000, F21S0010000000 take precedence);; F21S0008000000 Lighting devices intended for fixed installation (F21S0009000000, F21S0010000000 take precedence;using a string or strip oflight sources F21S0004000000) F21S0008020000 of recess-mounted type, e.g. downlighters (F21S0008100000 takes precedence);; F21S0008040000 intended only for mounting on a ceiling or like overhead structure (F21S0008020000 takes precedence);; F21S0008060000 by suspension F21S0008080000 with a standard F21S0008100000 specially adapted for vehicles F21S0008120000 providing a single shaped beam, e.g. asymmetric beam, e.g. for penetrating fog or for preventing glare F21S0009000000 Lighting devices with a built-in power supply; Systems employing; lighting devices with a built-in power supply F21S0009020000 the power supply being a battery or accumulator F21S0009030000 rechargeable by exposure to light F21S0009040000 the power supply being a generator F21S0010000000 Lighting devices or systems producing a varying lighting effect F21S0010020000 changing colours (F21S0010040000 takes precedence);; F21S0010040000 simulating flames F21S0010060000 flashing, e.g. with rotating reflector or light source F21S0011000000 Non-electric lighting devices or systems using daylight F21S0013000000 Non-electric lighting devices or systems employing a point-like light source (candle holders F21V0035000000); Non-electric lighting devices or systems employing a light source of unspecified shape F21S0013020000 Devices intended to be fixed, e.g. ceiling lamp, wall lamp F21S0013040000 with a pendant F21S0013060000 multi-branched, e.g. chandelier F21S0013080000 with suspension from a stretched wire F21S0013100000 with a standard, e.g. street lamp F21S0013120000 Devices intended to be free-standing, e.g. table lamp, floor lamp F21S0013140000 Lighting systems F21S0015000000 Non-electric lighting devices or systems employing light sources not covered by main groups ; F21S0011000000,F21S0013000000; or F21S0019000000 F21S0019000000 Lighting devices or systems employing combinations of electric and non-electric light sources; Replacing or exchanging electric light sources with; non-electric light sources or vice versa F21V FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OR DETAILS OF LIGHTING DEVICES OR SYSTEMS THEREOF; STRUCTURAL COMBINATIONS OF LIGHTING DEVICES WITH OTHER ARTICLES, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR F21V0001000000 Shades for light sources F21V0001020000 Frames F21V0001040000 rigid (F21V0001080000 takes precedence);; F21V0001060000 foldable or collapsible F21V0001080000 adjustable F21V0001100000 Rotating shades F21V0001120000 Composite shades F21V0001140000 Covers for frames; Frameless shades F21V0001160000 characterised by the material F21V0001180000 the material being paper F21V0001200000 the material being glass F21V0001220000 the material being plastics F21V0001240000 the material being metal F21V0001260000 Manufacturing shades F21V0003000000 Globes; Bowls; Cover glasses (with refracting properties F21V0005000000; with reflecting properties F21V0007000000) F21V0003020000 characterised by the shape F21V0003040000 characterised by the material; characterised by surface treatments or coatings F21V0005000000 Refractors for light sources F21V0005020000 of prismatic shape (F21V0005040000 takes precedence);; F21V0005040000 of lens shape F21V0005060000 Hanging lustres for chandeliers F21V0005080000 producing an asymmetric light distribution F21V0007000000 Reflectors for light sources F21V0007040000 Optical design (F21V0007220000 takes precedence);; F21V0007050000 plane F21V0007060000 with parabolic curvature F21V0007070000 with hyperbolic curvature F21V0007080000 with elliptical curvature F21V0007090000 with a combination of different curvatures F21V0007100000 Construction (F21V0007220000 takes precedence);; F21V0007160000 with provision for adjusting the curvature F21V0007180000 with provision for folding or collapsing F21V0007200000 specially adapted for facilitating cooling, e.g. with fins F21V0007220000 characterised by the material; characterised by surface treatments or coatings F21V0008000000 Use of light guides, e.g. fibre optic devices, in lighting devices or systems (light guides per se, structural details of arrangements with other optical elements G02B0006000000) F21V0009000000 Light filters (coloured shades F21V0001000000); Selection of luminescent materials for light screens (luminescent materials per seC09K0011000000; electroluminescent light sources per seH05B0033000000) F21V0009020000 for simulating daylight (F21V0009040000, F21V0009060000, F21V0009160000 take precedence);; F21V0009040000 for filtering out infra-red radiation (using liquid-filled chambers F21V0009120000) F21V0009060000 for filtering out ultra-violet radiation (F21V0009160000 takes precedence);; F21V0009080000 for producing coloured light, e.g. monochromatic; for reducing intensity of light (F21V0009160000 takes precedence);; F21V0009100000 with provision for variation of the colour or intensity (F21V0009120000 takes precedence);; F21V0009120000 with liquid-filled chambers F21V0009140000 for producing polarised light F21V0009160000 Selection of luminescent materials for light screens F21V0011000000 Screens not covered by groups ; F21V0001000000, F21V0003000000, F21V0007000000; or F21V0009000000 F21V0011020000 using parallel laminae or strips, e.g. of Venetian-blind type (F21V0011060000 takes precedence);; F21V0011040000 adjustable F21V0011060000 using crossed laminae or strips; using lattices or honeycombs F21V0011080000 using diaphragms containing one or more apertures F21V0011100000 of iris type F21V0011120000 of slot type F21V0011140000 with many small apertures F21V0011160000 using sheets without apertures, e.g. fixed (F21V0011020000, F21V0011060000 take precedence);; F21V0011180000 movable, e.g. flaps, slides F21V0013000000 Producing particular characteristics or distribution of the light emitted by means of a combination of elements specified in two or more of main groups F21V0001000000-F21V0011000000; (changing the characteristics or distribution of the light emitted by adjustment of parts F21V0014000000) F21V0013020000 Combinations of only two kinds of elements F21V0013040000 the elements being reflectors and refractors F21V0013060000 a reflector being rotatable F21V0013080000 the elements being reflectors and filters F21V0013100000 the elements being reflectors and screens F21V0013120000 Combinations of only three kinds of elements F21V0013140000 the elements being reflectors, refractors, and filters F21V0014000000 Changing the characteristics or distribution of the light emitted by adjustment of parts (reflectors with provision for adjusting the curvature F21V0007160000; light filters with provision for variation of colour or intensity F21V0009100000; screens using iris-type diaphragms F21V0011100000; adjustable mountings for lighting devices F21V0021140000) F21V0014020000 by movement of light sources F21V0014040000 by movement of reflectors F21V0014060000 by movement of refractors F21V0014080000 by movement of screens F21V0015000000 Protecting lighting devices from damage (cooling or heating arrangements F21V0029000000; gas-tight or water-tight arrangements F21V0031000000) F21V0015010000 Housings, e.g. material or assembling of housing parts (F21V0015020000 takes precedence);; F21V0015015000 Devices for covering joints between adjacent lighting devices; End coverings F21V0015020000 Cages F21V0015040000 Resilient mountings, e.g. shock-absorbers F21V0015060000 Thermal insulation F21V0017000000 Fastening of component parts of lighting devices, e.g. shades, globes, refractors, reflectors, filters, screens, grids or protective cages (of light sources or light holders F21V0019000000; gas-tight or water-tight arrangements F21V0031000000) F21V0017020000 with provision for adjustment (F21V0017040000-F21V0017080000; take precedence;changing the characteristics or distribution of the light emitted by adjustment of parts F21V0014000000) F21V0017040000 onto or by the light source F21V0017060000 onto or by the lamp holder F21V0017080000 onto the supporting or suspending arrangements of the lighting device, e.g. power cords, standards F21V0017100000 characterised by specific fastening means or way of fastening (F21V0017020000-F21V0017080000; take precedence);; F21V0017120000 by screwing F21V0017140000 Bayonet-type fastening F21V0017160000 by deformation of parts of the lighting device; Snap action mounting F21V0017180000 Latch-type fastening, e.g. with rotary action F21V0017200000 by toggle-action levers F21V0019000000 Fastening of light sources or lamp holders (fastening electric light source solely by the coupling device H01R0033000000) F21V0019020000 with provision for adjustment, e.g. for focusing (changing the characteristics or distribution of the light emitted by adjustment of parts F21V0014000000) F21V0019040000 with provision for changing light source, e.g. turret F21V0019060000 Fastening incandescent mantles or other incandescent bodies to lamp parts; Suspension devices for incandescent mantles or other incandescent bodies F21V0021000000 Supporting, suspending, or attaching arrangements for lighting devices (F21V0017000000, F21V0019000000 take precedence);;Hand grips F21V0021002000 making direct electrical contact, e.g. by piercing (F21V0021350000 takes precedence);; F21V0021005000 for several lighting devices in an end-to-end arrangement, i.e. light tracks F21V0021008000 Suspending from a cable or suspension line F21V0021020000 Wall, ceiling, or floor bases; Fixing pendants or arms to the bases (F21V0021080000 takes precedence;bases for movable standing lamps F21V0021060000) F21V0021030000 Ceiling bases, e.g. ceiling roses (F21V0021040000 takes precedence);; F21V0021040000 Recessed bases F21V0021060000 Bases for movable standing lamps; Fixing standards to the bases (F21V0021080000 takes precedence);; F21V0021080000 Devices for easy attachment to a desired place F21V0021084000 Head fittings (for medical purposes A61B0001060000) F21V0021088000 Clips; Clamps F21V0021092000 Suction devices F21V0021096000 Magnetic devices F21V0021100000 Pendants, arms or standards; Fixing lighting devices to pendants, arms or standards (adjustable mounting F21V0021140000) F21V0021104000 Pendants F21V0021108000 Arms F21V0021112000 Fixing lighting devices to pendants (F21V0021002000 takes precedence);; F21V0021116000 Fixing lighting devices to arms or standards (F21V0021002000 takes precedence);; F21V0021120000 capable of being elongated or shortened by the insertion or removal of intermediate pieces F21V0021130000 Spring-loaded poles fixed at both ends F21V0021140000 Adjustable mountings F21V0021150000 specially adapted for power operation, e.g. by remote control F21V0021160000 using wires or cords F21V0021180000 operated by springs F21V0021200000 operated by weights F21V0021220000 telescopic F21V0021240000 Lazy-tongs F21V0021260000 Pivoted arms F21V0021280000 adjustable in more than one plane F21V0021290000 employing universal joints F21V0021300000 Pivoted housings or frames F21V0021320000 Flexible tubes F21V0021340000 Supporting elements displaceable along a guiding element F21V0021350000 with direct electrical contact between the supporting element and electric conductors running along the guiding element F21V0021360000 Hoisting or lowering devices, e.g. for maintenance (F21V0021140000 takes precedence);; F21V0021380000 with a cable F21V0021400000 Hand grips F21V0023000000 Arrangement of electric circuit elements in or on lighting devices F21V0023020000 the elements being transformers or impedances F21V0023040000 the elements being switches (safety devices F21V0025000000) F21V0023060000 the elements being coupling devices F21V0025000000 Safety devices structurally associated with lighting devices (gas-tight or water-tight arrangements F21V0031000000) F21V0025020000 coming into action when lighting device is disturbed, dismounted, or broken F21V0025040000 breaking the electric circuit F21V0025060000 feeding a quenching fluid to the light source F21V0025080000 cutting the incandescent filament F21V0025100000 coming into action when lighting device is over-loaded, e.g. thermal switch F21V0025120000 Flameproof or explosion-proof arrangements F21V0027000000 Cable-stowing arrangements structurally associated with lighting devices, e.g. reels F21V0027020000 Cable inlets F21V0029000000 Cooling or heating arrangements (reflectors specially adapted for cooling F21V0007200000; cooling of air-treatment systems with air-flow over lighting fixtures F24F0003056000; lighting fixtures combined with outlets for air-treatment systems F24F0013078000; cooling of projectors G03B0021160000) F21V0029020000 Cooling by forcing air over or around the light source (cooling arrangements structurally associated with electric lamps H01J0061520000, H01K0001580000) F21V0031000000 Gas-tight or water-tight arrangements F21V0031030000 with provision for venting F21V0031040000 Provision of filling media (safety devices F21V0025000000; cooling arrangements F21V0029000000) F21V0033000000 Structural combinations of lighting devices with other articles, not otherwise provided for F21V0035000000 Candle holders F21V0036000000 Arrangements of mantles or other incandescent bodies on burners (attaching to lamp parts F21V0019060000) F21V0036020000 in ceiling lamps F21V0037000000 Details of lighting devices employing combustion as light source, not otherwise provided for F21V0037020000 Special adaptation for protection against draughts F21V0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F21W INDEXING SCHEME ASSOCIATED WITH SUBCLASSES F21L, F21S and F21V, RELATING TO USES OR APPLICATIONS OF LIGHTING DEVICES OR SYSTEMS F21W0101000000 Use or application of lighting devices on or in vehicles F21W0101020000 for land vehicles F21W0101023000 for cycles F21W0101027000 for motorcycles F21W0101040000 for water vehicles F21W0101060000 for aircraft F21W0101080000 Interior lights F21W0101100000 Head-, spot- or fog-lights F21W0101120000 Direction indicator lights F21W0101140000 Rear or stop lights F21W0111000000 Use or application of lighting devices or systems for signalling, marking or indicating, not provided for in group F21W0101000000 F21W0111020000 for roads, paths or the like F21W0111023000 for pedestrian walkways F21W0111027000 for indicating kerbs, steps or stairs F21W0111040000 for waterways F21W0111043000 for lighthouses or lightships F21W0111047000 for light-buoys F21W0111060000 for aircraft runways or the like F21W0111080000 for handles or handrails F21W0111100000 for personal use, e.g. hand-held F21W0121000000 Use or application of lighting devices or systems for decorative purposes F21W0121020000 for fountains F21W0121040000 for Christmas trees F21W0121060000 for personal wear F21W0131000000 Uses or applications of lighting devices or systems not provided for in groups F21W0101000000-F21W0121000000 F21W0131100000 Outdoor lighting F21W0131101000 of tunnels or the like, e.g. under bridges F21W0131103000 of streets or roads F21W0131105000 of arenas or the like F21W0131107000 of the exterior of buildings F21W0131109000 of gardens F21W0131200000 Lighting for medical use F21W0131202000 for dentistry F21W0131205000 for operating theatres F21W0131208000 for hospital wards F21W0131300000 Lighting for domestic or personal use F21W0131301000 for furniture F21W0131302000 for mirrors F21W0131304000 for pictures F21W0131305000 for refrigerators F21W0131307000 for ovens F21W0131308000 for aquaria F21W0131400000 Lighting for industrial, commercial, recreational or military use F21W0131401000 for swimming pools F21W0131402000 for working places F21W0131403000 for machines F21W0131403500 for sewing machines F21W0131405000 for shop-windows or displays F21W0131406000 for theatres, stages or film studios F21W0131407000 for indoor arenas F21W0131409000 for furnaces or kilns F21W0131411000 for inspection of the interior of hollow structures, e.g. vessels, tubes F21Y INDEXING SCHEME ASSOCIATED WITH SUBCLASSES F21L, F21S and F21V, RELATING TO THE FORM OF THE LIGHT SOURCES F21Y0101000000 Point-like light sources F21Y0101020000 Miniature, e.g. light emitting diodes (LED) F21Y0103000000 Elongated light sources, e.g. fluorescent tubes F21Y0103020000 curved, e.g. ring-shaped F21Y0103025000 U-shaped F21Y0105000000 Planar light sources F21Y0111000000 Light sources of form not covered by groups F21Y0101000000-F21Y0105000000 F21Y0113000000 Combination of light sources F21Y0113020000 of different form F22 STEAM GENERATION F22B METHODS OF STEAM GENERATION; STEAM BOILERS (steam engine plants where engine aspects predominate F01K; removal of combustion products or residues, e.g. cleaning of the combustion contaminated surfaces of tubes of boilers, F23J0003000000; domestic central-heating systems using steam F24D; heat exchange or heat transfer in general F28; generation of vapour in the cores of nuclear reactors G21) F22B0001000000 Methods of steam generation characterised by form of heating method (use of solar heat F24J0002000000; jackets or other cooling means in which steam is generated and which serve for cooling other apparatus, see the subclasses for such apparatus); F22B0001020000 by exploitation of the heat content of hot heat carriers F22B0001040000 the heat carrier being hot slag, hot residues, or heated blocks, e.g. iron blocks F22B0001060000 the heat carrier being molten; Use of molten metal, e.g. zinc, as heat transfer medium F22B0001080000 the heat carrier being steam F22B0001100000 released from heat accumulators F22B0001120000 produced by an indirect cyclic process F22B0001140000 coming in direct contact with water in bulk or in sprays F22B0001160000 the heat carrier being hot liquid or hot vapour, e.g. waste liquid, waste vapour F22B0001180000 the heat carrier being a hot gas, e.g. waste gas such as exhaust gas of internal-combustion engines (use of waste heat of combustion engines, in general, F02) F22B0001200000 using heat evolved in a solution absorbing steam; Soda steam boilers F22B0001220000 using combustion under pressure substantially exceeding atmospheric pressure F22B0001240000 Pressure-fired steam boilers, e.g. using turbo air compressors actuated by hot gases from boiler furnace F22B0001260000 Steam boilers of submerged-flame type, i.e. the flame being surrounded by, or impinging on, the water to be vaporised F22B0001280000 in boilers heated electrically F22B0001300000 Electrode boilers F22B0003000000 Other methods of steam generation; Steam boilers not provided for in other groups of this subclass F22B0003020000 involving the use of working media other than water F22B0003040000 by drop in pressure of high-pressure hot water within pressure-reducing chambers, e.g. in accumulators (steam accumulators per seF01K0001000000) F22B0003060000 by transformation of mechanical, e.g. kinetic, energy into heat energy F22B0003080000 at critical or supercritical pressure values F22B0005000000 Steam boilers of drum type, i.e. without internal furnace or fire tubes, the boiler body being contacted externally by flue gas F22B0005020000 with auxiliary water tubes outside the boiler body F22B0005040000 Component parts thereof; Accessories therefor (covers or similar closure members for pressure vessels in general F16J0013000000) F22B0007000000 Steam boilers of furnace-tube type, i.e. the combustion of fuel being performed inside one or more furnace tubes built-in in the boiler body F22B0007020000 without auxiliary water tubes F22B0007040000 with auxiliary water tubes F22B0007060000 inside the furnace tube in transverse arrangement F22B0007080000 inside the furnace tube in longitudinal arrangement F22B0007100000 outside the boiler body F22B0007120000 with auxiliary fire tubes; Arrangement of header boxes providing for return diversion of flue gas flow F22B0007140000 with both auxiliary water tubes and auxiliary fire tubes F22B0007160000 Component parts thereof; Accessories therefor, e.g. stay-bolt connections F22B0007180000 Walling of flues; Flue-gas header boxes F22B0007200000 Furnace tubes F22B0009000000 Steam boilers of fire-tube type, i.e. the flue gas from a combustion chamber outside the boiler body flowing through tubes built-in in the boiler body F22B0009020000 the boiler body being disposed upright, e.g. above the combustion chamber F22B0009040000 the fire tubes being in upright arrangement F22B0009060000 Arrangement of header boxes providing for return diversion of flue gas flow F22B0009080000 the fire tubes being in horizontal arrangement F22B0009100000 the boiler body being disposed substantially horizontally, e.g. at the side of the combustion chamber F22B0009120000 the fire tubes being in substantially-horizontal arrangement F22B0009140000 Arrangement of header boxes providing for return diversion of flue gas flow F22B0009160000 the boiler body containing fire tubes disposed crosswise in inclined upward arrangement F22B0009180000 Component parts thereof; Accessories therefor, e.g. stay-bolt connections F22B0011000000 Steam boilers of combined fire-tube type and water-tube type, i.e. steam boilers of fire-tube type having auxiliary water tubes F22B0011020000 the fire tubes being in upright arrangement F22B0011040000 the fire tubes being in horizontal arrangement F22B0013000000 Steam boilers of fire-box type, i.e. the combustion of fuel being performed in a chamber or fire-box with subsequent flue(s) or fire tube(s), both chamber or fire-box and flues or fire tubes being built-in in the boiler body F22B0013020000 mounted in fixed position with the boiler body disposed upright F22B0013040000 mounted in fixed position with the boiler body disposed substantially horizontally F22B0013060000 Locomobile, traction-engine, steam-roller, or locomotive boilers F22B0013080000 without auxiliary water tubes inside the fire-box F22B0013100000 with auxiliary water tubes inside the fire-box F22B0013120000 the auxiliary water tubes lining the fire-box F22B0013140000 Component parts thereof; Accessories therefor F22B0013160000 Stay-bolt connections, e.g. rigid connections F22B0013180000 Flexible connections, e.g. of ball-and-socket type F22B0015000000 Water-tube boilers of horizontal type, i.e. the water-tube sets being arranged horizontally F22B0017000000 Water-tube boilers of horizontally-inclined type, i.e. the water-tube sets being inclined slightly with respect to the horizontal plane F22B0017020000 built-up from water-tube sets in abutting connection with two header boxes in common for all sets, e.g. with flat header boxes F22B0017040000 the water-tube sets being inclined in opposite directions, e.g. crosswise F22B0017060000 the water-tube sets being bent angularly F22B0017080000 the water-tube sets being curved F22B0017100000 built-up from water-tube sets in abutting connection with two sectional headers each for every set, i.e. with headers in a number of sections across the width or height of the boiler F22B0017120000 the sectional headers being in vertical or substantially-vertical arrangement F22B0017140000 the sectional headers being in horizontal or substantially-horizontal arrangement F22B0017160000 Component parts thereof; Accessories therefor F22B0017180000 Header boxes; Sectional headers F22B0019000000 Water-tube boilers of combined horizontally-inclined type and vertical type, i.e. water-tube boilers of horizontally-inclined type having auxiliary water-tube sets in vertical or substantially-vertical arrangement F22B0021000000 Water-tube boilers of vertical or steeply-inclined type, i.e. the water-tube sets being arranged vertically or substantially vertically F22B0021020000 built-up from substantially-straight water tubes F22B0021040000 involving a single upper drum and a single lower drum, e.g. the drums being arranged transversely F22B0021060000 the water tubes being arranged annularly in sets, e.g. in abutting connection with drums of annular shape F22B0021080000 the water tubes being arranged sectionally in groups or in banks, e.g. bent over at their ends F22B0021100000 the water tubes being arranged in staggered rows F22B0021120000 involving two or more upper drums and two or more lower drums, e.g. with crosswise-arranged water-tube sets in abutting connection with drums F22B0021140000 involving a single upper drum and two or more lower drums F22B0021160000 the lower drums being interconnected by further water tubes F22B0021180000 involving two or more upper drums and a single lower drum F22B0021200000 involving sectional or subdivided headers in separate arrangement for each water-tube set F22B0021220000 built-up from water tubes of form other than straight or substantially straight F22B0021240000 bent in serpentine or sinuous form F22B0021260000 bent helically, i.e. coiled F22B0021280000 bent spirally F22B0021300000 bent in U-loop form F22B0021320000 disposed horizontally in abutting connection with upright headers or rising water mains F22B0021340000 built-up from water tubes grouped in panel form surrounding the combustion chamber, i.e. radiation boilers F22B0021360000 involving an upper drum or headers mounted at the top of the combustion chamber F22B0021380000 Component parts thereof, e.g. prefabricated panels F22B0021400000 built-up from water tubes arranged in a comparatively long vertical shaft, i.e. tower boilers F22B0023000000 Water-tube boilers built-up from sets of spaced double-walled water tubes of return type in unilaterial abutting connection with a boiler drum or with a header box, i.e. built-up from Field water tubes comprising an inner tube arranged within an outer unilaterally-closed tube F22B0023020000 the water-tube, i.e. Field-tube, sets being horizontal or substantially horizontal F22B0023040000 the water-tube, i.e. Field-tube, sets being vertical or substantially vertical F22B0023060000 Component parts thereof, e.g. Field water tubes (heat-exchange tubes in general F28F) F22B0025000000 Water-tube boilers built-up from sets of water tubes with internally-arranged flue tubes, or fire tubes, extending through the water tubes F22B0027000000 Instantaneous or flash steam boilers F22B0027020000 built-up from fire tubes F22B0027040000 built-up from water tubes (F22B0027120000-F22B0027160000; take precedence);; F22B0027060000 bent in serpentine or sinuous form F22B0027080000 bent helically, i.e. coiled F22B0027100000 bent spirally F22B0027120000 built-up from rotary heat-exchange elements, e.g. from tube assemblies F22B0027140000 built-up from heat-exchange elements arranged within a confined chamber having heat-retaining walls F22B0027160000 involving spray nozzles for sprinkling or injecting water particles on to or into hot heat-exchange elements, e.g. into tubes F22B0029000000 Steam boilers of forced-flow type F22B0029020000 of forced-circulation type F22B0029040000 of combined-circulation type, i.e. in which convection circulation due to the difference in specific gravity between cold and hot water is promoted by additional measures, e.g. by injecting pressure-water temporarily F22B0029060000 of once-through type, i.e. built-up from tubes receiving water at one end and delivering superheated steam at the other end of the tubes (F22B0033000000 takes precedence);; F22B0029080000 operating with fixed point of final state of complete evaporation F22B0029100000 operating with sliding point of final state of complete evaporation F22B0029120000 operating with superimposed recirculation during starting and low-load periods, e.g. composite boilers F22B0031000000 Modifications of boiler construction, or of tube systems, dependent on installation of combustion apparatus; Arrangements or dispositions of combustion apparatus (steam generation characterised by heating method F22B0001000000; combustion apparatus per seF23) F22B0031020000 Installation of water-tube boilers in chimneys, e.g. in converter chimneys F22B0031040000 Heat supply by installation of two or more combustion apparatus, e.g. of separate combustion apparatus for the boiler and the superheater respectively F22B0031060000 Installation of emergency heat supply F22B0031080000 Installation of heat-exchange apparatus or of means in boilers for heating air supplied for combustion F22B0033000000 Steam-generation plants; Control systems F22B0033000000 Steam-generation plants, e.g. comprising steam boilers of different types in mutual association (arrangements or dispositions of steam-generation plants in marine vessels B63H0021000000) F22B0033020000 Combinations of boilers having a single combustion apparatus in common F22B0033040000 of boilers of furnace-tube type with boilers of water-tube type F22B0033060000 of boilers of furnace-tube type with boilers of fire-tube type F22B0033080000 of boilers of water-tube type with boilers of fire-tube type F22B0033100000 of two or more superposed boilers with separate water volumes and operating with two or more separate water levels F22B0033120000 Self-contained steam boilers, i.e. comprising as a unit the steam boiler, the combustion apparatus, the fuel storage, accessory machines, and equipment F22B0033140000 Combinations of low- and high-pressure boilers F22B0033160000 of forced-flow type F22B0033180000 Combinations of steam boilers with other apparatus F22B0035000000 Control systems for steam boilers (regulation or control of steam power plants F01K0007000000; for regulating feed-water supply F22D; for controlling superheat temperature F22G0005000000; control of combustion F23N) F22B0035020000 for steam boilers with natural convection circulation F22B0035040000 during starting-up periods, i.e. during the periods between the lighting of the furnaces and the attainment of the normal operating temperature of the steam boilers F22B0035060000 for steam boilers of forced-flow type F22B0035080000 of forced-circulation type F22B0035100000 of once-through type F22B0035120000 operating at critical or supercritical pressure F22B0035140000 during the starting-up periods, i.e. during the periods between the lighting of the furnaces and the attainment of the normal operating temperature of the steam boilers F22B0035160000 responsive to the percentage of steam in the mixture of steam and water F22B0035180000 Applications of computers to steam-boiler control F22B0037000000 Component parts or details of steam boilers (venting devices F16K0024000000; steam traps or like apparatus F16T) F22B0037020000 applicable to more than one kind or type of steam boiler F22B0037040000 and characterised by material, e.g. use of special steel alloy F22B0037060000 Flue or fire tubes; Accessories therefor, e.g. fire-tube inserts F22B0037080000 Fittings preventing burning-off of the tube edges F22B0037100000 Water tubes; Accessories therefor (working of metal tubes B21D; pipes in general F16L; repairing leaks in water tubes F16L0055160000, F28F0011000000; cleaning water tubes of boilers F23J, F28G; baffles, screens, or deflectors formed of water tubes F23M0009100000) F22B0037120000 Forms of water tubes, e.g. of varying cross-section F22B0037140000 Supply mains, e.g. rising mains, down-comers, in connection with water tubes F22B0037160000 Return bends F22B0037180000 Inserts, e.g. for receiving deposits from water F22B0037200000 Supporting arrangements, e.g. for securing water-tube sets (construction of tube walls of furnaces including boiler furnaces F23M0005080000) F22B0037220000 Drums; Headers; Accessories therefor (making boilers from sheet metal B21D0051240000; pressure vessels in general F16J0012000000; covers or similar closure members for pressure vessels in general F16J0013000000) F22B0037240000 Supporting, suspending, or setting arrangements, e.g. heat shielding (frames, engine beds F16M) F22B0037260000 Steam-separating arrangements (vapour-liquid separators, e.g. for drying steam, B01D, B04) F22B0037280000 involving reversal of direction of flow F22B0037300000 using impingement against baffle separators F22B0037320000 using centrifugal force F22B0037340000 Adaptations of boilers for promoting water circulation (auxiliary devices for promoting water circulation F22D0007000000) F22B0037360000 Arrangements for sheathing or casing boilers F22B0037380000 Determining or indicating operating conditions in steam boilers, e.g. monitoring direction or rate of water flow through water tubes (measuring or indicating instruments in general G01) F22B0037400000 Arrangements of partition walls in flues of steam boilers, e.g. built-up from baffles (in flues or chimneys F23J0013000000) F22B0037420000 Applications, arrangements, or dispositions of alarm or automatic safety devices (for feed-water heaters F22D0001140000; alarms responsive to undesired or abnormal conditions G08B) F22B0037440000 of safety valves (safety valves per seF16K) F22B0037460000 responsive to low or high water level, e.g. for checking, suppressing, extinguishing combustion in boilers (fire-fighting, fire extinction in general A62) F22B0037470000 responsive to abnormal temperature, e.g. actuated by fusible plugs (such alarms or devices per seG08B) F22B0037480000 Devices or arrangements for removing water, minerals, or sludge from boilers (cleaning water tubes, furnace tubes, or the like of boilers F23J, F28G) F22B0037500000 for draining or expelling water F22B0037520000 Washing-out devices F22B0037540000 De-sludging or blow-down devices F22B0037560000 Boiler-cleaning control devices, e.g. for ascertaining proper duration of boiler blow-down F22B0037580000 Removing tubes from headers or drums; Extracting tools F22B0037600000 specially adapted for steam boilers of instantaneous or flash type F22B0037620000 specially adapted for steam boilers of forced-flow type F22B0037640000 Mounting of, or supporting arrangements for, tube units (construction of tube walls of furnaces, e.g. boiler furnaces F23M0005080000) F22B0037660000 involving vertically-disposed water tubes F22B0037680000 involving horizontally-disposed water tubes F22B0037700000 Arrangements for distributing water into water tubes F22B0037720000 involving injection devices F22B0037740000 Throttling arrangements for tubes or sets of tubes F22B0037760000 Adaptations or mounting of devices for observing existence or direction of fluid flow (devices per seG01P) F22B0037780000 Adaptations or mounting of level indicators (level indicators per seG01F) F22D PREHEATING, OR ACCUMULATING PREHEATED, FEED-WATER; FEED-WATER SUPPLY; CONTROLLING WATER LEVEL; AUXILIARY DEVICES FOR PROMOTING WATER CIRCULATION WITHIN BOILERS(chemical treatment of water, e.g. purification, C02F; enclosed heat-exchange apparatus in general F28D; controlling in general G05) F22D0001000000 Feed-water heaters, e.g. preheaters F22D0001020000 with water tubes arranged in the boiler furnace, fire tubes, or flue ways (heat-exchange tubes in general F28F) F22D0001040000 the tubes having plain outer surfaces, e.g. in vertical arrangement F22D0001060000 in horizontal arrangement F22D0001080000 the tubes having fins, ribs, gills, corrugations, or the like on their outer surfaces, e.g. in vertical arrangement F22D0001100000 in horizontal arrangement (hollow fire-bars, grates, or the like used as water tubes F23H0003020000) F22D0001120000 Control devices, e.g. for regulating steam temperature F22D0001140000 Safety or venting devices (safety devices for boilers in general F22B0037420000) F22D0001160000 with water tubes arranged otherwise than in the boiler furnace, fire tubes, or flue ways F22D0001180000 and heated indirectly F22D0001200000 and directly connected to boilers F22D0001220000 and provided for rotary movement F22D0001240000 with fire tubes or flue ways traversing feed-water vessels F22D0001260000 with means, other than tubes, to separate water and heating medium, e.g. bulk heaters without internal flues or tubes, jacketted smoke-boxes or flues F22D0001280000 for direct heat transfer, e.g. by mixing water and steam F22D0001300000 with stages, steps, baffles, dishes, circular troughs, or other means to cause interrupted or cascading fall of water F22D0001320000 arranged to be heated by steam, e.g. bled from turbines F22D0001340000 and returning condensate to boiler with main feed supply F22D0001360000 Water and air preheating systems F22D0001380000 Constructional features of water and air preheating systems F22D0001400000 Combinations of exhaust-steam and smoke-gas preheaters (for locomotives F22D0001420000) F22D0001420000 specially adapted for locomotives F22D0001440000 Smoke-gas preheaters F22D0001460000 Exhaust-steam preheaters F22D0001480000 Details F22D0001500000 incorporating thermal de-aeration of feed-water (de-aeration produced in the course of direct heat transfer F22D0001280000; thermal de-aeration of water per seB01D0019000000, C02F0001200000; valves for venting F16K0024040000) F22D0003000000 Accumulators for preheated water F22D0003020000 arranged within combustion chambers F22D0003040000 combined with steam accumulators F22D0003060000 directly connected to boilers F22D0003080000 specially adapted for locomotives (locomotive boilers F22B0013060000) F22D0003100000 Control devices (controlling water feed to boilers, or water level F22D0005000000) F22D0005000000 Controlling water feed or water level; Automatic water feeding or water-level regulators (steam traps F16T; measuring or indicating instruments G01; for indicating water level G01F; level control in general G05D0009000000) F22D0005020000 with an intermediate compartment from which the water is fed by gravity after mechanically moving the compartment, the movement being controlled according to water level F22D0005040000 with pivoting buckets F22D0005060000 with receptacles external to, but in free communication with, the boilers and adapted to move up and down in accordance with change in water level F22D0005080000 with float-actuated valves F22D0005100000 and with pistons or membranes unitary with the feed inlet valves F22D0005120000 and with dipping tubes F22D0005140000 responsive to thermal expansion and contraction, e.g. of solid elements F22D0005160000 of fluids F22D0005180000 for varying the speed or delivery pressure of feed pumps F22D0005200000 without floats F22D0005220000 with floats F22D0005240000 with electric switches F22D0005260000 Automatic feed-control systems (automatic safety devices F22B0037420000; controlling in general G05) F22D0005280000 responsive to amount of steam withdrawn; responsive to steam pressure F22D0005300000 responsive to both water level and amount of steam withdrawn or steam pressure F22D0005320000 influencing the speed or delivery pressure of the feed pumps F22D0005340000 Applications of valves (valves per seF16K) F22D0005360000 for feeding a number of steam boilers designed for different ranges of temperature and pressure F22D0007000000 Auxiliary devices for promoting water circulation (adaptation of boilers for promoting water circulation F22B0037340000) F22D0007020000 Saddles or like directing plates fitted to furnace tubes F22D0007040000 Injectors for water or steam F22D0007060000 Rotary devices, e.g. propellers F22D0007080000 Arrangements of pumps, e.g. outside the boilers F22D0007100000 within the boilers F22D0007120000 Control devices F22D0007140000 specially adapted for locomotive boilers F22D0011000000 Feed-water supply not provided for in other main groups F22D0011020000 Arrangements of feed-water pumps (F22D0011060000 takes precedence;pumps per seF04) F22D0011040000 with means to eliminate steam formation F22D0011060000 for returning condensate to boiler F22G SUPERHEATING OF STEAM (steam-separating arrangements in boilers F22B0037260000;  removal of combustion products or residues, e.g. cleaning of the combustion contaminated surfaces of tubes of boilers, F23J0003000000) F22G0001000000 Steam superheating characterised by heating method (exothermal chemical reactions not involving a supply of free oxygen gas, apparatus or devices for using the heat therefrom F24J) F22G0001020000 with heat supply by hot flue gases from the furnace of the steam boiler F22G0001040000 by diverting flow or hot flue gases to separate superheaters operating in reheating cycle, e.g. for reheating steam between a high-pressure turbine stage and an intermediate turbine stage F22G0001060000 with heat supply predominantly by radiation F22G0001080000 from heated brickwork or the like F22G0001100000 with provision for superheating by throttling F22G0001120000 by mixing steam with furnace gases or other combustion products F22G0001140000 using heat generated by chemical reactions F22G0001160000 by using a separate heat source independent from heat supply of the steam boiler, e.g. by electricity, by auxiliary combustion of fuel oil F22G0003000000 Steam superheaters characterised by constructional features; Details or component parts thereof (general aspects of enclosed heat-exchangers F28D) F22G0005000000 Controlling superheat temperature (control systems for steam boilers F22B; regulating or controlling in general G05) F22G0005020000 Applications of combustion-control devices, e.g. tangential-firing burners, tilting burners F22G0005040000 by regulating flue gas flow, e.g. by proportioning or diverting F22G0005060000 by recirculating flue gases F22G0005080000 preventing furnace gas backflow through recirculating fan F22G0005100000 by displacing superheater sections F22G0005120000 by attemperating the superheated steam, e.g. by injected water sprays (spray-mixers B01F0005180000) F22G0005140000 by live steam F22G0005160000 by indirectly cooling or heating the superheated steam in auxiliary enclosed heat-exchanger F22G0005180000 by by-passing steam around superheater sections F22G0005200000 by combined controlling procedures F22G0007000000 Steam superheaters characterised by location, arrangement, or disposition F22G0007020000 in fire tubes F22G0007040000 in jackets around fire tubes F22G0007060000 in furnace tubes F22G0007080000 in fire-boxes F22G0007100000 in smoke-boxes F22G0007120000 in flues F22G0007140000 in water-tube boilers, e.g. between banks of water tubes F23 COMBUSTION APPARATUS; COMBUSTION PROCESSES F23B METHODS OR APPARATUS FOR COMBUSTION USING ONLY SOLID FUEL (for combustion of fuels that are solid at room temperatures, but burned in melted form, e.g. candle wax, C11C0005000000, F23C, F23D; using solid fuel suspended in air F23C, F23D0001000000; using solid fuel suspended in liquids F23C, F23D0011000000; using solid fuel and fluent fuel simultaneously or alternately F23C, F23D0017000000) F23B0010000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by the combination of two or more combustion chambers F23B0010020000 including separate secondary combustion chambers F23B0020000000 Combustion apparatus specially adapted for portability or transportability F23B0030000000 Combustion apparatus with driven means for agitating the burning fuel; Combustion apparatus with driven means for advancing the burning fuel through the combustion chamber F23B0030020000 with movable, e.g. vibratable, fuel-supporting surfaces; with fuel-supporting surfaces that have movable parts F23B0030040000 with fuel-supporting surfaces that are rotatable around a horizontal or inclined axis and support the fuel on their inside, e.g. cylindrical grates F23B0030060000 with fuel-supporting surfaces that are specially adapted for advancing the fuel through the combustion zone F23B0030080000 with fuel-supporting surfaces that move through the combustion zone, e.g. with chain grates F23B0030100000 with fuel-supporting surfaces having fuel advancing elements that are movable, but remain essentially in the same place, e.g. with rollers or reciprocating grate bars F23B0040000000 Combustion apparatus with driven means for feeding fuel into the combustion chamber F23B0040020000 the fuel being fed by scattering over the fuel-supporting surface F23B0040040000 the fuel being fed from below through an opening in the fuel-supporting surface F23B0040060000 the fuel being fed along the fuel-supporting surface F23B0040080000 into pot- or trough-shaped grates F23B0050000000 Combustion apparatus in which the fuel is fed into or through the combustion zone by gravity, e.g. from a fuel storage situated above the combustion zone F23B0050020000 the fuel forming a column, stack or thick layer with the combustion zone at its bottom F23B0050040000 the movement of combustion air and flue gases being substantially transverse to the movement of the fuel F23B0050060000 the flue gases being removed downwards through one or more openings in the fuel-supporting surface F23B0050080000 with fuel-deflecting bodies forming free combustion spaces inside the fuel layer F23B0050100000 with the combustion zone at the bottom of fuel-filled conduits ending at the surface of a fuel bed F23B0050120000 the fuel being fed to the combustion zone by free fall or by sliding along inclined surfaces, e.g. from a conveyer terminating above the fuel bed F23B0060000000 Combustion apparatus in which the fuel burns essentially without moving F23B0060020000 with combustion air supplied through a grate F23B0070000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by means for returning solid combustion residues to the combustion chamber F23B0080000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by means creating a distinct flow path for flue gases or for non-combusted gases given off by the fuel F23B0080020000 by means for returning flue gases to the combustion chamber or to the combustion zone F23B0080040000 by means for guiding the flow of flue gases, e.g. baffles F23B0090000000 Combustion methods not related to a particular type of apparatus F23B0090020000 Start-up techniques F23B0090040000 including secondary combustion (in separate combustion chambers F23B0010020000) F23B0090060000 the primary combustion being a gasification or pyrolysis in a reductive atmosphere F23B0090080000 in the presence of catalytic material F23B0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23B0101000000 Indexing scheme related to adaptation of combustion apparatus to boilers F23B0101000000 Adaptation of combustion apparatus to boilers in which the combustion chamber is situated inside the boiler vessel, e.g. surrounded by cooled surfaces F23B0103000000 Adaptation of combustion apparatus for placement in or against an opening of a boiler, e.g. for replacing an oil burner F23B0103020000 for producing an essentially horizontal flame F23C METHODS OR APPARATUS FOR COMBUSTION USING FLUENT FUEL (burners F23D) F23C0001000000 Combustion apparatus specially adapted for combustion of two or more kinds of fuel simultaneously or alternately, at least one kind of fuel being fluent (combustion apparatus characterised by the combination of two or more combustion chambers F23C0006000000; pilot flame igniters F23Q0009000000) F23C0001020000 lump and liquid fuel F23C0001040000 lump and gaseous fuel F23C0001060000 lump and pulverulent fuel F23C0001080000 liquid and gaseous fuel F23C0001100000 liquid and pulverulent fuel F23C0001120000 gaseous and pulverulent fuel F23C0003000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by the shape of the combustion chamber (F23C0015000000 takes precedence);; F23C0005000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by the arrangement or mounting of burners F23C0005020000 Structural details of mounting F23C0005060000 Provision for adjustment of burner position during operation F23C0005080000 Disposition of burners F23C0005140000 to obtain a single flame of concentrated or substantially planar form, e.g. pencil or sheet flame (F23C0005320000 takes precedence);; F23C0005240000 to obtain a loop flame F23C0005280000 to obtain flames in opposing directions, e.g. impacting flames F23C0005320000 to obtain rotating flames, i.e. flames moving helically or spirally F23C0006000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by the combination of two or more combustion chambers F23C0006020000 in parallel arrangement F23C0006040000 in series connection F23C0007000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by arrangements for air supply (inlets for fluidisation air F23C0010200000) F23C0007020000 Disposition of air supply not passing through burner F23C0007040000 to obtain maximum heat transfer to wall of combustion chamber F23C0007060000 for heating the incoming air (arrangements of regenerators or recuperators F23L0015000000) F23C0007080000 indirectly by a secondary fluid other than the combustion products F23C0009000000 Combustion apparatus characterised by arrangements for returning combustion products or flue gases to the combustion chamber (fluidised bed combustion apparatus with means for recirculation of particles entrained from the bed F23C0010020000; fluidised bed combustion apparatus with devices for removal and partial reintroduction of material from the bed F23C0010260000) F23C0009060000 for completing combustion F23C0009080000 for reducing temperature in combustion chamber, e.g. for protecting walls of combustion chamber F23C0010000000 Apparatus in which combustion takes place in a fluidised bed of fuel or other particles F23C0010010000 in a fluidised bed of catalytic particles F23C0010020000 with means specially adapted for achieving or promoting a circulating movement of particles within the bed or for a recirculation of particles entrained from the bed F23C0010040000 the particles being circulated to a section, e.g. a heat-exchange section or a return duct, at least partially shielded from the combustion zone, before being reintroduced into the combustion zone F23C0010060000 the circulating movement being promoted by inducing differing degrees of fluidisation in different parts of the bed F23C0010080000 characterised by the arrangement of separation apparatus, e.g. cyclones, for separating particles from the flue gases F23C0010100000 the separation apparatus being located outside the combustion chamber F23C0010120000 the particles being circulated exclusively within the combustion zone F23C0010140000 the circulating movement being promoted by inducing differing degrees of fluidisation in different parts of the bed F23C0010160000 specially adapted for operation at superatmospheric pressures, e.g. by the arrangement of the combustion chamber and its auxiliary systems inside a pressure vessel F23C0010180000 Details; Accessories F23C0010200000 Inlets for fluidisation air, e.g. grids; Bottoms F23C0010220000 Fuel feeders specially adapted for fluidised bed combustion apparatus (F23C0010260000 takes precedence);; F23C0010240000 Devices for removal of material from the bed (devices for controlling the level of the bed or the amount of material in the bed F23C0010300000) F23C0010260000 combined with devices for partial reintroduction of material into the bed, e.g. after separation of agglomerated parts F23C0010280000 Control devices specially adapted for fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C0010300000 for controlling the level of the bed or the amount of material in the bed F23C0010320000 by controlling the rate of recirculation of particles separated from the flue gases F23C0013000000 Apparatus in which combustion takes place in the presence of catalytic material (in a fluidised bed of catalytic particles F23C0010010000; radiant gas burners using catalysis for flameless combustion F23D0014180000) F23C0013020000 characterised by arrangements for starting the operation, e.g. for heating the catalytic material to operating temperature F23C0013040000 characterised by the arrangement of two or more catalytic elements in series connection F23C0013060000 in which non-catalytic combustion takes place in addition to catalytic combustion, e.g. downstream of a catalytic element F23C0013080000 characterised by the catalytic material F23C0015000000 Apparatus in which combustion takes place in pulses influenced by acoustic resonance in a gas mass F23C0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23C0101000000 Indexing scheme associated with group F23C0010000000, relating to combustion in entrained fluidised beds. F23C0101000000 Combustion in entrained fluidised beds, i.e. fluidised beds which have no distinct upper surface F23D BURNERS (generating combustion products of high pressure or high velocity F23R) F23D0001000000 Burners for combustion of pulverulent fuel (arrangement or mounting of burners F23C0005000000) F23D0001020000 Vortex burners, e.g. for cyclone-type combustion apparatus F23D0001040000 Burners producing cylindrical flames without centrifugal action F23D0001060000 Burners producing sheet flames F23D0003000000 Combustion of a liquid F23D0003000000 Burners using capillary action F23D0003020000 Wick burners F23D0003040000 with flame spreaders (F23D0003120000 takes precedence);; F23D0003060000 Inverted wick burners, e.g. for illumination F23D0003080000 characterised by shape, construction, or material, of wick F23D0003100000 Blue-flame burners F23D0003120000 with flame spreaders F23D0003140000 with mixing of air and fuel vapour in a chamber before the flame F23D0003160000 using candles (candles per seC11C) F23D0003180000 Details of wick burners F23D0003200000 Flame spreaders F23D0003220000 Devices for mixing evaporated fuel with air F23D0003240000 Carriers for wicks F23D0003260000 Safety devices thereon F23D0003280000 Wick-adjusting devices F23D0003300000 directly engaging with the wick F23D0003320000 engaging with a tube carrying the wick F23D0003340000 Wick stop devices; Wick-fixing devices F23D0003360000 Devices for trimming wicks F23D0003380000 Devices for replacement of wicks F23D0003400000 the capillary action taking place in one or more rigid porous bodies F23D0005000000 Burners in which liquid fuel evaporates in the combustion space, with or without chemical conversion of evaporated fuel F23D0005020000 the liquid forming a pool, e.g. bowl-type evaporators, dish-type evaporators F23D0005040000 Pot-type evaporators, i.e. using a partially-enclosed combustion space F23D0005060000 the liquid forming a film on one or more plane or convex surfaces F23D0005080000 on cascaded surfaces F23D0005100000 on grids F23D0005120000 Details F23D0005140000 Maintaining predetermined amount of fuel in evaporator F23D0005160000 Safety devices F23D0005180000 Preheating devices F23D0007000000 Burners in which drops of liquid fuel impinge on a surface F23D0009000000 Burners in which a stream of liquid fuel impinges intermittently on a hot surface F23D0011000000 Burners using a direct spraying action of liquid droplets or vaporised liquid into the combustion space (spraying in general B05B, B05D) F23D0011020000 the combustion space being a chamber substantially at atmospheric pressure F23D0011040000 the spraying action being obtained by centrifugal action F23D0011060000 using a horizontal shaft F23D0011080000 using a vertical shaft F23D0011100000 the spraying being induced by a gaseous medium, e.g. water vapour F23D0011120000 characterised by the shape or arrangement of the outlets from the nozzle F23D0011140000 with a single outlet, e.g. slit F23D0011160000 in which an emulsion of water and fuel is sprayed F23D0011180000 the gaseous medium being water vapour generated at the nozzle F23D0011200000 the water vapour being superheated F23D0011220000 the gaseous medium being vaporised fuel, e.g. for a soldering lamp F23D0011240000 by pressurisation of the fuel before a nozzle through which it is sprayed by a substantial pressure reduction into a space F23D0011260000 with provision for varying the rate at which the fuel is sprayed F23D0011280000 with flow-back of fuel at the burner, e.g. using by-pass F23D0011300000 with return feed of uncombusted sprayed fuel to reservoir F23D0011320000 by electrostatic means F23D0011340000 by ultrasonic means F23D0011360000 Details F23D0011380000 Nozzles (nozzles in general B05B); Cleaning devices therefor F23D0011400000 Mixing tubes; Burner heads F23D0011420000 Starting devices (igniting F23Q) F23D0011440000 Preheating devices; Vaporising devices F23D0011460000 Devices on the vaporiser for controlling the feeding of the fuel F23D0014000000 Burners for combustion of a gas, e.g. of a gas stored under pressure as a liquid F23D0014020000 Premix gas burners, i.e. in which gaseous fuel is mixed with combustion air upstream of the combustion zone F23D0014040000 induction type, e.g. Bunsen burner F23D0014060000 with radial outlets at the burner head F23D0014080000 with axial outlets at the burner head F23D0014100000 with elongated tubular burner head F23D0014120000 Radiant burners F23D0014140000 using screens or perforated plates F23D0014160000 using permeable blocks F23D0014180000 using catalysis for flameless combustion F23D0014200000 Non-premix gas burners, i.e. in which gaseous fuel is mixed with combustion air on arrival at the combustion zone (F23D0014300000-F23D0014440000; take precedence);; F23D0014220000 with separate air and gas feed ducts, e.g. with ducts running parallel or crossing each other F23D0014240000 at least one of the fluids being submitted to a swirling motion F23D0014260000 with provision for a retention flame (pilot flame igniters F23Q0009000000) F23D0014280000 in association with a gaseous fuel source, e.g. acetylene generator, or a container for liquefied gas F23D0014300000 Inverted burners, e.g. for illumination F23D0014320000 using a mixture of gaseous fuel and pure oxygen or oxygen-enriched air (F23D0014380000 takes precedence);; F23D0014340000 Burners specially adapted for use with means for pressurising the gaseous fuel or the combustion air (F23D0014380000 takes precedence);; F23D0014360000 in which the compressor and burner form a single unit F23D0014380000 Torches, e.g. for cutting, brazing, welding or heating (nozzles F23D0014480000) F23D0014400000 for welding (F23D0014440000 takes precedence);; F23D0014420000 for cutting (F23D0014440000 takes precedence);; F23D0014440000 for use under water F23D0014460000 Details F23D0014480000 Nozzles (for spraying or coating B05B) F23D0014500000 Cleaning devices therefor F23D0014520000 for torches; for blow-pipes F23D0014540000 for cutting or welding metal F23D0014560000 for spreading the flame over an area, e.g. for desurfacing of solid material, for surface hardening, for heating workpieces (scarfing by applying flames B23K0007000000) F23D0014580000 characterised by the shape or arrangement of the outlet or outlets from the nozzle, e.g. of annular configuration F23D0014600000 Devices for simultaneous control of gas and combustion air (regulation of combustion in general F23N) F23D0014620000 Mixing devices; Mixing tubes F23D0014640000 with injectors F23D0014660000 Preheating the combustion air or gas F23D0014680000 Treating the combustion air or gas, e.g. by filtering, by moistening (in general B01) F23D0014700000 Baffles or like flow-disturbing devices F23D0014720000 Safety devices, e.g. operative in case of failure of gas supply (protection or supervision of pipe-line systems F17D0005000000) F23D0014740000 Preventing flame lift-off (F23D0014700000 takes precedence);; F23D0014760000 Protecting flame and burner parts F23D0014780000 Cooling burner parts F23D0014800000 Selection of a non-toxic gas F23D0014820000 Preventing flashback or blowback (F23D0014700000 takes precedence;in gas feed lines A62C0004020000) F23D0014840000 Flame spreading or otherwise shaping (F23D0014700000 takes precedence);; F23D0017000000 Other burners F23D0017000000 Burners for combustion simultaneously or alternately of gaseous or liquid or pulverulent fuel F23D0023000000 Assemblies of two or more burners (gas burners with provision for a retention flame F23D0014260000; arrangement or mounting of burners F23C0005000000; for industrial furnaces F27) F23D0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23G CREMATION FURNACES; CONSUMING WASTE OR LOW GRADE FUELS BY COMBUSTION F23G0001000000 Methods or apparatus specially adapted for cremation of human or animal carcasses F23G0005000000 Methods or apparatus, e.g. incinerators, specially adapted for combustion of waste or low-grade fuels F23G0005020000 including pretreatment F23G0005027000 pyrolising or gasifying (pyrolisation of sludge C02F0011000000; destructive distillation of carbonaceous materials C10B0053000000) F23G0005033000 comminuting or crushing F23G0005040000 drying F23G0005050000 using drying grates F23G0005080000 including supplementary heating F23G0005100000 using electric means F23G0005120000 using gaseous or liquid fuel (F23G0005140000 takes precedence);; F23G0005140000 including secondary combustion F23G0005160000 in a separate combustion chamber F23G0005180000 in a stack F23G0005200000 with combustion in rotating or oscillating drums F23G0005220000 the drums being conically shaped F23G0005240000 with combustion in a vertical, substantially cylindrical, combustion chamber F23G0005260000 having rotating bottom F23G0005280000 having raking arms F23G0005300000 with combustion in a fluidised bed F23G0005320000 in which the waste or low-grade fuel is subjected to a whirling movement, e.g. cyclonic incinerators F23G0005340000 in which the waste or low-grade fuel is burnt in a pit or arranged in a heap for combustion F23G0005360000 with combustion in a conical combustion chamber, e.g. "teepee" incinerators (F23G0005220000 takes precedence);; F23G0005380000 having multi-hearth arrangements F23G0005400000 Portable or mobile apparatus F23G0005420000 of the basket type F23G0005440000 Details; Accessories F23G0005460000 Recuperation of heat F23G0005480000 Preventing corrosion F23G0005500000 Control or safety arrangements F23G0007000000 Methods or apparatus, e.g. incinerators, specially adapted for combustion of specific waste or low grade fuels, e.g. chemicals (F23G0001000000 takes precedence;incinerator closets A47K0011020000; oxidation of sludge C02F0011060000; incinerating radioactive waste G21F0009000000) F23G0007020000 of bagasse, megasse or the like F23G0007040000 of waste liquors, e.g. sulfite liquors F23G0007050000 of waste oils F23G0007060000 of waste gases or noxious gases, e.g. exhaust gases (exhaust apparatus for engines with means for rendering the exhaust innocuous, e.g. by thermal or catalytic conversion, F01N0003080000; combustion of uncombusted material from primary combustion within apparatus for combustion of solid or fluent fuel F23B, F23C) F23G0007070000 in which combustion takes place in the presence of catalytic material F23G0007080000 using flares, e.g. in stacks F23G0007100000 of field or garden waste F23G0007120000 of plastics, e.g. rubber F23G0007140000 of contaminated soil, e.g. soil contaminated by oil F23H GRATES (inlets for fluidisation air for fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C0010200000); CLEANING OR RAKING GRATES F23H0001000000 Grates with solid bars (double grates F23H0005000000) F23H0001020000 having provision for air supply or air preheating, e.g. air-supply or blast fittings which form part of the grate structure or serve as supports F23H0001040000 having a variable burning surface F23H0001060000 having bars at different levels F23H0001080000 Vertical grates F23H0003000000 Grates with hollow bars F23H0003020000 internally cooled F23H0003040000 externally cooled, e.g. with water, steam, or air F23H0005000000 Double grates F23H0007000000 Inclined grates (inclined travelling grates F23H0011120000) F23H0007020000 with fixed bars F23H0007040000 in parallel disposition F23H0007060000 with movable bars disposed parallel to direction of fuel feeding F23H0007080000 reciprocating along their axes F23H0007100000 rocking about their axes F23H0007120000 with movable bars disposed transversely to direction of fuel feeding F23H0007140000 reciprocating along their axes F23H0007160000 rocking about their axes F23H0007180000 reciprocating in an upward direction F23H0009000000 Revolving grates; Rocking grates (F23H0007000000 takes precedence);; F23H0009020000 Revolving cylindrical grates F23H0009040000 Grates rocked as a whole F23H0009060000 the bars being rocked about axes transverse to their lengths F23H0009080000 the bars being rocked about their longitudinal axes F23H0009100000 and modified to move fuel along the grate F23H0009120000 the bars being vertically movable in a plane F23H0011000000 Travelling grates F23H0011020000 with the bars disposed on transverse bearers F23H0011040000 with the bars pivoted at one side F23H0011060000 with the bars movable relatively to one another F23H0011080000 with several individually-movable grate surfaces F23H0011100000 with special provision for supply of air from below and for regulating air supply F23H0011120000 inclined travelling grates; Stepped travelling grates F23H0011140000 serving as auxiliary grates F23H0011160000 for multi-layer stoking F23H0011180000 Details F23H0011200000 Driving means F23H0011220000 Moving fuel along grate; Cleaning of grate F23H0011240000 Removal of ashes; Removal of clinker F23H0011260000 by dumping F23H0011280000 Replaceable burning-surface F23H0013000000 Grates not covered by any of groups ; F23H0001000000-F23H0011000000 F23H0013020000 Basket grates, e.g. with shaking arrangement F23H0013040000 Telescoping grates F23H0013060000 Dumping-grates F23H0013080000 Grates specially adapted for gas generators and also applicable to furnaces F23H0015000000 Cleaning arrangements for grates (not forming part of the grate F23J0001000000); Moving fuel along grate (rocking grates modified for moving fuel F23H0009100000; for travelling grates F23H0011220000) F23H0017000000 Details of grates F23H0017020000 End fittings on bars F23H0017040000 of travelling grates F23H0017060000 Provision for vertical adjustment of grate F23H0017080000 Bearers; Frames; Spacers; Supports F23H0017100000 Dead plates; Imperforate fuel supports F23H0017120000 Fire-bars F23J REMOVAL OR TREATMENT OF COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OR COMBUSTION RESIDUES; FLUES (precipitating dust from flue gases B01D; composition of fuels C10; combustion apparatus for consuming smoke or fumes, e.g. exhaust gases, F23G0007060000) F23J0001000000 Removing ash, clinker, or slag from combustion chambers (devices for removal of material from the bed of fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C0010240000) F23J0001020000 Apparatus for removing ash, clinker, or slag from ash-pits, e.g. by employing trucks or conveyers, by employing suction devices F23J0001040000 Hand tools, e.g. rakes, prickers, tongs F23J0001060000 Mechanically-operated devices, e.g. clinker pushers (forming part of the grate F23H) F23J0001080000 Liquid slag removal F23J0003000000 Removing solid residues from passages or chambers beyond the fire, e.g. from flues by soot blowers F23J0003020000 Cleaning furnace tubes; Cleaning flues or chimneys (by means which do not differ materially from the cleaning of any other tube once the fire is out B08B) F23J0003040000 Traps F23J0003060000 Systems for accumulating residues from different parts of furnace plant F23J0007000000 Arrangement of devices for supplying chemicals to fire (supplying chemicals to fire C10L) F23J0009000000 Preventing premature solidification of molten combustion residues F23J0011000000 Devices for conducting smoke or fumes, e.g. flues (heat insulation therefor E04B0001940000; chimneys E04H0012280000; removing cooking fumes from domestic stoves or ranges F24C0015200000) F23J0011020000 for conducting smoke or fumes originating from various locations to the outside, e.g. in locomotive sheds, in garages F23J0011040000 in locomotives; in road vehicles; in ships F23J0011060000 for conducting smoke horizontally F23J0011080000 for portable apparatus F23J0011100000 for tents; for log huts; for other inflammable structures F23J0011120000 Smoke conduit systems for factories or large buildings F23J0013000000 Fittings for chimneys or flues (staying, stiffening E04H; means for facilitating climbing E06C; draught-inducing apparatus associated with chimneys or flues F23L) F23J0013020000 Linings; Jackets; Casings F23J0013040000 Joints; Connections (pipe joints in general F16L) F23J0013060000 Mouths; Inlet holes F23J0013080000 Doors or covers specially adapted for smoke-boxes, flues, or chimneys (in general E06B) F23J0015000000 Arrangements of devices for treating smoke or fumes (such devices per se, methods for treating smoke or fumes, see the relevant places for the treatment, e.g. B01D0053000000) F23J0015020000 of purifiers, e.g. for removing noxious material (traps for solid residues F23J0003040000) F23J0015040000 using washing fluids F23J0015060000 of coolers F23J0015080000 of heaters F23J0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23K FEEDING FUEL TO COMBUSTION APPARATUS (fuel feeders specially adapted for fluidised bed combustion apparatus F23C0010220000; regulating or controlling combustion F23N) F23K0001000000 Preparation of lump or pulverulent fuel in readiness for delivery to combustion apparatus (filtration B01D; mixing B01F; pulverising B02C; drying F26B) F23K0001020000 Mixing solid fuel with a liquid, e.g. preparing slurries F23K0001040000 Heating fuel prior to delivery to combustion apparatus F23K0003000000 Feeding or distributing of lump or pulverulent fuel to combustion apparatus (conveying in general B65G) F23K0003020000 Pneumatic feeding arrangements, i.e. by air blast F23K0003040000 for locomotive boiler furnaces F23K0003060000 for shaft-type furnaces F23K0003080000 for furnaces having movable grate bars F23K0003100000 Under-feed arrangements F23K0003120000 feeding by piston F23K0003140000 feeding by screw F23K0003160000 Over-feed arrangements F23K0003180000 Spreader stokers F23K0003200000 with moving hoppers F23K0003220000 Controlling thickness of fuel bed F23K0005000000 Feeding or distributing other fuel to combustion apparatus F23K0005020000 Liquid fuel F23K0005040000 Feeding or distributing systems using pumps (F23K0005060000 takes precedence);; F23K0005060000 from a central source to a plurality of burners F23K0005080000 Preparation of fuel F23K0005100000 Mixing with other fluids F23K0005120000 Preparing emulsions (burners spraying an emulsion of water and fuel into the combustion space F23D0011160000) F23K0005140000 Details thereof F23K0005160000 Safety devices (F23K0005180000 takes precedence;safety arrangements for combustion chambers F23M0011000000) F23K0005180000 Cleaning or purging devices, e.g. filters F23K0005200000 Preheating devices (in burners using a direct spraying action of liquid droplets or vaporised liquid into the combustion space F23D0011440000) F23K0005220000 Vaporising devices (in burners using a direct spraying action of liquid droplets or vaporised liquid into the combustion space F23D0011440000) F23L AIR SUPPLY; DRAUGHT-INDUCING; SUPPLYING NON-COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID OR GAS (air-supply arrangements for combustion apparatus using fluent fuel, e.g. fluidised bed combustion apparatus, F23C; dampers or throat restrictors for open fire-places F24; air inlet valves for open fire fronts F24) F23L0001000000 Passages or apertures for delivering primary air for combustion F23L0001020000 by discharging the air below the fire F23L0003000000 Arrangements of valves or dampers before the fire F23L0005000000 Blast-producing apparatus before the fire F23L0005020000 Arrangements of fans or blowers (fans or blowers per seF04) F23L0005040000 by induction of air for combustion, e.g. using steam jet F23L0007000000 Supplying non-combustible liquids or gases, other than air, to the fire, e.g. oxygen, steam F23L0009000000 Passages or apertures for delivering secondary air for completing combustion of fuel F23L0009020000 by discharging the air above the fire F23L0009040000 by discharging the air beyond the fire, i.e. nearer the smoke outlet F23L0009060000 by discharging the air into the fire bed F23L0011000000 Arrangements of valves or dampers after the fire F23L0011020000 for reducing draught by admission of air to flues F23L0013000000 Construction of valves or dampers for controlling air supply or draught (in general F16K) F23L0013020000 pivoted about a single axis but having no other movement (formed as linked slats each pivoted about an axis F23L0013080000) F23L0013040000 with axis perpendicular to face F23L0013060000 slidable only F23L0013080000 operating as a roller blind; operating as a venetian blind F23L0013100000 having a compound movement involving both sliding and pivoting F23L0015000000 Heating of air supplied for combustion F23L0015020000 Arrangements of regenerators F23L0015040000 Arrangements of recuperators F23L0017000000 Inducing draught F23L0017020000 Tops for chimneys or ventilating shafts; Terminals for flues F23L0017040000 Balanced-flue arrangements, i.e. devices which combine air inlet to combustion unit with smoke outlet F23L0017060000 branched; T-headed F23L0017080000 with coaxial cones or louvres F23L0017100000 wherein the top moves as a whole F23L0017120000 Devices for fastening the top or terminal to chimney, shaft, or flue F23L0017140000 Draining devices F23L0017160000 Induction apparatus, e.g. steam jet, acting on combustion products beyond the fire F23L0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23M CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS OF COMBUSTION CHAMBERS, NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (construction or support of tube walls for steam boilers F22B; generating combustion products of high pressure or high velocity F23R) F23M0003000000 Firebridges (baffles not confining the fire F23M0009060000) F23M0003020000 modified for circulation of fluids, e.g. air, steam, water F23M0003040000 for delivery of gas, e.g. air, steam F23M0003060000 into or towards fire F23M0003080000 away from fire, e.g. towards smoke outlet F23M0003100000 transversely F23M0003120000 characterised by shape or construction (F23M0003020000 takes precedence);; F23M0003140000 with apertures for passage of combustion products F23M0003160000 built-up in sections, e.g. using bars or blocks F23M0003180000 double; multiple F23M0003200000 comprising loose refractory material, wholly or in part F23M0003220000 movable; adjustable F23M0005000000 Casings; Linings; Walls (casings, linings, or walls of heat-treatment chambers of ovens, kilns, or retorts F27D) F23M0005020000 characterised by the shape of the bricks or blocks used (ceramic materials C04B0033000000, C04B0035000000) F23M0005040000 Supports for linings F23M0005060000 Crowns or roofs for combustion chambers (F23M0005020000, F23M0005040000 take precedence);; F23M0005080000 Cooling thereof; Tube walls F23M0007000000 Doors specially adapted for combustion chambers (in general E06B; for flues or smoke-boxes F23J0013080000) F23M0007020000 Frames therefor F23M0007040000 Cooling doors or door frames F23M0009000000 Baffles or deflectors for air or combustion products; Flame shields F23M0009020000 in air inlets F23M0009040000 with air-supply passages in the baffle or shield F23M0009060000 in fire-boxes F23M0009080000 Helical or twisted baffles or deflectors F23M0009100000 Baffles or deflectors formed as tubes, e.g. in water-tube boilers (interconnection of such tubes in boilers for fluid flow F22) F23M0011000000 Safety arrangements (by controlling combustion F23N0005240000) F23M0011020000 Preventing emission of flames or hot gases, or admission of air, through working or charging apertures F23M0011040000 Means for supervising combustion, e.g. window (alarm systems G08B) F23M0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F23N REGULATING OR CONTROLLING COMBUSTION (control devices specially adapted for combustion apparatus in which combustion takes place in a fluidised bed of fuel or other particles F23C0010280000; condition responsive controls for regulating combustion in domestic stoves with open fires for solid fuel F24B0001187000) F23N0001000000 Regulating fuel supply F23N0001020000 conjointly with air supply F23N0001040000 conjointly with air supply and with draught F23N0001060000 conjointly with draught F23N0001080000 conjointly with another medium, e.g. boiler water F23N0001100000 and with air supply or draught F23N0003000000 Regulating air supply or draught (conjointly with fuel supply F23N0001000000) F23N0003020000 Regulating draught by direct pressure operation of single valves or dampers F23N0003040000 by operation of single valves or dampers by temperature-sensitive elements F23N0003060000 by conjoint operation of two or more valves or dampers (F23N0003080000 takes precedence);; F23N0003080000 by power-assisted systems F23N0005000000 Systems for controlling combustion (F23N0001000000, F23N0003000000 take precedence);; F23N0005020000 using devices responsive to thermal changes or to thermal expansion of a medium F23N0005040000 using bimetallic elements F23N0005060000 using bellows; using diaphragms F23N0005080000 using light-sensitive elements F23N0005100000 using thermocouples F23N0005120000 using ionisation-sensitive elements, i.e. flame rods F23N0005140000 using thermo-sensitive resistors F23N0005160000 using noise-sensitive detectors F23N0005180000 using detectors sensitive to rate of flow of air or fuel F23N0005200000 with a time programme acting through electrical means, e.g. using time-delay relays F23N0005220000 with a time programme acting through mechanical means, e.g. using cams F23N0005240000 Preventing development of abnormal or undesired conditions, i.e. safety arrangements (F23N0005020000-F23N0005180000; take precedence);; F23N0005260000 Details F23Q IGNITION (devices for igniting matches A24F;  chemical igniters C06C0009000000); EXTINGUISHING DEVICES F23Q0001000000 Mechanical ignition (lighters containing fuel F23Q0002000000; matches C06F) F23Q0001020000 using friction or shock effects F23Q0001040000 on a part moved by the fuel-controlling member, e.g. by a tap on a gas cooker F23Q0001060000 Portable igniters F23Q0002000000 Lighters containing fuel, e.g. for cigarettes F23Q0002020000 Lighters with liquid fuel F23Q0002040000 with cerium-iron alloy and wick F23Q0002060000 with friction wheel F23Q0002080000 with ignition by spring action of the cover F23Q0002100000 with other friction member F23Q0002120000 with cerium-iron alloy without wick F23Q0002140000 with cerium-iron alloy and torch ignited by striking or pushing F23Q0002160000 Lighters with gaseous fuel, e.g. the gas being stored in liquid phase F23Q0002167000 with adjustable flame F23Q0002173000 Valves therefor F23Q0002180000 Lighters with solid fuel F23Q0002200000 with cerium-iron alloy and friction wheel F23Q0002220000 with cerium-iron alloy and tinder F23Q0002240000 with ignition pills or strips with inflammable parts F23Q0002260000 combined with liquid-fuel lighters F23Q0002280000 Lighters characterised by electrical ignition of the fuel F23Q0002300000 Lighters characterised by catalytic ignition of fuel F23Q0002320000 Lighters characterised by being combined with other objects (combinations with smokers' equipment A24F) F23Q0002340000 Component parts or accessories F23Q0002360000 Casings F23Q0002380000 with containers for flints or tools F23Q0002400000 Cover fastenings F23Q0002420000 Fuel containers; Closures for fuel containers F23Q0002440000 Wicks; Wick guides or fastenings F23Q0002460000 Friction wheels; Arrangement of friction wheels F23Q0002480000 Flints (composition, manufacture C06C0015000000); Guides for, or arrangements of, flints F23Q0002500000 Protecting coverings F23Q0002520000 Filling devices F23Q0003000000 Ignition using electrically-produced sparks (lighters containing fuel F23Q0002280000; sparking-plugs H01T0013000000) F23Q0003010000 Hand-held lighters, e.g. for cigarettes F23Q0005000000 Make-and-break ignition, i.e. with spark generated between electrodes by breaking contact therebetween F23Q0007000000 Incandescent ignition; Ignition using electrically-produced heat, e.g. lighters for cigarettes; Electrically-heated glowing plugs F23Q0007020000 for igniting solid fuel F23Q0007040000 with fans for transfer of heat to fuel F23Q0007060000 Igniters structurally associated with fluid-fuel burners (lighters containing fuel F23Q0002000000) F23Q0007080000 for evaporating and igniting liquid fuel, e.g. in hurricane lanterns F23Q0007100000 for gaseous fuel, e.g. in welding appliances F23Q0007120000 actuated by gas-controlling device F23Q0007140000 Portable igniters F23Q0007160000 with built-in battery F23Q0007180000 with built-in generator F23Q0007200000 with built-in mains transformer F23Q0007220000 Details F23Q0007240000 Safety arrangements F23Q0007260000 Provision for re-ignition F23Q0009000000 Ignition by a pilot flame F23Q0009020000 without interlock with main fuel supply F23Q0009040000 for upright burners, e.g. gas-cooker burners F23Q0009060000 for inverted burners, e.g. gas lamps F23Q0009080000 with interlock with main fuel supply F23Q0009100000 to determine the sequence of supply of fuel to pilot and main burners F23Q0009120000 to permit the supply to the main burner in dependence upon existence of pilot flame F23Q0009140000 using electric means, e.g. by light-sensitive elements F23Q0011000000 Arrangement of catalytic igniters F23Q0011040000 at the burner F23Q0011060000 remote from the burner, e.g. on the chimney of a lamp F23Q0011080000 on a part moved by the fuel-controlling member F23Q0011100000 and moving out of the flame after ignition F23Q0013000000 Ignition not otherwise provided for F23Q0013020000 using gas burners, e.g. gas pokers F23Q0013040000 using portable burners, e.g. torches, fire pots F23Q0021000000 Devices for effecting ignition from a remote location F23Q0023000000 Testing of ignition installations (peculiar to internal-combustion engines F02P0017000000; testing of sparking plugs H01T0013580000) F23Q0023020000 Testing of ignition timing F23Q0023080000 Testing of components F23Q0023100000 electrically F23Q0025000000 Extinguishing devices, e.g. for blowing-out or snuffing candle flames F23R GENERATING COMBUSTION PRODUCTS OF HIGH PRESSURE OR HIGH VELOCITY, e.g. GAS-TURBINE COMBUSTION CHAMBERS (fluidised bed combustion apparatus specially adapted for operation at superatmospheric pressures F23C0010160000) F23R0003000000 Continuous combustion chambers using liquid or gaseous fuel F23R0003020000 characterised by the air-flow or gas-flow configuration (reverse-flow combustion chambers F23R0003540000; cyclone or vortex type combustion chambers F23R0003580000) F23R0003040000 Air inlet arrangements F23R0003060000 Arrangement of apertures along the flame tube F23R0003080000 between annular flame tube sections, e.g. flame tubes with telescopic sections F23R0003100000 for primary air (F23R0003060000 takes precedence);; F23R0003120000 inducing a vortex F23R0003140000 by using swirl vanes F23R0003160000 with devices inside the flame tube or the combustion chamber to influence the air or gas flow F23R0003180000 Flame stabilising means, e.g. flame holders for after-burners of jet-propulsion plants F23R0003200000 incorporating fuel injection means F23R0003220000 movable, e.g. to an inoperative position; adjustable, e.g. self-adjusting F23R0003240000 of the fluid-screen type F23R0003260000 Controlling the air flow F23R0003280000 characterised by the fuel supply F23R0003300000 comprising fuel prevapourising devices F23R0003320000 being tubular F23R0003340000 Feeding into different combustion zones F23R0003360000 Supply of different fuels F23R0003380000 comprising rotary fuel injection means F23R0003400000 characterised by the use of catalytic means F23R0003420000 characterised by the arrangement or form of the flame tubes or combustion chambers F23R0003440000 Combustion chambers comprising a tubular flame tube within a tubular casing (reverse-flow combustion chambers F23R0003540000) F23R0003460000 Combustion chambers comprising an annular arrangement of flame tubes within a common annular casing or within individual casings F23R0003480000 Flame tube interconnectors, e.g. cross-over tubes F23R0003500000 Combustion chambers comprising an annular flame tube within an annular casing (toroidal combustion chambers F23R0003520000) F23R0003520000 Toroidal combustion chambers F23R0003540000 Reverse-flow combustion chambers F23R0003560000 Combustion chambers having rotary flame tubes F23R0003580000 Cyclone or vortex type combustion chambers F23R0003600000 Support structures; Attaching or mounting means F23R0005000000 Continuous combustion chambers using solid or pulverulent fuel F23R0007000000 Intermittent or explosive combustion chambers F24 HEATING; RANGES; VENTILATING F24B DOMESTIC STOVES OR RANGES FOR SOLID FUELS; IMPLEMENTS FOR USE IN CONNECTION WITH STOVES OR RANGES F24B0001000000 Stoves or ranges F24B0001020000 Closed stoves F24B0001040000 built-up from glazed tiles (F24B0001080000, F24B0001160000 take precedence);; F24B0001060000 Construction of tiles or bracing means therefor, e.g. shim liner (forming of tiles B28B; glazing of tiles C04B) F24B0001080000 with fuel storage in a single undivided hopper within stove or range F24B0001100000 with combustion in horizontal direction (F24B0001140000 takes precedence);; F24B0001140000 with predistillation in the hopper F24B0001160000 with fuel storage in multiple or divided hoppers within the stove or range F24B0001180000 Stoves with open fires, e.g. fireplaces F24B0001181000 Free-standing fireplaces, e.g. for mobile homes F24B0001182000 with additional provisions for cooking (other stoves with additional provisions for cooking F24B0001260000) F24B0001183000 with additional provisions for heating water F24B0001185000 with air-handling means, heat exchange means, or additional provisions for convection heating (F24B0001183000 takes precedence;component parts or accessories having air-handling means, heat exchange means, or additional provisions for convection heating F24B0001191000); Regulating combustion; Controls therefor F24B0001187000 Condition responsive controls for regulating combustion (valves or dampers for air supply F23L) F24B0001188000 characterised by use of heat exchange means (F24B0001187000 takes precedence);; F24B0001189000 characterised by air-handling means, i.e. of combustion-air, heated-air, or flue-gases, e.g. draught control dampers (F24B0001187000, F24B0001188000 take precedence);; F24B0001190000 Supplying combustion-air F24B0001191000 Component parts; Accessories F24B0001192000 Doors; Screens; Fuel guards F24B0001193000 Grates; Irons F24B0001195000 Fireboxes; Frames; Hoods; Heat reflectors F24B0001197000 Hearths F24B0001198000 Surrounds-fronts F24B0001199000 Fuel-handling equipment F24B0001200000 Ranges F24B0001220000 in which the baking oven is arranged above the fire-box F24B0001240000 with built-in masses for heat storage or heat insulation F24B0001260000 Stoves with additional provisions for cooking (stoves with open-fires with additional provisions for cooking F24B0001182000) F24B0001280000 Combined installations of stoves or ranges, e.g. back-to-back stoves with a common fire-box F24B0003000000 Heaters not covered by group F24B0001000000, e.g. charcoal brazier(for cooking A47J0027000000-A47J0037000000) F24B0005000000 Combustion-air or flue-gas circulation in or around stoves or ranges (stoves with open fires with air-handling means F24B0001185000) F24B0005020000 in or around stoves F24B0005040000 the air or gas passing downwards through the bottom of the stove or fire grate F24B0005060000 in or around ranges F24B0005080000 around the baking oven F24B0007000000 Stoves, ranges, or flue-gas ducts, with additional provisions for convection heating (stoves with open fires characterised by use of heat exchange means F24B0001185000; air heaters having heat generating means F24H0003000000) F24B0007020000 with external air ducts F24B0007040000 with internal air ducts F24B0007060000 without air ducts F24B0009000000 Stoves, ranges, or flue-gas ducts, with additional provisions for heating water (F24B0001182000, F24B0001183000 take precedence);; F24B0009020000 in open containers, e.g. bain-marie F24B0009040000 in closed containers F24B0013000000 Details solely applicable to stoves or ranges burning solid fuels (component parts or accessories for stoves with open-fires F24B0001191000; removing ash, clinker or slag from combustion chambers F23J0001000000; removing solid residues from passages or chambers beyond the fire F23J0003000000; joints or connections for chimneys or flues F23J0013040000; mouths or inlet holes for chimneys or flues F23J0013060000; means for supervising combustion F23M0011040000) F24B0013020000 Arrangement or mounting of fire-grate assemblies (grates F23H); Arrangement or mounting of linings for fire-boxes, e.g. fire-back (ceramic materials C04B0033000000, C04B0035000000; casings, linings, walls for combustion chambers F23M) F24B0013040000 Arrangements for feeding solid fuel, e.g. hoppers (feeding solid fuel to combustion apparatus in general F23K) F24B0015000000 Implements for use in connection with stoves or ranges (ash sieves B07B; firelighters C10L0011000000; removal of ashes F23J; other devices for igniting F23Q) F24B0015020000 for breaking coal F24B0015040000 Coal hods; Coal boxes F24B0015060000 Shovels with ejectors F24B0015080000 Shovels with sifters F24B0015100000 Coal tongs F24C OTHER DOMESTIC STOVES OR RANGES; DETAILS OF DOMESTIC STOVES OR RANGES, OF GENERAL APPLICATION (radiator stoves of the fluid-circulating type F24H) F24C0001000000 Stoves or ranges in which the fuel or energy supply is not restricted to solid fuel or to a type covered by a single one of groups ; F24C0003000000-F24C0009000000; Stoves or ranges in which the type of fuel or energy supply is not specified F24C0001020000 adapted for the use of two or more kinds of fuel or energy supply (F24C0001160000 takes precedence;combinations of two or more stoves or ranges each having a different kind of fuel or energy supply F24C0011000000) F24C0001040000 simultaneously F24C0001060000 by replacing parts, e.g. replacing burner by electric heater F24C0001080000 solely adapted for radiation heating (F24C0001160000 takes precedence);; F24C0001100000 with reflectors F24C0001120000 of circular shape F24C0001140000 Radiation heating stoves or ranges, with additional provision for convection heating (F24C0001020000, F24C0001160000 take precedence;solely adapted for convection heating F24H) F24C0001160000 with special adaptation for travelling, e.g. collapsible F24C0003000000 Stoves or ranges for gaseous fuels F24C0003020000 with heat produced solely by flame (F24C0003140000 takes precedence);; F24C0003040000 with heat produced wholly or partly by a radiant body, e.g. by a perforated plate (F24C0003140000 takes precedence);; F24C0003060000 without any visible flame F24C0003080000 Arrangement or mounting of burners (burners per seF23D) F24C0003100000 Arrangement or mounting of ignition devices (ignition devices per seF23Q) F24C0003120000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices (control valves F16K; safety devices for burners F23D0014720000; regulating or controlling combustion F23N) F24C0003140000 with special adaptation for travelling, e.g. collapsible F24C0005000000 Stoves or ranges for liquid fuels F24C0005020000 with evaporation burners, e.g. dish type (F24C0005200000 takes precedence);; F24C0005040000 wick type F24C0005060000 adjustable F24C0005080000 with heat produced wholly or partly by a radiant body F24C0005100000 with atomising burners (F24C0005200000 takes precedence);; F24C0005120000 Arrangement or mounting of burners (burners per seF23D) F24C0005140000 Arrangement or mounting of ignition devices (ignition devices per seF23Q) F24C0005160000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices (control valves F16K; safety devices for burners F23D; regulating or controlling combustion F23N) F24C0005180000 Liquid-fuel supply arrangements forming parts of stoves or ranges (feeding liquid fuel to combustion apparatus in general F23K) F24C0005200000 with special adaptation for travelling, e.g. collapsible F24C0007000000 Stoves or ranges heated by electric energy (electric heating elements or arrangements H05B) F24C0007020000 using microwaves (heating using microwaves in general H05B0006640000) F24C0007040000 with heat radiated directly from the heating element (F24C0007100000 takes precedence);; F24C0007060000 Arrangement or mounting of electric heating elements F24C0007080000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices (switches H01H; circuit arrangements for electric heating H05B) F24C0007100000 with special adaptation for travelling, e.g. collapsible F24C0009000000 Stoves or ranges heated by a single type of energy supply not covered by groups F24C0003000000-F24C0007000000; or subclass F24B; (using the heat from an exothermal reaction not involving a supply of free oxygen gas, using solar energy F24J) F24C0011000000 Combinations of two or more stoves or ranges, e.g. each having a different kind of energy supply F24C0013000000 Stoves or ranges with additional provisions for heating water F24C0014000000 Stoves or ranges having self-cleaning provisions, e.g. continuous or catalytic cleaning, electrostatic cleaning F24C0014020000 pyrolytic type F24C0015000000 Details (electric heating elements or arrangements H05B) F24C0015020000 Doors specially adapted for stoves or ranges (in general E06B; for combustion chambers F23M) F24C0015040000 with transparent panels F24C0015060000 Ornamental features, e.g. grate front, surround F24C0015080000 Foundations or support plates; Legs or pillars; Casings; Wheels (F24C0015100000 takes precedence);; F24C0015100000 Tops, e.g. hot plate; Rings (F24C0015120000, F24C0015140000 take precedence);; F24C0015120000 Side rests; Side plates; Cover lids; Splash guards; Racks outside ovens, e.g. for drying plates F24C0015140000 Spillage trays or grooves F24C0015160000 Shelves, racks, or trays inside ovens; Supports therefor F24C0015180000 Arrangement of compartments additional to cooking compartments, e.g. for warming, for storing utensils or fuel containers; Arrangement of additional heating or cooking apparatus, e.g. grills (grills per seA47J) F24C0015200000 Removing cooking fumes (parts, details or accessories of cooking-vessels for withdrawing or condensing cooking vapours from such vessels A47J0036380000) F24C0015220000 Reflectors for radiation heaters F24C0015240000 Radiant bodies or panels for radiation heaters (radiant gas burners F23D0014120000) F24C0015260000 Handles for carrying F24C0015280000 Draught shields F24C0015300000 Arrangements for mounting stoves or ranges in particular locations F24C0015320000 Arrangements of ducts for hot gases, e.g. in or around baking ovens F24C0015340000 Elements or arrangements for heat storage or insulation F24C0015360000 Protective guards, e.g. for preventing access to heated parts F24D DOMESTIC- OR SPACE-HEATING SYSTEMS, e.g. CENTRAL HEATING SYSTEMS; DOMESTIC HOT-WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS; ELEMENTS OR COMPONENTS THEREFOR (preventing corrosion C23F; water supply in general E03; using steam or condensate extracted or exhausted from steam engine plants for heating purposes F01K0017020000; steam traps F16T; domestic stoves or ranges F24B, F24C; water or air heaters having heat generating means F24H; combined heating and refrigeration systems F25B; heat exchange apparatus or elements F28; removing furring F28G; electric heating elements or arrangements H05B) F24D0001000000 Central heating systems F24D0001000000 Steam central heating systems (F24D0010000000, F24D0011000000 take precedence);; F24D0001020000 operating with live steam F24D0001040000 operating with exhaust steam F24D0001060000 operating with superheated steam F24D0001080000 Feed-line arrangements, e.g. providing for one-pipe system F24D0003000000 Hot-water central heating systems (F24D0010000000, F24D0011000000 take precedence);; F24D0003020000 with forced circulation, e.g. by pumps F24D0003040000 with the water under high pressure F24D0003060000 Arrangements or devices for maintaining high pressure F24D0003080000 in combination with systems for domestic hot-water supply F24D0003100000 Feed-line arrangements, e.g. providing for heat-accumulator tanks, expansion tanks F24D0003120000 Tube and panel arrangements for ceiling, wall, or underfloor heating (electric underfloor heating F24D0013020000; special adaptations of floors for incorporating ducts, e.g. for heating or ventilating, E04B0005480000; building elements of block or other shape for the construction of parts of buildings characterised by special adaptations, e.g. serving for locating conduits, E04C0001390000; building elements of relatively thin form for the construction of parts of buildings with special adaptations for auxiliary purposes, e.g. serving for locating conduits, E04C0002520000) F24D0003140000 incorporated in a ceiling, wall or floor F24D0003160000 mounted on, or adjacent to, a ceiling, wall or floor F24D0003180000 using heat pumps F24D0005000000 Hot-air central heating systems (F24D0010000000, F24D0011000000 take precedence;air conditioning F24F); Exhaust-gas central heating systems F24D0005020000 operating with discharge of hot air into the space or area to be heated F24D0005040000 with return of the air to the air heater F24D0005060000 operating without discharge of hot air into the space or area to be heated F24D0005080000 with hot air led through radiators F24D0005100000 with hot air led through heat-exchange ducts in the walls, floor, or ceiling F24D0005120000 using heat pumps F24D0007000000 Central heating systems employing heat-transfer fluids not covered by groups F24D0001000000-F24D0005000000, e.g. oil, salt, gas(F24D0010000000, F24D0011000000 take precedence);; F24D0009000000 Central heating systems employing combinations of heat-transfer fluids covered by two or more of groups F24D0001000000-F24D0007000000; (F24D0010000000, F24D0011000000 take precedence);; F24D0009020000 Hot water and steam systems F24D0010000000 District heating systems F24D0011000000 Central heating systems using heat accumulated in storage masses (self-contained storage heating units F24D0015020000; storage masses, see the relevant subclasses); F24D0011020000 using heat pumps F24D0012000000 Other central heating systems F24D0012020000 having more than one heat source (F24D0003180000, F24D0005120000, F24D0011020000 take precedence);; F24D0013000000 Other domestic- or space-heating systems F24D0013000000 Electric heating systems (electric water or air heaters F24H) F24D0013020000 solely using resistance heating, e.g. underfloor heating F24D0013040000 using electric heating of heat-transfer fluid in separate units of the system F24D0015000000 Other domestic- or space-heating systems F24D0015020000 consisting of self-contained heating units, e.g. storage heaters F24D0015040000 using heat pumps F24D0017000000 Domestic hot-water supply systems (combined with domestic- or space-heating systems F24D0001000000-F24D0015000000) F24D0017020000 using heat pumps F24D0019000000 Details (of water or air heaters F24H0009000000; of heat-exchange or heat-transfer apparatus, of general application F28F) F24D0019020000 Arrangement of mountings or supports for radiators F24D0019040000 in skirtings F24D0019060000 Casings, cover lids or ornamental panels, for radiators F24D0019080000 Arrangements for drainage, venting or aerating (valves for drainage F16K, e.g. F16K0021000000, for venting or aerating F16K0024000000) F24D0019100000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices (control valves F16K; only the heater being controlled F24H0009200000) F24F AIR-CONDITIONING; AIR-HUMIDIFICATION; VENTILATION; USE OF AIR CURRENTS FOR SCREENING (devices for ventilating greenhouses A01G; animal husbandry A01K, e.g. controlling humidity in incubators A01K0041040000; disinfecting or sterilising of air A61L; devices for reconditioning breathing air in sealed rooms or for ventilating gasproof shelters A62B; filtering, washing or drying of gases B01D; mixing gases with vapours or liquids in general B01F0003000000; spraying B05B, B05D; removing dirt or fumes from areas where they are produced B08B0015000000; ventilation, air-conditioning, or cooling, specially adapted for vehicles, see the relevant vehicle places, e.g. B60H, B61D0027000000; production of ozone C01B0013100000; chimneys or flues E04F0017020000, E04H0012280000, F23J0011000000, F23L0017020000; air ducts or conduits E04F0017040000, F16L; ventilation in doors or windows E06B0007020000; fans, blowers F04; noise-absorbing in pipes or pipe systems F16L; tops for chimneys or ventilating shafts F23L; cooling F25; details of heat-exchange or heat-transfer apparatus, of general application F28F; apparatus for generating ions to be introduced into non-enclosed gases, e.g. the atmosphere, H01T0023000000) F24F0001000000 Air-conditioning F24F0001000000 Room units, e.g. separate or self-contained units or units receiving primary air from a central station F24F0001010000 in which secondary air is induced by injector action of the primary air ( F24F0001020000 takes precedence);; F24F0001020000 self-contained, i.e. with all apparatus for treatment installed in a common casing F24F0001040000 Arrangements for portability F24F0001060000 Separate outdoor units, e.g. outdoor unit to be linked to a separate room unit comprising a compressor and a heat exchanger F24F0001080000 Compressors specially adapted for separate outdoor units F24F0001100000 Arrangement or mounting thereof F24F0001120000 Vibration or noise prevention therefor F24F0001140000 Heat exchangers specially adapted for separate outdoor units F24F0001160000 Arrangement or mounting thereof F24F0001180000 characterised by their shape F24F0001200000 Electric components for separate outdoor units F24F0001220000 Arrangement or mounting thereof F24F0001240000 Cooling of electric components F24F0001260000 Refrigerant piping F24F0001280000 for connecting several separate outdoor units F24F0001300000 for use inside the separate outdoor units F24F0001320000 for connecting the separate outdoor unit to indoor units F24F0001340000 Protection means therefor, e.g. covers for refrigerant pipes F24F0001360000 Drip trays for outdoor units F24F0001380000 Fan details of outdoor units, e.g. bell-mouth shaped inlets or fan mountings F24F0001400000 Vibration or noise prevention at outdoor units (for outdoor unit compressors F24F0001120000) F24F0001420000 characterised by the use of the condensate, e.g. for enhanced cooling F24F0001440000 characterised by the use of internal combustion engines F24F0001460000 Component arrangements in separate outdoor units F24F0001480000 characterised by airflow, e.g. inlet or outlet airflow F24F0001500000 with outlet air in upward direction F24F0001520000 Inlet and outlet arranged on the same side, e.g. for mounting in a wall opening F24F0001540000 Inlet and outlet arranged on opposite sides F24F0001560000 Casing or covers of separate outdoor units, e.g. fan guards F24F0001580000 Separate protective covers for outdoor units, e.g. solar guards, snow shields or camouflage F24F0001600000 Arrangement or mounting of the outdoor unit F24F0001620000 Wall-mounted F24F0001640000 Ceiling-mounted, e.g. below a balcony F24F0001660000 under the floor level F24F0001680000 Arrangement of multiple separate outdoor units F24F0003000000 Air-conditioning systems in which conditioned primary air is supplied from one or more central stations to distributing units in the rooms or spaces where it may receive secondary treatment; Apparatus specially designed for such systems (room units F24F0001000000; construction of heat-exchangers F28) F24F0003020000 characterised by the pressure or velocity of the primary air (F24F0003044000 takes precedence);; F24F0003040000 operating with high pressure or high velocity F24F0003044000 Systems in which all treatment is given in the central station, i.e. all-air systems F24F0003048000 with temperature control at constant rate of air-flow (F24F0003056000 takes precedence);; F24F0003052000 Multiple duct systems, e.g. systems in which hot and cold air are supplied by separate circuits from the central station to mixing chambers in the spaces to be conditioned F24F0003056000 the air at least partially flowing over lighting fixtures, the heat of which is dissipated or used F24F0003060000 characterised by the arrangements for the supply of heat-exchange fluid for the subsequent treatment of primary air in the room units (F24F0003020000 takes precedence);; F24F0003080000 with separate supply and return lines for hot and cold heat-exchange fluids F24F0003100000 with separate supply lines and common return line for hot and cold heat-exchange fluids F24F0003120000 characterised by the treatment of the air otherwise than by heating and cooling (F24F0003020000, F24F0003060000 take precedence;apparatus for the individual treatment, see the appropriate subclasses for the treatments); F24F0003140000 by humidification; by dehumidification F24F0003147000 with both heat and humidity transfer between supplied and exhausted air F24F0003153000 with subsequent heating, i.e. with the air, given the required humidity in the central station, passing a heating element to achieve the required temperature F24F0003160000 by purification, e.g. by filtering; by sterilisation; by ozonisation F24F0005000000 Air-conditioning systems or apparatus not covered by group ; F24F0001000000; or F24F0003000000 F24F0006000000 Air-humidification F24F0006020000 by evaporation of water in the air F24F0006040000 using stationary unheated wet elements F24F0006060000 using moving unheated wet elements F24F0006080000 using heated wet elements F24F0006100000 heated electrically F24F0006120000 by forming water dispersions in the air F24F0006140000 using nozzles (nozzles per se, spraying in general B05B) F24F0006160000 using rotating elements F24F0006180000 by injection of steam into the air F24F0007000000 Ventilation F24F0007007000 with forced flow (using ducting systems F24F0007060000) F24F0007013000 using wall or window fans, displacing air through the wall or window F24F0007020000 Roof ventilation (F24F0007007000 takes precedence;ventilation of roof coverings E04D) F24F0007040000 with ducting systems F24F0007060000 with forced air circulation, e.g. by fan F24F0007080000 with separate ducts for supplied and exhausted air F24F0007100000 with air supply, or exhaust, through perforated wall, floor or ceiling (outlet members for directing or distributing air F24F0013060000) F24F0009000000 Use of air currents for screening, e.g. air curtain (air curtains for vehicles B60J0009040000) F24F0011000000 Common features or details F24F0011000000 Control or safety systems or apparatus (control valves per seF16K) F24F0011020000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices F24F0011040000 solely for controlling the rate of air-flow (F24F0011080000 takes precedence);; F24F0011047000 to constant value F24F0011053000 by means responsive to temperature F24F0011060000 solely for controlling the supply of heating or cooling fluids for secondary treatment (F24F0011080000 takes precedence);; F24F0011080000 for controlling the primary treatment of air F24F0012000000 Use of energy recovery systems in air conditioning, ventilation or screening (with both heat and humidity transfer between supplied and exhausted air F24F0003147000; heat-exchange in general F28) F24F0013000000 Details common to, or for air-conditioning, air-humidification, ventilation or use of air currents for screening F24F0013020000 Ducting arrangements F24F0013040000 Air-mixing units (F24F0013060000 takes precedence;mixing gases in general B01F0003020000) F24F0013060000 Outlets for directing or distributing air into rooms or spaces, e.g. ceiling air diffuser F24F0013062000 having one or more bowls or cones diverging in the flow direction (F24F0013072000 takes precedence);; F24F0013065000 formed as cylindrical or spherical bodies which are rotatable (F24F0013072000 takes precedence);; F24F0013068000 formed as perforated walls, ceilings or floors (F24F0013078000 takes precedence);; F24F0013072000 of elongated shape, e.g. between ceiling panels F24F0013075000 having parallel rods or lamellae directing the outflow, e.g. the rods or lamellae being individually adjustable (F24F0013072000 takes precedence);; F24F0013078000 combined with lighting fixtures (air-treatment systems with air-flow over lighting fixtures F24F0003056000) F24F0013080000 Air-flow control members, e.g. louvres, grilles, flaps, guide plates (F24F0007013000, F24F0013060000 take precedence;roof ventilation F24F0007020000) F24F0013100000 movable, e.g. damper (F24F0013180000 takes precedence;valves in general F16K) F24F0013120000 built-up of sliding members F24F0013140000 built-up of tilting members, e.g. louvre F24F0013150000 with parallel simultaneously tiltable lamellae F24F0013160000 built-up of parallelly-movable plates F24F0013180000 specially adapted for insertion in flat panels, e.g. in door or window-pane F24F0013200000 Casings or covers F24F0013220000 Means for preventing condensation or evacuating condensate F24F0013240000 Means for preventing or suppressing noise F24F0013260000 Arrangements for air-circulation by means of induction, e.g. by fluid coupling or thermal effect F24F0013280000 Arrangement or mounting of filters F24F0013300000 Arrangement or mounting of heat-exchangers F24F0013320000 Supports for air-conditioning, air-humidification or ventilation units F24H FLUID HEATERS, e.g. WATER OR AIR HEATERS, HAVING HEAT-GENERATING MEANS, IN GENERAL (heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials C09K0005000000; tube furnaces for thermal non-catalytic cracking C10G0009200000; devices, e.g. valves, for venting and aerating enclosures F16K0024000000; steam traps or like apparatus F16T; steam generation F22; combustion apparatus F23; domestic stoves or ranges F24B, F24C; domestic- or space-heating systems F24D; furnaces, kilns, ovens, retorts F27; heat-exchangers F28; electric heating elements or arrangements H05B) F24H0001000000 Water heaters having heat generating means, e.g. boiler, flow-heater, water-storage heater (F24H0007000000, F24H0008000000 take precedence;details F24H0009000000; steam boilers F22B; domestic stoves or ranges with additional provisions for heating water F24B0009000000, F24C0013000000) F24H0001060000 Portable or mobile, e.g. collapsible F24H0001080000 Packaged or self-contained boilers, i.e. water heaters with control devices and pump in a single unit F24H0001100000 Continuous-flow heaters, i.e. heaters in which heat is generated only while the water is flowing, e.g. with direct contact of the water with the heating medium (F24H0001500000 takes precedence);; F24H0001120000 in which the water is kept separate from the heating medium F24H0001140000 by tubes, e.g. bent in serpentine form F24H0001160000 helically or spirally coiled F24H0001180000 Water-storage heaters (F24H0001500000 takes precedence;combined with water-heating stoves for central heating F24H0001220000) F24H0001200000 with immersed heating elements, e.g. electric elements or furnace tubes F24H0001220000 Water heaters other than continuous-flow or water-storage heaters, e.g. water heaters for central heating (F24H0001500000 takes precedence);; F24H0001240000 with water mantle surrounding the combustion chamber or chambers (F24H0001400000, F24H0001440000 take precedence);; F24H0001260000 the water mantle forming an integral body F24H0001280000 including one or more furnace or fire tubes F24H0001300000 the water mantle being built-up from sections F24H0001320000 with vertical sections arranged side by side F24H0001340000 with water chamber arranged adjacent to the combustion chamber or chambers, e.g. above or at side (F24H0001240000, F24H0001440000 take precedence);; F24H0001360000 the water chamber including one or more fire tubes F24H0001380000 with water contained in separate elements, e.g. radiator-type element (F24H0001400000, F24H0001440000 take precedence);; F24H0001400000 with water tube or tubes (F24H0001440000 takes precedence);; F24H0001410000 in serpentine form F24H0001430000 helically or spirally coiled F24H0001440000 with combinations of two or more of the types covered by groups ; F24H0001240000-F24H0001400000 F24H0001460000 Water heaters having plural combustion chambers F24H0001480000 Water heaters for central heating incorporating heaters for domestic water F24H0001500000 incorporating domestic water tanks F24H0001520000 incorporating heat exchangers for domestic water (F24H0001500000 takes precedence);; F24H0003000000 Air heaters having heat generating means (F24H0007000000, F24H0008000000 take precedence;details F24H0009000000; domestic stoves or ranges with additional provisions for convection heating of air F24B, F24C) F24H0003020000 with forced circulation (F24H0003120000 takes precedence);; F24H0003040000 the air being in direct contact with the heating medium, e.g. electric heating element F24H0003060000 the air being kept separate from the heating medium, e.g. using forced circulation of air over radiators F24H0003080000 by tubes F24H0003100000 by plates F24H0003120000 with additional heating arrangements F24H0004000000 Fluid heaters using heat pumps F24H0004020000 Liquid heaters F24H0004040000 Storage heaters F24H0004060000 Gas heaters F24H0006000000 Combined water and air heaters (F24H0008000000 takes precedence);; F24H0007000000 Storage heaters, i.e. heaters in which the energy is stored as heat in masses for subsequent release (domestic stoves or ranges with additional heat storage masses F24B0001240000, F24C0015340000) F24H0007020000 the released heat being conveyed to a transfer fluid, e.g. air, water F24H0007040000 with forced circulation of the transfer fluid F24H0007060000 the released heat being radiated F24H0008000000 Fluid heaters having heat-generating means specially adapted for extracting latent heat from flue gases by means of condensation F24H0009000000 Details F24H0009020000 Casings; Cover lids; Ornamental panels F24H0009060000 Arrangement of mountings or supports F24H0009120000 Connecting heaters to circulation pipes (pipe joints in general F16L) F24H0009140000 Connecting different sections, e.g. in water heaters (in radiators F28F0009260000) F24H0009160000 Arrangements for water drainage (valves for drainage F16K, e.g. F16K0021000000; in pipes or pipe systems in general F16L0055000000; in domestic-or space-heating systems F24D0019080000) F24H0009180000 Arrangement or mounting of grates, burners, or heating elements (burners F23D; grates F23H; electric heating elements H05B) F24H0009200000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices (control valves F16K; safety devices for burners F23D; combustion control devices F23N; of systems comprising a heater, see the relevant subclasses, e.g. of control heating systems F24D0019100000; automatic switching for electric heating apparatus H05B0001020000) F24J PRODUCTION OR USE OF HEAT NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (materials therefor C09K0005000000; engines or other mechanisms for producing mechanical power from heat, see the relevant classes, e.g. F03G; for using natural heat); F24J0001000000 Apparatus or devices using heat produced by exothermal chemical reactions other than by combustion (for cooking-vessels A47J0036280000; self-heating compresses A61F0007030000; materials for the production of heat or cold undergoing non-reversible chemical reactions, other than by combustion, when used C09K0005180000) F24J0002000000 Use of solar heat, e.g. solar heat collectors (distillation or evaporation of water using solar energy C02F0001140000; roof covering aspects of energy collecting devices E04D0013180000; devices for producing mechanical power from solar energy F03G0006000000; semi-conductor devices specially adapted for converting solar energy into electrical energy H01L0025000000, H01L0031000000; semiconductor devices including arrays of solar cells using heat energy H01L0031058000; generators in which light radiation is directly converted into electrical energy H02N0006000000) F24J0002020000 Solar heat collectors with support for article heated, e.g. stoves, ranges, crucibles, furnaces or ovens using solar heat F24J0002040000 Solar heat collectors having working fluid conveyed through collector F24J0002050000 surrounded by a transparent enclosure, e.g. evacuated solar collectors F24J0002060000 having concentrating elements (optical elements or systems per seG02B) F24J0002070000 Receivers working at high temperature, e.g. for solar power plants F24J0002080000 having lenses as concentrating elements F24J0002100000 having reflectors as concentrating elements F24J0002120000 parabolic F24J0002130000 hemispherical F24J0002140000 semi-cylindrical or cylindro-parabolic F24J0002150000 conical F24J0002160000 having flat plates F24J0002180000 spaced, opposed interacting reflecting surfaces F24J0002200000 the working fluid being conveyed between plates F24J0002220000 having extended surfaces, e.g. protrusions, corrugations (F24J0002280000 takes precedence);; F24J0002230000 the working fluid trickling freely over collector elements F24J0002240000 the working fluid being conveyed through tubular heat absorbing conduits F24J0002260000 having extended surfaces, e.g. protrusions (F24J0002280000 takes precedence);; F24J0002280000 having permeable mass, foraminous or porous materials F24J0002300000 with means to exchange heat between plural fluids F24J0002320000 having evaporator and condenser section, e.g. heat pipe F24J0002340000 having heat storage mass F24J0002360000 Rollable or foldable collector units F24J0002380000 employing tracking means (F24J0002020000, F24J0002060000 take precedence;rotary supports or mountings therefor F24J0002540000; direction-finders for determining the direction from which electromagnetic waves are being received G01S0003780000; control of position or direction G05D0003000000) F24J0002400000 Control arrangements F24J0002420000 Solar heat systems not otherwise provided for F24J0002440000 having thermosiphonic circulation F24J0002460000 Component parts, details or accessories of solar heat collectors F24J0002480000 characterised by the absorber material F24J0002500000 Transparent coverings F24J0002510000 Thermal insulation (F24J0002500000 takes precedence);; F24J0002520000 Arrangement of mountings or supports F24J0002540000 specially adapted for rotary movement F24J0003000000 Other production or use of heat, not derived from combustion (use of solar heat F24J0002000000) F24J0003060000 using natural heat F24J0003080000 using geothermal heat (devices for producing mechanical power from geothermal energy F03G0004000000) F25 REFRIGERATION OR COOLING; COMBINED HEATING AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS; HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS; MANUFACTURE OR STORAGE OF ICE; LIQUEFACTION OR SOLIDIFICATION OF GASES F25B REFRIGERATION MACHINES, PLANTS, OR SYSTEMS; COMBINED HEATING AND REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS; HEAT PUMP SYSTEMS (heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials, e.g. refrigerants, or materials for the production of heat or cold by chemical reactions other than by combustion C09K0005000000; pumps, compressors F04; use of heat pumps for domestic or space-heating or for domestic hot-water supply F24D; air-conditioning, air-humidification F24F; fluid heaters using heat pumps F24H) F25B0001000000 Compression machines, plant, or systems F25B0001000000 Compression machines, plant or systems with non-reversible cycle (F25B0003000000, F25B0005000000, F25B0006000000, F25B0007000000, F25B0009000000 take precedence);; F25B0001020000 with compressor of reciprocating-piston type (F25B0001100000 takes precedence);; F25B0001040000 with compressor of rotary type (F25B0001100000 takes precedence);; F25B0001047000 of screw type F25B0001053000 of turbine type F25B0001060000 with compressor of jet type, e.g. using liquid under pressure (F25B0001100000 takes precedence);; F25B0001080000 using vapour under pressure F25B0001100000 with multi-stage compression (with cascade operation F25B0007000000) F25B0003000000 Self-contained rotary compression machines, i.e. with compressor, condenser, and evaporator rotating as a single unit F25B0005000000 Compression machines, plant, or systems, with several evaporator circuits, e.g. for varying refrigerating capacity (with cascade operation F25B0007000000) F25B0005020000 arranged in parallel F25B0005040000 arranged in series F25B0006000000 Compression machines, plant, or systems, with several condenser circuits F25B0006020000 arranged in parallel F25B0006040000 arranged in series F25B0007000000 Compression machines, plant, or systems, with cascade operation, i.e. with two or more circuits, the heat from the condenser of one circuit being absorbed by the evaporator of the next circuit (F25B0009000000 takes precedence);; F25B0009000000 Compression machines, plant, or systems, in which the refrigerant is air or other gas of low boiling point F25B0009020000 using Joule-Thompson effect; using vortex effect F25B0009040000 using vortex effect F25B0009060000 using expanders (F25B0009100000 takes precedence);; F25B0009080000 using ejectors (F25B0009100000 takes precedence);; F25B0009100000 with several cooling stages F25B0009120000 using ; 3He-4He dilution F25B0009140000 characterised by the cycle used, e.g. Stirling cycle F25B0011000000 Compression machines, plant, or systems, using turbines, e.g. gas turbines F25B0011020000 as expanders (F25B0009060000 takes precedence);; F25B0011040000 centrifugal type F25B0013000000 Compression machines, plant, or systems, with reversible cycle (defrosting cycles F25B0047020000) F25B0015000000 Sorption machines, plant, or systems F25B0015000000 Sorption machines, plant, or systems, operating continuously, e.g. absorption type F25B0015020000 without inert gas (F25B0015120000, F25B0015140000, F25B0015160000 take precedence);; F25B0015040000 the refrigerant being ammonia evaporated from aqueous solution F25B0015060000 the refrigerant being water vapour evaporated from a salt solution, e.g. lithium bromide F25B0015080000 the refrigerant being sulfuric acid F25B0015090000 the refrigerant being hydrogen desorbed from a hydride F25B0015100000 with inert gas (F25B0015120000, F25B0015140000, F25B0015160000 take precedence);; F25B0015120000 with resorber (F25B0015140000 takes precedence);; F25B0015140000 using osmosis F25B0015160000 using desorption cycle F25B0017000000 Sorption machines, plant, or systems, operating intermittently, e.g. absorption or adsorption type F25B0017020000 the absorbent or adsorbent being a liquid, e.g. brine (F25B0017100000 takes precedence);; F25B0017040000 with two or more boilers operating alternately F25B0017060000 with the boiler and evaporator built-up as a unit in a tiltable or revolving arrangement F25B0017080000 the absorbent or adsorbent being a solid, e.g. salt (F25B0017120000 takes precedence);; F25B0017100000 using the endothermic solution of salt F25B0017120000 using desorption of hydrogen from a hydride F25B0019000000 Machines, plant, or systems, with a single mode of operation, not covered by groups ; F25B0001000000-F25B0017000000 F25B0019000000 Machines, plant, or systems, using evaporation of a refrigerant but without recovery of the vapour F25B0019020000 using fluid jet, e.g. of steam F25B0019040000 using liquid jet, e.g. of water F25B0021000000 Machines, plant, or systems, using electric or magnetic effects F25B0021020000 using Peltier effect; using Nernst-Ettinghausen effect (thermoelectric elements H01L0035000000, H01L0037000000) F25B0021040000 reversible F25B0023000000 Machines, plant, or systems, with a single mode of operation not covered by groups ; F25B0001000000-F25B0021000000, e.g. using selective radiation effect F25B0025000000 Machines, plant, or systems, using a combination of modes of operation covered by two or more of the groups F25B0001000000-F25B0023000000; (combinations of two or more modes of operation covered by a single main group, see the relevant group);; F25B0025020000 Compression-sorption machines, plants, or systems F25B0027000000 Machines, plant, or systems, using particular sources of energy (F25B0030060000 takes precedence);; F25B0027020000 using waste heat, e.g. from internal-combustion engines F25B0029000000 Combined heating and refrigeration systems, e.g. operating alternately or simultaneously F25B0030000000 Heat pumps F25B0030020000 of the compression type F25B0030040000 of the sorption type F25B0030060000 characterised by the source of low potential heat F25B0031000000 Component parts or details F25B0031000000 Compressor arrangements (compressors per seF04) F25B0031020000 of motor-compressor units F25B0033000000 Boilers; Analysers; Rectifiers (boiler-absorbers F25B0035000000) F25B0035000000 Boiler-absorbers, i.e. boilers usable for absorption or adsorption F25B0035020000 using a liquid as sorbent, e.g. brine F25B0035040000 using a solid as sorbent F25B0037000000 Absorbers; Adsorbers (boiler-absorbers F25B0035000000; separating processes involving the treatment of liquids with solid sorbents B01D0015000000; separation of gases or vapours by adsorption B01D0053020000; separation of gases or vapours by absorption B01D0053140000; investigating using adsorption or absorption G01N0030000000) F25B0039000000 Evaporators; Condensers F25B0039020000 Evaporators F25B0039040000 Condensers F25B0040000000 Subcoolers, desuperheaters or superheaters F25B0040020000 Subcoolers F25B0040040000 Desuperheaters F25B0040060000 Superheaters F25B0041000000 Fluid-circulation arrangements, e.g. for transferring liquid from evaporator to boiler (pumps per se, sealings therefor F04) F25B0041020000 using electro-osmosis F25B0041040000 Disposition of valves (valves per seF16K) F25B0041060000 Flow restrictors, e.g. capillary tubes; Disposition thereof F25B0043000000 Arrangements for separating or purifying gases or liquids (in analysers or rectifiers F25B0033000000); Arrangements for vaporising the residuum of liquid refrigerant, e.g. by heat (F25B0040000000 takes precedence);; F25B0043020000 for separating lubricants from the refrigerant F25B0043040000 for withdrawing non-condensible gases F25B0045000000 Arrangements for charging or discharging refrigerant F25B0047000000 Arrangements for preventing or removing deposits or corrosion, not provided for in another subclass F25B0047020000 Defrosting cycles F25B0049000000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices (testing refrigerators G01M; control in general G05) F25B0049020000 for compression type machines, plant or systems F25B0049040000 for sorption type machines, plant or systems F25C PRODUCTION, WORKING, STORING OR DISTRIBUTION OF ICE (frozen sweets, including ice-cream, their production A23G0009000000; concentrating solutions by removing frozen solvents B01D0009040000; purification of water by freezing C02F0001220000; refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25B; solidification of gases or gaseous mixtures F25J; freeze-drying F26B) F25C0001000000 Production of ice (F25C0003000000 takes precedence);; F25C0001020000 Production of natural ice, i.e. without refrigeration F25C0001040000 by using stationary moulds F25C0001060000 open or openable at both ends F25C0001080000 by immersing freezing chambers or plates into water F25C0001100000 by using rotating or otherwise moving moulds (F25C0001080000 takes precedence);; F25C0001120000 by freezing water on cooled surfaces, e.g. to form slabs F25C0001140000 to form thin sheets which are removed by scraping or wedging, e.g. in the form of flakes F25C0001160000 by partially evaporating water in a vacuum F25C0001180000 of a particular transparency or translucency, e.g. by injecting air F25C0001200000 by agitation F25C0001220000 Construction of moulds; Filling devices therefor (metering by volume in general G01F) F25C0001240000 for refrigerators, e.g. freezing trays F25C0003000000 Methods or apparatus specially adapted for the production of ice or snow for winter sports or similar recreational purposes, e.g. for sporting installations; Production of artificial snow (foundations or pavings for artificial surfaces for outdoor or indoor practice of snow or ice sports E01C0013100000; working on surfaces of snow or ice in order to make them suitable for traffic or sporting purposes E01H0004000000) F25C0003020000 for ice rinks F25C0003040000 for sledging trails or ski trails; Production of artificial snow F25C0005000000 Working, storing or distribution of; ice F25C0005020000 Tools or machines for disintegrating, removing, or harvesting ice F25C0005040000 without the use of saws F25C0005060000 by deforming bodies with which the ice is in contact, e.g. by inflatable members F25C0005080000 by heating bodies in contact with the ice F25C0005100000 using hot refrigerant; using fluid heated by refrigerant F25C0005120000 Ice-shaving machines F25C0005140000 Tools or machines for shaping or finishing ice pieces, e.g. ice presses F25C0005160000 Tools or devices for ice handling not covered by any other subclass F25C0005180000 Storing ice F25D REFRIGERATORS; COLD ROOMS; ICE-BOXES; COOLING OR FREEZING APPARATUS NOT COVERED BY ANY OTHER SUBCLASS (refrigerated showcases A47F0003040000; thermally-insulated vessels for domestic use A47J0041000000; refrigerated vehicles, see the appropriate subclasses of classes B60-B64; containers with thermal insulation in general B65D0081380000; heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials, e.g. refrigerants, or materials for the production of heat or cold by chemical reactions other than by combustion C09K0005000000; thermally-insulated vessels for liquefied or solidified gases F17C; air-conditioning or air-humidification F24F; refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25B; cooling of instruments or comparable apparatus without refrigeration G12B; cooling of engines or pumps, see the relevant classes); F25D0001000000 Devices not associated with refrigerating machinery F25D0001000000 Devices using naturally-cold air or water F25D0001020000 using naturally-cold water, e.g. household-tap water F25D0003000000 Devices using other cold materials; Devices using cold-storage bodies F25D0003020000 using ice, e.g. ice-boxes F25D0003040000 Stationary cabinets F25D0003060000 Movable containers F25D0003080000 portable, i.e. adapted to be carried personally F25D0003100000 using liquefied gases, e.g. liquid air F25D0003110000 with conveyers carrying articles to be cooled through the cooling space F25D0003120000 using solidified gases, e.g. carbon-dioxide snow F25D0003140000 portable, i.e. adapted to be carried personally F25D0005000000 Devices using endothermic chemical reactions, e.g. using frigorific mixtures F25D0005020000 portable, i.e. adapted to be carried personally F25D0007000000 Devices using evaporation effects without recovery of the vapour (butter or cheese dishes with cooling devices A47G0019260000) F25D0009000000 Devices not associated with refrigerating machinery and not covered by groups ; F25D0001000000-F25D0007000000; Combinations of devices covered by two or more of the groups ; F25D0001000000-F25D0007000000 F25D0011000000 Devices associated with refrigerating machinery F25D0011000000 Self-contained movable devices associated with refrigerating machinery, e.g. domestic refrigerators F25D0011020000 with cooling compartments at different temperatures F25D0011040000 specially adapted for storing deep-frozen articles (F25D0011020000 takes precedence);; F25D0013000000 Stationary devices associated with refrigerating machinery, e.g. cold rooms F25D0013020000 with several cooling compartments, e.g. refrigerated locker systems F25D0013040000 the compartments being at different temperatures F25D0013060000 with conveyers carrying articles to be cooled through the cooling space F25D0015000000 Devices associated with refrigerating machinery not covered by group ; F25D0011000000; or F25D0013000000, e.g. non-self-contained movable devices F25D0016000000 Devices using a combination of a cooling mode associated with refrigerating machinery with a cooling mode not associated with refrigerating machinery F25D0017000000 Details or features of the devices covered by groups ; F25D0001000000-F25D0016000000 F25D0017000000 Arrangements for circulating cooling fluids; Arrangements for circulating gas, e.g. air, within refrigerated spaces F25D0017020000 for circulating liquids, e.g. brine F25D0017040000 for circulating gas, e.g. by natural convection F25D0017060000 by forced circulation F25D0017080000 using ducts F25D0019000000 Arrangement or mounting of refrigeration units with respect to devices F25D0019020000 plug-in type F25D0019040000 with more than one refrigeration unit F25D0021000000 Defrosting; Preventing frosting; Removing condensed or defrost water (removing ice or water from heat-exchange apparatus in general F28F0017000000; heating arrangements specially adapted for transparent or reflecting areas H05B0003840000) F25D0021020000 Detecting the presence of frost or condensate F25D0021040000 Preventing the formation of frost or condensate F25D0021060000 Removing frost (defrosting cycles F25B0047020000) F25D0021080000 by electric heating F25D0021100000 by spraying with fluid F25D0021120000 by hot-fluid circulating system separate from the refrigerant system F25D0021140000 Collecting or removing condensed and defrost water; Drip trays F25D0023000000 General constructional features (F25D0021000000 takes precedence);; F25D0023020000 Doors; Covers (F25D0023080000 takes precedence);; F25D0023040000 with special compartments, e.g. butter conditioners F25D0023060000 Walls (F25D0023080000 takes precedence;containers with thermal insulation B65D0081380000) F25D0023080000 Parts formed wholly or mainly of plastics materials F25D0023100000 Arrangements for mounting in particular locations, e.g. for built-in type, for corner type F25D0023120000 Arrangements of compartments additional to cooling compartments; Combinations of refrigerators with other equipment, e.g. stove F25D0025000000 Charging, supporting, or discharging the articles to be cooled F25D0025020000 by shelves F25D0025040000 by conveyers (in general B65G) F25D0027000000 Lighting arrangements (in general F21) F25D0029000000 Arrangement or mounting of control or safety devices F25D0031000000 Other cooling or freezing apparatus F25J LIQUEFACTION, SOLIDIFICATION, OR SEPARATION OF GASES OR GASEOUS MIXTURES BY PRESSURE AND COLD TREATMENT (cryogenic pumps F04B0037080000; gas storage vessels, gas-holders F17; filling vessels with, or discharging from vessels, compressed, liquefied, or solidified gases F17C; refrigeration machines, plants, or systems F25B) F25J0001000000 Processes or apparatus for liquefying or solidifying gases or gaseous mixtures F25J0001020000 requiring the use of refrigeration, e.g. of helium or hydrogen F25J0003000000 Processes or apparatus for separating the constituents of gaseous mixtures involving the use of liquefaction or solidification F25J0003020000 by rectification, i.e. by continuous interchange of heat and material between a vapour stream and a liquid stream (F25J0003080000 takes precedence);; F25J0003040000 for air F25J0003060000 by partial condensation (F25J0003080000 takes precedence;by rectification F25J0003020000) F25J0003080000 Separating gaseous impurities from gases or gaseous mixtures (cold traps B01D0008000000) F25J0005000000 Arrangements of cold-exchangers or cold-accumulators in separation or liquefaction plants (heat-exchangers F28C, F28D, F28F) F26 DRYING F26B DRYING SOLID MATERIALS OR OBJECTS BY REMOVING LIQUID THEREFROM (drying devices for combines A01D0041133000; racks for drying fruit or vegetables A01F0025120000; drying foodstuffs A23; drying hair A45D0020000000; body-drying implements A47K0010000000; drying household articles A47L; drying gases or vapours B01D; chemical or physical processes for dewatering or like separating liquids from solids B01D0043000000; centrifugal apparatus B04; drying ceramics C04B0033300000; drying yarns or fabrics in association with some other form of treatment D06C; drying frames for laundry without heating or positive air circulation, domestic laundry-or spin-driers, wringing or hot pressing laundry D06F; furnaces, kilns, ovens F27) F26B0001000000 Processes for drying F26B0001000000 Preliminary treatment of solid materials or objects to facilitate drying F26B0003000000 Drying solid materials or objects by processes involving the application of heat (in specific machines or apparatus F26B0009000000-F26B0019000000) F26B0003020000 by convection, i.e. heat being conveyed from a heat source to the materials or objects to be dried by a gas or vapour, e.g. air F26B0003040000 the gas or vapour circulating over, or surrounding, the materials or objects to be dried (F26B0003140000 takes precedence);; F26B0003060000 the gas or vapour flowing through the materials or objects to be dried (F26B0003140000 takes precedence);; F26B0003080000 so as to loosen them, e.g. to form a fluidised bed F26B0003084000 with heat exchange taking place in the fluidised bed F26B0003088000 using inert thermally-stabilised particles F26B0003092000 agitating the fluidised bed, e.g. by vibrating or pulsating F26B0003097000 using a magnetic field to stabilise the fluidised bed F26B0003100000 the gas or vapour carrying the materials or objects to be dried with it F26B0003120000 in the form of a spray F26B0003140000 the materials or objects to be dried being moved by gravity F26B0003160000 in a counter-flow of the gas or vapour F26B0003180000 by conduction, i.e. the heat is conveyed from the heat source, e.g. gas flame, to the materials or objects to be dried by direct contact F26B0003200000 the heat source being a heated surface (F26B0003220000 takes precedence);; F26B0003220000 the heat source and the materials or objects to be dried being in relative motion, e.g. of vibration F26B0003240000 the movement being rotation F26B0003260000 the movement being performed by gravity F26B0003280000 by radiation, e.g. from the sun F26B0003300000 from infra-red-emitting elements F26B0003320000 by development of heat within the materials or objects to be dried F26B0003340000 by using electrical effects F26B0003347000 Electromagnetic heating, e.g. induction heating or heating using microwave energy F26B0003353000 Resistance heating F26B0003360000 by using mechanical effects, e.g. by friction (by using ultrasonic vibration F26B0005020000) F26B0005000000 Drying solid materials or objects by processes not involving the application of heat (separating liquids from solids by straining B01D; replacing liquids in wet solids by other liquids, e.g. water by spirit, B01D0012000000; drying by electrophoresis B01J) F26B0005020000 by using ultrasonic vibrations F26B0005040000 by evaporation or sublimation of moisture under reduced pressure, e.g. in a vacuum F26B0005060000 the process involving freezing F26B0005080000 by centrifugal treatment F26B0005100000 the process involving freezing F26B0005120000 by suction F26B0005140000 by applying pressure, e.g. wringing; by brushing; by wiping F26B0005160000 by contact with sorbent bodies, e.g. absorbent mould; by admixture with sorbent materials F26B0007000000 Drying solid materials or objects by processes using a combination of processes not covered by a single one of groups ; F26B0003000000; or F26B0005000000 F26B0009000000 Machines or apparatus for drying F26B0009000000 Machines or apparatus for drying solid materials or objects at rest or with only local agitation; Domestic airing cupboards F26B0009020000 in buildings (special types of buildings E04H) F26B0009040000 in presses or clamping devices F26B0009060000 in stationary drums or chambers F26B0009080000 including agitating devices F26B0009100000 in the open air; in pans or tables in rooms; Drying stacks of loose material F26B0011000000 Machines or apparatus for drying solid materials or objects with movement which is non-progressive F26B0011020000 in moving drums or other mainly-closed receptacles (F26B0011180000 takes precedence);; F26B0011040000 rotating about a horizontal or slightly-inclined axis F26B0011060000 with stirring devices which are held stationary F26B0011080000 rotating about a vertical or steeply-inclined axis F26B0011100000 with stirring devices which are held stationary F26B0011120000 in stationary drums or other mainly-closed receptacles with moving stirring devices (F26B0011220000 takes precedence);; F26B0011140000 the stirring device moving in a horizontal or slightly-inclined plane F26B0011160000 the stirring device moving in a vertical or steeply-inclined plane F26B0011180000 on or in moving dishes, trays, pans, or other mainly-open receptacles F26B0011200000 with stirring devices which are held stationary F26B0011220000 on or in stationary dishes, trays, pans, or other mainly-open receptacles, with moving stirring devices F26B0013000000 Machines or apparatus for drying fabrics, fibres, yarns, or other materials in long lengths, with progressive movement F26B0013020000 with movement in a straight line F26B0013040000 using rollers F26B0013060000 with movement in a sinuous or zig-zag path F26B0013080000 using rollers F26B0013100000 Arrangements for feeding, heating, or supporting materials; Regulating movement, tension, or position of materials (heating processes F26B0003000000) F26B0013120000 Regulating movement, tension, or position of material F26B0013140000 Rollers (sorbent surfaces F26B0013260000) F26B0013160000 perforated (F26B0013180000 takes precedence;for applying suction F26B0013300000) F26B0013180000 heated; cooled F26B0013200000 Supporting materials by fluid jets, e.g. air F26B0013220000 Arrangements of gas flames F26B0013240000 Arrangements of devices using drying processes not involving heating (such processes per seF26B0005000000) F26B0013260000 using sorbent surfaces, e.g. bands or coverings on rollers F26B0013280000 for applying pressure; for brushing; for wiping F26B0013300000 for applying suction, e.g. through perforated rollers F26B0015000000 Machines or apparatus for drying objects with progressive movement; Machines or apparatus with progressive movement for drying batches of material in compact form (F26B0013000000, F26B0017000000 take precedence;conveyers in general B65G) F26B0015020000 with movement in the whole or part of a circle F26B0015040000 in a horizontal plane F26B0015060000 involving several planes, one above the other F26B0015080000 in a vertical plane F26B0015100000 with movement in a path composed of one or more straight lines, e.g. compound F26B0015120000 the lines being all horizontal or slightly inclined F26B0015140000 the objects or batches of materials being carried by trays or racks F26B0015160000 the objects or batches of materials being carried by wheeled trucks F26B0015180000 the objects or batches of materials being carried by endless belts F26B0015200000 the lines being all vertical or steeply inclined F26B0015220000 the objects or batches of materials being carried by endless belts F26B0015240000 in a zig-zag path F26B0015260000 with movement in a helical path F26B0017000000 Machines or apparatus for drying materials in loose, plastic, or fluidised form, e.g. granules, staple fibres, with progressive movement (F26B0013000000 takes precedence);; F26B0017020000 with movement performed by belts carrying the materials; with movement performed by belts propelling the materials over stationary surfaces F26B0017040000 the belts being all horizontal or slightly inclined (F26B0017080000 takes precedence);; F26B0017060000 the belts being all vertical or steeply inclined (F26B0017080000 takes precedence);; F26B0017080000 the belts being arranged in a sinuous or zig-zag path F26B0017100000 with movement performed by fluid currents, e.g. issuing from a nozzle (F26B0003080000 takes precedence);; F26B0017120000 with movement performed solely by gravity F26B0017140000 the materials moving through a counter-current of gas F26B0017160000 the materials passing down a heated surface F26B0017180000 with movement performed by rotating helical blades or other rotary conveyers moving materials in stationary chambers F26B0017200000 the axis of rotation being horizontal or slightly inclined F26B0017220000 the axis of rotation being vertical or steeply inclined F26B0017240000 with movement performed by shooting or throwing the materials F26B0017260000 with movement performed by reciprocating or oscillating conveyers propelling materials over stationary surfaces; with movement performed by reciprocating or oscillating shelves, sieves, or trays F26B0017280000 with movement performed by rollers or discs with material passing over or between them, e.g. suction drum, sieve F26B0017300000 with movement performed by rotary or oscillating containers; with movement performed by rotary floors F26B0017320000 the movement being in a horizontal or slightly-inclined plane F26B0017340000 the movement being in a vertical or steeply-inclined plane F26B0019000000 Machines or apparatus for drying solid materials or objects not covered by groups ; F26B0009000000-F26B0017000000 F26B0020000000 Combinations of machines or apparatus covered by two or more of groups ; F26B0009000000-F26B0019000000 F26B0021000000 Details of general application F26B0021000000 Arrangements for supplying or controlling air or gases for drying solid materials or objects (air-conditioning or ventilation in general F24F) F26B0021020000 Circulating air or gases in closed cycles, e.g. wholly within the drying enclosure (F26B0021140000 takes precedence);; F26B0021040000 partly outside the drying enclosure F26B0021060000 Controlling, e.g. regulating, parameters of gas supply (F26B0021140000 takes precedence);; F26B0021080000 Humidity F26B0021100000 Temperature; Pressure F26B0021120000 Velocity of flow; Quantity of flow F26B0021140000 using gases or vapours other than air or steam F26B0023000000 Heating arrangements (using heated air or gases F26B0021000000) F26B0023020000 using combustion heating (F26B0023100000 takes precedence);; F26B0023040000 using electric heating (F26B0023100000 takes precedence);; F26B0023060000 resistance heating F26B0023080000 inductive heating; capacitative heating; microwave heating F26B0023100000 using tubes or passages containing heated fluids F26B0025000000 Details of general application not covered by group F26B0021000000; or F26B0023000000; (loading, conveying, or unloading in general B65G) F26B0025020000 Applications of driving mechanisms, not covered by another subclass F26B0025040000 Agitating, stirring, or scraping devices F26B0025060000 Chambers, containers, or receptacles F26B0025080000 Parts thereof F26B0025100000 Floors, roofs, or bottoms; False bottoms F26B0025120000 Walls or sides; Doors F26B0025140000 Chambers, containers, receptacles of simple construction F26B0025160000 mainly closed, e.g. drum F26B0025180000 mainly open, e.g. dish, tray, pan F26B0025200000 Rollers (F26B0025060000 takes precedence);; F26B0025220000 Controlling the drying process in dependence on liquid content of solid materials or objects F27 FURNACES; KILNS; OVENS; RETORTS F27B FURNACES, KILNS, OVENS, OR RETORTS IN GENERAL; OPEN SINTERING OR LIKE APPARATUS (combustion apparatus F23; electric heating H05B) F27B0001000000 Shaft or like vertical or substantially vertical furnaces (for preheating, burning, calcining or cooling lime, magnesia or dolomite C04B0002120000) F27B0001020000 with two or more shafts or chambers, e.g. multi-storey F27B0001040000 Combinations or arrangements of shafts F27B0001060000 of other than up-draught type F27B0001080000 heated otherwise than by solid fuel mixed with charge F27B0001090000 heated electrically F27B0001100000 Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B0001120000 Shells or casings; Supports therefor F27B0001140000 Arrangements of linings (linings in general F27D0001000000) F27B0001160000 Arrangements of tuyères F27B0001180000 Arrangements of dust collectors F27B0001200000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0001210000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0001220000 Arrangements of heat-exchange apparatus (heat-exchangers in general F28C, F28D) F27B0001240000 Cooling arrangements F27B0001260000 Arrangements of controlling devices F27B0001280000 Arrangements of monitoring devices, of indicators, of alarm devices F27B0003000000 Hearth-type furnaces, e.g. of reverberatory type (F27B0009000000-F27B0015000000, F27B0021000000 take precedence);;Electric arc furnaces F27B0003020000 of single-chamber fixed-hearth type F27B0003040000 of multiple-hearth type; of multiple-chamber type; Combinations of hearth-type furnaces F27B0003060000 with movable working chambers or hearths, e.g. tiltable F27B0003080000 heated electrically, e.g. electric arc furnaces, with or without any other source of heat F27B0003100000 Details, accessories, or equipment, e.g. dust-collectors, peculiar to hearth-type furnaces F27B0003120000 Working chambers or casings; Supports therefor F27B0003140000 Arrangements of linings F27B0003160000 Walls; Roofs F27B0003180000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0003190000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0003200000 Arrangements of heating devices F27B0003220000 Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B0003240000 Cooling arrangements F27B0003260000 Arrangements of heat-exchange apparatus F27B0003280000 Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B0005000000 Muffle furnaces; Retort furnaces; Other furnaces in which the charge is held completely isolated (F27B0009000000 takes precedence);; F27B0005020000 of multiple-chamber type F27B0005040000 adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B0005050000 in vacuum F27B0005060000 Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B0005080000 Arrangements of linings F27B0005100000 Muffles F27B0005120000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0005130000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0005140000 Arrangements of heating devices F27B0005160000 Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B0005180000 Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B0007000000 Rotary-drum furnaces, i.e. horizontal or slightly inclined F27B0007020000 of multiple-chamber or multiple-drum type F27B0007040000 with longitudinal divisions F27B0007060000 adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B0007080000 externally heated F27B0007100000 internally heated, e.g. by means of passages in the wall F27B0007120000 tiltable F27B0007140000 with means for agitating or moving the charge F27B0007160000 the means being fixed relatively to the drum (F27B0007040000 takes precedence);; F27B0007180000 the means being movable within the drum F27B0007200000 Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to rotary-drum furnaces F27B0007220000 Rotary drums; Supports therefor F27B0007240000 Seals between rotary and stationary parts F27B0007260000 Drives F27B0007280000 Arrangements of linings F27B0007300000 Arrangements of partitions F27B0007320000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0007330000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0007340000 Arrangements of heating devices F27B0007360000 Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B0007380000 Arrangements of cooling devices F27B0007400000 Planetary coolers F27B0007420000 Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B0009000000 Furnaces through which the charge is moved mechanically, e.g. of tunnel type (F27B0007140000 takes precedence);;Similar furnaces in which the charge moves by gravity F27B0009020000 of multiple-track type; of multiple-chamber type; Combinations of furnaces F27B0009040000 adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B0009060000 heated without contact between combustion gases and charge; electrically heated F27B0009080000 heated through chamber walls F27B0009100000 heated by hot air or gas F27B0009120000 with special arrangements for preheating or cooling the charge F27B0009140000 characterised by the path of the charge during treatment; characterised by the means by which the charge is moved during treatment (F27B0009280000 takes precedence;travelling or movable supports or containers for the charge F27D0003120000) F27B0009160000 the charge moving in a circular or arcuate path F27B0009180000 under the action of scrapers or pushers F27B0009200000 the charge moving in a substantially straight path F27B0009220000 under the action of scrapers or pushers (F27B0009260000 takes precedence);; F27B0009240000 being carried by a conveyer F27B0009260000 on or in trucks, sleds, or containers F27B0009280000 for treating continuous lengths of work F27B0009300000 Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B0009320000 Casings F27B0009340000 Arrangements of linings F27B0009360000 Arrangements of heating devices F27B0009380000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0009390000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0009400000 Arrangements of controlling or monitoring devices F27B0011000000 Bell-type furnaces (for treating metal strips or wire C21D0009663000) F27B0013000000 Furnaces with both stationary charge and progression of heating, e.g. of ring type, of type in which segmental kiln moves over stationary charge F27B0013020000 of multiple-chamber type with permanent partitions; Combinations of furnaces F27B0013040000 of single-chamber type with temporary partitions F27B0013060000 Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of this type F27B0013080000 Casings F27B0013100000 Arrangements of linings F27B0013120000 Arrangements of heating devices F27B0013140000 Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B0014000000 Crucible or pot furnaces; Tank furnaces F27B0014020000 with tilting or rocking arrangements (F27B0014040000 takes precedence);; F27B0014040000 adapted for treating the charge in vacuum or special atmosphere F27B0014060000 heated electrically, e.g. induction crucible furnaces, with or without any other source of heat (F27B0014040000 takes precedence);; F27B0014080000 Details peculiar to crucible, pot or tank furnaces F27B0014100000 Crucibles F27B0014120000 Covers therefor F27B0014140000 Arrangements of heating devices F27B0014160000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0014180000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0014200000 Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27B0015000000 Fluidised-bed furnaces; Other furnaces using or treating finely-divided materials in dispersion (combustion apparatus in which combustion takes place in a fluidised bed of fuel or other particles F23C0010000000) F27B0015020000 Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to furnaces of these types F27B0015040000 Casings; Supports therefor F27B0015060000 Arrangements of linings F27B0015080000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0015090000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0015100000 Arrangements of air or gas supply devices F27B0015120000 Arrangements of dust collectors F27B0015140000 Arrangements of heating devices F27B0015160000 Arrangements of cooling devices F27B0015180000 Arrangements of controlling devices F27B0015200000 Arrangements of monitoring devices, of indicators, of alarm devices F27B0017000000 Furnaces of a kind not covered by any of groups F27B0001000000-F27B0015000000; (structural combinations of furnaces F27B0019020000) F27B0017020000 specially designed for laboratory use F27B0019000000 Combinations of different kinds of furnaces that are not all covered by any single one of main groups ; F27B0001000000-F27B0017000000 F27B0019020000 combined in one structure F27B0019040000 arranged for associated working F27B0021000000 Open or uncovered sintering apparatus; Other heat-treatment apparatus of like construction F27B0021020000 Sintering grates or tables F27B0021040000 Sintering pots or sintering pans F27B0021060000 Endless-strand sintering machines F27B0021080000 Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to sintering or like apparatus F27B0021100000 Arrangement of devices for charging F27B0021120000 Arrangement of devices for discharging F27B0021140000 Arrangement of controlling, monitoring, alarm or like devices F27D DETAILS OR ACCESSORIES OF FURNACES, KILNS, OVENS, OR RETORTS, IN SO FAR AS THEY ARE OF KINDS OCCURRING IN MORE THAN ONE KIND OF FURNACE (combustion apparatus F23; electric heating H05B) F27D0001000000 Casings; Linings; Walls; Roofs (refractory materials C04B; firebridges for combustion chambers F23M0003000000) F27D0001020000 Crowns; Roofs F27D0001040000 characterised by the form of the bricks or blocks used F27D0001060000 Composite bricks or blocks F27D0001080000 Bricks or blocks with internal reinforcement or metal backing F27D0001100000 Monolithic linings; Supports therefor F27D0001120000 incorporating cooling arrangements (constructions of tube assemblies in general F28) F27D0001140000 Supports for linings (F27D0001100000 takes precedence);; F27D0001160000 Making or repairing linings F27D0001180000 Door frames; Doors, lids, removable covers F27D0003000000 Charging; Discharging; Manipulation of charge (conveying systems characterised by their application for specified purposes not otherwise provided for B65G0049000000; moving charge through a furnace F27B0009140000) F27D0003020000 Skids or tracks for heavy objects F27D0003040000 Ram or pusher apparatus F27D0003060000 Charging or discharging machines on travelling carriages F27D0003080000 Screw feeders; Screw dischargers F27D0003100000 Charging directly from hoppers or shoots F27D0003120000 Travelling or movable supports or containers for the charge F27D0003140000 Charging or discharging liquid or molten material F27D0003150000 Tapping equipment; Equipment for removing slag F27D0003160000 Introducing a fluid jet or current into the charge (F27D0003180000 takes precedence);; F27D0003180000 Charging particulate material using a fluid carrier F27D0005000000 Supports, screens, or the like for the charge within the furnace (travelling or movable supports F27D0003120000) F27D0007000000 Forming, maintaining, or circulating atmospheres in heating chambers F27D0007020000 Supplying steam, vapour, gases, or liquids F27D0007040000 Circulating atmospheres by mechanical means F27D0007060000 Forming or maintaining special atmospheres or vacuum within heating chambers (F27D0007020000 takes precedence);; F27D0009000000 Cooling of furnaces or of charges therein (F27D0001000000, F27D0003000000 take precedence);; F27D0011000000 Arrangement of elements for electric heating in or on furnaces (electric heating per seH05B) F27D0011020000 Ohmic resistance heating F27D0011040000 with direct passage of current through the material being heated F27D0011060000 Induction heating, i.e. in which the material being heated, or its container or elements embodied therein, form the secondary of a transformer F27D0011080000 Heating by electric discharge, e.g. arc discharge F27D0011100000 Disposition of electrodes (automatic control of temperature G05D0023000000; electric discharge apparatus H01T; arrangements for feeding or guiding electrodes H05B0007100000; automatic control of power by positioning of electrodes H05B0007144000) F27D0011120000 with electromagnetic fields acting directly on the material being heated F27D0013000000 Apparatus for preheating charges; Arrangements for preheating charges F27D0015000000 Handling or treating discharged material; Supports or receiving chambers therefor F27D0015020000 Cooling F27D0017000000 Arrangement for using waste heat (heat-exchangers per seF28); Arrangement for using, or disposing of, waste gases (removing fumes in general B08B0015000000) F27D0019000000 Arrangement of controlling devices F27D0021000000 Arrangement of monitoring devices; Arrangements of safety devices F27D0021020000 Observation or illuminating devices F27D0021040000 Arrangements of indicators or alarms F27D0025000000 Devices for removing incrustations F27D0027000000 Stirring devices for molten material (F27D0003140000 takes precedence);; F27D0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F28 HEAT EXCHANGE IN GENERAL F28B STEAM OR VAPOUR CONDENSERS (condensation of vapours B01D0005000000; condensation during pretreatment of gases prior to electrostatic precipitation of dispersed particles B03C0003014000; steam engine plants having condensers F01K; liquefaction of gases F25J; details of heat-exchange or heat-transfer arrangements of general application F28F) F28B0001000000 Condensers in which the steam or vapour is separated from the cooling medium by walls, e.g. surface condenser F28B0001020000 using water or other liquid as the cooling medium F28B0001040000 employing moving walls F28B0001060000 using air or other gas as the cooling medium F28B0001080000 employing moving walls F28B0003000000 Condensers in which the steam or vapour comes into direct contact with the cooling medium F28B0003020000 by providing a flowing coating of cooling liquid on the condensing surface F28B0003040000 by injecting cooling liquid into the steam or vapour (F28B0003080000 takes precedence);; F28B0003060000 by injecting the steam or vapour into the cooling liquid (F28B0003080000 takes precedence);; F28B0003080000 with rotatable members F28B0005000000 Condensers employing a combination of the methods covered by groups ; F28B0001000000 and F28B0003000000; Other condensers F28B0007000000 Combinations of two or more condensers, e.g. provision of reserve condenser F28B0009000000 Auxiliary systems, arrangements, or devices F28B0009020000 for feeding steam or vapour to condensers F28B0009040000 for feeding, collecting, and storing cooling water or other cooling liquid F28B0009060000 with provision for re-cooling the cooling water or other cooling liquid F28B0009080000 for collecting and removing condensate F28B0009100000 for extracting, cooling, and removing non-condensable gases F28B0011000000 Controlling arrangements with features specially adapted for condensers F28C HEAT-EXCHANGE APPARATUS, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN ANOTHER SUBCLASS, IN WHICH THE HEAT-EXCHANGE MEDIA COME INTO DIRECT CONTACT WITHOUT CHEMICAL INTERACTION (heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials C09K0005000000;  fluid heaters having heat generating means F24H; with an intermediate heat-transfer medium coming into direct contact with heat-exchange media F28D0015000000-F28D0019000000; details of heat-exchange apparatus of general application F28F) F28C0001000000 Direct-contact trickle coolers, e.g. cooling towers (building construction E04H0005120000; enclosed spaces cooled by trickle F25; component parts of trickle coolers F28F0025000000) F28C0001020000 with counter-current only F28C0001040000 with cross-current only F28C0001060000 with both counter-current and cross-current F28C0001080000 Arrangements for recovering heat from exhaust steam F28C0001100000 Arrangements for suppressing noise F28C0001120000 Arrangements for preventing clogging by frost F28C0001140000 comprising also a non-direct contact heat exchange F28C0001160000 Arrangements for preventing condensation, precipitation or mist formation, outside the cooler (F28C0001140000 takes precedence);; F28C0003000000 Other direct-contact heat-exchange apparatus F28C0003020000 the heat-exchange media both being gases or vapours F28C0003040000 the heat-exchange media both being liquids F28C0003060000 the heat-exchange media being a liquid and a gas or vapour (temperators for cooling steam F22) F28C0003080000 with change of state, e.g. absorption, evaporation, condensation (generating steam under pressure F22) F28C0003100000 one heat-exchange medium at least being a fluent solid, e.g. a particulate material F28C0003120000 the heat-exchange medium being a particulate material and a gas, vapour, or liquid F28C0003140000 the particulate material moving by gravity, e.g. down a tube F28C0003160000 the particulate material forming a bed, e.g. fluidised, on vibratory sieves F28C0003180000 the particulate material being contained in rotating drums F28D HEAT-EXCHANGE APPARATUS, NOT PROVIDED FOR IN ANOTHER SUBCLASS, IN WHICH THE HEAT-EXCHANGE MEDIA DO NOT COME INTO DIRECT CONTACT (heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials C09K0005000000;  fluid heaters having heat generating means and heat transferring means F24H; furnaces F27; details of heat-exchange apparatus of general application F28F); HEAT STORAGE PLANTS OR APPARATUS IN GENERAL F28D0001000000 Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary conduit assemblies for one heat-exchange medium only, the media being in contact with different sides of the conduit wall, in which the other heat-exchange medium is a large body of fluid, e.g. domestic or motor car radiators (F28D0005000000 takes precedence);; F28D0001020000 with the heat-exchange conduits immersed in the body of fluid F28D0001030000 with plate-like or laminated conduits F28D0001040000 with tubular conduits F28D0001047000 the conduits being bent, e.g. in a serpentine or zig-zag F28D0001053000 the conduits being straight F28D0001060000 with the heat-exchange conduits forming part of, or being attached to, the tank containing the body of fluid F28D0003000000 Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary conduit assemblies for one heat-exchange medium only, the media being in contact with different sides of the conduit wall, in which the other heat-exchange medium flows in a continuous film, or trickles freely, over the conduits (F28D0005000000 takes precedence);; F28D0003020000 with tubular conduits F28D0003040000 Distributing arrangements F28D0005000000 Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary conduit assemblies for one heat-exchange medium only, the media being in contact with different sides of the conduit wall, using the cooling effect of natural or forced evaporation F28D0005020000 in which the evaporating medium flows in a continuous film or trickles freely over the conduits F28D0007000000 Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary tubular conduit assemblies for both heat-exchange media, the media being in contact with different sides of a conduit wall F28D0007020000 the conduits being helically coiled (F28D0007100000 takes precedence);; F28D0007040000 the conduits being spirally coiled (F28D0007100000 takes precedence);; F28D0007060000 the conduits having a single U-bend (F28D0007100000 takes precedence);; F28D0007080000 the conduits being otherwise bent, e.g. in a serpentine or zig-zag (F28D0007100000 takes precedence);; F28D0007100000 the conduits being arranged one within the other, e.g. concentrically F28D0007120000 the surrounding tube being closed at one end, i.e. return type (F28D0007140000 takes precedence);; F28D0007140000 both tubes being bent F28D0007160000 the conduits being arranged in parallel spaced relation (F28D0007020000-F28D0007100000; take precedence);; F28D0009000000 Heat-exchange apparatus having stationary plate-like or laminated conduit assemblies for both heat-exchange media, the media being in contact with different sides of a conduit wall F28D0009020000 the heat-exchange media travelling at an angle to one another (F28D0009040000 takes precedence);; F28D0009040000 the conduits being formed by spirally-wound plates or laminae F28D0011000000 Heat-exchange apparatus employing moving conduits F28D0011020000 the movement being rotary, e.g. performed by a drum or roller (F28D0011080000 takes precedence);; F28D0011040000 performed by a tube or a bundle of tubes F28D0011060000 the movement being reciprocating or oscillating (F28D0011080000 takes precedence);; F28D0011080000 more than one conduit assembly performing independent movements, e.g. rotary bundle of tubes in a rotary drum F28D0013000000 Heat-exchange apparatus using a fluidised bed F28D0015000000 Heat-exchange apparatus employing intermediate heat-transfer media or bodies F28D0015000000 Heat-exchange apparatus with the intermediate heat-transfer medium in closed tubes passing into or through the conduit walls F28D0015020000 in which the medium condenses and evaporates, e.g. heat-pipes F28D0015040000 with tubes having a capillary structure F28D0015060000 Control arrangements therefor F28D0017000000 Regenerative heat-exchange apparatus in which a stationary intermediate heat-transfer medium or body is contacted successively by each heat-exchange medium, e.g. using granular particles F28D0017020000 using rigid bodies, e.g. of porous material F28D0017040000 Distributing arrangements for the heat-exchange media F28D0019000000 Regenerative heat-exchange apparatus in which the intermediate heat-transfer medium or body is moved successively into contact with each heat-exchange medium F28D0019020000 using granular particles F28D0019040000 using rigid bodies, e.g. mounted on a movable carrier F28D0020000000 Heat storage plants or apparatus in general (specially adapted for particular applications, see the relevant places, e.g. F24D0015020000); Regenerative heat-exchange apparatus not covered by groups ; F28D0017000000; or F28D0019000000 F28D0020020000 using latent heat F28D0021000000 Heat-exchange apparatus not covered by any of the groups ; F28D0001000000-F28D0020000000 F28F DETAILS OF HEAT-EXCHANGE OR HEAT-TRANSFER APPARATUS, OF GENERAL APPLICATION (heat-transfer, heat-exchange or heat-storage materials C09K0005000000; water or air traps, air venting F16) F28F0001000000 Tubular elements; Assemblies of tubular elements (specially adapted for movement F28F0005000000) F28F0001020000 Tubular elements of cross-section which is non-circular (F28F0001080000, F28F0001100000 take precedence);; F28F0001040000 polygonal, e.g. rectangular F28F0001060000 crimped or corrugated in cross-section F28F0001080000 Tubular elements crimped or corrugated in longitudinal section F28F0001100000 Tubular elements or assemblies thereof with means for increasing heat-transfer area, e.g. with fins, with projections, with recesses (crimped or corrugated elements F28F0001060000, F28F0001080000) F28F0001120000 the means being only outside the tubular element F28F0001140000 and extending longitudinally (F28F0001380000 takes precedence);; F28F0001160000 the means being integral with the element, e.g. formed by extrusion (F28F0001220000 takes precedence);; F28F0001180000 the element being built-up from finned sections F28F0001200000 the means being attachable to the element (F28F0001220000 takes precedence);; F28F0001220000 the means having portions engaging further tubular elements F28F0001240000 and extending transversely (F28F0001380000 takes precedence);; F28F0001260000 the means being integral with the element (F28F0001320000 takes precedence);; F28F0001280000 the element being built-up from finned sections F28F0001300000 the means being attachable to the element (F28F0001320000 takes precedence);; F28F0001320000 the means having portions engaging further tubular elements F28F0001340000 and extending obliquely (F28F0001380000 takes precedence);; F28F0001360000 the means being helically-wound fins or wire spirals F28F0001380000 and being staggered to form tortuous fluid passages F28F0001400000 the means being only inside the tubular element F28F0001420000 the means being both outside and inside the tubular element F28F0001440000 and being formed of wire mesh F28F0003000000 Plate-like or laminated elements; Assemblies of plate-like or laminated elements (specially adapted for movement F28F0005000000) F28F0003020000 Elements or assemblies thereof with means for increasing heat-transfer area, e.g. with fins, with recesses, with corrugations (F28F0003080000 takes precedence);; F28F0003040000 the means being integral with the element F28F0003060000 the means being attachable to the element F28F0003080000 Elements constructed for building-up into stacks, e.g. capable of being taken apart for cleaning F28F0003100000 Arrangement for sealing the margins F28F0003120000 Elements constructed in the shape of a hollow panel, e.g. with channels F28F0003140000 by separating portions of a pair of joined sheets to form channels, e.g. by inflation (manufacture thereof B23P) F28F0005000000 Elements specially adapted for movement (arrangements for moving the elements, see the appropriate subclass for the apparatus concerned);; F28F0005020000 Rotary drums or rollers F28F0005040000 Hollow impellers, e.g. stirring vane F28F0005060000 Hollow screw conveyers F28F0007000000 Elements not covered by group ; F28F0001000000, F28F0003000000, or F28F0005000000 F28F0007020000 Blocks traversed by passages for heat-exchange media F28F0009000000 Casings; Header boxes; Auxiliary supports for elements; Auxiliary members within casings F28F0009007000 Auxiliary supports for elements F28F0009013000 for tubes or tube-assemblies F28F0009020000 Header boxes; End plates F28F0009040000 Arrangements for sealing elements into header boxes or end plates (joining pipes to walls in general F16L0041000000) F28F0009060000 by dismountable joints F28F0009080000 by wedge-type connections, e.g. taper ferrule F28F0009100000 by screw-type connections, e.g. gland F28F0009120000 by flange-type connections F28F0009140000 by force-joining F28F0009160000 by permanent joints, e.g. by rolling (metal-working procedures in general B21, B23, particularly B21D0039060000, B23K) F28F0009180000 by welding F28F0009200000 Arrangements of heat reflectors, e.g. separately-insertible reflecting walls F28F0009220000 Arrangements for directing heat-exchange media into successive compartments, e.g. arrangements of guide plates F28F0009240000 Arrangements for promoting turbulent flow of heat-exchange media, e.g. by plates (F28F0001380000 takes precedence;in general F15D) F28F0009260000 Arrangements for connecting different sections of heat-exchange elements, e.g. of radiators (connecting different sections in water heaters F24H0009140000) F28F0011000000 Arrangements for sealing leaky tubes or conduits (stopping flow from or in pipes in general F16L0055100000) F28F0011020000 using obturating elements, e.g. washers, inserted and operated independently of each other (F28F0011060000 takes precedence);; F28F0011040000 using pairs of obturating elements, e.g. washers, mounted upon central operating rods (F28F0011060000 takes precedence);; F28F0011060000 using automatic tube-obturating appliances F28F0013000000 Arrangements for modifying heat transfer, e.g. increasing, decreasing (F28F0001000000-F28F0011000000; take precedence);; F28F0013020000 by influencing fluid boundary (boundary-layer control in general F15D) F28F0013040000 by preventing the formation of continuous films of condensate on heat-exchange surfaces, e.g. by promoting droplet formation F28F0013060000 by affecting the pattern of flow of the heat-exchange media F28F0013080000 by varying the cross-section of the flow channels F28F0013100000 by imparting a pulsating motion to the flow, e.g. by sonic vibration F28F0013120000 by creating turbulence, e.g. by stirring, by increasing the force of circulation (F28F0013080000 takes precedence);; F28F0013140000 by endowing the walls of conduits with zones of different degrees of conduction of heat F28F0013160000 by applying an electrostatic field to the body of the heat-exchange medium F28F0013180000 by applying coatings, e.g. radiation-absorbing, radiation-reflecting; by surface treatment, e.g. polishing F28F0017000000 Removing ice or water from heat-exchange apparatus F28F0019000000 Preventing the formation of deposits or corrosion, e.g. by using filters F28F0019010000 by using means for separating solid materials from heat-exchange fluids, e.g. filters F28F0019020000 by using coatings, e.g. vitreous or enamel coatings F28F0019040000 of rubber; of plastics material; of varnish F28F0019060000 of metal F28F0021000000 Constructions of heat-exchange apparatus characterised by the selection of particular materials F28F0021020000 of carbon, e.g. graphite F28F0021040000 of ceramic; of concrete; of natural stone F28F0021060000 of plastics material F28F0021080000 of metal F28F0023000000 Features relating to the use of intermediate heat-exchange materials, e.g. selection of compositions F28F0023020000 Arrangements for obtaining or maintaining same in a liquid state F28F0025000000 Component parts of trickle coolers (arrangements for increasing heat transfer F28F0013000000; controlling arrangements F28F0027000000) F28F0025020000 for distributing, circulating, or accumulating liquid (spraying or atomising in general B05B, B05D) F28F0025040000 Distributing or accumulator troughs F28F0025060000 Spray nozzles or spray pipes F28F0025080000 Splashing boards or grids, e.g. for converting liquid sprays into liquid films; Elements or beds for increasing the area of the contact surface (packing elements in general B01J0019300000, B01J0019320000) F28F0025100000 for feeding gas or vapour F28F0025120000 Ducts; Guide vanes, e.g. for carrying currents to distinct zones F28F0027000000 Control arrangements or safety devices specially adapted for heat-exchange or heat-transfer apparatus F28F0027020000 for controlling the distribution of heat-exchange media between different channels (arrangements of guide plates or guide vanes F28F0009220000, F28F0025120000) F28F0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F28G CLEANING OF INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL SURFACES OF HEAT-EXCHANGE OR HEAT-TRANSFER CONDUITS, e.g. WATER TUBES OF BOILERS (cleaning pipes or tubes in general B08B0009020000; devices or arrangements for removing water, minerals, or sludge from boilers while the boiler is in operation, or which remain in position while the boiler is in operation, or are specifically adapted to boilers without any other utility F22B0037480000; removal or treatment of combustion products or combustion residues F23J; removing ice from heat-exchange apparatus F28F0017000000) F28G0001000000 Non-rotary, e.g. reciprocated, appliances (F28G0003000000 takes precedence);; F28G0001020000 having brushes (brushes A46B) F28G0001040000 having articulated tools, e.g. assembled in chain manner F28G0001060000 having coiled wire tools, i.e. basket type F28G0001080000 having scrapers, hammers, or cutters, e.g. rigidly mounted F28G0001100000 resiliently mounted F28G0001120000 Fluid-propelled scrapers, bullets, or like solid bodies F28G0001140000 Pull-through rods F28G0001160000 using jets of fluid for removing debris (F28G0001120000 takes precedence);; F28G0003000000 Rotary appliances F28G0003020000 having abrasive tools F28G0003040000 having brushes (brushes A46B) F28G0003060000 having articulated tools, e.g. assembled in chain manner F28G0003080000 having coiled wire tools, i.e. basket type F28G0003100000 having scrapers, hammers, or cutters, e.g. rigidly mounted F28G0003120000 resiliently mounted F28G0003140000 thrown into working position by centrifugal force F28G0003160000 using jets of fluid for removing debris F28G0005000000 Cleaning by distortion (by vibration F28G0007000000) F28G0007000000 Cleaning by vibration F28G0009000000 Cleaning by flushing or washing, e.g. with chemical solvents (appliances using jets of fluid for removing debris F28G0001160000, F28G0003160000) F28G0011000000 Cleaning by combustion processes, e.g. using squibs, using travelling burners F28G0013000000 Appliances or processes not covered by groups ; F28G0001000000-F28G0011000000; Combinations of appliances or processes covered by groups ; F28G0001000000-F28G0011000000 F28G0015000000 Details (measuring thickness of deposit G01B) F28G0015020000 Supports for cleaning appliances, e.g. frames F28G0015040000 Feeding or driving arrangements, e.g. power operation F28G0015060000 Automatic reversing devices F28G0015080000 Locating position of cleaning appliances within conduits F28G0015100000 Masks for delimiting area to be cleaned F41 WEAPONS F41A FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OR DETAILS COMMON TO BOTH SMALLARMS AND ORDNANCE, e.g. CANNONS; MOUNTINGS FOR SMALLARMS OR ORDNANCE F41A0001000000 Missile propulsion characterised by the use of explosive or combustible propellant charges (projecting missiles without use of explosive or combustible propellant charge F41B; launching rockets or torpedoes F41F0003000000; missile self-propulsion F42B0015000000) F41A0001020000 Hypervelocity missile propulsion using successive means for increasing the propulsive force, e.g. using successively initiated propellant charges arranged along the barrel length; Multistage missile propulsion F41A0001040000 Missile propulsion using the combustion of a liquid or gaseous fuel, e.g. hypergolic fuel F41A0001060000 Adjusting the range without varying elevation angle or propellant charge data, e.g. by venting a part of the propulsive charge gases, or by adjusting the capacity of the cartridge or combustion chamber F41A0001080000 Recoilless guns, i.e. guns having propulsion means producing no recoil F41A0001100000 a counter projectile being used to balance recoil F41A0003000000 Breech mechanism, e.g. locks F41A0003020000 Block action, i.e. the main breech opening movement being transverse to the barrel axis F41A0003040000 with pivoting breech-block F41A0003060000 about a horizontal axis transverse to the barrel axis at the rear of the block (F41A0003080000 takes precedence);; F41A0003080000 carrying a rotably mounted obturating plug of the screw-thread or the interrupted-thread type (F41A0003300000 takes precedence);; F41A0003100000 with sliding breech-block, e.g. vertically F41A0003120000 Bolt action, i.e. the main breech opening movement being parallel to the barrel axis F41A0003140000 Rigid bolt locks, i.e. having locking elements rigidly mounted on the bolt or bolt handle and on the barrel or breech-housing respectively F41A0003160000 the locking elements effecting a rotary movement about the barrel axis, e.g. rotating cylinder bolt locks F41A0003180000 hand-operated F41A0003200000 Straight-pull operated bolt locks, i.e. the operating hand effecting only a straight movement parallel to the barrel axis F41A0003220000 the locking being effected by rotating the operating handle or lever transversely to the barrel axis F41A0003240000 the locking elements forming part of the operating handle or lever F41A0003260000 semi-automatically or automatically operated, e.g. having a slidable bolt-carrier and a rotatable bolt F41A0003280000 having fixed locking elements on the non-rotating bolt and rotating locking elements mounted on the barrel or breech housing, e.g. rotatable rings F41A0003300000 Interlocking means, e.g. locking lugs, screw threads F41A0003320000 the bolt being rocked about a notional axis transverse to the barrel axis F41A0003340000 the bolt additionally effecting a sliding movement transverse to the barrel axis F41A0003360000 Semi-rigid bolt locks, i.e. having locking elements movably mounted on the bolt or on the barrrel or breech housing F41A0003380000 having rocking locking elements, e.g. pivoting levers or vanes F41A0003400000 mounted on the bolt (F41A0003420000 takes precedence);; F41A0003420000 hand-operated F41A0003440000 having sliding locking elements, e.g. balls, rollers F41A0003460000 mounted on the bolt (F41A0003480000 takes precedence);; F41A0003480000 hand-operated F41A0003500000 Toggle-joint locks, e.g. crank-operated F41A0003520000 hand-operated F41A0003540000 Bolt locks of the unlocked type, i.e. being inertia operated F41A0003560000 the bolt being provided with an additional slidable mass F41A0003580000 Breakdown breech mechanisms, e.g. for shotguns F41A0003600000 Breech mechanisms for guns having two or more barrels (F41A0003580000 takes precedence;for revolving-cannon guns F41F0001100000) F41A0003620000 using combustion gas pressure for adding to the mechanical locking action, or for delaying breech opening movement F41A0003640000 Mounting of breech-blocks; Accessories for breech-blocks or breech-block mountings F41A0003660000 Breech housings or frames; Receivers F41A0003680000 Bolt stops, i.e. means for limiting bolt opening movement F41A0003700000 Anti-rebound arrangements, i.e. preventing rebound of the bolt out of the firing position F41A0003720000 Operating handles or levers; Mounting thereof in breech-blocks or bolts F41A0003740000 Obturating or packing devices for gas leak prevention in breech mechanisms F41A0003760000 specially adapted for sealing the gap between the forward end of the cartridge chamber and the rearward end of the barrel, e.g. sealing devices for revolvers or revolver-type guns F41A0003780000 Bolt buffer or recuperator means F41A0003800000 Adjustable spring buffers F41A0003820000 Coil spring buffers (F41A0003800000 takes precedence);; F41A0003840000 mounted within the gun stock F41A0003860000 mounted under the barrel F41A0003880000 mounted around the barrel F41A0003900000 Fluid buffers F41A0003920000 adjustable F41A0003940000 in combination with spring buffers F41A0005000000 Mechanisms or systems operated by propellant charge energy for automatically opening the lock F41A0005020000 recoil-operated F41A0005040000 the barrel being tilted during recoil F41A0005060000 the barrel being rotated about its longitudinal axis during recoil F41A0005080000 having an accelerator lever acting on the breech-block or bolt during the opening movement F41A0005100000 having a movable inertia weight F41A0005120000 mounted in a gun having a fixed barrel F41A0005140000 Barrel stops, i.e. devices for holding the recoiling barrel in a predetermined position, e.g. the recoil position F41A0005160000 having a barrel moving forwardly after the firing of a shot F41A0005180000 gas-operated F41A0005200000 using a gas piston arranged concentrically around the barrel F41A0005220000 having two or more gas pistons F41A0005240000 by direct action of gas pressure on bolt or locking elements F41A0005260000 Arrangements or systems for bleeding the gas from the barrel (F41A0005200000-F41A0005240000; take precedence);; F41A0005280000 Adjustable systems F41A0005300000 Gas- or recoil-operation, e.g. selection of gas- or recoil-operated systems F41A0005320000 Energy accumulator systems, i.e. systems for opening the breech-block by energy accumulated during barrel or gas piston recoil F41A0005340000 with spring accumulators F41A0005360000 with fluid accumulators F41A0007000000 Auxiliary mechanisms for bringing the breech-block or bolt or the barrel to the starting position before automatic firing (operating handles or levers F41A0003000000); Drives for externally-powered guns (revolving-cannon guns F41F0001000000); Remote-controlled gun chargers F41A0007020000 Machine-gun rechargers, e.g. manually operated F41A0007040000 fluid operated F41A0007060000 electrically operated F41A0007080000 Drives for externally-powered guns, i.e. drives for moving the breech-block or bolt by an external force during automatic firing F41A0007100000 using a rotating cylindrical drum having a camming groove F41A0009000000 Feeding or loading of ammunition (adaptations for feeding or loading missiles from magazines in air guns F41B0011020000); Magazines; Guiding means for the extracting of cartridges (cartridge extractors or ejectors F41A0015000000) F41A0009010000 Feeding of unbelted ammunition F41A0009020000 using wheel conveyers, e.g. star-wheel-shaped conveyers F41A0009030000 using screw or rotary-spiral conveyers F41A0009040000 using endless-chain belts carrying a plurality of ammunition F41A0009050000 in tandem sequence F41A0009060000 using cyclically moving conveyers, i.e. conveyers having ammunition pusher or carrier elements which are emptied or disengaged from the ammunition during the return stroke F41A0009070000 Reciprocating conveyers, i.e. conveyers pushing a plurality of ammunition during the feeding stroke F41A0009090000 Movable ammunition carriers or loading trays, e.g. for feeding from magazines F41A0009100000 pivoting or swinging F41A0009110000 in a horizontal plane F41A0009120000 mounted within a smallarm F41A0009130000 in a vertical plane F41A0009140000 transverse to the barrel axis F41A0009150000 mounted within a smallarm F41A0009160000 parallel to the barrel axis F41A0009170000 mounted within a smallarm F41A0009180000 feeding from a magazine under the barrel F41A0009190000 feeding from a magazine mounted in the stock F41A0009200000 sliding, e.g. reciprocating F41A0009210000 in a vertical direction (F41A0009230000 takes precedence);; F41A0009220000 in a horizontal direction (F41A0009230000 takes precedence);; F41A0009230000 mounted within a smallarm F41A0009240000 using a movable magazine or clip as feeding element F41A0009250000 using a sliding clip F41A0009260000 using a revolving drum magazine F41A0009270000 in revolver-type guns F41A0009280000 of smallarm type (in revolvers F41C0003140000) F41A0009290000 Feeding of belted ammunition F41A0009300000 Sprocket-type belt transporters F41A0009310000 with cartridge stripping means F41A0009320000 Reciprocating-slide-type belt transporters F41A0009330000 with cartridge stripping means F41A0009340000 from magazines (magazines for belted ammunition per seF41A0009790000) F41A0009350000 Feeding multibarrel guns F41A0009360000 Feed mechanisms for revolving-cannon guns F41A0009370000 Feeding two or more kinds of ammunition to the same gun; Feeding from two sides F41A0009380000 Loading arrangements, i.e. for bringing the ammunition into the firing position F41A0009390000 Ramming arrangements F41A0009400000 the breech-block itself being the rammer F41A0009410000 pushing unbelted ammunition from a box magazine on the gun frame into the cartridge chamber F41A0009420000 Rammers separate from breech-block F41A0009430000 Chain rammers F41A0009440000 Fluid-operated piston rammers F41A0009450000 the cartridge chamber or the barrel as a whole being tiltable between a loading and a firing position F41A0009460000 the cartridge chamber being formed by two complementary elements, movable one relative to the other for loading F41A0009470000 using forwardly-sliding barrels or barrel parts for loading F41A0009480000 by gravitational force F41A0009490000 Internally-powered drives, i.e. operated by propellant charge energy, e.g. couplings, clutches, energy accumulators F41A0009500000 External power or control systems F41A0009510000 Boosters, i.e. externally-powered motors F41A0009520000 Arrangements for changing from automatic or magazine-loading to hand-loading F41A0009530000 Charged-condition indicators, i.e. indicating the presence of a cartridge in the cartridge chamber F41A0009540000 Cartridge guides, stops or positioners, e.g. for cartridge extraction F41A0009550000 Fixed guiding means, mounted on, or near, the cartridge chamber F41A0009560000 Movable guiding means F41A0009570000 Flexible chutes, e.g. for guiding belted ammunition from the magazine to the gun F41A0009580000 Cartridge stops; Cartridge positioners F41A0009590000 Ejectors for clips or magazines, e.g. when empty F41A0009600000 Empty-cartridge-case or belt-link collectors or catchers (F41A0009810000 takes precedence);; F41A0009610000 Magazines F41A0009620000 having means for indicating the number of cartridges left in the magazine, e.g. last-round indicators (last-round safeties F41A0017400000) F41A0009630000 specially adapted for releasable connection with other magazines F41A0009640000 for unbelted ammunition F41A0009650000 Box magazines having a cartridge follower F41A0009660000 Arrangements thereon for charging, i.e. reloading (apparatus or tools for reloading magazines F41A0009830000) F41A0009670000 having means for depressing the cartridge follower, or for locking it in a depressed position F41A0009680000 Plural magazines, e.g. tandem magazines F41A0009690000 characterised by multiple-row or zigzag arrangement of cartridges F41A0009700000 Arrangements thereon for discharging, e.g. cartridge followers or discharge throats F41A0009710000 Arrangements thereon for varying capacity; Adapters or inserts for changing cartridge size or type F41A0009720000 Tubular magazines, i.e. magazines containing the ammunition in lengthwise tandem sequence F41A0009730000 Drum magazines F41A0009740000 with radially disposed cartridges F41A0009750000 having a spiral cartridge channel F41A0009760000 Magazines having an endless-chain conveyer F41A0009770000 Magazines having a screw conveyer F41A0009780000 Magazines having a reciprocating conveyer F41A0009790000 for belted ammunition F41A0009800000 having provision for quick-coupling of the belts of adjacent magazines F41A0009810000 having provision for collecting belt links or empty cartridge cases F41A0009820000 Reloading of magazines F41A0009830000 Apparatus or tools for reloading magazines with unbelted ammunition, e.g. cartridge clips F41A0009840000 Clips F41A0009850000 for reloading revolver-type magazines F41A0009860000 Feeding belted ammunition into magazines F41A0009870000 Ammunition handling dollies or transfer carts (F41A0009860000 takes precedence);; F41A0011000000 Assembly or disassembly features; Modular concepts; Articulated or collapsible guns (F41A0003640000, F41A0019100000-F41A0019150000, F41A0021480000, F41A0025260000 take precedence);; F41A0011020000 Modular concepts, e.g. weapon-family concepts F41A0011040000 Articulated or collapsible guns, i.e. with hinged or telescopic parts for transport or storage (breakdown shotguns or rifles F41C0007110000; folding or telescopic stocks or stock parts F41C0023040000) F41A0011060000 Telescopic guns F41A0013000000 Cooling or heating systems (barrels or gun tubes with fins or ribs F41A0021000000); Blowing-through of gun barrels; Ventilating systems F41A0013020000 Heating systems F41A0013040000 Injecting fluids into barrels or cartridge chambers (F41A0013080000 takes precedence);; F41A0013060000 Evacuating combustion gas from barrels (F41A0013100000 takes precedence);; F41A0013080000 Bore evacuators, i.e. chambers disposed around barrels for storing part of the combustion gas and subsequently injecting it into the barrel to provide suction F41A0013100000 Blowers or turbines for evacuating or cooling guns, e.g. driven by combustion gas pressure or recoil F41A0013120000 Systems for cooling the outer surface of the barrel (F41A0013100000 takes precedence);; F41A0015000000 Cartridge extractors, i.e. devices for pulling cartridges or cartridge cases at least partially out of the cartridge chamber; Cartridge ejectors, i.e. devices for throwing the extracted cartridges or cartridge cases free of the gun (F41A0009540000 takes precedence);; F41A0015020000 for revolver-type guns, e.g. revolvers F41A0015040000 specially adapted for cartridge cases being deformed when fired, e.g. of plastics F41A0015060000 for breakdown guns F41A0015080000 for block-action guns F41A0015100000 of sliding-block type F41A0015120000 for bolt-action guns F41A0015140000 the ejector being mounted on, or within, the bolt F41A0015160000 the ejector being mounted on the breech housing or frame F41A0015180000 for guns with forwardly slidable barrels F41A0015200000 specially adapted for caseless-ammunition duds F41A0015220000 Tools for extracting cartridges F41A0017000000 Safety arrangements, e.g. safeties F41A0017020000 Key-operated safeties F41A0017040000 Safeties of the combination-lock type (F41A0017020000 takes precedence);; F41A0017060000 Electric or electromechanical safeties (F41A0017040000, F41A0017080000 take precedence);; F41A0017080000 for inhibiting firing in a specified direction, e.g. at a friendly person or at a protected area (F41A0027020000 takes precedence);; F41A0017100000 Firing mechanisms with elevation stop F41A0017120000 Firing mechanisms with anti-canting safety F41A0017140000 Double-loading prevention F41A0017160000 Cook-off prevention, i.e. prevention of spontaneous firing of a cartridge by chamber wall heat F41A0017180000 Hang-fire prevention F41A0017200000 Grip or stock safeties, i.e. safeties disengaged by clasping the grip or stock (thumb-operated sliding safeties F41A0017520000, F41A0017620000, F41A0017700000, F41A0017800000) F41A0017220000 acting on the trigger F41A0017240000 acting on the firing pin F41A0017260000 acting on the hammer F41A0017280000 acting on the sear F41A0017300000 Multiple safeties, i.e. safeties acting on at least one element of the firing mechanism and at least one other element of the gun, e.g. the moving barrel F41A0017320000 the other element being the breech-block or bolt F41A0017340000 Magazine safeties F41A0017360000 locking the gun in a safety condition when the magazine is empty or removed F41A0017380000 locking the magazine in the gun F41A0017400000 Last-round safeties (F41A0017340000 takes precedence);; F41A0017420000 Safeties for locking the breech-block or bolt in a safety position (F41A0017320000, F41A0017360000, F41A0017400000 take precedence);; F41A0017440000 Safety plugs, e.g. for plugging-up cartridge chambers F41A0017460000 Trigger safeties, i.e. means for preventing trigger movement (F41A0017020000-F41A0017400000; take precedence);; F41A0017480000 Automatically operated trigger safeties, i.e. operated by breech opening or closing movement F41A0017500000 by breakdown action F41A0017520000 Thumb-operated sliding safeties mounted on the upside of the stock, e.g. for shotguns F41A0017540000 Protecting-caps for trigger guards; Trigger locking pieces mounted on, or within, the trigger guard F41A0017560000 Sear safeties, i.e. means for rendering ineffective an intermediate lever transmitting trigger movement to firing pin, hammer, bolt or sear (F41A0017020000-F41A0017400000; take precedence);; F41A0017580000 automatically operated, i.e. operated by breech opening or closing movement F41A0017600000 by breakdown action F41A0017620000 Thumb-operated sliding safeties mounted on the upside of the stock, e.g. for shotguns F41A0017640000 Firing-pin safeties, i.e. means for preventing movement of slidably-mounted strikers (F41A0017020000-F41A0017400000; take precedence);; F41A0017660000 automatically operated, i.e. operated by breech opening or closing movement F41A0017680000 by breakdown action F41A0017700000 Thumb-operated sliding safeties mounted on the upside of the stock, e.g. for shotguns F41A0017720000 trigger-operated, i.e. the movement of the trigger bringing a firing-pin safety into inoperative position during the firing F41A0017740000 Hammer safeties, i.e. for preventing the hammer from hitting the cartridge or the firing pin (F41A0017020000-F41A0017400000; take precedence);; F41A0017760000 automatically operated, i.e. operated by breech opening or closing movement F41A0017780000 by breakdown action F41A0017800000 Thumb-operated sliding safeties mounted on the upside of the stock, e.g. for shotguns F41A0017820000 trigger-operated, i.e. the movement of the trigger bringing a hammer safety into inoperative position during firing F41A0019000000 Firing or trigger mechanisms; Cocking mechanisms F41A0019010000 Counting means indicating the number of shots fired F41A0019020000 Burst limiters (F41A0019670000 takes precedence);; F41A0019030000 Shot-velocity control (F41A0003780000, F41A0005280000, F41A0019050000, F41A0019660000 take precedence);; F41A0019040000 by regulating the time of release of the firing pin or hammer F41A0019050000 Synchronising for firing through the propeller of an aircraft F41A0019060000 Mechanical firing mechanisms (F41A0019010000-F41A0019050000, F41A0019590000 take precedence);; F41A0019070000 press-button actuated, e.g. with thumb rest F41A0019080000 remote actuated; lanyard actuated F41A0019090000 Auxiliary trigger devices (F41A0019080000 takes precedence);; F41A0019100000 Triggers; Trigger mountings F41A0019110000 Trigger guards; Trigger-guard mountings (F41A0019150000 takes precedence);; F41A0019120000 Sears; Sear mountings F41A0019130000 Percussion or firing pins, i.e. fixed or slidably- mounted striker elements; Mountings therefor F41A0019140000 Hammers, i.e. pivotably-mounted striker elements; Hammer mountings F41A0019150000 Modular firing mechanism units F41A0019160000 Adjustable firing mechanisms; Trigger mechanisms with adjustable trigger pull (F41A0019170000 takes precedence);; F41A0019170000 Hair-trigger mechanisms F41A0019180000 for multibarrel guns (F41A0019680000 takes precedence);; F41A0019190000 with single-trigger firing possibility F41A0019200000 Double-trigger arrangements having the possibility of single-trigger actuation F41A0019210000 having only one trigger F41A0019220000 and only one striker element F41A0019230000 rotatable about an axis parallel to the barrel axis for firing subsequent barrels F41A0019240000 Release-trigger mechanisms, i.e. the striker element being released during the return movement of the trigger subsequent to trigger pull F41A0019250000 having only slidably-mounted striker elements, i.e. percussion or firing pins F41A0019260000 the percussion or firing pin and the breech-block or bolt forming one piece F41A0019270000 the percussion or firing pin being movable relative to the breech-block F41A0019280000 propelled by a cam or lever when the breech-block or bolt arrives at a closing position F41A0019290000 propelled by a spring under tension F41A0019300000 in bolt-action guns F41A0019310000 Sear arrangements therefor (F41A0019330000 takes precedence);; F41A0019320000 for catching the percussion or firing pin after each shot, i.e. in single-shot or semi-automatic firing mode F41A0019330000 Arrangements for the selection of automatic or semi-automatic fire F41A0019340000 Cocking mechanisms F41A0019350000 Double-action mechanisms, i.e. the cocking being effected during the first part of the trigger pull movement F41A0019360000 in block-action guns F41A0019370000 Cocking mechanisms F41A0019380000 Double-action mechanisms, i.e. the cocking being effected during the first part of the trigger pull movement F41A0019390000 Cocking mechanisms for other types of guns, e.g. fixed breech-block types, forwardly-slidable barrel types F41A0019400000 Double-action mechanisms, i.e. the cocking being effected during the first part of the trigger pull movement F41A0019410000 for breakdown guns F41A0019420000 having at least one hammer F41A0019430000 in bolt-action guns F41A0019440000 Sear arrangements therefor (F41A0019460000 takes precedence);; F41A0019450000 for catching the hammer after each shot, i.e. in single-shot or semi- automatic firing mode F41A0019460000 Arrangements for the selection of automatic or semi-automatic fire F41A0019470000 Cocking mechanisms F41A0019480000 Double-action mechanisms, i.e. the cocking being effected during the first part of the trigger pull movement F41A0019490000 in block-action guns F41A0019500000 Cocking mechanisms F41A0019510000 Double-action mechanisms, i.e. the cocking being effected during the first part of the trigger pull movement F41A0019520000 Cocking mechanisms for other types of guns, e.g. fixed breech-block types, revolvers F41A0019530000 Double-action mechanisms, i.e. the cocking being effected during the first part of the trigger pull movement F41A0019540000 for breakdown guns F41A0019550000 Fluid-operated firing mechanisms F41A0019560000 Ignition of the propellant charge by contact with air heated by adiabatic compression F41A0019570000 Firing mechanisms operating with primer cartridge F41A0019580000 Electric firing mechanisms (F41A0017100000, F41A0017120000 take precedence);; F41A0019590000 Electromechanical firing mechanisms, i.e. the mechanical striker element being propelled or released by electric means F41A0019600000 characterised by the means for generating electric energy F41A0019610000 Inductive generators F41A0019620000 Piezo-electric generators F41A0019630000 having means for contactless transmission of electric energy, e.g. by induction, by sparking gap F41A0019640000 for automatic or burst-firing mode F41A0019650000 for giving ripple fire, i.e. using electric sequencer switches for timed multiple-charge launching, e.g. for rocket launchers F41A0019660000 Electronic shot-velocity control (F41A0019650000 takes precedence);; F41A0019670000 Burst limiters F41A0019680000 for multibarrel guns (F41A0019650000 takes precedence);; F41A0019690000 Electric contacts or switches peculiar thereto (F41A0019650000 takes precedence);; F41A0019700000 Electric firing pins; Mountings therefor F41A0021000000 Barrels; Gun tubes; Muzzle attachments; Barrel mounting means (F41A0025000000 takes precedence;barrel attachments for firing grenades or riot-control ammunition from smallarms F41C0027060000; sighting devices F41G0001000000) F41A0021020000 Composite barrels, i.e. barrels having multiple layers, e.g. of different materials F41A0021040000 Barrel liners F41A0021060000 Plural barrels F41A0021080000 Barrel junctions F41A0021100000 Insert barrels, i.e. barrels for firing reduced calibre ammunition and being mounted within the normal barrels F41A0021120000 Cartridge chambers; Chamber liners (F41A0003740000, F41A0009460000, F41A0021040000 take precedence);; F41A0021140000 Arrangement of cartridge chambers lateral to the barrel axis F41A0021160000 Barrels or gun tubes characterised by the shape of the bore F41A0021180000 Grooves; Rifling F41A0021200000 Barrels or gun tubes characterised by the material (F41A0021020000 takes precedence);; F41A0021220000 Barrels which have undergone surface treatment, e.g. phosphating F41A0021240000 Barrels or gun tubes with fins or ribs, e.g. for cooling F41A0021260000 specially adapted for recoil reinforcement, e.g. for training purposes F41A0021280000 Gas-expansion chambers; Barrels provided with gas-relieving ports (F41A0001060000, F41A0013080000 take precedence);; F41A0021300000 Silencers F41A0021320000 Muzzle attachments or glands (F41A0021260000, F41A0021300000, F41A0021460000 take precedence);; F41A0021340000 Flash dampers F41A0021360000 for recoil reduction (recoil reduction arrangements in general F41A0025000000) F41A0021380000 adjustable F41A0021400000 Chokes for shotguns F41A0021420000 adjustable F41A0021440000 Insulation jackets; Protective jackets F41A0021460000 Barrels having means for separating sabots from projectiles F41A0021480000 Barrel mounting means, e.g. releasable mountings for replaceable barrels F41A0023000000 Gun mountings, e.g. on vehicles; Disposition of guns on vehicles (F41A0025000000, F41A0027000000 take precedence);; F41A0023020000 Mountings without wheels F41A0023040000 Unipods F41A0023060000 adjustable F41A0023080000 Bipods F41A0023100000 adjustable F41A0023120000 Tripods F41A0023140000 adjustable F41A0023160000 Testing mounts F41A0023180000 Rests for supporting smallarms in non-shooting position (racks for storage A47B0081000000; racks in vehicles B60R0011000000) F41A0023200000 for disappearing guns F41A0023220000 on board of submarines F41A0023240000 Turret gun mountings (feeding, loading or guiding ammunition F41A0009000000; mechanical elevating or traversing systems for turret guns F41A0027180000) F41A0023260000 Mountings for transport only; Loading or unloading arrangements for guns for use with carrier vehicles (F41A0023500000 takes precedence);; F41A0023280000 Wheeled-gun mountings; Endless-track gun mountings F41A0023300000 the wheels being liftable from the ground for firing F41A0023320000 with split trails (F41A0023300000, F41A0023460000 take precedence);; F41A0023340000 on wheeled or endless-track vehicles F41A0023360000 on trailers (F41A0023420000 takes precedence);; F41A0023380000 on motorcycles F41A0023400000 on rail vehicles F41A0023420000 for rocket throwers F41A0023440000 on sledges F41A0023460000 Trail spades F41A0023480000 elastic F41A0023500000 Travelling locks; Brakes for holding the gun platform in a fixed position during transport F41A0023520000 Base plates for gun mountings F41A0023540000 for mortars F41A0023560000 Arrangements for adjusting the gun platform in the vertical or horizontal position (F41A0017100000, F41A0017120000 take precedence);; F41A0023580000 Hydraulic jacks F41A0023600000 Screw-operated jacks F41A0025000000 Gun mountings permitting recoil or return to battery, e.g. gun cradles; Barrel buffers or brakes (recoilless guns F41A0001080000) F41A0025020000 Fluid-operated systems F41A0025040000 adjustable F41A0025060000 Friction-operated systems F41A0025080000 adjustable F41A0025100000 Spring-operated systems F41A0025120000 using coil springs F41A0025140000 adjustable F41A0025160000 Hybrid systems F41A0025180000 Hydroelastic systems F41A0025200000 Hydropneumatic systems F41A0025220000 Bearing arrangements for the reciprocating gun-mount or barrel movement F41A0025240000 using ball or roller bearings F41A0025260000 Assembling or dismounting recoil elements or systems F41A0027000000 Gun mountings permitting traversing or elevating movement, e.g. gun carriages F41A0027020000 Control systems for preventing interference between the moving gun and the adjacent structure F41A0027040000 Scatter-fire arrangements, i.e. means for oscillating guns automatically during firing F41A0027060000 Mechanical systems (F41A0027020000, F41A0027040000, F41A0027300000 take precedence);; F41A0027080000 Bearings, e.g. trunnions; Brakes or blocking arrangements F41A0027100000 Bearings for supporting a pivoting gun in a wall, e.g. a turret wall F41A0027120000 Brakes or locks for blocking traversing or elevating gear in a fixed position F41A0027140000 Central-pivot bearings F41A0027160000 using raceway bearings, e.g. for supporting the turret F41A0027180000 for gun turrets (F41A0027080000 takes precedence);; F41A0027200000 Drives for turret movements F41A0027220000 Traversing gear (F41A0027180000 takes precedence);; F41A0027240000 Elevating gear (F41A0027180000 takes precedence);; F41A0027260000 Fluid-operated systems (F41A0027020000, F41A0027040000, F41A0027300000 take precedence);; F41A0027280000 Electrically-operated systems (F41A0027020000, F41A0027040000, F41A0027300000 take precedence);; F41A0027300000 Stabilisation or compensation systems, e.g. compensating for barrel weight or wind force F41A0029000000 Cleaning or lubricating arrangements (injecting fluids into barrels or cartridge chambers F41A0013040000) F41A0029020000 Scrapers or cleaning rods F41A0029040000 Lubricating, oiling or greasing means, e.g. operating during use F41A0031000000 Testing arrangements (testing mounts F41A0023160000) F41A0031020000 for checking gun barrels F41A0033000000 Adaptations for training (adaptations of barrels for recoil reinforcement F41A0021260000); Gun simulators (teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying F41G0003260000) F41A0033020000 Light- or radiation-emitting guns F41A0033040000 Acoustical simulation of gun fire, e.g. by pyrotechnic means F41A0033060000 Recoil simulators F41A0035000000 Accessories or details not otherwise provided for F41A0035020000 Dust- or weather-protection caps or covers (protecting-caps for trigger guards F41A0017540000) F41A0035040000 Muzzle covers F41A0035060000 Adaptation of guns to both right and left hand use F41A0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F41B WEAPONS FOR PROJECTING MISSILES WITHOUT USE OF EXPLOSIVE OR COMBUSTIBLE PROPELLANT CHARGE; WEAPONS NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR (projectiles for fishing, e.g. fish-spears, A01K0081000000; sports implements for throwing A63B0065000000, e.g. boomerangs A63B0065080000; stationary apparatus for projecting sports balls, e.g. tennis balls, A63B0069400000; throwing or slinging toys A63H0033180000, knives, axes B26B; projectiles or missiles other than those incorporating springs as projecting means F42B0006000000) F41B0001000000 Blow guns, i.e. tubes for impelling projectiles, e.g. peas or darts, by the force of the breath (pop guns A63H) F41B0003000000 Sling weapons (throwing-apparatus for clay-pigeon or clay-disc targets F41J0009180000) F41B0003020000 Catapults, e.g. slingshots F41B0003030000 Catapults having a pivotable launcher arm F41B0003040000 Centrifugal sling apparatus F41B0004000000 Friction-wheel operated launchers F41B0005000000 Bows; Crossbows F41B0005060000 Quivers F41B0005100000 Compound bows F41B0005120000 Crossbows F41B0005140000 Details of bows; Accessories for arc shooting (sighting devices for bows F41G0001467000) F41B0005160000 Archer's finger tabs (sporting arm or hand protectors in general A41D0013080000) F41B0005180000 Bow-string drawing or releasing devices (F41B0005160000 takes precedence);; F41B0005200000 Bow stabilisers or vibration dampers F41B0005220000 Arrow rests or guides F41B0006000000 Electromagnetic launchers F41B0007000000 Spring guns (catapults F41B0003020000) F41B0007020000 the spring forming part of the missile or projectile F41B0007040000 adapted to discharge harpoons F41B0007080000 Toy guns F41B0009000000 Liquid ejecting guns, e.g. water pistols F41B0011000000 Air guns, e.g. air pistols; Steam guns F41B0011020000 Adaptations for feeding or loading missiles from magazines F41B0011040000 for ejecting a powder, e.g. pepper F41B0011060000 with pressure supplied by gas cartridge (F41B0011080000 takes precedence;valves therefor F41B0011320000) F41B0011080000 adapted to discharge harpoons F41B0011120000 having an air piston effecting a compressor stroke during the firing of each shot F41B0011140000 spring-operated F41B0011160000 having an additional slidable mass moving in the opposite direction of the piston, e.g. for recoil reduction F41B0011180000 Arrangements for putting the spring under tension F41B0011200000 by a rocking lever F41B0011220000 in breakdown air guns F41B0011240000 having a deformable bellows or bulb pressed during the firing F41B0011260000 having precompressed air before the firing (F41B0011060000, F41B0011080000, F41B0011320000 take precedence);; F41B0011280000 Pumping or compressor arrangements therefor F41B0011300000 operated by a rocking-lever system, e.g. in breakdown air guns F41B0011320000 Arrangement of valves in, or valves specially adapted for, air guns F41B0011340000 Sealing arrangements; Pistons F41B0013000000 Thrusting-weapons (bayonets F41C0027180000); Cutting-weapons carried as side-arms (training appliances for fencing A63B0069020000; sheaths for hand cutting tools B26B0029000000) F41B0013020000 Sabres; Cutlasses; Swords; Epees F41B0013040000 Sheaths or scabbards therefor F41B0013060000 for concealment, e.g. swordsticks F41B0013080000 Daggers; Stilettoes F41B0013100000 Lances; Pikes (spears for sporting purposes A63B0065020000) F41B0015000000 Weapons not otherwise provided for F41B0015020000 Batons; Truncheons; Sticks; Shillelaghs F41B0015040000 with electric stunning-means F41B0015060000 with inserted knives or spikes F41B0015080000 Knuckledusters F41B0015100000 Bolas F41C SMALLARMS, e.g. PISTOLS, RIFLES (functional features or details common to both smallarms and ordnance, mountings therefor F41A; projecting missiles without use of explosive or combustible propellant charge F41B); ACCESSORIES THEREFOR F41C0003000000 Pistols, e.g. revolvers (specially adapted for underwater use F41C0009060000; for slaughtering or stunning animals A22B; for shooting bolts into concrete constructions, metal walls or the like B25C) F41C0003020000 Signal pistols, e.g. Very pistols F41C0003040000 Starting pistols; Alarm pistols F41C0003060000 Cap-firing pistols, e.g. toy pistols F41C0003080000 with band supply F41C0003100000 with rotatable cap carrier, e.g. drum F41C0003120000 with slidable cap carrier, e.g. clip (F41C0003080000 takes precedence);; F41C0003140000 Revolvers (F41C0003100000 takes precedence;sealing aspects F41A0003760000; using a revolving drum magazine for feeding revolver-type guns, other than revolvers, F41A0009270000; extractors or ejectors therefor F41A0015020000) F41C0003160000 Hinge-frame revolvers F41C0007000000 Shoulder-fired smallarms, e.g. rifles, carbines, shotguns (specially adapted for underwater use F41C0009060000) F41C0007020000 Pump-action guns, i.e. guns having a reciprocating handgrip beneath the barrel for loading or cocking F41C0007040000 with reciprocating handgrip under the buttstock for loading or cocking F41C0007060000 Lever-action guns, i.e. guns having a rocking lever for loading or cocking F41C0007110000 Breakdown shotguns or rifles (hinge-frame revolvers F41C0003160000; breech mechanisms therefor F41A0003580000; cocking mechanisms therefor F41A0019410000) F41C0009000000 Other smallarms, e.g. hidden smallarms or smallarms specially adapted for underwater use F41C0009020000 Concealed pistols, e.g. in pencils F41C0009040000 Walking-stick guns F41C0009060000 Smallarms specially adapted for underwater use F41C0009080000 Muzzle-loading smallarms; Smallarms with flintlock mechanisms; Accessories therefor F41C0023000000 Details F41C0023000000 Butts; Butt plates; Stocks F41C0023020000 Attachment of slings F41C0023040000 Folding or telescopic stocks or stock parts (articulated or collapsible guns F41A0011040000) F41C0023060000 Stocks specially adapted for recoil reduction F41C0023080000 Recoil absorbing pads F41C0023100000 Stocks or grips for pistols, e.g. revolvers (F41C0023120000 takes precedence);; F41C0023120000 Auxiliary stocks for stabilising, or for transforming pistols, e.g. revolvers, into shoulder-fired guns F41C0023140000 Adjustable stock or stock parts, i.e. adaptable to personal requirements, e.g. length, pitch, cast or drop F41C0023160000 Forestocks; Handgrips; Hand guards (pump-action guns F41C0007020000) F41C0023180000 characterised by the material used (F41C0023080000 takes precedence);; F41C0023200000 Butts; Butt plates; Mountings therefor (F41C0023080000, F41C0023100000 take precedence);; F41C0023220000 Stocks having space for the storage of objects F41C0027000000 Accessories; Details or attachments not otherwise provided for F41C0027040000 Arrangements for mounting spades or shields (spades per seA01B0001020000; shields per seF41H0005060000) F41C0027060000 Adaptations of smallarms for firing grenades, e.g. rifle grenades, or for firing riot-control ammunition; Barrel attachments therefor (signal pistols F41C0003020000) F41C0027160000 Smallarms combined with thrusting or cutting weapons (thrusting or cutting weapons, other than bayonets F41B0013000000); Bayonets; Bayonet mounts F41C0027180000 Bayonets; Bayonet mounts F41C0027200000 Attachments for wire cutting F41C0027220000 Balancing or stabilising arrangements F41C0033000000 Means for wearing or carrying smallarms F41C0033020000 Holsters, i.e. cases for pistols having means for being carried or worn, e.g. at the belt or under the arm F41C0033040000 Special attachments therefor F41C0033060000 Containers for carrying smallarms, e.g. safety boxes, gun cases (F41C0033020000 takes precedence);; F41C0033080000 Handles for carrying smallarms F41F APPARATUS FOR LAUNCHING PROJECTILES OR MISSILES FROM BARRELS, e.g. CANNONS (smallarms F41C); LAUNCHERS FOR ROCKETS OR TORPEDOES; HARPOON GUNS (functional features or details common to both smallarms and ordnance, mountings therefor F41A; projecting missiles without use of explosive or combustible propellant charge F41B) F41F0001000000 Launching apparatus for projecting projectiles or missiles from barrels, e.g. cannons (F41F0003000000 takes precedence);;Harpoon guns F41F0001060000 Mortars (base plates therefor F41A0023540000) F41F0001080000 Multibarrel guns, e.g. twin guns F41F0001100000 Revolving-cannon guns, i.e. multibarrel guns with the barrels and their respective breeches mounted on a rotor; Breech mechanisms therefor F41F0003000000 Rocket or torpedo launchers F41F0003040000 for rockets F41F0003042000 the launching apparatus being used also as transport container for the rocket F41F0003045000 adapted to be carried and used by a person, e.g. bazookas (F41F0003042000 takes precedence);; F41F0003048000 Means for imparting spin to the rocket before launching F41F0003052000 Means for securing the rocket in the launching apparatus F41F0003055000 Umbilical connecting means F41F0003058000 Means for removing duds or misfires F41F0003060000 from aircraft F41F0003065000 Rocket pods, i.e. detachable containers for launching a plurality of rockets F41F0003070000 Underwater launching-apparatus F41F0003073000 Silos for rockets, e.g. mounting or sealing rockets therein (F41F0003077000 takes precedence);; F41F0003077000 Doors or covers for launching tubes F41F0003080000 for marine torpedoes F41F0003100000 from below the surface of the water F41F0005000000 Launching-apparatus for gravity-propelled missiles or projectiles (from aircraft B64D0001040000) F41F0005040000 from ships, e.g. for mines, for depth charges F41F0007000000 Launching-apparatus for projecting missiles or projectiles otherwise than from barrels (F41F0003040000 takes precedence);; F41G WEAPON SIGHTS; AIMING (optical aspects thereof G02B) F41G0001000000 Sighting devices (for indirect laying of fire F41G0003160000; bombsights F41G0003240000) F41G0001010000 characterised by the visual combination effect of the respective geometrical forms of fore and rear sight (F41G0001420000 takes precedence);; F41G0001020000 Foresights F41G0001027000 with lens F41G0001033000 adjustable F41G0001040000 Protection means therefor F41G0001060000 Rearsights F41G0001080000 with aperture F41G0001100000 with notch F41G0001120000 with line or mark other than notch F41G0001140000 with lens F41G0001160000 Adjusting mechanisms therefor; Mountings therefor F41G0001170000 Convertible sights, i.e. sets of two or more sights brought into the sight line optionally F41G0001180000 Clicking indicators with spring detents F41G0001200000 coarse and fine F41G0001220000 Friction clamps F41G0001240000 rack-and-pinion; lever; linkwork F41G0001260000 screw F41G0001280000 wedge; cam; eccentric F41G0001300000 Reflecting sights specially adapted for smallarms or ordnance (reflecting-sights in general G02B) F41G0001320000 Night sights, e.g. luminescent F41G0001340000 combined with light source, e.g. spot light F41G0001350000 for illuminating the target F41G0001360000 with infra-red light source F41G0001380000 Telescopic sights specially adapted for smallarms or ordnance (telescopic sights in general G02B); Supports or mountings therefor F41G0001387000 Mounting telescopic sights on smallarms F41G0001393000 Mounting telescopic sights on ordnance; Transmission of sight movements to the associated gun F41G0001400000 Periscopic sights specially adapted for smallarms or ordnance (periscopic sights in general G02B); Supports or mountings therefor F41G0001410000 Mounting periscopic sights on smallarms F41G0001420000 Tube sights; Bar sights F41G0001440000 Spirit-level adjusting-means, e.g. for correcting tilt F41G0001460000 for particular applications F41G0001467000 for bows F41G0001473000 for lead-indicating or range-finding, e.g. for use with rifles or shotguns F41G0001480000 for firing grenades from rifles F41G0001500000 for trench mortars F41G0001520000 for rifles or shotguns having two or more barrels, or adapted to fire different kinds of ammunition, e.g. ball or shot F41G0001540000 Devices for testing or checking F41G0003000000 Aiming means; Laying means (sighting devices F41G0001000000; determining direction, distance or velocity by use of radio or other waves G01S; computers G06; aerials H01Q) F41G0003020000 using an independent line of sight F41G0003040000 for dispersing fire from a battery F41G0003060000 with rangefinder (rangefinders per seG01C) F41G0003080000 with means for compensating for speed, direction, temperature, pressure, or humidity of the atmosphere (measuring G01) F41G0003100000 with means for compensating for canting of the trunnions F41G0003120000 with means for compensating for muzzle velocity or powder temperature F41G0003140000 Indirect aiming means F41G0003160000 Sighting devices adapted for indirect laying of fire F41G0003180000 Auxiliary target devices adapted for indirect laying of fire F41G0003200000 specially adapted for mountain artillery F41G0003220000 for vehicle-borne armament, e.g. on aircraft F41G0003240000 Bombsights F41G0003260000 Teaching or practice apparatus for gun-aiming or gun-laying F41G0003280000 Small-scale apparatus (relief models or maps G09B) F41G0003300000 Gun-laying apparatus F41G0003320000 Devices for testing or checking F41G0005000000 Elevating or traversing control systems for guns (gun mountings permitting traversing or elevating movement, e.g. gun carriages, F41A0027000000; computers G06) F41G0005020000 using only mechanical means for remote control F41G0005040000 using hydraulic means for remote control F41G0005060000 using electric means for remote control F41G0005080000 Ground-based tracking-systems for aerial targets F41G0005120000 acoustically influenced F41G0005140000 for vehicle-borne guns F41G0005160000 gyroscopically influenced F41G0005180000 Tracking systems for guns on aircraft F41G0005200000 for guns on ships F41G0005220000 to compensate for rolling or pitching F41G0005240000 for guns on tanks F41G0005260000 Apparatus for testing or checking F41G0007000000 Direction control systems for self-propelled missiles (flight control B64C, G05D0001000000; self-propelled or guided missiles having direction control systems only installed aboard F42B0015010000; rocket torpedoes F42B0017000000; marine torpedoes or sea-mines having self-propulsion means F42B0019000000; locating by use of radio or other waves G01S; computing aspects G06) F41G0007200000 based on continuous observation of target position F41G0007220000 Homing guidance systems F41G0007240000 Beam riding guidance systems (conical-scan beam beacons therefor G01S0001420000) F41G0007260000 Optical guidance systems F41G0007280000 Radio guidance systems F41G0007300000 Command link guidance systems F41G0007320000 for wire-guided missiles F41G0007340000 based on predetermined target position data F41G0007360000 using inertial references F41G0009000000 Systems for controlling missiles or projectiles, not provided for elsewhere F41G0009020000 for bombing control (bombsights F41G0003240000) F41G0011000000 Details of sighting or aiming apparatus; Accessories F41H ARMOUR; ARMOURED TURRETS; ARMOURED OR ARMED VEHICLES; MEANS OF ATTACK OR DEFENCE, e.g. CAMOUFLAGE, IN GENERAL F41H0001000000 Personal protection-gear (shields for personal use F41H0005080000; for protection against chemical warfare A62B) F41H0001020000 Armoured or projectile- or missile-resistant garments; Composite protection fabrics F41H0001040000 Protection helmets (crash helmets A42B0003000000) F41H0001060000 of steel; Steel head-shields F41H0001080000 of plastics; Plastic head-shields F41H0003000000 Camouflage, i.e. means or methods for concealment or disguise (for vessels B63G0008340000, B63G0013020000) F41H0003020000 Covers, e.g. screens, nets (making thereof, see the relevant classes, e.g. D04) F41H0005000000 Armour; Armour plates (processes for manufacturing or treating B21, C21) F41H0005007000 Reactive armour; Dynamic armour F41H0005013000 Mounting or securing armour plates F41H0005020000 Plate construction F41H0005040000 composed of more than one layer F41H0005060000 Shields (in ships B63G0009000000; in aircraft B64D0007000000) F41H0005080000 for personal use F41H0005100000 Spade bayonets, i.e. usable as a spade, bayonet, or cover against rifle fire F41H0005120000 for smallarms; for light-rocket launchers F41H0005140000 Wheeled armoured shields F41H0005160000 for ordnance F41H0005180000 Rotating shields F41H0005200000 Turrets F41H0005220000 Manhole covers, e.g. on tanks (in general F16J) F41H0005240000 for stationary use, e.g. fortifications F41H0005260000 Peepholes; Windows (manufacture or composition of glass C03); Covers therefor F41H0007000000 Armoured or armed vehicles (general vehicle aspects B60; armoured or armed ships B63G; armoured or armed aircraft B64D; mounting guns, e.g. machine-guns, on vehicles F41A0023000000) F41H0007020000 Land vehicles with enclosing armour, e.g. tanks (endless-track vehicles, steering thereof B62D) F41H0007030000 Air-pressurised compartments for crew; Means for preventing admission of noxious substances, e.g. combustion gas from gun barrels, in crew compartments; Sealing arrangements F41H0007040000 Armour construction (in general F41H0005000000) F41H0007100000 Mine-laying land vehicles F41H0009000000 Equipment for attack or defence by spreading flame, gas, or smoke; Chemical warfare equipment (protection against chemicals A62B) F41H0009020000 Flame-throwing apparatus (for destroying vegetation A01M0015000000) F41H0009040000 Gas blowing apparatus, e.g. for tear gas (F41H0009100000 takes precedence);; F41H0009060000 Apparatus for generating artificial fog or smoke screens (smoke-pot projectors, e.g. arranged on vehicles, F42B0005155000) F41H0009080000 Smoke-pots without propulsive charge, i.e. stationary F41H0009100000 Hand-held or body-worn self-defence devices using repellant gases or chemicals F41H0011000000 Defence installations; Defence devices (constructional aspects, see section E, e.g. E04H0009040000); Means for clearing or detecting landmines F41H0011020000 Anti-aircraft or anti-guided missile defence installations or systems (cartridges or missiles for producing smoke or for dispensing radar chaff or infra-red material F42B0005150000, F42B0012480000, F42B0012700000) F41H0011040000 Aerial barrages F41H0011050000 Net barriers for harbour defence F41H0011060000 Gun-traps F41H0011080000 Barbed-wire obstacles; Barricades; Stanchions; Tank traps; Vehicle-impeding devices; Caltrops F41H0011100000 Dispensing-apparatus therefor, e.g. devices for dispensing and reeling barbed wire F41H0011110000 Clearing or neutralising barbed-wire obstacles (smallarm attachments for wire cutting F41C0027200000) F41H0011120000 Means for clearing land minefields; Systems specially adapted for detection of landmines F41H0011130000 Systems specially adapted for detection of landmines F41H0011132000 Biological systems, e.g. with detection by animals or plants F41H0011134000 Chemical systems, e.g. with detection by vapour analysis F41H0011136000 Magnetic, electromagnetic, acoustic or radiation systems, e.g. ground penetrating radars or metal-detectors F41H0011138000 Mechanical systems, e.g. prodding sticks for manual detection F41H0011140000 Explosive line charges, e.g. snakes F41H0011160000 Self-propelled mine-clearing vehicles; Mine-clearing devices attachable to vehicles F41H0011180000 with ground-impacting means for activating mines by the use of mechanical impulses, e.g. flails or stamping elements F41H0011200000 with ground-penetrating elements, e.g. with means for removing buried landmines from the soil ( F41H0011180000 takes precedence);; F41H0011220000 the elements being excavation buckets F41H0011240000 the elements being ploughs F41H0011260000 the elements being rotary ground-penetrating elements F41H0011280000 using brushing or sweeping means or dozers to push mines lying on a surface aside; using means for removing mines intact from a surface F41H0011300000 with rollers creating a surface load on the ground, e.g. steadily increasing surface load, for triggering purposes F41H0011320000 Decoy or sacrificial vehicles; Decoy or sacrificial devices attachable to vehicles F41H0013000000 Means of attack or defence not otherwise provided for F41J TARGETS; TARGET RANGES; BULLET CATCHERS F41J0001000000 Targets; Target stands; Target holders (F41J0002000000-F41J0011000000;  take precedence; targets combined with bullet catchers F41J0013020000) F41J0001010000 Target discs characterised by their material, structure or surface (F41J0005044000 takes precedence);; F41J0001080000 for ordnance, e.g. cannons; for attacking by aircraft; Full-scale models imitating target objects, e.g. tanks, aircraft F41J0001100000 Target stands; Target holders F41J0002000000 Reflecting targets, e.g. radar-reflector targets; Active targets transmitting electromagnetic waves F41J0002020000 Active targets transmitting infra-red radiation F41J0003000000 Targets for arrows or darts, e.g. for sporting or amusement purposes F41J0003020000 Indicators or score boards for arrow or dart games F41J0005000000 Target indicating systems; Target-hit or score detecting systems F41J0005020000 Photo-electric hit-detector systems F41J0005040000 Electric hit-indicating systems; Detecting hits by actuation of electric contacts or switches F41J0005044000 Targets having two or more electrically- conductive layers for short-circuiting by penetrating projectiles F41J0005048000 one of the layers being in the form of discrete target sections F41J0005052000 Targets comprising a plurality of electric contacts, each corresponding to a discrete target section and being actuated by the movement thereof (F41J0005056000 takes precedence);; F41J0005056000 Switch actuation by hit-generated mechanical vibration of the target body, e.g. using shock or vibration transducers F41J0005060000 Acoustic hit-indicating systems, i.e. detecting of shock waves (F41J0005056000 takes precedence);; F41J0005080000 Infra-red hit-indicating systems F41J0005100000 Cinematographic hit-indicating systems (cinematographic targets F41J0009140000) F41J0005120000 for indicating the distance by which a bullet misses the target (F41J0005020000-F41J0005100000; take precedence);; F41J0005140000 Apparatus for signalling hits or scores to the shooter, e.g. manually operated, or for communication between target and shooter; Apparatus for recording hits or scores F41J0005160000 Manually evaluating scores, e.g. using scoring plugs or gauges; Apparatus for evaluating scores on targets after removal from the target holder F41J0005180000 Targets having hit-indicating means actuated or moved mechanically when the target has been hit, e.g. discs or flags (the target as a whole disappearing or moving when hit F41J0007040000) F41J0005200000 indicating which part of the target has been hit, i.e. the score F41J0005220000 the indicating means being a dispensing device F41J0005240000 Targets producing a particular effect when hit, e.g. detonation of pyrotechnic charge, bell ring, photograph F41J0005260000 exploding or disintegrating when hit (F41J0009160000 takes precedence);; F41J0007000000 Movable targets which are stationary when fired at F41J0007020000 movable for checking F41J0007040000 disappearing when hit F41J0007060000 Bobbing targets, i.e. targets intermittently or unexpectedly appearing F41J0009000000 Moving targets, i.e. moving when fired at (F41J0002000000 takes precedence);; F41J0009020000 Land-based targets F41J0009040000 Sea-going targets F41J0009060000 towed F41J0009080000 Airborne targets, e.g. drones, kites, balloons F41J0009100000 towed F41J0009140000 Cinematographic targets, e.g. moving-picture targets F41J0009160000 Clay-pigeon targets; Clay-disc targets F41J0009180000 Traps or throwing-apparatus therefor F41J0009200000 with spring-operated throwing arm F41J0009220000 cocked by manual action F41J0009240000 cocked by electromechanical means F41J0009260000 operated by fluid means F41J0009280000 operated by manual action F41J0009300000 characterised by using a magazine of targets F41J0009320000 characterised by means for obviating the anticipation of the flight path F41J0011000000 Target ranges F41J0011020000 Safety means therefor F41J0013000000 Bullet catchers F41J0013020000 combined with targets F42 AMMUNITION; BLASTING F42B EXPLOSIVE CHARGES, e.g. FOR BLASTING; FIREWORKS; AMMUNITION (explosive compositions C06B; fuzes F42C; blasting F42D) F42B0001000000 Explosive charges characterised by form or shape but not dependent on shape of container F42B0001020000 Shaped or hollow charges (blasting cartridges with cavities in the charge F42B0003080000; oil-winning using shaped-charge perforators E21B0043116000) F42B0001024000 provided with embedded bodies of inert material F42B0001028000 characterised by the form of the liner F42B0001032000 characterised by the material of the liner F42B0001036000 Manufacturing processes therefor F42B0001040000 Detonator charges not forming part of the fuze F42B0003000000 Blasting cartridges, i.e. case and explosive (fuse cords, e.g. detonating fuse cords, C06C0005000000; chemical aspects of detonators, blasting caps or primers C06C0007000000) F42B0003020000 adapted to be united into assemblies F42B0003040000 for producing gas under pressure F42B0003060000 with re-utilisable case F42B0003080000 with cavities in the charge, e.g. hollow-charge blasting cartridges F42B0003087000 Flexible or deformable blasting cartridges, e.g. bags or hoses (loaded cartridge bags F42B0005380000) F42B0003093000 in mat or tape form F42B0003100000 Initiators therefor (percussion fuzes F42C0007000000; percussion caps F42C0019100000; electric primers F42C0019120000) F42B0003103000 Mounting initiator heads in initiators; Sealing-plugs F42B0003107000 Sealing-plugs characterised by the material used F42B0003110000 characterised by the material used, e.g. for initiator case or electric leads (F42B0003107000 takes precedence);; F42B0003113000 activated by optical means, e.g. laser, flashlight F42B0003117000 activated by friction F42B0003120000 Bridge initiators F42B0003130000 with semiconductive bridge F42B0003140000 Spark initiators F42B0003160000 Delay initiators F42B0003180000 Safety initiators resistant to premature firing by static electricity or stray currents F42B0003182000 having shunting means F42B0003185000 having semiconductive sealing plugs F42B0003188000 having radio-frequency filters F42B0003192000 designed for neutralisation on contact with water F42B0003195000 Manufacture F42B0003198000 of electric initiator heads F42B0003220000 Elements for controlling or guiding the detonation wave, e.g. tubes (using inert bodies embedded in shaped or hollow charges F42B0001024000) F42B0003240000 Cartridge closures or seals (top closures for shotgun ammunition cartridges F42B0007120000) F42B0003260000 Arrangements for mounting initiators; Accessories therefor, e.g. tools F42B0003280000 Cartridge cases characterised by the material used, e.g. coatings (for initiator cases F42B0003110000) F42B0004000000 Fireworks, i.e. pyrotechnic devices for amusement, display, illumination, or signal purposes (signalling by explosives G08B; advertising by firework G09F0013460000) F42B0004020000 in cartridge form, i.e. shell, propellant, and primer F42B0004040000 Firecrackers F42B0004060000 Aerial display rockets (rockets in general F42B0015000000) F42B0004080000 characterised by having vanes, wings, parachutes, or balloons F42B0004100000 characterised by having means to separate article or charge from casing without destroying casing F42B0004120000 Parachute or flare separation F42B0004140000 characterised by having plural successively-ignited charges F42B0004160000 Hand-thrown impact-exploded noise makers (cap pistols F41C0003060000) F42B0004180000 Simulations, e.g. pine cone, house that is destroyed, warship, volcano F42B0004200000 characterised by having holder or support other than casing, e.g. whirler or spike support F42B0004220000 characterised by having means to separate an article or charge from casing without destroying casing (in aerial display rockets F42B0004100000) F42B0004240000 characterised by having plural successively-ignited charges (in aerial display rockets F42B0004140000) F42B0004260000 Flares; Torches F42B0004280000 Parachute flares (F42B0004120000 takes precedence);; F42B0004300000 Manufacture F42B0005000000 Cartridge ammunition, e.g. separately-loaded propellant charges (shotgun ammunition F42B0007000000; practice or training ammunition F42B0008000000; missiles therefor F42B0012000000, F42B0014000000, F42B0015000000) F42B0005020000 Cartridges, i.e. cases with propellant charge and missile F42B0005030000 containing more than one missile F42B0005045000 of telescopic type (F42B0005184000 takes precedence);; F42B0005050000 for recoilless guns (recoilless guns using a counter-projectile to balance recoil F41A0001100000) F42B0005067000 Mounting or locking missiles in cartridge cases (F42B0005180000 takes precedence);; F42B0005073000 using an auxiliary locking element F42B0005080000 modified for electric ignition F42B0005100000 with self-propelled bullet F42B0005140000 for marking cattle F42B0005145000 for dispensing gases, vapours, powders, particles or chemically-reactive substances (from projectiles F42B0012460000, F42B0012700000) F42B0005150000 for creating a screening or decoy effect, e.g. using radar chaff or infra-red material (infra-red flares F42B0004260000) F42B0005155000 Smoke-pot projectors, e.g. arranged on vehicles F42B0005160000 characterised by composition or physical dimensions or form of propellant charge or powder (chemical composition C06B) F42B0005180000 Caseless ammunition; Cartridges having combustible cases F42B0005184000 telescopic F42B0005188000 Manufacturing processes therefor F42B0005192000 Cartridge cases characterised by the material used F42B0005196000 Coatings F42B0005240000 for cleaning; for cooling; for lubricating F42B0005260000 Cartridge cases (F42B0005180000 takes precedence);; F42B0005280000 of metal F42B0005285000 formed by assembling several elements F42B0005290000 wound from sheets or strips F42B0005295000 coated F42B0005297000 with plastics F42B0005300000 of plastics F42B0005307000 formed by assembling several elements F42B0005313000 all elements made of plastics F42B0005320000 for rim fire F42B0005340000 with provision for varying the length F42B0005360000 modified for housing an integral firing-cap F42B0005380000 Separately-loaded propellant charges, e.g. cartridge bags F42B0006000000 Projectiles or missiles specially adapted for projection without use of explosive or combustible propellant charge, e.g. for blow guns, bows or crossbows, hand-held spring or air guns (for delivering hypodermic charges F42B0012540000; throwing-darts A63B0065020000; projectiles or missiles incorporating springs as the projecting means F41B0007020000) F42B0006020000 Arrows; Crossbow bolts; Harpoons for hand-held spring or air guns F42B0006040000 Archery arrows (F42B0006080000, F41B0005060000 take precedence);; F42B0006060000 Tail ends, e.g. nocks, fletching F42B0006080000 Arrow heads; Harpoon heads F42B0006100000 Air gun pellets F42B0007000000 Shotgun ammunition F42B0007020000 Cartridges, i.e. cases with propellant charge and missile F42B0007040000 of pellet type F42B0007060000 with cartridge case of plastics F42B0007080000 Wads therefor F42B0007100000 Ball or slug shotgun cartridges F42B0007120000 Cartridge top closures, i.e. for the missile side (closures for blasting cartridges F42B0003240000) F42B0008000000 Practice or training ammunition (range-reducing, destabilising or braking arrangements F42B0010000000; with signalling effect F42B0012020000) F42B0008020000 Cartridges F42B0008040000 Blank cartridges, i.e. primed cartridges without projectile but containing an explosive or combustible powder charge F42B0008060000 for cap-firing pistols F42B0008080000 Dummy cartridges, i.e. inert cartridges containing neither primer nor explosive or combustible powder charge F42B0008100000 with sub-calibre adaptor F42B0008120000 Projectiles or missiles (F42B0019360000 takes precedence);; F42B0008140000 disintegrating in flight or upon impact F42B0008160000 containing an inert filler in powder or granular form F42B0008180000 Rifle grenades F42B0008200000 Mortar grenades F42B0008220000 Fall bombs F42B0008240000 Rockets F42B0008260000 Hand grenades F42B0008280000 Land or marine mines; Depth charges F42B0010000000 Means for influencing, e.g. improving, the aerodynamic properties of projectiles or missiles; Arrangements on projectiles or missiles for stabilising, steering, range-reducing, range-increasing or fall-retarding (F42B0006000000 takes precedence;sub-calibre projectiles having sabots F42B0014000000) F42B0010020000 Stabilising arrangements F42B0010040000 using fixed fins (F42B0010220000 takes precedence);; F42B0010060000 Tail fins F42B0010080000 Flechette-type projectiles F42B0010100000 the fins being formed in the barrel by deformation of the projectile body F42B0010120000 using fins longitudinally-slidable with respect to the projectile or missile F42B0010140000 using fins spread or deployed after launch, e.g. after leaving the barrel F42B0010160000 Wrap-around fins F42B0010180000 using a longitudinally slidable support member F42B0010200000 deployed by combustion gas pressure, or by pneumatic or hydraulic forces F42B0010220000 Projectiles of cannelured type F42B0010240000 with inclined grooves F42B0010260000 using spin (F42B0010040000, F42B0010120000, F42B0010140000, F42B0010240000, F42B0014020000 take precedence);; F42B0010280000 induced by gas action F42B0010300000 using rocket motor nozzles F42B0010320000 Range-reducing or range-increasing arrangements; Fall-retarding means F42B0010340000 Tubular projectiles F42B0010360000 Ring-foil projectiles F42B0010380000 Range-increasing arrangements (F42B0010340000 takes precedence);; F42B0010400000 with combustion of a slow-burning charge, e.g. fumers, base-bleed projectiles F42B0010420000 Streamlined projectiles F42B0010440000 Boat-tails specially adapted for drag reduction F42B0010460000 Streamlined nose cones; Windshields; Radomes F42B0010480000 Range-reducing, destabilising or braking arrangements; Fall-retarding means (F42B0010340000 takes precedence);; F42B0010500000 Brake flaps F42B0010520000 Nose cones F42B0010540000 Spin braking means F42B0010560000 of parachute type F42B0010580000 of rotochute type F42B0010600000 Steering arrangements (F42B0019010000 takes precedence);; F42B0010620000 Steering by movement of flight surfaces F42B0010640000 of fins F42B0010660000 Steering by varying intensity or direction of thrust (thrust vector control of rocket engine plants F02K0009800000) F42B0012000000 Projectiles, missiles or mines characterised by the warhead, the intended effect, or the material (F42B0006000000, F42B0010000000, F42B0014000000 take precedence;for practice or training F42B0008120000, F42B0008280000; self-propulsion or guidance aspects F42B0015000000) F42B0012020000 characterised by the warhead or the intended effect F42B0012040000 of armour-piercing type F42B0012060000 with hard or heavy core; Kinetic energy penetrators (F42B0012160000, F42B0012740000 take precedence);; F42B0012080000 with armour-piercing caps; with armoured cupola F42B0012100000 with shaped or hollow charge (shaped or hollow charges per seF42B0001020000) F42B0012120000 rotatably mounted with respect to missile housing F42B0012140000 the symmetry axis of the hollow charge forming an angle with the longitudinal axis of the projectile F42B0012160000 in combination with an additional projectile or charge, acting successively on the target F42B0012180000 Hollow charges in tandem arrangement F42B0012200000 of high-explosive type (F42B0012440000 takes precedence);; F42B0012220000 with fragmentation-hull construction F42B0012240000 with grooves, recesses or other wall weakenings F42B0012260000 the projectile wall being formed by a spirally-wound element F42B0012280000 the projectile wall being built from annular elements F42B0012300000 Continuous-rod warheads F42B0012320000 the hull or case comprising a plurality of discrete bodies, e.g. steel balls, embedded therein F42B0012340000 expanding before or on impact, i.e. of dumdum or mushroom type F42B0012360000 for dispensing materials; for producing chemical or physical reaction; for signalling F42B0012380000 of tracer type F42B0012400000 of target-marking, i.e. impact-indicating, type (F42B0012480000 takes precedence);; F42B0012420000 of illuminating type, e.g. carrying flares F42B0012440000 of incendiary type (F42B0012460000 takes precedence);; F42B0012460000 for dispensing gases, vapours, powders or chemically-reactive substances (F42B0012700000 takes precedence);; F42B0012480000 smoke-producing F42B0012500000 by dispersion F42B0012520000 Fuel-air explosive devices F42B0012540000 by implantation, e.g. hypodermic projectiles F42B0012560000 for dispensing discrete solid bodies (F42B0012700000 takes precedence);; F42B0012580000 Cluster or cargo ammunition, i.e. projectiles containing one or more submissiles (F42B0012320000 takes precedence);; F42B0012600000 the submissiles being ejected radially F42B0012620000 the submissiles being ejected parallel to the longitudinal axis of the projectile F42B0012640000 the submissiles being of shot- or flechette-type F42B0012660000 Chain-shot, i.e. the submissiles being interconnected by chains or the like F42B0012680000 Line-carrying missiles, e.g. for life-saving (harpoons F42B0030140000) F42B0012700000 for dispensing radar chaff or infra-red material (radar-reflector targets, active targets transmitting infra-red radiation F41J0002000000; radar-reflecting surfaces H01Q0015140000) F42B0012720000 characterised by the material (heat treatment for explosive shells C21D0009160000) F42B0012740000 of the core or solid body F42B0012760000 of the casing F42B0012780000 of jackets for smallarm bullets F42B0012800000 Coatings F42B0012820000 reduction friction F42B0014000000 Projectiles or missiles characterised by arrangements for guiding or sealing them inside barrels, or for lubricating or cleaning barrels F42B0014020000 Driving bands; Rotating bands (F42B0014040000 takes precedence);; F42B0014040000 Lubrication means in missiles (coatings for reducing friction F42B0012820000) F42B0014060000 Sub-calibre projectiles having sabots; Sabots therefor F42B0014080000 Sabots filled with propulsive charges; Removing sabots by combustion of pyrotechnic elements or by propulsive-gas pressure (arrangements on barrels for removing sabots from projectiles F41A0021460000) F42B0015000000 Self-propelled projectiles or missiles, e.g. rockets; Guided missiles (F42B0010000000, F42B0012000000, F42B0014000000 take precedence;for practice or training F42B0008120000; rocket torpedoes F42B0017000000; marine torpedoes F42B0019000000; cosmonautic vehicles B64G; jet-propulsion plants F02K) F42B0015010000 Arrangements thereon for guidance or control (aircraft flight control B64C; guidance systems other than those only installed aboard F41G0007000000, F41G0009000000; locating by use of radio or other waves G01S; flight control in general G05D0001000000; computing aspects G06) F42B0015040000 using wire, e.g. for guiding ground-to-ground rockets F42B0015080000 for carrying measuring instruments (adaptations for meteorology G01W0001080000) F42B0015100000 Missiles having a trajectory only in the air F42B0015120000 Intercontinental ballistic missiles (F42B0015010000 takes precedence);; F42B0015200000 Missiles having a trajectory beginning below water surface (having additional propulsion means for movement through water F42B0017000000) F42B0015220000 Missiles having a trajectory finishing below water surface (having additional propulsion means for movement through water F42B0017000000) F42B0015340000 Protection against overheating or radiation, e.g. heat shields; Additional cooling arrangements F42B0015360000 Means for interconnecting rocket-motor and body section; Multi-stage connectors; Disconnecting means F42B0015380000 Ring-shaped explosive elements for the separation of rocket parts F42B0017000000 Rocket torpedoes, i.e. missiles provided with separate propulsion means for movement through air and through water (F42B0012000000 takes precedence);; F42B0019000000 Marine torpedoes, e.g. launched by surface vessels or submarines (having additional propulsion means for movement through air F42B0017000000); Sea mines having self-propulsion means (F42B0012000000 takes precedence;launching means F41F; locating by use of radio or other waves G01S; automatic control of course G05D0001000000; firing directors or calculators G06G) F42B0019010000 Steering control F42B0019040000 Depth control F42B0019060000 Directional control F42B0019080000 with means for preventing rolling or pitching F42B0019100000 remotely controlled, e.g. by sonic or radio control (control systems using wire F41G0007320000) F42B0019120000 Propulsion specially adapted for torpedoes (marine propulsion in general B63H) F42B0019140000 by compressed-gas motors F42B0019160000 of cylinder type F42B0019180000 of turbine type F42B0019200000 characterised by the composition of propulsive gas; Manufacture or heating thereof in torpedoes F42B0019220000 by internal-combustion engines F42B0019240000 by electric motors F42B0019260000 by jet propulsion F42B0019280000 with means for avoiding visible wake F42B0019300000 with timing control of propulsion F42B0019360000 adapted to be used for exercise purposes, e.g. indicating position or course F42B0019380000 with means for causing torpedoes to surface at end of run F42B0019400000 by expelling liquid ballast F42B0019420000 by releasing solid ballast F42B0019440000 by enlarging displacement F42B0019460000 adapted to be launched from aircraft F42B0021000000 Depth charges (F42B0012000000 takes precedence;for practice or training F42B0008280000; laying aspects B63G) F42B0022000000 Marine mines, e.g. launched by surface vessels or submarines (F42B0012000000 takes precedence;for practice or training F42B0008280000; mine laying or sweeping B63G) F42B0022020000 Contact mines (contact fuzes F42C0007020000) F42B0022040000 Influenced mines, e.g. by magnetic or acoustic effect F42B0022060000 Ground mines F42B0022080000 Drifting mines (with propulsion means F42B0019000000) F42B0022100000 Moored mines F42B0022120000 at a fixed depth setting F42B0022140000 at a variable depth setting F42B0022160000 using mechanical means, e.g. plummet and float F42B0022180000 using hydrostatic means F42B0022200000 using magnetic or acoustic depth-control means F42B0022220000 having self-contained sinking means F42B0022240000 Arrangement of mines in fields or barriers (net barriers for harbour defence F41H0011050000) F42B0022420000 with anti-sweeping means, e.g. electrical F42B0022440000 adapted to be launched from aircraft F42B0023000000 Land mines (F42B0012000000 takes precedence;for practice or training F42B0008280000) F42B0023040000 anti-vehicle F42B0023080000 non-metallic F42B0023100000 anti-personnel F42B0023140000 non-metallic F42B0023160000 of missile type, i.e. for detonation after ejection from ground (fuzes for initiating mine ejection F42C0001090000) F42B0023240000 Details F42B0025000000 Fall bombs (F42B0010000000, F42B0012000000 take precedence;for practice or training F42B0008120000) F42B0027000000 Hand grenades (F42B0012000000 takes precedence;for practice or training F42B0008120000) F42B0027080000 with handle F42B0029000000 Noiseless, smokeless, or flashless missiles launched by their own explosive propellant F42B0030000000 Projectiles or missiles, not otherwise provided for, characterised by the ammunition class or type, e.g. by the launching apparatus or weapon used (F42B0010000000, F42B0012000000, F42B0014000000 take precedence);; F42B0030020000 Bullets F42B0030040000 Rifle grenades F42B0030060000 Bullet traps or bullet decelerators therefor F42B0030080000 Ordnance projectiles or missiles, e.g. shells F42B0030100000 Mortar projectiles F42B0030120000 with provision for additional propulsive charges, or for varying the length F42B0030140000 Harpoons (for hand-held spring or air guns F42B0006020000) F42B0033000000 Manufacture of ammunition; Dismantling of ammunition; Apparatus therefor (F42B0005188000 takes precedence;manufacturing processes for hollow charges F42B0001036000; manufacturing of blasting cartridge initiators F42B0003195000) F42B0033020000 Filling cartridges, missiles, or fuzes; Inserting propellant or explosive charges F42B0033040000 Fitting or extracting primers in or from fuzes or charges F42B0033060000 Dismantling fuzes, cartridges, projectiles, missiles, rockets, or bombs (F42B0033040000 takes precedence);; F42B0033100000 Reconditioning used cartridge cases F42B0033120000 Crimping shotgun cartridges F42B0033140000 Surface treatment of cartridges or cartridge cases F42B0035000000 Testing or checking of ammunition F42B0035020000 Gauging, sorting, trimming or shortening cartridges or missiles F42B0039000000 Packaging or storage of ammunition or explosive charges; Safety features thereof; Cartridge belts or bags F42B0039020000 Cartridge bags; Bandoleers F42B0039080000 Cartridge belts F42B0039100000 Machines for charging or for extracting cartridges from feed belts F42B0039140000 Explosion or fire protection arrangements on packages or ammunition (F42B0039200000 takes precedence);; F42B0039160000 Fire-extinguishing F42B0039180000 Heat shields; Thermal insulation F42B0039200000 Packages or ammunition having valves for pressure-equalising; Packages or ammunition having plugs for pressure release, e.g. meltable F42B0039220000 Locking of ammunition in transport containers F42B0039240000 Shock-absorbing arrangements in packages F42B0039260000 Packages or containers for a plurality of ammunition, e.g. cartridges (F42B0039140000-F42B0039240000, F42B0039280000 take precedence);; F42B0039280000 Ammunition racks, e.g. in vehicles F42B0039300000 Containers for detonators or fuzes (F42B0039140000, F42B0039200000 take precedence);; F42B0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F42C AMMUNITION FUZES (blasting cartridge initiators F42B0003100000; chemical aspects C06C); ARMING OR SAFETY MEANS THEREFOR (filling fuzes F42B0033020000; fitting or extracting primers in or from fuzes F42B0033040000; containers for fuzes F42B0039300000) F42C0001000000 Impact fuzes, i.e. fuzes actuated only by ammunition impact F42C0001020000 with firing pin structurally combined with fuze F42C0001040000 operating by inertia of members on impact F42C0001060000 for any direction of impact F42C0001080000 with delayed action after ignition of fuze (time fuzes F42C0009000000) F42C0001090000 the fuze activating a propulsive charge for propelling the ammunition or the warhead into the air, e.g. in rebounding projectiles F42C0001100000 without firing pin F42C0001120000 with delayed action after ignition of fuze (time fuzes F42C0009000000) F42C0001140000 operating at a predetermined distance from ground or target by means of a protruding member F42C0003000000 Fuzes actuated by exposure to a liquid, e.g. sea-water (F42C0005000000 takes precedence;time fuzes F42C0009000000) F42C0005000000 Fuzes actuated by exposure to a predetermined ambient fluid pressure F42C0005020000 barometric pressure F42C0007000000 Fuzes actuated by application of a predetermined mechanical force, e.g. tension, torsion, pressure (by ammunition impact F42C0001000000; by exposure to a predetermined ambient fluid pressure F42C0005000000) F42C0007020000 Contact fuzes, i.e. fuzes actuated by mechanical contact between a stationary ammunition, e.g. a land mine, and a moving target, e.g. a person (F42C0007120000 takes precedence);; F42C0007040000 actuated by applying pressure on the ammunition head F42C0007060000 and comprising pneumatic or hydraulic retarding means F42C0007080000 of release type, i.e. actuated by releasing pressure from the ammunition head F42C0007100000 of antenna type F42C0007120000 Percussion fuzes of the double-action type, i.e. fuzes cocked and fired in a single movement, e.g. by pulling an incorporated percussion pin or hammer (percussion caps F42C0019100000) F42C0009000000 Time fuzes; Combined time- and percussion- or pressure-actuated fuzes; Fuzes for timed self-destruction of ammunition F42C0009020000 the timing being caused by mechanical means F42C0009040000 by spring motor F42C0009060000 by flow of fluent material, e.g. shot, fluids F42C0009080000 the timing being caused by chemical action, e.g. of acids F42C0009100000 the timing being caused by combustion F42C0009120000 with ring combustion elements F42C0009140000 Double fuzes; Multiple fuzes F42C0009160000 for self-destruction of ammunition F42C0009180000 when the spin rate falls below a predetermined limit, e.g. a spring force being stronger than the locking action of a centrifugally-operated lock F42C0011000000 Electric fuzes (proximity fuzes F42C0013000000; electric igniters F42C0019120000) F42C0011020000 with piezo-crystal F42C0011040000 with current induction F42C0011060000 with time delay by electric circuitry F42C0013000000 Proximity fuzes; Fuzes for remote detonation F42C0013020000 operated by intensity of light or similar radiation F42C0013040000 operated by radio waves F42C0013060000 operated by sound waves F42C0013080000 operated by variations in magnetic field F42C0014000000 Fuzes characterised by the ammunition class or type (F42C0001000000, F42C0013000000, F42C0015000000 take precedence);; F42C0014020000 for hand grenades F42C0014040000 for torpedoes, marine mines or depth charges (influenced marine mines F42B0022040000) F42C0014060000 for fall bombs F42C0014080000 for land mines F42C0015000000 Arming-means in fuzes; Safety means for preventing premature detonation of fuzes or charges F42C0015160000 wherein the firing pin is displaced out of the action line for safety (F42C0015400000 takes precedence);; F42C0015180000 wherein a carrier for an element of the pyrotechnic or explosive train is moved (F42C0015400000 takes precedence);; F42C0015184000 using a slidable carrier F42C0015188000 using a rotatable carrier F42C0015192000 rotatable in a plane which is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the projectile F42C0015196000 by the action of centrifugal or inertia forces on the carrier body, e.g. the carrier having eccentrically mounted weights or eccentric centre of gravity F42C0015200000 wherein a securing-pin or latch is removed to arm the fuze, e.g. removed from the firing pin (F42C0015400000 takes precedence);; F42C0015210000 using spring action (F42C0015230000 takes precedence);; F42C0015220000 using centrifugal force (F42C0015230000 takes precedence);; F42C0015230000 by unwinding a flexible ribbon or tape F42C0015240000 wherein the safety or arming action is effected by inertia means (F42C0015196000, F42C0015200000 take precedence);; F42C0015260000 using centrifugal force F42C0015280000 operated by flow of fluent material, e.g. shot, fluids (F42C0015260000 takes precedence);; F42C0015285000 stored within the fuze housing F42C0015290000 operated by fluidic oscillators; operated by dynamic fluid pressure, e.g. ram-air operated F42C0015295000 operated by a turbine or a propeller; Mounting means therefor F42C0015300000 of propellant gases, i.e. derived from propulsive charge or rocket motor F42C0015310000 generated by the combustion of a pyrotechnic or explosive charge within the fuze F42C0015320000 operated by change of fluid pressure (F42C0005000000, F42C0015290000 take precedence);; F42C0015330000 by breaking a vacuum or pressure container F42C0015340000 wherein the safety or arming action is effected by a blocking-member in the pyrotechnic or explosive train between primer and main charge (F42C0015180000, F42C0015400000 take precedence);; F42C0015360000 wherein arming is effected by combustion or fusion of an element (F42C0015310000 takes precedence);; F42C0015380000 wherein arming is effected by chemical action (F42C0003000000 takes precedence);; F42C0015400000 wherein the safety or arming action is effected electrically F42C0015420000 from a remote location, e.g. for controlled mines or mine fields F42C0015440000 Arrangements for disarming, or for rendering harmless, fuzes after arming, e.g. after launch F42C0017000000 Fuze-setting apparatus F42C0017020000 Fuze-setting keys F42C0017040000 for electric fuzes F42C0019000000 Details of fuzes (other parts F42C0015000000) F42C0019020000 Fuze bodies; Fuze housings F42C0019040000 Protective caps F42C0019060000 Electric contact parts specially adapted for use with electric fuzes F42C0019070000 Nose-contacts for projectiles or missiles F42C0019080000 Primers (initiators for blasting cartridges F42B0003100000); Detonators F42C0019085000 Primers for caseless ammunition F42C0019090000 Primers or detonators containing a hollow charge F42C0019095000 Arrangement of a multiplicity of primers or detonators, dispersed around a warhead, one of the primers or detonators being selected for directional detonation effects F42C0019100000 Percussion caps F42C0019120000 electric F42C0019140000 operable also in the percussion mode F42C0021000000 Checking fuzes; Testing fuzes F42C0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F42D BLASTING (fuses, e.g. fuse cords, C06C0005000000; blasting cartridges F42B0003000000) F42D0001000000 Blasting methods or apparatus, e.g. for loading or tamping F42D0001020000 Arranging blasting cartridges to form an assembly (adaptation of blasting cartridges therefor F42B0003020000) F42D0001040000 Arrangements for ignition F42D0001045000 Arrangements for electric ignition (dynamo-electric generators H02K) F42D0001050000 Electric circuits for blasting F42D0001055000 specially adapted for firing multiple charges with a time delay F42D0001060000 Relative timing of multiple charges (F42D0001055000 takes precedence);; F42D0001080000 Tamping methods; Methods for loading boreholes with explosives; Apparatus therefor F42D0001100000 Feeding explosives in granular or slurry form; Feeding explosives by pneumatic or hydraulic pressure F42D0001120000 Feeding tamping material by pneumatic or hydraulic pressure F42D0001140000 Hand-operated tamping or loading F42D0001160000 Tamping tools F42D0001180000 Plugs for boreholes F42D0001200000 Tamping cartridges, i.e. cartridges containing tamping material (flexible or deformable blasting cartridges F42B0003087000) F42D0001220000 Means for holding or positioning blasting cartridges or tamping cartridges in boreholes F42D0001240000 characterised by the tamping material F42D0001260000 Tamping with foaming agents F42D0001280000 Tamping with gelling agents F42D0003000000 Particular applications of blasting techniques F42D0003020000 for demolition of tall structures, e.g. chimney stacks F42D0003040000 for rock blasting F42D0003060000 for seismic purposes F42D0005000000 Safety arrangements F42D0005020000 Locating undetonated charges F42D0005040000 Rendering explosive charges harmless, e.g. destroying ammunition (extracting primers, dismantling ammunition F42B0033040000, F42B0033060000); Rendering detonation of explosive charges harmless F42D0005045000 Detonation-wave absorbing or damping means F42D0005050000 Blasting mats F42D0005055000 Silencing means for blasting operations (F42D0005045000 takes precedence);; F42D0005060000 Unloading boreholes F42D0099000000 Subject matter not provided for in other groups of this subclass F99 SUBJECT MATTER NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR IN THIS SECTION F99Z SUBJECT MATTER NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR IN THIS SECTION F99Z0099000000 Subject matter not otherwise provided for in this section